Suse 12 To 15 Upgrade
Suse 12 To 15 Upgrade
Suse 12 To 15 Upgrade
Online migration from SLES 12 SP2 to SLES 12 SP5
Offline migration from SLES 12 SP5 to SLES 15 (SLES 15 without SP1 orSP2)
Online migration from SLES 15 to SLES 15 SP2
It is possible to have a production system with SLES 12 SP2 with 100MB /boot. This
space may not be enough to keep multiple kernels side-by-side during SP or OS
upgrade. In such cases to upgrade to SLES 15 SP2 use following steps. Note that
we cannot update directly from 12SP2 to 15SP2. We should ideally first upgrade to
12SP5, then go to SLES 15 and then upgrade to SLES 15 SP2.
zypper migration
This might automatically patch the system, if not done already. Then this
should give list of service packs to migrate to. Before choosing a service pack
open another terminal and do:
1. Take a backup of boot such as:
mkdir /opt/2021-04-08-working-12-sp2-boot
cd /opt/2021-04-08-working-12-sp2-boot
rsync -a /boot/ ./
2. Remove all current running kernel related files from /boot to make
space using:
cd /boot
rm -i * .vm*
Note that we are not touching /boot/grub2 or its contents in any way
3. After this choose the service pack upgrade and go ahead with upgrade.
The upgrade should finish without errors. After upgrade the system
should reboot properly without any issues.
1. Boot the system with SLES 15 installer DVD and choose upgrade option.
If the system can get DHCP IP and Internet access via that DHCP IP, then
installer will update itself before starting the installation.
2. Before clicking final "Update" button for starting update (Before "Start update"
confirmation), use "Ctrl+Alt+F2" to go to terminal
3. The /boot of SLES-12-SP5 should be mounted at /mnt/boot and /opt should
be mounted as /mnt/opt. Again same as before we will take copy of /boot and
then delete all files in /boot without touching /boot/grub2 folder or its contents
1. Take backup of /boot using:
mkdir /mnt/opt/2021-04-08-working-12-sp5-boot
cd /mnt/opt/2021-04-08-working-12-sp5-boot
cp -r -p /mnt/boot/ ./
2. Remove all current running kernel related files from /mnt/boot to make
cd /mnt/boot/
rm -i * .vm*
Note that we are not touching /mnt/boot/grub2 or its contents in any way
4. Then use "Ctrl+Alt+F7" to return to installer and proceed with system upgrade
to SLES 15.
5. After update system should automatically reboot and boot successfully into
SLES 15.
zypper migration
mkdir /opt/2021-04-08-working-15-boot
cd /opt/2021-04-08-working-15-boot
rsync -a /boot/ ./
2. Remove all current running kernel related files from /mnt/boot to make
cd /boot/
rm -i * .vm*
File /etc/uefi/certs/7F91338D.crt
from install of
kernel-default-5.3.18-24.52.1.x86_64 (SLE-Module-Basesystem15-
kernel-default-4.12.14-122.63.1.x86_64 (@System)
choose yes to continue
2. The kernel installation may fail with error similar to:
Choose a to abort
3. Then do following to umount /boot and use space from other (/) filesystem
for /boot for kernel installation
1. umount /boot
2. Edit /etc/fstab and comment entry for /boot
3. Retry kernel installation using:
zypper in kernel-default
mkdir /opt/2021-04-08-15-sp2-partial-boot
cd /opt/2021-04-08-15-sp2-partial-boot
rsync -a /boot/ ./
zypper update
6. Fix PV header in VG, install grub and create fresh grub configuration file
1. vgs #See the name of volume group
2. vgck --updatemetadata rootvg
Here rootvg is name of volume group from previous vgs command output
3. cd /boot/grub2
4. grub2-mkconfig -o grub.cfg
5. grub2-install /dev/vda #Or /dev/sda in case of physical machine
7. Disable app-armor for nscd and disable plymouth using:
1. aa-status
2. aa-disable /usr/sbin/nscd
3. aa-status
4. systemctl status nscd
5. yast2
1.Go to System -> Boot loader
2.Change to "Kernel Parameters" tab
3.Under "Optional Kernel Command Line Parameter" after
showopts append plymouth.enable=0 and quit (Alt+O for Ok, Alt+Q for quit)
8. Reboot system and test