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Hillfolk - Poker Cards - A4

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5 A lucky break

4 A nuisance
3 A petty distraction
2 A search

Show disrespect Punish Demand information Assign blame

5 4 3 2

9 Lodge grievance
8 Demand show of trust
7 Seek obedience
6 Demand respect

A foolish scheme A gathering A good deal A hard bargain

9 8 7 6
A A blunder
2 An old friend
3 An old enemy
4 An old debt
Show anger Prove you’re right Seduce Seek advice
A 2 3 4
10 Fight boredom Show assurance Demand apology
K Show annoyance
A fool gains power A delegation A crime A close call
10 K
9 A trap
10 A terrible discovery A surprise return A stranger appears
Show obedience Provoke excitement Seek comfort Seek attention
9 10
5 Evade blame
6 Seek information
7 Seek sympathy
8 Seek respect
An offer of help An accident Ambush A welcome discovery
5 6 7 8
3 Laxness
2 Loyalty disregarded
A A show of strength
K A slight

Show respect Seek punishment Provoke anger Needle

3 2 A K

7 Extend forgiveness
6 Offer favor
5 Mollify grievance
4 Display trust

Fear of outsiders Fracas Gossip spreads Ill omens

7 6 5 4
10 Danger on the horizon
9 Dissension in the ranks
8 False hope

Offer apology Offer assurance Pay heed Soothe

10 9 8

2 Relent
A Offer acceptance
K Extend admiration Show affection

Threats from outside Assertion of authority Betrayal Calm before storm

2 A K
6 Social disapproval
5 The lure of gold
4 The past rears its head
3 The price of salvation

Establish trust Extend sympathy Share information Offer advice

6 5 4 3

10 Seek assurance
9 Seek acknowledgment
8 Seek forgiveness
7 Seek favor

Plan gone awry Power vacuum Pursuit Shift in allegiance

10 9 8 7
A Natural disaster
K News from afar Out of supplies Peace offer

Seek acceptance Gain admiration Gain affection Offer mediation



Spend a bennie to: ӹӹ Toӹforceӹanӹunwillingӹgranterӹtoӹ

ӹӹ gainӹaӹdramaӹtoken makeӹaӹsignificantӹconcessionӹtoӹ
ӹӹ gainӹaӹproceduralӹtokenӹofӹanyӹ you,ӹspendӹ2ӹdramaӹtokens.
color ӹӹ Toӹblockӹaӹforce,ӹspendӹ3ӹdramaӹ
ӹӹ drawӹanӹadditionalӹcardӹinӹaӹ tokens.
proceduralӹscene ӹӹ Asӹaӹplayer,ӹyouӹmayӹspendӹ1ӹ
ӹӹ jumpӹtheӹcallerӹqueue. dramaӹtokenӹto:
ӹӹ burnӹoneӹtokenӹheldӹbyӹanotherӹ •ӹ callӹaӹsceneӹinӹwhichӹyourӹ
participant characterӹdoesӹnotӹappear
ӹӹ crashӹaӹscene •ӹ duckӹaӹscene
ӹӹ blockӹanotherӹplayer’sӹattemptӹtoӹ •ӹ crashӹaӹsceneӹwhoseӹcallerӹ
crashӹaӹsceneӹyou’veӹcalled didӹnotӹincludeӹyou
•ӹ preventӹaӹplayerӹfromӹ

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