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Gujarat University Practical Examination December 2017 B.C.A. Semester - I Subject: CC-107 PC Software Set No: 6 Univ. Seat No

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Gujarat University Practical Examination December 2017

B.C.A. Semester – I
Subject : CC-107 PC Software
Set No: 6 Univ. seat No:

1. Create a sheet having following fields.

Rollno, Name, PCS, CFDP, AM, ACCOUNTS, Total, Percentage, Grade.

a. Enter ten valid records.

b. Calculate Total and Percentage using formula. (Marks out of 100)
c. There are four grades. A = greater than 80%
B = between 60% and 80%
C = between 35% and 60%
D = less than 35%
d. Sort the records in Descending order of percentage.
e. Use conditional formatting to display different colors for different grade.

2 Create the following document in WORD

UNIX system is a time sharing, multitasking system. It is a modular integrated set of software that resides on and
coordinates a computer system researches. The UNIX system serves as the interactive interface between you and
a computer.
Multitasking capabilities: More than one tasks at a time a performed simultaneously.
Multitasking capabilities: A multiuser system permits several users to use the same computer simultaneously.
Portability: Unix system is a portable which supports installation of a new computer by modifying the system
There are two types of tools:
 Integral utilities:- provide such assistance to the operating system that they are absolute necessary for the
practical operation of a computer with UNIX

 Tools:- Electronic filing cabinet system, word processing, e-mail.

Gujarat University Practical Examination December 2017
B.C.A. Semester – I
Subject : CC-107 PC Software
Set No: 6 Univ. seat No:

Q. 2.
1. Prepare a sheet as shown in the following table and Prepare a Production chart
( Column chart) for the given data. Follow the following criteria:

1. Find Total production, average production and Remaining stock using Functions-Formulas.
2. In Chart take Y-axe as Production unit with range 0,2000,4000,….20000
And X-axe as year information a s2006, 2007….,Total, Average
3. Give Appropriate Titles like Chart title, Axes titles ….
Place legend at the bottom part of chart area
4. Decorate all the titles in chart as per your desires. Essentially display all with the font colour other than


2006 2007 2008 2009 Total Average

10000 12000 15000 11000

Sales 7000 9000 9900 7500
Wastage 2000 1500 2000 1900

2 Create a PowerPoint Slide show on Capital of Gujarat.

Create at least 3 slides and use different layouts. Insert appropriate information, images, graph, shapes,
background, chart as applicable.
Give On Click triggering the animation on the first slide.
Use animation to each object of slide.
Use design templates and color schemes also.
Gujarat University Practical Examination December 2017
B.C.A. Semester – I
Subject : CC-107 PC Software
Set No: 6 Univ. seat No:
1 Create a sheet as below.

Salesman Name Product Category Quantity Rate Sale Amount

Code Code Name

S001 Hardik S 100 450

S002 James C 20 500
S003 Thomus H 50 4000
S004 Mihir C 40 6500
S005 James C 80 3500
S006 Stephen H 60 6500
S007 Joy C 100 7000
S008 James S 50 5000
S009 Hardik H 20 20000
Total Sales Amount

Prepare a worksheet shown as shown in the following table:

1. Find Sale amount and Total sales amount using formula.

2. Specify Sale amount > 300000 in Bold-Italic .
3. Insert the item code S001….S009 without typing all or using copy-paste (Generate Series).
4. Find total sale amount-Product Code wise(subtotals), and Specify it in blue color.
5. List the records as per criteria given below:
1. List all having quantity less than 80
2. Sales amount greater than 40,000
6. Fill up the column Category Name with S=Surgery, C=Computer and H=House Hold (S/C/H in Product Code)
(Use IF Function).

2 Write an invitation to invite your friends (minimum 10) in your brother’s marriage using mail merge.
Mention header-footer, picture and date and time in your all letters.
Gujarat University Practical Examination December 2017
B.C.A. Semester – I
Subject : CC-107 PC Software
Set No: 6 Univ. seat No:

1: Create an Excel sheet as below:

Movie Name Banner Media Language Issue_Date Return_date Fine @ Rs. 5
Taj Mahal BMB CD 12/03/09 22/03/09
Titanic TECH DVD 12/03/09 17/03/09
The Mask TECH DVD 12/03/09 15/03/09
Dus BMB CD 14/03/09 19/03/09
Bluff Master BMB DVD 15/03/09 23/03/09
Dada Ho Deekri PURV CD 16/03/09 24/03/09

Perform the following:

1. Use data validation so that the date entered in Issue_date is not greater the Today’s date.
2. In column Language display “Hindi” if the Banner is BMB, “English” if the banner is TECH and
“Gujarati” if the banner is PURV.
3. The CD/DVD’s are issued maximum for 5 days without fine. Calculate fine using proper mathematical
4. Use Advanced filter to get all those records where the banner is BMB and fine is null.
5. Using VLOOKUP get the fine of the Movie “Bluff Master”.

2 Create a PowerPoint Slide show on Indian Air Force.

Create at least 4 slides using different layouts. Insert appropriate information, images, graph, shapes,
background, chart as applicable.
Give different Rehearse Timing to each slide.
Give different animation to each object of the slide.
Gujarat University Practical Examination December 2017
B.C.A. Semester – I
Subject : CC-107 PC Software
Set No: 6 Univ. seat No:

1: Create an Excel sheet as below:

Vehicle Name Model No. Date of Cost of Vehicle Cost of Spare Total
Launch (RS) parts (%) Cost
Scooty Pep 12/04/04 23000 12 %
Splender Sx 12/01/06 45000 9%
Maruti Zen 01/03/00 330000 15 %
Maruti 800 02/04/88 250000 11 %
Kinetic Flyte 14/02/08 41000 4%
Splender plus 23/08/01 550000 7%

Perform the following:

1. Use data validation so that the date entered in Date of Launch is not greater today’s date.
2. Calculate Total Cost using proper mathematical function.
3. Using Advanced filter get all the records where the Vehicle name is Maruti and Cost is greater than
3.00.000 Rs.
4. Using Subtotals find the total cost of each Vehicle Type (Maruti, Splender, Scooty and Kinetic)
5. Using HLOOKUP find the Total cost of Kinetic

2 Type the following text in the word document

U se this procedure to make choices about the table dimensions and format before the table is inserted
into a document.

1. Click where you want to create a table.

2. On the Table menu, point to Insert, and then click Table.

3. Under Table size, select the number of columns and rows.

4. Under AutoFit behavior, choose options to adjust table size.

5. To use a built-in table format, click AutoFormat.

Gujarat University Practical Examination December 2017
B.C.A. Semester – I
Subject : CC-107 PC Software
Set No: 6 Univ. seat No:

1: Create an Excel Sheet as below

J1 Jan Kalyan 30 2000000 1/3/2000
J2 Jeevan Bharti 35 3500000 2/5/2009
J3 Jeevan Suraksha 10 150000 21/1/1990
J4 Komal Jeevan 5 1000000 18/1/2005
J5 Jeevan Surbhi 10 3000000 1/2/2007
J6 Jeevan Anand 30 2800000 15/1/2006

Perform the following:

1) Use Data validation so that the SCHEME_LAUNCH_DATE entered is not greater than today’s date.
2) Sort the above data based on the SCHEME_LAUNCH_DATE.
3) Using advance filter get all those records where MAXIMUM_AMT is greater than 10 lakh rupees.
4) Calculate the age of the scheme in new column F.
5) Using HLOOKUP find the MAXIMUM_AMT of scheme No J6.

2 You have already studied about the advanced features of Ms Excel. Prepare a presentation that lists and
explains these features. The presentation should be made in such way that content should appear only when user
presses a mouse or key.

The presentation should contain following slides.

I Goal Seek
II Scenario Manager
III Data Table
Include features such as clipart, animation, header – footer & timing should also associated with each slide
Gujarat University Practical Examination December 2017
B.C.A. Semester – I
Subject : CC-107 PC Software
Set No: 6 Univ. seat No:

1: Create an Excel Sheet as below

Unit of Order
Product_Name Measurement Rate Quantity Date_Of_Order Stock_Quantity
Screw Kg 2 200 1/3/2009 500
Tester Piece 40 20 2/5/2009 40
Wire Meter 15 550 21/1/2010 600
Screw_Driver Piece 20 40 18/1/2008 40
Bolt Kg 3 200 1/2/2010 500

Perform the following:

1. Use Data validation so that the Order Quantity is greater than 5.

2. In column G calculate the Total amount (Rate * Order Qty) using proper function.
3. In column H calculate the remaining stock on hand. (stock Qty-Order Qty)
4. Using advanced Filter display all the records where unit of measurement is Kg and Order Quantity is
greater than 50.
5. Draw an appropriate chart to show the products and their stock.

Gujarat University Practical Examination December 2017
B.C.A. Semester – I
Subject : CC-107 PC Software
Set No: 6 Univ. seat No:

1: Create an Excel Sheet as below

Emp_Name Designation Salary Leave_Starting_date Leave_Type No_Of_Leaves
Sachin Manager 12000 1/3/2009 CL 5
Dravid President 15000 2/1/2009 CL 3
Saurav Salesman 10000 21/1/2010 LWP 8
Dhoni Manager 12000 18/1/2009 CL 4
Rohit Salesman 10000 1/2/2010 LWP 5
Perform the following:

1. Use Data validation so that the Leave type should be only CL or LWP.
2. Deduct Rs 200 per day for all LWP leaves and display the new salary in column G..
3. Using advanced Filter display all the records of employees getting maximum salary for each department.
4. Using proper date & time function calculate the leave ending date in column H (Leave starting date +
No.of leaves).
5. Using VLOOKUP find the leaves of Saurav.

.2 Prepare a PowerPoint Presentation on Selling a Product or Service from Sales and Marketing using
AutoContent Wizard.

Create at least 6 slides.

Ensure that there is proper Footer with date and slide number.
Insert appropriate information, images, Pyramid Diagram, Circle Diagram, Charts of Sales etc..
During the Slide show use pointer option: highlighter.
Gujarat University Practical Examination December 2017
B.C.A. Semester – I
Subject : CC-107 PC Software
Set No: 6 Univ. seat No:

1: Create an Excel Sheet as below

Doctor_Name Specialization Date_Of_Joining Gender Birth_date
Mohan Pathak Orthopedic 1/3/2008 Male 1/3/1978
Sohan Mohata Dentist 2/1/2009 Male 21/1/1975
Neelam Patel Orthopedic 21/1/2007 Female 15/5/1960
Kapil Kapoor Pediatrician 18/1/2005 Male 8/6/1975
Anju Srivastav Gynecologist 1/2/2008 Female 1/2/1968

Perform the following:

1. Use Data validation so that the Birth Date should not be greater than 1/1/2000.
2. Sort the Doctor’s alphabetically.
3. Using advance filter display the records of all doctors’s who were born after 1975.
4. Find the doctors who is a male and also who is Orthopedic doctor.
5. Calculate Age of all doctor’s using proper function.

2 Do the following in WORD

Gujarat University Practical Examination December 2017
B.C.A. Semester – I
Subject : CC-107 PC Software
Set No: 6 Univ. seat No:
Q 10
1: Create an Excel Sheet as below:

No of No of Booked Booked
End Ac General Ac General Reservation
Train_Name Start Point Point Seats Seats Seats Seats Date
Gujarat Mail Ahmedabad Mumbai 200 500 180 480 1/1/2009
Rajdhani Mumbai Kota 400 80 395 80 1/3/2010
Exp Ahmedabad Mumbai 500 50 500 50 24/3/2009
Exp Ahmedabad Chennai 150 480 100 480 24/3/2008
Ashram Exp Ahmedabad Delhi 225 420 225 420 24/3/2008

Perform the following:

1. Use Data validation so that the total number of booked AC seats should not be greater than total No of
Ac Seats.
2. Find the trains whose destination is Mumbai.(Using Filter)
3. Calculate the remaining seats for reservation of general category in Column I.
4. Find total seats booked on 24/03/2008
5. Draw the chart showing trains and their total booked seats.

2. Prepare a presentation on PowerPoint.

Prepare at least 4 slides that contains like its features, functionalities etc. The presentation should be made
in such a way that the contents should appear only when user presses a key or the mouse button. It should
be animated in proper manner and also apply the highlight feature of power point. Timing should also
associated with each slide
Gujarat University Practical Examination December 2017
B.C.A. Semester – I
Subject : CC-107 PC Software
Set No: 6 Univ. seat No:

Q.11 A) Create an Excel sheet as below:

Book no.Book name Date of Purchase Publication Field Cost

S01 C programming 01/02/00 BPB Computers 150
S02 SWOT analysis 01/01/00 Tata Mc Graw Management 1350
S03 Access in a day 01/01/01 Prentice hall Computers 1250
S04 A book on trading 09/01/04 Tata Mc Graw Commerce 275
S05 System design 05/01/00 Prentice hall Computers 900
S06 Business techniques09/02/02 BPB Management 160
Perform the following:
i. Display “Expensive” if the cost is m0re than 1000, “Reasonable” if the cost is between 500 to
1000 otherwise display “Cheap”
ii. Using advanced filter get all those records where the Publication is either BPB or Prentice hall,
the field is Computers and the price is less than 500.
iii. Using subtotals find the total cost of books purchased from each publication.

B) Create a power point presentation on the first year courses in BCA :

(a) All the slides should have common design
(b) Write speaker note for each slide
(c) For each new slide transition there should be sound effect
(d) Add a picture and show animation effects on it.
Gujarat University Practical Examination December 2017
B.C.A. Semester – I
Subject : CC-107 PC Software
Set No: 6 Univ. seat No:

Q.12 A) Create an Excel sheet as below:

Vehicle Model No. Date of Cost of Cost of Spare parts Total

Name Launch Vehicle (%) Cost

Scooty Pep 12/04/04 23000 12 %

Splender Sx 12/01/06 45000 9%
Maruti-Zen LXi 01/03/00 330000 15 %
Maruti-800 DX 02/04/88 250000 11 %
Kinetic Flyte 14/02/08 41000 4%
Santro Zing 23/08/01 450000 7%
Perform the following: Perform the following:
i. Use data validation so that the amount entered in Cost is not greater the 5,00,000.
ii. Calculate Total Cost using proper mathematical function.
iii. Using advanced filter get all the records where the Cost is less the 50000 and Cost of spare parts
is less than 10%.
iv. Find out which of the above vehicles is the oldest.

B) Create a presentation on your sports interest :

(a) All the slides should have proper heading and should have slide notes
(b) There should be sound effect while moving from one slide to another slide

(c) Add a video to at least one slide which can be run in play full screen option
Gujarat University Practical Examination December 2017
B.C.A. Semester – I
Subject : CC-107 PC Software
Set No: 6 Univ. seat No:

Q.13 A) Create an Excel sheet as below:

Staff no. Staff name Date of birth Date of Joining Salary

S01 Rahul 05/05/80 01/02/00 15000

S02 Preeti 09/08/85 01/01/05 10000

S03 Ankush 20/01/82 01/01/01 15000

S04 Swati 09/01/05 09/01/04 17500

S05 Sneha 01/01/04 05/01/00 12500

S06 Anish 03/04/02 09/02/02 10600

Perform the following:

I. Find how long the staff has been working in the company.
II. Display “Old” if the number of years of working is more than 5, “OK” if the number of years
of working is between 2-5 otherwise display “new comers””
III. Using advanced filter get all those records where the name starts with A or S and the salary
is more than 15000.
IV. Using VLOOKUP get the salary of the staff whose number is S02.
V. Create a bar chart showing the name and number of years a staff has worked.

B) Create a batch file which does the following operations:

i. Check for the contents in the directories and sub directories of the current directory
page wise in a tree manner.
ii. Make all the files read only.
iii. Check the system date and time.
Gujarat University Practical Examination December 2017
B.C.A. Semester – I
Subject : CC-107 PC Software
Set No: 6 Univ. seat No:

Q.14 A) Create an Excel sheet as below:

Fno. Name Department Post Joining Date Salary
F101 Arun Computers Lecturer 01/01/00 18,500
F102 Shreya Management Professor 09/05/02 25,500
F103 Swati Commerce Lecturer 01/07/01 17,500
F104 Vinay Computer Asst. Lecturer 25/09/02 15,000

Perform the following:

i. Find the maximum, minimum, average and total salary drawn by the faculties.
ii. In a column H display “overpaid” if the salary is more than 20000, “Ok” if the salary is between
10000 and 20000, and “underpaid” if the salary is less than 10000.
iii. Draw an appropriate chart to show faculty name and Salary.

B) Create the following structure and perform the following :

(directories are in capital, files are in small letters)



bbc.doc abc.txt
i. Come to the root directory.
ii. Using a single command make DOS your current working directory.
iii. From DOS copy all files the where the first character of the primary name can be anything
but the remaining two characters are ‘bca’ and the secondary name is .doc to the HTML
iv. Display and change the system time.
Gujarat University Practical Examination December 2017
B.C.A. Semester – I
Subject : CC-107 PC Software
Set No: 6 Univ. seat No:
Q.15 A) Create an Excel sheet as below:


Sno. It. Name Company Date of Price per Item
I101 Blocks Leo 01/01/00 225

I102 Edu. Games Fisher Price 09/05/02 450

I103 Soft toys Fisher Price 01/07/01 350

I104 Travel Game Creative 25/09/02 125


Perform the following:

i. Find out how many days till today from the day it was manufactured.
ii. Find the maximum, minimum, average and total price of all the toys.
iii. Use an appropriate function to find the total number of items from Fisher Price
iv. Use subtotals to find the total price of each company (company wise)
v. Use advanced filter to get records where the company is fisher price and the price is more
than 400.

B) Perform the following in MS-Word.

Using mail merger create a letter to invite your friends on your brother marriage ceremony.
Insert at least 10 records in a database & invite only those friends who are in Ahmedabad
city. Also insert a date which should be change with system date whenever you open that
Gujarat University Practical Examination December 2017
B.C.A. Semester – I
Subject : CC-107 PC Software
Set No: 6 Univ. seat No:

Q.16 A) Create an Excel sheet as below:

Emp_Name Designation Salary e Leave_Type No_Of_Leaves

Sachin Manager 12000 1/3/2008 CL 5

Dravid President 15000 2/1/2008 CL 3

Saurav Salesman 10000 21/1/2008 LWP 8

Dhoni Manager 12000 18/1/2008 CL 4

Rohit Salesman 10000 1/2/2008 LWP 5

Perform the following:

i. Use Data validation so that the Leave type should be only CL or LWP.
ii. Deduct Rs 200 per day for all LWP leaves and display the new salary in column G..
iii. Using advanced Filter display all the records of employees getting maximum salary for each
iv. Using proper date & time function calculate the leave ending date in column H (Leave
starting date + No.of leaves).
B) Create a power point on the area of your reading interest (at least 5 slides)
(a) All slides should have a picture inserted into it
(b) Use different customized animation effect on pictures
(c) Write speaker notes for each slide
(d) Add a sample video to at least one slide which can be run in full screen
Gujarat University Practical Examination December 2017
B.C.A. Semester – I
Subject : CC-107 PC Software
Set No: 6 Univ. seat No:

Q.17 A) Create an Excel sheet as below:

Product_Nam Unit of Rat Order Date_Of_Orde

e Measurement e Quantity r Stock_Quantity

Screw Kg 2 200 1/3/2008 500

Tester Piece 40 20 2/5/2008 40

Wire Meter 15 550 21/1/2008 600

Screw_Driver Piece 20 40 18/1/2008 40

Bolt Kg 3 200 1/2/2008 500

Perform the following:

i. Use Data validation so that the Rate entered cannot be negative.

ii. In column G calculate the Total amount (Rate * Order Qty) using proper function.
iii. Using Filter display the records of the product of whose order is yet to be placed.
iv. Using subtotal find the total amount for each corresponding Unit of product (Kg, Piece
and Meter).
v. Draw an appropriate chart to show the products and their stock.
B) Create a PowerPoint presentation on “save water”. Create at least five to six slides
with appropriate effects, animation & design. Insert hyperlink wherever applicable.
Gujarat University Practical Examination December 2017
B.C.A. Semester – I
Subject : CC-107 PC Software
Set No: 6 Univ. seat No:

Q.18 A) Create an Excel sheet as below:

Employee Employee Gender Date Of Birth Department Salary

First name Last name

Amit Rajulla Male 10-june-77 Sales 25000

Shyam Vyas Male 25-0ct-66 Purchase 16500
Mona Singh Female 30-dec-75 Sales 17000
Saloni Rajput Female 12-jan-81 Production 15000
Soham Shah Male 23-aug-79 Purchase 20000
Aditi Vora Female 04-march-85 Sales 12000

Perform the following:

i. Use conditional formatting so that the salary is greater than 20000 than color it red.
ii. Using advanced filter get all the records where the Gender is “Male”.
iii. Draw a bar chart show the name of employees and their salary.
B) Create the following structure in DOS:
(Names in capital letters indicates Directory and small letters indicate files)

a) Make PERSONAL your current working directory using a single command.

b) Copy all files from MY where primary name starts with ‘a’ and secondary name is .doc to the
current working directory using a single command.
c) Remaining in PERSONAL remove MY from the tree structure.
Gujarat University Practical Examination December 2017
B.C.A. Semester – I
Subject : CC-107 PC Software
Set No: 6 Univ. seat No:

Q.19 A) Create an Excel sheet as below:

Media Fine @
Movie Name Banner Type Language Issue_Date Return_date Rs. 5

Taj Mahal BMB CD 12/03/08 22/03/08

Titanic TECH DVD 12/03/08 17/03/08

The Mask TECH DVD 12/03/08 15/03/08

Dus BMB CD 14/03/08 19/03/08

Bluff Master BMB DVD 15/03/08 23/03/08

Dada Ho
Deekri PURV CD 16/03/08 24/03/08
Perform the following:

i. In column Language display “Hindi” if the Banner is BMB, “English” if the banner is TECH
and “Gujarati” if the banner is PURV.
ii. The CD/DVD’s are issued maximum for 5 days without fine. Calculate fine using proper
mathematical function.
iii. Format all records of Hindi film to Red & Bold, English films to Blue & Bold and Gujarati films
to Green & Bold & Italic.
B) Create a power point presentation of any “festival” with animation, custom animation, slide
transition effects also set the time, date and slide no. of that presentation.(min 10 slides)
Gujarat University Practical Examination December 2017
B.C.A. Semester – I
Subject : CC-107 PC Software
Set No: 6 Univ. seat No:

Q.20 A) Create an Excel sheet as below:

Doctor_Name Specialization Date_Of_Joining Gender Birth_date
Mohan Pathak Orthopedic 1/3/2008 Male 1/3/1978
Sohan Mohata Dentist 2/1/2008 Male 21/1/1975
Neelam Patel Orthopedic 21/1/2008 Female 15/5/1960
Kapil Kapoor Pediatrician 18/1/2008 Male 8/6/1975
Anju Srivastav Gynecologist 1/2/2008 Female 1/2/1968

i. Use Data validation so that the Gender should be only Male or Female.
ii. Sort the records according to their specialization
iii. Using advance filter display the records of all the doctor’s who were born before 1975.
iv. Find the doctors recruited in January 2008.
v. Calculate Age of all the doctor’s using proper function
B) Create a batch file for the following.
i. Show date
ii. Create directory with name “fybca”.
iii. In “fybca” directory create one more directory with name “clang”.
iv. Create file “aaa.txt”
v. List all the file with the name “a”.
vi. Change the prompt with your name.

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