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276127-Cthulhu 5e Investigator Class

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Investigator (Cthulhu 5E) Down the Path

Surviving through the Elder Evil cults requires that

an investigator gain a board understanding of many
Class Features different things to survive and continue their
As an investigator, you gain the following class investigation.
features…in the face of total madness.
Hit Points At 1st, 9th, and 18th level you gain a feat of your
Hit Dice: 1d6 per investigator level choice.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your
Weapon Proficiency
Constitution modifier per investigator level after 1st You gain proficiency with a martial weapon of your
Armor: None Armor Proficiency
Weapons: None You gain proficiency with an armor of your choice.
Tools: Choose one type of artisan’s tools or one
musical instrument
Vehicle: Land Save Proficiency
Saving Throws: Choose One You gain proficiency with a save of your choice.
Skills: Choose three

Ability Score Improvement
You start with the following equipment, in addition When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th,
to the equipment granted by your background: and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of
 (a) a handgun or (b) any martial melee your choice by 2, or two ability scores by 1 to a
weapon maximum of 20.
 (a) a truck or (b) a fast car
 An investigator’s pack Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice instead of
1 +2 Feat once, whenever you take the attack action.
2nd +2 Weapon Proficiency
3rd +2 Armor and Save Proficiency Determination
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 Extra Attack You can add a d10 to any roll. At 16th level you can
6th +3 Determination use this ability twice. You can activate this ability
7th +3 Reputation again after a long rest.
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 Feat
10th +4 Ignore Slow Healing Rule
11th +4 Ignore Massive Damage Rule You use your reputation (be it good or bad) and can
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement ensure one request to a non-major NPC is accepted
13th +5 Second Wind and performed. You can use this ability again after a
14th +5 Reliable Talent short rest.
15th +5 Peace of Mind and Body
16th +5 Determination
17th +6 Use Magic Device Ignore Slow Healing Rule
18th +6 Feat You’ve grown tougher and as a result stranger in this
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement strange world. Now your body is able to keep up
20th +6 Stroke of Luck

Justin Steele (Order #18747400)

with you. A short rest allows you to expand Hit Dice Devotee of XXX
and a long rest heals all damage. You’re devoted to a cause, cult, deity, or idea that
provides you with insight and power to accomplish
Ignore Massive Damage Rule that goal.
Your body is now as tough as the monsters you fight  Increase your Wisdom by 1, to a maximum
against. of 20.
 You can focus your mind and ask one
Second Wind question about the future that is in line with
your devotion, you must finish a long rest
As per the fighter ability
before you can use this ability again.
 Devoted Strike: you gain the ability to
Reliable Talent
infuse your attacks with an extra 1d8 of
As per the Rogue ability damage appropriate to your devotion.

Peace of Mind Item Familiar

You can now overcome any short-term, long-term, or Through strong connection to an item and open sense
permanent madness with one month of concentrated of self you pour your emotions and thoughts into an
therapy. item and awaken it. You now have a familiar that’s
familiar with you.
Use Magic Device  Your item becomes magical. The item gains
As per the Rogue ability sentience, a special purpose, senses, and can
Stroke of Luck  You can increase the item’s magical
capabilities by sacrifice some source
As per the Rogue ability
relevant to your personal ideology. (Painter
paints a masterpiece and sacrifices it for his
Feats paintbrush to have it animate itself)
Feats represent talents and areas of expertise  The item gains one minor benefit at level 6,
normally but in the Cthulhu Modern setting feats also one minor benefit at level 12, and one major
represent more unusual things. benefit at level 18 that reflect the item’s
Magic Dedication  If you fail to pursue the special purpose
You’ve delved into the ancient tomes and discovered according to the item then the benefits
that reality has more layers and more things for you become drawbacks and convert from minor
to learn to control. and major benefits to detriments.
 Choose one attribute as your main
spellcasting attribute from Intelligence, Alien/ Government Experimentation
Wisdom, or Charisma and increase it by 1, You were experimented on by the aliens or the
to a maximum of 20. government and it has changed you.
 Choose one cantrip, one 1st level spell, and  Increase your Constitution by 1, to a
at level 5 one 2nd level spell to cast. maximum of 20.
 You can now learn and cast spells from  You gain darkvision of 60 ft and your eyes
ancient tomes, you must finish a long rest change color (maybe shape)
before using each spell again.  Your lifespan has increased so that ten years
of time is only one year of aging for you.
 Increase your hit points by 25% more

Justin Steele (Order #18747400)

Psychic Aim – Full Action allows you to make a called shot
You’ve awakened your mind to the greater world and and cause the attack’s recipient to need to make a
that sensitivity helps you investigate in less mundane DC:15 Constitution Check or die or suffer a crippling
ways. effect to an area of the body of the attackers choice.
 Increase your Charisma by 1, to a maximum
of 20. Rule Adjustments
 Sensitive to Surrounding Area (Perception In a modern Cthulhu setting things are just more
Check to Notice Secrets) dangerous. Variant Rules to Investigate By:
 Mind Hearing – Short Rest
 Item History – Long Rest  Massive Damage
 Sanity
Mad Scientist  Reputation
Congratulations, you’re a mad scientist!  Slow Healing changes a short rest to 8 hours
 You can design “science” equipment that and a long rest to seven days
performs the function of spells  Fear and Horror
 The shape of equipment must make sense
according to the purpose of the spell. The The final variant rule is that monsters always go for
item may only be used a number of times the kill. When a PC goes into death saving throws a
per day equal to the Int of the creator. monster always attacks while they are down if it can
Lightning bolt=proton packs with cattle reasonably do so.
prods, mass cure=nanobot spray,
polymorph=large industrial vat with Investigator’s Pack
chemical specific concoction, Includes a backpack, computer, cellphone, fake/real
suggestion=hypnotic glasses or pheromone badge of some organization, flashlight, lighter,
spray, etc. crowbar, 50 feet of rope, notebook, pen, ritual knife
 Each piece of equipment takes time and (cause you never know when it will come up), piece
money. Spell lvl x Int Mod of creator = X of silver, piece of gold, piece of cold iron, and an
x$1000 and X is also the amount of time assortment of religious symbols.
needed to create it.
Special Thanks
In a modern setting there are trainers and mentors for
Thank you to Dan Helmick for making this possible!
all tools, skills, and feats.
And thank you to my D&D and Cthulhu friends who
would have sold their souls to keep us alive…you
Backgrounds dictate wealth
know in game 

Science Skill (knowledge engineering, etc.)
Drive Skill (covers planes, submarines, etc.)
 Full round for full driving or bonus to
control vehicle when only one turn or only
minor control is necessary

Firearms in Combat
Aim – Bonus Action allows you to add your
proficiency to attack action

Justin Steele (Order #18747400)

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