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Ambassador chris Ehigimetor ENG1503564

Abung Emmanuel Egan ENG1603850

Okooboh Efosa Jeffrey ENG1607664

Okpodu Oghenemarho Edward ENG1503597

Favour Oluchi Boi ENG1603864

Omare Serome ENG1603914

Opene Ekenedinichukwu Victoria ENG1503604

Erhiagboje Kevwe Faith ENG1603874


What is Soldering?

Soldering is a joining process that uses a filler metal to join parent materials that remain
solid. The filler metal is heated and melts to form a mechanical connection between the
parent materials. By convention, soldering uses filler alloys with melting temperatures
below 450 °C (840 °F). The filler metal alloys are usually called Solder. SOLDER IS A FUSIBLE
METAL ALLOY with a melting point (or range) of 90 to 450 °C (190 to 840 °F), used in the
process called soldering, the metallic surfaces to be joint must have higher melting
temperatures than the solder been used so that they remain solid when the solder is
melted. It is especially useful in electronics and plumbing. Alloys that melt between 180 and
190 °C (360 and 370 °F) are the most commonly used. Alloys or solders commonly used for
electrical soldering are 60/40 Sn-Pb, which melts at 188 °C (370 °F) and 63/37 Sn-Pb used
principally in electrical/electronic work.
Types of Solder

60/40 Solder
Its composition is 60% tin and 40% lead. It melts at 188 °C (370 °F). It forms high, rounded,
beaded seams. Because of its low relatively melting point this type of solder is easy to
rework to maintain a smooth finish.

50/50 Solder
Its composition is 50% tin and 50% lead. Its melting point is 421°F. This type of solder
produces a much flatter bead than 60/40. Because of its high melting point this type of
solder is often used on the back of stained glasses, to protect it from melting when
soldering the front.
63/37 Solder
Its composition is 63% tin and 37% lead. This type of solder is an excellent solder to bead
up the outside rim of copper foiled pieces. It is often referred as decorated or quick set

Lead Free Solder

This type of solder performs similar to 50/50 solder. Lead free solder is a most expensive
solder, but when constructing pieces that will contact food or that are handled frequently,
this type of solder is different.
The best size of solder for electronic circuit board is 22swg (SWG=standard wire gauge).
Solder for electronic use contains tiny cores of flux. Without flux most joints would fail
because metals quickly oxidize and the solder itself will not flow properly. Another main
ingredient in soldering is flux. Flux can be broadly defined as a cleaning agent, which
removes oxidation from the metal surfaces to be soldered. Fluxes are chemicals (liquid,
solid, or gaseous materials) that remove oxide layers from the base metal and solder.
When heated, fluxes either promote or accelerate the wetting of metals by solder. The
major role of the flux is the removal of thin tarnish layers during the initial stages of the
soldering process, thereby permitting the molten solder to react with the substrate and to
spread. When using a handheld soldering iron and solder wire the smoke seen when the
wire melts is the flux burning off. The flux is released reduces (reverses oxidation of) metal
at the point of contact to give you a cleaner electrical connection. It also improves the
wetting properties of the solder. In electronics, flux is usually rosin. Acid cores are for metal
mending and plumbing, and should not be used on electronics.
Types of Soldering
Soldering can be categorized under two (2) forms
1. Soft Soldering
2. Silver Soldering (Hard Soldering)

Soft Soldering
soft soldering is characterized by having a melting point of the filler metal below
approximately 400°c. Soft solder filler metals are typically alloys that have liquids
temperature below 350°c. A tin-lead alloy is usually used as the filler metal.

Silver Soldering (Hard Soldering)

Silver soldering, also known as 'hard' soldering, is a process in which two or more parts are
joined by melting and flowing filler metal into the joint. The melting point of the filler metal
is above 420°C and flows into the joint by capillary action. A silver soldered joint is a
sandwich of different layers, each metallurgically linked to the surface of the joined parts,
and is very strong - much stronger than soft soldering. It is called 'silver' soldering because
the filler material often contains silver.
Tools used in Soldering

1. Soldering Iron
Soldering iron is a hand tool used in soldering. It supplies heat to melt solder so that it can
flow into the joint between two workpieces.Most soldering

irons have interchangeable tips that can be used for different soldering applications.

Electric soldering iron

Simple iron
For electrical and electronics work, a low -power iron, a power rating between 15 and 35
watts, is used. Higher ratings are available, but do not run at higher temperature; instead
there is more heat available for making soldered connections to things with large thermal
capacity, for example, a metal chassis. Some irons are temperature-controlled, running at a
fixed temperature in the same way as a soldering station, with higher power available for
joints with large heat capacity. Simple irons run at an uncontrolled temperature
determined by thermal equilibrium; when heating something large their temperature

Cordless iron
Small irons heated by a battery, or by combustion of a gas such as butane in a small self-
contained tank, can be used when electricity is unavailable or cordless operation is
required. The operating temperature of these irons is not regulated directly; gas irons may
change power by adjusting gas flow. Gas-powered irons may have interchangeable tips
including different size soldering tips, hot knife for cutting plastics, miniature blow-torch
with a hot flame, and small hot air blower for such applications as shrinking heat shrink

Temperature-controlled soldering iron

Simple soldering irons reach a temperature determined by thermal equilibrium, dependent
upon power input and cooling by the environment and the materials it comes into contact
with. The iron temperature will drop when in contact with a large mass of metal such as a
chassis; a small iron will lose too much temperature to solder a large connection.

2. Soldering station

Temperature-controlled soldering station

A soldering station has a temperature control and consists of an electrical power supply,
control circuitry with provision for user adjustment of temperature and display, and a
soldering iron or soldering head with a tip temperature sensor. The station will normally
have a stand for the hot iron when not in use, and a wet sponge for cleaning. It is most
commonly used for soldering electronic components.

3. Soldering iron stand

A soldering iron stand is used to keep the hot soldering iron away from you and the work
area. A soldering iron stand is made out of metal and comes with a cleaning sponge to
clean the soldering irons tip.

4. Solder is a fusible metal alloy used to create a permanent bond between metal
workpieces.Solder is melted in order to adhere to and connect the pieces after cooling,
which requires that an alloy suitable for use as solder have a lower melting point than the
pieces being joined.
There are three types of solder, they are:

1. Lead-free: Lead-free solders are used as more environmental-friendly substitutes for

leaded solder, but they are typically not as easy to use mainly because of their higher
melting point and poorer wetting properties.

2. Silver: Silver solders are typically used for low resistance connections but they have a
higher melting point and are more expensive than Sn/Pb solders.
3. Resin core: 60/40 Sn/Pb (M.P. 361-376°F) and 63/37 Sn/Pb (M.P. 361°F) solders are the
most common types used for electronics assembly. These solders are available in various
diameters and small diameters are most appropriate for small electronics work (0.02” -
0.05” diameter is recommended.

4. Wire cutters: Wire cutters are commonly used to cut copper, brass, iron, aluminum,
and steel wire. Some wire cutters have insulated handles which ensure that you will not get
shocked from the wires you're working with.

5. Helping Hand: A helping hand, also known as a third hand or X-tra Hands, is a type of
extremely adjustable jig used in soldering and craftwork to hold materials near each other
so that the user can work on them.

A typical helping hand

6. Desoldering pump
A typical spring-loaded solder sucker

A solder sucker partially dismantled showing the spring

A desoldering pump, colloquially known as a solder sucker, is a manually-operated device

which is used to remove solder from a printed circuit board. There are two types:
1. The plunger type: The plunger type has a cylinder with a spring-loaded piston which is
pushed down and locks into place. When triggered by pressing a button, the piston springs
up, creating suction that sucks the solder off the soldered connection

2. The bulb type: The bulb type creates suction by squeezing and releasing a rubber bulb.
The pump is applied to a heated solder connection, then operated to suck the solder away.

7. Brass or Conventional sponge: This is used to keep the soldering iron tip clean by
removing the oxidation that forms. Tips with oxidation will tend to turn black and not
accept solder as it did when it was new. A conventional wet sponge can be used but this
tends to shorten the lifespan of the tip due to expansion and contraction. Also, a wet
sponge will drop the temperature of the tip temporarily when wiped. A better alternative is
to use a brass sponge.

8. Soldering Iron Tips: Most soldering irons for electronics have interchangeable tips, also
known as bits, that vary in size and shape for different types of work. They can be found at
the end of the soldering iron.

There are many variations of this tip and they come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes.
Each tip is used for a specific purpose and offers a distinct advantage over another. The
most common tips used in electronics projects are the conical tip and the chisel tip.

● Conical Tip – Used in precision electronics soldering because of the fine tip. Because
of its pointed end, it’s able to deliver heat to smaller areas without affecting its
● Chisel Tip – This tip is well-suited to soldering wires or other larger components
because of its broad flat tip.
● Pyramid tips with a triangular flat face and chisel tips with a wide flat face are useful
for soldering sheet metal.
Soldering Techniques
In the modern era, most electronics are dependent on printed circuit boards, or PCBs, to
contain the various electronic components that allow them to function. These components
are held onto the board by solder flux that creates a bond between the pins of a
component and their corresponding pads on the PCB, with the main purpose of the solder
being to provide electrical connectivity. Soldering and desoldering is performed to install or
remove components on a PCB.

In recent years, semiconductor packaging has evolved with an increased demand for
greater functionality, smaller size, and added utility. A modern PCB design has two main
techniques for mounting components onto a PCB:

● Through-Hole Mounting
● Surface Mounting

Through-hole Mounting (Thm)

Through-hole mounting is the process by which component leads are placed into drilled
holes on a bare PCB. The process was standard practice until the rise of surface mount
technology (SMT) in the 1980s, at which time it was expected to completely phase out
through-hole. Yet, despite a severe drop in popularity over the years, through-hole
technology has proven resilient in the age of SMT, offering a number of advantages and
niche applications: namely, reliability.

There are two types of through-hole components:

● Axial lead component
● Radial lead component

Axial leads run through a component in a straight line ("axially"), with each end of the lead
wire exiting the component on either end. Both ends are then placed through two separate
holes in the board, allowing the component to fit closer, flatter fit. Radial lead components,
on the other hand, protrude from the board, as its leads are located on one side of the

Axial lead (top) vs radial lead (bottom). Source: Wikipedia

Uses Of Through-hole Components

While axial lead components are used for their snugness to the board, radial leads occupy
less surface area, making them better for high density boards. Generally, axial lead
configuration may come in the form of carbon resistors, electrolytic capacitors, fuses, and
light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Radial lead components are available as ceramic disk

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Thm

THM of course has its advantages and disadvantages:

● Because there is a much stronger connection between the components and the
PCB, through-hole mounted technology is much more reliable than surface
mounted technology. For that reason, most connectors are still using THM. It is also
the reason that THM is still used a lot in applications for the military and
applications that cause a lot of stress or fast acceleration on a PCB.
● Because through-hole mounted components are a lot easier to replace, it is much
easier to test or prototype with through-hole components instead of surface
mounted components. Using a breadboard in combination with through-hole
components is also an ideal combination for prototyping an application.

● Through-hole components require a lot of space on a PCB in comparison to surface
mounted components.
● Most through-hole mounted components need to be placed manually.

Applications Of Thm
Through-hole components are best used for high-reliability products that require stronger
connections between layers. Whereas SMT components are secured only by solder on the
surface of the board, through-hole component leads run through the board, allowing the
components to withstand more environmental stress. This is why through-hole technology
is commonly used in military and aerospace products that may experience extreme
accelerations, collisions, or high temperatures. Through-hole technology is also useful in
test and prototyping applications that sometimes require manual adjustments and

Surface Mount Technology (Smt)

SMT the process by which components are mounted directly onto the surface of the PCB.
Known originally as “planar mounting,” the method was developed in the 1960s and has
grown increasingly popular since the 1980s. Nowadays, virtually all electronic hardware is
manufactured using SMT. It has become essential to PCB design and manufacturing,
having improved the quality and performance of PCBs overall, and has reduced the costs
of processing and handling greatly.

The Key Differences Between Smt And Through-hole Mounting

● SMT does not require holes to be drilled through a PCB
● SMT components are much smaller
● SMT components can be mounted on both sides of the board. The ability to fit a
high number of small components on a PCB has allowed for much denser, higher
performing, and smaller PCBs.
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Smt
Like through-hole mount technology, surface mount technology also has its advantages
and disadvantages:

SMD components are much smaller than THM components. This will increase the overall
density of the board tremendously.
SMD components can be placed on both sides of a PCB.
Using a Pick and Place machine for placing the components will reduce production time.
SMD components are mostly cheaper compared to THM components.

Most SMD components are not suitable for high-power applications.
SMD components are not suitable for prototyping or testing of small circuits.
As you can see both technologies have their advantages and disadvantages. The choice for
a specific technology depends on the application and the situation in which a product will
be used. EPR would be happy to assist you in making this choice, just to make your product
a success.
Soldering Procedure
1. Solder needs a clean surface on which to adhere.
● Buff the copper foil of a PC board with steel wool before soldering.
● Remove any oil, paint, wax, etc. with a solvent, steel wool, or fine sandpaper.

2. To solder, heat the connection with the tip of the soldering iron for a few seconds,
then apply the solder.
● Heat the connection, not the solder.
● Hold the soldering iron like a pen, near the base of the handle.
● Both parts that are being soldered have to be hot to form a good connection.

Figure 1. The tip of the soldering iron heats both the copper pad and the lead from the
electronic component. Solder melts when placed in contact with the hot metals to be

3. Keep the soldering tip on the connection as the solder is applied.

● Solder will flow into and around well-heated connections.
● Use just enough solder to form a strong connection.

4. Remove the tip from the connection as soon as the solder has flowed where you
want it to be. Remove the solder, then the iron.
5. Don't move the connection while the solder is cooling.

6. Don't overheat the connection, as this might damage the electrical component you
are soldering.
● Transistors and some other components can be damaged by heat when soldering. A
crocodile clip can be used as a heat sink to protect these components.

Figure 3. By absorbing heat, the crocodile clip will reduce the heat that flows to the
component, helping to prevent damage.

7. Soldering a connection should take just a few seconds.

● If it is taking longer, see the troubleshooting section below.

8. Inspect the joint closely. It should look shiny (note: lead-free solder may appear dull,
this is OK).
● If you are soldering a wire (called the lead) onto a PC board (on the track), it should
have a volcano shape. See Figure 3.
● If the connection looks bad, reheat it and try again.
Figure 4. The solder in a good join will be shaped like a cone, with solid contact between the
solder and all surfaces to be joined. Bad joins (also called dry joins) should be melted and

9. Wipe the tip of the iron on a damp sponge to clean it. The tip should now be shiny.
10. Unplug the soldering iron when it is not in use.

Safety Concerns In Soldering

These are safety concerns when soldering:

Soldering Iron Safety

● Never touch the element or tip of the soldering iron. They are very hot (about
400°C) and will burn.
● Hold wires to be heated with tweezers or clamps.
● Keep the cleaning sponge wet during use.
● Always return the soldering iron to its stand when not in use. Never put it down on
your workbench.
● Turn unit off or unplug it when not in use.

Work Safely with Solder, Flux and Cleaners

● Wear eye protection. Solder can "spit".

● Use lead free solder.
● Keep cleaning solvents in dispensing bottle to reduce inhalation hazards.
● Always wash your hands with soap and water after soldering.
● Read and understand the Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for all materials before beginning

Dangers of Lead Exposure

● Lead on your skin can be ingested and lead fumes can be given off during soldering.
Other metal fumes can also be hazardous. Lead can have serious chronic health
effects, such as reproductive problems, digestive problems, nerve disorders,
memory and concentration problems, muscle and joint pain.
● Avoid Toxic Fumes
● Work in a well-ventilated area. The smoke formed is mostly from the flux which can
be irritating, a sensitizer and aggravates asthma. Avoid breathing it by keeping your
head to the side of, not above, your work.
● A benchtop fume extractor may be necessary to remove harmful fumes caused by
solder and flux from the soldering workstation by filtering the air.

Reduce Risk from Electricity

● Always use a grounded outlet and grounding prong to reduce the risk of electrical
damage if a short circuit occurs in the equipment.
● Prevent damage to electrical cords during soldering. Keep them away from heated
Fire Prevention

● Work on a fire-proof or nonflammable surface that is not easily ignited.

● Wear nonflammable or 100% cotton clothing that covers your arms and legs to help
prevent burns.
● Know where your fire extinguisher is and how to use it.

First Aid

● Immediately cool the affected area under cold water for 15 minutes.
● Do not apply any creams or ointments. Cover with a band-aid.
● Seek medical attention if the burn covers an area bigger than 3 inches across.


● Discard lead and silver solder and dross in a container with a lid.
● Label the container: "Lead (Silver) Solder Waste for Recycling".
● Used solder sponges and contaminated rags must be disposed of as hazardous
● Keep a lid on waste solder containers when not adding or removing material.
Desoldering is the reverse process of soldering. It is a procedure for the removal of solder
and other components mounted on a circuit board.for the purpose of either repair,
troubleshooting, replacement or salvage.
Depending on the part and type of joint, it may be possible to simply re-melt the solder
and remove the component or it may be necessary to remove the solder from the joint so
that the part can be freed.

Tools for Removing Solder

There are different tools for removing solder from the Printed Circuit Board (PCB), which
1. Soldering iron: A soldering iron is a hand tool that heats up in order to melt solder

2. Solder (copper) wick: Solder wick is a copper braid which is applied to the joint and
heated with a soldering iron. As the solder in the joint is melted it is drawn into the solder
wick like a sponge and is removed from the joint.

3. Solder sucker: A solder sucker is a spring loaded syringe or rubber bulb. The tip of the
solder sucker is placed near the joint as the joint is melted by a soldering iron. When the
sucker is operated a vacuum is created which draws the molten solder from the joint into
the body of the sucker.

4. Desoldering tool: A desoldering tool is a type of soldering iron with a hollow tip and is
connected to a pump or vacuum source. The tip of the desoldering tool is placed onto the
joint, typically over a component lead, and once the solder has melted the pump is
operated to draw the molten solder away.

Other tools used for desoldering include:

Hot air guns, desoldering pump, removal alloys, removal fluxes, heated soldering tweezers
and various picks/ tweezers for tasks such as pulling at, holding, removing, and scraping

How to Use Desoldering Tools

1. Soldering Iron: To use the soldering iron, heat up the solder with the iron. Slide the iron
up the pins to bring the majority of the solder away from the joint. Using pliers, gently pull
at the components to remove their pins from the pin holes while they are still hot. It's a
good idea to pull by their leads as opposed to on the components themselves to maintain
the quality of the component. NB: To get excess solder out of holes, stick something like a
safety pin or needle through to clear out the through-holes. Using the tip of the soldering
iron will remove the copper plating from the PCB.

2. Solder Sucker: To use the solder sucker, pre-heat the joint, apply the tip of the sucker
directly on the joint, then press the button to suck the molten metal away, if you wait too
long, the molten metal will solidify

3. Soldering Wick: To use soldering wick, place wick on solder bond, Heat wick with
soldering iron, wait until solder is fully absorbed up into wick (slowly rolling iron up the wick
can help).

4. Desoldering Pump: To use the desoldering pump, heat up the solder you want to remove
with a soldering iron (some desoldering pumps also come with attached irons). Press down
on the plunger (If your pump has a bulb, just squeeze the bulb). Once the solder is molten,
place the tip of the desoldering pump against the solder that
Desoldering through holes and surface mount

Through-hole mounting is the process by which component leads are placed into drilled
holes on a bare PCB. The process was standard practice until surface mount technology
(SMT) came into existence in the 1980s, as at that time, it was expected to completely
phase out through-hole.

A component with one or two connections to the PCB can usually be removed by heating
up one joint, pulling out an end of the component while the solder is molten (bending the
other lead to do so), and repeating same cycle for the second joint
Solder filling the hole can be removed with a pump or with a pointed object made of a
material which solder does not wet, such as stainless steel or wood.

Through-hole components are best used for high-reliability products that require stronger
connections between layers,through-hole component leads run through the board,
allowing the components to withstand more environmental stress.

Surface mount technology is the process by which components are mounted directly onto
the surface of the PCB. Known originally as “planar mounting,” the method was developed
in the 1960s and has grown increasingly popular since the 1980s. Nowadays, virtually all
electronic hardware is manufactured using SMT. It has become essential to PCB design and
manufacturing, having improved the quality and performance of PCBs overall, and has
reduced the costs of processing and handling greatly.

By contrast, when using SMT components, the plated through-hole required for each
through-hole component lead is eliminated and replaced by a relatively small surface pad.
It is then possible to drill small vias into the surface mount pads themselves, directly
underneath the SMT component leads, allowing for Z-axis interconnections, which can then
fan out from the wall of the via to one or more internal signal layers.

One of the most immediately obvious advantages is that it is possible to achieve far greater
levels of component density and processing power while fitting everything within a much
smaller and lighter overall PCBA. As the devices controlled by PCBs become smaller and
smaller, efficient use of available surface area becomes increasingly more critical. SMT
technology becomes a necessity.
Veroboard is a brand of stripboard, a pre-formed circuit board material of copper strips on
an insulating bonded paper board which was originated and developed in the early 1960s
by the Electronics Department of Vero Precision Engineering Ltd by Terry Fitzpatrick in the
UK. Veroboards are made with rows of copper conductors that form default connections,
which may be broken into isolated segments as required. This is similar to the pattern of
default connections on a solderless breadboard. (Russell, 2006)

As with other stripboards, in using Veroboard, components are suitably positioned and
soldered to the conductors to form the required circuit. In using the board, breaks are
made in the tracks, usually around holes, to divide the strips into multiple electrical nodes.
With care, it is possible to break between holes to allow for components that have two pin
rows only one position apart such as twin row headers for IDCs.

Two forms of Veroboard are produced with hole pitch of 2.54mm (0.1 in) or 3.5mm (0.15
in). The larger pitch is and was considered easier to assemble, especially at a time when
many constructors were still more familiar with valves and tag strips. For large, complex
circuits it is usually best to use a printed circuit board (PCB) if you can buy or make one.
Stripboard requires no special preparation other than cutting to size. It can be cut with a
junior hacksaw, or simply snap it along the lines of holes by putting it over the edge of a
bench or table and pushing hard, but take care because this needs a fairly large force and
the edges will be rough. You may need to use a large pair of pliers to nibble away any
jagged parts. Avoid handling stripboard that you are not planning to use immediately
because sweat from your hands will corrode the copper tracks and this will make soldering
difficult. If the copper looks dull, or you can clearly see finger marks, clean the tracks with
fine emery paper, a PCB rubber or a dry kitchen scrub before you start soldering.
(Wikipedia, nd)

Types of Veroboard
1. 09-1040 Plain board Veroboard 100x160 mm using Epoxy Glass material.
2. 01-3938 Single Sided veroboard 291x95 in SRBP material.
3. 67-1902 Single Sided Veroboard 205x394mm in SRBP.

Placing components on stripboard

Components are placed on the non-copper side, then the stripboard is turned over to
solder the component leads to the copper tracks. Stripboard layouts are shown from the
component side, so the tracks are out of sight under the board. Layouts are normally
shown with the tracks running horizontally across the diagram. Placing components on
stripboard requires care. The large number of holes means it is very easy to make a
mistake! For most small circuits the best method is to very carefully place the chip holder(s)
in the correct position and solder in place. Then you can position all the other components
relative to the chip holder(s). Minor position errors left and right will not usually be a
problem because the component will still be connected to the correct tracks. However, up
and down position errors must be avoided because just one hole too high or too low will
connect the component to the wrong track and therefore the wrong part of the circuit.
Some people like to label the holes with letters (up/down) and numbers (across) to give
each hole a 'grid reference' but this still requires careful counting of holes.
Diagram showing the making of a Veroboard/ Stripboard Circuit – Building and soldering a LED

Cutting stripboard tracks

Most stripboard circuits will need to have some tracks cut to break the connection
at that point. This is always necessary under ICs, except for the rare cases where opposite
pins must be connected. The tracks are cut with a special track cutter tool or a 3mm drill

Brimal Stripboard Track Cutter

1. For constructing electronic circuits - differing from purpose-designed printed circuit
boards (PCBs) in that a variety of electronics circuits may be constructed using a standard
wiring board.
2. used for initial electronic circuit development, to construct prototypes for bench
testing or in the production of complete electronic units in small quantity.
3. Veroboard (Stripboard) is used to make up permanent, soldered circuits. It is ideal for
small circuits with one or two ICs (chips) but with the large number of holes it is very easy
to connect a component in the wrong place.

Veroboard Advantages
1. They cost significantly less than PCB's.
2. It is easier to modify a circuit on Veroboard rather than a PCB.
3. Veroboard is easily available. PCB's are impossible or at best hard to obtain for older
4. Making your own PCB can prove to be difficult.

Veroboard disadvantages
1. Printed circuit boards make a circuit more reliable than a veroboard layout.
2. Building errors are more likely using veroboard as opposed to a PCB.
3. Printed circuit boards make construction a lot faster than using veroboard.
4. Circuit layouts are larger than PCB layouts.

A breadboard is a simple device designed to let you create circuits without the need for

A breadboard is a rectangular plastic board with a bunch of tiny holes in it. These holes let
you easily insert electronic components to prototype (meaning to build and test an early
version of) an electronic circuit, like this one with a battery, switch, resistor, and an LED
(light-emitting diode).

The connections are not permanent, so it is easy to remove a component if you make a
mistake, or just start over and do a new project. This makes breadboards great for
beginners who are new to electronics.
Where does the name "breadboard" come from?
You might be wondering what any of this has to do with bread. The term breadboard
comes from the early days of electronics, when people would literally drive nails or screws
into wooden boards on which they cut bread in order to connect their circuits. Luckily,
since you probably do not want to ruin all your cutting boards for the sake of an electronics
project, today there are better options.

Types of Breadboard

1) Breadboard consisting of only terminal strips but no bus strips:

It consists of the terminal strips (i.e. main area) which holds the electronic
components. In the middle of a terminal strip of a breadboard, there is a notch running
in parallel to the long side. The notch is to mark the centerline of the terminal strip and
provides limited airflow (cooling) to Dual In-line Package ICs straddling the
centerline. The clips on the right and left of the notch are each connected in a radial
way; typically five clips in a row on each side of the notch are electrically connected.
The five rows on the left of the notch are often marked as A, B, C, D, and E, while the
ones on the right are marked F, G, H, I and J. When a dual in-line pin package (DIP)
integrated circuit is plugged into a breadboard, the pins of one side of the chip are
supposed to go into row E while the pins of the other side go into row F on the other

2) Solderless breadboard with dual bus strips on both sides

This type of breadboards have terminal breadboard strips which consists of around 56 to
65 rows of connectors, each row containing the two sets of connected clips (A to E and F to
J). The terminal strips are used to hold the components.
In addition to the terminal strips, it also has dual bus strips which usually provide power to
the electronic components. The bus strip usually contains two rows: one for ground and
one for a supply voltage. However, some breadboards only provide a single-row power
distributions bus strip on each long side. Typically the row intended for a supply voltage is
marked in red, while the row for ground is marked in blue or
black. Most manufacturers connect 25 consecutive terminals in a column, which provides a
circuit designer with some more control over crosstalk (inductively coupled noise) on the
power supply bus. (Russell, 2006)
3) Advanced solderless breadboard
Some manufacturers provide high-end versions of solderless breadboards. These are
typically high-quality breadboard modules mounted on a flat casing. The casing contains
additional equipment for breadboarding, such as a power supply, one or more signal
generators, serial interfaces, LED display or LCD modules, and logic probes.These
breadboard modules can also be found mounted on devices like microcontroller
evaluation boards. They provide an easy way to add additional periphery circuits to the
evaluation board. (Russell, 2006)

Why Use Breadboards?

An electronics breadboard (as opposed to the type on which sandwiches are made) is
actually referring to a solderless breadboard. These are great units for making temporary
circuits and prototyping, and they require absolutely no soldering.

Prototyping is the process of testing out an idea by creating a preliminary model from
which other forms are developed or copied, and it is one of the most common uses for
breadboards. If you aren’t sure how a circuit will react under a given set of parameters, it’s
best to build a prototype and test it out.

For those new to electronics and circuits, breadboards are often the best place to start.
That is the real beauty of breadboards--they can house both the simplest circuit as well as
very complex circuits. As you'll see later in this tutorial, if your circuit outgrows its current
breadboard, others can be be attached to accommodate circuits of all sizes and

Another common use of breadboards is testing out new parts, such as Integrated circuits
(ICs). When you are trying to figure out how a part works and constantly rewiring things,
you don’t want to have to solder your connections each time.

As mentioned, you don’t always want the circuit you build to be permanent. When trying to
duplicate a customer’s problem, SparkFun’s Technical Support team will often use
breadboards to build, test, and analyze the circuit. They can connect the parts the
customer has, and once they’ve gotten the circuit setup and figured out the problem, they
can take everything apart and put it aside for the next time they need to do some

Advantages and disadvantages of Breadboard

• No soldering required which makes it possible to reuse the breadboard and this makes
it easy to use for creating temporary prototypes and experimenting with circuit design.
• Its easy to check your components and adjust it on your breadboard
• Breadboards are useful for teaching electronics where the use of hot soldering irons
could be hazardous
• Drilling of holes is not required on the breadboard

• It isn’t good for high current applications. High voltages and currents cannot be used
because they can cause arcing between the connecting strips.
• Breadboards is only suitable for prototyping circuits with a few components. When
more components and jumper wires are added, it becomes more difficult to follow where
they lead as they cross over reach other.
• Breadboards are not practical for prototyping integrated circuits which have thousands
of connections, and surface-mounted components cannot be used because they don't
have wire terminals.
● Schwarz, Mel. (2014). Soldering: Understanding the Basics, First Edition, ASM
● De Vinck, Marc. (2017). Make: Getting Started with Soldering, First Edition, Maker
Media, inc.
● https://www.tempoautomation.com/blog/surface-mount-technology-smt-or-
● https://eprpartner.com/through-hole-vs-surface-mounted/
● Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, “Veroboarding”, available online at
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veroboarding, Forum.allaboutcircuits.com,
Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, “Stripboard”.
● Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, “Breadboarding”, available online at
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breadboarding, retrieved on 21/04/2019.

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