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The Forgotten Hold v1.4

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The Forgotten Hold

Background H1. Poison Needle Trap

An evil wizard has built a lair deep in the mountains in an There is a small chest on an elevated platform. Opening it
old Dwarven outpost. He spends his days creating living causes a poison dart to shoot out. The person opening the
weapons which he uses to terrify the local populace. His chest must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or else
raids, once common and feared, have all but stopped and they take 2d4 piercing damage and 4d6 poison damage.
there have been sightings of a large winged creature ȵying
about the peaks to the north where is laboratory is said to H2. Pit Trap
be. The local populace have cobbled together a reward for
There is a 10 ft. long by 5 ft. wide 20 ft. deep spike pit
whoever can bring proof of the wizard's demise and put
located in this hallway. If more than 100 pounds of
an end to whatever creatures he's built.
pressure rests on top of it the middle splits open and
dumps whoever was standing on it into the spiked pit
Adventure Hooks below. Anyone who falls in the pit takes 3d10 piercing
The Forgotten Hold is an adventure for four 5th level damage.
adventurers. The adventure can take place in any desert or
mountainous region. H3. Animated Statue Trap
A Local Legend. The characters heard tales of an old
The three statues in this hallway animate whenever
dwarven outpost in the mountains. Seeking treasure, they
someone walks by. They attempt to grapple them with a
head o΍ in search of it.
+5 bonus. If they succeed, they begin to crush the person
A Call to Arms. The characters heard of the raids on to death. Each round that a creature begins grappled by a
the local villages and have set out to stop them once and
statue, it takes 1d0 bludgeoning damage. The statues reset
for all.
24 hours after triggering.
A Purse Full of Coin. The characters heard of the
reward on the wizard's head and have decided to collect.
H4. Crushing Ceiling Trap
The Forgotten Hold The center ȵoor tile between the alcoves is a pressure
plate. If someone steps on it, the ceiling gives way and
The forgotten hold, once called Kahzdurga in the dwarvish drops on them. They have to make a DC 17 Dexterity
tongue, is now home to a variety of mechanical and arcane saving throw taking 4d10 bludgeoning damage on a failure
guardians. Traps abound, and the curving passages can be and half as much on a success.
a bit disorienting. An underground river ȵows into the
hold. Originally the dwarves used it for drinking water. The 1. Entryway
wizard, however, has harnessed it to power his arcane
Stairs lead up to a platform where two large
General Features statues stand guard outside the entrance to
this mountainside complex. The doors ahead
Ceilings. The ceilings are made of ȴnely worked stone are closed.
and rise 10 ft. above the ȵoor.
Floors and Walls. The ȵoors and walls are made of
cobbled granite worked meticulously by master craftsmen.
Encounter: Armored Guards. There are six animated
Doors. The doors are made of thick oak and are held armors patrolling the large room behind the front door.
together by iron bands. The hinges have been oiled and
They do not leave this room to give chase to anyone who
the doors make little noise when opened. They're all
ȵees from them. They will ȴght until they are destroyed.
unlocked unless stated otherwise.
Secret Door: Side Entrance. There is a hidden door
Empty Rooms. There are a handful of rooms on the along the western outside wall. It leads into the hallway
map that lack a number. These rooms are mostly empty,
next to the barracks. It can be located with a DC 18
save for broken equipment and expired supplies.
Wisdom (Perception) check and opened with a DC 16
Lighting. Small sconces line the walls each with a Intelligence (Investigation) check.
continual ȵame spell cast upon them.
Unusual Features. Metal pipes and wiring can be seen
running along the ceiling and the base of some of the
walls. It hums with electricity.
The following rooms are keyed to the included map and
numbered for ease of use.
2. Barracks 4. Laboratory

This room once housed soldiers of some kind Arcane machinery whirs and hums in this
judging by the armor plates and broken room, lighting arcing occasionally between
weapons scattered about. Now it houses only various metal coils. Three tables like at the
broken beds and one intact footlocker. eastern edge of the room. On the center one,
a massive humanoid lies still."

Treasure: Fine Wares. There are ȴve ȴne woven

dwarven shirts in the footlocker. Despite being a bit dusty, Encounter: Flesh Golem. The humanoid ȴgure on the
they're in great condition. Each one is worth 25 gp. table is a flesh golem. He rises and attacks if the
characters make any noise or disturb him. Without his
3. Library master to command him, he ȴghts mindlessly, swinging at
whatever target presents itself. If someone uses ȴre
against him, as soon as the ȴre is gone, he'll begin to
Bookcases reach from the ȵoor to the ceiling target that person. If Krastos is present, the golem follows
in this room. Books lie strewn about and the his commands.
place reeks of ȴlth. In one corner of the room, Trap: Arcing Lightning. Every round roll 1d6. On a 6
a man in a tattered blue robe stands hunched everyone in the room must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving
over a large tome. throw taking 2d8 lightning damage on a failure and half as
much on a success. The Flesh Golem automatically fails its
save each time.
Encounter: The Mad Mage. The wizard here is Krastos, Treasure: Control Wand. The workbench on the
master of the complex. He uses the statblock for a mage. western wall has a locked drawer. It can be opened with a
He's gone quite mad in his isolation, but he still values his DC 17 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check. Inside is a wand of
life. If the party confronts him but they don't attack, he'll binding. Krastos kept it here in case he lost control of one
cast greater invisibility and then ȵee to his laboratory to of his creations.
get his flesh golem. If they make any hostile advances or
attack him, he'll cast cone of cold and then ȵee to the 5. Water Generator
laboratory as above. If cornered, he'll cast misty step to
escape. He saves all his 3rd level spell slots for either
counterspell or ȴreball. A large metal and stone creation sits in the
Treasure: Arcane Writings. The wizard has nothing of water ȵowing through this room. As it does, it
value on him except his arcane focus. There are three causes a mechanism on the creation to spin
random 2nd-level spell scrolls among the bookcases. generating sparks and a constant humming
Secret Door: False Bookcase. There is a secret door noise. A large sapphire can be seen
on the northern wall behind a bookcase. It can be located embedded in the center of the mechanism.
with a DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check and opened with
a DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation) check. It leads into the
adjacent hallway. Encounter/Treasure: Water Guardians. The gem is an
elemental gem (water). Removing it summons two water
elementals which promptly attack whoever has the gem.
Once summoned, they must be destroyed. Putting the
gem back will not stop them from attacking.
6. Holding Pen 8. Maintenance Alcove

This room contains various cages, collars, and The alcove contains wiring, piping, and a
other restraining gear. The room narrows on series of switches and buttons. It appears to
the eastern side before expanding again. The have something to do with the statue and
walls of the narrow portion are covered by pipes in the room above.
thick curtains. Three large metal pillars bar
the way for larger creatures, but medium
sized ones can ȴt in between them without Secret Doors: Safe & Vault. There are two secret doors
issue. Against the eastern wall you see a large
here. They can be accessed by pressing the proper
combination of buttons on the wall. The secret door on the
eastern wall can be opened with a DC 13 Intelligence
(Investigation) check, while the one to the north can be
Trap: Shock Field. There is a pressure plate on the ȵoor opened with a DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation) check.
between the two curtains. Behind the curtains are coils of
copper wire inlaid in the wall. If someone steps on the
pressure plate they have to make a DC 17 Dexterity saving
9. Vault
throw taking 5d6 lightning damage on a failure and half as
much on a success. The trap can be discovered with a DC
Two man-sized statues stand at the far end of
14 Wisdom (Perception) check and disarmed with a DC 17
the room behind a partially closed curtain. To
Intelligence (Investigation) check.
the left, two tables sit covered in various
Treasure: Arcane Musings. The large diagram on the alchemical and arcane supplies. Beneath one
wall is of a water puriȴcation device left behind by the of them, a small chest can be seen.
dwarves who previously inhabited this hold. It's worth 500
gp to the right buyer.
Treasure: The Big Score. The chest contains the
7. Workshop following.

2,000 gp
Two large pipes feed into this room from 4,000 sp
deeper in the mountain. A small control sits 700 cp
between them. Above, light can be seen 110 pp
ȴltering in from a massive hole in the ceiling
approximately 60 ft. up. Against the south The statue to the left has a pair of goggles of night on its
wall, a giant metallic dragon statue dominates head and the statue to the right is wearing a robe of useful
the space. items. Sitting on the table is a lantern of revealing.

Encounter: Iron Dragon. The statue is an iron dragon.

It uses the stat block for a young blue dragon except its With the wizard and his creations destroyed, the local
type is construct, it speaks no languages, and its villagers can breath a sigh of relief. Kastos the Mad will
Intelligence is 4. If a character attempts to use the control vanish into the annals of history, never to be seen or
panel, have them make a DC 25 Intelligence (Arcana) heard from again. The forgotten hold will lie dormant and
check. If they succeed, they deduce that the statue is in empty, though such places rarely stay unoccupied for long.
fact a construct and that pressing the right combination of It's only a matter of time before squatters of some kind
buttons will permanently disable it. If they fail, it animates take up residence.
and attacks. It ȴghts mindlessly, attacking whatever
harmed it most recently, or whatever is closest. It uses its
lightning breath whenever possible and isn't smart enough
to save it for when it can hit multiple characters at once.
When defeated, a viscous oil like substance leaks from its
wounds and it groans to a halt.
3. O΍er and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game
Art: Shutterstock Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of
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Writing: Benjamin Palmer 4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing
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 COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a
Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System
Reference Document 5.0 Copyright 2016, Wizards of
the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford,
Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James
Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims,
and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E.
Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. &RS\ULJKW

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