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Shovel Knight

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Martial Archetypes Relics

Different fighters choose different approaches to perfecting Alchemy Coin

their fighting prowess. The martial archetype you choose to Wondrous item, uncommon
emulate reflects your approach.
This ordinary coinpurse appears to be empty with the

Shovel Knight exception of 1 gold coin contained within. When you

remove the coin, another appears within the coinpurse on
Clad in shining armor, representing the epitome of heroism,
your next turn. If unused, the coin vanishes after 1 minute.
a rare order of knights swear to the ancient code of
You can throw a coin at a creature with a ranged attack. On
Shovelry: Slash Mercilessly and Dig Tirelessly! Whether it
a hit, roll a d8 and consult the Alchemy Coin Effects table.
is the task of laying low knights of opposing orders, or
After pulling 3 gold pieces from the coinpurse, another
slaying evil enchantresses, a true Shovel Knight will
does not appear in the coinpurse until the next dawn.
relentlessly conquer his challenges and will never throw in
the trowel. Ancient Shovel
Weapon (shovel), rare
Shovel Specialist Prerequisite: 10th level
Beginning when you select this archetype at 3rd level, you
have proficiency using an ordinary, albeit heavy, shovel You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
with a sharpened edge. This functions as a martial weapon this magic weapon.
dealing 1d8 slashing or bludgeoning damage (your choice) This functions as a martial weapon dealing 1d8 slashing
on a hit. A critical hit with this weapon temporarily renders or bludgeoning damage (your choice) on a hit. A critical hit
a foe senseless, and the creature must make a Constitution with this weapon temporarily renders a foe senseless, and
saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your Strength modifier + the creature must make a saving throw (DC equal to 8 +
your proficiency bonus) or become incapacitated until the your Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus) or
end of its next turn. become stunned until the end of its next turn.

Strike the Earth

At 3rd level, using your shovel, you can dig at a rate of 15
cubic feet per round, and gain a burrow speed of 5 feet per
round. You have advantage on all ability checks involving
digging, and have advantage on saving throws against
becoming exhausted while doing so.

Shovel Drop
Starting at 7th level, when attacking a creature beneath you
while falling more than 10 feet on your turn, you can, by
using the Attack action, stand atop your shovel, giving it
the full force of your weight and deal critical damage on a
hit. You land within a space of your choice within 5 feet of
the creature.

By 7th level, through your constant digging for treasure,
you have acquired a number of magic items, known as
relics. You can select any relic for which you meet the
prerequisites. You can select an additional relic at 10th,
15th, and 18th level.
Alchemy Coin Effects While on the Ethereal Plane, you can see and hear the
plane you originated from, which is cast in shades of gray,
d8 Effect
1 The coin deals no damage, but bursts into 10 permanent and you can’t see anything there more than 60 feet away.
mundane gold pieces. You can only affect and be affected by other creatures on
2 The coin transmutes into elemental fire, dealing 2d8 fire the Ethereal Plane. Creatures that aren’t there can’t
damage. perceive you or interact with you, unless they have the
3 The coin transmutes into elemental ice, dealing 2d8 cold ability to do so.
This necklace regains 1d3 expended charges daily at
4 The coin transmutes into acid, dealing 2d6 acid damage.
5 The coin accelerates the target creature, casting haste
targeting it.
6 The coin decelerates the target creature, casting slow
Propeller Dagger
Weapon (dagger), uncommon
targeting it with a spell save DC of 14.
7 The coin transmutes into a small fuzzy object, which then You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
transmutes into a living creature. Roll another d8 and this magic weapon. Once per turn, when you make an
consult the Gray Bag of Tricks table to determine the attack with the propeller dagger, you lunge 10 feet directly
creature that is created.
towards your target, even if this movement causes you to
8 The coin explodes into a wall of shrapnel. All creatures
travel through the air.
within 5 feet of the target creature must make a DC 14
Dexterity saving throw. Each creature takes 4d10 piercing
Throwing Anchor
damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful
Weapon (other), uncommon
This heavy anchor is ostensibly a massive throwing weight,
Chaos Sphere though an enchantment upon it means it does not require
Wondrous item, uncommon immense strength to use. The throwing anchor is a two-
handed heavy throwing weapon that requires an action to
This sphere has 3 charges. The chaos sphere is a dangerous
use (and many not be used as a part of Extra Attack) and an
but well-known offshoot of ordinary crystal balls. While
action to pick up after it has been used. It has a range of 30
holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges
feet and flies in an arc equally as high as it is wide. On a
to emit bouncing pulses of green energy in a 30-foot cone.
hit, the anchor deals 2d10 bludgeoning damage, and a
Each creature in this area must roll 3 d20s. On each 10 or
creature damaged by it must make a DC 14 Dexterity
lower, a creature is struck by a green orb of evocation
saving throw or be knocked prone.
energy and takes 2d6 force damage.
This sphere regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. Troupple Chalice
Weapon (other), uncommon
Flare Wand Prerequisite: 15th level
Wand, uncommon (requires attunement)
While holding this chalice, you can use an action to
This wand has 5 charges. While holding it, you can use an
produce one of the following potions and drink it:
action to expend 1 of its charges to produce a burst of
Ichor of Renewal. You regain 4d4 + 4 hit points when
flame, using a ranged weapon attack with a range of 60
you drink this potion.
feet, focused at a single target. On a hit, the target takes 4d6
Ichor of Boldness. After you drink this potion, you
fire damage.
have resistance to all damage until the end of your next
The wand regains ld6 + 1 expended charges daily at
After using it, you may not do so again until the next dawn.
Phase Locket
Wondrous item, rare
This necklace has 3 charges. While wearing it, you can use
an action to expend 1 of its charges to become ethereal
until the beginning of your turn. When your turn begins,
you may expend another charge to continue this effect
another round. You may not move while on the Ethereal

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