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Broken Tales Sheets Eng

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The key takeaways are that the document outlines the components of a character sheet for a roleplaying game, including descriptors, gifts, equipment, soma, and dark ego. It also explains the rules for rolling and possible outcomes.

The different components of a character sheet include descriptors, gifts, equipment, soma, and dark ego. Descriptors provide bonuses, gifts are special skills, equipment lists what a character carries, soma represents inner strength, and dark ego connects to a character's essence.

To gain extra successes when rolling, a character can spend soma if a descriptor is relevant, roll dice and gain a success for each die that isn't a 1, or use an ability from a gift. Activating a dark ego can also provide extra successes.

Player Sheet

Have a look at your When the Narrator ask

character sheewillt… you for a Position or

find a short history
Under your name, you
explaining who you are and why
you joined the Order. Defence roll…
do well and what your
◆ Descriptors tell you what youinto the story increases
Check if one of your
Descriptors can help. If so,
flaws are. Bringing a Descriptor use it and the Narrator
will award you 3 Ba
explain how you
e to make a roll. If you si c Su cc
the number of Successes if you hav you don’t have a Descr esses. If
t your Flaws in mind
get into trouble because you kep
iptor that can help, yo
u are awarded 1 Basi
be able to check off Success. Now compare your c
when deciding what to do, you may Successes with the Op
gain experience points, position Level of
a Descriptor. That allows you to
the Opponent or Threa
which you receive during Interlud Easy 3, Medium 5, Diffi
ls that allow you to do
cult 7
◆ Gifts are powerful special skil
Order can do. You may To Succeed your tota
l Successes (given by the sum
things that only a Hunter of the Successes and Extra Su
arises. of Basic
use them whenever the opportunity Level you are facing.
ccesses) need to at lea
st equal the Opposit
r essence and your con-
◆ The Dark Ego represents you
Tale s, what you were before
nection to the world of Fairy
vate your Dark Ego
your Breaking Point. You can acti
whenever you do what its Activa
a Wound. The effect of your Dar
tor says or if you suffer
k Ego remains throu- To get the EXTRA
ghout the course of the Scene.
t you have with you to
SUCCESSES you can...
◆ The equipment tells you wha ◆ You may spend Soma from your
pool, if one of your
ter of the Order.
carry out your missions as a Hun Descriptors is relevant to the situatio
n, to obtain 1 Extra
Success for each point spent.
your inner strength and
◆ Your Soma value represents
true essence as a Broken ◆ You may choose to roll one or mor
your ability to tap into your e 6-sided dice and get
a to increase your chances an Extra Success for each die rolled.
Fairy Tale. You can spend Som
of success in any action. ◆ If you have to roll the dice, roll them
all at once: if you
roll a 1, you fail in your action. All othe
r results (from 2
to 6) count as an Extra Success for each
die rolled.

Digly Tver (Order #29833957)

To find out the result… If you need to catch
your breath...
If you break even on the Opposition Level: A positive
Outcome, but at a cost. You have achieved your goal, but there
was a price for your success. The Storyteller will tell you what
price you paid. If your action might harm someone, you may Ask the Storyteller for an Interlude. Dur
ing the Interlude, you
inflict 1 Wound. If you are defending yourself, you succeeded, can:
but with some complication. The Storyteller will tell you what ◆ Heal one of the Wounds you suffered.
those complications are. ◆ Recover 2 Soma points by spending 1 XP.

If you exceed the Opposition Level by 1: you achieve a Remember, however, that the story will cont
inue with or without
Standard Outcome. You achieve what you aimed for. If you you.
are defending yourself, you handle the problem without any

Once upon a time…

complications. If your action provides for it, you can inflict 1

If you exceed the Opposition level by 2: you achieve an During the story, you can make the game
more interesting by
Outcome with an Increment. You are more successful than acting out your character’s flaws as well as
their virtues. When you
expected and gain an Increment in addition to the result of follow your Hunter’s Descriptor even whe
n it may get you into
your action. The Storyteller will describe that additional result. trouble, mark the box next to that Descripto
r. During an Interlude,
Alternatively, you can activate a special Increment from one each box marked is converted into 1 XP. Dur
ing the Interlude, you
may spend XP to:
of your Gifts. If you were defending yourself, you completely
◆ Recover 2 Soma per XP spent.
avoid the problem and gain an Increment as described above.
If your action provides for it, you can inflict 1 Wound. ◆ Recover 1 extra Wound per XP spent.
◆ Evolve a Descriptor into Specialization
. This will give you 1
Extra Success the first time you use it in each
Scene for the

When you suffer a

rest of the Story (3 XP).
◆ Gain an exclusive Gift from the Scenario
you are playing for

the rest of the Story (3 XP).
At the end of the Interlude, erase checkma
rks next to Descriptors
As the resu lt of a failed Defence roll or as and mark down the unspent XP.
cost of an action, you may hav the
e to mark a
Wound on your character she
et. Describe it:
a broken toe, a deep gash on my
face, a burned
hand… Wounds might limit you
r options or
change the Opposition Level
of what you face.
Whenever you suffer a Wound
, you may choose
to activate the power of your
Dark Ego for the
duration of the Scene.
When you suffer your third Wo
und, you are
knocked out or killed. The Sto
ryteller, depen-
ding on the situation, will sho
w you your fate.

Digly Tver (Order #29833957)

the Swordsman
Digly Tver (Order #29833957)

have been a lot of thi
ngs in my life: ship ca
renown, and lover of ptain, duelist of grea
the most beautiful no t
success and victories blewomen. After year
, a mysterious child s of
That despicable boy defeated me with dece
led me into the lair of ption.
imprisoning me, left a dangerous Beast an
me to be eaten by the d, after

the Swordsman
I lost a hand... I know monster. I survived,
for certain that he wh though
I joined the Order to o I seek is no human,
hunt down the child and
have my revenge. I hate above all else,
and thus

Descriptors and Gifts

I am a man of the world and nothing can really surprise me
I am a skilled swordsman and possess fine manners, which is anymore. I never question myself. After all, I am the best at
why the Order considers me an excellent candidate to move what I do.
among High Society. I love indulging in good food and dissolute
• Dark Ego - I will have my Satisfaction: When you
• With a Sword or a Smile: once per Scene you may choose an Opponent, there is no escape for him. During the course of
the Scene you may act twice against the target of your challenge, once
perform a gesture of extreme precision with your weapon, as usual and again in reaction to what he does. When this happens,
such as slipping an object off someone or writing something on a spend 1 Soma to stop his action with your own. If an Opponent inflicts
surface. The person observing your skill will either be impressed or a Wound on you, you savor the taste of the challenge and receive 1
intimidated, depending on the Storyteller’s decision. You receive 1 Extra Success on your next action.
Extra Success when you use the emotion you have aroused to your
advantage. Activator: you challenge an enemy or otherwise make clear who you are.

I have learned to face monsters and aberrations without being

intimidated. The Beast is on my trail because, having tasted

my flesh, it can no longer do without it...
• Tick Tock, Here Comes the Beast: once per Scene,
while outdoors, you may ask the Storyteller for the Beast to come
A fine dueling blade / A black
A finely crafted hook / A pur
powder gun /
ple- red cloak /
of binoculars
in search of your flesh. Travelling boots / A precious pair
The Beast is an Opponent with the following characteristics: / Valuable rings.
OL Difficult 7 – Nemesis (4 Wounds)
D: I am a great and mighty beast. I overwhelm everything I come
across on the way to snatch my prey.
Gift – Ravenous Madness: the Beast has an insane craving for
your flesh, and will unleash its rage on anyone standing in its way.
With its titanic strength, it can tear down trees and walls and hurl 2.
a man away with a single swipe of its huge paws. The Beast is also
quite stupid and will leave the Scene as soon as you are out of sight. 3.
By playing your cards right, you have repeatedly used the Beast to
your advantage. If the Beast suffers a fourth Wound, it will dissolve.
However, it will regenerate and can be used in the next Scene.

Digly Tver (Order #29833957)

the Old Wolf
Digly Tver (Order #29833957)

am a mountain wolf and far more cunning than the many
stupid villagers
who tremble at the mere sight of me. I have lived proud
ly at the head of my
Pack, leading a thousand raids and eating succulent,
tender morsels of human
flesh. But I am not so old I cannot face those who hate
me the most, though I
may be hunted and reviled. Now that I’m part of the Order
, I use my strength to

the Old Wolf

defend the weak hunters who are my companions, knowi
ng that with a single
bite I could end their insignificant lives.

Descriptors and Gifts I am fiercer and more powerful than any human and my fangs
can pierce even metal. No one is as ferocious as I am.
My senses are unfailing. Nothing can escape my sense of
smell and that is why the Order uses me as a guardian. I
hate the stench of rot and corruption. Scenting them is like
being stabbed with hot pokers.
• Dark Ego – The Big Bad Wolf: You are hardened by a
lifetime in the great mountains and your skill is matched only by your
courage. You receive 1 Extra Success when attacking and defending
• Find them forever after: Once you catch someone’s against an enemy that is smaller than you. Once per Scene, you can
unleash your rage and receive 3 Extra Successes instead of 1 thanks to
scent, you never forget it. During a Scene, you can spend 1 Soma
to memorize the scent of a person you are interacting with. You this Gift. When you unleash your rage, create a Descriptor for it that
will always recognize it and it will be easy for you to follow its includes at least one of these words: Strong, Fierce, Unstoppable.
traces even after some time. If you concentrate you can hear a You can employ the strength of three men, gnaw through stone as
noise even at great distances. When someone approaches you, easily as flesh, or break down any barrier. When you act using this
the Storyteller will alert you long before anyone else in the Scene. special Descriptor, you gain 1 extra Success.
Depending on the circumstances, the Storyteller may require you
to make a Defence roll to sense specific problems. Activator: You assume the form of a wolf or reveal yourself for what
you really are, scaring off weak humans.
A true predator knows how to appear as the most helpless

of lambs. I know how to disguise myself. My confidence is
boundless and I often tend to underestimate danger, ready
to risk anything for a tasty bite.
wear around
A necklace of stones and wood that you
• Wolf among the Lambs: once per Scene, you may one paw, a souvenir
sider food / Knick-kn
of the
acks ,
keys ,
an you
othe r
don’t con-
junk that 6
large stom ach.
spend 1 Soma to assume the shape of a common human. Create you sometimes vomit up from your
a Descriptor that represents you and includes at least one of these
words: Old, Helpless, Weak. In your human shape, you can PX
speak and act without problems, but as soon as you use another
of your Gifts you will immediately lose the effect of Wolf among
the Lambs.
Digly Tver (Order #29833957)
The Astonishing

Pied Piper Without A Name

Digly Tver (Order #29833957)
I have always made my art my reason for living. I can play so skillfully that it might as well be magic.
The Astonishing I have learned to use the real power of music to reach into the souls of both humans and animals. Unfor-

Pied Piper
tunately, I have lost count of the number of times I have performed dishonorable acts while pursuing the
perfect melody. Having been guilty of various crimes and having taken revenge on those who mocked my
sincere love for music, I serenely waited for my execution. The Order freed me in exchange for a promi-
se to serve it and put my skills to work in the fight against Darkness. If it is in the darkest moments that

Without A Name
I have glimpsed the perfect melody, perhaps as a Hunter I can find it and make it my own.

Descriptors and Gifts

With my pipe I can play any melody and touch the hearts of As an artist I have traveled to many places and know many
living beings. Art needs time to express itself. habits and legends. I collect facts and lore and I am fascinated
by everything I don’t know.

• Soul Music: When you play your pipe you can spend 1 • Dark Ego – The Power of the Music: Once per Scene,
Soma to sing a special melody. Choose from:
you can make a sound that can be heard even from a great distance.
1. Imparting an emotion: create a Descriptor that represents Everyone who hears it suffers 1 Wound, fragile objects break, and
the emotional state you wish to convey. Everybody present will frightened animals flee. Alternatively, you can play a gentle melody
receive that Descriptor for the course of the Scene. Opponents and the wind itself will obey you, carrying your message to whome-
will force you to make a Position roll. ver you wish, wherever they are. When using the Power of Music,
2. Bewitching animals: you may give simple commands to ani- you can also activate the Soul Music effect on one or more targets of
mals that hear your melody. If they show an aggressive attitude, your choice.
you have to make a successful Position roll for your melody to
take effect. As long as you are playing, you may ask the animals to Activator: Show off your art to the fullest extent, with a show that
do simple actions such as move or follow a simple command. cannot be ignored

I am a skilled acrobat and musician. My talent is unriva-

led and the Order has chosen me for my ability to capture
people’s attention and stimulate their emotions. When I am soma
A precious pipe of the finest workmanship
in the grip of artistic inspiration, I am totally estranged from
reality. / A theatre mask / A cloak of many colors /
Multi-coloured chalks and powders / An old
ocarina, the first instrument you ever played /
• Skilled Acrobat: When you sing, dance, or move with Hamelin, your faithful trained mouse.
grace, you always put on a great show. If you gain an Increment, PX
in addition to the bonus from the Storyteller, you may decide on
one of the following additional effects:
1. You can make an incredible leap, even of several meters, wi- Wounds
thout anyone being able to stop you.
2. You may take an object, even if it is worn by an enemy. 1.
3. You can perform a minor action with a stunt, such as opening
a door or flipping a switch, and then return exactly to where you
Digly Tver (Order #29833957)
Baba aga
The Child Witch
Digly Tver (Order #29833957)

Baba yaga
am a child witch and my power is equal only to my ambition. I did not have a childhood, for I was
born already aware of my abilities. To most, I seem cynical and cruel. That is because they do not
understand they are pawns, insignificant pieces in the bloody games that witches and warlocks play. The
Order does not look down on my age, which is why it has given me the leadership I deserve.

The Child Witch

Like any respectable sorceress, I carry my trusty bag full of herbs,
Descriptors and Gifts poisons, and all kinds of magical tools. My childlike appearance
is often useful, but sometimes it leads others to underestimate
I am a sorceress and my magical powers allow me to do wha- me. I hate that.
tever I want. I need the right amount of time to cast my spells.
• Dark Ego - The Evil Witch: When you use one of your
spells, you receive 1 Extra Success to any action and can unleash your
• Magic: When you want to achieve something, you may evil aura to gain one of the following additional effects:
◆ Animals and ordinary people are tormented by your presence
use witchcraft. Choose what you want with a sentence like: I want
to fly on that old broom or I want to look like a demon in the and will flee in terror.
eyes of those fools. Your spell must be focused on an object in ◆ You get 1 additional Base Success if you use your magic to pu-
your possession, such as a broom to fly or a mask you can wear nish someone for breaking a promise or agreement you made
to look like a demon. earlier.
Pay a cost of 1 to 3 Soma, decided by the Storyteller, to activate ◆ In the area around you, you can summon daylight or darkness.
your spell for the duration of a Scene. Remember that you can’t
ask for someone’s sudden death, but you can inflict Wounds with
your actions through magic and that, to achieve your goal, the Activator: You scare ordinary people and can dispense punishment
Storyteller may ask you for a Position roll. through your magic.

I am very skilled in reading people. That is why the Order

has chosen me as leader of the Hunters. I love manipulating
people and I often do it merely to amuse myself.

• Listen to my words: when you talk to someone you can An old and worn bla
ck cloak / Bag of ma
rag doll
curved dagger /
ask the Storyteller a question about them. The question must be ingredients / A small elderb err y
der / A lucky
regarding their behavior, such as any vices or desires they might / The Ring of the Or
have. You gain 1 Extra Success in any action where you exploit branch. PX
what you have discovered.

Digly Tver (Order #29833957)

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