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The Mini-Mental State Exam

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The Mini-Mental State Exam

Patient___________________________________ Examiner ____________________________

Mini Mental State Examination

1. Orientation (Maximum score 10)

Ask “What is today’s date?” Then ask specifically for parts omitted, “Can you also tell Date (e.g. September 2) Year
me what season it is?” Month
Day (e.g. Monday) Season
“Can you tell me the name of this hospital/ house number?” “What ward/ Hospital/ House no. Ward/
street name are we on?” Street name Suburb
“What suburb are we in?” “What City
city are we in?” “What state are we State

2. Registration (Maximum score 3)

Ask the subject if you may test his/ her memory. Then say “ball”,”flag”,”tree” clearly and slowly, about Ball Flag Tree
one second for each. After you have said all three words, ask the subject to repeat them. This first
repetition determines the score (0-3) but keep saying them (up to 6 trials) until the subject can repeat Number of trials
all 3 words. If (s)he does not eventually learn all three, recall cannot be meaningfully tested

3. Attention and Calculation (Maximum score 5) 93

Ask the subject to begin at 100 and count backward by 7. Stop after 5 subtractions. Score one 86
point for each correct number. 79
If the subject cannot or will not perform this task, ask him/her to spell the word “world” backwards 72
(D,L,R,O,W). The score is one point for each correctly placed letter, e.g. DLROW= 5, DLORW= 3. 65
Record response OR number of correctly
placed letters

4. Recall (Maximum score 3) Ball Flag Tree

Ask the subject to recall the three words you previously asked him/ her to remember
(learned in Registration)

5. Language (Maximum score 9)

Naming: Show the subject a wrist watch and ask “What is this?” Repeat for pencil. Score one Watch
point for each item named correctly. Pencil
Repetition: Ask the subject, “No ifs, ands, or buts.” Score one point for correct repetition.
3 stage command: Give the subject a piece of blank paper and say,”Take the paper in your right Repetition
hand, fold it in half and put it on the floor.” Score one point for each action performed correctly.
Reading: On a blank piece of paper, print the sentence “Close your eyes” in letters large enough for
the subject to see clearly. Ask the subject to read it and do what it says. Score correct only if the
Takes in right hand Folds in
subject closes his/her eyes.
half Puts on floor
Writing: Give the subject a blank piece of paper, and ask him/ her to write a sentence.
It is to be written spontaneously. It must contain a subject and a verb, and make sense. Correct
grammar and punctuation are not necessary. Closes eyes
Copying: On a clean piece of paper, draw intersecting pentagons, each side about 1 inch, and ask
the subject to copy it exactly as it is. All 10 angles must be present, and two must intersect to
score 1 point. Tremor and rotation are ignored:
Writes sentence

Draws Pentagons

* In section 3 score number of correct responses items 14-18, or item 19, not both. Rate Total Score (maximum= 30)
subject’s level of consciousness: (a) coma,(b) stupor,(c) drowsy, (d) alert Comments:

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