BUS502 Assignment 2
BUS502 Assignment 2
BUS502 Assignment 2
2. Abusive behavior
Too many workplaces are filled with managers and supervisors who use
their position and power to mistreat or disrespect others. Unfortunately,
unless the situation you're in involves race, gender or ethnic origin,
there is often no legal protection against abusive behavior in the
4. Lying to employees
The fastest way to lose the trust of your employees is to lie to them, yet
employers do it all the time. One of out every five employees report that
their manager or supervisor has lied to them within the past year.
BQ.1)The communication process refers to the steps through which
communication takes place between the sender and the receiver. This
procedure starts with conceptualizing an idea or message via way of means
of the sender and ends with the feedback from the receiver. In details,
communication process consists of the following six steps:
high-context culture such as South Korea or Taiwan, people rely less on verbal
communication and more on the context of nonverbal actions and environ
mental setting to convey meaning. A Chinese speaker expects the audience to
discover the
low-context culture such as the United States or Germany, people rely more on
verbal communication and less on circumstances and cues to convey meaning.
An English speaker feels responsible for transmitting the meaning of the message
and often places sentences in chronological sequence to establish a cause-and-
effect pattern. 1 In low-context cultures, rules and expectations are usually
spelled out through explicit statements such as "Please wait until I'm finished" or
"You're welcome to browse. 17 Contextual differences are apparent in the way
cultures approach problem solving. negotiations, and decision making. For
example, in lower-context cultures such as Germany, businesspeople want to
make decisions as quickly and efficiently as possible, However, in higher-context
cultures such as Greece, businesspeople consider it a mark of good faith to spend
time on each little point before reaching a decision.
Various media offer various levels of feedback. The more possible,the richer the
medium. Face-to-face conversation is richest because it provides immediate and
nonverbal feedback.
3.c) There are two reasons why you need to have a clear message about what you
are offering:
You need it to connect with customers, investors, potential employees, the press, etc.
and if you don’t have a simple, compelling message, they won’t bother to learn
more. They won’t take the time to learn about, and ultimately love and share your
product. More so, if you don’t steer how people think about your product, the
market will make up its own version which may not match your vision. Every touch
point a customer or potential customer has with your product or company will shape
their view of you. It’s critical that each of those touch points send the same message.
When you create a clear brand message it ensures your team is fully aligned. This
gets everyone moving in the same direction, telling the same story and creating
consistent touch points for your customers.