The Symbol of The Hybrid Human/Alien Child in The Abduction Phenomenon: Rebirthing Within The Psyche and The Psychosomatic Imagination
The Symbol of The Hybrid Human/Alien Child in The Abduction Phenomenon: Rebirthing Within The Psyche and The Psychosomatic Imagination
The Symbol of The Hybrid Human/Alien Child in The Abduction Phenomenon: Rebirthing Within The Psyche and The Psychosomatic Imagination
R Cooper: The Evolving Mind: Buddhism, Biology, and Consciousness, Birmingam,
1996, 161-176.
See ‘Part 11, Body, Mind and Spirit: The Scientific Perspective,’ in G Watson, S
Bachelor and G Claxton: editors The Psychology of Awakening: Buddhism, Science
and our Day-to-Day Lives, Main, 2000, 71-197.
For example, G Claxton: editor Beyond Therapy: The Impact of Eastern Religions on
Psychological Theory and Practice, Dorset, 1996, and M Levine: The Positive
Psychology of Buddhism and Yoga, New Jersey, 2000.
Jung’s conceptualization of the Psyche is to be found in Jung: On the Nature of the
Psyche, translated by R F C Hull, London, 1969.
The Symbol of the Hybrid Human/Alien Child
Hanegraaff points to the sacralization of the psyche, the focus on the transmutation of
the imagination and its transformative powers as amongst the major features of the
Western esoteric in, W. J. Hanegraaff: New Age Religion and Western Culture:
esotericism in the mirror of secular thought Albany, 1998, 496-554.
M V Adams: The Fantasy Principle: psychoanalysis of the imagination, Brunner,
2004, 1 -19.
R Avens: Imaginal Body: para-Jungian reflections on soul, imagination and death,
London, 1982.
Denise Ramos speaks of symbol as the third factor in the psyche-body phenomenon
in D G Ramos: The Psyche of the Body: a Jungian approach to psychosomatics,
Brunner, 2004, 38.
Adams, op cit, 1.
Buddha of Suburbia
Avens, op cit, 7-10.
J Campbell: The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Princeton, 1972.
James Hillman has pursued the topic of personification as imagining in many works.
His best known book is J Hillman: Re-visioning Psychology, Harper/Collins, 1975.
See Chapter 10, in J Campbell: Myths to Live By, New York, 1975, 207; and
Campbell, Hero, op cit, 97.
There is a vast and extremely fanciful body of literature but J E Mack: Abduction:
Human Encounters with Aliens, New York, 1994, is a serious study of the subject.
The Symbol of the Hybrid Human/Alien Child
Colin Wilson covers the whole range of contact experiences in, C Wilson: Alien
Dawn, An Investigation into the Contact Experience, London, 1999.
See J G Melton and G M Eberhart: ‘The Flying Saucer Contactee Movement 1950-
1994,’ in James R Lewis editor, The Gods Have Landed: New Religions from Other
Worlds, New York, 1995, 251-332.
Buddha of Suburbia
It follows that the question, ‘But are these UFO phenomena actually
real or not?’ cannot be answered in this common-sense form. The
evidence in general reveals that the UFO experience is not only
mysterious but that it is also extremely irritating in the way that it
determinedly safeguards its own mystery. Something undeniable
happens, something quite unusual is experienced. Whatever it is it
can leave behind a clearly recognizable physical effect, sometimes
akin to radiation poisoning and so on. But the experience always
See R Durant: ‘Public Opinion Polls and UFOs,’ in H Evans and D Stacey editors A
World History of UFOs, Sydney, 1997, 235-244.
K Thompson: Angels and Aliens: UFOs and the Mythic Imagination, New York, 1991,
W I Thompson: Coming into Being: Artefacts and Texts in the Evolution of
Consciousness, New York, 1996, 91.
The Symbol of the Hybrid Human/Alien Child
John Mack has published a longer term study of cases. J E Mack: Passport to the
Cosmos: Human Transformation and Alien Encounters, London, 2000, 1.
I Vallee: UFOs, The Psychic Solution: UFO Influences on the Human Race, London,
1975, 68-69.
Wilson, op cit, 272.
Mack, Passport, op cit, 50.
J Mitchell: The Flying Saucer Vision, London, 1974, 17.
H Bloom: Omens of the Millennium; The Gnosis of Angels, Dreams and
Resurrection, London, 1996, 219-230.
Buddha of Suburbia
Bud Hopkins’ books (for example B Hopkins: Intruders, New York, 1987) set a trend
that was followed by several writers, such as D Jacobs: Secret Life, New York, 1991.
Thompson, op cit, 36-37.
C G Jung: Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies, translated by
R F C Hull: Princeton, 1978.
The Symbol of the Hybrid Human/Alien Child
clearly on the body and its reproductive mechanism. It turns out that
there is a curious interdependence involved between the abductors
and the abductees. This is sometimes expressed as a problem that
the aliens are facing with regard to their own lack of fertility but the
vital concerns (no pun intended) are mainly expressed as the need to
breed the kind of in-between or hybrid children that will be able to
span both worlds and advance evolution. We might recall that the
successful outcome of the heroic ego’s journey otherworldly
experience is a capacity to live in both worlds of this and the other (of
the material and the imaginal) and to unite their benefits in a healing
way.30 Though the abduction scenario is obviously about breeding it
lacks any sense of intercourse or intimacy as we usually interpret the
word. This is a sex-less as well as a sense-less interaction. Why
would technological superior aliens possibly need to experiment so
crudely with artificial insemination on unwilling humans who have
been ‘astral travelled’ usually away from their own snug bedrooms
during the dead of fearful night? Why would they risk reliance on what
can only be described as truly old fashioned methods related to
collection of sperm and ova? Even human science already knows
much about in-vitro fertilization and also cloning. Extra-terrestrials are
supposed to be technologically superior. They are also said to be
able to appear and disappear at will and to be able to move through
locked doors and solid walls. Other reports say that they
communicate by telepathy and can read our minds. Obviously then
they have the means to penetrate all the medical and scientific
laboratories in the world however secret we may think they are.
Buddha of Suburbia
Wilson, op cit, 272.
See readings in J R Lewis: editor The Gods Have Landed: New Religions from Other
Worlds, Albany, 1995.
Avens, op cit, 33-43.
W I Thompson, op cit, 87.
The Symbol of the Hybrid Human/Alien Child
Ramos, op cit, 38-42.
H Evans and D Tacey: editors, The World History of UFOs, Sydney, 1997.
Mitchell, op cit,19.
R L Thompson: Alien Identities: Ancient Insight into Modern UFO Phenomena,
Alachua, 1993, 328-334.
Buddha of Suburbia
Ibid, 315.
S Keleman: Myth and Body: A Colloquy with Joseph Campbell, Berkeley, 1999, ii.
N Sansonese: The Body of Myth: Mythology, Shamanic Trance and the Sacred
Geography of the Body, Rochester, 1994.
Ibid, 357-358.
Avens, op cit, 43. Also see Ramos, op cit, 38-42.
K Wilbur: The Atman Project: A Transpersonal View of Human Development,
Wheaton, 1996, 147-164.
The Symbol of the Hybrid Human/Alien Child
can follow the transit of the life cycle is stagnation and regression.
This occurs when commitment to a one-dimensional interpretation of
the UFO phenomena as being exclusively material or exclusively
occurring within the psyche continues at the expense of its polar
opposite? In such cases it seems that an egotistical and highly
defensive limitation is placed on consciousness. For example Bud
Hopkins and his followers are sworn to the literalist view that aliens
not only exist but that they are and have been persisting with a
clandestine breeding programme for many years. Hopkins and his ilk
can indeed to have popularized if not help create the abduction
scenario (always remembering that some anomalous experience has
occurred). He would describe his work as uncovering the plot which
he does through the use of hypnotic regression. His subjects are
‘victims’ who have an uneasy sense of something unfortunate and
troublingly causal having happening to them that they have hitherto
been unable to discover for themselves. Bud Hopkins then uncovers
for them via hypnotic regression that they are abductees. Their
memories of these incidents have been blocked by the alien
perpetrators – that is up to the time that they were helped to
remember by Hopkins.
Buddha of Suburbia
Vallee, op cit, 180-183.
I Vallee: Messengers of Deception: UFO Contacts and Cults, Berkley, 1979, 21.
C T Tart: Waking Up: Overcoming the Obstacles to Human Potential, Dorset, 1988.
D R Weir: Trance, From Magic to Technology, Ann Arbor, 1996.
The Symbol of the Hybrid Human/Alien Child
1. They find that they have access to what Westerners call non-
ordinary states of consciousness... They become truly aware if
the great archetypes of the collective unconscious, of birth,
death and rebirth, which helps them to experience their
connectedness to other beings and the Creator or Source.
2. There is a deepening of their psychological and spiritual sense
of the power of being.
3. They experience a heart-opening, a sense of loving connection
with all living things and the creation itself.
4. Abductees experience a renewed sense of the sacred and
reverence for nature as the natural flow of things.50
But above all some abductees at least are said to form a deep and
abiding constructive relationship with their other, which we might
prefer to describe as their own deeper selves.
Mack, op cit, Prophets, 277-279.