The Secrets of Skyhorn Lighthouse V7
The Secrets of Skyhorn Lighthouse V7
The Secrets of Skyhorn Lighthouse V7
The Secrets of Skyhorn Lighthouse is a Dungeons & Dragons adventure designed for a group
of four or 2ive players of 5th-level characters.
This adventure is meant to be dropped into any Dungeons & Dragons setting with a
nearby seaport or harbor town.
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the Basilisk Cult, a 1st-level adventure set in the jungle!
• At the beginning of the adventure, the party This adventure is meant to be run at a glance
learns through one of the hooks that ships with minimal preparation and a natural
have stopped transiting the harbor for fear of delivery. This required re-thinking the normal
“sea monsters.” They also learn nearby adventure presentation a bit. Here’s what you’ll
Skyhorn Lighthouse is in distress. The party find included:
elemental attacks the group. When the • Hyperlinks to monsters and rules online for
adventurers arrive at the lighthouse, they quick reference.
• Printable cards for special treasure handout.
ancestral lighthouse.
• A few days before the adventure begins, a A dramatic question is presented with most
raiding group of eelfolk entered the caves scenes. Once that question has been answered,
below the lighthouse via a hidden cove. the tension of the scene is resolved. That’s your
There, they discovered the bowl. Since then, cue to work toward the transition provided at
they've used it to capture a merchant ship the end the scene — even if that means
that was transiting the harbor. The eelfolk summarizing the end of a clearly decided
learned (the hard way) that a summoned combat, or in the case of clever players,
elemental sometimes turns against its skipping combat altogether. Keep the game
summoner, so now they’re forcing the moving toward the next challenge!
A very concerned merchant named Benji
Frogwater (LG hal2ling noble) approaches the
PCs, citing their reputation. He offers a reward
of 200 gp each if the they’ll investigate a
merchant ship of his, the Jade Lion, that was
last seen in the waters near Skyhorn
Lighthouse. He’s worried about the sea
monster rumors and offers an additional 200
gp each if the party safely returns the crew
(including his young son, Raf) and cargo.
Captain Sheila Coppertree seeks out the
group. She says she witnessed a massive wave
grab a merchant ship, the Jade Lion, and drag it
against the tide toward Skyhorn Lighthouse. A
friend of hers, Captain Aryn Hest, was on
board (alternatively, replace this with a mutual
friend the PCs also know). She offers the party
free transport to any harbor of their choice
after the adventure if they go with her to help.
A seagull lands on one of the characters. It
opens its beak and says, “This is a message
from Lucien Skyhorn, from the lighthouse.
We’ve been attacked by creatures from the sea!
Please, send help before it’s too late, I beg any TRANSITION
who hears this…” Then the seagull squawks
The PCs go to the harbor to seek passage to or
and 2laps away.
information about Skyhorn Lighthouse.
• Sailors on the docks reiterate the rumor Neeno, NE half-orc bandit captain
about the sea monster, some claiming falsely “We know you use weighted dice. We’ve caught
to have seen it (they fabricate a description). you, wench.”
They refuse to take the PCs out to sea.
• If asked about who might take them to the • Appearance. Remarkably tidy. Oiled-back hair.
lighthouse, sailors point the PCs in the • Does. Looks at his nails and cleans them
direction of Sheila Coppertree’s sailing ship, while talking.
the Annabel Lee (see Appendix A for maps). • Secret. Plans to assassinate Gaspar and take
• As the characters approach Sheila his ship soon.
Coppertree’s ship, she swings down to the
docks to greet them. Refer to the adventure
hook Appeal to Heroism for what she
knows. Success if conUlict score reaches 0. Go to the
combat section if it reaches 5.
• After a few moments of talking to Sheila, two
pirates who lost a fair game of dice to her • Gaspar and Neeno begin with a collective
interrupt the conversation with demands conUlict score of 3.
that she pay up by turning over her ship. • A large bribe reduces their score by 1.
They've planned a surprise attack. • A DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) or Charisma
(Deception) check reduces their score by 1.
A failed check increases their score by 1.
• Using Charisma (Intimidation) increases
Can the characters appease or defeat the their score by 1.
pirate threat? • Wisdom (Insight) DC 15 reveals one of the
above details, or their current con2lict score.
• Gaspar (G) and Neeno (N) shove characters
into the water if given the chance.
• On round two, four of Neeno’s thugs (T) pop
up on nearby ships and 2ire their crossbows.
• Enemies below one-third their hit points 2lee.
The PCs collect what they need and strike out
on the Annabel Lee toward the lighthouse.
• The Jade Lion is hidden in a narrow cove on
the opposite side of the island that leads to
Area 7 (see Appendix A: Maps).
• A water elemental in the bay attacks any
incoming ships once they are within 80 feet
of the docks.
• Characters whose passive Perception scores
are 12 or higher notice a strange wave slicing
toward the ship against the tide.
• The water elemental slams into the ship
with a sickening crunch and boils out of the
sea. Surprised PCs must pass a DC 15
Dexterity save or fall prone. Characters who TRANSITION
noticed the elemental and brace themselves
The group ascends the stairs to the lighthouse.
have advantage on the save.
• Three hunter sharks lurk in the areas
marked S on the map and will
investigate sounds in
the water.
The eelfolk
have been
them human
hostages killed by
elementals. The sharks attack
once they are within 30 feet of
anything in the water. Treasure
• The eelfolk have stacked four chests of loot The chests contain 400 gp worth of 2ine goods:
from the merchant ship on the cave 2loor at bottled perfumes, silverware, statues, jewelry,
the areas marked T. Characters carrying the and other trinkets. A worn, black-hilted dagger
heavy chests move at half speed. is actually a Dagger of Venom.
AREA 7: THE MERCHANT SHIP • A gigantic wave of water grabbed onto the
ship and dragged it into the cove.
• The open sea can be seen beyond the mouth • The “eel-men” ransacked the ship and took
of this cove.
the crew inside the cave, including Captain
• The merchant’s sailing ship, the Jade Lion, Aryn Hest, Sheila Coppertree’s friend.
is anchored at the opening of the cove. It lists
• One of the “eel-men” was bigger and angrier
in the water just out of reach of the jagged
than the others. He bossed them around.
walls. One of its masts is snapped and
• There were about 10 “eel-men,” but it was
hard to count from his hiding spot.
• There are two remaining rowboats tied to the • One or two big waves have passed by each
ship that are identical to the ones in Area 5.
day. They make the ship bob and spin like a
DEVELOPMENT • Raf sometimes hears human screams and
• The tide is very strong in the 10-foot wide terrible crashes echoing in the caves.
channel leading to the ship and requires a DC • He hasn’t been in the caves and doesn’t know
13 Strength (Athletics) check to swim. their layout.
Characters who fail by 5 or more take 7 (2d6)
bludgeoning damage as they’re slammed into Treasure
the walls.
The eelfolk looters missed a silver candle
• With the snapped mast, the Jade Lion can sail holder worth 25 gp, as well as a gold ring in a
at half speed with a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival)
mahogany lockbox worth 50 gp.
check when crewed by at least 10 sailors.
• The ship has been heavily looted. Crates of
exotic fruits and bolts of 2ine cloth have been
strewn about and destroyed. No crew are on
• Stowaway: Raf Frogwater, the merchant
Benji Frogwater’s eight-year-old son and
apprentice. Raf hides in a secret cabinet in
the captain’s quarters and can be found with
a successful DC 14 Intelligence
(Investigation) check. He approaches the PCs
upon hearing them speak a language he
understands. He’s damp, scared, and hungry.
• Both eelfolk attempt to open the door to
Area 9 and alert the other eelfolk.
• Aryn Hest tries to trip any eelfolk who run TRANSITION
near him. He doesn’t have any equipment.
The characters have only a moment to prepare
before the action in Area 9 begins.
The group moves on to the Aftermath section.
• The Annabel Lee suffered minor damage from
the elemental but can sail normally.
• Benji Frogwater awards the characters 200
gp each if they return Raf to him. He awards
an additional 200 gp each if the characters
return the surviving crew and chests of
• Benji sends a detachment of four soldiers and
one captain to repair and guard the
lighthouse henceforth.
• Sheila Coppertree will sail the characters to
any port of their choice, as promised.
14 (+2) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 7 (-2) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 7 (-2) 13 (+1) 9 (-1)
Ambusher. The hunter has advantage on attack rolls Death Burst. When the eelfolk dies, it explodes in a burst
against any creature it has surprised. of pent-up electricity. Each creature within 10 feet of it
Death Burst. When the eelfolk dies, it explodes in a burst must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 (2d6)
of pent-up electricity. Each creature within 10 feet of it lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) successful one.
lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much on a ElectriBied Body. A creature that touches the scourge or
successful one. hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 5
Hold Breath. The eelfolk can hold its breath for 1 hour. (1d10) lightning damage.
Lunge. If the eelfolk moves at least 20 feet straight Hold Breath. The eelfolk can hold its breath for 1 hour.
toward a target and then hits it with a spear attack on the Lunge. If the eelfolk moves at least 20 feet straight
same turn, the target takes an extra 7 (2d6) piercing toward a target and then hits it with a claw or bite attack
damage. on the same turn, the target takes an extra 7 (2d6)
piercing damage.
Multiattack. The hunter makes two spear attacks.
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 Multiattack. The scourge makes three melee attacks: one
ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing with its bite, two with its claws.
damage (two-handed melee attack) or 5 (1d6 + 2) Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
piercing damage (ranged attack). target. Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) piercing damage.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.
Logos, trade dress, art direction: Jessee Egan /
Cartography: OneDayGM /
Cover: Andrey Yurlov /
Additional cover art: Stephane Bidouze /
Fantasy Grounds module: Gwydion /
Compass, Pirate Fight, Barrel, Shark, Pirate Ring, Treasure Chest, Pirate, Coins: Publisher’s
Choice Quality Stock Art © Rick Hershey / Fat Goblin Games
Water Elemental: Gary Dupuis / Purple Duck Games