Turner: 2 Semester
Turner: 2 Semester
Turner: 2 Semester
2nd Semester
Post Box No. 3142, CTI Campus, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032
Sector : Production & Manufacturing
Duration : 2 - Years
Trades : Turner 2nd Semester - Assignment/Test NSQF (Level - 5)
Rs. 85 /-
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The Government of India has set an ambitious target of imparting skills to 30 crores people, one out of every
four Indians, by 2020 to help them secure jobs as part of the National Skills Development Policy. Industrial
Training Institutes (ITIs) play a vital role in this process especially in terms of providing skilled manpower.
Keeping this in mind, and for providing the current industry relevant skill training to Trainees, ITI syllabus
has been recently updated with the help of Media Development Committee members of various stakeholder's
viz. Industries, Entrepreneurs, Academicians and representatives from ITIs.
National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI), Chennai has come up with instructional material to suit the
revised curriculum for Turner 2nd Semester Assignment/Test NSQF Level - 5 in Production &
Manufacturing sector under Semester Pattern required for ITIs and related institutions imparting skill
development. The NSQF Level 5 will help the trainees to get an international equivalency standard where
their skill proficiency and competency will be duly recognized across the globe and this will also increase
the scope of recognition of prior learning. NSQF level 5 trainees will also get the opportunities to promote
life long learning and skill development. I have no doubt that with NSQF level 5 the trainers and trainees of
ITIs, and all stakeholders will derive maximum benefits from these IMPs and that NIMI's effort will go a long
way in improving the quality of Vocational training in the country.
The Executive Director & Staff of NIMI and members of Media Development Committee deserve appreciation
for their contribution in bringing out this publication.
Jai Hind
Director General / Addl. Secretary,
Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship,
Government of India.
The National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) was established in 1986 at Chennai by then Directorate
General of Employment and Training (D.G.E & T), Ministry of Labour and Employment, (now under Directorate
General of Training, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship) Government of India, with technical
assistance from the Govt. of the Federal Republic of Germany. The prime objective of this institute is to
develop and provide instructional materials for various trades as per the prescribed syllabi NSQF (Level 5)
under the Craftsman and Apprenticeship Training Schemes.
The instructional materials are created keeping in mind, the main objective of Vocational Training under
NCVT/NAC in India, which is to help an individual to master skills to do a job. The instructional materials are
generated in the form of Instructional Media Packages (IMPs). An IMP consists of Theory book, Practical
book, Test and Assignment book, Instructor Guide, Audio Visual Aid (Wall charts and Transparencies) and
other support materials.
The trade theory book provides related theoretical knowledge required to enable the trainee to do a job. The
test and assignments will enable the instructor to give assignments for the evaluation of the performance of
a trainee. The wall charts and transparencies are unique, as they not only help the instructor to effectively
present a topic but also help him to assess the trainee's understanding. The instructor guide enables the
instructor to plan his schedule of instruction, plan the raw material requirements, day to day lessons and
IMPs also deals with the complex skills required to be developed for effective team work. Necessary care
has also been taken to include important skill areas of allied trades as prescribed in the syllabus.
The availability of a complete Instructional Media Package (IMP) in an institute helps both the trainer and
management to impart effective training.
The IMPs are the outcome of collective efforts of the staff members of NIMI and the members of the Media
Development Committees specially drawn from Public and Private sector industries, various training institutes
under the Directorate General of Training (DGT), Government and Private ITIs.
NIMI would like to take this opportunity to convey sincere thanks to the Directors of Employment & Training
of various State Governments, Training Departments of Industries both in the Public and Private sectors,
Officers of DGT and DGT field institutes, proof readers, individual media developers and coordinators, but for
whose active support NIMI would not have been able to bring out this materials.
Chennai - 600 032 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) sincerely acknowledges with thanks for the co-operation and contribution
extended by the following Media Developers and their sponsoring organisation to bring out this IMP (Assignment/
Test) for the trade of 2nd Semester Turner NSQF Level - 5 under Production & Manufacturing Sector for
Craftsman Training Scheme.
NIMI records its appreciation of the Data Entry, CAD, DTP Operators for their excellent and devoted services in
the process of development of this Instructional Material.
NIMI also acknowledges with thanks, the invaluable efforts rendered by all other staff who have contributed for the
development of this Instructional Material.
NIMI is grateful to all others who have directly or indirectly helped in developing this IMP.
This contains Assignment/Test concerning to the trade theory topic of each exercises of the
2nd semester Turner NSQF Level-5 Trade under Production & Manufacturing Sector. It may be noted that
the assignments have direct relationship with the knowledge objectives given in the manual on Trade Practical
and also with the contents presented in the manual on Trade Theory. The results of the assignments/tests
indicate how far the objectives which are predetermined have been achieved by the learners.
The trade practical manual is intented to be used in workshop . It consists of a series of practical exercies to
be completed by the trainees during the Second Semester course of the Turner trade supplemented and
supported by instructions/ informations to assist in performing the exercises. These exercises are designed
to ensure that all the skills in the prescribed syllabus are covered.
The manual is divided into Five modules. The distribution of time for the practical in the Five modules are given
The skill training in the computer lab is planned through a series of practical exercises centred around some
practical project. However, there are few instance where the individual exercise does not form a part of project.
While developing the practical manual a sincere effort was made to prepare each exercise which will be easy
to understand and carry out even by below average traninee. However the development team accept that there
if a scope for further improvement. NIMI, looks forward to the suggestions from the experienced training faculty
for improving the manual.
The manual of trade theory consists of theorectical information for the Second Semester course of the Turner
Trade. The contents are sequenced accoring to the practical exercise contained in the manual on Trade
practical. Attempt has been made to relate the theortical aspects with the skill covered in each exercise to the
extent possible. This co-relation is maintained to help the trainees to develop the perceptional capabilities for
performing the skills.
The Trade Theory has to be taught and learnt along with the corresponding exercise contained in the manual
on trade practical. The indicating about the corresponding practical exercise are given in every sheet of this
It will be preferable to teach/learn the trade theory connected to each exercise atleast one class before
performing the related skills in the shop floor. The trade theory is to be treated as an integrated part of each
The material is not the purpose of self learning and should be considered as supplementary to class room
6 Response Sheet 45 - 52
Production & Manufacturing Assignment for Exercise 2.1.49
Turner - Taper Turning
Choose the correct answer
1 The gradual increase or decrease in the diameter 7 Taper angle is expressed in British system....
along the work is known as
A Taper D−d
A θ =
B Knurling
C Eccentric turning TPF
B θ =
D Thread 24
d − 2l A Jerno taper
C θ= B Morse Taper
C Brown and sharp taper
d−2 l
d θ= D Pin taper
12 Which Taper is provided in External lathe spindle 19 What is the size of Brown and Sharp taper expressed
nose ? in taper per foot ?
A Jerno taper A 1/2”
B Morse taper B 3/8 “
C Brown and sharp taper C 5/16 “
D Pin taper D 5/8 “
13 The morse taper is denoted by letter MT they are 20 Which one of the taper differ in Brown and sharp
available from ... taper?
A MT - 1 to MT - 7 A BS - 5
B MT - 0 to MT - 5 B BS - 7
C MT - 0 to MT - 7 C BS - 10
D MT - 0 to MT - 6 D BS - 12
14 From which number range of morse taper is 21 The standard taper denoted by letter BS The
commonly used in taper shank twist drill ? expansion of BS is
A MT - 0 to MT - 7 A British Space
B MT -1 to MT - 5 B British Standard
C MT - 1 to MT - 4 C Bureau Standard
D MT - 0 to MT - 4 D Brown and Sharp
15 The included angle of Morse taper is 22 Jarno tapers are available from the range of ....
A 1° A 0 to 4
B 11/2 ° B 1 to 7
c 3° C 1 to 18
D 1 to 20
D 31/2°
23 Jarno tapers tapers are expressed by taper per foot
16 What is the size of the Morse taper expressed in
the amount of taper is ....
taper per foot ?
A 0.5 “
A 1/2 “
B 0.5161”
B 3/8 “
C 0.6 “
C 5/16 “
D 0.8 “
D 5/8 “
24 Which one of the formula is used to calculate big
17 The Brown and sharp taper have a taper of .... diameter in Jarno taper ?
A 31/2° TPF Number
B 3° TPF A =
C 2° TPF
B =
D 11/2 ° TPF 10
18 The Brown and sharp self holding tapers are available Number
from .... C =
A B S - 0 to BS - 18
B B S - 1 to BS -18 D =
C B S - 1 to BS - 7
D B S - 0 to BS - 7
Number A 1: 20
A = B 1: 30
C 1: 48
B = D 1: 50
32 Which one of the taper ratio is applied in British
Number Standard pin taper ?
C =
6 A 1:20
Number B 1:30
D =
2 C 1:48
D 1:50
26 Which one of the taper is used in die sinking
machine ? 33 What is the ratio of taper in a key way ?
A Morse taper A 1:20
B Brown and sharp taper B 1:100
C Jarno taper C 1:50
D Metric taper D 1:48
27 By which unit the Metric taper are expressed? 34 Which method is suitable for making small taper ?
A degree A Form tool method
B number B Compound slide method
C ratio C tail stock method
D taper parameter D Taper turning attachement method
28 What is the included angle of Metric taper ? 35 In Which method the carriage should be locked while
A 1° 29’ 29” turning taper?
α D+d
B tan =
2 2l
α D − 2l
C tan =
2 d
α d − 2l
D tan =
2 D A form tool method
B compound slide method
38 Which one is not produced using compound slide
method ? C off-set method
B taper turning external 42 Name the taper turing method shown in figure?
C taper turning internal
D taper thread cutting
(D − d) − L B cos value
C = C tan value
D cot value
(D + d) ÷ L
D = 44 Find the taper angle of a job using given data D= 8
2l mm d = 22 mm; L = 40 mm.
A 5° 45’
B 5° 40’
C 5° 30’
D 5° 28’
3 Which type of angle is measured with the vernier 4 Which type of angle is measured with the vernier
bevel protractor shown in fig ? Bevel protractor shown in figure ?
A External taper angle
A External taper angle
B Internal taper angle
B Internal taper angle
C Right angle of job
C Right angle of workpiece
D acute angle of job
D Obtuse angle of workpiece
A Marking off
B checking of parallelism
C Measuring angle surface
D measuring taper surface
D Profile measurement
2 What is the melting point of Tungsten ? 5 What are the advantages of brazing ?
A 1510° C A The joint will not stand electrolytic action
B 2500° C B The joint color does not match with that of
C 1593° C basemetal
8 In brazing sliver alloys melting point lies between.... 10 Name the welding process that require base metal
and filler metal are brougt to melting stage to effect
A 620° to 850°C
the joining ?
B 450° to 600° C
A Braze welding
C 500° to 600° C
B Soldering
D 300° to 450° C
C Fusion welding
D Pressure welding
A Head
B Shank
C Edge
D Handle
8 Which flux is used for soldering copper sheets, brass 13 What is the melting point of high carrbon steel ?
sheets and tin plates ?
A 1371° C
A Hydro -chloric acid
B 1342° C
B Zinc chloride
C 1150° C
C Ammonium chloride
D 1426° C
D Resin
14 What is the melting point of wrought iron ?
9 What is the colour of acetylene hose pipes used in A 1449° C
gas welding ?
B 1510° C
A Black
C 1426° C
B Maroon
D 1593° C
C Red
15 Identify the type of gas flame shown in fig
D Blue
A Square edge
B single vee
C Single J
D Single U
27 Which one ‘ is the ‘ square edge’ preparation used in 32 What is the pressure to be maintained in the oxy -
butt welding ? acetylene low pressure plant ?
A 1 kg / Cm2
B 0.17 kg / Cm2
C 0.10 kg / Cm2
D 0.017 kg / Cm2
A Thermit welding
B Gas welding
C Submerged arc welding
D carbon arc welding
2 What is the least count of Vernier height gauge ? 5 Name the part marked as ‘X’ in the combination set
A 0.02 mm shown ?
A Checking angles
B Checking contour of a radius corner
C Checking the contour of a rolled plate
D Checking contour of cylindrical work
B Checking outer rodius 5 Name the part marked as ‘X’ in the combination set
shown ?
C Checking contour of rolled plate
A Rule
D Checking contour cylindrical work
B Centre head
C Square head
D Protractor head
A Flank angle
B Root
C Crest
D Flank
A Lead
B Helix
A lead angle
C Pitch
B crest
D Axis
C Root
D flank
18 Production & Manufacturing Turner (NSQF Level - 5) Assignment Exercise 2.2.58
11 Name the element marked as ‘X’ in the of thread 12 What is the advantage of a multi - start thread ?
A Faster transmission
B Slow transmission
C can take heavy load
D More strength
A Half clearance
B Minor diameter
C Pitch diameter
D External thread
2 Name the type of lathe carrier shown in figure 4 What is the name of lathe accessory shown in fig ?
A Lathe carrier
B Safety clamp
C Catch plate
D Driving plate.
D Stepped surface
20 Production & Manufacturing Turner (NSQF Level - 5) Assignment Exercise 2.2.59
5 Name the part marked as ‘X’ in Figure shown 6 Name the gear marked as ‘X’ in gearing between
spindle and lead screw
A Tumbler gear
B Lead screw A Stud gear
A To make adjustment
B To transmit motion
C To fasten the components
D To apply pressure
18 What is the function of a thread application shown 22 Why the BSP thread is cut externally with a small
in the figure ? taper for threaded length ?
A Prevent leak in the assembly
B Provide stronger grip on the assembly
C Provide easy assembly and disassembly
D Provide space for lubrication
Driver 60 30
A = A
Driven 120 100
Driver 180 60
C = C
Driven 60 100
2 What is the purpose of machine chaser ? 4 What is the purpose of multiple rib grinding wheel
used in thread grinding method ?
A To produce the thread
A Used in mass production
B To finish the thread
B Used to make many thread at one time
C To start the thread
C Used to finish thread accurately
D To clean the thread
D Used to get better strength
5 Which method of thread cutting will provide both 8 Which thread forming method requires skilled setters?
internal and external thread and also right hand and
A Using tap and die method
left hand threads ?
B Using single point cutting tools on lathe
A Using tap and dies
C Using coventry die - head and collapsable tap
B Using single point cutting tool on lathe
D Thread milling method
C Using chasers
9 What is the purpose a tap ?
D Using thread milling
A To produce internal thread
6 Which method of thread cutting will not produce
B To produce external thread
C To produce multistart thread
A Thread rolling
D To produce taper thread
B Using single point cutting tool on lathe
C Thread milling method 10 What is the purpose of using a die ?
D Thread grinding method A To produce multi start thread
B To produce internal thread
7 What is the purpose of collapsable taps with floating
holders used in thread forming method ? C To produce external thread
A To produce internal thread D To produce taper thread
B To produce external thread
C To produce both internal and external thread
D To finish the thread accurately
60 110 70
30 40 40
30 110 40
60 40 70
110 40 28
30 60 16
40 60 7
110 30 16
95 120 55 120
100 20 100 20
95 120 120 20
50 20 100 50
120 20 20 50
95 50 100 100
A Lead screw
B Worm gear
A Saddle
C Shaft
B Worm gear
D Graduated dial
C shaft
5 How many position can be engaged in the thread
D Graduated dial
chasing dial for cutting even number of threads ?
A 8 7 In lathe machine which accessory is used to chase
the thread cutting ?
B 5
A chasing dial
C 2
B half nut
D 1
C carriage wheel
D compound slide
A 55°
B 47°
C 29°
A Minor dia D 60°
B Pitch dia
10 What is the gauge of bore dia of 3/8” pipe ?
C Major dia
A 0.383”
D Outside dia
B 0.518”
6 What is the name of part marked as “X” in B.S.P C 0.656”
thread form ?
D 0.825”
A OD of pipe
B Depth of thread
C Length of the thread
D Lead of thread
28 Production & Manufacturing Turner (NSQF Level - 5) Assignment Exercise 2.3.66 & 67
Production & Manufacturing Assignment for Exercise 2.3.68
Turner - Thread Cutting
Choose the correct answer
1 What is the minor dia of the thread with the thread
designation of M 12 X 1.5 ?
A 8.839 mm
B 8.226 mm
C 8.161 mm
D 8.742 mm
9 Name the method to find out minor dia of thread
A Using taper parallels
B Using V piece prism
C Using slip gauge and precision roller
D Using special micro meter
Driven Lead of lead screw 5 Problems involving cutting metric threads on British
C = lathe and vice versa Find the gears required to cut a
Driver Lead to be cut on job 3 mm pitch in a lathe having a lead screw of 6 T.P.I.
Gears available from 20 to 120 teeth by 5 teeth with
Driven Lead to be cut on job a special gear of 127 teeth.
D =
Driver Lead of lead screw
3 Find the gears required to cut 4.5 mm pitch in a lathe 127
having lead screw of 6 TPI gears avilable from 20 to
120 teeth by 5 teeth range with a conversion gear of 5
127 teeth. B
45 60
A X 30
127 20 C
50 20
B X 120
127 60 D
127 60
50 20
127 20
50 60
Production & Manufacturing Assignment for Exercise 2.3.71
Turner - Thread Cutting
Choose the correct answer
1 The life of a lathe tool is 8 hours when operating at a 3 What happens to the tool life, if the cutting speed
cutting speed of 40/m/mm. Given that Vtn = C, find increased ?
the highest cutting speed that will give a tool life of 16
hours The value of n is 0.125. ? A decreases
D C = 1.7329 , V = 3168
7 What is the formula to calculate helix angle of the 9 Identify the angle marked as “X” in the thread shown?
leading side of the square threading tool ?
A Lead of thread
Circumfere nce of minor diameter
B Lead of thread
Circumfere nce of major diameter
Lead of thread
Circumference of minor dia A Clearance angle
B Following angle
B Circumference of minor dia
C Helix angle
Lead of thread
D Leading angle
C Circumference of major dia
10 What is the effect, if the thread dia is larger while
leadof thread using threading tool. ?
Lead of thread A Smaller helix angle
Circumference of major dia B Bigger helix angle
C Smaller leading angle
D Bigger following angle
2 Name the part marked as ‘X’ in push out chuck B Collet chuck
A Catch plate
B Drive plate
C Face plate
D Carrier
A Face plate
B catch plate
C driver plate
D chuck plate
A Female centre
B Insert type centre
C Ball centre
D pipe centre
A Flat machine
B recessed centre hole
C Large end A Threaded mandrel
5 The fluidity, of an oil by which it can withstand high 9 Name the lubrication system shown ?
pressure or loses with out squeezings out from the
bearing surface
A vicosity
B Fire point
C Pour point
D Flash point
A Daily
B Weekly
C monthly
D Frequently
A Splash lubrication
B Ring oiling
C Wick feed
D Manual screw down greaser
A Splash lubrication
13 What is the name of part marked as ‘X’ in lubricator?
B Ring oiling
C Wick feed
D Manual screen down greaser
C P A Grooving
D BE B Glazing
C Loading
7 Grade of bond is indicated by letters of the alphabet
D out-of-round
B A to D 14 The grinding wheel face shows a smooth glossy
appearance which is due to ....
A Glazing
D A to Z
B Loading
8 Grain size is the actual size of abrasive grain, they C grooving
are indicated by number range....
D out of round
A 10 to 600
B 10 to 100 15 What will be formed on the surface of the wheel by
the wearing away of the wheel the pressure is if
C 10 to 300 applied in one position ?
D 0 to 10 A Grooving
9 In the specificaion of a grinding wheel in A 16 p 5 V B B Loading
E what does ‘P’ indicates ?
C Grazing
A grain size
D out of round
B grade of bond
C structure 16 The wheel by the pressure that is being applied in
one position will lead to .....
D abrasive
A Glazing
10 The letter ‘E’ is used to indicate What type of bond, is B Loading
indicated by the letter ‘E’ ?
C Grooving
A shellac
D out-of-round
B rubber
17 Name the defect in grinding wheel shown in the fig
C silicate
A Loading
D Resinoid
B glazing
11 Using wrong type of wheel for the material being C grooving
ground will result in ...
D out of round
A Loading
B glazing
C grooving
D out - of - round
1 Read the question in the Assignment/Test, choose the correct answer and mark appropriate option in
the Response Sheet.