How The Lich Stole Christmas
How The Lich Stole Christmas
How The Lich Stole Christmas
Writing & Design: Steve “Jaspor” Orr, @AgentJaspor Steve “Jaspor” Orr is a homebrewer, retired punk rock
& Bill Putrino, @bputrino guitarist, and software developer. Steve has been playing and
Producer: Steve “Jaspor” Orr DMing D&D games for many years, and has been publishing
Cover Illustration: Frank Wade, @FrankWadeArt on the Dungeon Masters Guild since February 2019. One day
Editing: Rachel Savicki, @RWritesThings he might even learn how to draw more than just stick figures.
Layout: Steve “Jaspor” Orr
Interior Illustrations: @OMGKHY Bill Putrino is pop punk skateboarder living the good life in
Stock Art Used With Permission the world of nerdy pop culture. Bill is an avid Board Gamer,
Cartography and Puzzle Illustration: Bill Putrino RPG player, and DM, not to mention an amazing artist as you
Cover Design: Gordon McAlpin can tell by his work on his site
Layout Tool: GM Binder
Version 1.0 - December 10, 2019
The lich grins mischievously in his holiday outfit with a
creepily decorated tree in the background.
Cover art by Frank Wade.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica
and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA
and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission
under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2019 by Steven Orr, Bill Putrino, and Kevin Catalan and published under the
Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
ou’re a foul one, Mr. Lich
Your flesh smells like decay Adventure Hooks
For the crimes you have committed While there may be several reasons for the party to visit
There will be hell to pay Hoovale, here are a few ways the characters might become
When the heroes come to save Christmas Day involved in the adventure:
The holiday season is a time for peace, love, and joy. The Guiding Star
Families and friends exchange gifts and spend quality time A bright star lights up the night sky as the party is traveling.
together. Only the cruelest and most foul creatures would try The star seems to beckon to them, and one or more party
to spoil such a cheerful occasion! members may recall a prophecy speaking about a special star
in the winter sky. The group decides to follow the star, which
Background leads them directly to Hoovale.
The village of Hoovale is quietly nestled away from the hectic A Family Reunion
commotion of big city life. The citizens of Hoovale enjoy their The holiday season brings families together, no matter where
peace and quiet and their routine lives. The village especially they may be. One of the members of the party has a relative
looks forward to the holiday season, and the celebration of who lives in Hoovale, who has extended an invitation to that
Christmas. The Hoovale decorations and festivities around party member - and their friends - to join them for a family
the holiday have become well known throughout the region. reunion and Christmas celebration.
However, this year, the holiday season has been spoiled. In
the middle of the night, creatures crept into the houses of the Seeking Shelter
villagers and kidnapped all the children. The adults were
shocked and saddened to wake up to find the empty beds. A Heavy snow and strong winds force the party to seek shelter
group of citizens took up arms to search for the children, but for the evening as the temperature continues to drop. The
they haven’t returned. sight of smoke in the distance provides guidance to the
With the children gone and their rescuers missing, Hoovale nearest settlement. As the characters trudge through the
has slipped into a deep depression. The enthusiasm and joy snow, the party discovers Hoovale and the smoke rising from
surrounding Christmas has been stolen from the villagers. the chimney of its inn.
They solemnly go about their business, quickly losing hope
that the children will be rescued.
Scaling This Adventure
Adventure Summary This adventure is designed in a way that it can be
The story begins with the characters arriving in Hoovale and run for any party, regardless of their character levels.
realizing that something is amiss. They realize that the Each chapter will contain guidance for adjusting the
expected holiday spirit is nowhere to be found. Upon speaking encounters to be a suitable difficulty for each Tier
to people at the local inn, they learn about the missing of play. The underlying story doesn’t change, but
children. some of the encounters and creatures do. The Tiers
are defined as follows:
As the group gathers information from somber inn patrons, 1st Tier (Levels 1-4)
a child bursts through the door. She claims to have escaped 2nd Tier (Levels 5-10)
from imprisonment, and knows where the other children are 3rd Tier (Levels 11-16)
being kept. 4th Tier (Levels 17+)
Following the directions provided by the escaped child, the
party begins to ascend a nearby mountain in search of a cave.
As they make the climb, they are assaulted by a group of angry
snowmen who are not quite what they seem.
Upon reaching the top of the mountain, the party discovers
the sought after cave. Inside they find the missing children
chained to tables and being forced to work on strange tasks.
They are guarded by several kobolds wearing Christmas hats.
Once the guards have been defeated and the children have
been set free, the true threat behind the insidious plot must be
dealt with. However, the door to its chamber is guarded by a
puzzle consisting of colored lights. The heroes must solve the
puzzle in order to unlock the door.
Within the final vault awaits the dastardly villain who
developed the entire plan. The group must confront the fiend
and put an end to his terror once and for all.
Chapter 1: The Town Without Joy
s the adventurers approach Hoovale, read the While the villagers are desperate to find the children, they
following: feel that the covered tracks and the loss of the first rescue
party leaves them with no clues on where to look.
Any character who inquires about the tracks found in the
snow and makes a successful DC 11 Wisdom (Survival)
check can use the information gathered to deduce that the
tracks were left by kobolds.
Any character who makes a successful DC 12 Wisdom
Approaching the village on a cold winter night,
(Insight) check while talking to the villagers realizes that
Expecting the rapture of holiday delight. they do believe a lich is behind the kidnappings, and firmly
The buildings were covered by a fresh blanket of snow, believe that the tale they’ve thought was just a legend is
But something was missing, the spirits seemed low. indeed true.
No children were playing, no lights had been hung, When the party has had sufficient time to speak with the
No trees decked with tinsel, no songs being sung. villagers and learn what they can about what happened here,
The silence was eerie, the mood was quite dire. the DM can advance the story by introducing the next event.
The inn offered shelter, but no warmth by its fire. Read the following to the group:
The only building with any lights on is a large house that The door flew wide open, in blew the cold.
appears to be an inn. As the characters enter, they A young girl stepped in, confident and bold.
immediately notice that the mood in the inn is quite bleak. "I escaped from the bad things, I know where they are!
The flames in the fireplace have nearly gone out. A few Inside of the mountain, it isn't too far."
candles and lanterns provide dim lighting. There are a dozen Her parents embraced her, she was hugged and was kissed,
or so adults scattered around the main room, picking at cold
food or drinking ale and wine. Few people seem to have But the rest of the children were still being missed.
noticed the party entering, and fewer seem to care. Once the "Hello, strangers," the girl said. "You look quite brave.
setting has been described, read the following to the players: Would you please help rescue my friends held in the cave?"
Inside the feeling was in no way improved. The girl’s hair and clothes are covered with snow. Her cheeks
The patrons were quiet, barely anyone moved. are red from the cold, but she appears unharmed. She looks at
The group stepped up to the bar, asked, "What's going on?" the party when addressing them and asks for their help
rescuing the other children. The adults look at the
The bartender frowned, "Our joy is all gone.
adventurers expectedly as they await an answer.
The children have all been taken away As the innkeeper brings over a blanket to wrap around the
By a being most foul, who loathes Christmas day." girl and the bartender brings her a steaming cup of hot
He looked ‘round the room and lowered his voice, chocolate, she sits at a table and begins to describe what
"A lich has enslaved all our girls and our boys." happened. She was aroused from her bed by small scaly
creatures who quickly gagged her and bound her hands and
feet. They carried her away from her house as her family slept.
The patrons will speak to the party, but in hushed tones with Outside, many more of these creatures rounded up the
very gloomy emotions. The citizens of Hoovale feel defeated children from the other homes and placed them all inside a
and lost with their children missing, and they have nothing to wagon.
hide. They freely answer any questions the party may have. The children were taken up a steep mountain path to the
Information they share includes the following: northeast of town. At the top of the mountain was a cave.
All the children in the village went missing four days ago, Once inside the cave, the children were chained to tables and
vanishing from their beds in the middle of the night. forced to craft all kinds of different contraptions. The girl
The next morning, several of the adults headed out and cannot accurately describe what the items were, but explains
followed tracks through the snow - what looked like the that they were made of carved and painted pieces of wood.
footprints of several small humanoids and the wheels of a Before the girl’s parents whisk her away back to their home
wagon. That group has not returned. for her to recover, she provides directions for the party to find
A second group went out the following day, but a snow the mountain she came from: It’s the one directly behind the
storm covered any remaining tracks and forced the blacksmith, that looks like a smiling face is carved into the
searchers to return to the village. rocks at its base.
There had been rumors of a lich living in the hills
surrounding the village. Most people believed them to just
be old legends, but now the villagers are convinced it was
the lich who kidnapped the children.
Chapter 2: The Mountain Trail
o you want to fight a snowman? There are four mad snowmen as described in appendix B.
It doesn’t have to be a snowman. There are four different versions of the snowmen provided in
the appendix, each for a different tier of difficulty. Pick the
appropriate tier for your party. For a less challenging fight,
choose a tier below the party’s level.
When a mad snowman drops to zero hit points, they are not
The party can easily follow the guidance provided by the girl killed. Instead, the snow covering them breaks away , revealing
to find the mountain she was referring to. They find a trail the disoriented villager inside. A character within 15 feet of a
leading up the mountain without much trouble. As they get snowman who is defeated can make a Wisdom (Perception)
halfway up the mountain, it begins to snow and the trail or Intelligence (Nature) check. On a successful DC 11 check,
becomes steeper. As the weather worsens, the trail becomes they recognize that these snowmen are actually the lost
difficult terrain, and the characters must spend twice their villagers, and not evil creatures. The party may then choose to
usual movement to trek through the snow and wind. use other tactics for snapping them out of their confused
As the party reaches this point in their ascent, read the state. Some examples include trying to reason with them or
following: telling them that the party is trying to rescue the children. The
DM may ask for skill checks as needed, but the snow covered
villagers are easily susceptible to a logical explanation.
The trail up the mountain was cold, hard, and steep.
Once all the villagers have been freed from their strange
The snow from the storm was nearly knee deep. snowy facades, the party can choose to point them in the
A sharp wind blew fiercely as the group trudged along. direction of the village, or ask them to continue with the party
It seemed in the distance they could hear a song. up the mountain to save the children. As long as the freed
Something of snowmen and wanting to build them. villagers get an opportunity to warm up before continuing on,
they agree with whatever the party suggests, though it is clear
But the ones that appeared were trying to kill them.
that they are in no condition to help in battle, should it occur.
These snowmen were not jolly, but appeared to be bad.
The look in their eyes showed they were indeed mad.
Chapter 3: The Cave Of Slaves
s the party ascends further, they come to the
gaping mouth of a cave in the side of the Saving The Children
mountain. Any character with a Passive The kobolds and children are focused on their tasks, and are
Perception of 11 or higher notices the sound of unlikely to notice the party approaching. A higher Dexterity
voices and movement coming from within the (Stealth) check against the passive Wisdom (Perception) of
cave. The cave entrance itself is left unguarded, the guards results in the guards being surprised by that
as the residents believe its hard to reach location character. See the Guard Passive Perception table for the DC
is enough of a deterrent to unwanted guests. of each Stealth check depending upon the types of guards in
The cave itself is dimly lit by torches hanging on the walls. the encounter. A surprised guard cannot move, take an action,
There are some assorted tools, food scraps, bedrolls, and a or use a reaction during the first round of combat. The guards
small campfire scattered around near the cave entrance. As attack on sight, so any failed Stealth check results in the start
the party ventures through the tunnel leading deeper into the of combat and initiative being rolled.
cave, the sounds of activity grow louder. When the characters The type, number, and tactics used by the guards in this
step deeper into the cave, read the following: encounter change based upon the level of the party. This is a
scalable encounter, meant to be adjusted by the DM based on
The tunnel led to a wide room in the cave. the guidelines below. For a shorter encounter, the DM may
This was the spot where the kids were enslaved. choose a tier below the party’s current level.
Kobold guards stood on duty, cursing the "brats,"
Their heads all adorned with red Christmas hats.
The kobolds were wielding small swords and long whips.
And they barked out commands as loud yelps and shrill yips.
Chained to wood tables were the girls and the boys.
Forced to cobble together some hideous toys.
Tier 1 Tier 4
Six kobolds guard the room using standard tactics and Four kobold dragonshields and four kobold scale sorcerers
weapons. guard the room. See appendix B for more information on
these creatures. Additionally, the sorcerers are each equipped
Tier 2 with a wand of web and use it to keep their distance from the
Two kobold inventors and four kobold dragonshields guard characters.
the room using standard tactics and weapons. See appendix B The room also contains several traps that have been put in
for more information on these creatures. place as defensive measures. Each of these traps are set as
pressure plates marked with a “T” on the map. A character
Tier 3 who enters one of these trapped squares must succeed on a
DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 damage from a
Three kobold dragonshields and three kobold scale crossbow bolt fired from a spring-loaded slit in the wall. A
sorcerers guard the room. See appendix B for more successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals the
information on these creatures. Additionally, the sorcerers are presence of a trap. A character with thieves’ tools can disarm
each equipped with a wand of web and use it to keep their the trap with a successful DC 13 Dexterity check.
distance from the characters.
Once all the guards have been defeated, the children cry out
in joy and thank the party. Freeing the children from their
shackles is trivial for any character with a Strength ability
score of 10 or higher. If the party examines the tools and
items the children were working with, they discover a wide
range of assorted wooden toys. The children do not know the
purpose of the toys they were crafting, or whom they were
being delivered to.
Chapter 4: The Christmas Lights
he children are eager to return home, but they
don’t want to leave by themselves. While they
are happy to be free from their kobold captors,
they fear that they will just be kidnapped again
if the fiend behind the plot isn’t dealt with. The
children direct the players to a closed door at
the back of the cave where they claim the lich
resides. A glowing string of colorful lights shines near the
door. Read the following to the players:
A string of bright lights hangs next to the door.
You must get inside and settle the score.
No handle or knob can be seen at all.
Each time a party member touches a properly positioned
There must be something about those lights on the wall. light bulb they receive a shock and take damage as follows:
“Remove the wrong bulb,” a young child yells.
“That’s how you get in, and it's where the lich dwells.”
Tier 1: 1d8 lightning damage.
Tier 2: 2d8 lightning damage.
Tier 3: 3d8 lightning damage.
The lights present a puzzle that the party must solve in order Tier 4: 4d8 lightning damage.
to open the door and enter the inner chamber where the lich
resides. Hints and tips
The Puzzle A character who succeeds on a DC 10 Wisdom
(Perception) check realizes which side of the string each
The party needs to gain access to a room that is behind a bulb is on is irrelevant to the patterns.
magically sealed door. The only way to unlock and open this A successful DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check
door is to remove the incorrect colored light bulb from a allows the character to notice that there are two different
string of multicolored lights that is hanging on the wall next to patterns on the string of lights.
the door. See appendix C for a diagram of the lights that can A Natural 20 on an Intelligence (Investigation) check
be shared with the players. allows the character to notice that there are two different
patterns on the string of lights. They also notice that
The Solution Pattern 1 starts at bulb 1 and consists of all odd-numbered
bulbs, while Pattern 2 starts at bulb 2 and consists of all
The string of lights has 24 colored bulbs on it. The bulbs are even-numbered bulbs.
laid out in two separate patterns of 12 bulbs each. Pattern 1 A successful DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check gives the
starts with bulb 1 and includes all odd numbered bulbs until it character a strong sense that if they if they touch a
reaches the end of the string at bulb 23. Pattern 2 starts with correctly positioned bulb, they will be shocked.
bulb 2 and includes all even numbered bulbs until it reaches A successful DC 10 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check
the end of the string at bulb 24. while touching a bulb allows the character to act fast
Pattern 1 (the odd numbered bulbs) consists of a repeating enough that they are not shocked.
pattern of colored bulbs in the following sequence: Green,
Blue, Yellow, Red. From start to finish, the sequence is: Green,
Blue, Yellow, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Red, Green, Blue,
Yellow, Red, starting at bulb 1 and ending on bulb 23. This
pattern is consistent and does not contain any incorrect bulbs. Raising The Stakes
Pattern 2 (the even numbered bulbs) consists of a repeating This puzzle can be made a bit more dangerous by
pattern of colored bulbs in the following sequence: Red, making one or more of the following changes to the
White, Green. From start to finish, the sequence is: Red, encounter:
White, Green, Red , White, Green, Red, BLUE, Green, Red, The damage inflicted may be increased by 1d8
White, Green, starting at bulb 2 and ending on bulb 24. This in each tier to add a bit more of a shock.
pattern is broken by the blue bulb 16. The removal of the If your party is really good at puzzles, you can
incorrect blue bulb 16 unlocks the door. make this puzzle harder by requiring them to
The party needs to remove the 16th light on the string. The remove two bulbs, one bulb from each pattern.
color of this bulb is blue and doesn’t match the rest of the Greatly increase the difficulty by drawing the
sequence in Pattern 2. No other bulbs on the string of lights string of lights in more of a knot than using our
can be removed. They are magically held in place. linear S-shaped layout. Presenting the lights in a
knot makes finding the patterns much more
Chapter 5: The Lich Who Stole
hen the party successfully solves the light Tier 1
puzzle, the door unlocks and slowly opens.
Read the following: This encounter includes four kobolds and one awakened
tree. The decorated tree in the corner comes to life and
attacks the party as part of this battle. The kobolds form the
“lich” by standing on each others’ shoulders and draping the
loose red clothing over them. This awkward position makes it
The door slid wide open with a groan and a grind,
difficult for the creature to move, and their movement speed
cut in half to 15 feet. The “head” kobold is wearing a mask to
And unveiled a strange scene unexpected to find. make their face have a skeletal appearance. The “arms”
In one corner stood a tall Christmas tree kobold is wielding a wand of magic missiles they use as their
Decorated with horrors that would make most folks flee. main attack.
A stack of wrapped presents sat underneath. A character that succeeds on a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception)
On the wall hung some bones in the shape of a wreath.
check notices an extra arm poking out of the clothing and
realizes there might be multiple creatures inside the suit.
A slim figure stood there in red Christmas clothes,
Otherwise, the party believes it is a single target. The “lich”
White fur on his collar and bells on his toes. acts as a single attacker in combat, though it inherits the stats
and abilities of a single kobold.
This room is more dimly lit than the previous room, with only When the “lich” suffers 6 or more total damage, the “feet”
a single lit torch hanging from the walls. In the corner of the kobold is knocked unconscious, sending the other kobolds
room rests a tree adorned with spiders, snakes, skulls, and tumbling out of the costume and onto the floor prone. The
other horrors. A solitary figure dressed in red and white remaining three kobolds now attack individually, each acting
holiday clothing stands with its back to the party. Before the on the same initiative count as the “lich” previously was
characters have a chance to act, read the following: attacking. The DM adds two additional initiative slots at this
position - one of the kobolds uses the existing slot, while the
The lich turned around with a glare and a grin,
two additional kobolds receive new slots.
"Foolish mortals," he growled. "There's no way you can win!"
Tier 2
His green grin grew wider as his yellow eyes glowed.
This encounter includes four kobold scale sorcerers and one
His fists filled with fire about to explode.
awakened tree. The decorated tree in the corner comes to
He cackled like crazy, he giggled with glee. life and attacks the party as part of this battle. The kobolds
"Once I claim your souls, you will never be free!" form the “lich” by standing on each others’ shoulders and
The tree tipped and knocked over the gifts that were stacked. draping the loose red clothing over them. This awkward
As the bells on him jingled, the lich then attacked. position makes it difficult for the creature to move, and their
movement speed cut in half to 15 feet. The “head” kobold is
wearing a mask to make their face have a skeletal appearance.
The Final Battle The “arms” kobold is wielding a wand of magic missiles they
use as their main attack.
The “lich” is uninterested in conversation and attacks as soon A character that succeeds on a DC 14 Wisdom (Perception)
as the party enters the room. The players and final enemy roll check notices an extra arm poking out of the clothing and
initiative. This is a scalable encounter, meant to be adjusted by realizes there might be multiple creatures inside the suit.
the DM based on the guidelines below. For a shorter (and Otherwise, the party believes it is a single target. The “lich”
potentially less dangerous) encounter, the DM may choose a acts as a single attacker in combat, though it inherits the stats
tier below the party’s current level. and abilities of a single kobold.
The villagers and the characters believe that the creature When the “lich” suffers 12 or more total damage, the “feet”
behind the kidnappings is a lich. However, the reality of that kobold is knocked unconscious, sending the other kobolds
changes to match the tier of the party. An actual lich would tumbling out of the costume and onto the floor prone. The
make short work of low level characters. The true enemy may remaining three kobolds now attack individually, each acting
be masquerading as a lich for a multitude of possible reasons. in the same initiative position as the previous “lich” was. The
No matter the enemy’s true nature, as determined by the tier DM adds two additional initiative slots at this position - one of
of the encounter, they will maintain the facade that they are a the kobolds uses the existing slot, while the two additional
lich for as long as possible. Only when the mechanism during kobolds receive new slots.
each fight triggers is the truth revealed.
Tier 3 Conclusion
This encounter features an archmage and a treant. The The party is greeted as heroes by the villagers as they return
decorated tree in the corner comes to life as a treant and with the missing children. The parents embrace their children
attacks the party as part of this battle. The archmage has and cheer the party. A holiday celebration is set in motion, as
disguised himself as a lich by wearing a skeletal mask. During Christmas has been saved! The villagers go about decorating
the battle, the archmage rants and raves about immortality the town, cooking delicious holiday treats, indulging in festive
and draining the souls of the party members. A character that beverages, and singing seasonal songs. A grand feast is held
succeeds on a DC 16 Wisdom (Insight) check recognizes that in honor of the party. At the celebration, the group is
a true lich would not continuously speak about something presented with a thank you gift from the town - a magical
they have already achieved. Hoovale Snow Globe (see appendix A for details). The
When the archmage suffers 50 or more damage, the celebration lasts well into the night with everyone eating,
skeletal mask breaks and falls away, revealing his mortal face. drinking, and being merry.
The battle continues as normal from this point, though the
archmage suffers disadvantage on saving throws now that Aftermath
their seemingly impervious disguise has been penetrated.
For players and DMs who may want to continue with this
Tier 4 story, some questions remain that could lead to additional
This encounter features an actual, real lich. The lich wants to adventures:
kill the party, dead. To make this encounter more difficult, the What were the toys that the children were being forced to
lich can be given Lair Actions as described in the Monster make? Who were they intended for?
Manual. Was there ever a real lich, or just the imposters? Were the
imposters working for someone else?
Holiday Loot What was the lich’s ultimate goal? Who were they before
Upon defeating the final enemy, the party may recover loot becoming the lich?
from the corpses and from a single chest located within the Creative clues placed within the cave or rumors overheard
inner chamber. The presents that are stacked under the tree from the villagers could help the party continue this
contain the toys that were crafted by the captive children. For adventure.
each party tier, additional rewards found after the final battle
include the following:
Tier 1: a wand of magic missiles and a periapt of health.
Tier 2: a wand of magic missiles and a chime of opening.
Tier 3: a gem of seeing and a weapon +2 (of any kind,
at the DM’s discretion).
Tier 4: a robe of the archmagi and an ioun stone
(of any type, at the DM’s discretion).
Appendix A: Magic Items
Appendix B: Creatures
Mad Snowman (Tier 3)
Medium humanoid, unaligned
Mad Snowman (Tier 1) Armor Class 14
Medium humanoid, unaligned
Hit Points 78 (12d8 + 24)
Speed 20 ft.
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 13 (3d8)
17 (+3) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
Damage Vulnerabilities Fire
10 (+0) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 9 (-1) Damage Immunities Cold
Senses Passive Perception 12
Damage Vulnerabilities Fire Languages Common
Damage Immunities Cold Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Senses Passive Perception 10
Languages Common
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Actions
Multiattack. The snowman makes two attacks
Actions Snowball. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6, range 10/60
Snowball. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2, range 10/60 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d10 + 5) bludgeoning plus
ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning plus 2 (1d4) 4 (1d8) cold damage.
cold damage. Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6, range 5 ft., one
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +2, range 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d10 + 5) slashing damage.
target. Hit: 2 (1d4) slashing damage.
Kobold Dragonshield Kobold Scale Sorcerer
Small humanoid, lawful evil Small humanoid, lawful evil
12 (+1) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 9 (-1) 10 (+0) 7 (-2) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 9 (-1) 14 (+2)
Kobold Inventor 7.Skunk in a Cage. The kobold releases a skunk into
an unoccupied space within 5 feet of it. The skunk
Small humanoid, lawful evil
has a walking speed of 20 feet, AC 10, 1 hit point,
and no effective attacks. It rolls initiative and, on its
Armor Class 12 turn, uses its action to spray musk at a random
Hit Points 13 (3d6 + 3) creature within 5 feet of it. The target must make a
Speed 30 ft. DC 9 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the
target retches and can't take actions for 1 minute.
The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a
7 (-2) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) 7 (-2) 8 (-1) success. A creature that doesn't need to breathe or is
immune to poison automatically succeeds on the
saving throw. Once the skunk has sprayed its musk,
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 it can't do so again until it finishes a short or long
Languages Common, Draconic rest.
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) 8. Wasp Nest in a Bag. The kobold throws a small
bag into a 5-foot-square space within 20 feet of it. A
Actions swarm of insects (wasps) with 11 hit points emerges
from the bag and rolls initiative. At the end of each
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, of the swarm's turns, there's a 50 percent chance
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 that the swarm disperses.
+ 2) piercing damage.
Sling. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) bludgeoning
Weapon Invention. The kobold uses one of the Swarm of Rot Grubs
following options (roll a d8 or choose one); the Medium swarm of Tiny beasts, unaligned
kobold can use each one no more than once per day:
1.Acid. The kobold hurls a flask of acid. Ranged
Armor Class 8
Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 5/20 ft., one target.
Hit Points 22 (5d8)
Hit: 7 (2d6) acid damage.
Speed 5 ft., climb 5 ft.
2. Alchemist's Fire. The kobold throws a flask of
alchemist's fire. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
range 5/20 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) fire damage at STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
the start of each of the target's turns. A creature can
end this damage by using its action to make a DC 10 2 (-4) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 1 (-5) 2 (-4) 1 (-5)
Dexterity check to extinguish the flames.
3. Basket of Centipedes. The kobold throws a small Damage Resistances piercing, slashing
basket into a 5-foot-square space within 20 feet of Senses blindsight 10 ft., passive Perception 6
it. A swarm of insects (centipedes) with 11 hit points Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
emerges from the basket and rolls initiative. At the
end of each of the swarm's turns, there's a 40 Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature's
percent chance that the swarm disperses. space and vice versa, and the swarm can move
4. Green Slime Pot. The kobold throws a clay pot full through any opening large enough for a Tiny maggot.
of green slime at the target, and it breaks open on The swarm can't regain hit points or gain temporary
impact. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range hit points.
5/20 ft., one target. Hit: The target is covered in a
patch of green slime (see chapter 5 of the Dungeon
Master's Guide). Miss: A patch of green slime covers Actions
a randomly determined 5-foot-square section of wall Bites. Melee Weapon Attack: +0 to hit, reach 0 ft.,
or floor within 5 feet of the target. one creature in the swarm's space. Hit: The target is
5.Rot Grub Pot. The kobold throws a clay pot into a infested by 1d4 rot grubs. At the start of each of the
5-foot square space within 20 feet of it, and it breaks target's turns, the target takes 1d6 piercing damage
open on impact. A swarm of rot grubs emerges from per rot grub infesting it. Applying fire to the bite
the shattered pot and remains a hazard in that wound before the end of the target's next turn deals
square. 1 fire damage to the target and kills these rot grubs.
6.Scorpion on a Stick. The kobold makes a melee After this time, these rot grubs are too far under the
attack with a scorpion tied to the end of a 5-foot- skin to be burned. If a target infested by rot grubs
long pole. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ends its turn with O hit points, it dies as the rot
ft., one target. Hit: 1 piercing damage, and the target grubs burrow into its heart and kill it. Any effect that
must make a DC 9 Constitution saving throw, taking cures disease kills all rot grubs infesting the target.
4 (1d8) poison damage on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a successful one.
Appendix C: Player Handouts
The Cave
The Lights
You’re a foul one, Mr. Lich
Your flesh smells like decay
For the crimes you have committed
There will be hell to pay
When the heroes come to save Christmas Day