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Numeral Ul

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   which? = al catelea, a cata, ai catelea, ale catelea?

Which boy is John ? = Al catelea baiat este John ?
Which girl is Jane ? = A cata fata este Jane ?
Which boat is theirs ? = A cata barca este a lor ?
I know which he is. = Eu stiu al catelea este el.
Do you know which she is ? = Stii tu a cata este ea ?
quarter = a fourth (and twenty three = noua supra cinci  sute  douazeci si trei; 4.53 = four point five
three = 4,53 = patru virgula cincizeci si trei

Mod de formare:

- prin adaugarea terminatiei "th" la numeralul cardinal corespunzator

one --- first (1st)
two --- second (2nd)
three --- third (3rd)
five si nine, la care se suprima -e final, fifth (5th) si ninth (9th)
zecile la care -y final se transforma in -ie
forty --- fortieth (40th)

Alte numerale:

Numeralul fractionar (The Fractional Numeral)

Fractia (The Fraction) - ordinara (Vulgar)- zecimala (Decimal)
= a/one half  (o  doime); = a/one third (o treime);  = a/one quarter = a fourth (un sfert); = three
fourths = three quarters (trei patrimi, sapte;  = nine over five hundred and twenty three = noua supra
cinci  sute  douazeci si trei; 4.53 = four point five three = 4,53 = patru virgula cincizeci si trei

Semnele matematice
+  plus = and = plus; empty set= multime vida; – minus = minus; pi [ pai ] =  3,14; × multiplied =
inmultit;   angle = unghi
: divided by  = impartit la; ' = minute = minut;  " = second = secunda; = equal to = egal cu;   = not
equal to = neegal cu, diferit de; log = logarithm = logaritm; < less than = mai mic decat/ca; integral
(of) = integrala; > more than = mai mare decat/ca;
triangle = triunghi; less than or equal to = mai mic sau egal cu; infinity = infinit; more than or equal
to = mai mare sau egal cu; square root = radacina patrata; ll = parallel to = paralel cu; perpendicular
to = perpendicular pe; % = Percentage Sign = la suta (procent); 5 % = five per cent = cinci  la suta =
5 la suta; 5.5 % = five point five per cent = cinci virgula cinci la suta.
% = five and a half per cent = cinci si jumatate la suta

Operatiunile aritmetice (Arithmetical operations)

2 + 2 = 4 two plus/and two makes/equals/is/are four = doi plus doi fac patru
10 - 2 = 8 ten minus two makes/equals eight = zece minus/fara doi fac opt
5 x 5 = 25 Five times five makes/is twenty-five. = Five multiplied by five equals (25) twenty-five. =
Five fives is twenty-five. =  Cinci ori cinci fac doua- zeci si cinci.
4 x 3 = 12  se citeste: Four threes are twelve . = Three fours are twelve. = Patru ori trei fac
25 : 5 = 5 Five into twenty five makes/equals five. = Twenty-five divided by five is five. =
Douazeci si cinci impartit la cinci fac cinci.

Exprimarea datei  (Dates)

        Se realizeaza cu ajutorul numeralelor ordinale si cardinale.
February 14th, 1989 = 14th February 1989 = the fourteenth of February 1989  =14.2.1989 = 14
februarie 1989 =14-II-1989
        In limba engleza americana data apare astfel: February 14, 1989,  deci  numele lunii  se scrie
inaintea numarului zilei.
What date is it today? = In cat este astazi?
What day is it today? = Ce zi este astazi?
Today is Sunday. = Astazi este duminica.
On Monday I'll go to Cetate. = Luni voi merge la Cetate.
44 B.C. (Before Christ) = 44 inainte de Cristos, 44 inaintea erei noastre
A.D. 105 = A.D. one hundred oh five . (A.D. = Anno Domini = in the year of Lord) = 105 era
noastra = 105 dupa Cristos.

Lunile anului (The Months of the Year)

January (Jan.) = ianuarie;
February (Feb.) = februarie;
March (Mar.) = martie;
April (Apr.) = aprilie;
May = mai; June = iunie;
July = iulie;
August = august;
September (Sept.) = septembrie;
October (Oct.) = octombrie;
November (Nov.) = noiembrie;
December (Dec.) = decembrie

Zilele saptamanii (The days of the Week)

Sunday (Sun.) = duminica;
Monday (Mon.) = luni;
Tuesday (Tue.) = marti;
Wednesday (Wed.) = miercuri;
Thursday (Thurs.) = joi;
Friday (Fri.) = vineri;
Saturday (Sat.) = sambata
        In limba engleza, zilele si lunile anului se scriu numai cu majuscula.
Numeralul colectiv  (The Collective Numeral)
        Contine o multime exprimata printr-un singular.
couple = cuplu ; team = echipa;  pair = pereche; dozen = duzina;  score = douazeci; polgross  = 12
duzini; a couple of cherries = doua cirese; to walk in pairs = a se plimba perechi; a pair of shoes = o
pereche de pantofi; half a score = zece; a pair of trousers = o pereche de pantaloni; two score years
= patruzeci de ani; I've met many happy pairs. = Am intalnit multe perechi fericite.

 Numeralul  multiplicativ  (The Multiplicative Numerals)

double = twofold = dublu = indoit
triple = threefold = triplu
fourfold = impatrit
    tenfold = inzecit
    a hundredfold = insutit
    a thousandfold = inmiit
once = o data                             ten times = de zece ori
twice = de doua ori                         fifty times = de cincizeci de ori
thrice = de trei ori                         a hundred times = de o suta de ori
four times = de patru ori                         a thousand times = de o mie de ori
five times = de cinci ori
He has a suitcase with a double bottom. = El are un geamantan cu fund dublu.

Numeralul  distributiv (The Distributive Numeral)

one at a time = cate unul o data                    one by one = unul cate unul
two at a time = cate doi o data                    two by two, by twos = doi cate doi
three at a time = cate trei o data                    three by three, by threes = trei cate trei
four at a time = cate patru o data                    four by four, by fours = patru cate patru
five at a time = cate cinci o data                    five by five, by fives = cinci cate cinci
by the dozen = la duzina                
ten at a time = zece o data, cate zece
one hundred at a time = o suta o data, cate o suta
every other minute = din doua in doua minute

every other hour = hourly = din doua in doua ore = la fiecare doua ore
every three hours = din trei in trei ore = la trei ore o data
every five hours = din cinci in cinci ore, la interval de cinci ore
I see groups of five children. = Vad grupuri de cate cinci copii.

Numeralul adverbial (The Adverbial Numeral)

once = o data                         firstly = in primul rand
twice = de doua ori                     ten times = de zece ori
secondly = in al doilea rand                four times = de patru ori
three times = de trei ori                    thirdly = in al treilea rand
They would go swimming three times a week. = Mergeau sa inoate de trei ori pe saptamana.

 Numeralul nehotarat (The Indefinite Numeral)

a number of = un numar de                 tens of = zeci de
a lot of = o multime/gramada de                 hundreds of = sute de
lots of = many = multi, multe                 thousands of = mii de
Lots of people are walking in the park. = Multi oameni se plimba prin parc.
Tens of people are swimming in the lake. = Zeci de oameni inoata in lac.

Exprimarea orei
Cat este ceasul/ora? (What time is it?, What's the time?)
minute = minut                        quarter = sfert
half  = jumatate                        watch = ceas de mana
past = si                        clock = ceas de perete
to = fara                        face = cadran
long hand = orar                         alarm clock = ceas desteptator
short hand = minutar                    second hand = secundar
It is five (minutes) past twelve. = Este doisprezece si cinci (minute).
It is ten (minutes) past twelve. = Este doisprezece si zece (minute).
It is a quarter past twelve. = Este doisprezece si un sfert.
It is half past twelve. = Este doisprezece si jumatate.
It is a quarter to one. = Este unu fara un sfert.
It is ten (minutes) to one. = Este unu fara zece (min.).
It is two o'clock. = Este ora doua.
it is fast = grabeste, o ia inainte, merge inainte
it is slow = intarzie, ramane/merge in urma
My watch is five minutes slow. = Ceasul meu merge/ramane cu cinci minute in urma.
Your watch is five minutes fast. =Ceasul tau o ia inainte cu cinci minute.
My watch keeps a good time. = Ceasul meu merge bine.
His watch goes wrong. = Ceasul lui merge gresit/prost.

Unitati de masura (Measures)

1 inch (in.)  = 2,54 cm = 1/36 yard = 1/12 foot
12 inches = 1 foot = 30,48 cm = 0,3048 m
3 feet (ft.) = 1 yard = 91 cm = 0,91 m = 1 yd
1 mile = 1,760 yards = 1609,35 m
1 mile = 80 chains
1 link = 7.92 inches = 20,1168 cm
1 chain = 100 links = 20,1168 m
1 furlong= 10 chains = 200,11 m
1 rod = 5,029 m
1 league = 3 miles
1 fanthom= 6 feet = 1,82 m
1 cable = 608 feet = 185,31 m
1 sea mile = 6,080 feet = 1851,85 m

1. Scrieti in litere urmatoarele cifre:
10 ; 5; 9; 13; 20; 100; 6.30

2. Traduceti:
1. Ziua mea de nastere este pe 22 iunie.
2. Am ajuns la Bucuresti pe 1 iunie.
3. Prima masina este a mea.

1. Scrieti in litere urmatoarele cifre:
ten; five; nine; thirteen; twenty; one houndred;  half past six

2. Traduceti:
1. My birthday is on 22nd of June.
2. I arrived on Bucharest on first of June.
3. The first car is mine.
» capitolul 8: Adjectivul

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