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Warden Class

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Warden Defending the Natural Order

Perched atop a rocky outcropping a travel worn elf draws

back on her bow string and lets loose an enchanted arrow A warden will always uphold the natural order, and defend
charged with the force of lightning. The crash of the arrow’s what they feel to be the virtues of nature. What that means
impact shakes the ground and the boom deafens any nearby. to each warden is different, but the result will always be a
The stalky dwarf in the corner of the camp, just outside the focus on combat prowess and strength. Not every act
firelight stands alert to the encroaching invaders. The snap of performed by a warden will be considered good or civilized
a twig alerts him to their presence and he immediately but in their heart, they will always do what they think is right.
unleashes a flurry of flaming fists; catching the assailant off Wardens spend their youth honing their abilities with nature
guard. The sheer force of his blows being reflected by the and finding the combat techniques that best marry to their
elemental fury springing forth from their impact. natural talents. But despite their preferred discipline, a
The glow of his metal breastplate adorns the woodland warden’s elemental abilities should never be taken lightly.
king’s halls. His intimidating demeanor as a stalwart defender
adding to the faerie king’s negotiating prowess. Just his eyes
alone chill the hearts of any who glare too long. His vigil is Life in Training
that of a glacier, a seemingly permanent fixture upon the
Not unlike the divine paladin, a warden’s life is spent in
devotion. Not to an oath; a cause, or a deity, but to mother
No matter their duties, no matter their creed, a warden will
nature and the material plane itself. Their only god is the
have honed his skill in battle alongside his attunement to the
earth, sky, sea, and molten core of the world and they serve
elemental power of the material plane into a force of nature.
it diligently in every action they take.
Each warden has a different take on what the natural order of
A warden would likely be rare to find permanently situated
things is but the one thing they have in common is a natural
in a bustling metropolis, but their duties and goals will often
born ability to command the elements and a thirst for
bring them to civilization. Industry is the bane of the natural
world after all. A fight fought reverently by wardens, druids,
and ranger’s alike.
The work of a warden is never quite done, however. They
often find themselves on the move from task to task, or on
occasion spend their entire life dedicated to a cause that they
can’t resolve in a single lifetime. Whatever the course their
adventure takes, they seek harmony in all things.

Creating a Warden
The most important aspect of a warden is their affinity to the
natural world and how they marry it to their combat
techniques. While the specific discipline of a warden’s martial
prowess is chosen at 1st level, their prime element doesn’t
mature until 3rd. This prime element may greatly affect the
playstyle of your warden, so plan by reading their
descriptions. Do you thrum with a fiery core? Are your
movements as still as the snow atop a mountain? Or does the
tenacity of a storm rage within you?

Steve Fidler - Warden

The Warden
Prof. Power Spells Spell Slot
Level Bonus Features Die Known Slots Level
1st +2 Combat Discipline, Natural Awareness 4 (d4) - - -
2nd +2 Source Magic 4 (d4) 2 1 1st
3rd +2 Prime Element 4 (d4) 2 1 1st
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 (d4) 3 2 1st
5th +3 Extra Attack, Glamour 5 (d6) 3 2 2nd
6th +3 Combat Discipline Feature 5 (d6) 4 2 2nd
7th +3 Prime Elemental Shield 5 (d6) 4 2 2nd
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 5 (d6) 5 2 2nd
9th +4 - 6 (d6) 5 2 3rd
10th +4 Combat Discipline Feature, Nature Sense 6 (d6) 6 2 3rd
11th +4 Prime Elemental Burst 6 (d8) 6 2 3rd
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 6 (d8) 6 3 3rd
13th +5 - 7 (d8) 7 3 4th
14th +5 Combat Discipline Feature 7 (d8) 7 3 4th
15th +5 Natural Recovery 7 (d8) 7 3 4th
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 7 (d8) 8 3 4th
17th +6 Source Surge 8 (d10) 8 3 4th
18th +6 Improved Natural Awareness 8 (d10) 8 4 4th
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 8 (d10) 9 4 4th
20th +6 Master of Elements 8 (d10) 9 4 4th

Do you see yourself taking up arms to defend your fellow

adventurers? Or stalwartly defending your home town? Or do
you set yourself out as a contract for hire – combatting the You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
enemies of your employer to aid in your pursuits to cleanse equipment granted by your background:
As an attendant of nature, their duties often conflict with the • (a) any martial weapon or (b) any two simple
laws of civilization and thus wardens typically lean to the weapons
chaotic or neutral good alignments. However, some are • (a) leather armor and a shield or (b) scalemail armor
known to take their duties more seriously and walk the fine • a shortbow and 20 arrows
line between good and evil. • An explorer’s pack, and a component pouch

Alternatively, you can ignore the equipment here and in

Quick Build your background, and buy 5d4 × 10gp worth of equipment
You can make a warden quickly by following these from chapter 5 in the Player’s Handbook.
suggestions. First, Strength should be your highest score if
you wish to excel in melee combat or Dexterity if you wish to
excel in ranged combat. Make Wisdom your second highest Combat Discipline
score for spellcasting. Choose Constitution as your third At 1st level, you’ve completed your training in a certain
highest to keep yourself in the fight. Second, choose the combat specialty of your choice: Weapon Master, Unarmed
outlander background. Fighter, or Primal Focus each of which is detailed at the end
of the class description. Your choice grants you features at
1st level, and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th level.
Class Features
As a warden, you gain the following class features.
Natural Awareness
Hit Points Also at 1st level, the time you have spent in nature learning
your craft and honing your skills has given you an acute
Hit Dice: 1d8 per warden level
sense of danger.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
While in an entirely natural environment, you can’t be
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution
modifier per warden level after 1st
In addition, you have advantage on all perception checks to
natural phenomena such as tremors, eruptions, magma flows,
Proficiencies thunderstorms, and more. As a result of being attuned to
Armor: Light and Medium armor these events, you will automatically know whether such
Weapons: Simple weapons phenomena are natural or unnatural by whether you could
Tools: None predict it.
Starting at 18th level, you also gain a +5 bonus to your
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Strength initiative whenever you are in an entirely natural
Skills: Choose two skills from Athletics, Arcana, environment.
Intimidation, Investigation, Nature and Survival

Steve Fidler - Warden

Natural Power Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can
choose one of your warden spells you know and replace it
You pull from a well of natural power to augment your with another spell from the warden spell list, which also must
prowess in combat. be of a level for which you have spell slots.
Whenever you hit with a weapon attack that is not part of a
spell, you can expend a power die to add its result to the
damage of the attack. The damage type of the additional
Spellcasting Ability
damage is Fire, Cold, Lightning, or Acid (your choice.) Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your warden spells, so
Whenever you take the Cast a Spell action to cast a 1st- you use your Wisdom whenever a spell references to your
level spell or higher that deals damage, you can expend a spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom modifier
power die to add its result to the spell’s damage roll. The when setting the saving throw DC for a warden spell you cast
damage type of the spell changes to Fire, Cold, Lightning, or and when making an attack roll with one.
Acid (your choice) or can remain unchanged.
You regain all expended power die when you finish a long Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
rest, or half of the expended amount (rounded up) when you your Wisdom modifier
finish a short rest. Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
your Wisdom modifier

Source Magic Prime Element

At 2nd level, you’ve unlocked your natural born affinity with
the elements in the form of spellcasting. See chapter 10 of At 3rd level, your application of your elemental abilities
the Player’s Handbook for the general rules of spellcasting. enforces a specialized discipline of ability. You gain one of the
The warden spell list will be provided at the end of this following features of your choice.
Flaming Bravery
Spell Slots You learn the following cantrips, firebolt and green-flame
The Warden table shows how many spell slots you have. The blade.
table also shows what the level of those slots is; all of your Whenever a creature makes an attack roll against you, you
spell slots are the same level. To cast one of your warden can use your reaction and expend a power die to add the
spells of 1st level or higher, you must expend a spell slot. You number rolled to your armor class. You may choose to do this
regain all expended spell slots when you finish a short or long after the creature has rolled to attack, but must decide before
rest. the DM says whether the roll hits or misses. If you choose to
For example, when you are 5th level, you have two 2nd- expend this die and the attack misses, the attacking creature
level spell slots. To cast the 1st-level spell thunderwave, you takes fire damage equal your Wisdom modifier + your
must spend one of those slots, and you cast it as a 2nd-level Strength modifier.
Stoic Chill
Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher You learn the following cantrips, frostbite and ray of frost.
At 1st level, you know two 1st level spells of your choice from Whenever you must make a saving throw, you can use your
the warden spell list. reaction and expend a power die to add that die roll to your
The Spells Known column of the Warden table shows when total. You may choose to do this after you have rolled the
you learn more warden spells of your choice of 1st level and saving throw, but must decide before the DM says whether
higher. A spell you choose must be of a level no higher than the roll succeeds or fails. If you choose to expend a die this
what’s shown in the table’s Slot Level column for your level. way and succeed on the saving throw, all surfaces in a 20-
When you reach 9th level, for example, you learn a new foot radius of you become covered in enchanted ice. Any
warden spell, which can be of 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level. creature (other than you) who starts their turn on this area
must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw against your spell
save DC, or fall prone. This effect lasts 1 minute.

Steve Fidler - Warden

Unrelenting Storm Nature Sense
You learn the following cantrips, lightning lure and booming
blade. Beginning at 10th level, you can channel nature to extend
Whenever you make an attack roll with a weapon attack, your senses.
you can expend a power die and add that number to your You can spend 1 minute touching a natural surface and
attack roll. You may choose to do this after you have rolled to focusing. After which you can shift your perspective as if your
attack, but must decide before the DM says whether the roll eyes were looking from a point on that surface up to 60 feet
hits or misses. If this attack roll hits, all creatures within 5 away. You can use your bonus action to on subsequent turns
feet of you or the target of your attack must succeed a to maintain this connection, extending the duration until the
Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC, being end of your next turn.
knocked back 5 feet on a failed saving throw.
Prime Elemental Burst
Putrid Corrosion By 11th level, your attunement to your prime element has
You learn the following cantrips, acid splash and poison spray. infused your weapon attacks with increased natural power.
Whenever you cast a spell that forces a creature to make a Whenever you hit a creature with a weapon attack, the
saving throw, you can expend a power die and add a creature takes an extra 1d8 damage of the type associated
corrosive element to the spell. Any creature affected by this with your prime element.
spell that fails their saving throw also suffers the following
effect. • Flaming Bravery: Fire
At the beginning of each of its turns, this creature must • Stoic Chill: Cold
make a Constitution saving throw equal to your spell save DC.
• Unrelenting Storm: Lightning
On a failed save, this creature takes acid damage equal to the
• Putrid Corrosion: Acid
result on your power die. On a successful save, the effect
Natural Recovery
Ability Score Improvement Beginning at 15th level, your natural power can benefit your
spellcasting further. You can sacrifice your power dice to gain
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
additional spell slots.
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice
As a bonus action, you can expend four power dice to regain
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by
a single spell slot.
1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20
using this feature.
Source Surge
Extra Attack At 17th level, your ability to manipulate nature grants you the
ability to surge your potential. Choose one 5th-level spell
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
from the warden spell list as this surge.
whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
You can cast your surge spell once without expending a spell
slot. You must finish a long rest before you can do so again.
Also starting at 5th level, you can create a harmless Master of Elements
elemental sensory effect originating from your body. This may
At 20th level, your mastery of your prime element has
be in the form of water dripping from your hands, a fiery glow
granted you access to its most powerful form.
in your eyes, or for your skin to appear mottled and earthen.
You gain one of the following 6th-level spells depending on
When doing so as part of an Intimidation, Persuasion, or
your prime element choice. You can cast this spell once
Deception ability check you may expend a power die and add without expending a spell slot, and you ignore the
the result to your roll. concentration portion of the spell. You must finish a long rest
before you can do so again.
Prime Elemental Shield
• Flaming Bravery: investiture of flame
At 7th level, you gain the ability to tap into your prime • Stoic Chill: investiture of ice
element for a defensive boost. You can use your reaction to • Unrelenting Storm: investiture of wind
produce one the following effects, depending on the prime • Putrid Corrosion: investiture of stone
element you’ve chosen.
Flaming Bravery. If a creature successfully grapples
you, you can use your reaction to immediately end the
effect and deal fire damage to that creature equal to your
Combat Disciplines
Wisdom modifier. All warden are masters of combat and natural magic. Their
Stoic Chill. Immediately after a creature has strength comes from their ability to harmonize both. To do
successfully hit you with a melee attack, you can use your so, each warden focuses on a single area of combat to excel
reaction to freeze their weapon and cause them to drop it. in – and learns spellcasting techniques that best suit that area
Unrelenting Storm. Anytime a creature makes a ranged of combat. Your choice of combat discipline may define your
weapon attack against you, you can use your reaction to role as an adventurer, but as a warden you will always be
create a barrier of wind and reduce range of that attack attune to the thrum of nature.
by half. If you are now outside of maximum range of that
attack, it will automatically miss.
Putrid Corrosion. If a spell or effect would cause to be
pulled forward or pushed back, you can use your reaction
to either half that distance by creating a sticky substance
beneath you, or double that distance by creating a
slippery one.
Steve Fidler - Warden

The Weapon Master
Your focus of combat training has been on the utilization of
martial weapons to combat your foes and defend nature. By
focusing your training on weaponry, you have sharpened the
edge of your resolve and found balance between nature and

Expanded Spell List

The Weapon Master discipline allows you to choose from an
expanded list of spells with which to marry your martial
prowess and bond to nature. The following spells are added to
the warden spell list for you.

Weapon Master Expanded Spells

Spell Level Spells
1st ensnaring strike, thunderous smite
2nd flame blade, snilloc’s snowball storm
3rd elemental weapon, wall of water
4th elemental bane, stoneskin Unarmed Fighter
While learning the art of combat, you’ve decided that
Weapon Training weapons are a hindrance and only serve to block your
Your combat training has been with a variety of weapons connection to natural power. The raw connection of your fists
suited to your style. is the only extension of combat you feel truly allows you to
You gain proficiency in all martial weapons and shields. freely wield your affinity to nature.

Strength of the Elements Expanded Spell List

Starting at 6th level, when you hit a creature with a weapon The Unarmed Fighting discipline allows you to choose from an
attack, you can use your Natural Power feature by expending expanded list of spells that are only made possible by your
a spell slot instead of a power die. You roll your power die a disarmament. The following spells are added to the warden
number of times equal to the level of the spell slot spent. spell list for you.

Element Shielding Aura Unarmed Fighting Expanded Spells

Starting at 10th level, if you or an ally you can see within 30 Spell Level Spells
feet take Fire, Cold, Lightning, or Acid damage, you can 1st absorb elements, bane
spend your reaction to reduce the damage to that creature by 2nd earthbind, maximilian’s earthen grasp
half. 3rd wind wall, haste
4th fire shield, storm sphere
Nature’s Fury
At 14th level, your mastery of combat has enabled you to tap Pugilist
into your elemental affinity to hasten you strikes. Foregoing all need for weapons, you’ve focused your training
When you make a weapon attack against a creature, you on turning your fists into a force of nature. You gain the
can expend a power die to make a bonus action attack. If this following benefits:
attack uses your Strength modifier, you add the result of the • You can roll a d4 in place of the normal damage of
power die to the damage of this attack. If this attack uses your unarmed strike. This die changes as you gain
your Dexterity modifier, you instead add the result to the warden levels, as shown in the Power Die column of
attack roll. the Warden table.
• You use Wisdom instead of Strength for the attack
and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes.
• Whenever you use the Attack action with an
unarmed strike on your turn, you can make one
unarmed strike as a bonus action.
You can still use the Natural Power feature to improve your
unarmed strikes with power dice.

Burst of Power
Starting at 6th level, your patience has allowed you to
enhance the boons granted to you by nature.
Whenever you use the Natural Power feature to augment
the damage of an unarmed strike, you can roll the power die
an additional time and add its result to the damage.

Elemental Stance
Beginning at 10th level, your blend of hand to hand and
elements has extended your martial ability.
When taking the Attack action with both hands free, your
reach increases by 5 feet.

Steve Fidler - Warden

Form of Nature You may not use the Natural Power feature to improve these
Starting at 14th level, the elements coursing through you can spells, and you may not cast these spells using normal spell
be expelled as an explosive burst. As an action, you can gain slots as they are not considered spells known.
one of the following benefits for 1 minute:
Primal Dance
• Your feet become covered in flame and your Beginning at 6th level, you’ve joined your spellcasting with
movement becomes doubled. your movement to create a fluid blend of both.
Whenever a hostile creature enters your reach, you can use
• Your fists harden and your unarmed strikes deal your reaction to immediately cast a spell at that creature. The
additional bludgeoning damage equal to your spell must have a casting time of 1 action and must only
proficiency bonus. target that creature.
In addition, you may take the Disengage action as a bonus
• You feel the wind at your back. You will not action.
automatically fall if your feet leave the ground. While
floating this way, you can move horizontally or
descend but not ascend. At the end of the duration if
you are not on the ground you will begin falling.
Double Rainbow
Features that reference your Prime Element were
designed with one element in mind. This feature allows a
• Water swirls around your body and creates a
second option. I have clarified the interaction for each
protective shell. All ranged attacks treat you as
option below:
though you are behind half cover.
Prime Elemental Shield. You can use your reaction if
• A cloud of ichor taints the air around you as you
either condition is met to trigger its effect.
move. If another creature steps into a space you
Prime Elemental Burst. You can choose one (not both)
occupied since you last moved, they must
elements for each attack that can benefit from this
immediately make a Constitution saving throw
against your warden spell save DC. If they fail, they
Master of Elements. You can activate either investiture
must take 4d8 poison damage and immediately end
but may still only use this feature once per long rest.
their turn. This ichor cloud disperses when Burst of
Nature ends.

Once you’ve used this feature, you can’t do so again until

you finish a long rest.

Primal Focus
Your elemental affinity and natural power has been so strong
since it manifested that you’ve dedicated yourself entirely to
your innate abilities. Compared to other wardens, your ability
to command spells is unmatched.

Expanded Spell List

The Primal Focus discipline allows you to choose from an
expanded list of spells that you’ve been able to master where
no other warden could. While every warden can command
spells based on the elements, you have learned to branch out
into more arcane arts.

Primal Focus Expanded Spells

Spell Level Spells
1st faerie fire, tasha’s hideous laughter
2nd blur, moonbeam
3rd blink, daylight
4th freedom of movement, polymorph

Natural Weapon
Your ability to harness magic has allowed you the benefit of
being able to focus your potential into your weapon.
You gain the shillelagh druid cantrip.

Innate Potential
Also, your proficiency in spellcasting manifests itself earlier
than other wardens, but you must tap into your pool of
natural power to harness it effectively.
You may cast one of the following spells, as a 1st-level spell
by expending a power die: burning hands, earth tremor, ice
knife, or thunderwave. Your spellcasting ability for these
spells is what is described in the Power Magic class feature
gained at 2nd level.

Steve Fidler - Warden

Natural Defense Warden Spell List
At 10th level, your experience with spell craft has allowed you
to predict the patterns of area of effect spells. You may use 1st Level 4th Level
your Wisdom saving throw in place of Dexterity when a spell Burning Hands Control Water
or effect allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take Chromatic Orb Grasping Vine
only half damage. You instead take no damage if you succeed Color Spray Hallucinatory Terrain
on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail. Detect Magic Stone Shape
Earth Tremor Vitriolic Sphere
Duplicity Entangle Wall of Fire
Starting at 14th level, your spell mastery has extended to Goodberry Watery Sphere
your Prime Element and granted you proficiency with a Ice Knife
second element. Searing Smite
You may choose a second element as described in the Prime Thunderwave
Element class feature. You gain the benefits of having both
elements and any features that produce an effect based on 2nd Level 5th Level
the element you’ve chosen allow you access to either benefit Aganazzar’s Scorcher Cloudkill
but any limitations still apply. You may not choose the same Continual Flame Cone of Cold
element more than once. Dust Devil Control Winds
Heat Metal Flame Strike
Warden & Multiclassing Levitate Immolation
Pyrotechnics Maelstrom
Wardens follow all the normal rules for multiclassing. The Scorching Ray Wall of Stone
following tables function as additions to those listed on page Spike Growth
163 and 164 of the Player’s Handbook. Warding Wind

Multiclassing Prerequisites 3rd Level

Class Ability Score Minimum Call Lightning
Warden Strength or Dexterity 13, and Wisdom 13 Create Food and Water
Multiclassing Proficiencies Erupting Earth
Class Proficiencies Gained Fireball
Warden Medium armor, nature and survival skills Lightning Bolt
Melf’s Minute Meteors
Sleet Storm
Tidal Wave
Wall of Sand

Warden Class by

Special Thanks to
Leuku for constantly answering my calls for help and offering
the best mechanical and balance advice for 5E Homebrew

r/UnearthedArcana for giving 5E Homebrewers a platform to

share ideas and our work with each other.

Design Notes
It is easy to stay within the confines of the standard class
models. A full caster here, a martial quartercaster
archetype there, all straight-forward.
A goal of mine has been to begin defining class types
that don’t already exist in the existing D&D 5E model. The
Warden was born of a desire to create a half-Pact Magic
caster based on the Warlock model. Limited, short rest
recoverable spell slots and invocations. By tying this to a
martial class, the effect of further limiting the Pact-Magic
caster is lessened and new options are made available.
This is my third attempt at a half-Pact Magic caster. The
first being a Divine warlock reskin, the second being an
alignment based class. But each fell flat. When I decided
to do something elemental, this Warden (originally known
as the Sourcebound) was born.

I hope you enjoy. Thank you!

Steve Fidler - Warden

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