School-Based Report On Incidents of Bullying SY 2020-2021
School-Based Report On Incidents of Bullying SY 2020-2021
School-Based Report On Incidents of Bullying SY 2020-2021
SY 2020-2021
Note: Bullying is perpetrated by a student against another student which may be:
Physical- unwanted physical contact (punching, shoving, pushing, kicking, slapping, tickling, headlocks etc.)
Social- refers to any deliberate, repetitive, aggressive social behaviour intended to hurt or belittle an individual (name-calling, cursing, labelling, etc.)
Gender-based- refers to any act that humiliates or excludes a person on the basis of perceived or actual sexual orientation and gender identity
Cyber Bullying- any bullying done through the use of technology or any electronic means (texting, email, chatting, online games etc.)
Note: Child abuse refers to the maltreatment of a child, whether habitual or not, which includes any of the following:
Physical- refers to acts that inflict bodily harm and which subject s children to perform tasks which are hazardous to their physical well-being;
Sexual- refers to acts that are sexual in nature such as rape, sexual harassment, sexually demeaning remarks. forcing children to watch obscene publications or shows
etc.; and
Psychological- refers to acts or omissions causing or likely to cause mental or emotional suffering to the child which include intimidation, harassment, stalking, public
ridicule, threat of deduction from grade or merit as a form of punishment, and repeated verbal abuse.
Relationship to the victim refers to relatives (father, mother, cousin etc.) or school personnel (teachers and non-teaching staff)
No amicable settlement for any acts of child abuse
B. Description of any intervention program or diversion program that the school initiated or adopted which facilitated the reintegration of the CICL in the school and
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Designation School Head
School: _______________________
Period Covered: ________________
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Designation School Head