Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis of Hybrid Power System in HOMER For The Study Area
Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis of Hybrid Power System in HOMER For The Study Area
Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis of Hybrid Power System in HOMER For The Study Area
In this paper, an economic analysis is carried out on
various standalone and hybrid systems based on sensitiv-
ity analysis of different converter sizes for a remote area
situated in Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, India.
This study is carried out considering the effect of with and
without grid integration in standalone and hybrid systems.
From the analysis, it is found that total net present cost
(NPC) for hybrid system is much less than that of stan-
dalone systems, thus ensuring the reliability and continuity
of power in case hybrid system is incorporated in the case
study. A hybrid system is integrated with grid via power
electronic interface. It helps in improving load leveling by
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
In today’s era, India faces very big challenge to fulfill energy de-
mands of consumers having good power quality in a sustainable
way and at economic tariff. To achieve millennium development
goals 7 and 8, India required 8-10% economic growth in next 25
years to exterminate power completely.
The implementation of a small scale energy system for rural
electrification involves many different costs and components whose
price varies with the many factors such as advancement of tech-
nologies and the use of resources etc. The most important factor to
be considered is economic costs and benefits of a plan in order to
make it sustainable and profitable. The chapter analyzes the con-
figuration of hybrid system proposed in HOMER for electrification
and the economics related with the use of wind, hydro, diesel and
battery for meeting various energy requirements [1-2].
Hybrid systems are composed of one or more RES which works
in isolated or grid connected mode. In our research study, we have
taken wind and mini/micro hydro sources as they are reliable source
of electricity. Due to intermittent nature of wind, conventional
diesel generator and storage devices are also integrated with hybrid
system in order to deliver deficient load to consumers [3, 12-16].
When DG and grid is connected, it has both technical and eco-
nomical impact. Storage devices are used for smoothing the fluc-
tuations in DG output due to unexpected system load and min-
imizing power interchange from grid. The impacts of DG with
storage devices on distribution system are presented in [7-8]. The
technical simulation performs transient stability analysis of hybrid
system under consideration along with various storage devices such
as battery, super-capacitor etc. DG comprises of small synchronous
and induction generators. Various DG technologies, fault location
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
district are 320 26’ N and 760 32’ E respectively [1, 4-5, 9-10].
The wind data is taken for three years viz. 2009-2011 from [16]
website for this site location and average wind speed is found to
be 2.43 m/s. The scaled data of wind speed for monthly average is
shown in Fig. 1. Table 1 shows wind speed in a year produced by
HOMER [1, 4-5, 9-10]. The capital, replacement and O&M costs
are shown in Annex I.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
The mini/micro hydro data is collected for three year viz. 2009-
2011 for daily derived flow series in cumecs. The district receives
maximum rainfall during the months between May to September
through south-east monsoon. The average rainfall of this district
is found to be 27.32 cumecs and it is mostly erratic [11]. Fig.
2 shows monthly average water flow in liters/second and Table 2
shows monthly average water flow [1, 4-5, 9-10]. The capital, re-
placement and O&M costs are shown in Annex I.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
integration [4-5, 7-8]. Both the systems are compared to grid ex-
tension in future while doing simulation in HOMER software. The
layout of three standalone systems viz. wind, mini/micro hydro
and solar PV consisting of diesel generator with grid integration
to power the load has been modeled using micro grid optimization
software HOMER as shown in Fig. 5(a), (b) and (c) respectively.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
For the simulation two different cases are considered viz. with and
without grid integration. Each of the cases includes different sub-
systems which are as listed below [7-8]:
a. Wind Diesel
c. Solar PV Diesel
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
The predicted net present cost (NPC) of different cases considered
is compared and are given in Table 6.
In case of without grid integration, wind diesel and solar PV
diesel plants are having more NPC due to large costs involved in
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
[1] National Renewable Energy Laboratory [Online]. Available:
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue