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The Evils of Illmire (5e)

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The Evils of Illmire

Using this Module.....................................4 Concept, Writing, Production
Adventure Synopsis..................................4 Zack Wolf
The Nightmare Cult..................................5 Conceptual Development
Fighting Against the Cult..........................6 Lenny Gonzalez
Campaign Start & Adventure Hooks..........6 Jeremiah Lee
General Notes & Details...........................6
Rumors of Illmire.....................................7
Jeremiah Lee
Mysterious & Ominous Fortunes................7
Bart Wolf
Climbing Events.......................................7
Illmire Hex Map.......................................8 Cover Art
Gazetteer of Illmire.................................10 Heather Shinn with Jack Badashski
Map of the Town....................................18 Interior Cover Art
Inn of the Weary Wagoner.......................20 Patrik Olsson
Defiled Temple of the Luminal Star............22 Player's Guide Art
Rancidius the Defiler..............................24 Patrik Olsson
Fearspawn.............................................25 The Forge Studios
False Watchtower..................................26
Dungeon Maps
Abandoned Copperclaw Mines................28
Dyson Logos
Prismatic Grottoes of the Fishmen...........30
Gecko Pit & Buried Bastion....................32 Hex Map & Town Map
Mound of the Mantismen........................34 Patrik Olsson
The Webbed Hollows.............................36 Interior Artwork
Forgotten Crypt of the Lost Clan..............38 Patrik Olsson
Crystalline Palace of the Mountain King...40 Heather Shinn
Obsidian Forge of the Lava Dwarfs..........42 Jack Badashski
Scoria the Fire Demon............................44 Dean Spencer
The Lava Lord........................................45 Bart Wolf
Lava Dwarfs..........................................45 HodagRPG
Prison Vault of the Demon Warlords........46 NPC Handout Art & Character Sheet
Ezrikaar and Eshrea, Demon Warlords.....48 HodagRPG
Dealing with the Demons........................49 Kickstarter NPCs
Fungal Caverns of the Swamp Witch..........50 Miguel F. Santiago Irizarry, Doug Raas,
Vile Lair of the Nightmare Cult................52 Sinisa Radovanovich, Joey Schoblaska, John
Virica the Vile........................................54 Taft, Daniel Heronime
Mindphage Worms.................................54
The Fearmother.....................................55 Playtesters
The Observer's Tower.............................56 Derren Giordano, Lenny Gonzalez, Diego
Chimera Goblins....................................60 Sarmiento, Nick Warner, Brad Wolf Jr, Max
Wolf, Charlie Capp, Matt Jaffe, Jason Hobbs,
Beaked Watchers...................................60
Green River Gamers Association GRGA
Urg'lon the Observer...............................61
The Subterranean Complex .....................62 Feedback and Typo Hunting
Underdark Adventure Areas ....................64 Jason Hobbs, Dante Warborn, Neil Benson,
Zeshara and the Assassins......................66 Dustin Headen, Thomee Wright, Paul Pipeline,
Bestiary of Illmire..................................67 Daniel Z. Oliveira
Treasury of Artifacts .............................73 Some artwork © Dean Spencer

This book is designed for the Referee. It's meant for players to discover during play. If you
plan to enjoy this module as a player-character, stop reading now!
This is Revision #4 - Updated March 2021

© 2020 Zack Wolf & Spellsword LLC

The Evils of Illmire

This is an ode to classic mega-adventures in a compact zine format. It's based on an adventure I
created back in 1998. It's been remastered and expanded into a small-scale hexcrawl. This module
wouldn't exist without the help of over 500 awesome people who helped fund its creation with
Kickstarter's ZineQuest 2020. Thank you all for your amazing support. Enjoy!


You can use this adventure with your favorite fantasy role-playing game. It's intended for an aver-
age sized party (4-6 members) of low level (1-2 to start out). It is primarily designed for use with
Old-School Essentials (published by Necrotic Gnome), but should work seamlessly with other orig-
inal/old-school systems (Labyrinth Lord, B/X). There are also compatibility documents available in
the digital package for 5E, Dungeon World, and Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells.

The concept of the module revolves around an evil cult that is taking over the town of Illmire. Ad-
venturers will likely arrive following rumors of treasure hidden in the ruins out in the swamp, but
they may notice that it's unusually quiet and folks are particularly suspicious in this little town. They
may have heard other rumors and have come to investigate the area, but will no doubt become
embroiled in a deadly struggle against an organized and fanatical foe. The cult's presence is strong
in Illmire. It's quite likely that adventurers and cultists will bump into each other while operating in
the region. This will no doubt lead to tensions and escalation of conflict between them. But the cult
is also discreet and stealthy; it may instead be some time before PCs notice the threat.

This is partly because the wilderness outside of town is dangerous; full of monsters, warring human-
oid factions, forlorn ruins, and hazardous natural features. The adventurers may find themselves
exploring Illmire and plundering dungeons before they ever realize the cult is there. But it won't be
long before the cult spots their activities and sends their deadly assassin after them. They do not
wish for attention to be drawn to the region, at all.
It's possible that the PCs don't notice the cult immediately, but there are several ways they could get
the hint. The cultists are most readily encountered at the local inn, which is currently under their
control. It serves as front for cult activities, including kidnapping. PCs may go snooping around
and find the temple mysteriously closed to the public; it too has become a secret hide-out of the
cult, defiled in their presence. The road is plagued by bandits who now pose as the local militia;
PCs may come to blows with them, resulting in a surprise face off against a truly monstrous enemy.
But the cult isn't the only thing threatening Illmire. The folks in town have always said the swamp
was cursed. Truth be told, the source of the region's many woes is a mysterious tower deep in the
woods, it's legendary resident known as The Observer. Not much is known to local folks, but in
reality the resident is a monstrous beast that meddles in affairs across Illmire for its own enjoyment
and "academic study". The results are often disastrous, but the simple people of Illmire remain
unaware of its doings.


A sinister cult has begun to infiltrate the town of Illmire, spreading paranoia and terrorizing the
locals with fear-mongering in order to feed their demonic idol. They worship an extra-dimensional
abomination they found in some lost ruins out in the swamps. The Fearmother, as they've chosen
to refer to it, births creatures called fearspawn, grotesque offspring that are sent out of the lair
to feed upon the fear and nightmares of humans in order to sustain their dreadful mother. They
secretly operate throughout Illmire, patiently scheming and quietly taking control. They deftly hide
their activities and leech prosperity from the people.
After they subdued the resident priestess, they hid a fearspawn below Illmire's temple to feed off
of the fears of the townsfolk. Rather than kill her, they used a brain-manipulating, parasitic worm
called a mindphage to turn her into an easily controllable, zombie-like puppet of a person. In a
similar fashion, they've possessed the town's inn, using it as a front to kidnap vulnerable patrons.
Also under cult control is the town watch and local militia, who are used as convenient muscle with
a veneer of legitimate authority if anyone gets in their way. Anyone deemed truly threatening to the
cult is dispatched quietly by the cult's skillful and deadly assassin.
The cult is lead by a pair of chaotic, sorcerous clerics named Rancidius the Fearmonger and
Virica the Vile. Rancidius has installed himself in town and is masquerading as the new priest
of the temple. He spreads lies and seeds fear into the hearts of the people. He speaks doom and
gloom in the town center, asserting that it is the sinful ways of the villagers themselves that bring
Illmire misfortune. He regularly consults with villagers in private and offers salvation if only they
would confess their wrongdoings, and the wrongdoings of others, to him. This is all just a ploy to
throw off any suspicion and instigate mistrust among the townsfolk. He tricks them into volunteer-
ing details about themselves and others so that he can use these to exploit them.
The cultists dump potions of fear into the town well. This gives the townsfolk supernatural
nightmares and seething paranoia. Worse, continued exposure to quicksilver used in the potions
is causing terrible sickness. Children and the elderly have begun to fall ill with what they call bald
fever, a wretched affliction that causes the victim to go blind and lose their hair, fingernails, and
teeth. Many die a slow, miserable death. The cultists don't seem to care about their plight. Illmire’s
mayor is among those stricken with the illness and is now on his deathbed. The cult plans to use a
mindphage worm to take control of him before he dies.
The highway is busy enough to offer a steady flow of potential victims and recruits for the cult. This
has increased as of late, with rumors of treasures hidden in the ruins outside of town spreading
along the road. The cult is not aware of the source of these rumors, but are concerned that too
much traffic will bring suspicion. None of the villagers have any clue what is really going on and are
too scared to go poking around, the cult are particularly watchful of potential threats from the road.
If adventurous folk hang around town and make their presence known, the villagers may eventually
beseech their aid. It won’t be long before they’ll catch the sinister eye of the cultists. If the adven-
turers don’t deal with the cult, the cult will deal with them!
Will the adventurers defeat the nightmare cult? Or will they fall victim to the sinister machi-
nations of the heinous cult and their vile idols? The fate of Illmire rests upon their shoulders!

Once the PCs begin to have encounters with the cult, they may become suspicious and wish to in-
vestigate. Adventurers who are obvious in their investigation, or who make moves against the cult,
will draw their ire and quickly find themselves labeled 'trouble-makers' in town and hunted by the
cult's assassin. Gaining the trust of the villagers as a whole would require a rousing public speech
and evidence, but even before that would work, they must clear the villagers' minds of supernatural
fear, and that means purifying the well. Otherwise, PCs have to target individuals for questioning
and spend time interacting with them to gain enough rapport to elicit useful information.
To stop the poisoning of the well, adventurers must remove the cult’s presence from both the inn
and the temple. If this happens, the cult will stop at nothing to take vengeance and will stage am-
bushes until their enemies are slain, growing bolder and more overt with each attempt. Eventually,
they'll try to sneak into town and pour more potions into the well if it's left unguarded. Otherwise,
they'll lay low for some time before attempting to subtly begin new operations in town.
Adventurers can try to stop the production of the fear potions by destroying the workshop near the
fungal caves. Killing each of the fearspawn (one below the temple, one in the mines), will also weak-
en the Fearmother. The adventurers may find an unlikely ally in a druid who has fled town and hides
in the wilderness. If the cult is removed from town the druid will return and heal the remaining ill.
A questioned villager may mention that the town's old druid has been missing for quite some time.
The only way to truly stop the cult is to destroy the Fearmother and slay the two leaders. The lair is
deep in the remote wilderness and well hidden. The way is dangerous and slow. The cult’s influence
spreads far and they will not be idle while their agents are attacked and operations threatened.
Even if adventurers manage to find the lair, the Fearmother is a powerful monster that will not be
easily killed or banished from this realm. They may need to bolster their abilities and equipment
before taking on such a fearsome foe. Several magical artifacts hidden in dungeons around the
region may be useful in their quest.


The simplest way to start the campaign is to have the PCs arrive by caravan to the village in search
of the rumored treasures that are said to be hidden in dungeons out in the wilds beyond the town
walls. In addition, each PC should roll on the rumor table below, learning whatever rumor rolled,
be they true, false, or something in between.
Here are some other potential in-roads to the adventure scenario:
• PCs have relatives in the village and are coming to visit after not hearing back for a while.
• Party are former town watch or militia, hard up and looking for work.
• Lord Crellmont has summoned them here to investigate by way of secret carrier-pigeon.
• Yorivar the druid has sent an urgent request for help to a friend via a trained messenger owl.
• Party are traveling through and stay at the inn; cult attempts to kidnap some during the night.
• PCs are guards in a passing caravan; ambushed by false militia; tracks back to stronghold.
• One PC is a cleric sent to investigate
• Party are dwarfs on a visitation journey to the Obsidian Forge; staying in Illmire to prepare.
• Party are elves on a mission to find a stolen elf artifact; suspected to be somewhere in Illmire.
In any case above, the nightmare cult may pinpoint them as potential targets or trouble-makers,
usually via the inn's bartender, Birella, who acts as one of their primary informants.


• Be sure to utilize your system's reaction table. Encounters do not always equal combat.
• Retainers can be hired at the inn or the circus camp. 1-in-6 chance they are a cult spy.
• Retainer pool replenishes once per week by caravan. Replacement PCs are always available.
• Shops in town price-gouge unless the cult is removed; standard prices are doubled until then.
• Holy water is unavailable until the temple is cleansed and the priestess freed from mindphage.
• Hexes are 6-miles wide. It takes roughly four hours to trek across any given hex due to terrain.
• Parties searching for dungeons have a 3-in-6 chance to find evidence per day of exploration.
• When the party enters, explores, or camps in a hex, make a random encounter check.
• If an encounter check result is "1", roll two encounters; results are encountered simultaneously.
• Use the random encounter lists in the Gazetteer; there are unique encounters for each hex.
• When climbing a mountain of Illmire, use the climbing events table on facing page.
• Statistics for creatures are listed in the Bestiary of Illmire, located in the back of the book.
• Unique magical items are listed in the Treasury of Artifacts, also located in the back of the book.

Everyone has heard about the treasure supposedly in the ruins of Illmire. Otherwise, each PC rolls
for a random rumor. Parenthesis text tells the Referee if it's true or not.
1. The fortune-teller near the highway knows many secrets. (true)
2. There was once a great fort in the swamp, but it sunk under the mud. (true)
3. The witch Vosethra once ruled the bogs, but she is long dead. (false, she lives)
4. Legend says there are demons imprisoned in a vault in the mountains. (true)
5. The sickness in Illmire isn't disease at all, it's poison! (true, the cult poisons the well)
6. The law is corrupt in Illmire. Bandits prey on caravans. They now kidnap travelers! (true)
7. The villagers of Illmire are all thieves, grifters, and bigots that hate outsiders. (false)
8. The new priest of Illmire is able to heal the penitent sick. (true, but he's a false evil priest)
9. There's a dragon who lives in the mountains. (not really, its actually a wyvern)
10. The druid of Illmire has gone missing, as well as a few locals, including the girl Ava. (true)
11. There is a great wizard's tower in the forest. (true)
12. There is foul play afoot in the village of Illmire. (true)
13. The ancients of Illmire disappeared. Ruins left behind contain everburning torches. (true)
14. The bandit threat is exaggerated. It's just to hike up prices. (false, banditry runs rampant)
15. Something terrible stirs in the old, abandoned mines in the hills. (true)
16. The fishmen are just lumberjacks playing jokes on locals. (false, they're real)
17. The gods have cursed the town of Illmire with disease. (false, it's the cult doing it)
18. Glimmers are seen at the peak of the Klepperhorn. It's a giant's crystal palace. (true)
19. Mantismen stalk the swamps. They can turn invisible. (true/false; it's just camouflage)
20. The rumors of treasure are a farce to lure fools to their death! (false, there is treasure)


Once per day, Esmeraldra the crystal-gazer (hex 19) offers a fortune for 50gp. She stares deep
into her crystal ball, chanting incantations while swirling mists seem to manifest inside the normally
clear crystal orb. Her eyes roll into the back of her head and she speaks in a strange, unnatural
voice while she performs this ritual. When it is complete, she is exhausted and wishes to retire.
1. Cloaked in flame, born of smoke, put to shame, when fire awoke.
2. Twins in darkness, locked in stone, under a dark star, they may be sent home.
3. A clouded mind that's gripped by fear must be rid vermicious sneer.
4. Treasure sought in forlorn places may invite death's embraces.
5. Blowing reeds whisper ancient names of wild powers turned to dying flames.
6. The woeful dreamer falls asleep below the birds of stone so deep.
7. A heart of green stays out of sight while cached away in webbed height.
8. The poison viper coils below a light once bright now dim shadow.
9. When the long dead tablet rises over waters, dry feet take shape from soggy plodders.
10. The watchful eye rudely awakens the resting mask whose life was taken.
11. From splintered wood of crimson
thorn, a tangled sprawl of talons born.
12. A life that's set in rocky flame for
those who try the mountain tame.

When ascending a mountain, 3-in-6
chance per day, roll 1d6: 1) Rock-slide,
2-in-6 chance to take 1d6 damage from
falling rocks. 2) Avalanche, 2-in-6 chance
to get buried in snow; strength check to
break free; saving throw vs. death or suf-
focate if stuck. 3) Path blocked; no prog-
ress today. 4) Path gives way under foot;
1-in-6 chance each character falls to their
death with dex check to save. 5) Sudden
blizzard; save vs. breath weapon or take
2d6 cold damage. 6) Uneventful but stren-
uous; exhausted at end of day and require
double rations or double resting time.

Adventure Area Hex Map


The following keyed entries correspond to the hex map above. Each hex is 6 miles.
1. Fungal Swamp: The bog here is overrun 3. Spider Woods: This area is infested with
with colorful, pungent mushrooms and other giant arachnids who hunt the animals of the
fungi. Near the center is a large cave, home forest, and sometimes have a taste for men. A
to myconids as well as Vosethra the Swamp ridge is porous with huge tunnels full of over-
Witch. Cultists have built a small workshop sized insects, some more mysterious than oth-
where they craft potions of fear. ers. Illmire's druid hides away here.
2. Observer’s Tower: A dull tower of crum- 4. Cultist Lair: Deep within the bog hides a
bling alabaster raises high above the treetops foul and cursed underground temple. It is from
of the forest. It is the mysterious home of a here that the nightmare cult nurtures their de-
powerful sorcerer known only as ‘The Ob- monic idol and deploy their sinister agenda.
server’. The surrounding forest is stalked by The nearby swamps are crawling with cocka-
strange, mutated, beast-like goblins. trice; petrified prey litter the landscape.

5. Mantis Lands: A formidable horde of 13. Mount Slagmaw: A huge volcano looms
mantismen has built a huge mound out on the ominously over the hills below. Centuries ago,
bogs. They make forays regularly to hunt and a dwarven forge was built into the mountain
pillage neighboring hexes. They have a par- but a curse fell upon the inhabitants. They
ticular love for frogling meat and assault the now roam the halls as creatures made of mol-
canopy regularly. ten lava. Their volatile leader, the Lava Lord,
6. Frogling Canopy: Tucked in the tree- throws fits in his throne room that cause the
tops of the dense forest, a peaceful village of volcano to bubble and smoke and the land
froglings make their home. They protect their shake and rumble around the mountain.
territory fiercely, but constant raids from the 14. Old Mines: A lucrative mine was estab-
mantismen have left their warriors depleted. lished here by local humans over the last centu-
7. Lost Crypts: Some long lost tribe of early ry. Something terrible happened; the townsfolk
people built tombs for their fallen warriors and don’t speak of it. It has been boarded shut. In-
chiefs into the hillsides. Buried with them may side, the cult has begun to amass an army of
be their treasures. The roots of the forest now zombies whose screams echo in the night.
invade and crush the ruinous catacombs after 15. Town of Illmire: A backwoods village
so many years. Occasionally, undead emerge of farmers, fishermen, foresters, and trappers
from the crypts and wander the forest, aimless also serves as a roadside waystop. The cult
but ravenous. has begun to quietly take control. Lord-Mayor
8. Winged Roosts: These jagged mountain Crellmont has been stricken with the bald fever.
peaks are the home of rival flocks of griffons His cultist nephew, Zlatko, plans to take control
and hippogriffs who prey on the mountain with help from the corrupt captain Frey.
goats and fight over territory. Legend tells of 16. Logger’s Camp: A group of lumberjacks
a hidden vault in the mountains that houses fell trees in the forest south of town. They have
dangerous demons and untold riches. been enduring raids from the fishmen of Misty
9. Sinkhole Pits: The bog turns to muddy Lake for weeks and beckon for aid. Their lead-
peatland with hundreds of quicksand pits un- er is a giant of a man called Rigdorf who car-
der the marsh. One false step and you’ll be ries a mysterious axe.
swallowed by the muck. Hidden by foliage is a 17. The Klepperhorn: A towering rock prec-
make-shift wooden catwalk the cultists use to ipice reaching into the clouds is an iconic and
traverse the sinkholes and pits safely. easily spotted landmark for travelers. Legends
10. Gecko Fens: This part of the swamp is say a great giant commands the creatures of
the mating ground for various species of geck- these mountains from his crystal palace.
os that feed off the plethora of plant and ani- 18. Bandit Territory: A clan of brigands has
mal life in the bogs. They are hunted by both begun constructing a stronghold in the absence
local humans and mantismen. Some have of local law. They prey on vulnerables traveling
made a den near an old, ruined bastion buried along the highway, kidnapping the fairest for
in the muck. Inside lurks something terrible, sadistic use by the cult.
but the promise of treasure may lure adventur- 19. The King’s Highway: A long, winding
ers nonetheless. road that passes by Illmire brings caravans and
11. Misty Lake: A deep lake that forms the occasional merchant through town. A pe-
heavy fog. It's home to a variety of eels that culiar circus has set up camp near the bend.
locals trap and eat. The murky depths feature WEATHER: Each day roll 3d20. If the result
tunnels and underwater caves that hide a re- is a 20, reroll that die plus another. Compare
clusive clan of fishmen. They hate the humans each result to the hex numbers; it is raining
who take their eels, occasionally raiding the in each hex rolled. If a duplicate is rolled, it’s
farms west of town and the logger's camp to a thunderstorm in that hex and raining in all
the southeast. A giant sturgeon that inhabits adjacent hexes. If a triple is rolled, extreme
the lake occasionally surfaces and swallows weather: storms throughout Illmire plus 1-4
fishermen whole. flood/mudslide, 5 tornado, 6 both. If hex is
12. Redthorn Brambles: A vast thicket of mountainous, it’s snow/avalanche or blizzard
redthorn bushes and vines, ten feet tall and instead. If you roll double-13, there are trem-
spiked with countless painful barbs, sprawls ors and smoke from the volcano. On a tri-
for miles over the forest floor. Millions of beau- ple-13, it's a violent lightning storm over a vol-
tiful, crimson flowers bloom on and off during canic eruption; lava pours over hex 9, 14, and
the year. Passage is near impossible, but the 3-in-6 also hex 15. Feel free to trigger weather
froglings do it somehow. Hidden in the center whenever you think the time is right.
of the briar patches is a thorny secret.

Gazetteer of Illmire
The town and region get their names from the Illmire Swamp, a boggy wetland sprawling through
hexes 1, 4, 5, 9, and 10. South of the bog is Misty Lake, a sizable freshwater body known for the
dense fog that forms on the surface and floats toward town. To the west is the Redthorn Forest
that spreads across hexes 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, and 16. Towering over the region to the east are the
great Whitepine Mountains spanning hexes 8, 13, and 17. At the feet of these mountains are the
Copperclaw Hills, where the land rises above the fens in hexes 11, 15, and 18. The King’s Highway
cuts through a grassy prairie in hex 19 before continuing to lands beyond.
The climate in Illmire is generally warm and wet, with frequent thunderstorms that tumble over the
land in rolling, tremulous clouds. During the winter, there is a period where the rain turns to slushy
snow that coats the swamp. Springtime sees warmer weather return and ushers in the mud season,
where the ground becomes mucky sludge, causing boots to get stuck and wagons to sink. Summer
in the valley is muggy, the air thick with swarms of gnats, mosquitoes, and sweating humidity. The
swamp hosts a symphony of buzzing, chirping, chattering, and croaking, punctuated by the occa-
sional terrifying wails of some poor creature's suffering out in the dark unknown. The air is still and
smells of decaying vegetation mixed with the sulphuric stench of stagnant water.
Snowcapped mountains, dominate the eastern vista. The morning sees a spectacular sunrise that
bursts through the craggy peaks. To the west is a lush forest whose swelling canopies rise high
above the swamp. The wetlands themselves stretch a ways north off the map. It's an untamed
wilderness, but was once home to a peaceful society of hunter-gatherer-builders who left their
mysterious monoliths strewn about the valley. Legend speculates about what treasures lie in wait
for any who are bold, brave, or foolish enough to go search for them.
The swamp here is overrun with colorful, pungent mushrooms and other fungi. They are all con-
nected by way of a vast mycelium network that creates a massive hive-mind intelligence. Overall,
the hive-mind is not much more intelligent than a slug, but it can generate localized high-intelli-
gence within a small area of the fungus, manifesting as responsive and clever personality. They may
guide friends of the wild toward the fungal caverns. Many of the mushroom species are poisonous,
but some have positive benefits as well as psychedelic properties.
At the center of the mushroom mass is a large cave, home to myconids. The cultists have built a
workshop outside of the cavern where they craft potions of fear by corrupting the myconids and
turning them into shriekers, then wringing the juice from their slain corpses. It is also the secret
resting place of Vosethra, Widow of the Swamps. She is an ancient, wild witch of the lost clan
of Illmire; one with the swamp and instinctively revered by all the swamp creatures. The reeds
whisper her name when the wind blows, and all the frogs, toads, caiman, and chirping bugs sing
her songs throughout the bogs every day. She is currently stuck in fungal form, but can be restored
to her human form using Vosethra's Idol. She is aware of everything that happens in the swamp,
detests the cult, and would love to see The Observer ousted from Illmire. She operates by way of a
dryad emissary and will seek aid of helpful adventurers.
Dungeon: The Fungal Cavern of the Swamp Witch lies in the heart of The Fungal Swamp. The
fungus becomes denser and larger as you approach the cavern.
Fungal Swamp Encounters (3-in-6 chance, roll 1d6): 1) Myconid scouts, suspicious and
violent towards trespassers [3d4]. 2) Shriekers sprinting and screaming a horrific wale [1d4].
3) Cultists, refilling corruption emitters and trapping shriekers [2d4]. 4) Ropers, waiting for
victims to pass by [1d4] 5) A fungal stalker, blending into the mushrooms. 6) Alcove bursting
with healing mushrooms [3d8 caps, heal 1hp but cause intense hallucinations].


A mysterious tower raises high above the forest canopy; the home of the famed sorcerer known
only as The Observer. The tower itself is magical. Parts of it were broken long ago in a battle be-
tween The Observer and Esmeraldra. And yet, despite a chunk of the tower missing in the center, it
floats mysteriously unsupported. At the top of the tower is an enchanted spyglass that oversees all
of Illmire and can perform remote magical effects upon the targeted location. Only The Observer
knows how to use it properly.
The forest near The Observer's tower is eerily quiet and devoid of most wildlife. Most assume that
The Observer is human, but actually he is a large, monstrous eye-beast that emerged from some-

where in The Underdark below the tower. He is also the true source of many of Illmire's woes. He
is the one responsible for summoning the Fearmother to this plane of reality and releasing it into
the region. He does this and many other seemingly heinous acts all for the sake of studying and
enjoying the entertainment of it. These facts are not immediately obvious to PCs who may instead
see him as a sort of peculiar patron, at least in the beginning.
Dungeon: The Observer's Tower can be seen from the forest's edge. However, within the woods,
it is obscured by the trees' dense canopy. Climbing a tall tree is dangerous but useful to find it.
Observer's Woods Encounters (2-in-6 Chance, roll 1d6): 1) Magically animated flying
swords [2d2]. 2) All party members feel as though the are being watched (they are, by The
Observer in his tower). 3) Frogling scouts, searching for a lost companion [1d4]. 4) A mutated
frogling; half dead. 5) Pack of ravenous chimera goblins, skulking around and ready to am-
bush [4d4]. 6) The Observer, wandering nearby the tower in search of reagents.


This is one of the most feared areas of the forest. Locals claim the biggest, most ferocious spiders
in the world live here. They might not be too far off. The Spider Woods are dark and sagging under
the weight of sticky webbing that hangs from every skeletal tree branch in sight. A hidden shrine
to a lost spider god emanates an aura of insect growth throughout the huge caverns that hide it,
creating an infestation of giant bugs to feed the spiders. From these caverns spew forth all types of
oversized creepy crawlers, and the oversized predators that feed upon them.
Yorivar the Druid, outcast from Illmire, hides from the cult's assassin in the cavern deeps. A
white-bearded druid with piercing eyes has been tending to the wilderness of this region for de-
cades, living peacefully within the willow grove in town. However, he is no fool and quickly saw
what Rancidius was up to. He barely escaped with his life and remains hunted by the cult’s assassin.
Yorivar will help anyone who proves they are trustworthy, and the best way to do that is to erad-
icate or drive off the threat of Zeshara and the mantismen. If adventurers prove themselves allies
of the froglings, Yorivar may cast spells for them, once per day, to aid their quests. If the party
seems particularly mercenary or have questionable intentions, Yorivar may charge up to 100gp per
spell cast. In addition, once per visit to the village after becoming friendly, Yorivar will share a local
legend around the bonfire.
Yorivar wants to see the cult put to a stop. He has tried to contact his trusted friend Jorrid, but has
not heard back. He will be horrified and furious when he finds out what has become of his dear pal.
He considers the froglings close allies, but the threat of the mantis mound is dire; he urges adven-
tures to deal with the mantis before they deal with the cult. If the adventurer’s can prove themselves
with this task, he promises to aid them against the cultists. He says there may be treasures stolen
from their victims hidden in the mantis mound.
He also knows the assassin is out there, and describes what Zeshara looks like; she is the second
priority of Yorivar. He will be eternally grateful if she is reported dead or gone, and will return to the
village to confront Rancidius if he has the backup of trusted and capable adventurers. Yorivar will
tell the PCs of the redthorn brambles, and reveal that their source is the fabled Broken Rosewood
Staff. He knows that the froglings have a way through the redthorn brambles.
Dungeon: The Webbed Hollows are located in the depths of the Spider Woods, towards the
western edge of the forest hex.
Spider Woods Encounters (2-in-6 Chance, roll 1d8): 1) Some kind of half-digested thing
squirming in a web-cocoon. 2) A pile of spider eggs; they hatch if disturbed [1d2 swarms of
spiders emerge]. 3) A group of giant wolf spiders on the prowl [2d4]. 4) Ettercaps exploring
the forest [1d3]. 5) Shambling skeletons wandering over from the crypts [2d6]. 6) Giant drag-
onflies investigating the PCs [3d6]. 7) Zeshara, searching for Yorivar; attempts an assassina-
tion if possible; if not, she follows them to watch what they do and report back to the cult. She
avoids going into The Hollows at all costs. 8) The spider queen; attempts to snatch a PC and
drag them back to her lair as bait, leaves a trail on purpose.
The swamp around the lair is a stagnant bog with a few areas where the undulating foothills of the
Whitepine Mountains rise and fall. The hills are covered in dense foliage and mangrove shrubs that
rim the lines where the slope dips into the swamp water. Like most parts of the swamp, this area is
home to many types of reptiles, birds, and in this particular area, a flock of cockatrice.
Dungeon: Hidden behind a small rock outcropping, veiled under a giant weeping willow's thick
foliage, is the Vile Lair of the Nightmare Cult.

Cultist Lair Surroundings Encounters (3-in-6 chance, roll 1d6): 1) Cockatrice nest
[1d10]. 2) Cockatrice scavenging [1d3]. 3) Lifelike stone statues of what appear to be 1d6
cultists, frozen in combat and terror (plus 500gp in a stone satchel that hangs around one of
their necks). 4) A group of nightmare cultists heading to one of their points of interest [2d4].
5) A pack of wild boar [3d3]. 6) Cultists [3d4] and captives [1d4] traveling to the lair.


This area of the Illmire swamps is almost barren of life. This is due to the voracious appetites of
the clan of mantismen who silently creep through the marshes and surprise enemies with deadly
tenacity. Folks say they are near invisible until they're right upon you. Indeed, many gecko trappers
have fallen victim to their stealthy predation, as well as many poor froglings.
The mounds here were made by colonies of large ants, but most now sag under the swamp's humid-
ity. The largest mound was populated by the mantismen not long after the ants disappeared (they
all died by way of disease, an accidental side-effect of The Observer's experimentation on them).
They have since maintained it with their own methods and very successfully made it their lair.
Dungeon: The Mound of the Mantismen stands prominently above the swamp around it. Tracks
lead to the mound. Mantis tracks are hard to find and they travel in single-file to hide their numbers.
Mantis Lands Encounters (2-in-6 Chance, roll 1d8): 1) Mantismen hunting pack [2d4]. 2)
Giant dragonflies [3d6]. 3) Wounded frogling, wants to go home. 4) Remnants of sacked trap-
per camp; 1d4 gecko traps, and 200gp worth of gecko skins. 5) Swarm of drogue flies [2d6].
6) Mantismen war-band on the march [4d4+Champion]. 7) Wyvern flying over the swamp. 8)
Mantisman stuck in a gecko trap. If freed, it will remember its savior and not attack.


Nestled in the high canopies of the Redthorn Forest's edge is an enclave of treefrog people. They
call their small treetop hamlet Gribblet Village, and here they hide from the many dangers that
surround them. Their homes are built from wood and thatch. Many of them are ingrown with the
tree boughs they sit upon to the point where some are now one with the tree. The froglings live a
simple, tribal lifestyle. Their language and names consist of croaking and ribbet noises. They num-
ber less than a hundred and their numbers dwindle due to repeat conflicts with the mantismen who
hunt them relentlessly. They are led by a cunning and wise shaman chieftess called Rubigroak.
The huts are scattered around the trees, with a main platform in the tree canopy where the chieft-
ess' hut sits. They have a fire pit where they hold meetings while the froglings gather around in the
surrounding branches. The froglings burn special herbs gathered from the forest to communicate
with their patron, a treefrog spirit that watches over their area of the woods.
There is no way to reach the village without climbing at least 50’ up into the treetops. Friendly
froglings may assist welcome visitors. They’ll avoid anything that wanders under their canopy,
watching from above. They’ll attack anything that seems aggressive. They’ll befriend anything that
kills mantismen and approach anyone who bears gifts, such as shiny treasures or trophies of slain
mantis. They’ll report what they see to the Chieftess, who may then invite to the fire anyone who
seems like they could be useful allies against the mantismen.
They will treat anyone who ends the threat of the mantis as heroes and will teach these heroes
their secret tree-climbing techniques (spend a week training to gain +3 bonus to all climbing checks
while in the trees of the Redthorn Forest). They’ll also teach them their crafting skills (players gain
the frogling crafts handout) and may show them the way to the Forsaken Oubliette (a way into
The Underdark). They’ll suggest using the air-sac helmets to get to the fishmen grottoes and may
assist in crafting various items from the swamps. Only she and her most trusted warriors know the
location of the Forbidden Oubliette. They will only show the PCs the location of this Underdark
entrance if the mantismen have been defeated. If Zeshara is slain, Yorivar will begin staying with
the froglings in Gribblet Village.
Frogling Canopy Encounters (2-in-6 Chance, roll 1d6): 1) Stealthy frogling scout, stalks
intruders. 2) Mantisman raiding party [4d3]. 3) Giant ferret nest [3d2]. 4) Troglodytes crawled
up from the Forsaken Oubliette on a hunt [3d4]. 5) Frogling hunting party [2d4] 6) Stampede
of wild boar [5d6].


This area of the forest was once the sacred land of an ancient tribe of people who lived in Illmire
almost a millennia ago. They drew the ire of The Observer who laid waste to their village and killed
most of their tribe. They buried their dead in the hills beyond the woods, hoping to shelter their

fallen from disturbance. And yet centuries later, The Observer discovered the burial mounds and,
for fun and "for science", decided it was time to practice his necromancy upon their bones. He dab-
bled quite a bit in the mound before growing disinterested and moving on, leaving behind scores
of undead. Many eventually began crawling up from under the ground to wander the foggy forest.
Dungeon: In the hills west of the forest is a narrow downward staircase built into a wooded mound
that leads to The Forgotten Crypt of the Lost Clan.
Cryptwood Encounters (2-in-6 Chance, roll 1d8): 1) Shambling skeletons emerged from
the crypts [1d8]. 2) Corpse creepers feasting on something dead [1d6]. 3) Cultists investigat-
ing the undead and collecting quicksilver (3d4). 4) Half-collapsed ancient tomb; contains ev-
erburning torch and golden statue of raccoon worth 300gp. 5) Colony of bats, suddenly takes
flight at sudden disturbance [3d6 swarms]. 6) Banshee, singing a haunting song in the fog at
night. 7) Sudden cold and tingling skin; save or feel ill. 8) Distant howls of agony.


These craggy spires of the Whitepine Mountains are infested with hundreds of griffon and hippog-
riff nests. They hunt the goats, sheep, and deer who graze the green valleys between the granite
cliffs. They also squabble amongst themselves, vying for territory and mating rights. This often
makes them dangerous even to creatures they don't deem prey, though they aren't above filling
their bellies with human meat if the opportunity should arise. They dive-bomb from the peaks above
and try to snatch their prey, then fly high into the air before dropping it to splatter on the rocks
below. They all then swarm and tear the prey apart.
Worse than the griffons and hippogriffs is the fearsome wyvern who nests in the high peaks. Yet,
as terrible as these beasts may be, they aren't the only reason these mountains are avoided. The
locals fear rumors of a legendary vault high in the mountains that imprisons monsters. The legend
is true; a pair of extra-dimensional demons are locked in a ruined aerie, kept there by the sorceress
who now poses as Esmeraldra. The demons long for their freedom and wish to see Esmeraldra, The
Observer, and all of Illmire turned to ashes before they depart this world forever.
Dungeon: On a high rock precipice, the path steep and harried with winged beasts, is the entrance
to The Prison Vault of the Demon Warlords.
Winged Roosts Encounters (3-in-6 chance, roll 1d6): 1) A troupe of elf rangers from afar,
arriving in Illmire in search of a lost elven artifact [3d6]. 2) Giant hawks on the ledges above,
ready to swoop down on prey [2d6]. 3) Wretched harpies, scavenging the mountains and bick-
ering amongst each other [3d3]. 4) Hippogriffs, gliding through the valley [2d6]. 5) Griffons,
soaring high above and darting through rocks [1d4]. 6) A vicious wyvern, circling above.


All over the landscape here are deep quicksand pits formed by underground springs. The water
settles in pools of silt. A thin layer will dry out on top and appear to be solid ground but, when
stepped-upon, the creature will rapidly sink into the quicksand. The thick sand will make it exhaust-
ing to move. It seems to suck you lower and hold you down. Creatures will often panic and thrash
in an attempt to free themselves. This results in sinking further into the muck.
Other parts are covered in glassy sheets of ankle-high swamp water miles wide. These flooded
fields hide more quicksand and sudden drops in the water's depth. Only the occasional scraggly tree
sticks up to break the surface. Cultists have built a series of catwalks that cross this area in an at-
tempt to make safe travel. They use shrubbery, rocks, and curves in the land to obscure their path.
Sinkhole Pits (3-in-6 Chance, roll 1d6): 1-2) Quicksand, 2-in-6 chance each party member
gets stuck. Each one stuck gets a save vs. paralysis; failure means creature goes under the
sand; one chance for ally to get them out with strength check. Suffocate in 1d6 rounds under
the sand. 3) 1d4 giant geckos, 2-in-6 they are stuck in quicksand. 4) 2d4 cultists traversing
the boardwalk. 5) 2d4 mantismen hunting nearby. 6) Party discovers hidden boardwalk built
by the cultists; it leads to not far from the cultist's lair.


Scampering and basking all over this part of the bogs are a huge species of gecko that dominates
the landscape. They prefer to lay their eggs in muck nests between patches of tall grass and feed
off of the plethora of insect life that abounds in the swamp and nearby forest. The local humans
and mantismen both hunt the giant geckos, for food and for their tough hides. Other predators of
note in this area are the giant birds who circle over the fens looking to snag tasty treats in the form
of geckos, eggs, and the occasional unlucky trapper.

The lost clan of Illmire built a monolith here. It was toppled after they disappeared. Later, the first
Lord of Illmire built a sturdy tower upon the ruins, in order to defend the town from bandit incur-
sions from the swamps. Some say ruins below the keep collapsed and the whole structure sunk
below the bog until nothing was left on the surface but rubble. To this day, it is clear that some
structure was built here but is now being reclaimed by the swamp. Beside the ruins of the fort is a
remnant of the sinking event - a deep pit that is now teeming with geckos. It also hides the trapped
entrance into the last portion of the structure that remains intact.
Dungeon: The Gecko Pit and Buried Bastion are on a rocky area that rises out of the fens.
Gecko Fens Encounters (3-in-6 Chance, roll 1d8): 1) Swarm of stirges [2d6]. 2) Gecko
trappers [2d3]. 3) Swarm of giant dragonflies [5d4]. 5) Giant geckos [2d6]. 6) Giant earth-
worms [2d6]. 7) Bandits posing as trappers [4d3]. 8) Giant hawks soaring above [1d8].


The many rivulets and streams of melted snow that cascade down the mountains come together as
grassy rivers that flow through the swamp. Excess water drains into an expansive limestone basin
and pools as a deep lake. It's roughly five miles long from north to south and five miles wide at its
widest point. The name comes from the dense fog that forms over it almost daily and then drifts
into the surrounding forest and over the swamps. It produces a 'lake-effect' in the region that gives
it the abundance of rainy weather.
The lake is circled with tall reeds and willows. Its depths are thick with sticky, brackish kelp. Wildlife
use the lake as a watering hole and breeding ground. The shallows are teeming with amphibians,
turtles, birds, and insects in varieties large and small. Fishermen from Illmire float wooden boats to
net the plentiful eels and fish inhabiting the turbid waters. In the darkest depth lurks a gargantuan
sturgeon, big enough to swallow a fishing boat whole. It surfaces once a month to feed, usually on
the new moon, when it is most dark at night. More troublesome to the humans are the aggressive
fish people who live in caves under the lake that launch raids on the nearby farms and camps.
Dungeon: The Prismatic Grottoes of the Fishmen can be found below the water of Misty Lake,
on the southern ledge. Going inside requires some way to breathe under water.
Misty Lake Encounters (near the lake, 2-in-6 Chance, roll 1d8): 1) Giant caiman ap-
proaching [1d4]. 2) Fishermen from Illmire casting from the shoreline [2d4]. 3) Giant toads
[2d4]. 4) Stirges buzzing through the reeds [2d6]. 5) Bloated body, washed ashore. 6) Froglings
on patrol [2d6]. 7) Shambling skeleton, wandered from the crypts nearby. 8) Small cave, cult-
ist hide-out, 1d4-1 cultists inside; chest with a potion of remove fear, +1 dagger, and 350gp.
Misty Lake Encounters (in the lake, 3-in-6 Chance, roll 1d8): 1) Fishman scout who'll
sound a horn underwater to call 1d6 more. 2) Fishermen from Illmire in a small boat netting
eels [1d6]. 3) Fishman hunting party [2d4]. 4) Electric eels, disturbed by PCs [2d6]. 5) School
of angry barbfang fish [1d3 swarms]. 6) Clams with 1d3 pearls worth 100gp each. 7) Sticky
kelp snags and holds them. 8) The giant sturgeon stirs from below and investigates hungrily.


A huge swath of forest floor is dominated by a dense, twisted bramble of tangled, thorny vines,
over ten feet tall in some spots. Nothing grows on the forest floor here except these brambles, but
the old-growth trees defiantly remain. Peculiar and beautiful, the briars are full of millions of bright
red, fragrant flowers that bloom on and off throughout the year, lighting up the area with color.
Despite its beauty, it is nearly impossible to pass through; anyone attempting to do so takes 1d4
(1d6 if unarmored) damage per ten feet of movement. A character in padded or cloth armor gets
immediately snagged and immobilized. Only small animals able to climb through the vines safely
remain in this area, as well as creatures that move through the treetops above. Characters may
attempt to climb through the treetops, but falling causes 1d8 fall damage into the briars (1d10 if
unarmored), plus being stuck inside the briars and having to find a way out.
The briars are an unnatural a side-effect of the broken rosewood staff, which lies at the center of
the bramble mass. The brambles get thicker and thicker until you reach the central "eye", where the
staff lies peacefully in two pieces upon a lone patch of moss with a 6' diameter clearing surrounding
it. If the staff is collected and the two pieces and re-joined, tiny fibrous plant-like tendrils immedi-
ately bridge the gap between the two halves and within moments it is mended, appearing as-new.
The wielder can freely command the briars and part their blockage at will.
Redthorn Briars Encounters (1-in-6 Chance, roll 1d8): 1) Skeletons wandered from the
crypts, struggling through the briars [1d4] 2) Froglings in the trees above, hunting birds with

slings [2d4] 3) Razorhounds, slipping quietly through the briars hunting [3d4]. 4) Remains of
a previous adventurer; dead in the briar patch (320gp, +1 longsword). 5) Enormous flock of
birds; if disturbed, they all take flight and blot out the sky. 6) Thornblights clambering about
[2d6]. 7) Wild boar, dipping in and out of niches in the briars [1d6]. 8) Giant spiders feasting
on a frogling that still quivers inside of a web sac [1d6].
Looming over the hills is a grim and active volcano, blackened with soot and crowned in billowing
smoke. It gets its name from the gaping mouth that spews forth ash and the occasional chunk of
exploded rock. It's not unusual to see rivers of molten lava stream down the jagged, gravel-strewn
face before slowly cooling into jet black stone. If it happens to rain on one of these lava streams,
the rapid cooling creates tendrils of natural obsidian glass. Looking down over the rim is a giant,
glowing pool of bubbling magma. The drop is steep, but there is a narrow path that leads down to
the impressive entrance to a once great dwarven forge.
The lord of this forge has been cursed by a powerful fire spirit, who has turned the dwarf and his
soldiers into elementals, their flesh and bone to lava and brimstone. The Lava Lord, as is now his
legendary moniker, is consumed with hate and his furious tantrums threaten Illmire with ever more
violent volcanic activity. The lands around the volcano are dead and burnt. A few pioneering shrubs
have found footholds here and there, but the landscape has become a near-wasteland.
Dungeon: Inside the mouth of the volcano is the entrance to the Obsidian Forge of The Lava
Lord, a short trek down a narrow stone path overlooking the lava pool in the center.
Mount Slagmaw Encounters (3-in-6 Chance, roll 1d6): 1) Giant salamanders basking in
the sun [1d6]. 2) A group of lava dwarfs on mindless patrol [2d4]. 3) Broken obsidian weap-
ons; one +1 obsidian sword still intact. 4) A troupe of dwarfs, distant cousins of the dwarf
lord from far away, coming to check on the Obsidian Forge. 5) Geological disturbance causes
steam to escape; 2-in-6 chance to get hit with 1d6 steam damage. 6) Wyvern from the Winged
Roosts soaring above, 3-in-6 chance carrying prey in its talons.


The windswept foothills here are laced with minerals and precious metals. Several mines have been
built but have collapsed due to heavy rains and flooding. The Copperclaw mine was a relatively new
one that successfully kept the economy of Illmire above average during operation. A freak accident
lead to a death of a miner who had been cursed by The Observer; he suddenly came back as a
crazed zombie and the mines had to be boarded shut.
The villagers don't understand what happened and don't speak of it, considering it a curse upon
the town (Father Rand confirms these suspicions in his sermons). Eventually, Rancidius and Virica
caught wind of the rumor of undead in Illmire and decided to investigate. They've been building an
army of zombies ever since. The zombies can be heard screaming and hollering at night.
Dungeon: The entrance to the The Abandoned Copperclaw Mines is near the center of the hex,
tucked in a pebble-strewn valley between hills. Crude metal tracks covered in weeds and grasses
run a quarter mile toward town; rusty remnants of the mine's prosperous times.
Old Mines Encounters (2-in-6 Chance, roll 1d8): 1) Bandits posing as militia [4d3]. 2)
Giant geckos foraging on shrubbery [1d4]. 3) Zombie miners wandering, tracks back to the
Copperclaw mines [1d3]. 4) Dire grizzly rooting around. 5) Steep pitfall into a jagged crevasse
[3d6 fall damage, save to avoid]. Skeleton holds a deed to a farm outside of Illmire. 6) Cult-
ists, heading towards the false watchtower [3d4]. 7) Zeshara the assassin; follows and attacks
vulnerables before disappearing. 8) Shepherds grazing their sheep in the hills [2d8].


Founded more than three centuries ago, this little town on the fringe of civilization has always
had a pioneering spirit. It started as a settlement of stalwart gecko trappers and it grew into a
bustling, fortified waystop frequented by travelers. Now the population hovers around 250 souls
in and around the village, mostly farmers, miners, fishermen, lumberjacks, and trappers. It's not
particularly notable; some may have heard of it but not likely as (until recently) it's had no reason
to garner any attention. This has changed with the rumors of treasure outside of town in the wil-
derness, however.
The current leader is Lord-Mayor Crellmont, an aging man, who is well respected among Ill-
mireites. His health is failing, and folks are already talking about his replacement, as he has no
heirs. His nephew, an unliked fellow called Zlatko (willing convert to the nightmare cult), plans

to seize control of town. Rancidius, posing as the benevolent priest Father Rand, tries to get close
but Crellmont wants nothing to do with him. The cult plans to sneak into his manse and turn the
Lord-Mayor into a mindphage puppet.
The Mayor's mansion is currently locked up and he is not taking any visitors. The late Lady Crell-
mont passed over a decade ago. The Mayor's butler Piedlund gruffly turns anyone who comes
knocking away. Piedlund is an impatient man when it comes to visitors and cares most about
fulfilling his butler duties above all else. He's spooked about the circumstances and suspicious of
everyone. The cult plans to turn him into a mindphage puppet too. He will not allow the PCs to
enter or speak with the Mayor unless a particularly convincing argument is made.
If the PCs can reach the Lord-Mayor before the cult does, the Mayor won't have much to share,
but will convey, in between coughing fits, that he does not trust Zlatko or Captain Frey. Crellmont
will insist the PCs seek out Sergeant Wilfret who is stationed at the old watchtower (see The False
Watchtower). Captain Frey was never a great watch captain but he certainly wasn't corrupt. He
and his two personal guards investigated the cult but were ambushed and turned into mindphage
puppets. Zeshara, the cult's deadly assassin, rests in town by day and operates by dark.
Dungeons: The Inn of the Weary Wagoner and The Defiled Temple of the Luminal Star. Both
"dungeons" are apparent in town, but not obvious for what they are.
Village Outskirts Encounters (2-in-6 Chance, roll 1d8): 1) Farmers heading back to town
[1d6]. 2) Cultists posing as locals [2d4]. 3) Fishmen raiding a farm [2d4]. 4) Geckos, astray
from the swamp [1d4]. 5) Bandits posing as militia on patrol [3d2]. 6) Mysterious standing
stone [if discovered, teleport here reliably with Observer's lens]. 7) Zeshara the assassin who
follows and attacks vulnerables. 8) Fishermen from the lake, bringing back fish [1d10].


At the southern reach of the Redthorn Forest, lumberjacks have cleared a large portion of wood.
They've built a sturdy lodge near the middle of the clearing. Their leader is a tree-trunk of a man
that towers seven feet tall. He goes by Rigdorf and all the other jacks refer to his decision-making.
He's a bit of a local legend. His story going back decade (or longer?) despite the fact that he doesn't
seem that old. The other jacks say he single-handedly fell more than half of the clearing, planted
more trees, and then fell all of those too. They say he donated much of the lumber to the town to
build many of the structures around Illmire. Lord Crellmont, should he be asked, will attest to this
as fact and remark that the tale was old when he was young.
Rigdorf carries a magical axe. He crafted it himself using lumber from the first mighty oak he
chopped down using only his father's hatchet. Unknowingly, it was created using the correct mate-
rials under the correct circumstances, below the auspicious star of an ancient woodsman deity. It's
enchanted with a number of properties, including limited immortality. The wielder will not age so
long as they remain within the clearing of the forest. Should Rigdorf leave the clearing, he would
will die.
He is ready to depart this world, but is troubled by the fishmen from Misty Lake attacking the
camp. He doesn't want to leave the camp unguarded. He will pay 1000gp if the fishmen attacks
are completely stopped. Once he knows the camp is safe from the incursion of the fishmen, he'll
reward the party with his magical axe before bidding them farewell and wandering off into the
forest. Upon leaving the clearing, he rapidly ages into a skeleton and then disintegrates into ash
that blows away in the wind.
Logger's Camp Encounters (2-in-6 Chance, roll 1d8): 1) Fishmen patrol [3d2]. 2) Lum-
berjacks felling trees [1d12]. 3) Deer, grazing in the clearings [2d4]. 4) Rigdorf, surveying and
assisting other jacks. 5) Wolves in hunting pack [2d6]. 6) Giant falcon, circling the clearing
and looking for deer [2d3]. 7) Cultists skulking around the outskirts of the camp [2d4]. 8) The
treant called Shushferoos quietly sobbing at the many fallen trees.


A magnificent granite peak stretches high into the sky. It's an iconic landmark visible from miles
away. Travelers on the King's Highway rely on it as a waymarker. Snow sits on the mountain tops
through most of the year and climbing it is treacherous at all times. Many enthusiastic climbers have
attempted to scale The Klepperhorn over the past hundred years or so and nearly all have failed.
Their frozen bodies are scattered all over the slopes, a grim reminder of the mountain's deadly
and unforgiving nature. Climbing the mountain is no small task. It takes 6+1d6 days to reach the
summit. Each day, roll for a random encounter as well as a climbing event.

Those who have reached the top speak of the mysterious and legendary giant known as the Moun-
tain King. He rules the mountain from his crystal palace built into a humongous cave near the
peak. He welcomes anyone who makes it to the top of the mountain and will provide food and even
lodging to regain their strength. He'll then proceed to pose riddles and challenges at them in order
test their heroism. If they return triumphantly from his quests, he'll want to hear the tale of their
deeds and judge them heroic or cowardly. Should he deem them heroes, he'll give them rewards to
encourage bigger and more amazing feats of daring.
Dungeon: Carved into the huge gypsum peak at the top of The Klepperhorn is The Crystalline
Palace of The Mountain King.
Klepperhorn Encounters (3-in-6 chance, roll 1d6): 1) Yeti ambush travelers from above
with boulders [1d4]. 2) Hobgoblin troupe, warriors making camp and preparing an assault on
the gnome caves [3d6]. 3) Raugle, steadfast guide. Willing to offer assistance up the mountain
in exchange for dealing with the wyvern of the Winged Roosts. 4) Rock gnomes, offering a
handful of gems to anyone who'll stop the hobgoblins [2d3]. 5) Cave containing bizarre, nat-
ural liquid mercury pools. Cultists are inside collecting mercury in vials [1d4-1]. 6) Echoes of
the booming voice of The Mountain King singing on the mountain.


The highway near Illmire has been pestered by local bandits for years, but now that the cult has
taken control of the town, the bandits are emboldened and run unchecked. The cult has begun to
pay them to kidnap travelers to be used as sacrifice victims. They were even able to over-run the
local militia, sacking the make-shift stronghold that sits at the base of an old, defunct watchtower.
The bandits now use the stronghold and the old tower as their base of operations, bringing captives
from the road here before selling them to the cult for profit.
Dungeon: The Bandit Stronghold & False Watchtower stand prominently on a raised plateau.
Dozens of tracks from the stronghold lead to the town and the highway's edge.
Bandit Territory Encounters (2-in-6 Chance, roll 1d8): 1) Bandits, posing as militia
[3d4]. 2) Cultists, on their way to the stronghold with captives [2d4 cultists, 1d6 captives]. 3)
Escaped captives, starving, dehydrated, and lost [1d6]. 4) Bandits, drunk and rowdy looking
for a fight [3d3]. 5) Mountain lions on the prowl [1d4]. 6) Malstern with 1d6 bodyguards
traveling back or forth between the stronghold and town. 7) Barfrain's boulder; initials BV
(buried underneath is 4000gp) 8) Zeshara the assassin keeping tabs on the bandits, but ready
to ambush any targets that wander under her nose.


From the kingdoms to the south crawls an old military road that was cobbled by an ambitious king.
It's a busy trade route that just happens to pass through this section of the middle of nowhere.
The stones are worn but were well crafted, etched with the occasional crown. It's a popular path
for caravans heading to the eastern lands where trade is done with far-off peoples. It brings a few
dozen folks per week through Illmire, mostly traders, pioneers, pilgrims, and miscreants. The road
swings westward to run past the town before departing away. Within the last month or so, a small
circus has set up shop not too far from the road. It's visible to travelers, with multi-colored banners
flying above a colorfully striped tent where jugglers and acrobats perform shows twice daily for a
fee of 2gp a head. They don't seem bothered that the locals aren't interested in their acts.
Here the woman called Esmeraldra is rumored to be an astute fortune teller and crystal-gazer. She
provides cryptic fortunes for a price of 100gp per customer, once per day. She is secretly a pow-
erful sorceress, the very one who summoned the demon warlords who are now imprisoned in the
mountains. She bides her time, schemes, and plots, waiting for the perfect chance to strike back.
She wears a silver ring with a half-moon partially encircling a pentagram. The circus is a ruse. Her
minions are in disguise to throw off suspicion and hide in plain sight. The Observer has noticed
them but doesn't recognize them for what they are.
King's Highway Encounters (2-in-6 Chance, roll 1d8): 1) Locals from Illmire [2d4]; 1:
Fishermen, 2: loggers, 3: farmers, 4: hunters, 5: trappers, 6: bandits disguised as locals. 2)
Pilgrims traveling on the road [2d8]. 3) Traveling merchant caravan [d4 patrons, d6 guards
per patron]. 4) Bandits looking to ambush and capture the fairest among them (charisma 13+)
[4d3]. 5) Wolf pack, hungry and hunting [3d4]. 6) Wandering circus folk offering performanc-
es (actually spies collecting information for Esmeraldra) [3d4]. 7) Captain Frey with goons,
on "patrol". 8) Sacked caravan, remnants of bandit activity, tracks back to bandit stronghold.

Map of the Town


11 4
19 20
2 15

5 12



The following keyed entries correspond to the above town map.

1. Mayor’s Mansion: Home to Lord Crell- 5. Barracks and Jail: The false Captain Frey
mont, currently stricken with the deadly bald and his two henchmen make their quarters in
fever. Gruff butler, Piedlund, tends his side. the barracks here. The jail is currently empty
2. Town Center: An open air marketplace and sees little use under the bogus law enforce-
where vendors usually sell goods and the occa- ment. Bandits hired as “town guards” are neg-
sional fancy item from afar. In the center is a ligent and susceptible to bribery.
raised platform and wooden rostrum for public 6. Stables and Barn: Horses, ponies, and
speaking. It's quiet while the cult is in town, mules are stabled here. Ballard the hostler
except for Rancidius' sermons. tends to them. He’s naturally meek and tim-
3. Inn of the Weary Wagoner: See pages id, barely speaks, and will stutter, responding
20-21 for details on the inn. minimally and only when pressed.

4. Temple of the Luminal Star: See pages 7. Carpenter: Ruskin and his son Buel saw
22-23 for details on the temple. Next to the too much. Forcefully given mindphages and
temple is the town well. A graveyard behind the turned into cult puppets. They go about their
temple has a secret entrance to the catacomb. carpentry business, grim and soulless. Wife

Wendelaine is terrified and knows something 15. Miner’s House: Once the home of Ferd-
is wrong but is too scared to act, as her mind- nick Jardan. He was killed when the mines col-
phaged husband is prone to violence if ques- lapsed, or so his wife was told. His distraught
tioned. She’ll be one to eventually seek the widow, Eluta, spends her days despondent,
help of adventurers who seem trustworthy. weeping in bed. She fiddles with a silver ring
"He's not... himself anymore." that hangs from her necklace. Eluta won’t see
8. General Store: Offering a variety of tools, any guests, but daughter Emira will nervously
equipment, and sundries, this store is owned admit she’s heard screams coming from the
by a typically friendly old man called Petrick. temple at night. She thinks there’s a secret
He drinks more mead than water and has yet way in.
to fall ill, but he’s currently paranoid. He’ll rush 16. Grove of Scraggly Willows: Looming
shoppers and peer suspiciously at them. over a wide clearing is a copse of gnarled, old
9. Mill and Bakery: A friendly, young wom- weeping willows. Hoot owls nest in hollows
an called Deela and her new husband Lan- high up; townsfolk let them hunt mice, rats,
ham tend the wheat grinder and bake hearty and other vermin. Amidst the willows is what
breads. They moved to town and bought the was a small, moss-covered cottage, now top-
old mill a few months ago; they’ve been ques- pled after the cult went searching for Yorivar
tioning their decision since. They are willing to the druid, who skipped town only the night
entertain friendly visitors and, if conversation before they came for him. A tracker may find
proceeds past a few glasses of wine, Lanham footprints leading to Redthorn Forest.
lets it slip that there’s something wrong with 17. Farmer Pickens: Old man Pickens
the town, that the carpenter has seemed off doesn’t have time for any nonsense. He’s been
lately, that he’s seen people lurking around showing signs of bald fever. His son does his
the temple at night, and that he thinks Father best to run the farm but... “let’s just say, only
Rand is hiding something. Lanham rushes vis- way Junior’s gonna get any smarter would be if
itors out when cultists come snooping around. he died and came back as a turnip.”
10. Farmer Niles: The dairyman, his wife, 18. Tanner’s House: Delvon the tanner
and three daughters make their home here sells leather items and armor. He lost his wife
with a few scrawny, skittish cows. Niles is months back and now pours himself into his
stressed and concerned, but is clueless on what work. He thinks the town is cursed and wants
to do. His youngest daughter is showing signs to leave as soon as he can.
of illness. They have a dog who barks at the 19. Stonemason: Jorrid the mason lost his
cultists. Cultists will soon kill it. mind from the nightmares and killed his fam-
11. Gem and Jewel: Kellen the jeweler and ily a week ago. He thinks his neighbors made
his wife Maidelle cut, craft, and appraise jewel- him do it. Starving, he's shut himself inside his
ry, gems, and crystals. They've closed up shop home, scrawling messages on the walls; half
out of paranoia, but may still do business with apologies to his dead family, half plans for re-
particularly charismatic visitors. Maidelle will venge. He'll feebly attack intruders.
fall ill soon and die within months if the cult is 20. Shepherd's House: Out on the moor
not stopped. with his sheep, Shepherd Tafrick was vulner-
12. Weaver and Tailor: Arthik the weaver able. The assassin Zeshara subdued him and
makes clothes, linens, and other woven, tai- forced a mindphage worm into his ear. He
lored items. He is showing signs of sickness tends to his sheep like a mindless zombie.
and is sleep deprived. He will sell his wares Zeshara uses his house as her quarters, only
with listless indifference. coming and going by the shadow of nightfall.
13. Blacksmith’s Shop: A big, bushy, black OUTSKIRTS: Outside of the town proper,
beard hangs on the chin of Magnus the smith. there are dozens of additional cottages, huts,
Broad and tall, he hammers away every day on barns, and fields. There are several abandoned
metal wares, as well as his emotions, beating homes of folks who either died or left town.
both into submission. Tough stoicism hides un- There are additional villagers who can be met
ease about the state of the town. in the outskirts of town (see the player hand-
14. Farmer Hammack: A root farmer and outs for more NPC townsfolk).
his wife are cultists, victims of the mindphage. LIVING SOULS AND THE PYRE: In the be-
Their daughter Ava (reported missing) has ginning of the campaign, display the handouts
been sent to the cult’s lair to be used as a sac- for all of the villagers they meet in town. As
rifice. They refuse to talk to anyone who isn't time progresses, place those who die into a
"Father Rand". They scowl at visitors, slam separate pile called THE PYRE. Dead PCs can
their shutters, and report suspicious activity. also be added to this pile for added effect!

Inn of the Weary Wagoner
HEX 15


ground floor


The cult has infiltrated the old inn. The owner 8. Inn Rooms: A variety of inn rooms are avail-
was turned into the brain-puppet of a mind- able. Not well maintained by current staff and in
phage worm. She goes about her normal need of cleaning. Bed bugs, stains, and stink.
business in mindless malaise, mumbling an- Secret doors (false wall panels) allow cultists to
swers to questions and bumping clumsily into quietly kidnap sleepers. 2-in-6 chance they'll try
things. Cult members now run the inn. They to nab a random PC who appears to be asleep.
use it as a front for profit and as a discreet 9. Cellars: Near the outhouses in the courtyard
way of kidnapping sleeping travelers. are storm-doors that lead down to the cellars.
1. Commons: An open dining room with sev- They’re barred from the inside. Cultists use the
eral tables and a stone hearth has a lingering trap door in the pantry to gain access.
odor of ale and week-old stew in the air. 4+1d4 10. Captive Hold: Usually a wine cellar and
bandits from the nearby stronghold keep quiet cold storage, this area is where unlucky folks
and act like locals, but are waiting to kidnap vul- captured by the corrupt staff are taken to be
nerable patrons. They’ll start a fight with anyone held until cultists from the lair come to smuggle
who makes trouble and seems weak. If the party them back. There will be 1d4-1 captives tied up
looks strong, they depart subtly and report to and gagged at any given time.
Malstern, the bandit leader.
11. Mortin's Alcove: Next to the single bed,
2. Bar: A worn oak bar hosts stools for thirsty under a pile of dirty blankets, is a chest con-
patrons. It’s decorated with peculiar memorabil- taining a potion of fear, a potion of remove
ia from distant lands. Behind the bar is Birella, fear, a +1 short sword, 282gp, and a bag of
a dark-eyed convert who runs a front for the inn 5 gems stolen from Kellen and Maidelle worth
but secretly acts as an informant for the cult. 40gp each. A poison needle trap is rigged if the
She’ll make small talk with strangers to gather chest is not unlocked with the key carried by
information, advising the cult on which patrons Mortin around his neck. The trap will deploy if
seem harmless, dangerous, or eligible for kid- someone tampers with the lock mechanism. It
napping or cult conversion. pokes the tamperer's finger to cause sleep for
3. Kitchen: Two assistants, Mortin and Ormol 1+d6 hours, save to resist. Mortin checks on the
(both cultists), prepare food alongside brain- area regularly and will kidnap and torture any-
dead Norma. The kitchen is off-limits to non- one found asleep.
staff, yet sometimes shady folks are seen slip- 12. Cult Hideout: Curtained off alcove used
ping back there anyway. Norma and Birella use by cultists as quarters while operating in town.
the two adjacent bedrooms as quarters. Birella A crate holds a vermicious vessel containing
has a chest in her room that contains 180gp, a a mindphage and 100gp worth of spices and
+1 dagger, a black cultist cloak, and a potion of salts. The key to area 13 sits on a small table.
remove fear.
13. Wine Locker: Heavy locked door. Stored
4. Dry Pantry: Grains and dry goods for cook- here are 1d6 wine casks, two fear potions,
ing are stored here. A rug on the floor covers and a false-bottom back-
a trap door beneath the counter leading to the pack that hides 650gp
cellars below. There’s no lock, but cultists will and an obsidian ring of
start to guard it if they catch anyone snooping. protection.
5. Storage Room: Various sundries for main-
taining the inn. Stuffed in the back is a bag of
rare shells and small fossils (worth 50gp).
6. Balcony: Stairs from the great room lead up
to a wide balcony that overlooks the area below.
More tables for patrons and a second hearth to
keep it warm.
7. Stable: Separated from the main building
is a narrow barn used to keep patrons' mounts
safe. Ormol tends to perform the work of the
hostler, though he hates it and mistreats the an-
imals. He hides his stash of 120gp and a pair of
silver rings here in a locked chest under a bale of 10
hay. A key is in his sock. If a shady-looking PC
strikes up conversation with him, he’ll assume
they are fellow members of the cult and will ask
if they have seen the Fearmother yet (he really
wants to go see her). cellars

Defiled Temple of the Luminal Star HEX 15

2 13

3 5

3 11

7 8

9 9

What should be a holy temple dedicated to 2. Communion Chamber: Normally an

the lawful gods of humankind has been se- area to share wine and discuss the matters of
cretly ransacked and desecrated by the night- the day, the cultists use this chamber as their
mare cult. It remains closed to the public for grungy quarters. The wine is gone. Four
"renovations", the front door barred from the black cloaks can be found here, plus a sack
inside. Three cultists, disguised as temple of 140gp. 2+1d4 cultists are in here, half
guards, patrol the courtyard at all times. The sleeping, half whispering to one another.
cultists use a secret entrance, a hatch inside 3. Meditation Rooms: These rooms were
of an unmarked mausoleum in the grave- used by good-aligned monks to pray and
yard, to access the crypts below the temple. meditate in peace. The statues have been
1. Worship Hall: A skilled climber may be defaced. These rooms are empty otherwise.
able to scale the building and enter through 4. Captive Holding Room: This cham-
a window above. Ornate archways buttress a ber is locked shut using a chain and metal
long stone chamber. Past a pair of great pillars pin, but it can easily be removed from the
is the temple's altar. A once peaceful place of outside. 1d4 terrified kidnap victims inside.
worship has been pillaged and wrecked. The They must be escorted out; otherwise they
altar has been smashed and the stone statues are too scared to go on their own.
of lawful gods toppled. Rubble and debris litter
the area. Six cultists labor to build a new altar 5. Library: Toppled bookshelves and a bro-
and will attack intruders. One of them carries ken desk remain, the literature long since
a scroll of remove fear, a +1 dagger, and two burned by the cultists. Hidden in a compart-
rubies worth 50gp each. The front door can be ment in the wall are divine scrolls of detect
unbarred from the inside. evil and protection from evil.

6. Tapestry Room: Once the display of 9. Storage: Closets used to store things for
holy tapestries, they’ve all been torn down the temple. Several candles and torches can
and burned. The cult now stores their in- be found, as well as a lantern, a shovel, and
town supply of fear potions here. A crate three coils of rope. Below a false flagstone is
holds 2d6 potions. They concoct some sort a marble box containing an exquisite golden
of ritual brew by combining the potions and pyramid worth 750gp.
the defiled holy wine stolen from the com- 10. Stairway Room: A set of stairs lead
munion chamber. 1d4 cultists are in here down into the catacomb below. The statue
imbibing the brew in some sort of impromp- here has its head cracked off. It lies on the
tu ritual. They scream and attack wildly if floor next to a row of skulls the cultists have
surprised. The brew, if drank, will cause ritually placed. The grim stench of death
a strange euphoric trance for 1d4 hours, wafts up from the stone descent.
punctuated by several bouts of extreme
paranoia and perverse, nightmarish hallu- 11. Catacomb: The stairs flow down to
cinations. A cultist wears a golden anklet a pair of landings with alcoves for storing
worth 125gp. urns; the urns are smashed and the ashes
scattered. At the end of the stairs is a cata-
7. Reliquary of the Luminal Star: The comb lined with coffins. One contains a gold
door has been covered with a black tarp, necklace and bracelet worth 100gp each. 5
scrawled with demonic symbols in blood. zombies lurk in the shadows, ready to attack
It covers an ornately carved wooden door intruders. A false wall acts as a hidden exit
that’s been marred and ripped. This cham- to a staircase that leads to a secret hatch
ber holds the namesake of the temple, The in the mausoleum outside. Another secret
Luminal Star, that stands defiantly on a door to area 12 requires pushing on a wall
pedestal surrounded by skulls of sacrifice tile etched with a skull. The tile is warded
victims the cultists have fearfully placed as a with cause light wounds, cast on whoever
ward to its power. Only a good-aligned cler- touches it (other than Rancidius himself). If
ic of level 2 or higher may grip the weapon pushed with an object instead, it won't trig-
without being shocked by its holy might (a ger the spell.
cleric of any level will sense this).
12. Rancidius’ Quarters: 2-in-6 chance
8. Priestess Quarters: This room serves to step on a floor tile warded with a cause
as quarters for the Priestess Nivendra, once fear spell while passing through the nar-
a devout and loyal cleric of the lawful gods, row passage. The door is locked, but can
she is now controlled by a mindphage worm. be picked or forced. Rancidius lairs here
This particular specimen is larger and more at night. He will only fight to the death if
intelligent than usual, making Nivendra a cornered; he'll never surrender. But he will
particularly convincing mind-puppet; she is flee if possible and attempt to let the fear-
more lively, sharp-eyed, and clear-headed spawn dispatch the enemies instead. In a
than others. But she is completely under the locked chest (Rancidius holds the key), is
control of the worm and a zealous servant 850gp, two vermicious vessels, and a note
of the cult. If discovered by outsiders, she’ll from Virica instructing him to order more
pretend to be a victim and ask to be res- captives to sate the Fearmother's growing
cued, claiming to have been locked in her desire to torture victims to elicit terror (see
chamber for months. She will flee town and handout).
warn the lair of troublemakers. If discovered
to be under the worm's control, she’ll fight 13. Lair of the Fearspawn: The cult
viciously, to the death, unless the worm is has hidden the fearspawn here in order to
extracted. If it is removed, she can become a feed off of the fears of the townsfolk. The
valuable ally, able to cure diseases, lift curs- chamber is warm and rank, smelling of rot.
es, and supply holy water. She wears a +1 Strange, viscous ooze drips from the ceiling.
ring of protection. In her room is a locked Lurking in a pool of gore is the fearspawn.
chest; she claims she doesn't have the key, To appease its desire for fearful trinkets, the
and warns them not to try to open it. She cultists hide one of their prized treasures:
actually has the key hidden in her sandal. the Deathly Spade. The ominous item sits
The chest is trapped to release a cloud of atop a gray, marble pedestal for display.
poison gas 5' in diameter if it's not unlocked Next to the spade is a human skull, painted
with the key first. It will also unleash this black with a candle lit upon its head.
gas if the chest is bashed open. It contains
485gp, a featureless porcelain mask, a
scroll of cure light wounds, and personal
letters from Nivendra's family.

Rancidius the Defiler
The evil sorcerer cleric, zealot, manipula-
tor, and all around dastardly fellow called
Rancidius, shares leadership of the cult
with his twin sister, Virica. Together
they mastermind the operations of
the nightmare cult in service to their
sinister idol. Rancidius falsely rep-
resents himself as ‘Father Rand’ to
the townsfolk of Illmire, a priest
who was called there to help
“ease” the troubles of the people.
Little do the people realize that
he and his cult are the source of
their troubles.
The sermons delivered by Father
Rand seem benign at first, almost
helpful. But they quickly take a dark
turn. He will point to recent deaths
in town, play up the drama of the
tragedy, and warn the other townsfolk
that they are next if they do not follow
his advice. He’ll assert that the disas-
ters befalling the town will only get
worse due to the corrupted souls of
the people.
He threatens fire and brimstone,
with the only salvation being re-
pentance. This is just a trick to turn
the folk into paranoid informants who
keep tabs on each other because they’re
afraid not to. The end result is a terri-
fied town whose fear is palpable to visi-
tors and literally delicious for the fearspawn that lurks below the temple.
If confronted, he’ll attempt to lie his way out, claiming to be in hurry and he will meet with them lat-
er. If pushed, four cultist bodyguards will intervene and fight if needed while he flees. If adventurers
attempt a fight in public before gaining the trust of the town, the cult will appeal to the townsfolk
to help, who will also step in.
If the town is somehow successfully turned on Rancidius, he will retreat to the temple, using the
secret entrance. If anyone tries to pursue him into the crypt, he’ll unleash the zombies on the town
and retrieve his prized possessions from his lair before trying to escape through the front door and
out of town. If adventurers pursue him into his lair, he’ll attempt to cast fear and then darkness
before trying to escape. He’ll leave his possessions behind in this case, if it means getting away with
his life. If allowed to escape from town, he’ll return to the lair hastily to warn his sister, Virica. They
will then begin to mount a campaign of retaliation until the offenders are slain.
Rancidius wears a necrotic charm that makes it so skeletons and zombies ignore him. He also has
a ring of protection. He'll attempt to retrieve The Deathly Spade from the fearspawn's lair before
he leaves town but may forgo taking it in a hurry. If he's able to grab it but is then cornered, he may
use it to fight with instead of his own dagger.
Rancidius may try to recruit the adventures to join the cult. If they refuse, there will be an attempt to
subdue them, one-by-one, and take control of them using mindphages. There is also a chance the
cult may be able to toy with some of the PCs before anyone notices that something is amiss. In this
case, try to have "Father Rand" coerce the character into assisting the cult under the false premise
of helping the town. He'll try to extract details and secrets about the party or individual PCs. He'll
possibly even try to turn the PCs against each other by privately sending notes that implicate other
PCs as members of "a nefarious group plotting our demise".

From the wretched womb of the
Fearmother, these disgusting
creatures spew forth every
few months and begin to
consume meat, preferably
dead and rotting. They grow
rapidly in size until they reach
about 900 pounds of ropey,
gray muscle. Their leathery
skin is covered in a viscous,
caustic mucus which they use
to partially digest the carcass-
es of creatures they plan to
consume. The creatures are
incapable of vocalizing
but make sloppy, fleshy
smacking noises and
deep growls.
They pile their meats
into the center of their
lair and nest inside the
decaying flesh. When
the meal is sufficiently
decomposed, they use three
whip-like appendages topped
with hooked barbs to drag
strips of rotten meat to a mas-
sive, gaping mouth lined with
chomping teeth. They have
two sharp eyes and can see in
the dark. They hate sunlight
and are blinded by it.
But the meat only partially
sustains their hunger. What
truly gives life to their dark hearts is human fear. These
otherworldly creatures are native to some forsaken plane of nightmares and are thirsty for
the natural saturation of terror that exists in their home reality. They subsist off of the paranoid,
frightened villagers nearby but crave true proximity to terror. They beckon the cultists to bring
victims to torture and abuse within their lair, all in the name of absorbing that sweet, sweet fear.
If the Fearmother is slain or they travel more than 200 miles from her, the fearspawn will eventually
become dormant and sedentary. Then, over a year or two, an individual will grow fat and bulbous.
Over the course of about five years it will form into a whole new Fearmother.
Even though they cannot talk, fearspawn are able to plant suggestions in the minds of intelligent
creatures. This communication comes in the form of spine-chilling, echoing whispers that seem
to originate from inside the listener's own head. In addition, the person hearing these whispers is
strangely driven to follow its bizarrely compelling commands. The whispers sound like the listener's
own voice mixed with the voices of a hundred other random people.
A fearspawn will fight viciously if intruders attack it in its lair, using its long, barbed whip-arms
to slash at victims. Anyone who enters its lair must save to resist supernatural fear. As a partially
mindless servant of its Fearmother, it will never retreat and will fight to the death. It has no use for
treasure but enjoys the presence of objects that have stricken fear into the hearts of people before.
It cannot be killed without chopping it into pieces and burning all of the pieces to a crisp. Other-
wise, it will regenerate at a rate of 1d6 hp per day, eating any pieces of its own body that were
lopped off in the battle and growing new tissue to replace the damaged flesh.

The False Watchtower & Bandit Stronghold
HEX 18


3 2




On a windy plateau rises an old, stone tower once used to watch out for brigands. Now those very
brigands have ransacked and taken the tower. They've slain the militia and took the sergeant cap-
tive. They now occupy the stronghold and pose as militia to abuse the roads. Their leader is a cruel,
greedy man called Malstern who commands them with an iron fist.

1. West Wall & Gate: Heavy wooden gate with 13. The False Watchtower: Old stonework
iron banding. Guarded by 2d2 bandits, plus the is solid, but the tower is largely useless as the
dragoon called Rohn. Archer standing watch on wooden structure inside has rotted and collapsed.
the rampart will fire down upon intruders who Only the stone outer shell remains. Two flights up
approach. They have a horn to sound alarm. This are narrow windows; bandits have secured ropes
will muster the bandits to attack. with hooks at each and can climb up, perch on
2. East Wall & Gate: 1d4 bandit guards and a a ledge, and fire down at intruders. 1d3 bandit
sharpshooter with a crossbow watch this side of archers are available to do this. Inside are small
the stronghold. rooms with crumbling walls. Four bandits use
these rooms as their quarters. There is a central
3. Larder: Piles of dry goods, grain, produce, stone alcove with no roof. This is Rohn's quar-
and meat. Enough food to feed twenty people for ters; he keeps a strongbox containing 230gp.
a fortnight, or two if rationed. There is also a stone staircase that leads down
4. Storage: Rickety shed holds tools and wood. to area 14. A foul stench wafts up from below.
Lock-box hides 100gp and an etched golden 14. Grim Landing: Atmosphere here takes a
bracelet with gems worth 150gp. noticeable turn toward weird and uncalm. There's
5. Bandit Lodge: Several bunk-beds; dirty and a 2-in-6 chance screams can be heard coming
unkempt. Table, with chairs, serves as a space from the torture chamber. Air smells putrid. A
for gambling. 3d4 bandits, half sleeping and oth- sturdy wooden door; locked during torture ses-
ers keeping busy. Those awake will arm them- sions. A natural stone passage leads downward
selves and rush at any sign of trouble. Those from the corner of the room to the southeast.
asleep take 2d4 rounds to be at the ready. 2-in-6 15. Torture Chamber: This room features a
half the bandits are drunk (-1 to attack, -1 AC). pair of stone tables. Strapped to the tables are
6. Captive Paddock: Steep pit dug here. High a pair of injured captives. One is a blind monk
stone walls around the outer edge to keep the named Varoo, captured from the Temple of the
captives secure. 4d4 captives, half locals, half Luminal Star. The other is Sergeant Wilfret of the
travelers from afar. They are scared and starving. militia. Malstern takes particular delight in tortur-
They'll flee to the town if freed. ing them, and keeps them here most of the time
in some sort of painful position. They're incred-
7. Thru-Tunnel: Passageway carved through ibly thankful to anyone who frees them. It takes
the plateau. Bandits keep crates, boxes, and bar- weeks for them to recover from their wounds.
rels; stolen bounty from the road. 300gp worth
of commodities including salt, spices, silks, can- 16. Fearspawn Cave: Natural stone chamber,
vas, furs, ale, and wines. reeks of decay. Ooze drips from the walls. A fear-
spawn lairs here. It feeds on a pile of corpses and
8. Malstern’s Quarters: Lavish room adorned attacks anything that enters the lair that isn't a
with silks, fancy pillows, ornate furniture (worth cultist. The Athame of the Haruspex sits upon a
500gp). 2-in-6 Malstern is here. He keeps cap- bloodstained altar.
tives as slaves, one male and two females. Male is
a local teen from a nearby farm; females were pil- 17. Knight's Sanctum: Bandits don't know
grims on the highway. 200gp worth of art can be about this old bolthole designed to hide in during
found here, plus Malstern's pack which contains sieges. A knight of Zenovia turned it into a shrine
dry rations, mastercraft lock picks, 500gp, a +2 years ago. If freed, Wilfret leads saviors here,
dagger, and key to the slave shackles. past a secret door. Stored upon ornate pedes-
tals are the Zenovian Mail, the Tetractys Blade,
9. Vault: Doors are locked. 1100gp in loot the Horn of the Bullwind, three healing po-
(three gold candelabras, a silver chalice, a silver tions, a potion of heroism,
mirror inlaid with gems), and 1500gp in an oak and a gold box with
chest (locked and booby-trapped with a dart). 700gp.
10. Armory: 15 sets of short swords, javelins, 14
and padded armors. Two sets of leather armor
and a set of chainmail. Three longswords, two
crossbows, 90 bolts, a longbow, 100 arrows, and 15
six daggers. A mace, and a +1 flail.
11. Cultist Retreat: While visiting, Rancidius
and Virica use this room as their quarters. There
is a 1-in-6 chance Rancidius is there. Empty 16
shelves and a silver candelabra worth 100gp.
12. Balcony: A balcony extends from the pla-
teau; 3-in-6 that a sentry with a bow stands
watch. Requires a climbing check to reach from
the ground.
Abandoned Copperclaw Mines HEX 14

1 8

Note: If flooding occurs in hex 14, the 11 12 13

mine shafts will flood up to the dotted
lines shown above.



1 8


A miner met his demise in the bowels of this mine,

but he didn't stay dead. He rose as an undead zom-
bie and killed several others before the mine was
boarded shut. The locals have forsaken the whole
area in response and dare not speak of it. It was
tales of this incident that lured Rancidius and Viri-
ca to Illmire in the first place, and they have since 11 13
began to study the zombies inside.
But they weren't satisfied with just a few undead.
They've begun to dump the bodies of kidnap vic-
tims down the shaft, building an army of zombies 1. Locked Entrance: The main tunnel
to unleash on any organized force that might chal- into the mine was boarded shut. An iron
lenge their plans. Dozens of ravenous, howling gate was constructed as an added precau-
undead lurk in the darkness below, along with a tion. Rancidius now holds the key to the
hellish fearspawn that lairs in the deep. lock that chains the gate shut.

2. West Shaft: A metal hatch covers a portal storm water will flood the lower portions of the
in the ground. It's warped and rusted, barely shaft. It takes 1d6 days to drain after the rain
on the hinges. A 20' vertical shaft of stone stops.
that's been chipped away in search of copper
9. First Landing: A slippery stone ledge
drops precariously below. It leads down into
leads eastward through a narrow tunnel. Then
pitch black tunnels. The walls are slick and
a rough, stone staircase leads down to the sec-
sheer; a very difficult climb without the aid of
ond landing below. Proceeding past the stair-
ropes. 3-in-6 chance to hear wailing, hooting,
case leads to an alcove where a barrel hides
and hollering coming from below. The smell of
200gp worth of gold nuggets under a pile of
death emanates from the shaft.
rubble and 1d3 giant ticks hiding inside.
3. Miner's Shack: Face down on the ground
10. Second Landing: 2d4 zombies sham-
outside a tin shack is a sign; painted on the
bling in the shadows. All the way in the back
front it says, "The mines or the poorhouse,
is a cave where the walls glitter with streaks of
take your pick". The metal door is stuck and
silver. A dead cultist is half-eaten and crum-
will make a loud, screeching noise if forced
pled up in the corner. Just out of her reach
open. The inside is empty except for dirty
is a necrotic charm with a broken link in the
blankets and the half-eaten, mostly desiccated
necklace. In her satchel, well-tied shut with a
corpse of a miner. He clutches a tattered shred
triple-knot, are a scroll of sleep and a scroll
of torn, black fabric in his hand. There is rem-
of detect magic.
nants of a camp just outside the door, 1d12
hours old. 1-in-6 chance that 2d4 cultists are 11. Third Landing: The shaft drops a few
here dropping 1d4 captives into the west shaft. feet below the ledge of the lowest floor of the
mine. It opens to a dank chamber with a low
4. Lift Winch: The winch here still works. The
ceiling chiseled out of the stone. A dark, silent
rope is thick, but old and fraying. Using the lift
tunnel leads to the east. There is a wooden
requires someone to turn the winch wheel to
door that bars entrance to the depot to the
raise or lower the cart. The gears are rusty but
north; whimpering and growling noises come
will turn for anyone with 15 or higher strength
from behind it. There are lanterns on the
(if lower, must roll). The lift can be lowered all
ground, lit if cultists are nearby.
the way to the bottom or raised above the sur-
face through a hole in the ground. The lift cart 12. Depot: Sacrifice victims here (1d4-1);
is empty, but seems abnormally heavy; a zom- tied up just out of reach of a zombie who is
bie clings to the bottom and will spring upon chained up against a wall. Their fear feeds the
the group if the cart is raised high enough. If fearspawn that lairs in the nearby deeps. 1-in-6
the rope is made to bear additional weight be- chance Rancidius is here torturing, otherwise
yond two humans, the rope fails and breaks 2-in-6 chance 1d6 cultists are here.
after it is halfway extended; the cart plummets
13. Deeps: A rusty iron door with heavy
two stories (dex check or 2d6 damage).
bars has been installed and braced with cross-
5. Storage: The storage room was used for beams. A chain with a lock secures it. The key
miners to keep dry goods and other basics. All hangs from a hook on wall a few feet back.
the food has gone to rot or has been raided It's pitch dark beyond the door. Any noise will
by animals. Hidden behind a cupboard are two summon a small horde of ravenous zombies
bottles of fine rum worth 100gp each. Also to slam against the door and reach through
here are piles of discarded crafting materi- to grab at anything alive. There are 10+1d12.
als, including iron and leather scraps, various The original cursed miner is here. He wields
tools, and wooden planks. a pickaxe with deadly accuracy (+1 to hit, +1
damage) and has a gold ring inscribed with the
6. Workshop: Several pickaxes are piled here
initials FJ. A fearspawn lurks in the darkness of
along with a pair of sledge hammers, a pile of
the southernmost tunnel, nesting in pile of filth
pitons, three coils of rope, and a pair of har-
and rot. Nearby, Rancidius and Virica have
nesses for descending the vertical shafts. The
stashed a chest containing 4000gp.
shop can also be used to craft items.
Random Encounters: 2-in-6 chance every
7. Main Tunnel: A dank tunnel, ankle-deep
10 minutes or after making significant noise.
with puddles of rain water. Nauseating smell
1) 1d4 slathering zombies. 2) 1d6 anxious
and questionable piles of rotting flesh on the
cultists. 3) 1d4 corpse crawlers. 4) 1d3 fiend-
ground. 3d3 zombies lurk here in the shadows
ish apparitions. 5) Zeshara the assassin, lurk-
then charge at anything that enters.
ing about. 6) Rancidius, visiting to torture cap-
8. East Shaft: A 90' vertical shaft that plung- tives and check on his army.
es into darkness. The mining lift descends
from the top. When flooding occurs in the hex,

Prismatic Grottoes of the Fishmen HEX 11






Deep below the murky waters of Misty Lake are a series of underwater grottoes with breath-
able air pockets. The caves serve as a lair for a clan of fishmen who hunt and gather the
bounties of the water. Incursions into their territory are driving the fishmen to take vengeance
upon humans by raiding the nearby settlements. But they are no mundane beast-folk; they are
transformed warriors of the lost clan of Illmire that disappeared centuries ago. The Observer
cursed them to this existence in a fit of rage. Their caverns are magical, but tampering with the
strange stones can draw the ire of a terrible, giant sturgeon that dominates the lake's depths.

1. High Entrance: A yawning cave mouth stuck. If intruders are spotted entering the cav-
obscured by dense aquatic foliage. PCs must ern, one of the fishmen sounds an underwater
push through thick weeds to get in (2-in-6 horn to warn the others and summon 2d4 rein-
chance to get caught in sticky kelp). forcements who all attack with tridents.
2: Sticky Kelp Thickets: Area is full of 10. Fishmen Common Area: Here 2d6 fish-
strands of sticky kelp that create a dense un- men are gathered, half resting and the others
derwater forest. There is a 3-in-6 chance to get readying for a hunt. They prepare meals and
stuck moving through. Getting free requires feast here as well; the remains of fish and mol-
strength check or blade. If sliced off, kelp re- lusks float all through the murky water. The
mains stuck to PC and may drag them down. fishmen attack intruders.
3. Pearly Cave: Large cavern covered in 11. The Yellow Grotto: This place is sa-
clams. 1d6 large ones containing pearls worth cred to the fishmen. There are offerings at
200gp each. the entrance (580gp, platinum necklace worth
600gp). Protruding from the grotto's walls are
4. Leech Lair: Walls are dark and slimy; cov-
seven stones, each with a rune etched on the
ered in hundreds of leeches. The glint of gold
face. Five positioned around the chamber, one
(ring of water walking) may tempt someone to
on the floor, and one on the ceiling. Touching
swim inside. A giant leech attempts to attach
them emits a loud, ringing tone that resonates
to the intruder with its sucker. Kelp covers the
inside the chamber. Each stone is a different
walls of the passage to area 5.
musical note; the highest note is on the ceiling
5. Eel Nook: A depression in the cavern wall and the lowest on the floor. Fishmen fear this
is the chosen resting place of a writhing swarm room, for playing the tones draws the ire of
of electric eels. They snack on leeches near- the sturgeon who attacks the lair (but is too big
by and frenzy on anything that disturbs them. to get inside). If the sacred pattern is played
If startled, they simultaneously unleash a jolt (as per the Vitellary Tablet), a hidden chamber
of electricity that shocks all within 10' for opens to reveal a petrified clam with the Vitel-
1d8 damage, save vs breath weapon for half. lary Pearl (glowing an eerie yellow).
Under the swarm is a huge clam with a pearl
12. The Blue Grotto: Air-filled lair of a gi-
worth 600gp.
ant, albino caiman. It is hungry and will try to
6. The Red Grotto: The tunnel here rises to eat anything that looks edible that enters its
an air-filled chamber with a ceiling of 5'. The lair. A petrified clam displays the Azure Pearl
floor is grimy and very slippery. Bones, dead (pulsing a soft, blue glow).
fish, dried kelp, and excrement create a dread-
13. Fishman Lair: 4d6 fishmen here. Half
ful stench. Lair of a giant snapping turtle who
will stay and defend, the others will retreat
attacks anything that dares to enter. Huge pet-
from the lair and out into the lake if possible,
rified clam holds the Vermilion Pearl (magical
or else retreat to area 14. The fishman leader
and glowing red). Thin layers of grime cov-
always stays to defend. He holds a driftwood
er the Vitellary Tablet, which leans slanted
staff, affixed on the top is the Eel Talisman
against the wall (see handout).
(see pg 39). He will only part ways with it if he
7. Secret Passage: Thick patch of sticky returns to human form (using the Paradoxides
kelp covers a narrow passage. Can't be seen Amulet), or else over his dead body.
without parting kelp to reveal. Just beyond is
14. Altars of Prismatic Light: A pair of al-
a bunch of scurrying crabs who live inside an
tars with small spherical divots. Placing a pearl
old suit of plate armor, now rusted and covered
on an altar causes a beam of light to shine
in kelp weeds. A grinning skull peeks through
from underneath; the pearls then emit a watery
the helm.
glow (red, blue, or yellow). If two are placed,
8. Secret Treasure Chamber: The fish- their colors mix in the middle and shine upon
men leader hordes the treasure recovered the wall where a magic rune is etched. When
from victims or otherwise things found in the the glow of one or more pearls shine upon it,
lake. There is an old, mossy chest. Inside is the rune lights up that color. When two colors
2650gp, 1d4 diamonds worth 100gp each, a are mixed, something happens. If green (blue +
water-tight scroll case with a scroll of water yellow), choking gas is released into the cham-
breathing and a ring of freedom. The tunnel ber (1d6 damage to all in chamber, save for
then rises into an air-filled grotto with an en- half). If purple (blue + red), caustic liquid sprays
trance to area 13. from the altars (1d10 acid damage to all near-
by altars). If orange (red + yellow), a hidden
9. Low Entrance: Two fishmen watch this en-
hatch opens with dramatic flames that spew
trance. It is covered with sticky kelp, but the
out, but then reveals a small alcove whereupon
fishmen can move through it without getting
the Paradoxides Amulet is displayed.

Gecko Pit & Buried Bastion HEX 10

3 8
9 11 10

5 6 7 12 13
4 14


5 6 15



9 8

For centuries, this old fort protected the 1. Mouth of the Gecko Pit: A gaping hole in
county from bandits and monsters wander- the ground with a rocky lip encircling it. Moss
ing the swamps. But it was built upon an un- and lichen grow on the walls. The area is in-
stable foundation of porous limestone. One fested with giant geckos. A slanted and slip-
day, a huge sinkhole opened beneath the pery ledge tracks down to area 2. There is a
fort and it collapsed in on itself. Trapped be- 2-in-6 chance of slipping into the water below.
low was a notoriously cruel bandit, Barfrain
2. Gecko Cave: Giant geckos, capable of
the Black, and a detachment of sentinels left
scaling the slick walls easily, make use of this
to guard him. They all starved to death, and
cave as a den. There will be 2d6 geckos here
the unnaturally hateful spirit of Barfrain
resting, eating, and cooling off. A search will
became a vengeful wraith. The skeletons of
reveal a half-eaten bandit body with a ruby-hilt-
the guards are animated by its presence and
ed dagger (worth 200gp).
attack any trespassers.

3. The Long Descent: A 40’ fall down into broken stone and rotting timber. The room is
a pool of murky rain water. At the bottom is a full of rubble. The skeleton of a guard, crushed
layer of mud and detritus, and an underwater by a massive stone, wriggles underneath. A +2
tunnel. 1d6 giant geckos cling to the walls. longbow can be wrenched from its grip.
4. Gekoda's Lair: Anything big that falls into 9. Carrion Chamber: A pair of corpse creep-
the pool will get the attention of the gecko ers are here eating some dead shrews. They’ll
empress "Gekoda" (as the froglings call her). attack anything that disturbs their meal. If al-
Otherwise she’ll remain in this grotto, able to lowed to finish, they’ll follow the scent of any-
sense the movement of anything that swims one nearby and try to ambush them with an
into her lair. She’ll try to swallow whole any- extra 1d4 more who arrive to help.
thing human-sized or smaller, and take bites
10. Tri-Column Chamber: 5+1d4 giant
from anything bigger. Out of water, she can
shrews den here, hungry and vicious. They
also spit a viscous goo from stink sacs inside of
can scurry through the crumbled stone beams
her throat. Her pulsating eggs cover the ceiling
above and will drop down on victims. A dusty
and hatch suddenly if disturbed. Her hide can
crate hides exquisite paintings worth 500gp.
be made into scalemail +2.
11. Warden’s Chamber: An 8’ tall skeleton
5. Verdigris Doors: A motionless skeleton
wields a two handed sword with a bejeweled
leans against the wall here, clutching a silk
pommel worth 800gp. It attacks anything that
bag of gems (300gp worth). Heavy doors
steps into its chamber. From a chain around its
made from brass, now covered in verdigris, are
waist hangs a keyring with dozens of keys (one
adorned with bronze cross patterns that seem
opens the chest in this room). One is big and
to be laid flat against the surface. The doors
brass (for doors in room 6). In a locked chest is
share a single vertical handle depressed into
Shalmaneser’s Lion, and 2500gp.
the seam. Turning the handle clockwise causes
a sharp metal iris to close rapidly, severing the 12. Vase Room: On stone pedestals stand
turner’s hand. A cross on the left door rapidly 8 vases, sealed with large corks. If a cork is
spins at the same time. To open the iris, the removed or a vase broken, it unleashes a 10’
cross must be rotated back against the internal cloud of poison gas (1d6 damage, save for
spring until it locks in place. The mechanism half). In each is a jade statuette of a dancing
can be jammed to prevent it from rotating, woman worth 300gp and a skittering swarm of
disabling the trap. Rotating the handle count- undead scorpions (2-in-6 chance to get stung
er-clockwise unlocks the door. The door will trying to retrieve statue; save vs poison or die).
swing itself shut if not propped open; there is
13. Flood Chamber: The heavy wooden
no way to open it from the inside. Anyone be-
doors of this room seem to swell outward. If
yond the threshold will be trapped inside until
opened, 10’ of collected rainwater pour as
the doors are opened again from the outside.
a deluge through the door, knocking anyone
6. Hall of the Damned: A large, dank, nearby down. 2d8 giant snakes also splash
stone hall. Water drips through cracks in the through the portal and attack anything nearby.
sagging ceiling. When entered, the booming,
14. Guardian’s Hall: 6 skeletons stand
otherworldly voice of Barfrain echoes the
guard here, ready to assault any who descend
words “VENGEANCE!”. Four skeletons charge
the stairs. One wears a suit of +1 chainmail,
from the end of the hall. Matching brass doors
carries a +1 shield a +2 longsword, and the key
stand at the end of the hall. Instead of a han-
to Barfrain’s cell. The walls are adorned with
dle, the depressed socket features a keyhole.
ten bronze masks, each with a different expres-
If the key from area 11 is inserted and turned
sion, worth 200gp each. Mounted in an ornate
counter-clockwise, an iris closes on the turner's
frame is the Gecko Talisman (see pg 39).
hand. The same rotating cross mechanism and
method to disable. If the key is turned clock- 15. Barfrain’s Cell: The contorted remains
wise, it unlocks the door. These doors also of Barfrain the Black lay behind rusted bars.
swing shut with no way to open them from the The Collar of Attrition is around his neck.
inside. The wraith will burst forth from dormancy to
attack anything that approaches the locked
7. Crumbling Staircase: The west side of
cell. Performing last rites on his remains will
the room is dominated by a grand stone stair-
release the wraith and skeletons from their un-
case. It crumbles beneath PC's feet; 1-in-6
death. Inside Barfrain's cell is a hidden com-
chance to fall through the staircase with 1d6
partment containing a note describing the lo-
falling damage.
cation of his treasure (see handout). The map
8. Collapsed Landing: Another set of stairs leads to Barfrain's tree, and the buried chest
was above but it collapsed into a mish-mash of containing 4000gp.

Mound of the Mantismen HEX 5

6 12
11 4

5 10

3 Note: In case of extreme weather in hex 5,

flood waters will reach to just below the
level of the lower entrances. The mantis-
men will block up all entrances with debris
mixed with molted skin and saliva to form
water tight bulkheads until it passes.

7 2 1
9 11

10 12

Resembling a chimney-shaped plateau rising 1. East Entrance: An odd smell emanates

above the swamp, the mantismen have oc- from the mound; it's unusually warm inside. A
cupied a towering mound made by ancient, circular portal opens into a dank, sticky cham-
giant ants. They launch forays from here to ber beyond. The walls of the structure are
hunt in the bogs, marching across the swamp slightly translucent, allowing sunlight to dimly
silently and relentlessly. Their ravenous ap- glow throughout the complex with an amber
petite has caused the surrounding area to be hue. This entrance is guarded by 2d2 mantis-
largely devoid of remaining life, so their ter- men. One stops intruders from entering the
ritory is now expanding, as well as the threat nest while another signals for reinforcements
they levy against any who stand in their way. with loud, chattering chirps. Warriors will rush
They've made bitter enemies of the froglings to the source of commotion, possibly leaving
with their onslaught. other entrances unguarded.

2. South Entrance: 2d2 mantis guards bar 10. Egg Hatchery: This large chamber is
the way. Scouts from area 4 try to throw jave- damp and warm. A dozen foamy egg sacs the
lins down at enemies. size of barrels are sporadically stuck to the
ground and walls. They are poised to hatch;
3. Chimney Entrance: Reaching this en-
disturbing them will trigger 1d3 swarms of
trance requires a successful climb check.
baby mantis to emerge and voraciously fall
Falling means tumbling down the side of the
upon anything nearby that looks edible.
mound; take 1d4 damage if wearing light or no
armor, or 1d6 damage if heavily armored. 3-in- 11. Molting Chamber: Here the mantismen
6 chance a mantis man will be at the top, over- molt their chitinous exoskeleton and defecate.
viewing the area. The mantismen can climb the There are 1d6-2 here sloughing off skin. Sev-
mound quickly and without trouble. eral piles of translucent castings are strewn
around the chamber. These castings are some-
4. Scout Nest: A single mantis man typically
times used by sorcerers as esoteric ingredients
guards this post. It's a small alcove big enough
for alchemy.
for only one or two humans, or a single mantis
man. The ledge is slippery; watch your step or 12. Mantis Queen Lair: A huge female man-
tumble down the chimney chute. tis lairs in this chamber. The room is immacu-
late; 1d4 mantis here constantly work to keep
5. Champion's Lair: A huge mantis lairs
it spotless. There is a 1-in-6 chance the queen
here. Parts of slain enemies plastered to the
is currently eating the head of another mantis.
walls: heads and limbs of animals, froglings,
They will all rush from this chamber to defend
humans. One severed human hand has a gold-
the eggs should any intruders reach that far.
en bracelet inlaid with jewels worth 350gp.
If the queen is attacked, she'll unleash a shrill
The champion also hoards all of the interesting
screech that will call the entire mantis clan to
weaponry from the treasure mound here: a +2
aid. For her personal decoration, she keeps a
shortsword, +1 shield, a +1 spear, a +1 short
large, jewel-encrusted mirror (2000gp).
bow, a +1 sling, and the Staff of Striking.
6. Treasure Mound: Loot that the mantis-
men have pillaged is kept here. They don’t
know what it is but they like it. It's mostly from
a caravan, transporting a wealthy aristocrat,
that was sacked by a group of mantis maraud-
ers. There's a pile of treasure: 825gp, a set
of ornate hygiene tools including a silver mir-
ror (250gp), the Starlight Parasol, and a box
shaped like a skull made from crystal (450gp)
containing 2d6 pieces of jewelry (100gp each).
7. North Entrance: This entrance has been
nearly closed off with rocks, clay, and fecal
matter. The mantismen fear the cultists to the
north and do what they can to obstruct the
draft of fearful wind that blows from that direc-
tion. It takes 10-minutes to clear it.
8. Feeding Chamber: Mantis feeding area,
littered with bones, half-chewed remains, and
debris. The dead consist of various geckos,
swamp animals, birds, and froglings, as well
as a pair of dead humans (one has a purse
containing 200gp). There are 1d6 mantismen
feasting in here at any time.
9. Mushroom Garden: The mantis have col-
lected fungus from the swamps. They cultivate
various types here as a source of food. Strange
mushrooms grow all over this chamber and
spill over into other chambers. There are 3d8
griffon's mane mushrooms here, each cap
heals 1 hp but causes intense hallucinations.
The mantis seem to be immune to these effects
and gorge on the plump fungi.

The Webbed HollowsHEX 3








Deep in the Redthorn Forest is a mas- 1. Hollow Tunnel: Huge, chilly caverns full of
sive ridge with huge, hollow caverns that stagnate pools where countless flying insects
wind their way through the rock. Inhabit- spawn. Smells of rot. Moisture drips from ceil-
ing these dank, wet caves are swarms of ings so high they disappear in the darkness.
flying bugs and the lurking hunters who Webs cover the walls. The ground is layers of
prey upon them. Most notable are the webbing mixed with the dessicated remains of
creatures and other debris. 3-in-6 chance of
giant spiders and ettercaps whose webs
encounter passing through.
cover the cavern walls.
Roll 1d8 for the encounter: hidden in a hollow and covered with webbing.
 1d2 ettercaps hunting stirges
6. Den of the Giant Toads: Twenty giant
 2d4 giant toads seeking huge flies
toads lay eggs here. They'll defend their nests
 2d4 giant wolf spiders on the prowl
and pursue anything that looks edible. Sunken
 2d4 stirges looking to suck blood
into the mucky water is a leather sack contain-
 2d4 giant beetles swarming
ing 800gp worth of precious stones. Huge,
 3d6 giant flies buzzing around
hungry tadpoles bite any who dare wade in.
 2d4 ropers waiting to strike
 Roll twice; encounter both at same time 7. Ettercap Lairs: Groups of ettercaps here
keep big, furry orb weavers who craft bulbous,
2. Roper Maze: This sprawling area features
spherical chambers of web that hang from the
thousands of stalagmites that protrude up
ceiling. These giant orb weavers are non-ag-
from the cave floor, so dense it's hard to pass
gressive and will flee if possible (Morale 4),
through them. Many stalagmites are actually
but will otherwise fight as a giant spider if cor-
stone ropers that lash out with barbed, tenta-
nered. The ettercaps live among the weavers
cles at anything that gets too near.
and use their orb chambers as dens. There are
3. Crayfish Pool: This gigantic cavern is 4+1d4 ettercaps lurking in their dens above.
dominated by a deep, murky pool. A distinct They'll attempt to spit webbing on creatures
sulfurous reek in the air. Thousands of insects, that wander below and then drop down upon
big and small, lay eggs in this water. The air them with sickle-like claws.
is buzzing with the sound of wings. Roll for an
8. Ettercap Hunting Grounds: The ceiling
encounter in this chamber. 1d6 giant crayfish
of this cavern has many openings to the sky
lurk in the shallows and will snap at anything
above and water trickles down from the for-
that buzzes or wanders too close.
est on-top of the mound. Moss and roots hang
4. Beetle Mounds: Dozens of giant beetles down. Below these openings are pools of col-
have carved out an area for themselves here. lected water where large insects lay their eggs.
They use dung and debris to build big mounds. Beds of moss surround the pools. The favored
3d6 will be milling about in the cavern. meal of the ettercaps are stirges, which are
abundant here during warmer months. There
5. Widow's Lair: Shallow, cleft plateaus of
are usually 1d4 ettercaps climbing in the roots
stone make a natural staircase that leads down
above hunting stirges, and 2d6 stirges nesting
into the hunting ground of a humongous, el-
in the moss beds.
ephant-sized black widow spider. Many years
ago, The Observer took interest in this par- 9. Hidden Shrine: A lost, secret shrine to a
ticular spider and, for fun, he bestowed her forgotten spider god. Only reachable by scal-
with a magical intelligence and voice. After he ing the north cave wall 40' up in area 7 and
got bored, he left and never returned. With then crawling through a narrow shaft that
newfound intellect and complex emotions, she links the two areas together. Yorivar the druid
grew lonely and eventually very much insane. hides out here from Zeshara the assassin. The
She sings, whispers, shrine is warded from the bugs outside by the
and talks to herself. Arthroneion Pendant, which is affixed to the
She'll stalk crea- abdomen of an ornate, stone spider statue. If
tures that wander the pendant is removed, the statue slides aside
into her lair while to reveal a stone box with a heavy lid carved
talking to herself with an intricate relief of a man-spider; inside
about her plan to the Cloak of the Spiderhand.
capture them, tor-
10. Worm Lines: These tubular passages
ture them, and eat
are narrow and cylindrical in shape. The stone
them alive. If discov-
walls seem different than the other areas of the
ered, she'll parlay to
hollows. The walls are smooth but wavy and
stall so she can ma-
covered in undulating grooves. They were cre-
neuver into a posi-
ated by giant worms long ago who have since
tion to pounce on
moved on. Ettercaps use these lines to move
them. When stall-
between their hunting grounds and the roper
ing, she'll ask wind-
maze. They avoid the worm line that leads to
ing lines of questions
the widow's lair, fearing her unnatural intellect.
and riddles with no ac-
tual answers, until she's 11. Underdark Entrance: A web-choked
ready to strike. She has shaft drops down below the earth here. De-
amassed a small trove of scending this shaft leads to the Skittering
treasure worth 1350gp Deeps.

Forgotten Crypt of the Lost Clan HEX 7

The edge of the Redthorn gives way to dreary, barren hills. An ancient clan of people that occu-
pied Illmire built their burial mounds in these hills after their numbers were decimated by con-
flicts with The Observer. Centuries later, The Observer found these tombs and used the plethora
of decayed human remains as the focus of his experimentations into necromancy. The crypt is
now crawling with undead, but it hides secrets even The Observer didn't spot.
1. Crumbled Landing: Broken stairs made of bones lead to a stone chamber being crushed
by the hill above. The ceiling sags and dust falls at the slightest disturbance. A rectangular
wall in this room is covered in skulls, some fallen and
2. Cultist Safe-room: A cultist necromancer and 1d3
15 cultist guards hide in this room while she studies the
undead. She wears a necrotic charm and wields a
14 +1 crossbow. She'll send her guards into me-
lee while she picks off enemies from afar.
She'll attempt to flee to the lair if faced
with peril. A cot and a lock-
16 box are here. The key is in
her pocket. The box con-
tains 80gp and a diamond
ring worth 200gp, plus a
4 black cult cloak. Also
inside are her notes
on the undead
here, mostly de-
5 scribing the phys-
ical properties of
the skeletons. A
demonic sym-
1 bol has been
written on
the skull in
3. Root Cham-
7 3 2 ber: The roots
of some great
tree above have
pushed through the
ceiling tiles and caused parts
to fall down and smash on
8 the ground. There is a 2-in-6
chance that stones from the
ceiling fall on anyone who
attempts to move around
10 9 the room. The room
has already been looted
except for an ornate urn
containing ashes and a
silver statuette of a rac-
coon worth 100gp. 2d4
pit vipers have crawled
11 12 4. Sacred Beasts
Chamber: Five large
granite slabs are
smashed on the floor
6 here. They're carved
with depictions of the
sacred spirits of the Rackoo clan (raccoon, Etchings on its sarcophagus depict raccoon
eel, gecko, wyvern, and salamander). All are symbols. It is now a vicious animated skele-
broken to pieces but the cultists have reas- ton that attacks. A jade raccoon statue worth
sembled one already (gecko). It is not difficult 800gp sits upon a shrine for the creature.
to realign the pieces to see the depictions, 11. Great Crypt: This long chamber has
but it takes 1d4x10 minutes for each one. rows of skull columns and several nooks
5. Talisman Chamber: The door is solid each containing a stone pedestal upon which
stone with no handle; it cannot be forced. a sacred skull sits. 2d4 skeletal warriors pa-
There are four puck-shaped sockets inlaid trol this chamber.
into the door, each with a pattern carved 12. Underdark Entrance: A morbid stair-
into the depression representing water, fire, case leads down to the Bone Tunnels.
earth, and air. To open it, the matching talis-
man for the creature-spirit must be inserted 13. Corrupted Pool: A stone depression
to open the door (eel, salamander, gecko, filled by a hot spring was once a pool for
and wyvern). Green fog pours out of the door ritual cleansing. A shambling mummy fell in
after it slides into the wall. Down a flight of and has putrefied the water. There is a gold-
narrow stairs is an everburning lantern. It en necklace under the murky water with a
emits an ill, green glow that lights up the raccoon insignia worth 350gp. One must go
room, as well as toxic vapors. On a stone al- knee-deep in the water to reach it, or fish it
tar is the Raccoon Talisman and Vosethra's out with a pole (time consuming). The mum-
Idol. my's parts are still partially animated under
the water; hands will grasp onto ankles and
6. Chamber of the Rackoo: The door to the head will attempt to bite.
this room is solid stone and features a puck-
shaped slot with the clan's insignia carved 14. Skull Chamber: The walls of this room
into the back-face. Insert the Raccoon Tal- are covered in skulls. Near the entrance is a
isman and the door will open. This large skull with a javelin-head sticking up through
chamber is swelling inwards. It features sev- it. There are several javelin traps linked to
eral columns covered in skulls. At the back of pressure plates; there is a 2-in-6 chance of
the chamber, next to an ornate raccoon altar activating one while moving through the
stands a group of 2d4 restless skeletons that room. Victim takes 1d8 damage, save vs.
attack anyone who enters the chamber. Upon death for half.
the altar is the Black Mask of the Rackoo. 15. Champion's Tomb: The roof of this
7. Mural Chamber: The walls are swollen, chamber is being assaulted by vines and
but have murals depicting the fall of the clan. roots that push through all over and hang
The first panel shows the clan prospering, down. The two huge champions of the clan
the second them meeting an eye creature were buried here but are now skeletons who
(The Observer). The third panel shows the push out of their sarcophagi and assault in-
eye using magic to kill the creatures of the truders.
forest. The fourth shows the clan pleading 16. Sovereign's Chamber: The fabled
with the eye, and the fifth shows it turning leader of the Rackoo clan is a giant skele-
the ambassadors into fishmen. The sixth ton who emerges furious from an ornate sar-
panel shows the clan attacking the eye and cophagus full of jewels worth 3000gp. Any-
the seventh shows the eye slaughtering the one who takes from this must save vs. spell
clan. The final panel shows them laying to or gain the Curse of the Rackoo; they will
rest their dead. lose their mind to a raving madness over the
8. Coffin Room: This chamber contains six next 1d6 days unless the jewels are returned.
coffins, three on either side. Six skeletal war- At the peak of madness, they will see to their
riors inside push their way out and attack any own demise. They will re-animate as zombies
who intrude. Each carries a decrepit wooden when they die.
shield and a +1 weapon (three javelins, three Everburning Lanterns: The ancient Rackoo
battleaxes). mystics created wondrous mercury lanterns
9. Shrine of the Mystics: The three mys- that will burn for thousands of years. They
tics of the Rackoo were entombed here. They are large and not portable; they will spill acid-
are now angry, animated skeletons but still ic mercury if one attempts to move them. But
somehow capable of spell casting. They im- over time, they create toxic fog that fills the
mediately begin to attack anything they see. room. Anyone exposed to this fog takes 1d6
damage per round, save vs. poison for half. It
10. Raccoon Shrine: This chamber was the will dissipate over the course of an explora-
resting place of the clan's pet dire raccoon. tion turn if allowed to ventilate.

Crystalline Palace of the Mountain King HEX 17




In an extraordinary abode carved into crys- 1. Grand Entry: An impressive portal into
tal-rich caverns rules The Mountain King, a the side of the mountain via a rough archway
rumbustious giant who is more self-appoint- cut from solid, glittering crystal. It casts an ar-
ed figurehead than actual ruler. His "sub- ray of abstract light patterns all around when
jects" are humanoid tribes and creatures of sunlight hits it. Near the entrance is a huge
the mountain, but he rarely leaves his posh fire pit with a cauldron large enough to fit a
home. Instead, he operates via hill giant human. 2-in-6 chance venison stew is boiling
slaves who are far more capable and auton- over; one of the sisters will come to check.
omous than he bothers to acknowledge. He
2. The King's Approach: Peculiar mix of nat-
mostly spends his days carving sculptures
ural stone, rudimentary excavation, and expert
from crystal and challenging any visitors to
carving. Oversized torches emitting colorful fire
feats of heroism for his own entertainment.
on the walls. The ceiling features thousands of
He is an avid shaper of crystal but will grow
crystals, giving the impression of a starry night
angry if his creations are accidentally bro-
sky. It's cool with an earthy smell.

3. Throne Room: 1-in-6 chance there's a 9. Feasting Hall: A simple but oversized
creature of the mountain here seeking audi- oaken table. 2-in-6 chance there is left-over
ence with the king. A grand chamber lit by roasted elk or rabbit stew sitting on giant
colorful braziers functions as the Mountain plates. Huge silverware worth 1000gp.
King's court. The huge throne is carved from a
10. Marbled Gallery: Chamber excavated
massive and brilliant purple crystal. A stream
from veins of marble. Dozens of marble and
flows from under the throne; cold snow-melt
crystal statues around the cavern, ranging
that is safe to drink with your hand. The
from nearly-exquisite to not-so-much. There
stream's bed is made of sparkling, translucent
are dozens that are unfinished. The ground
pebbles of all colors. A stone bridge spans it;
is covered in marble chippings and shards of
rough and simplistic compared to other parts
crystal. Giant chisels, hammers, tongs, and
of the chamber's craftsmanship and beauty.
other tools are arranged on a large rack. The
Exquisite crystalline sculptures of mountain
king entertains himself with this hobby, but is
animals are placed in seemingly random loca-
sensitive about his skills. 2-in-6 chance one of
tions upon narrow, granite pedestals all over.
the sisters will be seen here carefully polishing
They are expertly cut, but proportions seem to
the marble.
be off a little on each. 1-in-6 chance a PC ac-
cidentally knocks into one; dexterity check to WHAT'S THE MOUNTAIN KING DOING?
catch it before it hits the ground and shatters. 1) Snoozing on the throne. 2) Snoozing in the
slumbering chamber. 3) Wandering the gar-
4. Slumbering Room: The king's personal dens, singing. 4) Chipping away at a sculpture
bed chamber. A huge, comfy bed with purple in the gallery, singing. 5) Feasting in the feast-
and green linens. A multi-colored candelabra; ing hall, singing with mouth full. 6) Consort-
each of the five flames is a different color. ing with his harem in their quarters.
5. Sisters' Quarters: Three sister giants, Ve- The mountain king does battle if attacked,
hilla, Malmu, and Urlesa, make their quarters but is much more interested in getting others
here. The king considers them his harem and to perform tasks of heroism. He offers great
slaves; they are resigned to this position but rewards for those who are worthy enough to
wish to be free (except Urlesa, who actually pass his challenges. The first are two riddles...
cares for the king despite his apparent cruel-
ty). The room contains one large bed with silk- The Mountain King's First Riddle
en, earth-tone fabrics and voluptuous pillows. I only speak when spoken to
All three of the sisters use this bed. A single and always answer the same as you
pedestal holds a finely cut crystalline sculpture The Mountain King’s Second Riddle
of the three sisters dancing; the heads are a Sometimes cloaked in darkness
little big for the bodies. The sisters don't care Sometimes ocean blue
for the sculpture, but the king insists. If under roof or shaded brim,
6. Treasury: A massive locked chest contains hidden from your view
6000gp and a pile of jewels worth 2000gp. Correct answers earn laughs and a new chal-
The king holds the key. A shelf holds the lenge: bring him the hammer of the Lava Lord.
Mountain Razer on stunning display. If the PCs succeed in that task, he proposes
7. Stream Entrance: Bubbling, crystalline one final challenge: bring him the eye of The
formations spill out of this cave mouth like an Observer. Should they complete all of his chal-
upside down waterfall, crawling up the moun- lenges, the Mountain King releases a booming
tainside above. Climbing these leads all the laugh and rewards them with the Mountain
way to the summit of the Klepperhorn. These Razer and a sack full of 5000gp.
crystals glisten in the sunlight and sometimes If one of his statues is broken by a visitor,
even moonlight. Folks can see it from far away. he'll grow angry and demand payment in the
Below the crystal splash, the brisk stream ex- form of one year of servitude from the visitor
its the low cave mouth. Entering through here per piece broken. If his demands aren't met,
means going knee-deep through the icy water. he becomes furious and will attack unless
8. Gypsum Gardens: Calcite crystals have calmed. He may be bargained with, accepting
formed all over this chamber, shimmering yel- large sums of coin, magic items, or significant
lows, greens, purples, blues and whites. The favors in exchange.
stream flows southward through this chamber Answers: Echoes, The Sky
in a beautiful display. Below the clear water is
a gravel of crumbled crystals and gemstones.
Searching this room will reveal 1d6x10 loose
gems, each worth 50gp.

Obsidian Forge of the Lava Dwarfs HEX 13
Roll every turn: 1-3) Ominous rum-
bling. 4) Ground quakes; DEX check
or fall prone. 5) Steam geysers unleash 6
from random cracks in walls; 2-in-6
chance to take 1d6 damage. 6) Roll
again below.

4 5

1 2

10 12


1-5) Minor eruption; quakes,

smoke, steam, and the lava river
bubbles and splatters. 6) Major
eruption; as above but much
worse. Evacuate the volcano 14
throat within ten minutes, and
make it down the mountain in
ten more minutes to survive.

Steam Geysers: Spurts of boiling

steam gas. 2-in-6 to get sprayed for 15
1d6 damage, save vs. breath weap-
on for half damage.

Bolrund the Wyrmslayer, a renowned dwarf lord, built a grand forge inside Mount Slagmaw
hundreds of years ago. His desire was to forge masterpieces from the smoky obsidian glass
that forms inside the volcano. With a contingent of guards and his favorite engineer, they
discovered a way to cast obsidian into brilliant, masterwork items. But his works were always
broken by the constant shuddering and shaking of the mountain. Infuriated, Bolrund began
to seek ways to quell the mountain's fury. On the suggestion of The Observer, he summoned a
fire spirit in order to control the volcano, but the demonic entity was far too powerful for him
to control. Unleashed, it cursed him and his guards to eternal life as lava elementals before
returning to its home realm. Mindlessly they now roam the halls of the crumbling forge.
1. Approach: A treacherous path down the machinery to start to work; it works after thirty
throat of the volcano leads to a resplendent but seconds at setting 6 but compressor explodes
crumbling portico carved from obsidian. Stairs after ten minutes of use. Fulgerator must be at
lead to a raised platform with carved obsidian least 3 but not higher than 4 or it will explode
pillars. The facade is covered in relief carvings in one minute. Insenser must be at 2 exactly;
of dwarfs fighting dragons. Obsidian doors any higher and it will explode after one minute.
raise into the archway on chains which are If all is correct, operator may insert a barrel
controlled via pulleys on the other side of the of flux and a barrel of obsidian shards into
door. Lava dwarfs come and go twice daily. A the fulgerator, and a mold from room 8 into
small portcullis, blackened by soot and warped the insenser, to cast an obsidian item. Takes
by heat, is controlled by a lever on the other one hour to cast and twenty-four hours to
side. The lever works but the warped portcullis cool down before the item can be used. Steam
only raises upward two feet then grinds to a spray and a siren precede explosions.
halt, leaving a narrow space to slide under the
6. Study: Heavy iron door; stuck. Shelves
spikes of the gate.
and racks hold dusty books and scrolls. The
2. Obsidian Lobby: Obsidian walls carved Tephratic Tome stands out among the mun-
with depictions of dwarfs building the forge. A dane books on the shelves. On a rack is the
mostly-intact longboat carved from obsidian is engineer's log (see handout). A secret door
tipped over off its stand. A big, obsidian chan- opens by pulling a sconce; inside is a chest
delier hangs precariously from a chain bolted containing 3000gp.
to ceiling. The accoutrements have fallen, but
7. Mess Hall: Where the dwarf guards would
the main body is intact. Candle holders are
cook and eat. Stone furniture and hearth re-
made of gold (worth 50gp each, 48 in total,
main. 2d4 lava dwarfs undulating here.
half fallen, half still attached to the chandelier).
1+1d3 lava dwarfs patrolling the lobby. 8. Storage: Food and supply storage. All is
rotted away. Rubbish and 3d4 starving corpse
3. Guard Quarters: Remains of stone fur-
crawlers, hiding in rotting crates.
niture. An obsidian box, sealed for centuries,
contains several scrolls written on by dwarven 9. Forge Storage: Shelves with iron molds
guards; messages to loved ones, journals, rec- used to cast objects in the forge. Molds of
ipe books, etc. There is also a scroll of resist weapons and mail armor components, plus
fire and a forge key. the mold for the forge key. 3d6 buckets of
flux and 2d4 barrels of obsidian shards. These
4. Steam Controls: Three iron hand-wheels
components may be used with the machinery
control steam valves that drive the machinery
in area 5.
in area 5. Runes indicate positions on each
wheel (numerals 1-6, increasing in value as the 10. Obsidian Armory: An array of obsidian
wheel turns clockwise from left to right). A le- weapons and armaments displayed on racks.
ver engages the steam system that feeds the Two +1 obsidian longswords, two +1 obsidi-
valves. All crank wheels begin at the full-left an-tipped spears, a +2 mace with an obsidian
position of 1 (no pressure) and can be cranked head, and two suits of +1 obsidian platemail.
right (clockwise) to position 6 (extremely high There is a secret door to Bolrund's halls.
pressure). Engaging the steam while all wheels
11. River Lock Controls: Machinery in this
are set at 1 causes overpressure immediately.
room. Prominent lever engages a lock that
Creating overpressure releases steam (as gey-
stops the flow of the lava river (rooms with lava
sers) from the pipes along the ceilings of the
river cool down in one hour). This requires the
hallways between areas 3 and 5; wheels then
forge key. 1d4 lava dwarfs here. If lava flow is
become scalding hot. If pressure is too low, the
stopped, steam machinery ceases to work, but
machinery doesn't work. Use d6s to represent
heat in areas 12 and 13 dissipates.
positions of each valve; PCs manipulate the
dice attempting to tune the pressure so that 12. Hot Bridge: Bubbling river of roiling lava
the machines work but don't cause overpres- passes under a stone bridge. Scorching heat;
sure and explode. hard to breath and eyes burn from sulfur. Mov-
ing through, save vs paralysis or pass out then
5. Forge Room: Complex forge machinery
die of heat exposure in ten minutes.
constructed by dwarf engineers hangs from
the ceiling of this chamber. They remain intact 13. Obsidian Throne: Grand chamber with
but require steam pressure to operate. There a colonnade of obsidian pillars. Carved reliefs
are three components tied to the three control with scenes of Bolrund's exploits. A lava river
valves in area 4: the compressor, the fulger- streams through and pools around a dais with
ator, and the insenser. Compressor needs to an obsidian throne. The Lava Lord sulks in this
be set to at least setting 5 for ten minutes for chamber. Intense heat like room 12.

14. Shadowglass Gallery: All doors are 15. Bolrund's Chamber: Personal quarters
sturdy iron, locked, and require the forge key. of the dwarf lord; unused for centuries. Dust
Ornate displays of masterfully cast weaponry and soot cover stone furniture. Bolrund's
and armor, most smashed on the ground. Items dwarven war-axe, Scalepeeler, sits upon an
that remain intact: +2 obsidian hammer, a +2 obsidian display, as well as his +2 shield and
obsidian polearm, 100 +1 obsidian-tipped +2 chainmail. A chest containing 9000gp re-
arrows, and 1d6 pieces of magnificent obsid- quires the forge key. Below the piles of gold, in
ian jewelry worth 1000gp each. Also here is an obsidian box and wrapped in jet black felt,
the Ebonheart Stone, hidden below a pile of is the Salamander Talisman (see pg 39).
broken obsidian shards.

Scoria the Fire Demon

Hailing from an infernal plane of infinite fire is the demon called Scoria. There, it pursues a purpose
known only to other beings of flame. It loathes mortals and couldn't care less about their triflings. It
certainly does not wish to be forcefully ripped from its natural plane of existence to be put to work
with such mundanities as hushing some insignificant volcano in the prime material realm. After
laughing at Bolrund's demands, it cursed the dwarfs to fiery eternity and departed.

The demon can be summoned again by chanting the command words while holding the Ebonheart
Stone. The stone will become red hot during the ritual, but the bearer must hold tight or else lose
control of the demon. Scoria will be destroyed if the Ebonheart Stone is cast into the volcano while
it is summoned to the mortal plane. If not controlled, Scoria will curse (save vs. spell) any who
dared to summon it to similar fates as the lava dwarfs.

The Lava Lord
Bolrund the Wyrmslayer thought he could summon the
demon Scoria and control it to quell the volcano, but
it had no interest in being a forced servant. It turned
him and the other dwarfs into lava elementals as pun-
ishment for having the nerve to try. Bolrund's mind
remains partially intact, but it is heavily clouded by
the smoke and fire that consumes his thoughts.
He will not likely notice if anyone enters his
throne room. He paces back and forth, plot-
ting his revenge on Scoria and lamenting
the curse that has befallen him and his

So lost is his mind that he is barely re-

sponsive, unless attacked, in which case
he lashes out with sudden furious rage.
He will otherwise mumble responses to
questions, barely realizing he is talking to
someone. If his name is spoken, however,
it will gain his attention and he'll gather
himself for a short moment of clarity,
where he'll ask for someone to slay Sco-
ria at all costs.

If Scoria is destroyed, The Lava

Lord returns to his original form as
Bolrund and will pledge his axe to
any who free him from the curse.
This will also release the lava dwarf
guards. Bolrund may be counted on as an ally af-
ter this, and may come to the party's aid in the future if the need should arise. Bolrund will surely wish
to take vengeance against The Observer once he comes to his senses and realizes what happened.

Lava Dwarfs
The once proud shield guardians of The Obsidian Forge
have been transformed into mindless fire elementals, their
mortal bodies replaced with oozing, smoking magma. Their
eyes are flaming sockets with embers for pupils. Flecks of
rainbow obsidian shimmer and roll within their forms. In-
stead of legs, they raise upon roiling tendrils of liquid rock
and lurch along the obsidian floor tiles of the fortress.
Their obsidian weapons and armor are fragile and break
easily, but are also razor sharp and shatter into a fine
dust of blinding glass when smashed.
They protect the Lava Lord at all costs and never
retreat. They’ll pursue any intruders to the gates of
the fortress and then return to their posts. Occa-
sionally a small group of lava dwarfs will wan-
der the mountainside, apparently remembering
their patrols from when they were real dwarfs.
If Scoria is destroyed, the lava dwarfs will return
to their normal, dwarf forms. They will mourn any
fallen brothers, and depart Illmire solemnly if Bol-
rund is no more. However, should Bolrund's curse
be ended and he be returned to normal, the shield
guardians will pledge their axes, along with Bol-
rund himself, to the hero's cause, should they
need assistance.

Prison Vault of the Demon Warlords HEX 8

1 6


15 14


9 13

Long ago, a powerful sorceress arrived in Illmire and came into conflict with The Observer.
Their feud spiraled into an all-out wizard-war. The sorceress summoned a pair of otherworldly,
demonic warlords to unleash upon her enemy. But her mischievous familiar sabotaged her
control and the demons ran rampant, laying waste to the lands, slaying hundreds on their
warpath. The sorceress tried to banish them, but it was too late. With the aid of a coven of
witches, she was able to imprison the demons within her mountaintop stronghold. Shortly
thereafter, she lost the battle with The Observer and was forced to flee Illmire. She left a small
detachment of her minions to guard the vault, but they've all perished since. Only recently has
the sorceress returned to Illmire, now in disguise as the fortune-teller Esmeraldra.

1. Upper Entrance: An arduous climb up the capable of firing this beam every round.
mountainside, plagued by winged beasts along
9. Staging Room: This chamber contains the
the way, leads to a flat outcropping where a
dusty remnants of tack used for mounting the
stone building once guarded the stairs down,
griffon of the aerie. There is a saddle, stirrups,
but it has since toppled. A broken stone tablet
bridles, reins, bits, and a steel breastplate for
lays on the ground. It's painted with a symbol
the griffon. This breastplate can be fashioned
that looks similar the one on Esmeraldra's ring.
into a tower shield +2.
Within a hundred yards of the vault entrances,
the winged beasts do not approach for fear of 10. Cursed Aerie: An open-air cave in the
the undead griffon that roosts in area 10. A cliff wall that was once the nest of the vault
crumbling set of stairs leads into the mountain- keeper’s griffon mount. Like its master, all that
side. They are slick and slippery with slime. is left are skeletal remains. If anyone enters
this room, the skeleton (use griffon and add
2. Slippery Foyer: This chamber has accu-
the undead property) animates and attacks.
mulated rainwater, ankle-deep. The floor has
a slippery, slimy coating that covers up the in- 11. Coffer of the Wyvern Talisman:
scription carved into the stone tiles warning of A small shrine with walls etched to depict
the danger sealed within. the winged creatures that lair around these
peaks. A squat, stone table, upon which sits
3. Hall of Atrocities: This long hallway fea-
the Wyvern Talisman (see pg 39), the Rod of
tures alcoves. Within are withered tapestries
Reptile Command, and a golden wyvern stat-
displaying the horrible deeds perpetrated by
ue festooned with gems (1900gp).
the demon warlords. There is a pit trap in the
center of the hallway (2-in-6 to fall in). 12. Preparation Chamber: Heavy stone
door is locked; requires the vault key. On
4. Testament Antechamber: A pedestal
a stone pedestal is the Periapt of the Dark
holds a thick tome written in an old language.
Star, encased in an ivory box and covered in
The pages describe the events depicted on the
a black silken cloth. The homunculus named
tapestries in area 3. The pedestal has four in-
Hezodalus slumbers under the cloth as well,
laid rubies worth 1000gp each, one on each
completely still and silent, and will awaken if
side of the pedestal. If removed, an eldritch
the cloth is lifted. Hezodalus was the familiar
beam does 1d6 damage in that direction.
of Ezmeraldra, but is a trickster and secretly
5. Secret Retreat: This room can only be thwarted her plans just for fun. If possible, he'll
accessed via one of the two secret doors. The encourage PCs to try to fight the demons, and
vault keeper’s skeletal remains sit upon a de- lies, saying the periapt is cursed. He'll avoid
cayed chair. He wears the vault key around his combat and attempt to flee if the PCs seem
neck and beside him is a +2 polearm. If the threatening. He may later be encountered, re-
key is removed, the demons of the vault will united with Esmeraldra, who is unaware of its
possess his skeleton and he attacks intruders. treachery.
6. Scroll Chamber: This chamber is adorned 13. Mirror Chamber: In the north, east, and
with magical runes that ward off any creatures south alcoves hang large mirrors. The north
that don't hold a vault key; any who enter must mirror is an illusion and can be passed through.
save vs. blindness. In the alcove is a podium
14. Vault Reliquary: A chamber covered in
with a sealed scroll case. Inside is a scroll that
magical runes. A large stone door on the west
details the arcane rituals used to bind the de-
wall is covered in similar runes and features
mons to the vault as prisoners.
a large keyhole. The north alcove contains a
7. Guardian’s Hallway: Should anyone step crystal orb that glows a deep blue and emits an
foot in this hallway without holding the vault audible hum. This suppresses the demon's in-
keeper’s key, the two stone doors on the south nate magical powers. If destroyed, the demons
side of the hall swing open to release a pair of will be released from their vault. Also here,
creaking bronze golems (use giant skeleton) mounted upon the wall, is the Moon Rod.
who attack on sight. Behind their starting posi-
15. Demon Vault: The door is solid bronze
tion are a pair of glowing gems that, if broken,
with strips of silver creating X patterns across
disable the golems.
the face; vault keeper's key is required to open.
8. Beam Trap: A statue of the sorceress The walls, floor, and ceiling appear to be made
stands in this room. If someone steps into the from solid silver. Seething with patient hatred,
room without carrying the key, the statue’s a pair of vicious demons remain bound to this
head rotates to face them and a pair of sear- chamber. They will do what they can to escape
ing, eldritch beams emit from the eyes to burn and exact their revenge.
the intruder for 2d4 damage (+3 attack). It is

Ezrikaar, General of the Voidfields
The demon warlord Ezrikaar was a general in a dark
army from an unknown plane of war and torment.
He was known as the General of the Voidfields
and commanded legions of shadow monsters
against throngs of pitiful enemies that fell before
the might of his soldiers.
He is filled with rage and wants nothing more than
to break free from the vault and lay waste to Illmire as
revenge for centuries of imprisonment, before returning
to his own world to reclaim his rightful position at the
hand of the Supreme Chaos Champion.
If approached, Ezrikaar will feign parlay until close
enough to grab someone and threaten their life violent-
ly through sneering teeth unless he is released. Battle
will inevitably ensue, if not for the intervention of Esh-

Eshrea, Ruler of
the Stormlands
Like her compatriot, Eshrea is a demon
warlord from another plane. She is more
patient than Ezrikaar, but like him wants
nothing more than to get out of the vault
and sow carnage across the land. She re-
tains the wherewithal to coax visitors into
releasing them, as opposed to outright
threatening them with violence.
While Ezrikaar will lash out at anyone who
arrives at the vault, Eshrea will attempt
to calm him and engage in diplomacy.
She'll lie, saying that they were falsely im-
prisoned and simply wish to return to their
home world. Given the chance though, she
will break loose with her counterpart and
won't elect to leave this realm until every
humanoid being in Illmire is slain.

Dealing with the Demons
The magic of the vault has diminished the powers of the demons; they possess only a fraction
of the strength they had before they were entombed for centuries. As a result, they are now
more vulnerable to banishment and may even be potentially defeated in battle against suffi-
ciently equipped adventurers. The PCs can utilize the Periapt of the Dark Star to banish them
from this realm.
If attacked in their vault, they will battle to the death with terrible fury. They will unleash all of
their magic mercilessly and attempt to flank their enemies. If slain, they will laugh maniacally
as their bodies catch fire, engulfing the surrounding area in searing flames and choking smoke.
Breathing in their blossom of deathly ash triggers a death saving throw or gain a nagging
cough and lose 1d2 constitution points permanently.
If the demons are loosed on Illmire, they will begin to decimate everything in their path until
they've located and slain Esmeraldra and The Observer. Every two hours, for the next twenty
four hours, the demons will decimate a random hex adjacent to their previous one, killing
anything in their path unless put to a stop. If militant force is brought against them, they will
become enraged and summon to their aid 5d4 horned demon warriors carrying spears and
shields. At the end of the twenty-four hours, their blood-lust is sated enough for them to return
to their home world.

Fungal Caverns of the Swamp Witch HEX 1





5d 6



1 5c

In the heart of the fungal swamps is the sacred cavern of a tribe of myconids. The nightmare
cult has built a workshop outside of the cave entrances where they construct alchemical de-
vices they call corrupters. These devices emit a vile, purple mist made from fear potions that
transform the myconids into shriekers. The cultists then trap these shriekers and place them
into machines that crush their bodies and squeeze out their watery fluids to be made into more
fear potions. The myconids do not understand what's going on and attack anything that is
remotely human looking. The cavern is also home to the ancient witch of the swamps called
Vosethra. She is old and wise, and connected to the entire swamp, but is also poisoned by the
corrupters. She hides away in a weakened state, served by her dryad emissary Delitha, and her
loyal guard pet, a fungal basilisk.

1. Cultist Workshop: Ramshackle tin struc- if a person were to try to step onto the roll-
ture; inside are 1d8 cultists preparing potions, ing waves of fungus, their foot would punch
squeezing captured shriekers (live ones scream through and cause a huge plume of spores to
- cultists wear earplugs), getting ready to refill puff out right under their nose; save vs paral-
the corrupters, and resetting traps. There are ysis or become intoxicated, experiencing in-
tools and instruments that can be used to per- tense psychedelic hallucinations for 1d4 hours,
form alchemy, as well as three cultist cloaks, falling prone and unable to move. Mold will
1d12 fear potions, 1d4 shrieker traps. crawl onto incapacitated prey and engulf it, di-
gesting it over the course of 6d6 minutes.
2. Narrow Entrance: Cave mouth covered in
lichen and mushrooms. Outside, smut fungus 7. Dreaming Pool: A hot spring laps with
grows on the trees, which develop into bul- soothing mineralized water, but thousands of
bous, sagging galls. The myconids who live in tiny mushrooms grow all around the edge,
these caverns usually use this passage to come dropping their spores into the water. Safe to
and go, but avoid cultists at all costs. drink, but if quantity is ingested causes severe
drowsiness and then induces sleep; slumber-
3. Wide Entrance: Large cave mouth. Sheets
er experiences pleasant and vivid but bizarre
of thick fungal growth hang down and obscure
dreams. PC heals at double rate from rest.
the entrance. Patches of large puffball fungus
1-in-6 chance to remove poison or disease per
protrude up from the ground; disturbing these
hour spent soaking in the pool. Some bones
releases spores that causes itchiness in skin,
and a handful of jewels worth 2000gp are scat-
nose, throat, and eyes for 1d4 hours.
tered on the bottom of the pool.
4. Main Cavern: Giant cavern full of all types
8. Myconid Colony: A dozen huts made from
of mushrooms, toadstools, stinkhorns, and
the carved out bodies of large toadstools. 6d6
other bizarre varieties. Soft and spongy floor
myconids live here and defend the surrounding
made of porous, decaying peat moss. There
areas fiercely. They treat any intruders as en-
is a distinct odor; pungent, floral notes mixed
emies unless they bear the mark of Vosethra.
with decaying plant rot. It's cool, dank, and
dark. A slight breeze travels through a multi- 9. Fungal Basilisk: Vosethra's loyal pet lairs
tude of holes in the cavern walls that also al- here, feasting on the juicy mushrooms. It be-
low beams of sunlight to criss-cross the cavern haves like a guard dog and will ferociously de-
during the day in a dazzling display. 2-in-6 fend the area from any that approach without
chance of a random encounter when party Delitha's escort or Vosethra's mark.
passes through.
10. Vosethra's Lair: The swamp witch,
Roll 1d8 for the encounter: ancient and wise, hides in a weakened state,
 2d4 myconid scouts lurking in shadow unable to free herself from the torment that
 2d4 cultists, trapping shriekers the corruption stations inflict upon her. She
 Giant mold, lurching across the ground will send her emissary Delitha the dryad to in-
 2d4 stirges looking to suck blood vestigate any newcomers to the caverns. If the
 1d6 shriekers in a panicked rage party overtly battles the cultists and attempts
 Fungal basilisk, snuffling and prowling to disable the stations, Delitha will appear to
 Delitha the dryad, collecting toadstools them and beckon for them to visit Vosethra.
 Roll twice; encounter both at same time The witch is currently trapped in fungus form;
she can be restored to her human form using
5. Corruption Station: Gurgling, mechan-
Vosethra's Idol. They do not know where the
ical cauldrons burping up toxic, purple mist
idol is but describe what it looks like. If the
that spreads across the cavern floor. Cauldron
corrupters are destroyed, Vosethra will be
spouts can be sealed with big corks to stop the
freed from the wracking blight and will bestow
emanation of the gas, but cannot be destroyed
upon saviors her magical mark (+1 to any two
without first dealing with the volatile contents
attributes of player choice). Vosethra's mark
(how this gets done is up to the PCs). They are
appears as a strange tattoo on the back of the
heavy and awkward to move, requiring at least
left hand.
two people to carry.
11. Underdark Entrance: Chamber is cov-
6. Mold Lair: A huge, fast-moving mold the
ered in glowing green lichens and molds that
size of an elephant lairs in here. The area sur-
crawl along the walls. A narrow tunnel into the
rounding it is thick with bristly, purple fungus
underdark is lit by luminescent mushrooms.
that grows in lumpy sheets of gilled lamellae.
This tunnel leads to The Glowing Galler-
The mold enjoys living on top of these and is
able to move around easily. It's able to do so
because of its ability to distribute its weight;

Vile Lair of the Nightmare Cult HEX 4


6 7

2 1

The cult leaders, in their search for more undead around Illmire, discovered the Fear-
mother in these old ruins constructed by ancient Rackoo monolith builders. The mystics
built this shrine to sacred spirits and imbued the structure with symbolic runes that
mark it as a place of power. It's this power that drew the Fearmother to slither inside
and fester in the depths. The cultists have now turned this into their hidden base of op-
erations. The power of the Rackoo has been replaced by intense, insidious, otherworldly
terror beyond the comprehension of mortal beings. Approaching the ruins now, one can
feel the impending doom and sickening power of the Fearmother's presence.

1. Outside the Lair: The grass and weeds is adorned with silken sheets of red and black.
near the entrance appear dead. Distinct feeling Under the bed, strapped to a rolling dolly, is
of unease is felt by any who approach the lair. Virica's secret plaything, a naked zombie with
Save vs paralysis, or else succumb to intense arms and legs removed. Around its neck is
fear and dread. Entrance is a narrow dromos a key to the lock box in area 10. An ornate
that leads to a stone archway etched with an- wooden shelf holds three vermicious vessels
cient runes of the Rackoo mystics. Guarding containing plump mindphages, the Eye of
the entrance are a pair of nasty hellhounds, Thress, the Serpentine Libation, the Soul
with 1d4 cultist keepers. They will attack any- Prism, and the Wand of the Illusory Visitor.
one who is not dressed in cult uniform on sight,
7. Captive Holding: This room will have 3d6
and one cultist will flee into the lair to warn
captives. The captives are mostly kidnapped
the others if possible. Passphrase is "the black
locals and unlucky folks who got ransacked on
fawn drinks at night".
the highway by bandits only to be delivered to
2. Binding Room: Stairs descend to a wide the cultists. The lost villager girl, Ava, is here,
chamber with a low ceiling and crumbling bound and gagged, emaciated but still alive.
walls. A thin layer of filth covers everything She will beg to be released and escorted home.
and gives off a smell of urine, feces, and me-
8. Chamber of the Black Pool: Two cult-
tallic gore. Stone benches surround an iron,
ists can be found worshiping in this chamber
upright rack where a dead, naked prisoner is
at any given time, along with four chosen ones
strapped; puncture wounds all over the abdo-
(ML 12). This large room slopes downwards
men. The Sanguine Piercer sits in a pool of
toward the north, that end submerged in ooz-
blood at the foot of the rack. 1d4 cultist aco-
ing black liquid. At the back of the chamber is
lytes are undergoing initiation. A door bars the
an insidious altar positioned in front of a chill-
way to the north. It is heavy and requires the
ing idol: the mummified head of a mountain
strength of two people to open. It is generally
giant. The head is infested with mindphage
left open unless the cult is expecting attack.
worms who burrow inside to consume the rot-
3. Narthex: The ceiling rises into monolithic ting brain matter. If the head is disturbed or
stone beams in a grid pattern. Torches burn approached by anyone other than Rancidius
on sconces. A zombie has been chained to the or Virica, dozens of worms will raise up like
east wall as a gruesome decoration. It snarls cobras and collectively hiss before attempting
and bites at anyone who passes. Another to swarm them. The mouth of the head is sewn
heavy stone door to the west, usually open. shut but the eyes are bizarrely still open and
alive, terrified and in pain. If the mouth-stitch-
4. Cultist’s Quarters: 6+1d6 cultists will be
es are removed, worms pour out and the des-
in this room at any given time, half sleeping,
sicated head produces an earsplitting wale that
the rest eating or talking. There are footlock-
will draw the attention of the Fearmother. It
ers full of cultist cloaks and the simple linens
will scream and babble unintelligibly without
they all wear. Musty cots attract flies. The cult-
ists in this room will rush to aid in battle if any
commotion takes place in area 5. 9. Lair of the Fearmother: Here, the dread-
ed Fearmother makes her home. The walls and
5. Ritual Room: A fountain in the center of
ceiling of this chamber are coated in sticky,
the chamber has been re-purposed for cruel-
dripping, black ichor. She basks in the center
ty. The pool is no longer water, but blood and
of this natural cavern. She'll attempt to remain
other bodily fluids. A narrow column with an
invisible and cast her emotion spell on any
inset iron eye is used to chain prisoners up,
intruders within sight; causes 1) fear, 2) rage,
ankle deep in gore, to be tortured or just left
3) sorrow, or 4) jealousy. She'll attempt to use
there while cultists kneel and chant to appease
her ESP spell to cause chaos in the ranks of
the Fearmother. 1d4-1 captives can be found
her enemies by driving them mad with panic
in this room at any given time, chained to the
and dread.
walls or the pedestal; half are bleeding to death
or dead. There is always one cultist per victim. 10. Egg Tunnel: This narrow tunnel holds
1d6 fearspawn eggs that pulsate and ooze
6. Cult Leader’s Quarters: The leader of
black ichor. If disturbed, they will burst open
the cult, Virica the Vile, makes her quarters
and baby fearspawn will emerge to feed hun-
here. The entrance is a newly installed iron
grily (treat as giant spiders). Tucked behind the
door; locked. Virica holds the key. If beset by
eggs is a lock box containing the torn page
intruders, she will calmly play the Harp of the
of The Observer's journal that details how he
Mara, which stands on an oaken platform, and
summoned the Fearmother, as well as 5 emer-
then attempt to perform a coup de grâce on
alds worth 1000gp each.
any sleepers with her dark blade. A high bed

Virica, twin sister of Rancidius, shares leadership of the cult and personally tends to the Fearmoth-
er. Together they traveled from a distant and dark land to seek out rumors of undead in the region.
They discovered the zombies lurking in the abandoned mines and began to
create plans to utilize these in their sinister agenda. In hopes to find
more undead hidden in the region, the two began to explore any old
ruins they came across, and in one particular ruin they located the
Fearmother. Since then, they have made this creature the focus
of their efforts and use its powers for their own ends.
Virica and Rancidius are power hungry, sadistic people
who come from a family of abusers, manipulators, and
cult-personalities. She orchestrates plans from the safety
of the lair and manages the recruitment and indoctri-
nation of new cult members. Those who are willing
and loyal are allowed to retain their free-will, but
any who falter are deemed "chosen ones" who
are then made to go through a special ritual
of ascension (where mindphage worms
are inserted into their ears and they are
turned into mindless zombie-like slaves).
She possesses a graven image of the
Fearmother that allows her to speak di-
rectly with it. This direct connection to
the Fearmother has turned Virica even
more power hungry and sadistic than she
has ever been. She revels in torturing kidnap
victims and has begun to concoct secret plans
to eliminate Rancidius if possible, and take control
of the cult for her own ends. Rancidius is oblivious
to this and assumes that he retains complete control,
with nothing but support from Virica. If an opportu-
nity arises, and she feels as though her need for him
has passed, she will gladly allow Rancidius to be slain
and will take over the cult for herself.

These sinister creatures, about two inches long, are abominations spawned by the Fearmother.
They attempt to crawl (or are otherwise purposely inserted) into a person's ear canal, burrowing
inside and weaving tiny tentacles into the brain of the victim, turning them into mindless drones,
easily influenced and brainwashed. The cult leaders use these worms to quietly take control of
people around Illmire and turn them into pseudo-doppelgangers. Those affected appear to be
relatively normal humans, but upon close inspection, there is something off with them; their eyes
appear sunken and dilated, their skin pale, and an odd mildew smell permeates from them. They
cannot be brought to their senses without removing the worm.
The worm must be pulled out of the ear canal. This
can be accomplished with a pair of fine forceps,
but a more novel approach may be discov-
ered. The smaller geckos who live in the
swamps have a taste for worms and will
voraciously devour the mindphages,
pulling them out of the ear canal of the
victim with their pointed snouts. If a PC
falls victim to a mindphage, they effec-
tively become an NPC until rescued from
the control. As an optional alternative,
the Referee may relay this information se-
cretly to the character's player and enlist
them to spy on the PCs for the cult.

A horrific tangle of writhing flesh and bulging eyeballs,
this heinous outsider comes from a plane of absolute
nightmare, primordial hate, sadistic violence, and
perverse dreamstuff. "She" is some kind of pow-
erful, extra-dimensional abomination.
Her purpose and intentions are un-
fathomable to human minds, and
all that is known is that she feeds
off of the fear, hate, jealousy, and
mistrust of living creatures around
her. The presence of human fear sates
her hunger, allowing her grow and pro-
create. She occasionally vomits up
fearspawn eggs, which dot her lair
and hatch every few months.
Her sinister, telepathic powers
spread throughout Illmire. Any
creature exposed to fear po-
tions will experience fre-
quent, panicked night-
mares for days after.
When this happens, she
is there, in the background,
orchestrating the terrible mad-
If cornered, she will attack
viciously and use her magic
to attempt to drive off intrud-
ers so as to let her minions
dispatch them. When she
strikes a victim with her
barbed tentacles, they are
infected with a terrifying
affliction that lasts for days on
end. She can only be harmed with
magical weapons. If gravely wound-
ed, she will attempt to flee into the
swamps, leaving Illmire and departing
to the north. If slain, her flesh melts
over the course of an hour as it is not meant to be in this world. All of the mindphage worms will
shrivel up and die, releasing anyone from their grasp.


When struck by the Fearmother, her demonic ooze seeps into the victim's skin through wounds
created by sharp barbs on her tentacles and delivers an effect for 2d6 days:
1. Madness: Victim experiences bouts of insanity, loss of memory, severe mood swings, loss
of faith, and emotional turmoil.
2. Mara: Every morning, victim wakes but cannot move; paralyzed for 1d6 minutes. During
this, experiences intense crushing pressure on chest and limbs, phantom voices, and a demonic
visage that seems to always be about to bite their face.
3. Paranoia: Victim experiences seething paranoia and nervousness. 2-in-6 chance any social
interaction, no matter how mundane, results in panic.
4. Worms: Victim is injected with mindphage larva. Experiences symptoms of dysentery, but
at end of time-frame will vomit up 4d6 mindphage worms before dying.
5. Zombie Rot: Victim must save vs. poison or become afflicted by zombie rot.
6. Mind-Ark: A portion of the Fearmother's consciousness is embedded into the victim's
brain. It remains there, whispering evil thoughts in a terrifying voice and encouraging the
victim to perform evil deeds.

The Observer’s Tower






4 2





A sky-scraping tower of alabaster bursts

through the treetops to overlook the valley.
It is home to the legendary sorcerer known
as The Observer. Atop the towering spire
is a magical, telescopic device that the sor-
cerer uses to survey the region. The entire
tower is magical. This is apparent by the
way that the top half floats suspended in
midair, a central section of it completely
destroyed in a siege long ago. The tower
is also occupied by the chimera goblins of
Redthorn Forest, botched creations that
The Observer has abandoned to the bowels
of the tower.
1. Foyer: A grand oaken door, worn and
sun-beaten, unlocked and partially ajar. Past the
7 threshold, a small alcove; floor covered in dry
leaves. Empty coat racks, boot hooks, and torch
sconces. Another set of oak doors, also ajar.
Past these, staircases; one goes up, the other
leads down to The Subterranean Complex.

Between them, a broken caryatid statue; the Karmic Coin, a Bag of Holding, the Orb of
figure appears to be a female elf. Whatever Confusion, a Pot of Abundant Aliment, a
she held is smashed upon the stairs as stone Phoenix Amulet, and a Faerie Scroll. Stairs
rubble. lead upward to the plaza above.
2. Trap Room: Chimera goblins who live on 8. Gargoyle Plaza: Four 12' tall columns
the floor above steal gecko traps and set them in the central area; a gargoyle perched upon
around this room, hidden under knee-deep each, appearing as statues. They will shed
piles of leaves. 2-in-6 to step into a trap (six their stone skin if visitors arrive. They're mis-
in total), causing 1d4 damage and requiring chievous bullies who enjoy heckling, pester-
a strength check to get it off. On a 4, limb is ing, and antagonizing any who wander near.
severed instead; roll extra 1d4 damage. They'll crack jokes, make fun of appearances,
3. Chimera Squat: 2d6 chimera goblins lair call them cowards, and goad them to climb up
in this room. Dirty linen sacks contain bones, the columns. They'll swoop down and try to
peculiar dead things, and a stash of precious steal loose items, then play "keep away" while
gems stolen from the tower worth 700gp. the victim struggles to recover their things.
They are petty and won't tolerate any bully-
4. Landing: Chimera goblin alpha lairs here ing directed at them. They'll grow vicious and
(+5hp, +1 damage, 3 mutations). Hidden un- vengeful at any teasing or insults. Otherwise,
der a flagstone is 1510gp worth of gems, an they will not allow any visitors to proceed
obsidian statue of a dwarf warrior raising her upward without gifts of gold or magic items.
hammer, and a bag of dried mushrooms. Also here is an oak door; closed but unlocked.
5. Terrace: Floor is deteriorated here; 2-in-6 Opens to a large balcony that extends off of
chance tiles drop out; dexterity check or fall this floor. The Observer now uses this balcony
for 2d6 damage to area 4. as his landing to enter and exit the tower. 1-in-
6 chance he is here, leaving or returning from
6. Mysterious Void: Rickety old ladder, built an outing in the forest. Piles of dank canvas in
by the goblins using scavenged wood. Spans the corner; 1d4 giant ticks lair inside the cloth.
a sizable gap in the tower's outer walls, yet
the top half of the tower inexplicably remains 9. Mezzanine: Staircase from area 8 con-
floating above as if the walls were still there. tinues up. The alcoves on this level are only
1-in-6 chance a rung breaks on the ladder; accessible by descending the shaft in area
dexterity check to avoid falling down to room 10. The southernmost alcove contains sev-
5, taking 3d6 fall damage. eral chests; two hold 2000gp each. One is a
mimic (use wolf with 4-in-6 chance to surprise
7. Flattering Arcade: An old, rickety ladder and +30xp) that attacks anything that touches
reaches up to a crumbling ledge; treacherous it. The north alcove has a magically warded
footing along the way. Dexterity check re- door; there is a strange glowing rune visible
quired to hop around the broken wall into the only to magic-users. If opened, anyone within
southern alcove; three magic scrolls sitting on 5' of it takes 2d6 concussion damage when
shelves here: detect evil, speak with animals, a thundercrack emits from the rune. Cham-
and growth of animal. Barring progress is a ber contains several wooden crates with: The
large door with a life-like bronze face of an Burning Lady, a Gland of Clorg, and a Glow-
elven woman. If touched, it comes to life and moth Lamp. A stone box (warm to touch)
begins to speak with a bell-tone voice. She has contains the sword Flambolg. An ornate silver
a peculiar personality. Her purpose is to open box holds the Lunar Sapphire. 1d2 beaked
when The Observer comes, or else to demand watchers guard the area.
the password from visitors. She's instructed to
use her eye-beams (save vs spell or take 2d6 10. Broken Bartizan: The floor extends out
damage) against attempts to damage her. But onto a projected turret that protrudes from the
she is lonely, very vain, and is worried about main tower. A pair of old withered tapestries
her appearance after so many years. She'll hang from the walls, upon them are faded
open for the password ("violet nightshade" insignia of an eye with curious runes written
which is written on a piece of parchment hid- upon their edges (these are a pair of portal
den in the Subterranean Complex), or if the tapestries that aren't yet deployed). Behind
callers provide her with a convincing speech them, the walls are etched with what appear
of flowery language and compliments (charis- to be depictions of elves building the tower.
ma check), or if they retrieve a mirror large A vertical shaft drops 15' to the floor below,
enough for her to see herself clearly and hold room 9. The balcony here is crumbling (1-in-6
it there for her to look at herself for at least chance to drop through and fall for 6d6 dam-
an hour (or otherwise contrive some way to age); draped over the banister at the far side
permanently place it there so she can always across from the exit, the Cloak of Tar (dexter-
see herself). Past her are tables displaying a ity check to put cloak on during fall to elimi-

nate damage). 1d3 beaked watchers hovering ranean Complex.
nearby. 14. The Observatory: A viewing platform
11. Staircase Room: The main staircase 6' in diameter sits below an intricate, clock-
ends. A central spiral staircase, constructed work mechanism designed to lift the operator
from fine wrought iron of elven make (wis- up into a raised cupola at the top of the tow-
dom check to identify) ascends to the atrium er, where the lensing apparatus can be shifted
above. Scattered rubble hides an aquamarine into a position overlooking Illmire through an
(500gp). oculus in the dome. An operator can point it at
12. Atrium and Laboratory: The Observer any hex in Illmire; the apparatus only swivels
is usually here milling about, conducting re- into positions that oversee one of the areas
search on whatever he is interested in at the of Illmire. Anyone on the viewing platform is
moment. This floor contains all of his strange able to see a magnified image via a large cir-
research equipment, a vast wealth of items of cular lens. There is a clockwork switch on the
incalculable worth to sorcerers, antiquarians, device; this engages the oculus magnification
and academics. A multitude of brass clock- beam, a high powered light source that shines
work mechanisms, silver armillary spheres, through the cognition chamber, where a prism
bubbling alchemical experiments, grotesque is placed, allowing the scope to be used at
creatures suspended in fluid-filled glass jars of night as well as zoom-in even closer to the
precarious integrity, strange shards of tinted subject (from 10x to 100x). If The Observer's
glass that hang from various hooks (some kind monocle is inserted into the narrow slot on
of experiment - there is a wand of light hang- the lensing apparatus, it becomes capable of
ing nearby), eerily realistic taxidermied beasts seeing magical auras. Further, spells cast on
from the forest and swamp (2-in-6 chance one the platform can be targeted via the monocle.
comes alive if touched, 1-in-6 chance it also Placing the Lunar Sapphire into the cogni-
talks), and these loose magic items: a Thun- tion chamber and then triggering the oculus
der Crystal, an Everquenching Flask, the magnification beam with the monocle in place
Serpent Staff, the Sorcerer's Chime, Frost- will transport any living being standing on the
bite, Murtlegaunt's Agreeable Abode, and viewing platform to the location targeted. The
the Cube of Zoe. Urg'lon will be intrigued by beam requires fine tuning, however, and can
visitors and will question them until he grows only be properly tuned by The Observer, who
bored, then he'll become indifferent and most- isn't really interested in doing that right now,
ly ignore them while he wanders his tower so there is 4-in-6 chance they are transport-
humming to himself. If they're aggressive, he'll ed to the targeted hex, otherwise roll a d20
grow angry quickly and attack. He'll pursue to determine which random hex they end up
them up to a mile from the tower in chase. in. They may be disoriented and unsure where
If an attack is made on his life, he'll show no they are in this case. On a 20, they are tele-
mercy and kill the threat outright. But if the ported to a pocket dimension where they wit-
trespassers are just rude or make idle threats, ness the history of Illmire flash before their
he may simply punish them by polymorphing eyes in a matter of moments.
them into vermin. What is Urg'Lon Interested in Now?
13. Bridge of Stars: High ceilings painted 1. Enlarging flying animals to see which giant
with a faux star-scape; spiral staircase con- creature can slay the wyvern (giant flying
tinues up. On each of the four corners of geckos and bats in the lab).
the chamber hangs a Portal Tapestry. If the 2. Creating explosive powders from sala-
Lunar Sapphire is touched to a portal tapes- mander blood (dead salamanders all over the
try, it opens for 1d4 minutes. The stonework lab; 3-in-6 chance of 1d10 vials of explosive
around the northeast tapestry bears subtle powder sitting around).
signs of ash, soot, and scorch marks. It opens 3. Transmuting flesh into gold (dead goblins,
to 30' above the lava pool in the mouth of 1d4 piles of gold worth 1,000 each).
Mount Slagmaw; scorching air blasts through, 4. Experiments in electrotherapy (huge
save vs breath weapon or 1d6 damage. 1-in- ceramic vases filled with vinegary beetle-oil,
6 chance the stonework around the southeast copper tubes, iron rods; 1d4 goblins hooked
tapestry is wet. It opens into Misty Lake and a up via wires to contraptions being slowly
wave of water pours through; strength check shocked to death and foaming at the mouth).
or be washed down the staircase and take 1d6 5. Enchanting flying objects (1d20 random
damage. The southwest tapestry has no distin- household objects floating around the lab).
guishing marks; portal opens to some place 6. Splicing geckos with random animals
in outer space; save vs death or be pulled in (treat as dire animals, which he'll let loose
by a vacuum and lost in space forever. The into the forest when he gets bored; 1d4 wan-
northwest tapestry portal opens to the Subter- dering the lab).

These ghastly abominations of life were created by The Observer who wanted to dabble in some
transmutation of living creatures. With dark magic, creatures of the forest and swamp were lured
to his lair, where he used captured goblins as test subjects for his
heartless experimentation on combining them into something
new. The results were deformed and mutated goblins spliced
with seemingly random bits of animalia.
They are feral and wild, just capable enough to procreate and
birth new generations of even more malformed individuals.
Their numbers hover around a hundred, but they are surpris-
ingly long-lived for goblinoids, the oldest surviving well over
60 years. Their poor, imbalanced body chemistry results in
an awful stench that can give away their presence. With
constant mixed signals going through their brains, they
are prone to spasms, seizures, and always seem jittery.
It's not unusual for them to fall into sudden, violent fits
of screaming and thrashing, resulting in very unpredict-
able behaviors.
For these reasons, The Observer has abandoned them
as his pet project. He released them back into the forest
but they never strayed far from the tower. After a while,
they began to repopulate the lower floors of the tower,
using it as their lair. The Observer is pestered by their
presence, but is too busy working on other things at the
moment to take the time and effort to eradicate them.

Strange, floating eye creatures, similar to Urg'lon.
They are quiet, preferring to stare at their point of
interest for long periods of time, motionless. They
otherwise float around the tower, idly doing repairs or
keeping watch for intruders. They possess a mind-link
to The Observer and, through this, he is able to see
what they see. He can spawn a maximum of seven at a
given time, but will only summon as many as it seems
necessary for the occasion.
They are able to float and fly similar to The Observer.
Their beaks chatter when they are threatened or hurt.
They’ll protect The Observer by casting spells from a
distance, dropping pots of blinding miasma-gas on en-
emies, or even engaging in flailing melee if cornered.
If an army is brought to the doorsteps of the tower,
the adrenaline rush of the siege will allow Urg’lon to
summon an additional 1d12 Watchers who fly from
the tower to attack the armies below.

The near-mythical sorcerer, known only as “The Observer”, is
actually a monstrous, floating blob of flesh with
a huge eye in the center of the mass. It hovers
above the ground, as if buoyant in the air, and
can float hundreds of feet above the ground if
desired. From a leathery, purple-green body
sprout muscular stalks upon which are
mounted articulating eyeballs, and from its
chin hang coiling tentacles that probe and
grip like elephant trunks.
Spawned somewhere long ago in the
underdark, its true name is Urg’lon. It's
apparently male as he often talks to him-
self idly in the third person while work-
ing through his thoughts about whatever
his attention happens to be on. Indeed,
Urg’lon’s attention span is fairly low
for such a highly intelligent creature
(too many eyes?). He tends to follow a
pattern of hyper-obsessiveness followed
by dramatic burnout and then passing
Urg’lon will have a sudden flash of inspira-
tional interest in a given subject, which results
in days, weeks, or months where he obsessively
studies and interacts with the subject, inevitably fol-
lowed by a self-perceived failure-event that sends him
into an emotional downward spiral of self-deprecation
and despair. In this manner, he bounces from topic to topic,
skill to skill, technique to technique, always dabbling and learn-
ing enough to be dangerous, but never mastering any particular thing. He is a long
lived creature though, and generally highly capable whatever he puts his mind to for a while, and so
his half-finished, abandoned projects are strewn about, and their effects echo throughout the land.
It was he who slaughtered the Rackoo Clan when they fought back after he transformed the crea-
tures of the forest into the chimera goblins, and cursed their warriors to lives as fishmen. It was he
who dabbled with necromancy upon the clan’s buried fallen, creating undead who now infest the
forest. He used the same necromancy to curse a defiant miner, which led to the incident at the Cop-
perclaw mines. And he was the one who summoned the Fearmother from an unknown, forsaken
plane of nightmare, then let it loose on the land, just to observe what would happen.
At first he was morbidly delighted at the idea of a cult that has begun to worship the hell-beast he
conjured. He watched closely for a few months before growing bored of the seemingly dull normal-
ity that had evolved. For fun he planted rumors of treasure in the wilderness to draw adventurers
into conflict with the cult. He then forgot he did this and moved on.
If the PCs reach the upper levels of his tower, Urg’lon will be mildly impressed and intrigued, and
will pay close attention to them for their first two or three visits. He’ll ask them as many questions
as they’ll tolerate and that he can think of at the moment. If they don’t tolerate any questioning,
he’ll get annoyed and send them on their way. If they put up with at least some questioning, or he
runs out of questions, he’ll request a favor of them: to rid the lower levels of his tower of chimera
goblins who pester him when he’s down there. If they agree, he’ll gladly pay them after he sees it
cleared of goblins. His chosen form of payment for lackeys is a sack of 1998gp. If the adventurers
don't cross his hot temper, or question his payment or the objectives of his tasks, he’ll continue to
hire them to perform additional seemingly random missions, each time offering the same form and
quantity of payment; no more, no less.
Some example missions: bring him a (giant gecko? frogling? zombie? griffon? chimera goblin? lava
dwarf? fear potion? fearspawn?), spy on the circus near the highway, deploy a portal tapestry at the
top of The Klepperhorn, pour growth serum into the lake, or whatever weird things come to mind.

The Subterranean Complex
To passage 1 and The
Glowing Galleries

5 6

2 8

7 9



To passage 3 and The

Skittering Deeps

To passage 2 and The

Forsaken Oubliette

Deep below The Observer’s Tower, accessible by long stair-

case that leads underground, is his mysterious subterranean
complex. Here, a gigantic cavern contains several buildings con-
structed upon a small group of islands near the shores of a great un-
derground sea. The Observer keeps a library for his many tomes, books,
scrolls, and writings as well as an archive of his own findings. He keeps a trio of blind,
elf monks who serve as scribes and librarians. They are harmless unless attacked, and
will assist any who request help locating information in the library or archives. The great
sea, known as the Underocean, stretches off into miles of darkness. What lies beyond is

1. Staircase from The Observer’s Tower: nightshade”.
A long, spiral staircase winds its way down
8. Library: This larger chamber functions as
from the tower above inside of a cylindrical
The Observer’s private library. He keeps a vast
stone chamber. Downward it goes, under the
multitude of books, pamphlets, and scrolls
ground, until it ends inside of a dark, dank
here for his own research, invaluable tomes
chamber. The sound of flowing water comes
of esoteric knowledge, stacked neatly upon
from just beyond a rusty metal door. From out-
shelves and racks. There is a 1-in-6 chance to
side the building, it appears to be a tower that
find useful historic, scientific, or occult infor-
reaches up into the darkness above until it con-
mation here per every four hours spent study-
nects and enters the ceiling of the giant cavern.
ing. A door on the north wall leads to a stone
Stone bridges connect this island to others.
ledge overlooking the water. It faces toward
2. Boat Dock: Wooden docks reach out over the northern tunnel that lead to the Glowing
the murky, churning waters of the Under- Galleries.
ocean. The shadowy forms of huge, sightless,
9. Archive: A chamber that holds The Ob-
albino eels and fish lurk under the water. Rick-
server’s personal logs and scientific journals.
ety wooden boats with oars are tied to most
He employs the librarians to scribe for him
docks, used by the librarians.
and then files the observations in neat shelves
3. The Underocean: Small waves ripple in labeled by the decades. The history of The Ob-
from the vast body of murky water to the west. server’s presence in Illmire is recorded here,
The water has tides that shift back and forth stretching back a thousand years, a long with
every six hours. At high tide, the waves are a vast array of personal observations and sci-
roughly the same height as the docks them- entific results.
selves. At low tide, the water level drops by
10. Private Study: Dominating this chamber
over a foot, exposing many rocks that stick out
is a stone table piled with books and scrolls.
of the water around the complex. Albino crabs
Hidden under the piles are scrolls of water
and other crustaceans congregate on these
breathing, wizard eye, magic jar, and cloud
rocks during this time.
4. Librarian’s Quarters: A freestanding
11. Art Gallery: There are dozens of strange
stone building that sits upon a rocky island.
paintings here. Most are portraits of elves.
The librarians keep their simple lodging here,
Their eyes watch trespassers. A glowing, owl-
each retaining a footlocker containing robes,
like bird hangs out in and around this building.
sandals, candles, and some simple sundries
It’s capable of speech and will follow anyone
like dried fruits and nuts, salted meats, and
who enters around the subterranean complex.
stale breads. 2-in-6 a librarian is here resting.
It wants to know what the surface world looks
5. Storage: The Observer keeps some ad- like but is too afraid to go see for itself. It will
ditional storage here. Dusty wooden crates trade information about Urg’lon for pieces of
fill the room, some open and some nailed fresh fruit.
shut. Contents are worth 1400gp in uncom-
mon items, including scroll tubes, three large 12. Seaside Henge: A ring of tall, mossy
prisms, a dozen empty cruets, boxes of quills, stones stands upon an island. Scorch marks
six large jugs of black ink, a hundred feet of are emblazoned upon the smooth stone
copper wire, an ornate balance with weights, ground. Magic energy is palpable here. This
two boxes of multicolored chalk, a copper is a place of power - the effects of spells cast
alembic for alchemy, ten bottles of dark wine, while in the standing stones are doubled, per
and several folds of fine silk. There are torches the Referee’s discretion. 1-in-6 chance a librar-
in sconces along the wall; one is a hidden lever ian is here, casting a spell.
that opens a secret cache containing 2000gp 13. Retreat: A heavy iron door bars entrance
in precious gems. 2-in-6 chance that a librari- to a final stone building, this one with ornate
an is here rummaging through crates. glass windows. The Observer uses this as his
6. Scroll Chamber: This room features three private get-away. A large stone pedestal sits in
long, wooden, scroll racks. Each rack contains the center of the room, serving as a bed for
fifty or so blank scrolls with solid oak rods. Urg’lon. It’s draped with thick, fine fabrics
2-in-6 chance a librarian is here choosing a and covered in silken pillows. Hidden in the
new scroll. fabrics of the bed is a scorpion the size of a
house cat; it strikes anything that disturbs it.
7. Scribe Room: Three ornately carved, A peculiar hookah sits beside the bed; any
wooden podiums are positioned around the who smoke from this hookah gain the ability
room. Running along the edges of the room to see additional colors not normally visible to
are dozens of candles that provide ample humans, can see in the dark, and read magic.
light for the scribes. 2-in-6 chance a librarian These effects last for one hour. A closet fea-
is here, scribing upon a podium. In a hidden tures shelves that hold three oversized mono-
compartment in one of the podiums is a note cles worth 500gp each and a golden container
that says “to pass the magic door, speak violet of magic hash worth 700gp.
Underdark Adventure Areas
Following the tunnel down from the Fungal Hidden deep in the forest territory of the
Caverns leads to an array of swirling caves froglings is a dark, vine-choked crevasse
brimming with bioluminescent mushrooms that leads down to a series of tunnels con-
and lichen. These sprawl upon the walls and taining ruins left by the Rackoo clan. The
ceilings, emitting a soft, colorful light in a ruins are now infested with troglodytes who
variety of hues. occasionally surface to hunt in the forest.
The froglings have had violent encounters
Myconid outcasts live in small pockets
with the troglodytes, and so shun the tun-
around these caves. The reason they are
nels below the forest.
banished is unknown, but it has made them
vicious. They cover themselves in luminous Encounters (3-in-6 chance, roll 1d4):
lichens and perform war-dances in the dark- 1) Dead froglings being eaten by corpse
ness, getting ready to stage raids on the sur- crawlers [1d4]. 2) Troglodytes [2d4]. 3)
face village. Giant earthworms [1d8]. 4) Giant spiders,
wandered from the Skittering Deeps to
Glowing fungal basilisks lair in the deep-
hunt [1d6].
est caves, gorging on the mushrooms and
lichens. They produce echoing howls that SKITTERING DEEPS
seem to cause the glowing mushrooms to A sprawling labyrinth of narrow worm-lines
dim and brighten, swelling with the pitch. stretches in every direction like a mess of
They emerge hungrily from a dimensional pasta. The passages are thick with webbing,
rift leading to a primordial plane of fungus. to the point where they are nearly impassi-
ble to all but the giant subterranean spiders
Encounters (3-in-6 chance, roll 1d4):
who inhabit them, though fire may do the
1) Myconid outcasts performing glowing
trick. These spiders crawl down from the
dance ritual [2d4]. 2) Fungal basilisks
Webbed Hollows, hiding from the sunlight
snorting and howling while they eat [1d2].
that penetrates the caverns.
3) Fungal stalker, lurking among folds of
mushrooms. 4) Gurgling entrance to fun- Encounters (3-in-6 chance, roll 1d4):
gus plane, spoors burping into the cham- 1) Wriggling egg sacs full of spider swarms
ber intermittently. [1d4]. 2) A skeleton, wandered from the
Bone Tunnels, stuck in the webbing. 3)
Giant spiders, lurking the webbing and
Below The Observer’s Tower is a group of
shadows [1d6]. 4) Undead ettercaps, still
stone structures built upon islands in a vast
hunting mindlessly.
underground sea known as the Underocean.
The stairs from the tower lead down for sev- BONE TUNNELS
eral dozen stories before landing at the bot- A labyrinth of crumbling catacombs sits be-
tom. The structures serve various purposes, low the lost crypts of the Rackoo clan. The
but primarily they are used to house The walls of tunnels are made from rows upon
Observer’s collection of notes, documents, rows of stacked bones, with a line of jawless
books, and scrolls. Blind elves work as li- skulls to crown the grim motif.
brarians, using boats to get around the is-
Skeletons and zombies shamble through the
dark corridors, as well as something even
The Underocean is fed by underground worse. The necromantic magics used to
streams leaking from Misty Lake and the raise the dead have manifested as a sinis-
surrounding swamp. The dark water is full ter bone golem that stalks the catacombs,
of albino fish, eels, and crabs, all complete- choosing from the morbid structure its fa-
ly blind to light. It’s possible to sail across vorite bones with which to adorn itself. It
this sea to the west, beyond Illmire, to other tolerates no living trespassers in its territory.
underdark locations.
Encounters (3-in-6 chance, roll 1d4):
Encounters (3-in-6 chance, roll 1d4): 1) Zombies [1d4]. 2) Skeletons [1d6]. 3)
1) Librarians; strange blind elves in row- Pit trap with jagged broken bone spikes.
boat [1d4]. 2) Beaked watchers patrolling 4) Bone golem, seeking new bones to add
[1d4]. 3) The Observer. 4) Floating chest to the catacombs.
containing 1d4 random spell scrolls.

Deeps 4


Passage #1: This passage starts out burst- Passage #4: A huge cylindrical wormline
ing with glowing mushrooms towards the burrows its way from the Skittering Deeps
north. The mushrooms eventually give way to the Forsaken Oubliette. Many more lines
to utter darkness and ankle-deep, murky branch off. Somewhere lurking is a gigan-
water. Closer to the Underocean, the water tic worm, one of the many who created the
raises up to waist-height. Echoes boom in lines.
the passage.
Passage #5: A wormline stretches south-
Passage #2: A narrow channel with knee- ward from the Skittering Deeps before it
high water stretches eastward from the Un- bursts into a stonework chamber that links
derocean. Halfway to the Oubliette, raised to the Bone Tunnels. Undead wander north-
stonework catwalks emerge. These proceed ward and occasionally get stuck in spider
into the crumbling ruins below the frogling webs.
Passage #6: Troglodytes avoid the long,
Passage #3: A rapid and turbulent chan- stonework hallway that crawls from the
nel runs southward from the Underocean. catacombs north to the ruins below the
Before reaching the Skittering Deeps, it frogling canopy. Everburning torches pro-
slows down and pools, draining even deep- vide green-tinted light but also toxic fumes
er. The Skittering Deeps is above this pool, that keep the hallway deathly quiet.
requiring a climb.
The cult has hired this skilled assassin to
quietly execute anyone that stands in their
way. Zeshara is experienced, patient, and
deadly. She never fights fair; especially not
with a group. She waits for her targets to
be alone, or ambushes them from the rear,
so as to prevent the rest of the party from
noticing what's happened until it's too
late. One of her favorite weapons is a long
wire with a noose; she'll wait above for un-
suspecting targets to wander below, then
drop this long garrote wire around their
neck and pull them up into the darkness.
If this is not an option, she'll favor her poi-
soned +2 stiletto, Pang.
If somehow confronted, she'll drop a
smoke-bomb that explodes with choking
gas and attempt to flee. She'll fight to
the death and if captured will never talk,
even through torture, unless coerced with
magic. If she has multiple run-ins with ad-
venturers, she'll call in groups of assassins
to make repeated ambush strikes against
them until either they die or she dies.

Rackoo Symbol
5e Bestiary Conversion
This is a basic conversion document for all the monsters and creatures that appear in The Evils of
Illmire. Page numbers to the 5th Edition Monster Manual (MM) are given whenever there is a direct
or usable monster that appears in the core book. Otherwise, stats are provided for unique monsters.
The OSR rule of "do not expect balanced battles" is still in play, and I recommend using the OSR par-
adigm of "combat as war, not as sport" even with 5E games. If you love 5E and see a way to improve
this document, please reach out to spellswordnet@gmail.com so we can make this as document as
useful as possible.

ASSASSIN: Use spy MM 349. exhaustion. Tough. The bear gains 2 extra hit
BANDIT: Use bandit MM 343. points per hit die (included in the hit point to-
tal). Keen Smell. The bear has advantage on
BANSHEE: Use banshee MM 23. Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
BARBFANG SWARM: Use swarm of quippers Multiattack. The bear makes three attacks:
MM 335. one with its bite and two with its claws. Bite.
Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
BARFRAIN'S WRAITH: Use wraith MM 302. one target. Hit: 10 (1d8 + 6) piercing damage.
BEAKED WATCHER: Use spectator MM 30. If the target is a Large or smaller creature, it
CAPTAIN FREY: Use guard MM 347 with 16 is grappled (escape DC 20). Until this grapple
hp. For the captain's goons, use a normal guard. ends, the bear can't bite another target. Claw.
Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
COMMONER OF ILLMIRE: Use commoner one target. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) slashing damage.
MM 345. Profession: 1) Farmer, 2) Fisher- A creature that is hit with two claw attacks in
man, 3) Lumberjack, 4) Trapper, 5) Miner, 6) the same turn takes an extra 16 (2d6 + 9) slash-
Craftsman. ing damage.
CHIMERA GOBLIN: Use goblin MM 166. For DROGUE FLY: Use giant wasp MM 329. Chal-
champions, use goblin boss MM 166. Random lenge 1 (200xp). Harpoon: Able to fire stinger
Malformation: 1) Toxic spit (15' attack, save up to 30'. Victim in skewered by stinger and can
vs. poison or die). 2) Has wings (can fly). 3) be dragged by the drogue fly back to lair.
Bigger and stronger (+1 AC, +1 damage, +5
HP). 4) Horns (+1 attack, +1 damage). 5) Frog- DWARF: Use duergar MM 122 without sun-
legs (can jump 25’). 6) Scale-hide (+2 AC). 7) light sensitivity.
Hooves (run twice as fast as normal). 8) Man- ELECTRIC EELS: Small beast, unaligned. AC
dibles (vicious bite, d6 bleed damage). 9) Owl- 12 HP 13 (2d6+6) Speed 5 ft., swim 30 ft.
eyes (see in dark and from very far away). 10) STR 13 (+1) DEX 14 (+2) CON 16 (+3) INT 1
Many-armed (shield plus three weapons). 11) (-5) WIS 10 (+0) CHA 4 (-3) Damage Resis-
Crab claw (pinch, +2 damage plus grab and tances lightning Skills Perception +2, Stealth
hold). 12) Smart (can speak and will parlay). +4 Senses blindsight 60 ft.; passive Percep-
CULTIST: Use cultist MM 345. Use cult fanatic tion 12 Languages — Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
for tougher cultists. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6+2) piercing damage.
COCKATRICE: Use cockatrice MM 42. Shock Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
CORPSE CRAWLER: Use carrion crawler MM 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6+2) lightning dam-
37. age. On a critical hit, the target must succeed
on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be
DELITHA THE DRYAD: Use dryad MM 121. stunned. At the end of each of its turns, the tar-
DEMON (EZRIKAAR AND ESHREA): Use get can make a new saving throw; on a success,
barbed devil MM 70. it is no longer stunned.
DIRE RACCOON SKELETON: Use ghast MM ELF: Use drow MM 128 without sunlight sen-
148. sitivity.
DIRE GRIZZLY: Large beast, unaligned. AC ESMERALDRA: Use mage MM 347.
17 (natural armor). HP 125 (10d10 + 70). ETTERCAP: Use ettercap MM 131.
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft. STR 22 (+6) DEX
12 (+1) CON 20 (+5) INT 3 (-4) WIS 15 (+2) FEARMOTHER: Large fiend, chaotic evil
CHA 7 (-2). Skills Athletics +9, Perception AC 17 (natural armor) HP 150 (15d10 + 70)
+5 Senses passive perception 15. Challenge Speed 30 ft. STR 18 (+4) DEX 15 (+2) CON
6 (2,300 XP). Endurance. The bear has ad- 20 (+5) INT 19 (+4) WIS 17 (+3) CHA 16 (+3)
vantage on Constitution saving throws against Damage Resistances necrotic Condition

Immunities diseased, feared Senses darkvi- petrifying gaze turns victim to fungus, not stone.
sion 120 ft., passive Perception 13 Challenge FUNGAL STALKER: Use invisible stalker MM
9 (5000 XP) Curse of Terror: Tentacle strike 192, with 90hp.
causes effect (p61). Innate Spells: darkness,
cause fear, emotion, detect good, cause light GARGOYLE: Use gargoyle MM 140.
wounds, ESP, blight, hold person, silence 15', GEKODA, EMPRESS GECKO: Use giant liz-
curse, cause disease, and invisibility. Death ard MM326, but with 45hp Challenge 2 (450
Spray: If slain, a torrent of toxic ichor sprays XP). Acidic Spit: Ranged attack +4 to hit, 15'
15' in all directions. Those hit must save vs. range, one target, 2d6+3 acid damage. Swal-
breath weapon or take 6d6 damage plus Curse low whole: An attack roll of 20 indicates a
of Terror. Strength in Spawn: For each fear- small victim is swallowed. Inside the gecko's
spawn slain (one under the temple, one in the belly: suffer 1d10 damage per round (until the
mines) reduce the Fearmother's HP by -10. gecko dies); may attack with sharp weapons at
Multiattack. The creature makes two attacks: –4 to hit; body digested in 6 turns after death.
one with its tentacle and one with its jaws. Ten-
tacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach GIANT BEETLE: Use giant fire beetle MM
10 ft., one creature. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) slashing 325.
damage, and the target must succeed on a DC GIANT CRAYFISH: Use giant crab MM 324.
15 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for GIANT GECKO: Use giant lizard MM 326.
1 minute. While poisoned in this way, the target
can't regain hit points. The target can repeat GIANT CAIMAN: Use giant crocodile MM 324.
the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, GIANT DRAGONFLIES: Use giant vulture MM
ending the effect on itself on a success. Jaws. 329.
Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) piercing damage. GIANT EARTH WORM: Large beast, un-
The target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitu- aligned AC 12 HP 40 (6d8+13) Speed 40ft
tion saving throw or lose 10 (2d10) hit points at STR 15 (+2) DEX 14 (+2) CON 14 (+2) INT 2
the start of each of its turns due to chomping. (-4) WIS 13 (+1) CHA 3 (-4) Skills Perception
+5, Stealth +4 Senses blindsight 60 ft., pas-
FEARSPAWN: Medium fiend, chaotic evil AC sive Perception 11 Language - Challenge 1/4
13 (natural armor) HP 52 (8d8 + 16) Speed (50 XP) Earthsense: The worm can vibrations
30 ft. STR 16 (+3) DEX 15 (+2) CON 15 (+2) in the earth as a method of sensing the world
INT 9 (−1) WIS 11 (+0) CHA 8 (-1) Damage around them. Slam. Melee attack: +4 to hit,
Resistances necrotic Condition Immunities reach 5 ft., one creature, Hit: 5 (1d6+2) blud-
diseased, feared Senses darkvision 120 ft., geon damage.
passive Perception 10 Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Spells: darkness, cause fear, curse, cause GIANT FERRET: Use giant weasel MM 329.
disease, and invisibility. Death Spray: If the GIANT FALCON: Use giant eagle MM 324.
fearspawn is slain, it unleashes a torrent of GIANT LEECH: Medium beast (aquatic), un-
black, toxic ichor that sprays in all directions aligned Armor Class 11 Hit Points 26 (4d8 + 8)
for 15'. All must save or take 2d6 damage. Speed 5 ft., swim 20 ft. STR 11 (+0) DEX 12
Multiattack. The creature makes two attacks: (+1) CON 14 (+2) INT 2 (–4) WIS 10 (+0)
one with its tentacle and one with its jaws. Ten- CHA 1 (–5) Senses blindsight 30 ft., passive
tacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach Perception 10 Languages — Challenge 1
10 ft., one creature. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) slashing (200 XP). Blood Drain. Melee Weapon Attack:
damage, and the target must succeed on a DC +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. one creature. Hit: 4 (1d6
12 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for + 1) piercing damage, and the leech attaches
1 minute. While poisoned in this way, the target to the target. While attached, the leech doesn’t
can't regain hit points. The target can repeat attack. Instead, at the start of the leech’s turns,
the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, the target loses 5 (1d8 + 1) hit points due to
ending the effect on itself on a success. Jaws. blood loss. The leech can detach itself by spend-
Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., ing 5 feet of its movement. It does so after it
one target. Hit: 10 (1d10 + 5) piercing damage. drains 25 hit points of blood from the target or
The target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitu- the target dies. A creature, including the target,
tion saving throw or lose 5 (1d10) hit points at can use its action to make a DC 10 Strength
the start of each of its turns due to chomping. check to rip the leech off and make it detach.
FISHMAN: Use kua-toa MM 199. GIANT SALAMANDER: Use fire snake MM
FLYING SWORDS: Use flying sword MM 20. 265.
FROGLINGS: Use bullywug MM 35. GIANT SHREW: Use giant rat MM 327.
FUNGAL BASILISK: Use basilisk MM 24, but GIANT SNAPPING TURTLE: Large beast,

unaligned AC 17 (natural armor), 12 while of each of the ticks’s turns, the target los-
prone HP 75 (10d10 + 20) Speed 30 ft., es 2 (1d4) hit points due to blood loss. The
swim 40 ft. STR 19 (+4) DEX 10 (+0) CON tick can detach itself by spending 5 feet of its
14 (+2) INT 2 (-4) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 5 (-3) movement. It does so after it drains 10 hit
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Percep- points of blood from the target or the target
tion 11 Languages — Challenge 3 (700 dies. A creature, including the target, can use
XP) Amphibious. The turtle can breathe its action to detach the tick.
air and water. Stable. Whenever an effect GRIFFON: Use griffon MM 174.
knocks the turtle prone, it can make a DC
10 Constitution saving throw to avoid be- HARPY: Use harpy MM 181.
ing knocked prone. A prone turtle is upside HELL HOUND: Use hell hound MM 182.
down. To stand up, it must succeed on a DC
10 Dexterity check on its turn and then use HILL GIANT: Use hill giant MM 155.
all its movement for that turn. Bite. Melee HIPPOGRIFF: Use hippogriff MM 184.
Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one HOBGOBLIN: Use hobgoblin MM 186.
target. Hit: 18 (4d6 + 4) slashing damage.
LAVA DWARF: Use azer MM 22.
GIANT SPIDER: Use giant spider MM 328.
LAVA LORD: Use fire giant MM 154.
GIANT STURGEON: Gargantuan beast, un-
aligned AC 16 (natural armor) HP 130 (9d20 MALSTERN: Use bandit captain MM 344.
+ 36) Speed 10 ft., swim 40 ft. STR 22 (+6) MANTISMAN: Use thri-kreen MM 288.
DEX 8 (-1) CON 18 (+4) INT 5 (-3) WIS 10
(+0) CHA 6 (-2) Skills Perception +8, Stealth MOUNTAIN KING: Use storm giant MM
+3 Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 156.
ft., passive Perception 18 Languages un- MYCONID: Medium plant, lawful neutral AC
derstands Common but can't speak it. Chal- 12 (natural armor) HP 22 (4d8 + 4) Speed
lenge 9 (5,000 XP) Hold Breath. While out 20 ft. STR 10 (+0) DEX 10 (+0) CON 12
of water, the sturgeon can hold its breath for (+1) INT 10 (+0) WIS 13 (+1) CHA 7 (-2)
30 minutes. Slippery. The sturgeon has ad- Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Percep-
vantage on ability checks and saving throws tion 11 Languages — Challenge 1/2 (100
made to escape a grapple. Water Breath- XP) Distress Spores. When the myconid
ing. The sturgeon can breathe only underwa- takes damage, all other myconids within
ter. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, 240 feet of it can sense its pain. Fist. Melee
reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6) Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
piercing damage, and the target is grappled target. Hit: 5 (2d4) bludgeoning damage plus
(escape DC 18). Until this grapple ends, the 5 (2d4) poison damage. Pacifying Spores
target is restrained, and the sturgeon can't (3/Day). The myconid ejects spores at one
bite another target. Swallow. The sturgeon creature it can see within 5 feet of it. The
makes one bite attack against a Medium or target must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution
smaller target it is grappling. If the attack saving throw or be stunned for 1 minute. The
hits, the target is swallowed, and the grapple target can repeat the saving throw at the end
ends. The swallowed target is blinded and of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself
restrained, it has total cover against attacks on a success.
and other effects outside the sturgeon, and ORANGE MOLD: Medium plant, unaligned
it takes 10 (3d6) acid damage at the start of AC 5 HP 5 (1d6 + 2) Speed 0 ft. STR 1 (–5)
each of the sturgeon's turns. If the sturgeon DEX 1 (–5) CON 15 (+2) INT 1 (–5) WIS 10
dies, a swallowed creature is no longer re- (+0) CHA 1 (–5) Damage Immunities All
strained by it and can escape from the corpse but fire. Condition Immunities charmed,
using 15 feet of movement, exiting prone. frightened, poisoned, stunned Senses pas-
GIANT TOAD: Use giant toad MM 329. sive Perception 10 Challenge 2 (450 XP)
GIANT TICK: Small beast, unaligned AC 13 Spore Burst. The orange mold releases
(natural armor) HP 10 (3d6) Speed 10 ft., spores that burst out in a cloud that fills a
climb 20 ft. STR 11 (+0) DEX 10 (+0) CON 15-foot cube centered on it, and the cloud
11 (+0) INT 2 (–4) WIS 10 (+0) CHA 2 (–4) lingers for 1 minute. Any creature that ends
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception its turn in the cloud must make a DC 13 Con-
10 Challenge ¼ (50 XP) Blood Drain. Me- stitution saving throw, taking 36 (8d8) nature
lee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one damage on a failed save, or half as much
target. Hit: 2 (1d4) piercing damage and the damage on a successful one. Additionally,
tick attaches to the target. While attached, the target’s hit point maximum is reduced by
the tick doesn’t attack. Instead, at the start an amount equal to the damage taken. This
reduction lasts until the target finishes a long

rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit THE OBSERVER: Use beholder MM 28.
point maximum to 0. THE WIDOW: Huge beast, unaligned AC 15
PIT VIPER: Use giant poisonous snake MM HP 142 Speed 40ft., climb 40ft., STR 16 (+3)
327. DEX 20 (+5) CON 16 (+3) INT 18 (+4) WIS 14
RACKOO: Use skeleton MM 272. For Rack- (+2) CHA 6 (-2) Skills Perception +8, Stealth
oo Champion, use minotaur skeleton MM273. +11, Damage Immunities poison, Condi-
For Rackoo Mystic, use Skeleton but add these tion Immunities poisoned Senses darkvision
spells: hold person, darkness, magic missile, 120ft, passive Perception 18 Languages com-
mirror image. For the Sovereign, use minotaur mon, Challenge 5 (1800 XP) Spider Climb:
skeleton but can cast spells as per Mystic. Can climb difficult surfaces like upside down on
ceilings without making an ability check. Web
RANCIDIUS: Use mage MM 347. sense. While in contact with a web, the Widow
RAUGLE: Use scout MM 349. Expert Moun- can always tell where the disturbance is coming
taineer: Reduce climbing events to 1-in-6 in- from. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
stead of 3-in-6. reach 5 ft., one creature, Hit: 10 (2d6 +3) pierc-
ing damage, and the target must make a DC
RAZORHOUND: Use hyena MM 331. Flail 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 7 (2d4)
Tail: Can whip its tail around in wide arcs, at- poison damage on a failed save, or half on a
tacking up to three creatures with its razor-tail successful one. Spit. Ranged Weapon Attack:
attack. +6 to hit, range 30/60 ft., one creature. Hit: 8
RIGDORF: Use hill giant MM . Magic Axe: In (1d6+5) piercing damage and the target must
the hands of Rigdorf, the axe rolls double dam- succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw
age dice (already factored in). Can fell a tree in or be poisoned until the end of its next turn.
a single chop. THORNBLIGHT: Use needle blight MM 32.
ROC: Use roc MM 260. TRAVELER: Use commoner MM 345.
ROCK GNOME: Use deep gnome MM 164. TROGLODYTES: Use troglodyte MM 290.
ROHN, BANDIT DRAGOON: Use berserker VIRICA: Use archmage MM 342.
MM 344.
WOLF: Use wolf MM 341.
SCORIA, DEMON OF FIRE: Use fire elemen-
tal MM 125. WYVERN: Use wyvern MM 303.
SGT WILFRET: Use bandit captain MM 344. YETI: Use yeti MM 305.
SHUSHFEROOS: Use treant MM 289. YORIVAR THE DRUID: Use druid MM 346.
SHRIEKER: Use shrieker MM 272 but can ZESHARA: Use assassin MM 343.
move with 5ft speed. ZOMBIE: Use zombie MM 315.
SKELETON: Use skeleton MM 272.
STIRGE: Use stirge MM 284.
STONE ROPER: Use roper MM 261.
SWAMP WITCH: Medium humanoid, neutral
AC 13 (16 with mage armor) HP 120 Speed
40 ft. STR 14 (+2) DEX 16 (+3) CON 16 (+3)
INT 20 (+5) WIS 18 (+4) CHA 16 (+3) Senses
darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 19 Chal-
lenge 14 (11,500 XP) Magic Resistance. The
Swamp Witch has advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects. Each
can be used three times per day: invisibili-
ty, summon thorny vines, polymorph to fungus,
conjure food and drink, conjure fungus, trans-
form into fungus, speak with plants, and speak
with animals. Multiattack. The Swamp Witch
makes two attacks. Fungal Dagger. Melee
Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one tar-
get. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage. Targets
must make a successful DC 19 Constitution sav-
ing throw or take 24 (7d6) fungal damage, half
damage on a save.

Treasury of Artifacts
Arthroneion Pendant: A silver charm in the Frostbite: A +2 dagger made from hardened,
shape of a spider. All insects must save vs. pa- enchanted ice. Manifests a thick layer of ice that
ralysis or be filled with terror and flee from sight. spreads across whatever the dagger is driven
Athame of the Haruspex: When this black-han- into, up to 10’ in radius.
dled blade disembowels a living creature, the Gecko Talisman: A glowing amulet embossed
wielder may ask the Referee one yes or no ques- with a gecko. Wards off geckos 4-in-6.
tion and get an honest answer. Gland of Clorg: A muddy, brown, spongy sack
Black Mask of the Rackoo: Appears to be of flesh that never seems to rot, about the size of
a raccoon mask, jet black and made from an an apple. It is believed to be the pineal gland of
unknown resin. Wearer can reroll any hide in a muck leviathan ritually vivisected and cursed by
shadows or move silently checks they make and a cultist of Clorg. Once per day, when squeezed,
choose the better result. it can excrete a bucket’s worth of a sticky mud
Burning Lady: A marvelous, frosted glass stat- substance that serves as strong glue.
ue of a woman draped in long fabrics. Glows or- Glowmoth Lamp: A fine lantern wrought in iron
ange in the dark. When touched, once per day, with inlaid gold entwining the structure in the
become immune to the effects of extreme heat. style of vines. Inside is an enchanted glowmoth
Cloak of the Spiderhand: A white cloak woven that emits a soft, pink light. It never needs oil or
from strands of spider silk. Wearer can conjure any kind of fuel, and never ceases to emit light.
60' of sticky rope-webbing once per day, can Harp of the Mara: Ornate black spruce harp
summon a swarm of tiny spiders once per day, carved with demonic runes. Strung with fine
and command non-giant/magic spiders at-will. strands of siren hair. Produces a hauntingly beau-
Cloak of Tar: Heavy black robes with a colorful, tiful sound. When played, 1d6 random nearby
oil-like sheen. Once per day, the robes can cause creatures fall into a breathless nightmare sleep.
the wearer to become a living jelly made of tar. Horn of the Bullwind: A great stag horn; when
Collar of Attrition: When this grim metal col- blown, produces a massive, booming tone; knocks
lar is clamped onto a victim's neck, they lose down creatures or objects no heavier than a hu-
1 strength per week until they die. Must be re- man, up 10' away. Strength check to avoid.
moved with magic. Karmic Coin: A strange coin with faded etch-
Cube of Zoe: A strangely smooth, perfect cube ings. When the coin is tossed, on heads it pro-
forged of an alien metal. Once per hour, when vides a +1 to the next roll, on tails a -1 to the next
the holder extinguishes a flame, they immediately roll. This effect can happen once per day.
heal 1hp. Luminal Star: A silver +2 mace, anointed by a
Dark Blade: A jet-black stiletto that emits a group of holy monks and handed down to temple
swirling, violet mist. Wounds from this weapon guardians to protect the innocent. Inflicts dou-
are cursed and can only be healed after a remove ble-damage against undead and demons.
curse spell, or else with magical healing. Lunar Sapphire: A strange but beautiful stone
Deathly Spade: Cursed shovel with a mahoga- the size of an apple. Vibrates in the hand slightly;
ny handle. May be used as +2 hand axe. Owner's holder feels light on feet and gains +2 dexterity
irises turn white over the course of a week, and while holding (max 18). Lost artifact of the elves.
then they begin to lose 1 constitution per day un- Moon Rod: An immaculate mahogany rod,
til they reach 0, at which point they perish and carved with celestial symbols by a master crafts-
resurrect as a zombie. man and topped with glowing orange crescent
Eel Talisman: A glowing amulet embossed with made from a fallen star. If held while a spell is
an eel. Wards off eels 4-in-6. cast, 2-in-6 chance it is not forgotten.

Eye of Thress: An evil-looking glass dragon Mountain Razer: +2 oversized hammer made
eye. Immune to illusion while holding it. from black steel. Once per day, when hit against
rock, effect is as transmute rock to mud spell.
Ever-quenching Flask: A small flask made of
solid ruby. Provides an endless supply of water, Murtlegaunt’s Agreeable Abode: A small
nectar, or wine, whichever is most desired. stone carving of a mountain cottage. When the
command word is spoken, it enlarges into a full-
Flambolg: A white-steel claymore that, when sized cottage for eight hours. Sleeps eight.
sparked against stone or metal, or lit by an open
flame, will catch fire and remain flaming until Necrotic Charm: A dried zombie finger/ear/
extinguished via smothering. Consider as +2 eye/something that hangs from a simple string
two-handed sword that will alight flammable en- and is enchanted with necromancy. Wearer is ig-
emies on a hit. nored by zombies, ghouls, and thouls.

Orb of Confusion: A simple crystal ball is actu- Sorcerer’s Chime: A finely crafted set of small
ally a powerful magical artifact said to come from metal chimes. When the chimes are rang, the
somewhere beneath the waves of a lost ocean. holder can hear nearby magical auras singing.
Once per day, when grasped, 1d6 random near- Volume and harmony signify the aura’s power
by creatures are immediately unable to think and refinement. An intelligence check may reveal
straight or remember anything for 1d10 minutes. the nature of the magic as well.
Periapt of the Dark Star: A meteorite shard Soul Prism: Can indicate a weakness on a near-
amulet. Used to summon the demons of the by creature. If the weakness is taken advantage
vault. Can be used to banish them; requires a of, gain +2 to damage rolls.
INT check while demon is at or below half HP. Staff of Striking: A lightweight quarterstaff
Paradoxides Amulet: A fossilized trilobite set made of unknown wood. Inflicts double-damage
into a gold plate and hung from a gold neck- on a naturally 20 result for an attack roll.
lace. A focus used by The Observer to bestow Scalepealer: +2 battle axe. Inflicts double-dam-
the fishmen's curse. So long as it remains below age against creatures with scaled skin.
the water of Misty Lake, the curse of the fishman
holds. If lifted above the waters, the curse will be Serpentine Libation: Dark viscus liquid sus-
broken. Wearer can breath underwater then on. tained in a glass vial that looks like a corkscrew-
ing snake. When drank, the glass snake head
Phoenix Gem: A deep red ruby that glows crim- bites down on drinker's tongue and forces the
son when the wearer is dying. If the wearer of this potion down their throat. Transforms them into a
amulet dies, the amulet shatters and the wearer giant snake. They remain that way for 2d6 days.
is miraculously healed to within an inch of life.
Starlight Parasol: From a varnished walnut
Portal Tapestry: Magical cloth that turns into shaft sprouts a black silk canopy with thin, cop-
a portal to another place. Portal opens when the per ribs. When opened and viewed from under
Lunar Sapphire is touched to it. Remains open the canopy, a clear view of the sky, as if it were
for 1d4 minutes. night, can be seen.
Pot of Abundant Aliment: A shining silver Tephratic Tome: A black leather tome; contains
cookpot, inlaid with rubies and emeralds, and instructions for the ritual to summon Scoria.
etched with dwarven runes that describe how
this pot was used in a great dining hall where Tetractys Blade: +2 short sword made from pale
the dwarf kings ate each year for centuries. It has green metal. Glows in the presence of evil crea-
sealed lid that, when detached, reveals 2d4 ra- tures (within 15').
tions worth of delicious stew every hour. Thunder Crystal: Crackling lighting seems to
Rigdorf's Axe: +2 axe. Wielder can always tell be frozen in place inside this otherwise clear
which direction Rigdorf's clearing is. crystal ball. If anything strikes the crystal hard
enough, it emits a deafening thundercrack that
Rod of Reptile Command: A wooden staff deafens all nearby for the next few minutes.
painted an olive green and shaped like a serpent.
Once per day, wielder can command 2+1d6HD Tome of Silence: A simple, white book bound
worth of reptiles to do their bidding for one hour. in black-dyed buckram. The inside is blank save
for strange black symbols written in the bottom
Rosewood Staff: A sturdy but gnarled staff, a corner of each page. Whomever holds the tome
cherry-red hue to the wood. Can freely command can hear faint sounds clearly.
any vines within sight while holding it.
Vosethra's Idol: A simple wooden statue in the
Serpent Staff: A dark oaken staff shaped like a shape of a moon and mushroom. Once per day,
long snake. When the command word is spoken, holder can speak with plants or animals. Can also
the staff turns into a vicious viper six feet long. It be used to summon the Swamp Witch.
will return to staff form on command.
Vermicious Vessel: Ceramic urn with cork con-
Salamander Talisman: A glowing amulet em- taining gore and 1d3 mindphage worms.
bossed with a salamander. Wards off salaman-
ders 4-in-6. Wand of Illusory Visitor: A simple wooden
wand that appears strangely translucent in cer-
Sanguine Piercer: +2 cursed javelin. Wielder tain light. When used, a silent, immobile, illusion
gains a bloodlust. Wounds from the jagged tip of your choice appears, up to the size of an el-
cause extra 1hp bleeding the following round. ephant.
Shalmaneser’s Lion: A small stone carving of Wyvern Talisman: A glowing amulet embossed
a lion. When the command word is spoken, it with a wyvern. Wards off wyverns 4-in-6.
comes to life as a large, ferocious lion that pro-
tects whomever spoke its name. Zenovian Mail: Shining, silver +1 chainmail;
wearer gains +1 charisma (maximum 18).
Silver Pentagram: When placed on the ground,
a pentagram of white light expands out to 10' in
diameter. Evil creatures are immediately repelled
and must exit the pentagram or else burn.


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