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The Homebrewery - Warlock Otherworldly Patron - The Painted Maze

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Warlock Otherworldly Patron: The

Painted Maze

our patron is the painted world, the endless A Gateway to Another World
maze, the artists final escape. This may be a At 6th level you may cast Teleportation Circle via creating a
painted dimension, a sentient painting, or even quick painting of the destination. The painting process is
a being stuck in a painting. In return for your treated as the base Teleportation Circle but lasts 8 hours
patrons gifts you wander the world luring others before the paint fades. The painting does not need to link to
into the painting to be forever lost to the world, another existing painting but the destination will have a
to find an escape for your patron, or to find truly painted image of your departure location on something
exquisite things in the world to preserve in the painting. nearby if an existing painting was not your exit location. The
Expanded Spell List:
destination is required to be on same plane as the painting or
the plane of your patron. If you spend a month working on
Spell Level Spells both the arrival and departure paintings you may make the
1st Chromatic Orb, Color Spray portal last for a year. After a year, a week period to touch up
2nd Blur, Mirror Image the paintings is all that is required to extend it another year.
The circle is activated by a touch.
3rd Haste, Protection from Energy
4th Compulsion, Hallucinatory Terrain Everything is just color
At 10th level, once per long rest you may paint a single piece
5th Animate Objects, Geas of armor and weaponry with a color associated with an
elemental type. The wielder of the painted weapon may add
The Canvas Edge 1d8 of the associated element type to attacks made with that
You patron has opened the doors of reality to you. As an weapon. The wearer of the armor gains resistance to the
action on your turn, you can interact with a shadow within associated element type. Both items retain the enchantment
reach. The shadows become a temporary portal to the for the next 1d4 hours.
painted world that allows you to pass between the shadow Given a week you may paint a portrait of yourself that
and another nearby. This portal can travel a distance up to appears in the realm of your patron as a sentient replica. If
half your movement speed at 3rd level. this copy exists the forces of decay holds no sway over you,
At 6th level the distance is increased to your full speed. and you have resistance to necrotic damage. Additionally, you
When you leave the portal, you leave temporary painted now no longer age beyond the day of the painting.
footsteps until the end of your next turn, the painted steps
last for a minute. The edges of the shadows can be interacted
with as though they were solid edges, grabbing and pulling
yourself into one is possible.
The Painted Smile
At 1st level you are gifted a special item: A painted mask. This
mask is a design of your choice and binds to the warlocks
face and becomes one with them. The mask cannot be
removed but does not hinder your ability to speak or eat as
the mask operates as your new face.
This mask infuses the warlock with powers of the painted
world granting the ability that once per short rest the warlock
may choose to negate (half warlock level rounded down +
Charisma modifier) damage taken as the wound flecks off as
paint chips. The warlock also gains the ability to secrete paint
pigment from their fingernails and gains advantage on
Charisma(Performance) checks only when painting, as their
fingers are more dexterous and precise than any brush.

Credit: Riot Games

We Are All Paintings
At 14th level, you cause a nearby location to the target to
become painted and begin dragging the target into your
patrons realm. As an action, you may make a creature within
20 feet of you make a Strength saving throw against your
Warlock Spell save. On a failed save, a creature takes 4d8
psychic damage and is restrained for 1 minute. On a
successful save, the target takes half damage and is not
restrained. A creature restrained by the painting can use its
action to make a Strength save against your Warlock spell
save to break free. On a success, it frees itself. On a failure,
the creature takes an additional 1d8 psychic damage for each
time it has failed to break free (1 failed save is 1d8, 2 failed
saves are 2d8, etc.), if the target would die from this damage
instead they are pulled into the painting realm creating either
a painting of the target on that surface which can never be
removed or a small unfading portrait of the target on canvas.

Broad Strokes
Prerequisite: 6th level, The Canvas Edge feature
When you use your The Canvas Edge ability you may have
it affect creatures other than yourself. The range extends to
20 and can be activated underneath others if a shadow is
present there. If put beneath a target, the target must make a
DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or fall through the shadow and
out of another of your choice. As an action, you may also
extend a shadow in 5 in any direction, acting as though you
are making a painting stroke.
A Derivative Form
Prerequisite: 5th level
Once a month upon your death the mask can harbor your
soul, keeping it safe. On death, your body decays into dusts of
various pigments which could be used as paint bases (5g to
the right buyer). 1d6 days after the mask harbors your soul it
Reincarnates you by drawing the color out of the surrounding
area to make your body. This color drain is permanent to
inanimate objects but creatures restore color in 1d4 days.

Credit: Karen Hale

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