of Sedimentary Basins - Notes
of Sedimentary Basins - Notes
of Sedimentary Basins - Notes
1.1 The official definition of a sedimentary basin is: a low area in the Earth’s
crust, of tectonic origin, in which sediments accumulate. Sedimentary basins
range in size from as small as hundreds of meters to large parts of ocean basins.
The essential element of the concept is tectonic creation of relief, to provide both
a source of sediment and a relatively low place for the deposition of that
1.2 Keep in mind that a sedimentary basin doesn’t have to be a place on the
Earth’s surface with strictly basinal shape, with closed contours, like a washbowl:
great masses of sediment can be deposited on a surface with a gentle and
uniform slope. But implicit in the concept of a sedimentary basin is the existence
of prolonged crustal subsidence, to make a place for a thick deposit of sediment
that might well have been deposited in an area without basinal geometry at the
surface. Tectonics is needed to make sedimentary basins, but the record of the
basin itself is sedimentary.
1.3 As with most blanket statements, the one above has exceptions to it. A
sedimentary basin can be made just by erecting high land in an adjacent area by
• 1.4 The term “sedimentary basin” is usually not applied to relatively thin and
very extensive deposits of sandstone, limestone, and shale from
epicontinental seas on the cratons, many of which have seen no
deformation through billions of years, but only to relatively thick deposits in
tectonically active areas with negative relief. (But intracratonic basins are
the exception in this regard.)
• 2.2 In fact, tectonics affects climate itself, by way of effects as broad as the
distribution of oceans and continents, and as local as rain shielding by local
mountain ranges. And sedimentation itself affects tectonics, although to a
much lesser extent, mainly by increasing the lithospheric loading in the
• 2.3 The other side of the coin is that by far the best way of telling
paleotectonics is by the sedimentary record in sedimentary basins. The
disposition of sediment types, sediment thicknesses, and paleocurrents in a
basin gives evidence of the existence and location of elevated areas of the
crust created by tectonism.
• 3.1 Here are some important questions you might ask about a given
sedimentary basin:
– What was the size and shape of the basin, and how did these change
as the basin was filled?
– Is (was) the basin floored by continental crust or oceanic crust?
– What were the kinds and proportions of sediments that filled the basin?
– What were the sources of the sediment, and by what pathways was it
transported to the depositional sites?
– What was the history of filling of the basin?
– How can the original geometry of the basin be distinguished from
subsequent deformation of the basin?
– What was the overall tectonic setting of the basin?
• 4.1 The only basins that are preserved in their entirety are those that lie
entirely in the subsurface! Basins exposed at the surface are undergoing
destruc-tion and loss of record by erosion. So there’s an ironic tradeoff
between having more complete preservation in the subsurface but less
satisfactory observations.
• 4.2 How do you gather data on sedimentary basins? There aren’t many
ways, really: surface mapping; cores; and subsurface geophysics, mainly
seismic profiling.
• 4.3 What kinds of things can you do with the data, to help you answer some
of the questions posed above? Here’s a list of some the fairly standard
things you can do. These range from very descriptive to very interpretive. It
makes sense to do the descriptive things first and then work toward the
more interpretive.
– master cross sections: with the present land surface as the most
natural datum, construct several detailed physical cross sections
through the basin to show its geometry and sediment fill.
– stratigraphic sections: construct a graph, with time along the vertical
axis, showing the time correlations of all the major rock units along
some generalized traverse across the basin. Such a section includes
hiatuses, during which there was nondeposition or erosion.
– isopach maps: with some distinctive stratigraphic horizon near the top
of the section as datum, draw a contour map showing isopachs
(isopachs are loci of equal total sediment thickness) in the basin.
– lithofacies maps: for one or a series of times, draw a map showing
distri-bution of sediment types being deposited at that time.
• ratio maps: compute things like sand/shale ratio, integrated over the entire
section or restricted to some time interval, and plot a contour map of the
• paleocurrent maps: for one or a series of times, draw a map showing the
direction of paleocurrents in the basin at that time (see below for more
• grain-size maps: for the entire basin fill, averaged vertically, or for some
stratigraphic interval or time interval, draw a map that shows the areal
distribution of sediment grain size. This is especially useful for conglom-
eratic basins.
• 5.4 The paleocurrent measurements you take from dipping beds are no
good in themselves: what you need to do is “undeform” the strata by
rotating them back to horizontal, taking your paleocurrent measurements
with them. That’s straightforward (using a stereonet by hand, or a computer
program)provided that the strata are not strongly deformed. But the greater
the deformation, the more uncertain is the exact way you should be
undeforming the strata.
• 6.1 Introduction
• 6.1.1 In one sense, the origin of sedimentary basins boils down to the
question of how relief on the Earth is created. Basically, there are only a few
ways, described in the following sections.
• 6.2 Local
• 6.2.1 On a small scale, hundreds to thousands of meters laterally, fault
movements can create relief of hundreds to thousands of meters, resulting
in small but often deep basins (some of these are called intermontane
basins; think about places like Death Valley). You might guess that it takes
dip-slip fault movements to create new relief, but that’s not true: steps (in
the proper sense) along strike-slip faults can produce small pull-apart
basins; more on them later. Relief of this kind is on such a small scale that
it tends not to be isostatically compensated. It’s like setting a block of
granite out on your driveway; the flexural rigidity of your driveway is great
enough compared with the imposed load that the granite block is prevented
from finding its buoyant equilibrium position.
• 6.3 Regional
• 6.3.1 Basin relief can be created mechanically on a regional scale in two
very important ways: thermally or flexurally, or by a combination of those
two effects). Each of these is discussed briefly below. Keep in mind that
basins can also be made just by making mountain ranges, on land or in the
ocean, by volcanism.
• 6.5.1 Another important way to make basins is to park a large load on some
area of the lithosphere (Figure 11-4). The new load causes that lithosphere
to subside by isostatic adjustment. But because the lithosphere has
considerable flexural rigidity, adjacent lithosphere is bowed down also. The
region between the high-standing load and the lithosphere in the far field (in
the parlance of geophysics, that just means far away!) is thus depressed to
form a basin. This model has been very successful in accounting for the
features of foreland basins, which are formed ahead of large thrust sheets
that move out from orogenic areas onto previously undeformed cratonal
• 7.1 The concept of geosynclines was developed in the last century to deal
with the existence of thick successions of sedimentary rocks in what we
would to-day call orogenic belts. A geosyncline is large troughlike or
basinlike downwarping of the crust in which thick sedimentary and volcanic
rocks accumulated. Usually, but not always, such accumulations are
deformed during a later phase of the same geological cycle in which they
were deposited. You can see by the definition that there is a close, although
not one-to-one, correspondence between geosynclines and what we are
discussing here as sedimentary basins.
• 7.2 The geosyncline concept was developed in an effort to understand the
regularities of sedimentation in orogenic belts. Over the decades, in both
Europe and North America, the concept was elaborated to an extreme
degree, with lengthy classifications and polysyllabic terminology. The
problem was that geologists were able to recognize distinctive kinds of
sedimentary basin fills associated with orogenic belts, and characteristic
histories of subsequent deformation of those sediment fills, but no one really
knew the tectonic significance of geosynclines. The universal acceptance of
plate tectonics has provided a rational framework in which to interpret the
development and history of sedimentary basins once called geosynclines.
Plate tectonics has simply made the geosyncline concept obsolete. (I’m
mentioning it here just because it played such a large part in thinking about
tectonics and sedimentation in past times.)
• 7.3 About the only term in common use that is left over from the heyday of
geosynclines is miogeocline, for the prograding wedge of mostly shallow-
water sediment at a continental margin. The sediment thicken sharply
oceanward and pass into thinner deep-water sediments.
• 8.1.1 How might one classify sedimentary basins? Here’s a list of
some of the important criteria that could be used, ranging from more
descriptive at the top of the list to more genetic at the bottom of the
list: nature of fill more descriptive geometry paleogeography
tectonic setting more genetic
• 8.1.2 Nowadays sedimentary basins are classified by tectonic (and,
specifically, plate-tectonic) setting. That’s fairly easy to do for
modern basins, but it’s rather difficult to do for ancient basins. (By
modern basins I mean those still within their original tectonic setting;
by ancient basins I mean those now separated from their original
tectonic setting.) This emphasizes the need for good description and
characterization, even if some kind of formal descriptive
classification is not actually used.
• 8.1.3 In the following pages is a brief account of the most important
kinds of sedimentary basins.
8.2 Intracratonic Basins location and tectonic setting: in anorogenic areas
on cratons (Figure 11-5).
• tectonic and sedimentary processes: These basins have no apparent
connection with plate tectonics. They are thought to reflect very slow
thermal subsidence (for times of the order of a hundred million years) after a
heating event under the continental lithosphere. But the reasons for
depression below the original crustal level are not understood. Erosion
during the thermal uplift seems untenable, as does lithospheric stretching.
Was the lithosphere made more dense in the area under the basin? Was
the lithosphere thinned by “erosion” from beneath? Whatever the reason,
the subsequent subsidence can be modeled very well by cooling and
isostatic adjustment.
• Subsidence is so slow that there seems to have been no depression of the
up-per surface of the lithosphere, so depositional environments are mostly
the same as those in surrounding areas; the succession is just thicker.
These successions are also more complete, however—there are fewer and
smaller diastems—so at times the basin must have remained under water
while sur-rounding areas were emergent. (A diastem is a brief interruption
in sedimentation, with little or no erosion before sedimentation resumes.)
• size, shape: rounded, equidimensional, hundreds of kilometers across.
• sediment fill: shallow-water cratonal sediments (carbonates, shales,
sandstones), thicker and more complete than in adjacent areas of the
craton but still relatively thin, hundreds of meters.
• 8.3 Aulacogens location and tectonic setting: extending from the
margins toward the interiors of cratons (Figure 11-5). tectonic and
sedimentary processes: Aulacogens are thought to represent the
third, failed arm of a three-armed rift, two of whose arms continued
to open to form an ocean basin. In modern settings, aulacogens end
at the passive continental margin. An example is the Benue Trough,
underlying the Congo River Basin in West Africa. The ocean
eventually closes to form an orogenic belt, so in ancient settings
aulacogens end at an orogenic belt; an example is the basin filled by
the Pahrump Group (Proterozoic) in Nevada and California. size,
hhape: long, narrow, linear; tens of kilometers wide, many hundreds
of kilometers longsediment fill: very thick (up to several thousand
meters); coarse to fine silici-clastics, mostly coarse, minor
carbonates; mostly nonmarine, some marine; contemporaneous
folding and faulting; the succession often passes upward, with or
without major unconformity, into thinner and more widespread
shallow-marine cratonal siliciclastics and carbonates.
• 8.4 Rift Basins location and tectonic setting: within continental
lithosphere on cratons (Figure 11-5). tectonic and sedimentary
processes: Lithospheric extension on a craton, presumably by
regional sublithospheric heating, causes major rifts. Some such rifts
continue to open and eventually become ocean basins floored by
oceanic rather than continental crust; the basin description here then
applies to this earliest stage of the rifting. In other cases, the rifts fail
to open fully into ocean basins (perhaps some adjacent and parallel
rift becomes the master rift), so they remain floored by thinned
continental crust rather than new oceanic crust. (Keep in mind that
we may be doing too much lumping here.) A modern example: the
East African rift valleys. An ancient example: the Triassic–Jurassic
Connecticut and Newark basins in eastern North America. Sediment
supply from the adjacent highlands of the uplifted fault blocks is
usually abundant, although in the East African rifts the land slope is
away from the rim of the highlands, and surprisingly little sediment
reaches the rift basins. size, shape: long, narrow, linear; tens of
kilometers wide, up to a few thousand kilometers long sediment fill:
Coarse to fine siliciclastics, usually nonmarine; often lacustrine
sediments; interbedded basalts
• processes: This category of basins is transitional between intracontinental
rift basins, described above, and passive-margin basins, described below.
Basins described here have opened wide enough to begin to be floored with
oceanic crust but are still so narrow that the environment is either still
nonmarine or, if marine, has restricted circulation. Modern examples are the
Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. In the ancient, the sediment fill of such a
basin is likely to underlie passive-margin sediments deposited later in the
history of ocean opening.
• 8.11 Remnant Basins location and tectonic setting: within suture zones
formed by continent–continent collision (Figures 11-8, 11-9).
• processes: Continental margins and subduction zones are (for different
reasons, connected with geometry of rifting and geometry of subduction)
commonly irregular in plan rather than straight, so when continent–continent
collision eventually comes to pass, certain salients of continental crust
encounter the subduction zone before reentrants. With further subduction
and suturing, this creates isolated basins still floored by residual oceanic
crust, which receive abundant sediment from adjacent strongly uplifted
• size, shape: many tens to hundreds of kilometers across; irregular in
• sediment fill: very thick and highly varied, with strong lateral facies
changes; usually fluvial at the margins, commonly passing into deep-marine
sediment-gravity-flow deposits; sometimes the basin becomes sealed off
from the ocean, so that facies include lacustrine sediments.
• 8.12 Pull-Apart Basins
• location and tectonic setting: Locally along major strike-slip or transform
faults, either in continental crust or in oceanic crust (Figure 11-9).
• processes: If a strike-slip fault is stepped or curved rather than straight,
movement along it tends to produce tension, where the sense of the
curvature and movement are such that the walls of the fault are pulled apart
from one another (this kind of regime is described as transtensile), or
• where the sense of the curvature and movement are such that the walls are
pushed against one another (this kind of regime is described as trans-
pressive). In the tensional segments, gaps or basins are produced which
are filled with sediment from adjacent high crust.
• size, shape: There is a strong tendency for pull-apart basins to be
rhomboidal. They range from approximately equidimensional early in their
history to elongated later. Widths are kilometers to a few tens of kilometers,
and lengths are kilometers to many tens of kilometers. Some basins are
even smaller than this.
• sediment fill: The continental-crust basins, which are the most significant
sedimentologically, are filled by thick nonmarine to marine coarse to fine
clastics, often as alluvial fans passing into lake deposits or into deposits of
restricted marine environments. In some cases thick marine turbidites fill the
distal parts of the basin. There is usually sharp variation in facies laterally,
and the thickness of the lithologic units may be not much greater than the
lateral extent, or even less. Deposition is concurrent with elongation of the
basin, so be wary of total section thickness computed by bed-by-bed
measurements of the section.
• 9. LITERATURE 9.1 Here are some literature sources on sedimentary
basins. Some of these are textbooks or monographs, others are collections
that are outgrowths of sym-posia. I haven’t listed individual papers on the
sedimentology, stratigraphy, tectonics, or geophysics of sedimentary basins,
but you can find references to most of them in the sources listed below.
These sources thus would provide you an efficient entry into the literature
on sedimentary basins. Ballance, P.F., and Reading, H.G., 1980,
Sedimentation in Oblique-Slip Mobile Zones. International Association of
Sedimentologists, Special Publication 4, 265 p. Brenner, R.L., and
McHargue, T.R., 1988, Integrative Stratigraphy; Concepts and Applications:
Prentice Hall, 419 p. Dickinson, W.R., ed., 1974, Tectonics and
Sedimentation: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists,
Special Publication 22, 204 p. Dott, R.H., Jr., and Shaver, R.H., eds., 1974,
Modern and Ancient Geosynclinal Sedimentation: Society of Economic
Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Special Publication 19, 380 p.
• Hallam, A., 1981, Facies Interpretation and the Stratigraphic Record:
Freeman, 291 p.
• Leggett, J.K., ed., 1982, Trench–Forearc Geology; Sedimentation and
Tectonics on Modern and Ancient Active Plate Margins: Geological Society
of London, Special Publication 10, 576 p.
• Miall, A.D., 1984, Principles of Sedimentary Basin Analysis: Springer, 490 p.
• Mitchell, A.H.G., and Reading, H.G., 1986, Sedimentation and Tectonics, in
Reading, H.G., ed., Sedimentary Environments and Facies, Second Edition:
Blackwell, p. 471-519.
• Potter, P.E., and Pettijohn, F.J., 1977, Paleocurrents and Basin Analysis,
Second Edition: Springer, 425 p.