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A Study of Vernacular Architecture and Indigenous Construction Techniques of The Kullu Region, Himachal Pradesh

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Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

A study of vernacular architecture and indigenous construction

techniques of the Kullu Region, Himachal Pradesh

Manoj Panwar#1, Sandeep Sharma2

D. C. R. University of Science & Technology, Murthal, India 131001
2 National Institute of Technology Hamirpur, Hamirpur, India 177005

Abstract: The architecture of a place depends on the climate, geography, resource availability, material and knowledge of
construction techniques, geography, building rules and regulations, socio-economic conditions, household characteristics,
culture, infrastructure availability, and other natural forces. The hilly regions remain less connected to outside regions, both
in physical and information linkages. The exchange of materials and information about the construction techniques has
endangered the usage of indigenous material and construction techniques for the development of climate-responsive
architecture. The authors thoroughly investigated the local materials and contemporary construction techniques of the Kullu
region, Himachal Pradesh. Vernacular buildings constructed by using indigenous materials and construction techniques are
more responsive to their geo-climatic conditions. The lessons of traditional wisdom in building construction can be a very
powerful tool for sustainable development. The paper concludes with the plausible policy required for the preservation of
indigenous construction techniques for sustainable development.

Keywords: Vernacular Architecture; Indigenous Construction Techniques; Hilly Region; Sustainable Development.

Note: This paper is a revised and expanded version of a paper entitled ‘study of vernacular architecture and indigenous
construction techniques of the Kullu Region, Himachal Pradesh’ presented at International Conference on Advances in
Construction Materials and Structures (ACMS-2018) organised by Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee,
Uttarakhand, India [March 7-8, 2018].

1 Introduction

The architecture of a place is the outcome of the climate, geography, resource availability, material and knowledge
of construction techniques, geography, building rules and regulations, socio-economic conditions, household
characteristics, culture, infrastructure availability, and other natural forces. Indigenous architectural solutions,
based on local needs, locally available construction materials, and reflecting local traditions, have responded well
to these natural forces. The information exchange due to globalization has impacted all spheres of human life,
including the built environment. Hill architecture remained pristine due to low infrastructure connectivity making
the material transfer difficult in hilly terrain. Hilly people remain dependent on the tourism economy. The
increased invasion of hills by population from plains has forced a change in indigenous architectural style due to
various factors i.e., climate change, economy, material supply from another region, etc. (Fig. 1).

Figure 1: Factors affecting the architecture of a place

Correspondence: Dr. Manoj Panwar, Department of Architecture, D.C.R. University of Science &
Technology, Murthal, Sonipat, Haryana India 131039.

Volume XII, Issue VII, 2020 Page No: 612

Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

The infiltration of architectural plan formulations, materials, and construction techniques has led to a change in
the architectural character of the region. The use of vernacular architecture and indigenous construction
techniques is on a sharp decline in hilly regions (Sarkar, 2013) (Rahul & Ahuja, 2014). The study region is well
known for its Dhajji wall, Kath-Kuni construction technique, slate as a roofing material, plan formulations. This
architectural character, with its ethnic, regional, and local 'dialects, is disappearing in hilly regions (Negi, Jain, &
Singh, 2017). The change in architectural character will lead to loss of identity of the Kullu region, which will
have a backwash effect on the tourism industry in the long run as tourists are attracted by the architecture and
climate of the region. Himachal Pradesh is one of India's most tourist-attractive states (Tiwari, 2017). The
construction technique and architecture may seem a very small factor but is of paramount importance. The authors
have analyzed the need for indigenous architecture for the development of the Kullu region.

2 Brief Profile of Kullu Region

Kullu region, Himachal Pradesh, has been selected to study vernacular architecture and indigenous construction
techniques of hill settlement. The Kullu district has a spread of 5,503 km2 and is located in Himachal Pradesh,
India, approximately at 4000 feet altitude, 31.957851, and 77.109459 latitude and longitude coordinates
respectively (Fig. 2). Kullu is the capital town of the Kullu district and is located at Beas River. It is famous for
a broad open Kullu valley between Manali and Largi. The settlements are small villages named, Bhilyani, Soyal,
Lag valley in district Kullu. The main seasons and temperature variations found in these regions are Summer-
from March till June (Max. temp 33.8 oC, Min. temp 14 oC), Winter from December to February (Max.
Temperature 16 oC, Min. Temperature 2 oC) and Monsoon from July to September. During the winter months, the
temperature goes down to the freezing point, even heavy to medium snowfall occurs. Therefore, the cold climatic
conditions are predominant here, which is also supported by the climate classification of India by the National
Building Code of India. A pleasant climate is found during the autumn season of October and November.

Figure 2: Location map of Kullu district, Himachal Pradesh, India (Govt. of HP, n.d.).

3 Methodology

The authors are well versed in the region and its architectural character. A Survey technique has been used in this
research. A total of 185 surveys were conducted, out of which 23 have been discarded due to lack of knowledge
about the architecture of the Kullu region. The physical survey is used to identify the most common architectural
characteristics and indigenous construction techniques. The reasons for the decline in the use of vernacular
architecture and indigenous construction techniques have been identified, and views of residents (users, masons,
and material suppliers) of the region on the revitalization of vernacular architecture and indigenous construction

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Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

techniques have been gained through a survey questionnaire. The methodology adopted for the entire study has
been presented in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3: Methodology adopted in the present investigation.


4.1 Physical survey of the Kullu region

4.1.1 The architectural character of the study region
Despite the infusion of foreign materials and construction techniques, the architecture in the Kullu region is
primarily characterized by local materials, integrating socio-cultural and economic fabric, but the pace of change
is fast. The buildings are an example of sustainable architecture. The majority of houses in the region have passive
architecture features used for controlling temperature and ventilation. Based on the controlling parameters,
functional plans have evolved over a period of time. The spaces are the outcome of the natural factors, local
materials, socio-cultural and economic factors, e.g., the kitchen is preferably kept in internal core of the building
to keep the surrounding spaces little warm, ground floor is generally used for livestock and fodder storage which
exposed the habitable spaces on the first floor to heat generated from the livestock (Sharma Sandeep, Sarkar
Amitava, 2011) (Fig. 4.)

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Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

Figure 3: Functional plan of a building (a) Ground Floor (b) First Floor (c) Cattles on Ground Floor & (d) habitable
rooms on the first floor with Sunspaces (Verandah) - for yarning by using “khaddi”
Low volume spaces used to provide thermal comfort at less energy consumption. Glass covered balconies and
verandas are there, which act as sunspace during the day, basically solarium type of arrangement with double skin
type arrangement to trap heat for space. These spaces are used as sunspaces and for yarning by using “khaddi” in
most of the houses. These balconies are also used as storage space for fodder; this fodder provides time lag to
heat loss as well as acts as an insulating surface and increases the thermal mass (Fig. 5). Lofts are constructed
under the pitched roof, which is used as storage space and provides thermal insulation and thermal mass.

Figure 5: A typical section of a House at Kullu

4.1.2 Indigenous construction techniques
Indigenous construction techniques used in the study area, e.g., the practice of using plaster on the inner surface
and avoiding it on the outer surface, adds to thermal comfort by increasing the conduction of solar radiation from
outside to inside but provide thermal resistance in loss of heat back to the environment (Fig.6a ). Dhajji (A. Kumar
& Pushplata, 2013; Sharma & Sharma, 2013) construction provides earthquake resistance (Fig. 6b). The uses of
local materials reduce the cost of transportation and are cheaper in comparison to materials procured from outside
the region. The locally available labour is efficient in handling the local materials and construction techniques,
e.g., Kath-Kuni (A. Kumar & Pushplata, 2013; Sharma & Sharma, 2013) technique (Fig. 6c and 6d) (Francis
D.K. Ching, 2008); so, employment opportunities can be retained to local people.

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Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

Figure 6: (a) Dry Stone Construction (b) Dhajji-Dewari Construction (c) Kath-Kunni Construction (d) Wooden
The mixed construction and use of foreign materials and construction techniques have not only changed the
architectural vocabulary of the region (Fig. 7a) but also changed the visual sustainability of the region (Fig. 7b).

Figure 7: (a) Changing architectural fabric and (b) existing natural settings
4.2 Results and discussion
Total 185 surveys were conducted at six different locations, out of which 23 have been discarded due to lack of
knowledge of respondents about the architecture of the Kullu region. Tourists, the general public, masons, and
building material suppliers have been considered as different stakeholders in the survey. The analysis of the
survey pointed out that from 39 tourists only 31, from 104 general public only 95, from 23 masons only 17 and
from 19 building suppliers, all 19 were aware of the architecture of the Kullu region (Fig. 8). So, the total number
of respondents who were aware of the architecture of the Kullu region, i.e., 162, were considered for further
analysis of the survey.

Figure 8: Awareness about the architecture of the Kullu region

The analysis of a question about awareness about change pointed out that a higher share of participants from all
stakeholder groups was aware of the change (Fig 9). Furthermore, maximum respondents were aware of the
change in architectural style as it is the visual character of the built environment (Fig. 10).

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Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

Figure 9: Observation about change in indigenous architectural character of the Kullu region

Figure 4: Observation for change in indigenous architectural character of the Kullu region
The majority of stakeholders are aware of the cause of change in architectural character and construction
techniques (Fig. 11). The scarcity of local materials has been identified as the main cause of change by all. Also,
it is observed that tourists were among the least aware group, as most of them were first-time visitors in the Kullu
region. As perceived by authors, the awareness about new architectural styles has not been identified as an
important cause for change by the general public.

Figure 5: Causes for change in Architectural character and construction techniques.

Majority of stakeholders, excluding the tourists, are aware of architectural functional plan layout and building
elements (Fig. 12). The technical terms like solarium were least identified building element, this was due to the
use of the technical term in the survey.

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Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

Figure 6: Awareness of architectural functional plan layout and building elements

The results of the question on knowledge about the indigenous construction techniques and materials are
presented in Fig. 13. Although, tourists were not aware of the local construction techniques, yet they were aware
of the materials. All the tourists were highly enthusiastic about knowing the material as they were fascinated by
the use of indigenous construction techniques application on local materials. The proportion of stakeholders from
other groups on knowledge about indigenous construction techniques and materials is also low.

Figure 13: Knowledge of indigenous construction techniques and materials

All the stakeholders are of the view that the thermal comfort in buildings with vernacular architecture constructed
by using indigenous techniques and materials is high as compared to contemporary buildings (Fig. 14). Masons
have a mixed view on this question, which could be used as a parameter for increasing knowledge in the same
field of all other stakeholders by proper training and awareness.

Figure 14: Thermal comfort in indigenous buildings as compared to contemporary buildings

Majority of stakeholder are of the view that conservation of vernacular architecture, indigenous construction
techniques and materials is good for the sustainable development of Kullu region (Fig. 15). All the stakeholders

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Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

were aware of employment opportunities and social-cultural (Ahluwalia, 1998) development along-with the
environmental benefits of using vernacular architecture and indigenous construction techniques and materials.

Figure 15: Importance of conservation of indigenous style good for the sustainability of Kullu region
Public opinion on policy adoption for the revitalization of usage of vernacular architecture, indigenous
construction techniques and materials are presented in Fig. 16. The survey pointed out that public awareness about
different policies on the revitalisation of usage of vernacular architecture, indigenous construction techniques and
materials is very less. Majority in all stakeholders have an opinion that large-scale tree plantation and promoting
the availability of materials can revitalise the usage of vernacular architecture, indigenous construction
techniques, and materials. The setting of BMTPC research and development has not been identified as a major
policy due to lack of knowledge about the works of BMTPC. But the authors are of the view that the setting of
BMTPC R&D centre would yield good results.

Fig. 16: Public opinion on policy adoption for the revitalisation of Vernacular Architecture style and indigenous
construction techniques
The study conducted reveals that traditional architecture has a strong relationship between the form of architecture
and the local climate (Gadi, Soma, & Mishra, 2019). On the other hand, the traditional construction techniques
and materials were evolved as a response to local climate and availability of materials. But with the advancement
in the field of technology and the availability of new materials in the market, the people have started using these
materials in construction, which are not suitable for the respective climate. Also, there is a shortage of traditional
materials, stones/slates, wood, etc. The skilled labours who were experts on those traditional construction
techniques are not available these days. Hence, people are also adopting newer materials for their building
construction, which are not responsive to the climate. Vernacular architecture in combination with indigenous
construction techniques will yield sustainable economic, social, environmental, and cultural development. The
inference is that Himachal Pradesh's Vernacular architecture is the product of its traditional climatic conditions,
landscapes, raw material availability, and other natural sources (T. A. Kumar, Kumar, & Arshad, n.d.).

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Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

4.3 Recommendations
Based on the thorough literature review and analysis of the state of vernacular architecture and indigenous
construction techniques in the study area, i.e., Kullu Region, Himachal Pradesh following recommendations are
made for the conservation of nature of architecture and indigenous construction techniques in the hilly region:
i. Native tree plantation and safety programmes should be a regular part of state policy for the regular
supply of wood.
ii. Awareness programmes should be run for describing the benefits of sustainable development, vernacular
architecture, and indigenous construction techniques to locals as well as tourists.
iii. The government should focus on the development of skill development centers focusing on the
development and showcasing the vernacular architecture and indigenous construction techniques.
iv. Incentives should be given in the form of property taxes and on the bills for tourists to promote the
conservation of the architectural character and indigenous construction techniques.

5 Conclusion

Traditional construction techniques and materials were evolved as a response to local climate and materials
availability. Market forces require faster construction with state of the art facilities, and indigenous techniques
are unable to cope with the situation. The choice of material used in different areas is dependent on its availability
and structural properties. The shortage of material has led to shifting to new materials, especially wood. Thermal
comfort in building in vernacular architecture and indigenous construction techniques is high as compared to
contemporary architecture, and vernacular architecture is more climate-responsive and ecologically sensitive.
Policies on the revitalization of usage of vernacular architecture, indigenous construction techniques, and
materials are need of time.


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SHELTER DESIGN IN HIGH ALTITUDE- An approach towards sustainable design in hilly regions.

Volume XII, Issue VII, 2020 Page No: 620

Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930


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Volume XII, Issue VII, 2020 Page No: 621

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