Group 1 Final Defense Output
Group 1 Final Defense Output
Group 1 Final Defense Output
Lipa City
In Partial Fulfillment
Brillantes, Alissander F.
Dimaunahan, Paul Derwin
Lit, Paolo Anthony M.
Sta. Maria, Willan
Velasco, Shaun Carwel I.
Bawi, Princess Mary M.
Maulion, Alessandra M.
April 2021
Title Page……………………………………………………………………..i
Table of Contents……………………………………………………………ii
List of Figures………………………………………………………………..iii
List of Appendices…………………………………………………………..iii
Figure Page
1 Conceptual Framework ……………………………… 6
Appendices Page
Letter of Request to the Selected High School 52
Interview Questionnaire for the Selected High School 53
Curriculum Vitae…………………………………………………..55
considering that there is global pandemic that’s still ongoing. With that in mind,
today’s technology has been the most essential tool when it comes to providing
education to students. Since the usual class won’t be possible sooner or later, the
Major preparations and privileges became the main issue a while back then up
until now. Along with the sudden changes in the academic system, many civilians
raged as DepEd Secretary Leonor Briones stated previous year that ‘education
cannot wait’ while admitting that the Philippines could ‘never attain full readiness’
in its shift into digital learning. The reason for this is that the gap between the
privileged enough to keep up with the other highly financial institutions in terms of
With regards to this, schools under the supervision of the government aren’t
the only one that’s affected. Majority of students in private institutions are severely
in-shocked as well because of the said changes in their schooling. As expected,
scholars from different academies ached for they cannot afford some of the
educational technologies that are needed with their current situation in mind.
These students are also having a lot of difficulties in accessing the virtual world
because of poor internet connection which is literally one of the major requirements
in online classes.
To be fair, this isn’t the first time that people encounter the usage of these
the impact of the Internet. We cannot teach our students in the same manner in
curriculum we are responsible for teaching, but in school. Period.” Over these past
years, digital devices such as computers and laptops have been a great help to
most of the learners all throughout the globe even before the pandemic happened.
It can be used to present proposals through power points, conduct studies and
researches, guide learners regarding unfamiliar topics and can help students with
their school performance in general. Aside from that, the innovation of cellular
phones played a big role in the field of modern education as well. The fact that it
is the most convenient to use, most of the cell phones are also less expensive
compared to desktops. Technically, these devices are the reasons why the life of
the students became much easier. When used properly, it can improve one’s
academic performance because of its helping features like Google, Chromes, and
such. To be exact, these are some of the technologies that drastically affect the
school performance of the students even after the lockdown and home quarantine
On the other hand, how much of a help does these educational technologies
become considering that a global pandemic is currently ongoing and face to face
students? Or was it just a distraction and academic freeze was the best choice?
Disregarding the fact that some used to have difficulties in affording their own
gadgets, settling on virtual learning will surely be a great option to let students think
critically, explore and gain knowledge on their own. With the help of the internet,
educational technologies will allow the learners to access data from almost every
website and applications. This will be a huge advantage since some books and
topic. Having at least one device that has the ability to connect with the web will
In line with this, considering that the threat of the virus causes lack of face to
face interactions then the said educational technologies can also be a help in
a lot of people. The fact that cooperation with fellow students is a key factor needed
by learners to enhance their academic skills cannot be denied. It will also build a
better relationship among each other that might enhance their leadership skills
Correspondingly, these educational technologies will surely be beneficial to its
users in terms of individual performances just like solo reports and projects. Just
like in the normal class, it can still be used to present proposals in PowerPoint and
that there’s a lot more time to prepare these kinds of activities. Also, with the help
of digital devices, the consumed time of the working process will be shortened as
the students but also for the teachers yet still; everyone is trying their best to adjust
in this so-called new normal. However as stated earlier, there are some who don't
have full access to the said educational technologies and are currently having
researchers initiated to conduct this study in order to help those students, because
these specific situations could sometimes lead to a much more serious problem.
Even though the majority of the students are really doing their best, it still wasn’t
The main concept and importance of this study is to know, identify and
elaborate the effectiveness of the continuation of classes with the help of different
happening. The Department of Junior High School in LCC Silvercrest (Lipa City,
Batangas) would be a great respondent in this study since the usage of educational
technologies here is much known and online classes have also been implemented.
Virtual learning was introduced to Silvercresters last August (year 2020) and was
to each and every student. It is believed by the conducting group that having a
plenty of respondents who are currently experiencing these situations will help
progresses, it will be beneficial to a great number of students given that this work
pertains to them. However, parents and school officials here and there may also
use this study as reference and to better their judgments for the benefit of their
Conceptual Framework:
1.1. Age;
1.2. Grade level; and
1.3. Socioeconomic status
performance of the respondents. Hence, the paradigm shows the direct effects of
Social and Psychological aspects, and how both aspects affect the experienced
resulting in strategies that can enhance the positive effects of the educational
Theoretical Framework:
In line with this study, the concept of modern technology played a big role in
shaping the system of education as it is now. For a very long time, different devices
like computers, laptops, and such have been a great help to most of the students
because the teachers use those inside the campus to teach more effectively. The
time frame that is being pertained here is the one before the pandemic occurred
and classes are still being aired in school. But what now since face to face
interaction is not possible? How would the educational technologies work given
the fact that the teachers aren’t the one who is in charge of using such devices in
With regards to this, the researchers chose to use the theory of John Dewey,
“Constructivism Learning Theory” that talks about the idea that people actively
construct or make their own knowledge, and that reality is determined by your
have the teacher as a facilitator only. Using this, students will ultimately understand
better because they need to discover and try, rather than being told that something
This theory was made in the late 1930s and its importance can still be seen
nowadays. For better understanding, it is stated that the best example for this
theory is solving problems that involve numbers and mathematics. Why is that?
Well it is because the teachers will only give the right process on how to solve the
problem but it is up to the students to find the answer on their own. In simple words.
the teacher will only give their word and the students will do the work.
These are the learner’s previous knowledge, learner’s motivation, and learner’s
characteristics. One’s knowledge from their past will greatly affect their present
there to confuse their way of thinking. On the other hand, the learner’s motivation
is also an issue as the student’s will of learning will surely depend on that. Lastly,
the characteristic could be a thing since a lot of learners aren’t capable enough to
So, what is the relevance of the said theory to the main issue in the study? As
stated earlier, the instructors are not the one who is in charge of using the
technological devices. With that in mind, the learners will be forced to gain
knowledge without too much dependence on their teachers. It will help them to
grow on their own and think a lot more critical when it comes to lessons. Majority
of their understanding will come from their own selves as they are the ones who
are in control of their time and such devices. Their academic performance will also
be based on how they will manage the difficulties of studying in times of pandemic.
Lastly, this theory will be beneficial to them since it can also be applied in real
life situations. As the people experience the world and reflect upon those
experiences, they build their own representations and incorporate new information
Statement of the Problem
1.1 Age;
Students – It will be beneficial to a great number of students given that this work
pertains to them. Also, it will help them to enhance their school performance by
looking for some strategies to execute more of the positive sides of using these
digital devices.
Teachers – It will also benefit the teachers because this study will help them to
know the struggles of everyone including themselves. With this in mind, their work
as a teacher will be much easier because they can use this study as a reference
Parents – this will indirectly benefit the parents because their children will have
some benefits as well. Of course, when your sons and daughters have some
Performance of the selected high school students will only involve those high
school students that we chose to interview with and it would only be the high school
students in the Junior High School Department of LCC Silvercrest School. The
Senior High School Department could also be part of this study but the researchers
chose to conduct it with the most convenient and closer one (JHS) considering that
we are in a pandemic right now. Either way, the exclusion of the other department
will not have much of an effect on the result because the study will have enough
respondents to be interviewed.
Definition of Terms
1. Academic performance
Operational meaning - with regards to this, the function of this word in the study
2. Ached
Operational meaning - in this study, the meaning of this word refers to the feelings
or the perception of the students regarding the new normal system in education. It
is because they cannot afford some of the devices that are needed by them.
3. Adequate
Operational meaning - in this study, the meaning of this word refers to the
4. Conducting group
Operational meaning - this one is a substitution for the word “researchers” just to
5. Settling
Operational meaning - in this study, this word simply means having an agreement
6. Virtual World
Conceptual meaning - Virtual means online and World means a specific wide
Operational meaning - in this study, this word simply means the interaction of
teachers and students using the educational technologies that were purchased by
Chapter II
This chapter represents the related literature, and also the studies of foreign
and local which provides the required knowledge and information for the
Conceptual Literature
The uninterestingness and the lack of excitement of the school have shown
specifically directed to education aims to make some difference between the usual
traditional learning and 21st Century learning. Fundamentally, this study aims to
improvise, enhance, captivate and grab the interest of both students and teachers.
From time to time, technology moves forward and improves to catch the other's
attention and consent. Learning with both traditional teaching and technology will
knowledge to both students and teachers. Under the combination of both normal
teaching and technology, both still don't have the capability of shaping the right
balance of study for the students according to what is needed. Thus, the key
social, enhancement, and measurement. The students and the teacher must
relationship, both students and teachers must dive deeper into what can be used
internet, we can also learn not only in the classroom we were in but also outside
the school. Through the convergence of modern and traditional methods, students
are now capable of experiencing the best of both worlds. They can learn from
school and get additional information or lessons through the web and internet. A
survey conducted by Pearson Foundation in the United States found that more
than six in 10 college students and high school seniors agree that they study more
California also showed that students using iPads performed better in math
compared to students.
The Philippine Star created an article on the last 12th of July 2014 about how
technology helps the students to study well. According to it, more and more
schools use technology such as computers and the internet that's available in their
classroom and several improvements on students have seen and they are now
getting better and superior education in comparison to the previous one. These
communication and collaboration, critical thinking and reflection, a more engaging
learning experience, and preparation for jobs later on. By connecting with the
internet, students are now able to do their research, and also because of the
internet, they'll have large information that they can access. Students are
ideas. Students are also able to collaborate to test their understanding of lessons.
Information today is more engaging to the mind and also appealing to the senses
advantages. more and more schools are allowing not just desktop computers and
large-scale knowledge. They can be used to show desires and inspire the query
of students. In this way, the curiosity of learners can be activated, sustained and
stimulated to foster their creative power. In general, the media ensure the
should also be supported, empowered and inspired not only to learn, but also to
some of the potential effects of this on students' learning. This means that technical
One crucial explanation for this shortcoming is that there is not adequate
interaction between those trying to adopt excellent practice and the initial
through new social technology and the creation of virtual communities for
It noticed that most meanings apply to a condition in which the instructor and
telecommunications networks. It may also be argued that the learner has the
courses. In this post, the word "distance education" is the term selected to be used
(Rosal, 2009).
However, are they using it the way it's supposed to be used in class? Eric Milou
himself has conducted his study that examined the algebraic teachers, whether
they're using graphic calculators when they're done with their teachings. The study
itself has surveys to be completed by the people who participated. Out of the 243
surveys, only 146 were returned. The majority of the teachers state that the use of
Learning with the use of technology and learning without it have been
compared and the result indicated that those students who learned in the
must-read guide for those interested in learning more about the language learning
needs and requirements of the Net Generation. The book discusses scientific
these technologies may be used to improve language teaching and learning. The
teaching and learning. Changing pictures and the use of special effects, among
others, will minimize the frustration of the learners. Furthermore, the contact in the
It's easier to store information: computers make it easier and more robust to
store information. Compact memory cards have replaced notebooks, and modern
writing devices are the keyboard and the computer mouse. What would have taken
a hundred pages of a book might be compacted onto a tiny memory chip. It will
take hours to compose, but it just takes seconds to type. According to advances,
data storage has become much simpler (Parsad and Jones, 2008). Data is readily
acquisition tool can be used. What the site user has to do is use a key in search
engine queries. Thousands of search results are shown to users. There are a
number of blogs and web directories that have information about virtually anything
in the world. And all of this is only a few taps away. Teachers and students will
education. And if students are physically far away from each other, they will be part
of a single classroom. They can do so, if not physically but digitally. Many
services in which students can communicate with their professors on the Internet,
view reference content on the University's website, and obtain degrees online (The
Trotter, 2008).
paradigm shift, the current level of technology application and integration in the
Measurement of academic performance
al., 2010).
as students do not enter schools as blank slates. The individual experiences and
contexts the students have been through in particular will undoubtedly help a
adopt the thinking process of a corporate business to the extent that students are
and Othman, 2012). Moreover, the demands of the stakeholders are becoming
more and more complex, which must be addressed in order to ensure that the
Previously, several academic institutions used performance improvement
practices as a guideline (Widrick, Mergen, and Grant, 2002). There have been
achievement only, while some scholars have argued that it is important to measure
achievement (Ball and Wilkinson, 1994; Higgins, 1989; Hilman and Abubakar,
across their subjects and the display of learning outcomes that can be assessed
examinations. Previous studies show that there are intellective and non-intellective
between the actual and the predicted academic performance (Abellana et al.,
A descriptive analysis of the average score of elementary students in the
Philippines was being used to evaluate whether the learning outcomes increased
On another plane, the grade for one subject could be a proxy for similar subjects
objective tools that assess children's skills and abilities through direct instruction
general weighted average (GWA) and continues to be the best predictive variable
and low achieving based on his or her GWA (Mercado et al., 2014).
Students enjoy the convenience of being able to take online courses, yet many
reports missing face-to-face contact with their peers. Mostly students who lack
socialization. Yet the use of technology is changing the lives of the students in the
classroom. As it greatly influences the interaction between teachers and students.
The use of technology appears to downplay the importance of social contact and
may lead many students to not develop the necessary social skills to function in
Technology may have had an effect on social behavior due to the online
(Diamanduros, Downs & Jenkins, 2008). People seem to be less politically correct
when they are online and are not dealing directly with people (Diamanduros et al.,
teachers and be played by the students. Teachers may use this as a way of
(Kovačević and Opić, 2013). The nature of work in post‐industrial society and the
changes, and public accountability increase the complexity for us. These features
Although technology can bring positivity doesn’t mean it can’t bring negativity.
Especially to those students who have intellectual disabilities. This problem is very
relevant, there is a change in human behavior that provokes the corresponding
social tension in society. It should be noted that negative influences in society, first
of all, affect the most vulnerable part of it, these are the students/children, and
exacerbated. Students who experience it have shown that they often face certain
serious problems that they are unable to solve on their own. They must have the
attention they seek for them to overcome such problems. If not, they’d be needing
weapon that can help oneself and hurt oneself (Boiko et al., 2020).
being pursued in the Philippines. Hence, they must plan their sessions carefully,
and skills are critical to teach, they are also tasked to verify if their students are
For example, students themselves are not able to attend school through face‐
to‐face education, so they opted for social media to search for news and trends. 2
has been highly vital for the widespread dissemination of information and
guidelines that are critical for dealing with the pandemic. Moreover, the
population diverted to the use of digital technology for multiple purposes. The
for both advantages and disadvantages on the social and educational community
(Toquero, 2020).
However, at the same time, these findings suggest that disengagement may
differ internationally in more complex fashions than was previously thought. Over
the last several decades, there has been considerable evidence that off-task
behavior is less common in East Asia and Southeast Asia than in the United
that international differences in off-task behavior are not just due to confounds in
curriculum or research methods. In each study, students use the same intelligent
tutoring software, controlling for both curriculum and study method. We find that
students in the Philippines exhibited significantly less off-task behavior than
Despite the increased availability and support for ICT integration, relatively few
teachers intend to integrate ICT into their teaching activities (Ertmer, 2005).
Computer-based technology has infiltrated many aspects of life and industry, yet
a concept receiving strong attention in higher education due to its association with
several positive academic outcomes. But integrating technology into teaching and
teachers, and other student support service providers need to be comfortable and
evidence‐based practices likely will always lag behind the newest innovations.
However, when those innovations like the augmented reality system that was
previously mentioned are based on other evidence‐based practices and
become reasonable tools to include within educational plans. The challenge will
exists to support the use of that technology with different populations of students
paper introduces the research work on the application of ICT in education from the
learning and teaching, and balanced various contradictory aspects of learning and
teaching. The second is theoretical thinking and instructional practice about the
The fourth is a framework for the integration of ICT and education and a zigzag
Higher education has experienced significant developments for the last few
decades, especially distance higher education. This rapid growth is based on the
development and use of ICTs in higher education. Moreover, there are other
the university through the use of distance learning technologies. This article is
research has been conducted, and some personality traits of students are
cognitions and attitudes toward computer technology. Results indicated that many
few technophobes. Consistent with expectations from prior research, age and
gender were only mildly correlated with technophobia in less than one-fourth of the
E-learning truly is a way for us to suffice our satisfaction. However, are people
ready to embrace this way of learning? There is still a big chunk of people who are
the field of education. When education and technology are combined, both can
build some dynamic duo in teaching and also learning experiences that can
enhance the positive effects that can help the educators and also the learners
(Garcia, 2017).
Why do they not embrace these technological devices? Well, the students
have the psychology of these being harder than what traditional classes should be.
Students must hone and develop not only their knowledge with these devices but
proposed a study with this matter and her purpose in doing so is to identify the
different psychological factors, especially the student's study habits, attitudes, and
also the methods that they use which in a way influences the academic
completing the necessary academic assignments and they wish to be free from
wasteful delays or distractions. Moreover, it was also reflected that students have
Moving on from their studies, next up is a study also related to the student's
mental health which directly correlates to the student's psychology. The authors
which are Alvin Gino Magsakay Bautista, M Bautista, and Elizabeth S Manuel have
conducted research to assess the mental health and psychological wellness during
the community quarantine during the pandemic. The result of the study that they
conducted has provided us with necessary pieces of information about the mental
understanding themselves. Not only did this study help the students, but it also
helped the parents and the school. For the students, this resulted in them being
provided with necessary pieces of information about their mental health. For the
parents, the result became beneficial to them for they would be knowledgeable
enough to know about their children's mental state. And for the school, this study
can help the school's counselors to know what the main problems of the students
are and also help them find out immediate actions (Bautista et al., 2020).
technology. It explores the use of emerging technologies and the effect of these
technologies to fulfill the social and educational needs of the stakeholders in times
of a crisis or emergency. The use of emerging technologies paved the way for the
boredom, provide relief efforts, and educate the virtual community relative to
empirical research on the newly‐existing online group relationships and how these
virtual relationships and emerging technologies can affect social relations and
Over the last several decades, there has been considerable evidence that off-
task behavior is less common in East Asia and Southeast Asia than in the United
behavior and other disengaged behaviors among students in the Philippines and
USA. In each study, students use the same intelligent tutoring software, controlling
for both curriculum and study method. We find that students in the Philippines
exhibited significantly less off-task behavior than students in the USA. However,
similarly low levels of off-task behavior. These findings suggest that international
research methods. However, at the same time, these findings suggest that
The mental health issues students experience during distance learning are due
to an "interplay" of factors, said one of the country's top psychiatrists, who added
that such issues cannot be solely attributed to the difficulties of the revamped
education system. Stress is a "normal part of life," adding that this could also be
positive in some respects. The Philippines currently has a landmark mental health
law which secures the rights of persons with mental health needs, provides mental
health services, and promotes mental health education to schools, barangays, and
workplaces. The DepEd shifted to distance learning for the coming school year to
comply with President Rodrigo Duterte's directive for schools to delay face-to-face
classes until a coronavirus vaccine becomes available. There was a heated debate
in the country about when and how to start classes in the middle of an untamed
crisis. Parents and students pointed out their lack of finances to acquire gadgets
Research Literature
method of teaching. The UK’s £12m Teaching and Learning Research Programme
‘productivity’ and ‘inclusion’. It was the ‘productivity’ theme which prompted this
interdisciplinary study on the role of TEL in “achieving higher quality and more
Today’s students are no longer the people our educational system was
designed to teach” (p.1). Marc Prensky (2001) stated, “Our students have changed
are all labels to identify today’s learners. Marc Prensky (2001) created the term
digital native in his work Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants to describe the
almost as much as they watch television. Marc Prensky (2001), educational author,
noted that the average college student has spent less than 5,000 hours of his/her
life reading, yet he/she has spent over 10,000 hours playing video games and
This study then took that goal one step further by examining the effects of 1:1
technology on student motivation. This study set out to show how technology can
The hope and goal of this pilot is to see if 1:1 Technology can improve student
study there are two elementary schools that are inundated with higher percentages
classroom. The use of technology allows teachers to truly differentiate and tailor
instruction to meet the needs of their students. Two classrooms from the
participating school district were chosen to pilot 1:1 Technology (Harris et al.,
computers, the internet and TV, on the academic success of students. These
effects are generally assessed due to data constraints. The result of the analysis
suggested that the access to a home computer and internet connection makes a
contribution to the student's success. It has been observed that computer-assisted
teaching not only improves success, but also develops higher-level thinking skills
for students, and that these students learn by understanding rather than
memorizing (Renshaw et al. 2000; Kara and Yakar 2008; Kara and Kahraman
students who used standard lessons. The researcher noted that engagement was
higher in a group that used technology-based lessons than in a group that did not.
Technology can help the students build their future. As they continue to gather
information, they start to gain their confidence and become independent. Students
can lean on technology as much as they want but they must have critical thinking
and reflection. And with the proper guidance of their teacher, they’d be able to
advantage of technology, we must also learn to adapt to this type of education. But
we must know that technology is something that requires the responsibility of one’s
In addition, the study conducted by Hipolito et al., has shown that many
future studies continue to monitor the use of students and attitudes towards
technology. It is also important that we study how best to support those students
who do not use technology, despite the efforts made by the university authorities
to assist them.
one of the major peripherals for the implementation of a network, software, and
financial resources and the availability of this technology, have affected teaching
efficiency and student learning. On the basis of these factors, the administration,
teachers and students are considered to be the main practitioners of the integration
In addition, a study also concluded that most students in the State Colleges
and Universities of the Caraga Region are likely to use educational technology in
classrooms with positive consequences in support of the view that the use of it
students including these technologies as part of their learning can also cause
Handling this kind of problem should be included and part of the curriculum and
the staff and faculty concerned may give an effort to ensure that these technologies
are used as a tool to achieve the learning environment (Gorra et al., 2016).
the present study. They are also related since they have also discussed the effects
The study that Renshaw et al. (2000) conducted is the most similar to ours, in
which they are also aiming to know the effects of technological devices like mobile
performance. As a result, those devices have been a great help to the student's
academic performance. On the other hand, the previous study focused more on
Despite their differences, both studies still have the same goals and purpose.
Thus, the study conducted by Balmeo et al. (2014) has similarities to our study
the students. Other than it saves a lot of time, the students are also having a lot of
This chapter indicates the research design, the respondents of the study,
the data gathering instruments used with its validation, and the data analyses
scheme which includes the application of statistical tools for treatment of data
Research Design
This study will employ the use of the descriptive research design to determine
or phenomenon that is being studied. This design does not acknowledge the
data in order to answer questions pertaining to the current status of the subject
Respondents of the Study
willingness to take part. Useful results can be obtained, but the results are prone
to significant bias, because the volunteer to take part may be different from those
who choose not to volunteer. On the other hand, the researchers chose to apply
this method of sampling since the current situation nowadays is on pandemic and
The respondents of the study were the Junior High School Department or the
Grade Levels ranging from 7, 8, 9 and 10 of LCC Silvercrest School. With the
needed in the study came out to be 186 students. Using basic math, the
researchers are aiming for a total of 46 students from Grade 7 and 8 while 47
students from Grade 9 and 10. In line with this the conduction of questions will
be stopped once the desired number of respondents from each grade level has
Data Gathering Instrument
contains three parts that have its own context resulting in a total of 11 items.
In line with this, the first part of the questionnaire focuses on the demographic
profile of the respondents along with their names (optional). Here, the selected
students are being asked to fill up the blank column or space provided beside the
personal status that is being questioned to them. With regards to the second
part, it contains the questions that involve the educational technologies itself.
Here, the respondents were asked to have their answer written in a form of yes/no
statements because it mainly asks if there is/are some difficulties in terms of its
usage. Lastly, the third part is all about describing the positive and negative
Data Gathering Procedure
In this section, the sequence on how the researchers will gather data is stated.
procedure was done by the group. First, based on the statement of the problem
with a requesting letter that aims to ask permission for the group to conduct such
things. This letter contains the names of the researchers along with their
Furthermore, the said letter with the questions will be submitted to the advisers
responsible for the thesis. Here, it will be addressed and signed for its validation
of usage for the upcoming data gathering phase. More likely, this letter will also
be on the hands of the Junior High School Department Principal to have complete
After having the permission of the authority, the researchers will be assigned
questions. Then, the group will of course offer an appreciation as a thanks for
Statistical Treatment data
The researchers used the following statistical tools to which will be gathered
from the respondent’s answers through the questions given by the group.
1. Frequency. This statistical tool or method will be used to tally the total
the selected high school students in LCC Silvercrest during pandemic 2020-2021
4. Rank. This statistical tool or method will be used to determine the position
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Dear Ma’am/Sir:
Greetings of Peace!
Alessandra M. Maulion
Ms. Heide C. Salandanan, LPT. Mr. Joshua Juezan, LPT Ms. Sally Oriol, LPT
Araling Panlipunan Teacher MAPEH 10 Teacher English 10 Teacher
I. Demographic Profile
CLASS A- Above 25,000
CLASS B- 10,000-25,000
monthly income)
CLASS C- Below 10,000
2.2 Have you experienced any device malfunction during virtual
2.3 Does your feedback became limited since the situation is online?
2.4 Have you noticed cheating being a lot more common during online
classes compared to face to face interaction?
2.5 Does online classes make it easier to procrastinate?
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S.Y. 2010-2017
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S.Y. 2010-2017
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S.Y. 2012-2017
S.Y. 2017-2021
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S.Y. 2012-2017
S.Y. 2017-2021
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S.Y. 2010-2017
S.Y. 2017-2021
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S.Y. 2010-2017
S.Y. 2017-2021