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Actividad 5 de Life Science

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MODULO: 1 FECHA: 18 de febrero de 2021

Look for the following information on reliable sources such as the Digital Library:

Explain the following branches of Biology and exemplify each one:

Branch of Biology Example

Cell biology or citology: it is in mainly  The Pap smear is a common cytology

responsible for the description of the cellular evaluation in which cells from the cervix are
structure, the organelles they contain, thein examined.
composition and, above all, their operation and
their interaction with the outside world

Developmental biology: studies ontogeny, is  They can help to understand developmental

the processes by which organisms grow and malformations like Down Syndrome.
develop. The current developmental biology
studies the genetic controls of cell growth, cell
differentiation and the morphogenesis

Marine biology: is the science that studies the  Some marine biologists are involved in pure
living beings that inhabit marine ecosystems, research, for example in the study and mapping
as well as the conservation of marine life and of marine populations.
its flora and fauna.

Botany: is the science that studies the The study of medicinal plants, the agriculture. 
structure, properties, relationships and the
characteristics of plants and their vital

Ecology: studies the relationships of different For example, the study of human beings and
living beings with each other and with their their relationships with the environment give us
environment. human ecology 
Physiology: studies the organs of living beings  Cell physiology, respiratory physiology, organ
and their functioning physiology, neurophysiology…

Genetics: part of biology that studies the A person´s appearance is determined by

genes and the mechanisms that regulate the genes. If the parents are redheads, their kids
transmission of hereditary characters will be redheads too.

Identify the bioelements in the following structures.

1. Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen.

2. Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen.
3. Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen.
4. Carbon, hydrogen, sulfur.
Investigate 2 examples of chemical structures of
the following biomolecules.

Biomolecule Structures

Carbohydrate 1. Glucose

Lipids 1. vitamin a

2. Testosterone

Proteins 1. alanine

2. cysteine
Nucleic acids 1. ARN, AND

1. Write your opinion about the importance of carbon as a chemical element in

planet’s life.

Okay, the carbon is super important because it is the main element on the Earth, all living
beings contain carbon and without carbon, basically it would not exist


Sin autor(2015) “importance of carbon” Recuperado el 17 de febrero de 2021 de


Zita A. (2018) “Carbohydrates” Recuperado el 17 de febrero de 2021 de

https://www.todamateria.com/carbohidratos/#:~: .

Valenzuela A. (2008) “lipids” Recuperado el 17 de febrero de 2021 de


Zahonero A. (2010) “biology” Recuperado el 17 de febrero de 2021 de


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