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Schedule Updated

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2nd Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeon

Lombok, Indonesia
Time zone used in this schedule is Central Indonesian Time (UTC+8 or EDT+12)

Day 1 – Friday, August 6th 2021 – WORKSHOP

08.20 – 12.00 1st Workshop: Neuroendoscopy
Room: Main Hall
Speaker: Various
Moderator: Sri Maliawan (Indonesia)
08.20 – 08.30 Introduction to the course
Tetsuya Nagatani (Japan)
Sri Maliawan (Indonesia)
08.30 – 10.40 Cranial Endoscopy Session
08.30 – 08.50 Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy (ETV)
Sri Maliawan (Indonesia)
08.50 – 09.10 Endoscopic Treatment for Intraventricular Tumour and Cyst
Azmi Alias (Malaysia)
09.10 – 09.30 Keyhole Approach by Combination of Endoscope and Exoscope
Tadashi Watanabe (Japan)
09.30 – 09.50 Endoscopic Intraventricular Lavage for Infective Hydrocephalus / IVH
Azmi Alias (Malaysia)
09.50 – 10.10 Basic Technique for Endoscopic Cylinder Surgery
Kazuhito Takeuchi (Japan)
10.10 – 10.30 Endoscopic Removal of Intra Cerebral Hematoma: Setting and Technique
Masao Tambara (Japan)
10.30 – 10.40 Discussion
10.40 – 12.30 Endoscopic Endonasal Skull Base Session
10.40 – 11.00 Clinical Anatomy and Technical Standard for Endoscopic Endonasal Approach
Yuichi Nagata (Japan)
11.00 – 11.20 Endonasal extended transsphenoidal surgery for craniopharyngiomas
Tetsuya Nagatani (Japan)
11.20 – 11.40 Extended transsphenoidal surgery for Tuberculum Sella Meningioma
Tetsuya Nagatani (Japan)
11.40 – 12.00 Complications in Endoscopic Endonasal Surgery: Management and Avoidance
Azmi Alias (Malaysia)
12.00 – 12.20 Strategies for recurrent Cushing disease
Tetsuya Nagatani (Japan)
12.20 – 12.30 Discussion


Hosted by Faculty of Medicine, University of Mataram
Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
12.30 – 14.00 Break (Jumu’ah Prayer)
14.00 – 14.40 2nd Workshop: Interventional Thrombolytic
Room: Main Hall
Speaker: Masataka Takeuchi (Japan)
Moderator: Nur Setiawan Suroto (Indonesia)
14.00 – 14.45 Introduction of Interventional Thrombolytic
14.45 – 15.05 Video Demonstration
15.05 – 15.35 Discussion
15.35 – 15.45 End

Day 2 – Saturday, August 7th 2021 – SYMPOSIUM

08.30 – 09.00 Opening Ceremony
Room: Main Hall
Lead by MC
08.30 – 08.35 Chairman of The Committee
Rohadi (Indonesia)
08.35 – 08.40 Vice Rector of University of Mataram
Agusdin (Indonesia)
Opening Speech
08.40 – 08.45 President of Indonesian Neurosurgical Society
Abdul Hafid Bajamal (Indonesia)
08.45 – 08.50 President of Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeon
Yoko Kato (Japan)
08.50 – 09.00 Lombok Customary Folk Dance
Welcome Video
09.00 – 09.15 Patient Safety and Ethic
Head of Medical Ethics Honorary Council
Pukovisa Prawiroharjo (Indonesia)
09.15 – 11.30 1st Plennary Lecture
Moderator: Azmi Alias (Malaysia)
Room: Main Hall
09.15 – 09.45 Minimally Invasive Strategies for Cerebral Aneurysm Surgery
Yoko Kato (Japan)
09.45 – 10.15 Microvascular Decompression - Surgical Nuances and Lessons Learnt
K Shridar (India)
10.15 – 10.45 Acoustic Neuroma: Maximizing Extent of Removal and Facial Nerve Preservation
James K. Liu (USA)
10.45 – 11.15 TBA
Franco Servadei (Italia)
11.15 – 11.45 Current Indication EC-IC Bypass
Bin Xu (China)
11.45 – 11.55 Break
11.55 – 14.10 2nd Plennary Lecture
Moderator: Sri Maliawan (Indonesia)


Hosted by Faculty of Medicine, University of Mataram
Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Room: Main Hall
11.55 – 12.25 Indonesian Neurosurgery Association, what should to do to anticipate the global
medical service issue
Joni Wahyuhadi (Indonesia)
12.25 – 12.55 Multidisciplinary Team Approach in Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery: Malaysian's
Azmi Alias (Malaysia)
12.55 – 13.25 Radiosurgery for symptomatic cavernous malformations in CNS
Yoshihisa Kida (Japan)
13.25 – 13.55 Extended transsphenoidal surgery for craniopharyngiomas
Kazuhito Takeuchi (Japan)
13.55 – 14.25 Arteriovenous Malformations – series and How I do it
Vladimir Benes (Czech Republic)
14.25 – 14.30 Break
Move to Separate Hall

1st Satellite Session

Vascular Session 1 Skull Base – Trauma Session 1 Spine Session 1
Moderator: Nur Oncology Session Moderator: Teddy Moderator: Bambang
14.30 – 15.40 Setiawan Suroto 1 Apriawan Priyanto
(Indonesia) Moderator: (Indonesia) (Indonesia)
Rahadian Indarto
14.30 – 14.45 Repeated Surgery for Effect of MLC901 Unilateral Pedicle
Aneurysm Brainstem on Traumatic Screw Fixation as a
Intervention Gliomas; Brain Injury Minimally Invasive
balancing the Surgical Procedure
Vladimir Benes risks and benefits Valery Feign with Equal Outcome
(Czech Republic) (New Zealand) Compared to Bilateral
Charles Teo Pedicle Screw
(Australia) Fixation

Tjokorda Gde Bagus


14.45 – 15.00 Ischemic Stroke Current Trend of Neuroaid in Low back pain risk
Management by Pituitary Adenoma traumatic brain factors among
Endovascular in Haji Adam Malik injury commercial pilots in
Hospital Medan: Indonesia
Achmad Adam Overview and Asra Al Fauzi
(Indonesia) Surgical (Indonesia) Wawan Mulyawan
Management (Indonesia)


Hosted by Faculty of Medicine, University of Mataram
Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Ridha Darmajaya
15.00 – 15.15 Minimally Invasive Sphenoid Wing Characteristics of Trick of The Trade
Intracerebral Meningiomas: A Traumatic Brain Percutaneus
Hematoma Modification to Injury in Sanglah Endoscopic Lumbar
Evacuation using Cushing Hospital, Bali, Discectomy (5
Endoscopic Classification Indonesia: A Experience)
Assistance with System Based on Retrospective
Available Resource Results of 29 Study Zaini Hamzah
Consecutive (Indonesia)
Krisna Prihastomo Patients I Wayan Niryana
(Indonesia) (Indonesia)
Nyoman Golden
15.15 – 15.30 Simple and Anterior The Effect of MLC The importance of CT
Adjuvant Transpetrosal app 901 on BDNF for the pre-operative
Technique in (Kawase's App) mRNA surgical planning
Aneurysm single institute Expression, BDNF before performing
Treatment experience in Levels, TNF-α Percutaneous
Bandung Levels and Brain Endoscopic Lumbal
Harsan (Indonesia) Indonesia Histopathological Discectomy (PELD): 3
Features in cases of unsuccesfull
Agung Budi Setiono Sprague Dawley PELD
(Indonesia) Rats with
Traumatic Brain Gibran A Wibawa
Injury (Indonesia)

15.30 – 15.45 Cyclin B, CDK 1 Management Of
and CDK 4 in Depressed Skull
Meningioma Fracture after
Andi Ihwan Intoxication in
(Indonesia) The Era of Covid-
19 Pandemic At
Papua, Indonesia

Hendrikus Masang
Ban Bolly
15.45 – 15.55 Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion
15.55 – 16.00 Break
16.00 – 17.40 2nd Satellite Session


Hosted by Faculty of Medicine, University of Mataram
Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Vascular Session 2 Skull Base – Trauma Session 2 Young Neurosurgeon
Moderator: Krisna Oncology Session Moderator: Rohadi 1
Prihastomo 2 (Indonesia) Moderator: Dewa Putu
(Indonesia) Moderator: Wisnu Wardhana
Agung Budi Setiono (Indonesia)
16.00 – 16.15 Intracranial Sphenoorbital The used medical An Early Report from
Aneurysm: Recent Meningiomas: 3D printed for A Recently
and Future Diagnosis and reconstruction Established
Neurosurgical Treatment and preoperative Neurosurgical Service
Services in planning for in North Maluku: The
Indonesia Renindra Ananda neurosurgery Moloku Kie Raha
Aman Neurosurgical
(Indonesia) Teddy Apriawan Registry
Setyowidi Nugroho (Indonesia)
(Indonesia) Aryandhito Widhi
16.15 – 16.30 The Future of Stem TBA TBI and Extradural Malignant
Cell Therapy in Neuroplasticity Peripheral Nerve
Neurosurgery Rahadian Indarto Sheath Tumor of the
Susilo Eko Prasetyo Thoracic Spine: A
Asra Al Fauzi (Indonesia) (Indonesia) Case Report
Ayu Yoniko Christi

16.30 – 16.45 Hybrid OT; needed Tubercullum Effect of Lateral Extracavitary

or too much Sellae Erythropoietin Approach and
Meningioma: Administration on Costotransversectomy
Affan Priyambodo Various Approach Expression of in Thoracic Region
Permana Management mRNA Brain- Neoplasm: a case
(Indonesia) Derived series with literature
Roland Sidabutar Neutrophic Factor review
(Indonesia) (BDNF mRNA),
Stromal Cell- Lukas Galileo
Derived Factor-1 (Indonesia)
(SDF-1) , and
Neuron Specific
Enolase (NSE)
Levels in
Traumatic Brain
Injury: A Sistemic


Hosted by Faculty of Medicine, University of Mataram
Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Muhammad Fadli
16.45 – 17.00 Highlights on Our Intratumoral Extraction of Endovascular
New Heterogeneity in gunshot corpus Management of
Neuroendovascular High-Grade alienum in upper Traumatic
Surgery Service in Glioma cervical spine Pseudoaneurysm: A
Riau Province with transoral Report of Two Cases
Ahmad Faried approach: A case
Tondi Maspian Chili (Indonesia) report Sayyid Abdil Hakam
(Indonesia) Perkasa (Indonesia)
Novan Krisno Adji
17.00 – 17.15 Code stroke Modified Comparison of Symptomatic
protocol in RSCM Transpetrosal – Prognostic Value unruptured pediatric
Transtentorial Betweem intracranial aneurysm
Affan Priyambodo Approach for Glasgow Coma poses a Diagnostic
Permana Resection of Scale (GCS) and and management
(Indonesia) Large and Giant Auditory Evoked
Petroclival Potential (AEP) in Ali Mohammed
Meningioma: Head Injury Hammed (Syria)
Technical Nuance Patient: an
and Surgical Institutional
Experiences Prospective Study

Irwan Barlian Kavin K Devani

Immanoel Haq (India)
17.15 – 17.30 Single Nostrils Prediction of Glasgow
Endoscopic Trans Outcome Scale after
sphenoid for Barbiturate Coma
Pituitary Tumors: Therapy in patients
Results and suffering from
Complication Refractory Intracranial
Hypertension after
Julius July Brain Tumour
(Indonesia) Surgery: Incorporating
Ensemble approach
into automated
Machine Learning

Ali Haider Bangash

17.30 – 17.40 Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion
17.40 – 17.50 Break


Hosted by Faculty of Medicine, University of Mataram
Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
17.50 – 3rd Satellite Ssession
Vascular Session 3 Young Neurosurgeon
Room: Hall 1 2
Moderator: Affan Room: Hall 4
Priyambodo Moderator: Novan
Permana (Indonesia) Krisno Adji (Indonesia)
17.50 – 18.05 Transarterial A Systematic Review
Embolization for and Meta-Analysis of
Traumatic Carotid The Effects of
Cavernous Tranexamic Acid in
Fistulas: a single Surgical Procedure for
center experience Intracranial
in 5 years Meningioma

Nur Setiawan Suroto Jeremiah Hilkiah Wijaya

(Indonesia) (Indonesia)
18.05 – 18.20 Development of External Ventricular
Neurovascular Drainage Conversion
Surgery to VP Shunt on
Subdivision in Dr. Hydrocephalus and
Sardjito General Meningitis
Hospital, Tuberculosis – A Case
Yogyakarta, Report
Indonesia: The
Importance of Rais Al 'Abqary
Interdepartmental (Indonesia)

Adiguno Witjaksono
18.20 – 18.35 Microsurgical Epidemiology of
Outcome of Brain Surgical Spinal Cord
Arteriovenosus Tumor in Kariadi
Malformations: Our Hospital
Endi Suryo Utomo
Kavin K Devani (Indonesia)
18.35 – 18.50 Traumatic Brain Injury
Characteristics in
Semarang, Indonesia

Fariz Eka Setiawan



Hosted by Faculty of Medicine, University of Mataram
Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
18.50 – 19.00 Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion
19.00 – 20.00 Break
20.00 – end The ACNS Executive Board Meeting
Raja K Kutty (India - ACNS Education)
Liew Boon Seng (Malaysia - ACNS-YNS)

Day 3 – Sunday, August 8th 2021 – SYMPOSIUM

08.30 – 10.30 3rd Plennary Lecture
Moderator: Asra Al Fauzi (Indonesia)
Room: Main Hall
08.30 – 09.00 Surgery for Pineal Cyst – Challenging the Dogma of Conservative Management
Charles Teo (Australia)
09.00 – 09.30 TBA
Masataka Takeuchi (Japan)
09.30 – 10.00 Management Giant Aneurysm
Eka J Wahjoepramono (Indonesia)
10.00 – 10.30 Surgery for Chiari Malformation Type I
Sri Maliawan (Indonesia)
10.30 – 10.40 Break
10.40 – 12.40 4th Plennary Lecture
Moderator: M Thohar Arifin (Indonesia)
Room: Main Hall
10.40 – 11.10 Diversity in Neurosurgery
Gail Rosseau (USA)
11.10 – 11.40 Treatment strategy for dissecting aneurysms of a vertebral artery: Examinations in
cases manifested only by headache
Hiroyuki Toyama (Japan)
11.40 – 12.10 Tips and Feasibility of Extended Endonasal Approach
Tadashi Watanabe (Japan)
12.10 – 12.40 Health Technology Assessment and Its Impact on Patient Safety
Endro Basuki (Indonesia)
12.40 – 12.50 Break
12.50 – 15.20 5th Plennary Lecture
Moderator: Nyoman Golden (Indonesia)
Room: Main Hall
12.50 – 13.20 Management of Delayed Cervical Stenotic Myelopathy
Abdul Hafid Bajamal (Indonesia)
13.20 – 13.50 TBA
Tetsuya Nagatani (Japan)
13.50 – 14.20 Developing Epilepsy Surgery Program in Countries with Limited Resources
Zainal Muttaqin (Indonesia)


Hosted by Faculty of Medicine, University of Mataram
Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
14.20 – 14.50 Myelomeningocele and Hydrocephalus in Mirror Image Neonatal Identical Twin: a Very
Rare Case
Andi Asadul Islam (Indonesia)
14.50 – 15.00 Break
Move to Separate Hall

3rd Satelite Session

Spine Session 2 Functional Pediatric Session 1 Young

15.00 – 16.25 Moderator: Eko Agus Session 1 Moderator: Samsul Neurosurgeon 3
Subagio Moderator: Heri Ashari (Indonesia) Moderator: Kevin
Subianto Gunawan
(Indonesia) (Indonesia) (Indonesia)
15.00 – 15.15 Autograft Interbody Neurosurgical Endoscopic Malignant MCA
Fusion in mild to Management for Endonasal Resection Territory Infarction
moderate Adult Torticollis of Caused by an
Spinal Deformity: Craniopharyngiomas Open Wound of
Technical Note by Achmad Fahmi the Wrist in a 53-
Hybrid Surgery in James K. Liu Year-Old Man
Dr. Sardjito General (USA)
Hospital Christopher Lauren
15.15 – 15.30 Surgery for Spinal Interventional Multidiscipline The Role of
Intramedullary oncological pain approach on Acetazolamide in
Tumors management: syndromic Intracranial
lower visceral craniofacial Hypertension: A
Rully Hanafi Dahlan pain systematic Review
(Indonesia) Wihasto
Made Mahendra (Indonesia) Dessy Nurlita
Inggas (Indonesia)
15.30 – 15.45 Percutaneous Jakarta Frontoethmoidal Meningioma with
pedicle screw experience in Encephalocele Hemorrhage
fixation: Is Two- Deep Brain Presentation and
Dimensional Stimulation for Samsul Ashari Concomitant
Fluoroscopy movement (Indonesia) COVID-19
Reliable in disorder Infection: Casual
accuracy? diseases or Causal?

Farid Yudoyono Made Mahendra Maria Monica

(Indonesia) Inggas (Indonesia)


Hosted by Faculty of Medicine, University of Mataram
Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
15.45 – 16.00 TBA Epilepsy and Its Dandy Walker Correlation
Surgical Syndrome cases serial Analysis Between
Muhammad Faris Management in in minimal invasive Diameter of
(Indonesia) LMICs, where surgery Intervertebral
are We Foramen on
Standing? The Arie Ibrahim Magnetic
Scenario, Scope (Indonesia) Resonance
and Challenges Imaging (MRI) To
Noor ul huda Symptoms of
Maria (Pakistan) Lumbal Foraminal
Stenosis Patients

Lukas Galileo
16.00 – 16.15 Cervical Dislocation Endoscopic Third Initial Experience
Fracture: Anterior- Ventriculostomy in of Intracranial
Posterior Tuberculous Pressure Monitor
Stabilization Meningitis with for Severe
Technique Hydrocephalus Traumatic Brain
Injury Cases in
Bambang Priyanto Rohadi Bali
(Indonesia) (Indonesia)
Made Bhuwana
Putra (Indonesia)
16.15 – 16.25 Disscusion Disscusion Disscusion Disscusion
16.25 – 16.35 Break
4th Satellite Session
Spine Session 3 Functional Young
16.35 – 18.05 Moderator: Tjokorda Session 2 Neurosurgeon 4
Gde Bagus Moderator: Moderator: Thomas
Mahadewa Achmad Fahmi Tommy (Indonesia)
(Indonesia) (Indonesia)
16.35 – 16.50 Anatomical Hemispherotomy Closed Reduction
Consideration in for Drug- of Unilateral Facet
Upper Cervical Resistant Locking in
Instrumentation Epilepsy in an Cervical
Eko Agus Subagio Indonesian Dislocation
(Indonesia) Population Fracture. How we
do it: A Case
M Thohar arifin Report
Teuku Arie Hidayat


Hosted by Faculty of Medicine, University of Mataram
Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
16.50 – 17.05 Effectivity Of Surgery for drug Identification of
Percutaneous resistance of Factors Predicting
Vertebroplasty With temporal lobe Diabetes Insipidus
Unipediculate epilepsy Occurrence
Technique In Patient Following
With Osteoporotic Heri Subianto Endoscopic Trans-
Vertebral (Indonesia) Sphenoidal
Compression Surgery for
Fracture Pituitary Adenoma

Farid Yudoyono Yulius Hermanto

(Indonesia) (Indonesia)
17.05 – 17.20 Spinal Clinical Analysis Comparison
Intramedullary and Technical Burrhole
Tumors: Our Approach of Evacuation on
Experience Microvascular Epidural
Decompression Hemorrhage
Kavin K Devani for Hemifacial Patients Between
(India) Spasm Pre-Covid-19
Pandemic and
Kevin Gunawan Covid-19
(Indonesia) Pandemic

Luqman Nul Hakim
17.20 – 17.35 Molecular TBA Correlation
Mechanism Of Between Blood
Salvianolic Acid B Adi Sulistyanto Alcohol
In Spinal Cord Injury (Indonesia) Concentration
Introduction with Severity and
Prognosis of
Wahyudi Traumatic Brain
(Indonesia) Injury Patients in
Dr. Hasan Sadikin



Hosted by Faculty of Medicine, University of Mataram
Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
17.35 – 17.50 Microsurgery for Rise of Traumatic
Lumbar Spinal Brain Injury
Ependymoma Admission During
Large-Scale Social
Dewa Wisnu Putu Restrictions Due
Wardhana to Covid-19
(Indonesia) Pandemic

Dilli Marayuzan
Akbar Pratama
17.50 – 18.05 Clinical experience Association
of Endoscopy Spine Between the
in North Sumatra Severity of Head
Injury and Basal
Deni Nasution Skull Fracture
Michael (Indonesia)
18.05 – 18.15 Discussion Discussion Discussion
18.15 – 18.30 Break
All Participants Move to Main Hall
18.30 – 19.00 INAGURAL SESSION
18.30 – 18.45 Introduction of 3rd ACNS Congress 2024
Azmi Alias (Malaysia)
18.45 – 19.00 Closing Speech
Yoko Kato (Japan)
19.00 – 19.15 Awarding Session
19.15 End of All Session


Hosted by Faculty of Medicine, University of Mataram
Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

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