The Night Hunter V1
The Night Hunter V1
The Night Hunter V1
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Game Master Information
• The Night Hunter is a cowled figure • This adventure is meant to be
who lurks among the moonlit hills run at a glance. It uses bulleted
and brooding pines of the wilds, lists, bolded keywords, and short
looking for new victims to flay alive. room descriptions you can read or
• When travelers pass through the paraphrase and embellish as needed.
Night Hunter’s domain, it might • Monsters have clickable links to their
choose them as its new quarry. stats online or in this document.
• Appendix A contains GM versions of
the adventure’s maps.
• Appendix B has the stats and
• This scenario is events-based, with descriptions for new monsters.
each event happening in turn over
• Appendix C describes new magic
the course of one night.
• At the start of the adventure, the
• You can watch a video walkthrough of
characters set up camp during their
the adventure here.
travels, not realizing they are in the
Night Hunter’s territory. • You can watch a video walkthrough
for how to use the combat cards
• The Night Hunter chooses the PCs as
included with the adventure here.
its new victims. It spends the night
harrying them from the darkness
around their camp, becoming more PACING/TRANSITIONS
audacious with its attacks until a final
confrontation. • A Dramatic Question is presented
with some encounters. Once that
question has been answered, the
tension of the scene is resolved.
That’s your cue to work toward the
Transition — even if that means
summarizing the end of a clearly
decided encounter.
• Room descriptions are short and
informational. Anything listed
before the Development section
is safe to share with the players at
the outset. Reveal elements from
the Development section as the
characters explore the area.
The Howling
• Long, churning clouds blow in over
the night sky, covering the moon with d6 Detail
twisting tendrils. An entire logging site turned
• A keening howl rises on the wind up empty in these woods a
from the surrounding hills. 1 few months back, camp gear
strewn everywhere. They
never found a single person.
They say the old woodlanders
• Characters can tell the howl isn’t used to send one unlucky soul
a wolf, coyote, or other common 2 out into the forest when the
forest creature. The character with evil spirits were restless. That
the highest Wisdom score notices it person never came back.
sounds like a creature with a speaking
voice — perhaps an intelligent being. There’s a ghost story about
a long-fingered being in the
Characters trying to rest won’t be 3 woods called The Willowman
able to unless they pass a DC 15 that steals children who don’t
Constitution check. listen to their parents.
A few years ago, a dying man
The howl draws closer over the
stumbled into a village cut
next hour. As soon as it’s within 100
4 open from neck to belly. They
feet of the camp, it abruptly stops.
never figured out what sort of
• While the howls draw closer, each creature could have done that.
character rolls once on the Forest
A friend said her hunting party
Rumors table to recall a legend
came across a body nailed to
they’ve heard about these woods.
5 a tree with wooden spikes.
After the PCs get their rumors, a Something had pulled out all
crack and hiss echoes from the of its innards, too.
trees above camp just outside They say livestock and horses
the reach of the campfire light. go missing in here on cloudy
Investigation reveals it’s a great 6 nights. It’s like they just
horned owl snapping the spine of wander off into the darkness
a rabbit it just caught. and disappear.
• It’s too late for the PCs to flee the
area; the Night Stalker’s territory
covers 20 square miles of dense forest. TRANSITION
• After the owl incident, a quiet hour
passes. Then, go to It Strikes.
It Strikes
• The silence breaks as a dozen
thundering footfalls crash toward
• The footfalls are a herd of six elk the
Night Hunter spooked in the direction
of the PCs’ camp. They reach the
camp in one round.
A Cry For Help
• A terrified scream rips through the • The Night Hunter keeps to the
night. The voice is frantic and shrill, fringes of combat and light, never
and it calls out for help in Common. fully revealing itself.
• It tries to knock one PC unconscious
and drag that character off into
DEVELOPMENT the night to crucify to a tree with
• The Night Hunter is mimicking the wooden stakes. It will return later to
voice of a person, trying to draw good- disembowel that PC after it finishes
hearted PCs into the darkness. hunting the rest of the party.
• If any PCs investigate, the Night A PC who returns to consciousness
Hunter attacks from hiding. Go to can escape the tree with a DC 15
Combat. Strength check. They must pass a
• Otherwise, the PCs listen on as the DC 15 Constitution save or take 1d6
Night Hunter imitates the sounds of piercing damage in the process.
finding and disemboweling its victim. • If the Night Hunter can’t gain an
Any PCs hearing it must pass a DC upper hand quickly, it slips away into
15 Wisdom save or suffer one form of the darkness and hides.
short-term madness.
The Butchery
• Silence fills the heavy air, pressing Can the PCs defeat the Night Hunter?
in like the boiling clouds overhead.
Dim moonlight turns the tops of the
towering pine trees silvery white.
• After the final encounter with the
Night Hunter, go to Aftermath.
• The Night Hunter approaches the
camp silently, attacking any PC who
looks vulnerable or isolated from the
• The Night Hunter fights to the death,
its game finally over.
• It remains in the shadows at first
and then leaps out into full view,
unleashing a triumphant, unholy
• The Night Hunter carries a cursed
butcher’s blade called the Night
Hunter’s Knife.
• All traces of the Night Hunter • PCs who flee the Night Hunter may
disappear after it’s defeated. The only wish to return to exact vengeance.
things left behind are its knife and a During the day, it lurks in a dank cave
ragged, brown cloak crumpled on the system beneath the gnarled roots of
ground. the forest’s oldest tree.
• If the Night Hunter got the better of Inside The Night Hunter’s dingy lair
the PCs, it crucifies each to a tree and is a scattering of choice treasure
disembowels them one by one. Lucky taken from its victims. The only
PCs might be able to wake up before problem is the angry dire bear the
their turn and break free, or a chance Night Hunter keeps chained inside.
group of hunters might come upon
the scene. • If the characters leave the Night
Hunter’s Knife behind or get rid of it, a
• The small village of Wardenwood lies new Night Hunter will eventually rise.
two days’ travel north, just outside of Might this one be even more powerful
the Night Hunter’s domain (primarily than its predecessor?
because that part of the woods is
claimed by a powerful weald hag • The Night Hunter isn’t necessarily
named Drusilla, as outlined in The responsible for all the rumors the
Curse of Wardenwood). characters heard about the woods
(see Forest Rumors, pg. 5). Are the
stories of The Willowman true?
• Characters who explore into the 20-
mile stretch of forest around their
campsite find signs of the Night
Hunter’s previous victims. Mostly,
this is skeletons pinned to trees by
wooden, rotting stakes.
Appendix A: Maps
Appendix B: Monsters
THE NIGHT HUNTER Cursed Soul. The Night Hunter is a title
that passes on to anyone who commits
Tattered brown robes drape over a
too much bloodshed with its cursed
hunched, bony frame. The creature
butcher’s blade, the Night Hunter’s
moves with darting quickness, lashing
Knife. Each generation eventually
out with a notched butcher’s knife
produces a Night Hunter who lurks in
crusted with the blood of countless
the woods, terrorizing its victims until it
dies of old age or is killed.
Berserk. At the beginning of its turn, the Night Hunter can choose to deal an additional 2 damage on
each of its attacks until the end of its turn. If it does so, all attacks against it have advantage until the
start of its next turn.
Multiattack. The Night Hunter makes two Cursed Butcher’s Knife attacks.
Cursed Butcher’s Knife. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d4 + 5) slashing
Mantle of Darkness (2/Day). The Night Hunter and anything it’s carrying turn invisible for up to one
minute or until the Night Hunter attacks or casts a spell.
Appendix C: Magic Items
Weapon (dagger), Rare, requires
The Arcane Library
Cartography: Lanterns Light Maps /
Product Art: Publisher’s Choice Quality Stock Art © Rick Hershey / Fat Goblin Games.
Camilkuo, DomCritelli, andreiuc88 /
Fonts: Montserrat © Julieta Ulanovsky, Sol Matas, Juan Pablo del Peral, Jacques Le
Bailly. Deadhead © Twicolabs Foundation.
Special Thanks: John for permission to link to My wife Jessee for drawing
this map on short notice!
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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, LLC.
System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins,
Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original
material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
The Night Hunter © 2021 The Arcane Library, LLC.