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The Underwarrens V1-2

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The Underwarrens is a subterranean black market governed by the troll Shaktilar where goblins and other creatures trade both legal and illegal goods.

The Underwarrens serves as a neutral point of trade and goods movement, often involving black market goods, between the surface world and the underworld.

The troll Shaktilar governs the Underwarrens and maintains order through groups of Bonebreakers that enforce his laws.


A goblinoid black market for characters levels 1-10

• Splinty Jack runs a ramshackle bar. He sells
The Underwarrens is a subterranean cave
grog (2 sp), moonshine (3 sp), and his
system governed by a troll merchant-prince
specialty, Goblin Blood on the Beach (4 sp).
called the Underlord. It’s a neutral point of
trade and goods movement (often black-
market) between the above world and the Splinty Jack, CN goblin
underworld. Ten trolls and 80 goblins live here. “Ye’ve never had a taste of the Goblin Blood?”

Sidebar: Customs in the Underwarrens • Appearance. Wears a battered pirate hat.

• Buying and selling anything except slaves is • Does. Stomps around on the bar and sings.
legal. Questions are never asked. • Secret. Deeply fears open water.
• Theft is a crime, punished by trial by combat.
• The Underlord Shaktilar rules the
Underwarrens. The goblins fear and love him.
• Bonebreaker squads enforce Shaktilar’s law. • Pearltooth is a priest of the goblin god Tark
the Mad. He preaches from a smoky tent.
• Goblin salvagers hunt the sewers for items.
• When haggling, goblins raise or lower prices • He has two Potions of Greater Healing for sale
for 150 gp “donations” to the church.
15% for every 5 points by which they win or
lose a contested Charisma check.
Pearltooth, CN goblin priest
THE UNDERWARRENS “Tark guides us. Somewhat. It’s a bit confusing.”

• A dark, cold river cuts through the caves. • Appearance. Head turban and loin cloth.
Tents, stalls, and huts cluster around the
• Does. Adopts awkward stretches and poses.
central bazaar Pilled with chattering goblins.
• Secret. Tark occasionally possesses him.
• Two squads of Bonebreakers (1 troll, 5
goblins) patrol the cave perimeters.
DEVELOPMENT • Garga sells poisons out of a shadowy, acrid
• Each hour the PCs are here, roll once on the stall for twice the standard cost.
Underwarrens Events table (Appendix A).

Garga the Crone, LE troll

“A Oine brew I’ll stew for you, my lovely!”
• Thelonius sits at a table stacked with books.
• He has one each of the following for sale for • Appearance. Scarred and burned by acid.
300 gp: Potion of Invisibility, Philter of Love,
• Does. Sniffs vials of chemicals obsessively.
Potion of Mind Reading, Potion of Speed.
• Secret. Hates Shaktilar for spurning her.

Thelonius Brak, LN goblin mage

“You seem like a moron. How may I help you?”
• Dozens of goblins hawk scavenged and
• Appearance. Oversized skull. Blue robes. stolen items. They spread their wares out
• Does. Reads, ignoring most customers. on tarps and tables and yell, “Newly found
• Secret. An aboleth enslaved his pregnant goods, good as new!”
mother, granting him uncanny intelligence. • Use the Goblin Generator and the Unique
Items For Sale tables (Appendix A).
Large giant, lawful evil

Armor Class 15 (natural armor)

SHAKTILAR’S CAVE Hit Points 84 (8d10 + 40)
Speed 30 ft.
• Shaktilar lounges in a pillow-strewn den
eating from plates of fruits and smoking a
• A Bonebreaker squad stands around the
18 (+4) 13 (+1) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 16 (+3)
perimeter of the room. At least two of the
goblins are asleep standing up.
Saving Throws Wis +5, Cha +7
DEVELOPMENT Skills Arcana +6, History +6
Damage Resistances psychic
• Shaktilar may seem lazy and unconcerned, Condition Immunities charmed
but he’s a shrewd businessman. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
• He pays characters to retrieve important Languages Common, Giant, Undercommon
items, avenge a wrong against one of his Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
goblins, or harm a competitor.
• Shaktilar has heard of a vile artifact called a Innate Spellcasting. Shaktilar's innate spellcasting ability
Whisperskull and wants it. is Charisma. He can innately cast the following spells as a
7th-level spellcaster (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell
attacks), requiring no material components.
Shaktilar, LE troll shaman At will: eldritch blast, mage hand, minor illusion,
“Oh, won’t you try the Yacti fruit? It’s superb!” poison spray, prestidigitation, spider climb
3/day: blight, eyebite, hold person, misty step
• Appearance. Thin and tawny. Keen Smell. The troll has advantage on Wisdom
Gold coins woven into (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
white hair. Regeneration. The troll regains 10 hit points at the
start of its turn. If the troll takes acid or Pire
• Does. Lounges on damage, this trait doesn't function at the start of
large Ploor pillows the troll's next turn. The troll dies
and plucks overripe only if it starts its turn with 0 hit
fruit from a plate. points and doesn't regenerate.
• Secret. Is working on a ACTIONS
spell that transforms
Multiattack. Shaktilar makes three
rats into hulking
attacks: one bite and two claws. He
warbeasts. may cast eldritch blast in place of one
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4)
piercing damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4)
slashing damage.
Pish Posh. An attack that would hit Shaktilar
misses instead. He may then teleport 15 feet.
D12 First Last Trait Job
1 Jiggs Bilge Eyepatch Assassin
D10 Detail
2 Nibs Brak Smelly Shaman
1 A brawl breaks out between 1d4 goblins
3 Raxa Minkus One ear Vendor
2 A goblin minstrel challenges a player to
a duel of insults in front of a crowd 4 Jinta Rinty Glass eye Brawler

3 Players overhear a rumor. Roll on the 5 Nobs Diggens Toothless Minstrel

Underwarrens Rumors table
6 Brak Muldoon Pet bird Salvager
4 Pearltooth (see The Underwarrens) has
a divine vision, causing a major scene 7 Squints Grimsby Odd hat Thief
5 A Bonebreaker patrol mistakes a player 8 Fink Yark Lisp Tinker
for a thief
9 Tuck Yagga Tatoos Guard
6 2d4 giant rats burst through the cave
walls and attack the nearest target 10 Nela Binks Scars Spy
7 A thief tries to pickpocket a player 11 Riggs Nark Gold tooth Cook
8 Something nearby explodes into Plame 12 Binty Iggs Perfume Vendor
9 1d6 drunk goblins heckle the players

10 A beggar whispers an ominous secret. UNIQUE ITEMS FOR SALE

Share a rumor from the Underwarrens
Rumors table D12 Detail

1 A gold fork with curled tines

UNDERWARRENS RUMORS 2 A bag of 2d20 false gold pieces
D6 Detail 3 A fat book hiding a 1st-level spell scroll
1 Something in the sewers has been 4 A rusty dagger that speaks Celestial
killing the goblin salvagers
5 A candle that burns with cold, blue Pire
2 Shaktilar suspects a traitor among the
Bonebreaker trolls 6 A magic eyepatch (as Goggles of Night)
3 Evil magic is creating undead
7 A map to an island not on normal maps
monstrosities in the sewers

4 Splinty Jack (see The Underwarrens) is 8 An old rope that can’t be cut or burned
planning to navigate a raft up the
9 A murky vial containing random poison
cavern’s river in three days

5 Wailing ghosts have been heard at night 10 A bag of caltrops that stick to walls
in the tunnels and sewers
11 A quill that writes in a lost language
6 A few prisoners escaped from the city’s
dungeon a few weeks ago, and they 12 The key to a lost Apparatus of the Crab
haven’t been found
Art Credits identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the
Cover by J.M. Woiak and Heather Shinn of the STINKYGOBLIN, © J.M. Open Game License by the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" means
Woiak and Heather Shinn of the STINKYGOBLIN, 2019. to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise
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Troll art by Daniel Comerci, danielcomerci.com.
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concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, LLC.
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enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson,
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