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Sheet (3) Lighting-Part

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Future University in Egypt (FUE) Subject: Electrical Installation

Faculty of Engineering Semester: Fall 2021

Structural Engineering Department Course Code: EPR 344
Dr. Mariam A. Sameh T. A: Abeer Tharwat

Sheet (3)
Lighting- Part (1)

1. A lamp has a mean spherical candle power of 25; calculate the flux of light
from the lamp.
2. A 250 V lamp has a total flux of 3000 lumens and takes a current of 0.8 A,
a) Lumens/watt.
b) M.S.C.P/watt.
3. A filament lamp of 200 W is suspended at a height of 5m above working
plane and gives uniform illumination over an area of 5m diameter. Assume
efficiency of reflector as 50%. Determine the illumination on the working
plane. Efficacy of the lamp is 0.9 Lumens/W.
4. A lamp having a uniform luminous intensity of 200 C.P. is suspended 7m
above street level. What will be the illumination on the ground:
a) Vertically beneath the lamp.
b) 7m away from it.
5. The illumination at a point on a working plane directly below the lamp is
to be 100 lux. The lamp gives 256 C.P. uniformly below the horizontal
plane. Determine the height at which the lamp is suspended? Also find
illumination at a point on the working table 1.2 m away from the vertical
axis of the lamp.
6. Two lamps are hung at a height of 9 m from the floor level. The distance
between lamps is 1 m. lamp one is 500 C.P. if the illumination on the floor
vertically below this lamp is 20 lux. Find the candle power of lamp 2.
7. A small light source with intensity uniform in all directions is mounted at
a height of 10 m above the horizontal surface. Two points A and B both lie
on the surface with point A directly beneath the source. How far B is from
A if the illumination at B is only 1/10 as great as at A.
8. Two powerful street lamps 0f 1000 candela and 800 candela (assume
uniform in all directions) are mounted 12.5 m above the road level and

placed 25 m apart. Calculate the illumination at a point on the ground
halfway between the lamp posts and just below the lamp posts.
9. A lamp giving out 1200 lumen in all directions is suspended 8 m above the
working plane. Calculate the illumination at a point on the working plane
6 m away from the foot of lamp.
10.A corridor is lighted by 4 lamps spaced 10 m apart and suspended at a
height of 5m above the center line of the floor. If each lamp gives 200 c.p.
in all directions below the horizontal plane. Find the illumination at the
point on the floor midway between the second and third lamps.
11.Two lamps A and B of 200 Candela and 400 candela, respectively are
situated 100 m apart. The height of A above the ground level is 10 m and
that of B is 20 m. if a photometer is placed at the center of the line joining
the two lamp posts, calculate its reading.
12.For the room shown in figure below, four lamps A, B, C, and D of 500
candela each, are put in the corners of the ceiling. State which of the points
a, b, and c has the maximum illumination and which has the minimum.
Check that by calculations.

13.For the room shown in figure below, three lamps A,B, and C of 500 candela
each, are placed 6m above the ground so as to stand at the corners of
equilateral triangle of 15m side. Calculate the illumination at ground:
a) At the base of any of the 3 lamps (a or b or c).
b) At the center of the area.

14.For the room shown in figure below, five lamps A, B, C, D, and E of 500
candelas each are put in the ceiling of the room. Calculate the illumination
points at points a and b.


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