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Zimbabwe School Examinations Council: Computing

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***Available in the November Examinations only and not available to private candidates.


Contents Page

Preamble …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….................................. 2
Aims ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 2
Assessment Objectives …………………………………………………………………………………………………………................. 3
Assessment …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
Grade Descriptors ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
Methodology and Time Allocation ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
Methodology ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
Time Allocation …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
Section 1: Application of Computers and their Social and Economic Implications………………………………………………………… 9
Section 2: Systems Analysis and Design ………………..…………………………………………………………………………………. 11
Section 3: File Organisation and Database Concepts …………………………………………………………………………… 12
Section 4: Data Structures, Types and Representations …………………………………………………………......................................... 14
Section 5: Algorithm Design and Programming Concepts ………………………………………………………………………………… 15
Section 6: Software & Hardware ……………………………………………………………………………………………....................... 19
Section 7: Architecture, Data Communications And Networks………………………………………………………………………….… 21
Appendices ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 24
Appendix I: Acronyms ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 24
Appendix Ii: Project Guidelines/ Practical ……….………………………………………………………………………………………… 26
Appendix Iii: Minimum Resources And Equipment Requirements ………………………………………………………………………... 30
Appendix Iv: Possible Career Opportunities ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 31
Appendix V: Reference Books And Journals ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 32


This syllabus is designed to provide a wide and deep study of the underlying principles, concepts, uses and limitations of computers as
may be encompassed in an Advanced-level Computing subject. This is a two-year course that provides a useful foundation for pursuit of
further education or branching to more specific and specialised fields of computing.

Learners will also be well equipped to appreciate and exploit future developments of modern technology and their effects in both the
social and economic front.

It is envisaged that learners should gain an understanding of the fundamental principles of designing, using and implementing a wide
range of information processing applications. Learners should not only understand the underlying mechanisms and methods which allow
a computer to perform a required task but also how computers communicate. To reinforce an understanding of these central concepts of
computing, the syllabus takes a more analytical and practical approach to computing. Learners will be required to apply skills learnt on
concepts of a chosen programming language and carry out a project to a successful conclusion.

2.0 AIMS
The syllabus aims to enable learners to
2.1 develop an understanding of the nature and principles of computing in solving problems
2.2 acquire knowledge of the range of applications of computers including their social and economic impact
2.3 acquire practical skills of the main principles of systems analysis and design, problem formulation and planning of solutions using
computers, and systematic methods of implementation, testing and documentation
2.4 develop an understanding of the ways in which data can be sensibly organised for processing by the computer
2.5 appreciate the organisation of computer systems including software, data, hardware and communication
2.6 show an awareness of the technological changes in the computer world
2.7 develop interest, enjoyment and confidence in the daily use of computers


3.1 Knowledge And Understanding

Learners should be able to:

3.1.1 describe the use of computing in a range of information processing applications

3.1.2 explain the need for various forms of data organisation and processing to support the information requirements of
particular applications
3.1.3 explain the systematic development of solutions to problems and the appropriate techniques for implementing such
3.1.4 demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of software, hardware and communication elements of the computer
systems which allow effective solutions to be achieved

3.2 Problem Solving

Learners should be able to:

3.2.1 analyse an application and identify parts which are appropriate for a computer-based solution
3.2.2 comment on social, economic, ethical and legal effects of computer use on individuals, organisations and society
3.2.3 formulate problems and select or design solutions to them
3.2.4 select and apply appropriate techniques and principles to develop data structures and algorithms for the solution of
3.2.5 implement data structures and algorithms to produce effective, documented and tested systems, using existing or purpose
designed software and general special purpose hardware as appropriate

3.3 Practical Skill

Learners should be able to:

3.3.1 design and develop a solution to a given problem using Visual Basic (6.0 or .Net)


4.1 Skills Weighting

Paper 1
Skill Assessment objective Weighting (%)
Knowledge and understanding 3.1 60
Problem Solving 3.2 40

Paper 2

Skill Assessment objective Weighting (%)

Knowledge and understanding 3.1 30
Problem solving 3.2 60
Practical skills 3.3 10

4.2 Scheme Of Assessment

The subject will be examined in three papers.

Paper Paper description Duration Marks Weighting (%)

1 Structured theory paper on Sections 1, 3, 4, 6 and 7 of
the Syllabus. The paper consists of 10 - 12 compulsory 3 hours 100 50
2 Written practical paper with two sections. Section A is
on Section 5 of the syllabus with 5 compulsory
questions. Section B is on Sections 2, 3 and 4 of the 3 hours 100 25
Syllabus and candidates are supposed to make a choice
of two (2) out of three (3) questions.
3 Project as specified in the project guidelines 5 terms 100 25


The scheme of assessment is intended to encourage positive achievement by all learners. Grade descriptors are therefore provided for key grades
A, B and C to give a general indication of the standards of achievement expected of learners awarded particular grades. The descriptors must be
interpreted in relation to the content specified by the Computing syllabus but are not designed to define that content. The grade awarded will
depend in practice on the extent to which the learner has met the overall assessment objectives.

Grade Descriptors
1. Analyse problems and procedures in application areas
2. Evaluate situations and come up with distinguished solutions using system
development tools
3. Apply ERDs to solve given problems and interpret the ERDs inclusive of cardinalities
in the description
4. Analyse schemas
5. Construct binary trees and arrays
6. Calculate binary numbers up to errors
7. Use characteristics of VB programming in the code (inheritance, polymorphism and
8. Present the usability code with annotations, comments and error handling techniques
9. Solve problems using searching and sorting techniques
10. Solve problems using logic gates
11. Justify the choice of access methods
1. Interpret problems and procedures of computer application areas
2. Assess situations and come up with solutions using system development tools
3. Draw and label ERDs and explain the flow of data in the system
4. Explain schemas
5. Interpret binary trees and arrays
B 6. Calculate binary numbers up to floating point
7. Explain characteristics of VB(inheritance, polymorphism and encapsulation)
8. Code but without the element of error handling
9. Explain searching and sorting techniques
10. Draw and explain logic gates
11. Explain access methods
Grade Descriptors
1. Identify problems and procedures of computer application areas
2. Explain situations using system development tools
3. Draw and label ERDs to solve given problems
4. Identify schemas
5. Convert binary numbers
C 6. Distinguish between static and dynamic data structures
7. State characteristics of VB(inheritance, polymorphism and encapsulation
8. Code but with some bugs (errors) in the code
9. Identify searching and sorting techniques
10. Draw logic gates
11. Identify access methods


6.1 Methodology

A learner-centred approach is essential. Some of the participatory and learner-centred methods that may be used to teach
Computing include:

 demonstration and observations

 discussions
 directed practice
 question and answer
 case studies
 group work
 discovery and experimentation
 research and presentations
 field trips
 presentation by resource person
 project work
 visual displays
 use of audio-visual media
 seminars
 collaborative pair work

6.2 Time allocation

At least 10 periods per week per class should be allocated to computer lessons. (A period is at least 35 – 40 minutes)


The syllabus consists of seven sections. These are:

7.1 Applications of computers and their social and economic implications

7.2 Systems analysis and design

7.3 File organisation and database concepts

7.4 Data structure types and representations

7.5 Algorithm design and programming concepts

7.6 Software and hardware

7.7 Architecture, data communications and networks

Topic Objectives Content Suggested learning activities and notes
Learners should be able to:
7.1.1 The range and  identify general application  Communication and information systems  Researching and reporting on general
scope of computer areas using examples - VOIP application areas of computers
applications  explain a variety of - fax  Discussing variety of computer
computer applications - email applications
 General  state purposes, - e-conferencing
application requirements and designs - database systems  Discussing purposes and requirements
areas of the applications - social networks of applications
- other internet services  Conducting field trips to identify
 Commercial and general data processing general computer application areas
- e-banking
- pos
- stock control
- e-commerce
- record management systems, for
example patient records management
 Industrial, technical and scientific uses
- weather forecasting
- simulation and modelling, for
example, flight simulation
- image processing, for example, GPRs
 Monitoring and control systems
- traffic control
- nuclear power station
- chemical process control
- monitoring patients
 Automation, embedded and robotics
- domestic equipment
- automatic navigation systems
- automated fuel injection systems
- industrial robots

Topic Objectives Content Suggested Learning Activities And Notes
Learners should be able to:

 Expert systems and artificial intelligence

- mineral prospecting
- medical diagnosis
- speech recognition
 Entertainment, education and training
- e-learning
- e-marking
- e-registration
- multimedia
- multimedia systems
- animation for television and film
7.1.2 Social and  determine the social and  Economic and social implications of the  Researching on the social and
economic economic implications of use of computers economic implications of the use
implications of the the use of computers on  Privacy and data integrity of computers on people and
use of computers people and organisations - reliability organisations
 list the advantages and - security
disadvantages of the use of - flexibility of systems  Identifying new products and
computers across a range - measures to combat computer crime services brought about by the use of
of application areas - computer crime - hacking and viruses computers
 justify the need for privacy - data protection legislation  Discussing the effects of the use of
and data integrity - computer ethics computers across a range of
 Advantages and disadvantages of the use of application areas
computers across a range of application areas
 Investigating changes in
employment and retraining

 Debating on the need of privacy

and data integrity

 Discussing security measures

Topic Objectives Content Suggested learning activities and notes
Learners should be able to:
7.2.1 Types of systems  explain different types of  Types of systems  Visiting and reporting on various
systems - Batch processing industries to examine different types of
 describe what is needed to - On-line systems
support the systems - Distributed and centralised
 explain the most suitable - Control  Discussing on types of systems
system for a given - Automated and embedded  Describing what is needed to support
application - Multimedia the systems
 Discussing the most suitable system for
a given application

7.2.2 Systems  identify the stages of the  Generic SDLC stages  Researching and reporting on the stages
development life generic SDLC - feasibility study of the SDLC and activities at each
cycle (SDLC)  outline the activities at - data collection stage
each stage of the generic - analysis of a problem NB: learners can do a case study
SDLC - system design
 explain the importance of - system development and testing
SDLC stages - system implementation
- system maintenance  Discussing the importance of each
 Importance of SDLC stages stage

 design inputs, outputs and  Design aspects  Designing inputs formats, outputs
processing needs of a - output formats formats and processing
system using diagrammatic - input formats  Constructing DFDs, system flowcharts,
representation where - system processing program flowcharts and pseudo-codes
appropriate including the - DFDs
use of Data Flow Diagrams - program design
(DFDs) and system  system flowcharts
flowcharts  program flowcharts
 pseudo-codes

Topic Objectives Content Suggested learning activities and notes
Learners should be able to:
7.3.1 File organisation  identify types of file  Types of file organisation  Researching and reporting on types
organisation - serial of file organisation
 explain types of file - sequential  Discussing application of file
organisation - random/direct organisations
 justify the most appropriate - index sequential NB: include records and fields,
file organisation variable length records, fixed length
7.3.2 File access methods  identify types of access  File access  Identifying types of access methods
methods for a given - serial to use for a given file
application - sequential  Explaining types of access methods
 explain types of access - random/direct  Discussing the most appropriate file
methods - index sequential access method for a given
 justify the most appropriate application
file access method for a
given application
7.3.3 File security and privacy  explain file security  File security and privacy:  Researching and presenting on
measures - Backups and archives various file security measures for a
 justify the appropriate - Access rights given application
measure for a given - File generations
scenario - Transaction logs
- Passwords and data encryption NB: include disaster recovery plan
- Recovery procedures
- Biometric procedures
7.3.4 Database systems  define database terms  Database terms  Discussing database terms
 compare files and databases  Comparison of files and database  Researching and presenting on files
systems and databases

Topic Objectives Content Suggested learning activities and notes
Learners should be able to:
7.3.5 Database models  explain database models  Database models:  Discussing database models
- Hierarchical
- Relational
- Network
- Object oriented
7.3.6 Entity Relationship  draw an ERD for a  entities  Constructing an ERD for a given
Diagrams (ERDs) given scenario  relations cardinality scenario
 interpret an ERD  analysing an ERD
7.3.7 Data Base Management  outline the structure of  schemas  Describing the structure of a DBMS
System (DBMS) a DBMS - external  Discussing on database architecture
- conceptual/logical  Discussing use of schemas
- internal -
 describe database - data dictionary
architecture - Data Description Language
 explain functions of (DDL)
DBMS - Data Manipulation Language
- Structured Query Language

7.3.8 Database security  explain the importance  access control  Discussing the importance of
of securing a database - views securing a database
 evaluate different - passwords
methods of securing a  physical security  Researching and reporting on
database  data encryption different methods of securing a

Topic Objectives Content Suggested learning activities and notes
Learners should be able to:
7.4.1 Data structures  Distinguish between  Dynamic – binary tree  Distinguishing between dynamic and
dynamic and static data  Static – array static data structures
structures  Binary trees and array operations
 Construct operations on - sorting  Constructing operations on binary trees
binary trees and arrays - deletion, and arrays
- insertion
- searching
7.4.2 Data types and  Identify data types  Data types  Discussing data types
representations - integer  Discussing units of storage
- Boolean
- character  Researching and reporting on data
- string representation codes –
- real
 Outline units of storage  Units of storage
- bit
- byte
- word
- nibble
 Convert number bases  Number bases
- binary numbers,
- octal
- hexadecimal,
- floating point,
- BCD,
 Explain data  Data representation
representations codes - ASCII
 Calculate errors  Computer arithmetic errors  Discussing errors
 Analyse errors - underflow  Debugging identified errors
- overflow


Topic Objectives Content Suggested learning activities and notes

Learners should be able to:
7.5.1 Standard algorithms  Describe algorithms using  Algorithm structures  Designing algorithms using pseudo
pseudo codes and - selection codes and flowcharts
flowcharts - repetition/iteration
- recursion
- linear
 Sorting algorithms  Solving searching and sorting problems
 Apply searching and - bubble sort
sorting to solve problems - quick sort
 Searching algorithms
- linear
- binary search
7.5.2 System design  Compare top-down and  System design approaches  Discussing top-down and bottom-up
approaches bottom-up approaches to - top-down design approaches to program design
program design - bottom-up design  Demonstrating the use of top-down and
bottom-up approaches to program

Topic Objectives Content Suggested learning activities and notes
Learners should be able to:
7.5.3 Programming  explain the features of  Language features  Discussing the features of
languages programming languages - programming constructs programming languages
- constants
 describe the features of low - variables  Describing characteristics or
level languages - expressions features of high level languages and
- statements their proper use
- control structure
 describe the features of - block structure
high level languages - variables
 local  Analysing high level and low level
 global languages
 compare high level and - functions and procedures
low level languages - parameter passing
 by value
 by reference
 input, output and file handling operations

 Programming languages
- High Level language (HLL)
- Low Level language (LLL)

 LLL types
- machine language
- assembly language
 HLL types
- imperative/procedural
- declarative
- general purpose
- special purpose
- Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

Topic Objectives Content Suggested learning activities and notes
Learners should be able to:
7.5.4 Visual Basic  define basic VB  Basic structure of a VB program  Discussing basic VB programming
programming programming terms terms
VB (6.0 or .net)  identify data types  Data types in VB
- integer  Explaining data types
- real
- character
- string
- word
- Boolean
 Variables
 declare variables  constants  Declaring variables correctly as they
 Syntax apply to VB programming
- statements  Choosing correct identifier names
 use operators and VB - expressions  Using correct operators and VB syntax
syntax correctly  Operators
- arithmetic
- logical
- assignment
 explain the scope of a - comparison
 code simple VB programs  Variable scope  Designing VB interfaces using VB
- global controls
- local
 VB control interfaces
- textbox
- command button  Discussing the scope of variables
- check box  Coding VB programs such as simple
- option button arithmetic problems: addition,
- list box subtraction, division and multiplication
 Control structures of two or more variables, use of control
- sequence structures
- repetition  Programs that calculate (area, roots of
 Do...While a quadratic equation and grading of
 For... Next marks )

Topic Objectives Content Suggested learning activities and notes
Learners should be able to:
 develop a VB code Do... Until  Running a VB code
 identify types of errors  Dry run a VB code
 apply error handling - selection/decision
techniques in a VB  Select Case
program  Elseif  Applying error handling techniques in a
 debug errors in programs  Case ...Of VB program
 If...Then...Else
 Cascaded/Nested If  Debugging errors in programs
NB: annotate statement and correct
 Errors in VB indentation
- types of errors
 syntax,
 logical,
 run time

- error handling techniques

 try catch as exception


Topic Objectives Content Suggested learning activities and notes

Learners should be able to:
7.6.1 Application software  describe different  General purpose packages  Discussing different application
application packages and - word-processing packages
their areas of application - spreadsheet  Researching and reporting on different
 explain the advantages - presentation application software within their
and disadvantages of - data management package locality
tailor made software and - desktop publishing  Discussing advantages and
general purpose packages - information retrieval packages disadvantages of tailor made software
- data logging, CAD and authoring and general purpose packages
- tailor made software
 Tailor made software and general purpose
7.6.2 Systems software  describe systems software  System software types  Discussing types of systems software
types  Utilities and tools  Demonstrating knowledge of computer
 demonstrate knowledge of - antivirus utilities and tools
computer utilities and tools - disk formatting and defragmentation
- file compression
- registry cleaner
- translator
 Language processors and their
 identify language characteristics  Researching and reporting on language
processors - language translators processors
 explain characteristics of  compilers  Discussing characteristics of language
language processors  interpreters processors
 assembler
- lexical analysis
 reverse polish form
 code generators
 run time support routines

Topic Objectives Content Suggested learning activities and notes
Learners should be able to:
 outline functions of an  OS functions  Explaining the functions and features of
Operating System (OS)  OS types different types of OS
 explain the characteristics - batch
of different types of OS - real-time
- single user
- multi-user
- multi-tasking
- networking systems
 Examples of OS
- Linux
- windows family
- mobile OS
 explain different types of  Android
user interfaces  Symbian
 choose a suitable user
interface for a given  User interfaces  Designing a suitable user interface for a
application - command line given application
- job control language
7.6.4 Hardware  outline categories of  Peripheral devices  Researching and reporting on different
peripherals - output peripherals
 Explain advantages and - input  Discussing characteristics of different
disadvantages of various devices
hardware devices  Storage  Discussing devices for applications
 choose appropriate device -primary (ROM, RAM)
for a given application -secondary  Describing the uses of processor
 explain processor  Processor components components
components - CU
- registers


Topic Objectives Content Suggested learning activities and notes

Learners should be able to:
7.7.1 Architecture  describe the Von  Von Neumann architecture  Discussing on the Von Neumann and Harvard
Neumann and Harvard  Harvard architecture architecture
architecture  Pipelining

 explain the use of buses  buses  Discussing on the use of buses

 describe the fetch-decode- - control  Illustrating the fetch-decode-execute cycle
execute cycle - address
 explain the importance of - data  Describing the importance of memory
memory mapping  Fetch-decode-execute cycle mapping
 identify types of interrupts  Memory mapping  Distinguishing types of interrupts
 justify why computers use  Interrupts  Discussing computer interrupts
interrupts  Addressing modes  Researching and reporting on addressing
 explain addressing modes - direct modes and use of registers
 explain different types and - indirect
uses of registers - immediate
 construct a truth table of - indexed
up to three inputs - relative
 design logic gates from an  Registers  Constructing a truth table of up to three inputs
existing truth table  Logic gates  Designing logic gates from an existing table
 calculate the outcome - AND  Calculating the outcome from a set of logic
from a set of logic gates - OR gates given the inputs
given the inputs - NAND

Topic Objectives Content Suggested learning activities and notes
Learners should be able to:
7.7.2 Data transmission  explain types of data  Transmission media types,  Describing types of data transmission
transmission media advantages and disadvantages media and modes
 outline the advantages - cables  Comparing and contrasting data
and disadvantages of  UTP transmission media
data transmission  fibre optic  Configuring a UTP cable
media  coaxial
- wireless
 Bluetooth
 radio
 explain data  WIMAX
transmission mode  Transmission modes  Researching and reporting on protocols
 explain the need for - simplex
protocols to establish - half duplex
communication - full duplex
 distinguish between  Protocols  Comparing circuit switching and packet
circuit switching and - OSI switching
packet switching - TCP/IP  Configuring a computer to the network
using TCP/IP

 Circuit switching NB: Learners are not expected to have a detailed

 Packet switching knowledge of specific protocol but defining and
explaining their need in data transmission

Topic Objectives Content Suggested learning activities and notes
Learners should be able to:
7.7.3 Networking  describe the  Types of networks  Discussing the characteristics of networks
characteristics of - LAN  Discussing the merits and demerits of
networks - WAN computer networks
 outline the merits and - MAN  Researching and reporting on the operations of
demerits of computer network devices
networks  Constructing network topologies
 illustrate network
 Network topologies
- star
- ring
- bus
- mesh
- hybrid  Differentiating network devices

 describe the operations

of network devices
 distinguish network  Network device types and
device types and characteristics
characteristics - hub
- switch
 describe media access - router  Discussing media access methods
methods - gateway
- bridge
 Media access
- token passing
- contention

ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
BCD Binary Coded Decimal
CAD Computer Aided Design
CAM Computer Aided Manufacture
CSMA/CA Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance
CSMA/CD Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
CU Control Unit
DBMS Database Management System
DDL Data Description Language
DFD Data Flow Diagram
DML Data Manipulation Language
EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
GPRS Global Positioning Radio Systems
ERD Entity Relationship Diagram
HLL High Level Language
LLL Low Level Language
LAN Local Area Network
MAN Metropolitan Area Network
OOP Object Oriented Programming
OS Operating Systems
OSI Open System Interconnection
POS Point of Sale
POST Point of Sale on Terminal
RAM Random Access Memory
ROM Read Only Memory
SDLC System Development Life Cycle
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
UTP Universal Transfer Protocol
XOR Exclusive OR
XNOR Exclusive NOR
VB Visual Basic
VoIP Voice Over Internet Protocol
WAN Wide Area Network
WiMax World Wide Inter-operability for Marking Access
WiFi Wireless Fidelity


The project must not exceed 50 pages excluding appendices.

The project must include the following layout:
I. Cover page
II. Table of contents
III. Appendices
The appendices include any two of the following
 Sample of completed questionnaires
 Sample of interview questions with respondent answers
 Sample documents

NB: The project must be spiral bound and marked by the teacher. The project and the marks must be submitted to
ZIMSEC at the same time as the scripts for the last theory paper to be written. A copy of the marks should be retained at the school.
Normal channels of packaging and postage are to be followed.


Selection, investigation and analysis

 Define a problem
- Choice of problem area and background analysis.
 Investigation of the current system
- Research instruments e.g. questionnaire, record inspection, interviews and observation.
- Identify problems with the current system. [5]
 Requirements specification
- User
- Software
- Hardware. [5]
 Aims and objectives. [5]
 Evidence that the research has been carried out. [5]
- Examples are filled in questionnaires, interviews with respondent answers, sample documents and write up on observation.


 Consideration of alternative methods. [3]
- Justification of method of solution [2]
 Input design
- Appropriate data capture forms and screen layouts [4]
 Data structures/File design [5]
 Overall plan [3]
 Output design
- Specification and design of the required output
- Interface design (on screen commands) [5]

 Test strategy/Test plan

- design and document a test plan that includes
- test data and expected outcomes [3]


Software development

 Techniques that improve the structure, appearance and clarity of the code that is:
- Procedures
- Functions
- Scope of variables (local and global)
- Use of comments
- Blank lines
- Indentation [10]
 Technical documentation
- Algorithms
 pseudo codes
 flowcharts for modules
- codes/program listings [7]
 User documentation
 Installation
 Running the system
 Navigation of the system
 Exiting the system [8]


Testing and evaluation

 User testing
- Design and select test data
- Test for standard, extreme and abnormal/invalid data
- Evidence of testing to be shown through sample runs and error messages [5]

 System testing
- Ease of use
 clarity of instruction to the user
- Reliability
 produce reliable results, there should be no bugs
- Effectiveness
 the system should work efficiently
- Produce results with minimum delay [5]

 Evaluation of the system

- Extent of success in meeting the system objectives as stated in the system requirements specification
- Achievements
- Limitations
- Evaluate results against the system objectives – achievements and limitations
- Opportunities for future developments [5]



General expectations

 Depth of knowledge and understanding

- Reflects the degree of computing in the project
- Is the code fairly standard?
- Different techniques implemented [2]

 Degree of originality
- Imagination and innovation
- Has an attempt been made to do something different/unique? [2]

 Overall conduct of the project

- Is work carefully organised? The degree of help to be reflected [1]
 Quality of the completed report
- Written report should be easy to follow
- Defined sections, page numbers and an index. [5]



The following are the minimum requirements. Centres must ensure that their equipment and facilities are adequate for learners to be able to
satisfy the requirements of the syllabus. The hardware facilities needed must depend on the number of learners and should be sufficient for all
learners to become familiar with system, software and application packages; and to develop their own software.

 The learner computer ratio should be one student per computer during lesson time. This does not necessarily follow that if a school has
50 learners and 20 computers, then they cannot offer the subject. Learners can still be divided into groups that ensure 1:1 ratio but
caution must be taken to ensure that they complete the mandatory ten 40-minute periods per week
 Internet connectivity is recommended for research purposes

The table below shows the recommended computer specifications:

Hard Drive 80GB
Processor Speed 2.4GHz
Operating System Windows /Linux
Programming Language Visual Basic 6.0/VB.net
Application Software MS Office
Printer Laser Printer
Local Area Network Wired/wireless
Data Projector
Scanner Flat bed


1. Learners who attain this qualification may qualify for entry into different universities or colleges.

Possible career paths or programs to be pursued Possible subject combinations

 Computer science Mathematics, Computing and any other science subject
 Software engineering
 Computer security
 Information Technology
 Telecommunications
 Information systems Computing and any other commercial subjects
 e-commerce
 B.Ed Computers (Teacher education) Computing and any other combination of subjects

NB: Teachers to constantly remind learners of career opportunities throughout the course.

2. Learners may also pursue apprenticeship opportunities in the fields of IT in such companies as TelOne, ZESA and NRZ or pursue entry
level jobs in industry such as data capturing.


 Bradley, R, Understanding Computer Science for Advanced Level Fourth Edition, Stanley Thorne; 0748719792
 British Computer Society Glossary of Computing Terms (9th Edition), Longman; 0-582-36967-3
 Crawford. R (2010), ICT, Pearson Education Limited
 Heathcote P. M and Bond. K, Computing A-Level Study Guide. Letts; 1857586018
 Heathcote P. M and Langfield S, ‘A’ Level Computing Fifth Edition, 2004, Payne Galway Publishers
 Knott G and Waites, Computing Business Education Publishers; 0-907679-87-0
 Kalicharan N, Computer Studies
 Educational Websites
 British Computer Society (2005), The BCS Glossary ICT and Computer Terms, McMillan, UK
 Brown, G and D Watson (2010), IGCSE ICT, Hodder Education, UK
 Doyle, S. (2011), Information Systems for you 4th Edition, Nelson Thompson, UK
 French, C, S (1996), Data Processing and ICT 5th edition, Thompson, UK
 Roderick, T & Rushbrook, G (2002), ICT for GCSE, Oxford University Press, UK
 Taylor, G. (1991), GCSE Computer Studies and Information Technology, McMillan, UK


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