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Section 1 Questions 1-10: Complete The Form Below.. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER For Each Answer. Registration Form

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Questions 1-10: Complete the form below.. Write NO MORE THAN TWO
WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Registration Form
Example Answer

Type of crime reported: robbery

Name: Anna 1……………

Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy): 2……………

Address: 4 3…………… St.

Post code: 4……………

Nationality: Grenadian

Number of previous burglaries: 5……………

Time of apartment tenancy: 6……………

Number of occupants: 7……………

Entry point of burglar: 8……………

Details of lost property:


• Serial number of lost computer: 9……………

• Material of stolen purse: 10…………… Cloth

Questions 11-14
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
11 What is the project that Mark and Gina want to start?
A business school requirements
B directions to the business school
C explaining the business school experience
12 Who is the target audience?
A business students
B business school applicants
C summer school attendees
13 How will they convey the information?
A summer course lecture
B informational video
C pamphlet in the mail
14 They want to do this project because
A students worry about their studies.
B they want to obtain a good grade.
C they want to attract future business school applicants.
Questions 15-20: Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO
WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Topic Time

• Academics
7 minutes
– 15……………


• 16……………
– Cafeteria 6 minutes
– 17……………

• Social activity
– 18…………… 8 minutes
– 19……………

• Conclusion nearly 20……………

Questions 21-26: Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
21 The subjects in questionnaire are
A tourists in the hotel in this area.
B local residents.
C people who are living in this area.
22 The results of the questionnaire should be
A directly entered into the computer.
B scored by hand.
C submitted directly to Professor Curran.
23 Why should John give a copy of plans to the professor?
A to receive a good grade
B to get advice
C to earn high praise
24 How will the instructions be presented?
A given by a group representative
B given by all members of the group
C given by the professor
25 What does Dani suggest to John when those subjects receive the


A divide into 2 parts to argue

B focus on the opinion of the interviewees
C take consideration of both sides
26 Why is this project particularly important to John?
A to earn respect from professors in the department
B to raise his grade
C to impress his professor
Questions 27-30: What is the source of each one below in this survey?
Choose FOUR answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-F, next to
questions 27-30.
A radio
B council meeting
C the television
D newspaper
E journal
F the Internet
27 Map
28 Photo
29 Budget
30 Comment
Questions 31-35: Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
31 Why did the lecturer choose to focus on the Pleasanton Town Market?
A It was the first ever Town Market.
B It has been covered extensively in local history classes.
C It is often mentioned in some literature of the library.
32 The Town Market originally made a large profit selling
A handcrafts
B vegetables
C animals


33 The money that the marketers made contributes to local

A reconstruction
B development
C defense
34 Market sales plummeted due to a lack of viable.
A agriculture
B transport
C city planning.
35 Mayor John C. Wiley decided the Clock tower would be used as a …………..
in the early stages of the uprising
A clock
B grounds for battle
C jail
Questions 36-40:Complete the table below.Write ONE WORD ONLY for
each answer.
Research Methods Objects Problems

reference section 36…………… there is too much information

37…………… Rebellion bias makes it 38……………

39…………… Jim Wiley the information is insufficient

newspaper archives 40…………… more detail is needed



1 Grieg 11 C 21 C 31 C
2 15/03/1980 12 B 22 A 32 C
3 Ellendale 13 B 23 B 33 B
4 W5 2AT 14 A 24 A 34 B
5 0/no 15 teaching 25 C 35 C
6 8/eight months methods 26 A 36 market
7 1/one 16 accommodation 27 E 37 interviews
8 back door 17 flats 28 D 38 useless
9 G4168770 18 disco 29 A 39 photographs
10 Silver-Colored 19 international 30 B 40 crime

POLICE: Hello, London Police Department.
ANNA: Yes, I would like to report a robbery.
POLICE: Alright, just a minute while I pull up the form. OK, could you give me your
first and last name?
ANNA: Anna Grieg (Q1).
POLICE: Anna, Greg? G-R-E-G?
ANNA: No, Grieg. G-R-I-E-G.
POLICE: Got it. Alright moving on: gender – female. Date of birth?
ANNA: 15th of March (Q2), 1980.
POLICE: Alright, thanks. Just a few more personal information questions and then
we can address your claim.
ANNA: Alright.
POLICE: What is the address?
ANNA: 4 Ellendale (Q3) St. That’s E-L-L-E-N-D-A-L-E.
POLICE: Oh right, Ellendale Street: Yeah we’ve had a lot of break-ins in that area
lately. And the postal code?


ANNA: W5 2AT (Q4).

POLICE: And are you a citizen of the UK?
POLICE: Okay, what type of citizenship do you have?
ANNA: Well, I lived in the United States for most of my life, but I am actually of
Grenadian nationality.
POLICE: Okay, so is that the country that issued your passport?
ANNA: Yes.
POLICE: Alright.
POLICE: And what is the crime you are reporting?
ANNA: I already said – a robbery!
POLICE: Oh, right. Sorry, this is about the hundredth robbery report I’ve filled out
today. Have you had any prior break-ins?
ANNA: Um, in the building or just my flat? The unit below mine got broken into
last year.
POLICE: No, just your flat.
ANNA: Oh – then no (Q5). Not here.
POLICE: Alright, let’s see here. Can you think of anything that was out of the
ordinary around your building, or anyone who may have had reason to do this?
ANNA: No, it seemed like just a normal evening. I didn’t see anyone suspicious,
and can’t think of anyone that would target me specifically.
POLICE: How long has this been your place of residence?
ANNA: Hm, let me think. I moved in on February 1, and it’s October, so it’s been
about 8 months (Q6) already. Wow, time flies!
POLICE: And that is just for Ellendale, yeah?
ANNA: Yes. I have lived in the UK for just over 1 year.
POLICE: I see. Can you give me the first and last name of all members of the
ANNA: Actually, I live alone (Q7).
POLICE: OK – so no other occupants. And can you give me a brief account of what


ANNA: I left to go to a dinner party at 6 p.m., and when I returned at 11 I found

the place ransacked and a lot of my things gone.
POLICE: Any sign of forced entry?
ANNA: Yes, the back door (Q8) was wide open, and it looked like someone used
a crowbar to force it open.
POLICE: I see. And just to be clear, was the door locked when you left?
ANNA: Of course!
POLICE: Hey, you would be surprised how many reports we get where people
have failed to lock their doors. Now I need you to list any missing items valued
above £200.
ANNA: So far I’m missing my computer, my purse with my wallet in it, and the TV.
POLICE: OK. Let’s start with the computer. What is the estimated value?
ANNA: £500.
POLICE: And what is the serial number?
ANNA: G4168770 (Q9).
POLICE: Thank you, and a visual description?
ANNA: It is a black 13-inch Pemdas Cloudbook. There is an Oxford sticker on the
POLICE: OK, and could you give a description of the purse?
ANNA: Sure. It’s a Claude Frieda shoulder bag and the material is silver-colored
cloth (Q10).
POLICE: Price?
ANNA: £300.
POLICE: Okay. That concludes my report. I’ll submit it and we’ll let you know of
any developments.

TUTOR: Hi, Mark. Hi, Gina. What can I help you with?
MARK: So we were hoping you could help us with this extracurricular project.
TUTOR: Sure – what is the topic?
GINA: Attending business school.


TUTOR: This sounds like a great idea. So you’re going to explain the requirements
for getting into business school?
MARK: Not exactly. It will be more broadly about the experience – the
academics, accommodation, and social experience that comes with being a
part of the business school (Q11).
TUTOR: I see. So would your audience be the general public?
GINA: Well, we would probably want more to focus on members of the
institution – we would especially like to reach individual applicants to the
business school (Q12).
TUTOR: I see. Now what form will this information be? You could give a talk to all
the summer courses – all you would need is permission from the course director.
Or you could pass out information outside the student union.
MARK: Those are both good ideas. What about sending out pamphlets in the mail?
TUTOR: Most college students never check their mail. Maybe you could make a
video and show it on campus?
GINA: That’s a great idea. We’ll do the video (Q13).
TUTOR: Great. And as members of the business school, do you have an incentive
to attract new students? If so, this idea is a great way to do that.
MARK: No, the idea actually came about because of how much students like
us worry about their studies (Q14).
GINA: Yeah – when! got into business school, there were a lot of things I had not
prepared for, so the video would cover a lot of things Mark and I wish we had
known upon entering business school.
TUTOR: Right.
TUTOR: What would you talk about first?
MARK: The first and probably most important section would be academics.
TUTOR: Good idea. So would you provide guidance on what courses to take?
GINA: We want to focus especially on the approaches professors take –
their teaching methods (Q15). It is far different than what students are used to
in high school, and even in liberal arts college.


TUTOR: Good idea. And how long do you think you would spend explaining
MARK: We’ll probably spend 7 minutes on it.
GINA: We also have some ideas for talking about housing, food options, and stuff
like that. We’re not really sure how to tie it all together though.
TUTOR: I think it would be suitable to title that section accommodation (Q16) –
what do you think?
MARK: That could work. We’ll definitely describe the different dining options at
the cafeteria, and then walk students through flats and the grueling process of
finding one near the business school campus.
GINA: Okay – so we would cover specifics on the cafeteria, as well as flats (Q17)?
MARK: I think those are both helpful. We could spend about 6 minutes on
accommodation, and be sure to touch on those specifically.
TUTOR: Great. Is there anything else you would talk about?
GINA: We definitely want to go over the social aspect of attending school here.
TUTOR: Of course. I think it’s good to have a little fun once in a while when you’re
working so hard in school.
MARK: I think we are going to introduce new students to the disco (Q18) that so
many upperclassmen know and love. Maybe we’ll include a few other places too,
but that’s the main one.
GINA: We’re also going to invite students to the international evening
(Q19) taking place in the first week of school as a great chance for our large
international student population to meet a lot of other new students.
TUTOR: It can definitely be hard to meet people as an international student. I
think that is a great idea. You may want to spend slightly longer on this section
than the other two.
MARK: Hm… How about 8 minutes?
GINA: That sounds reasonable. So overall, the introduction should take 3 minutes,
and then the conclusion should take 4, giving us a total of 28 minutes.


TUTOR: I wouldn’t rash your introduction. Maybe give it between 4 and 6

minutes. The conclusion, though, can be shorter since it’s just a quick refresher of
each of the topics. Give that not more than 2 minutes (Q20).
MARK: Okay. So in total the video should take about the same time, just more intro
and less conclusion?
TUTOR: Precisely.
GINA: Alright – we are goihg to get to work on our video. Thanks for your help!

DANI; So tell me about your research project, John.
JOHN: I created a questionnaire for the study to determine people’s
opinions of the relative feasibility of earning a living in Brisbane (Q21).
DANI: Oh, cool. How is it scored? Are they all multiple choice questions?
JOHN: Well, the questions consist primarily of yes/no responses. There are two
free response questions at the end. Participants will use a computer to fill in
their answers (Q22); that way it is really easy to analyse the data afterward.
DANI: Great! It sounds like you have a pretty solid idea of what you should do.
Just don’t forget to submit a copy of your plans to Professor Curran by the 15th.
JOHN: Oh, I almost forgot!
DANI: Hm, you don’t do it for high grade or appraise, but he can review and
give you feedback (Q23).
JOHN: Right, that will be helpful – he has been conducting studies like this for 30
years now.
DANI: Yep, oh and I’m curious – are you going to be in the room giving subjects
directions for the questionnaire?
JOHN: Well, I think the instructions will be provided by another
representative who will not be analysing the data (Q24). I want them to feel
they can answer and be completely anonymous, so I will not be in the room.
Anonymity is really important for this study.
DANI: I agree. Good idea. You should tell the representative to remind
subjects to fully consider both sides of each issue (Q25). Sometimes it’s really


easy to immediately check “yes” or “no” without stopping to think about it

JOHN: That’s so true! It’s like a race to finish the questionnaire first or something.
I’ll make sure to include that in the instructions. This report has to be perfect!
DANI: Wow, what’s the big deal? I know it’s part of your grade and all…
JOHN: Well it’s that, but also a well-executed study could grab the attention of
faculty in the department, which would be a huge deal.
DANI: So…for attention?
JOHN: No silly! I mean I could really gain the respect of professors who may
later take me on as a graduate student in their labs (Q26).
DANI: Oh, I see.
DANI: Let me take a look at the survey. Wow, this looks great! The map of the
median income by region is a great tool – where did you find it? (Q27)
JOHN: Well thanks! I read a lot of sources and just noticed this one in a small
psychology journal called Modern Psychology (Q27). It’s more helpful than
the photo I added, but I think the photo is just so interesting. It was in the
newspaper last year during that huge wage strike (Q28).
DANI: It’s great. Probably not necessary, but it looks great. I don’t understand –
what is WKRX’s involvement here?
JOHN: Oh – the radio station agreed to sponsor the study if I play their
station in the room (Q29).
DANI: Wow, interesting. So you don’t have to pay for any of this?
JOHN: Exactly.
DANI: Nice! Where did you get that idea?
JOHN: Last month at the Psychology Club Council meeting someone talked
about how easy it is to get sponsorship from local businesses, so I listened
to their advice and called around! (Q30)
DANI: I’ll have to remember that. Well, this all looks great. Good luck!



Good afternoon. In the last few lectures we’ve been covering the social and
political pressures that influenced the rise of the rebellion of 1679. Today I would
like to focus on the Pleasanton Town Market.
Now, why are we talking all about some market? It’s not like it was the first
market ever, or even a particularly large market. The Pleasanton Town Market
is important because it is often mentioned in the literature found in the
library (Q31). If you have ever been there, you have probably seen all of the
handcrafted items sold there now. But what was originally bought and sold in the
town market?
In the beginning, the market sold products such as meats, furs, and simple
tools. Over time, though, it became known as the place to find quality
livestock (Q32). People came from all over the world to find the biggest and best
cows, pigs, and chickens. In fact, the profits from the Town Market became the
savior of a plummeting economy during a time of much turmoil. Not to be
confused with the reconstruction era, a period of rapid development came
about in the 1660s as a result of the market’s vendors contributing their
profits to building up much needed public facilities and defense (Q33),
which would later make a huge impact on the outcome of the war.
For many years, the market flourished and began to draw in large tourism crowds
in addition to the throngs of livestock customers. However, as revolutions in
farming came about, more people moved to farms far from the city
centre. Customers grew more and more reluctant to travel all the way to the
town centre for their meats when they could easily choose to buy from local
farmers near them for a fraction of the price (Q34).
With such a fall in the profits of the town’s major profit generator, some quality
town planning was needed. In the mayoral election of 1668, a young man of little
fame just barely claimed the popular vote – none other than the now legendary
John C. Wiley.
Wiley’s first decision as mayor of Pleasanton was to deal with the quickly failing
Town Market. The building with the large clock was a landmark that had
symbolised growth in Pleasanton for a generation. Wiley decided to use the


notoriety of the Town Market to set an example. During the historical

Rotterdam Rebellion, Wiley gave all those involved lifetime prison
sentences in the very same building (Q35). It stayed a prison for about 50 more
years until they transported all remaining prisoners to other facilities and turned
it into the historical monument today.
Now that you know the basics of the history of the Pleasanton Town Market, I will
introduce your next group project. I want you, to make a short film based on the
real historical events that occurred in Pleasanton before and during the uprising.
I will give you some class time to look through the library’s reference section, but
you will be responsible for conducting further research outside of class. I suggest
starting by looking for information on the market (Q36) itself. You’ll find plenty
of information – in fact, some students complain that there is actually too much
information on it.
On your own time, you could find family members of old war veterans to
conduct interviews (Q37). Sometimes they provide wonderful insight that you
wouldn’t find in proper history books, but be careful – an interview that is riddled
with bias is useless (Q38).
I myself have some very old photographs (Q39) here that you are welcome to
take a look at for some inspiration. I’m lucky enough to own this one of Jim Wiley
himself! Very interesting to see, but does not provide enough information to add
much to your film.
Feel free to take this film into whatever direction you choose; You could even do
a crime (Q40) thriller based on real outlaws. All you would have to do is look
through the newspaper archives in the crime section during that time period. Try
to get as much detail as you can, but you may end up having to draw your own
Okay, that’s enough from me, so let’s go on to…


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