Basic Cosmetology NSQF1 STP
Basic Cosmetology NSQF1 STP
Basic Cosmetology NSQF1 STP
1st Semester
Post Box No. 3142, CTI Campus, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032
Sector : Beauty and Wellness
Duration : 1 - Year
Trade : Basic cosmetology 1st Semester - Trade Practical - NSQF LEVEL - 4
Rs. 105/-
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The Government of India has set an ambitious target of imparting skills to 30 crores people, one out of
every four Indians, by 2020 to help them secure jobs as part of the National Skills Development Policy.
Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) play a vital role in this process especially in terms of providing skilled
manpower. Keeping this in mind, and for providing the current industry relevant skill training to Trainees,
ITI syllabus has been recently updated with the help of Mentor Councils comprising various stakeholder's
viz. Industries, Entrepreneurs, Academicians and representatives from ITIs.
The National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI), Chennai, an autonomous body under Ministry of Skill
Development & Entrepreneurship is entrusted with developing producing and disseminating Instructional
Media Packages (IMPs) required for ITIs and other related institutions.
The institute has now come up with instructional material to suit the revised curriculum for Basic
Cosmetology 1st Semester Trade Practical NSQF Level - 4 in Beauty and Wellness Sector under
Semester Pattern. The NSQF Level - 4 Trade Practical will help the trainees to get an international
equivalency standard where their skill proficiency and competency will be duly recognized across the
globe and this will also increase the scope of recognition of prior learning. NSQF Level - 4 trainees will
also get the opportunities to promote life long learning and skill development. I have no doubt that with
NSQF Level - 4 the trainers and trainees of ITIs, and all stakeholders will derive maximum benefits from
these IMPs and that NIMI's effort will go a long way in improving the quality of Vocational training in the
The Executive Director & Staff of NIMI and members of Media Development Committee deserve appreciation
for their contribution in bringing out this publication.
Jai Hind
Joint Secretary
Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship,
Government of India.
The National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) was established in 1986 at Chennai by then Directorate
General of Employment and Training (D.G.E & T), Ministry of Labour and Employment, (now under Ministry
of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship) Government of India, with technical assistance from the Govt.
of the Federal Republic of Germany. The prime objective of this institute is to develop and provide instructional
materials for various trades as per the prescribed syllabi (NSQF) under the Craftsman and Apprenticeship
Training Schemes.
The instructional materials are created keeping in mind, the main objective of Vocational Training under
NCVT/NAC in India, which is to help an individual to master skills to do a job. The instructional materials are
generated in the form of Instructional Media Packages (IMPs). An IMP consists of Theory book, Practical
book, Test and Assignment book, Instructor Guide, Audio Visual Aid (Wall charts and Transparencies) and
other support materials.
The trade practical book consists of series of exercises to be completed by the trainees in the workshop.
These exercises are designed to ensure that all the skills in the prescribed syllabus are covered. The trade
theory book provides related theoretical knowledge required to enable the trainee to do a job. The test and
assignments will enable the instructor to give assignments for the evaluation of the performance of a trainee.
The wall charts and transparencies are unique, as they not only help the instructor to effectively present a
topic but also help him to assess the trainee's understanding. The instructor guide enables the instructor to
plan his schedule of instruction, plan the raw material requirements, day to day lessons and demonstrations.
In order to perform the skills in a productive manner instructional videos are embedded in QR code of the
exercise in this instructional material so as to integrate the skill learning with the procedural practical steps
given in the exercise. The instructional videos will improve the quality of standard on practical training and
will motivate the trainees to focus and perform the skill seamlessly.
IMPs also deals with the complex skills required to be developed for effective team work. Necessary care
has also been taken to include important skill areas of allied trades as prescribed in the syllabus.
The availability of a complete Instructional Media Package in an institute helps both the trainer and
management to impart effective training.
The IMPs are the outcome of collective efforts of the staff members of NIMI and the members of the Media
Development Committees specially drawn from Public and Private sector industries, various training institutes
under the Directorate General of Training (DGT), Government and Private ITIs.
NIMI would like to take this opportunity to convey sincere thanks to the Directors of Employment & Training
of various State Governments, Training Departments of Industries both in the Public and Private sectors,
Officers of DGT and DGT field institutes, proof readers, individual media developers and coordinators, but for
whose active support NIMI would not have been able to bring out this materials.
Chennai - 600 032 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) sincerely acknowledges with thanks for the co-operation and
contribution extended by the following Media Developers and their sponsoring organisation to bring out this IMP
(Trade Practical) for the trade of Basic Cosmetology under the Beauty and wellness Sector for Craftsman
Training Scheme. This Book is prepared as per Revised Syllabus (NSQF).
NIMI records its appreciation of the Data Entry, CAD, DTP operators for their excellent and devoted services in the
process of development of this instructional material.
NIMI also acknowledges with thanks, the invaluable efforts rendered by all other staff who have contributed for the
development of this Instructional material.
NIMI is also grateful to all others who have directly or indirectly helped in developing this IMP.
This manual of trade practical consists of 25 Practical exercises to be completed by the trainees during the
Ist semester course of the Basic Cosmetology trade in 550 Practical working hours. These exercises are
designed to ensure that all the skills in the prescribed syllabus (NSQF) are covered. The practical syllabus for
the Semester-I Basic Cosmetology trade has been divided into three modules. The distribution of time allotted
for all the practical's in the three modules is given below.
Since the personality development is the first step before commencing other skills, the skills required to be
learnt for preparing the trainees for the field job are given under the module-I. Then the hair care and skin care
skills are given under Module-II and Module-III.
The exercises in all the three modules are arranged in proper sequence so that the trainees can learn the skills
from easy to difficult, known to unknown, simple to complex, basic to advance. Each exercise starts with
exercise title and the skills objectives to be achieved at the end of the exercise. Then the relevant tools
equipments and materials required exercise no., time duration etc. are given. Then the tasks are given which
gives the steps by step procedure to complete the exercise, finally the precautions and after care is explained.
Wherever possible illustrative diagrams are given in addition to explanation for easy understanding. If a particular
skill is explained in the earlier exercises the same skill may not have been repeated again.
While developing this practical manual a sincere effort was made to prepare each exercise which will be easy
to understand and carryout even by below overage trainee. However the development team accepts that there
in a scope for further improvement. NIMI looks forward to the suggestions from the experienced training faculty
for improving the manual.
1.3.02 Depilation 56
1.3.03 Threading 58
1.3.05 Bleaching 63
1.3.06 Manicure 66
1.3.07 Pedicure 71
1.3.09 Facial 78
Beauty and Wellness
Basic Cosmetology Exercise: 1.1.01
Personal grooming
Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• identify types of skins
• use CTM {cleansing, toning ,moisturizing} according to skin type
• carry out day time make up / simple make up
• carry professional hair style.
Tools / Equipments Material
• Reclining chair - 1 No. • Cotton - as reqd.
• Trolley - 1 No. • Cleanser - as reqd.
• Hand mirror - 1 No. • Towel - 2 Nos.
• Magnifying glass • Toner - as reqd.
• Make up brush • Moisturizer - as reqd.
• Make up base - as reqd.
• Lip stick
• Kajal, liner, mascara, compact - as reqd.
• Facial tissues - as reqd.
• Eyebrow pencil - 1 No.
• Head band - 1 No.
• Clean your hand. • Apply toner with cotton pad on face and neck.
• Place a small amount of cleanser and apply with • After toner apply moisturizer to the face and neck.
upward strokes, beginning on the neck to the face.
• Use CTM according to skin type
• Cleanse the face for 2 to 3 minutes. • Do CTM daily two times morning and bed
• Remove cleanser with damp cotton pad. time for glowing skin
• Use sunscreen when going out side
TASK 3: Carry out day time make up / simple make up
Fig 2
• Keep the hair clean and lustrous.
• Wear an attractive hair style at all the times.
• If you are not able to make any hair style , take a good
hair cut that suits your personality .
Telephone Etiquettes
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• perform answering the telephone
• use telephone to handle a regular client.
Tools / Equipments Material:
• Telephone/mobileMaterials Pen - 1 No.
Diary - 1 No.
• Inquire who is calling by saying "may i have
your name please"
• Address people by their name
• Make use of such expressions as" thank
you", i am sorry" or "excuse me"
• If the requested information is not readily
available, be courteous enough to say "will
you please hold the line while i get the
information for you". Then put the caller on
To arrange a convenient appointment for the client is • Client:" tomorrow is rather inconvenient for me"
illustrated by the following telephone conversation : • Receptionist: "then i suggest an appointment on Friday
• Client : "this is Mrs. Singh , can you give me a shampoo afternoon. I am sure you will satisfy"
and set any time on Friday. I did rather come in the • Client:" ok i will be there on Friday."
• Receptionist: "thanking you Mrs. Singh, good bye."
• Receptionist: "just a moment, Mrs. Singh, i will check
booking on Friday, Friday is booked. How about
3 Place the feet out slightly farther than the knees.
Fig 2
4 Never push your feet under the chair.
5 Keep the soles of your shoes on the floor. Fig 2
• Keep your back straight and your head
up as you go up and down.
• Never place both elbow or both hands
on the armrests at the same time in
Fig 3
1 Feet should be parallel to each other.
2 Shoulder should be relaxed so that arms will swing
3 Head should be up. (Fig 3)
4 Do not take too long or too short steps and walk
with as little noise as possible.
TASK 2: Prepare and use chemical agents to sanitize tools and equipments
Formalin : Alcohol :
Implements having a fine cutting edge are best
• 25% solution used to sanitize implements. Immerse
sanitized by rubbing the surface with a cotton pad
implements in the solution for at least 10 minutes.
soaked with 70% alcohol. This application prevents the
(preparation : 2 parts formalin, 5 parts water, 1 part
cutting edges from becoming dull.
Electrodes may be safely sanitized by gently rubbing
Store all chemicals in a cool , dry area.
the exposed surface with a cotton pad soaked with 70%
alcohol. Then place the articles in a dry sanitizer or ultra- Keep all containers labeled.
violet ray sanitizer until ready for use.
Keep all containers tightly covered.
Do not taste, smell, or shake any unlabeled
Liquid Lysol, cleans floors, sinks and toilets liquids.
Boric acid : Read the labels on all products carefully.
White crystals, 2-5% solution used to cleanse the eyes Follow manufacturer's directions when
mixing and using chemicals.
Hydrogen Peroxide:
Wipe up any spilled chemicals
Liquid form of hydrogen peroxide 3-5% solution used on
skin and minor cuts
Keep chemicals away from the eyes.
Keep chemicals away from the eyes.
Keep a first aid kit in the salon.
TASK 1 : Warm up the body and prepare it to perform asanas and other exercises
1 Stand straight with feet apart so that the body is well Fig 2
2 Start with movements of neck. Rotate slowly clockwise
and anticlockwise. (Fig 1)
Fig 1
Beauty and Wellness
Basic Cosmetology Exercise: 1.1.06
Tools / Equipments material Material:
• Yoga mat. not required
TASK 1 :
Fig 1 Fig 2
1 Deep breathing improves mental calmness and
2 Start breathing slowly and then continue with deep
breathing. (Fig 2) 2 Deep breathing improves blood circulation.
Deep breathing must be slow and rhythmic. 3 Deep breathing enhances activeness.
4 Deep breathing benefits to other organs.
Beauty and Wellness
Basic Cosmetology Exercise: 1.1.07
• Yoga mat
TASK 1: Prathana
Fig 1
With eyes closed, feet together, the body straight fold
your hands with the thumbs on the throat-cavity and the
Forearms pressed against the chest.(Fig 1)
Posture: Fig 2
With your feet together and body straight, tilt your head
slightly backward while keeping your eyes wide open and
your mouth closed. The chin must be 2 and 1/2 inch above
the cavity at the base of the throat. (Fig 2)
TASK 3: Buddhi tatha dhriti shakti vika saka
Fig 3F
Posture: With your feet together, the body straight and
the mouth closed, tilt your head back as far as it will go
and keep the eyes wide open.(Fig 3)
Posture: Close your eyes, keeping your feet together and Fig 5
you're back straight. Your chin should be lowered to rest
on the sternal notch.(Fig 5)
A : Relax your neck, First give your head with a jerk first
towards your right shoulders and then towards your left
shoulders. At the start, it should be repeated 10 times.
(Fig 9)
Fig 10
The feet should join together. Keep straight the portion
between the feet and shoulders. Your mouth should be
closed and your eyes should be kept open.
Touch the chin with sterna notch and rotate the head
from left to right and then right to left alternately. Take
Breathe in normal way. Try to make your ear touch your
shoulder, taking particular care that shoulder should not
be raised during this rotation. Five times starts primarily.
(Fig 10)
Posture: Fig 11
Take breath in and breathe out through the nose (forcibly).
During this process, veins of your neck should be visible.
Stomach should increase while breathing, draw it in while
breath out. (Fig 11)
Posture (A) : Keeping the feet close together and standing Fig 14
straight, compress your fists with your thumbs tucked in.
Posture : Join the feet together, the body straight, the Fig 15
arms by the sides.
Exercise (C): Now repeat the exercise `A' with the left
Exercise (D): Repeat the exercise `B', with the left arm.
Posture : Stand with feet close together, with the body Fig 17
straight. Stretch out your two arms straight in front of you
at shoulder level, keeping them parallel to the ground.
Exercise `A' : With loosely compressed fists, let your
wrists move the fists up and down with force. While bringing
your fist up and down, try to touch the forearm. The arms
should be kept as stiff as possible. Five times to begin
Exercise`B' : Keep the upper arm in front of the scapula.
Collect the forearms and bring to the chest so that the
forearm makes an angle of 350 degree with the upper arm
at the spot of elbow. (Fig 17)
Posture : Keep your feet close together, the body straight. Fig 18
Stretch your arms forward, with the fingers separate as far
as possible. The arms should be kept parallel to the ground,
at shoulder level.
Exercise `A': From the wrists let your hands move up and
down forcefully. While bringing the palms up and down the
fingers must try to touch the arm.
Posture : Keep feet together, the body straight, the arms Exercise `B' : lift the arms, bent at the elbow. Sideways
stretch out in front parallel to the ground, at shoulder level. to shoulder level. The wrists should be moved up and down
Palms open and the fingers close together. arms folded at the elbows with palms open, fingers
jointly.(Fig 19a & 19b)
Exercise `A' : Move your wrists up and down with force
while carry your first up and down, try to touch the forearm. Fig 19b
The arms should be kept as stiff as possible.
Fig 19a
Exercise `A': Apply full force on the hind part of the wrist
and make it stiff loosen the front part.
Posture : Join both the feet together and the body straight. Fig 21
Throw out your arms in front, keeping them parallel to the
ground at shoulder level.
Posture: Stand with the feet together, body straight. Arms Fig 22
by your side, palms turned backwards with the fingers
should be touching one another.
Fig 25
Stand straight with your feet together and your neck raised
an inch above the normal position.
Posture : Fig 26
Stand straight with your feet together and bend your head
as far as it can go backward.
Exercise :
Breathe in and out quickly (Bellows effect) while expanding
and contracting the stomach. Repeat 25 times to begin
with.(Fig 26)
Posture :
Fig 27
Stand straight with your feet together. Look at spot four to
five feet forward toes.
Exercise :
Breathe in and out quickly (Bellows effect) while expanding
and contracting the stomach. Repeat 25 times to begin
with. (Fig 27)
Fig 28
Stand with your feet together and the body erect.
Pouting the lips suck in the air and at the same time lower
your chin to touch the sterna notch. This exercise is also
known as Jalandhara bandha. While holding the breath,
close your eyes and chicks will remain puffed. Breathe
out slowly through the nose keeping no sound at all in
doing so. Repeat 5 times to begin. (Fig 28)
Posture: Fig 30
Fig 31
Posture :
As in udara shakti-vikasaka - 6.
Posture: Fig 33
With feet two feet apart, place your hands on your knees
and bend from the waist to form an angle of 90 degrees.
Exhale completely. Then contract your abdomen to the
fullest extent. This is called the complete Uddiyana. This
will,stiffen the arms and allow the Nauli to stand out. Try
to make circular both ways left and right . Repeat Five
times to begin with. (Fig 33)
Posture `B' :
Fig 35
Fig 36
Join your feet together, stand straight.
Posture: Fig 37
With your feet together, stand straight and spread out hands
with sideways(like wings)
With your arms spread out, bend the waist to your left, as
far as possible and return slowly to the normal position.
Then bend towards your right. Five times to begin with.
Five times to begin with. (Fig 37)
Fig 39
Stand straight with feet together, the hips should be pressed
together. keep the neck relaxed in normal position.
Fig 40
TASK 41 : Kundalini-shakti-vikasaka
Fig 41
With force hit your heels on your buttocks one after the
other. Care should be taken to bring the foot down on the
original spot from which it was raised. 20 times to begin
with. (Fig 41)
TASK 42 : Jangha-shakti-vikasaka-(1)
Stand straight and joint they both feet together. Keep the The same as at `A' but the entire operation being in reverse.
neck in normal position. In the earlier exercise you breathe in when the arms were
thrown up; in this one you should breath in when bringing
Exercise `A' : them down, and breath out when throwing them up. 25
times to begin with.
Breathe in through the nose and at the same time throw
up your arms while jumping up with your feet together and Fig 42
coming down on your toes with feet apart.
TASK 43 : Jangha-shakti-vikasaka-(2)
Stand erect and join the feet together. maintain this position as long as possible. But the heels
or the toes should not rise from the ground. The knees
Exercise : must be together. Then begin to rise slowly, while breathing
Breathe in through the nose. Bend your knees gradually out. (Fig 43)
with arms spread out parallel to the ground and try to
Fig 43
Posture : Fig 44
Exercise :
Raise your foot forward with force of the knee and then
raise it backward and repeat while keeping the upper part
of your body in the same erect position. After doing this
exercise with one leg, repeat it with the other leg. When
taking your leg back, the heel must touch the buttock.
Ten times to begin with. (Fig 44)
TASK 45 : Pindali-shakti-vikasaka
Posture : Fig 45
Exercise :
TASK 46 : Pada-mula-shathi vikasaka
Fig 46
Stand on your toes, body straight and relaxed.
Exercise `A' :
Exercise B ' :
Keep the balancing on the toes and jump up as high as
possible during coming down on the toes. During this
process the toes should be used to maximum effect. Care
should also be taken to maintain the original position of
contact between the heels and the toes, and to bring them
down on the spot from which you jumped. Repeat 25
times to begin with.
Fig 47
Fig 48
Beauty and Wellness
Basic Cosmetology Exercise: 1.01.08
Surya Namskara
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• carryout preparation for performiry Surya namskara
• practice of Surya Namskara
• check contra indications of Surya Namskara.
• Yoga Mat
• Towel
TASK 1: Preparation
TASK 2 : 12 Exercises
Separate the hands raise and stretch both arms above Fig 2
the head, keeping them shoulder width apart.
Bend the head, arms and upper trunk slightly backward.
Breathing: Inhale while raising the arms (Fig.-2)
Exercise no-3 : Padahastasana (hand to foot pose)
Fig 3
Bend forward and place hands on the ground by the
sides of the feet until the fingers or palms of the hands
touch the floor on either side of the feet.
Bring the forehead as close to the knees as is
comfortable. Do not strain.
Keep the knees always straight.
Breathing: Exhale while bending(Fig.-3)
Keep the hands and right foot still, and take the left foot
back beside the right foot. Simultaneously, raise the Fig 5
buttocks and lower the head between the arms so that
the back and legs form two sides of a triangle. The
legs and arms straighten in the final position and the
heels come down towards the floor in the final pose.
Bring the head and shoulders towards the knees. Do
not strain.
Breathing: Exhale while taking the left leg. (Fig.-5)
Keep the hands and feet in place. Lower the knees, chest
and chin to the floor; the feet will come up on to the toes.
Fig 6
In the final position only the toes, knees, chest, hands
and chin touch the floor. The knees, chest and chin
should touch the floor simultaneously. If this is not
possible, first lower the knees, then the chest, and
finally the chin.
The buttocks, hips and abdomen should be raised.
Breathing: After inhaling breath is held as long as
possible. (Fig.-6)
• Before practicing Surya Namaskara, carefully observe • People with back problems should be careful while
the Contra-indications for 12 postures and ensure that performing Surya Namskara. Keep the knees always
they can be performed comfortably. straight.
• The practice of Surya Namaskara should be • The full stretch is not advised for people with knee or
immediately discontinued if a fever, acute inflammation, ankle problems.
boils or rashes occur due to excess toxins in the body.
• People with serious back problems, high blood pressure
• It should not be practiced by people suffering from high or heart conditions should not do this practice.
blood pressure and heart diseases.
• Not advised for people suffering from peptic ulcer,
• During the onset of menstruation and pregnancy, this hernia, intestinal tuberculosis or hyperthyroidism.
practice should be avoided.
Sthula vyayam
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• carryout preparation for performing sthula vyayama
• practice of sthula vyayama
• check contra indications of sthula vyayam (5 exercises).
Tools / Equipments
• Yoga Mat
• Towel
TASK 1: Preparation
TASK 2: 1 - Rekha-Gati
2 - Hrd Gati
With the left foot on the ground, place your right foot in
front of it so that the right heel touches the toes of the left Posture:
foot. With the feet together and body straight. Bend arm at the
elbow as Bhujbandh Shakti Vikasaka.
Exercise :
Now walk fifty steps forward with the heel of one foot Exercise :
touching the toes of the other, taking care to see that the Running 50 small step ahead on your toes. Push your
entire distance is covered in a straight line. Then walk arm forward and backward alternatively in a piston
backward, in the same manner and in a straight line. The movement. The feet while running must be thrown back
eyes must look front and not at the feet. (Fig 1) from the knee so as to hit the buttocks. When the righ leg
is moving forward, the right arm must be thrust out and
Fig 1
vice versa. Breathing in and out sharply and deeply through
the nose while produce hissing sound of an Enginee. Having
gone forward 50 steps, move backward the same
distance.(Fig 2)
Fig 2 Exercise :
Bend your left knee and stretch right arm upward. Repeat
this process with the right foot and left arm raised.
Breathing in and out to synchronize with movement of
Limbs. 25 times to begin with.(Fig 4)
Fig 4
3 - Utkurdana
Joint the feet together and stand straight. Close fists in
such a way that thumbs should be inside.
Exercise :
Breathe in from the nostrils and rotate both arms at the
same time till it completes a circle. As soon as the circle
is completed juimp up and keep your hands in the same 5 - Sarvang pushthi
way as in bujbandh shakti vikasaka. Jump in such a manner Posture:
that while jumping your heels touch your buttocks, then
breathe out.(Fig 3) With your feet as wide apart as possible, form fists with
thumbs tucked in. Then with one wrist upon the other bend
towards the ankle of the right leg.
Fig 3
Exercise :
Breathing in through the nose, raise the arms backward
and forward describing a circle with the truck and bring
them down towards the left ankle. Breathing when coming
down and breathout while rising. This exercise is to be
done gradually. (Fig 5)
Fig 5
4 - Urdhava Gati
With feet one foot apart hold one arm bent at the elbow at
the angle of 90 degree while the other is straight upwards.
The palm of the both hands must remain open. Facing
outward with finger together.
Assemble all the material in the trolley. prepare client and Fig 1
drape properly.(Fig 1)
Check the scalp for any disorders, cuts and wounds with
the help of magnifying lamp or with naked eyes. Fill record
card of client.
TASK 3: Practice of using gadgets:
Fig 5
TASK 4: Aftercare
1 Hair tonics or lotions with alcohol content may be 4 When you place the steamer over the clients head,
applied only after the application of high frequency steam is able to flow around the hair, which expands &
current. Softens. This helps conditioners & oils to pass through
2 Protect your hair from direct sun light after treatment the cuticle and the cortex of the hair.
for some hours. 5 Always check the manufacturers instructions before
3 Scalp steamer are commonly used to apply moist heat using the steamer.
to the hair. They may be used before or during
conditioning / oil.
TASK 2 : Hair analysis
There are five elements that check the behavior of the hair. Fig 2
1 Divide the hair into 4 parts. Section from front to back 8 Use extreme caution in the crown area. It must fall
down the middle and from ear to ear across the apex naturally.
of the head.
9 Move to the left side. Release a ¼ to ½ inch subpanel.
2 Start in the nape on the right side; subsection a hori- Using a small section from the back cut with 0 degree
zontal part ¼ to ½ across the hairline. elevation with shears parallel to the floor. Do not use
tension in the ear region as it will be too short. Before
3 Smoothly comb and hold the hair with little tension.
making this cut make sure you are not angling but are
Slide your fingers down to the cutting line (desired
cutting horizontal to the floor.
length) and holding scissor parallel to the floor and
horizontal to the head for your first cut. 10 Continue small subsections until you reach the top of
the section.
4 Repeat on the left side. Careful measure and check for
a clean straight line. This is the stationary (motion- 11 Repeat steps 9 and 10 on the right side.
less) guideline for the rest of your cut.
12 Using the mirror, stand behind your client and check
5 Keep you partings small, smooth and against the back for correctness.(Fig 7)
at 0 degree.
Fig 7
6 Let down another subsection in the right side and comb
smooth down to the previously cut sub section. Make
sure the hair is falling naturally and cut.
7 Continue working from side to side in the back panel
until you reach the crown. (Fig 6)
Fig 6
Tools / Equipments Material
• Barber Scissor - 1 No.
• Towel - 2 Nos.
• Trolley - 1 No.
• Hair shampoo - as reqd.
• Hand Dryer - 1 No.
• water - as reqd.
• Tail comb/ Style comb - 1 No.
• Neck strip - 1 No.
• Round brush - 1 No.
• Sectioning clips - 1 No.
• Spray Bottle - 1 No.
TASK 2 : Hair analysis
There are five elements that check the behavior of the hair. Fig 2
Fig 1
Fig 5
A graduated hair cut is an effect or hair cut that results from 5 When cutting the side sections, compensate for the pro-
cutting the hair with tension, and low to medium elevation or trusion of the ear, holding the hair against the skin with
over direction. (Fig 6) minimal tension to maintain the strength of the line. Re-
peat the same procedure for the other side.
Fig 6
6 The same sectioning and cutting procedures are contin-
ued up to the original parting on both sides.
7 Begin the internal layering by taking a vertical section
through the center back. Comb the hair straight out and
cut a square line. To keep the layers longer, allow some of
the outline to drop away, helping to maintain the definition
of the line.
8 Pivot sections from the crown and over-direct each one
back using the previous section as the guide. As the sec-
tions become parallel towards the front hairline, continue
over-directing back to maintaining the length through the
front. Repeat the same procedure for the other side.
1 Begin the haircut at the nape area, cutting a perimeter
9 Blend the layering across the parting by taking horizontal
line using ½-inch diagonal forward sections.
sections starting at the crown.
2 Take a section that is parallel to the first, combing the hair
10 Texturize to remove the interior weight using a "deep point"
down and cutting the line through both sides.
cutting technique.
3 Keep working to a point just above the top of the ears.
11 To establish the fringe, take sections that curve around
Using fine sections follow the guideline. Continue using
the hairline. (Fig 8)
previous sections as a guide, keeping tension consis-
tent. 12 Cut the fringe using a point cutting technique for a softer,
youthful appearance
4 When reaching the crown, begin incorporating the sides
into the sections.(Fig 7) Fig 8
Fig 7
Tools / Equipments Material
• Barber Scissor - 1 No.
• Towel - 2 Nos.
• Trolley - 1 No.
• Hair shampoo - as reqd.
• Hand Dryer - 1 No.
• water - as reqd.
• Tail comb/ Style comb - 1 No.
• Neck strip - 1 No.
• Round brush - 1 No.
• Sectioning clips - 1 No.
• Spray Bottle - 1 No.
TASK 2 : Hair analysis
There are five elements that check the behavior of the hair. Fig 2
1 Arrange all concern tools and material in the trolley. • Avoid use conditioner before cutting the
(Fig 4) hair, which can elevate the hair.
Fig 4 • Do not place other products on hair such as
Hair gel, Hair cream, Hair spray.
5 Towel dries the hair. Remove the towel around the neck,
leaving the second towel in place in place to prevent
excess water.
6 Secure a neck strip around the client's neck.
Fig 5
1 Section the hair in a standard seven-section parting, a 45-degree elevation at the fringe and forward top
separating the sides, and top into three sections, the section, increase the elevation to 90-degrees as you
crown should be divided into two equal sections roughly move back along the head.
triangular shaped, and the nape area is divided into
two equal parts.(Fig 6) 4 Move to the back section next and cut your perimeter
length as desired. Work from the back center to the
Fig 6 left and right and cut the perimeter as desired for the
style. Cross-check your side cuts as you go to ensure
balance and evenness in the cut.
6 Once you have cut all of the sections of the hair, cross-
check the layering by combing slices in the opposite
direction in which the hair was cut. Look for pointy
angles and protrusions that indicate hairs that were
2 Determine your desired lengths for the front, back and missed as the sections were sliced and cut. Trim these
sides and cut a small guide to mark this length. Cross- away to blend with the rest of the layers.
check your side lengths by bringing them together in
front or back to make sure they line up correctly. When the hair is cut, style it as desired. Depending on
the particular lengths of such cuts the hair can be blow-
3 Cut your forward sections first to allow you to re-secure dried styled and/or curled with heated tools.
the hair out of the client's face once you are done. Use
An effective consultation is a skill often overlooked but clients needs are. Use this opportunity to learn as much
done well will leave the client feeling that they are in the as you can about their likes and dislikes past experiences,
hands of an expert who genuinely cares, is interested in good and bad as well as general lifestyle issues that are
them and has the knowledge required to satisfy their relevant to their hair.
requirements. (Fig 1)
The following steps are intended as a guide to conducting
Fig 1 a thorough professional consultation:
• Greet and put the client in a styling chair for the con-
• Introduce yourself to new clients by name. If you don't
already know their name asks them and makes a con-
certed effort to remember and use it.
• Observe the clients hair be aware of texture, length,
growth patterns, hairlines and general body shape and
height. Observe facial characteristics such as face
shape, ears, nose, neck.
• Ask how the hair was dried the last time it was sham-
pooed as it may have straightened, ask what styling
The consultation is the opportunity to start building a rela- products have been used.
tionship with the client and determine exactly what your
TASK 2: Client & Trolley preparation
1 After shampooing, return the client to the seated posi- Fig 3
tion and comb out any tangle in the hair.
2 Remove excess moisture from by towel dries the hair,
3 Secure a neck strip around the client's neck
4 Arrange all concern tools and material in the trolley.
(Fig 2,3,4)
Fig 2
Fig 4
1. Never hold the blow dryer too long in one place. Direct
Fig 7
it from the scalp in the direction of the ends of the hair.
2. Always direct the hot air away from the clients scalp
to avoid scalp burns.
3. Position the blow dryer about six inches away from
hair at all times so that your hair do not burn with the
strong heat at closer range.
4. Another thing to remember while blow drying hair is to
blow dry in a downwards motion. Blow drying upwards
causes a lot of damage to hair. (Fig 7)
5. Do not blow dry in the same spot for too long as again
there is a chance of damage due to heat. Keep moving
the blow dryer around. However, do not wave it or jerk it
around. Smooth movements along the part you are
brushing are all that is required.
Head Massage
Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• arrange the trolley and prepare the client for Head Massage
• identify the scalp & hair condition
• apply hair oil on scalp
• practice scalp manipulations
• use of different electrical gadgets during the head massage.
• Scalp Steamer
• Plastic Bowl - 1 No. • Heater
• Tail Comb - 1 No. • Infra red lamp
• Cutting Sheet - 1 No.
• Towel - 1 No. Material
1 Prepare the trolley with all necessary tools & materials 1 Always maintain clean hands and nails,
to be used
2 Always use a deodorant,
2 Check & keep the equipments ready by the side of the
trolley 3 Maintain oral hygiene to prevent bad breath.
Maintain a high standard of personal hygiene like 4 Streilize the tools and equipments before & after use.
• Examine the condition of Clients hair and scalp with Always fill client record card and consent form
the help of magnifying lamp or with naked eye. during scalp and hair analysis
TASK 4: Massage strokes
Fig 1
Tools Material
• Neck Strip - 1 No.
• Shampoo - As reqd.
• Shampoo cape - 1 No.
• Conditioner - As reqd.
• Comb and Brush - 1 No.
• Round Brush - 1 No.
• Hair Dryer
• Shampoo Station
The client consultation is an element of shampooing. It
is at this time that you determine what type of sham-
poo and conditioner is to be used and how the proce-
dure is to be carried out
TASK 4: Procedure for shampooing & Rinsing
1 Take the client to the wash area with the cape and 8 Squeeze out the excess water from the hair and
the towel intact apply conditioner to the mid lengths and ends of the
2 Wet the scalp and hair hair.
3 Take a small amount of shampoo and spread it all 9 Emulsify the conditioner well all over the mid length
over the scalp and ends and leave on for next three minutes
4 Give effleurage movement for at least three of five 10 Now rinse off the conditioner thoroughly from the hair
minutes 11 Remove the cap and pick up the towel from the client
5 Circular movements can also be done for next three shoulder, wrap around the head taking care that the
minutes to remove dirt and dandruff water does not drip on the client's face or dress.
6 Rinse off the shampoo thoroughly with plenty of 12 After removing the shampoo cape use the setting
water brush or comb and hand dryer, dry the hair thor-
7 See to it that water does not drip on the client face
or spoil the client's dress.
Hair can get dried out and damaged from the use of heat 2 Cover the head with plastic cap:
styling tools, dyes and chemical strengtheners, and
exposure to the sun and cold air. It is good to restore Deep conditioning treatments require a number of hours
hairs moisture and body with a good deep conditioning to set in and get to the centre of each strand of hair.
treatment. Keep the conditioning in place by covering head with a
plastic cap.
Choose a product:
• Avoid using a material other than plastic, since
There are many products in the market, and you should fabric or other materials might absorb the prod-
find one that's made to order for your exact needs uct.
• If you have fine hair, look for products that are 3 Apply Heat:
described as "Light or weightless". Products made
with heavier oils will make the hair look weighted After Appling the conditioner to give heat with help of
down. dryer, this allows it to get absorbed into hair more
easily. Make sure the hair dryer doesn't get too hot,
PROCEDURE since you don't want to melt the plastic cap.
1 Apply the Deep Conditioning product: 4 Rinse out the product:
Apply conditioner directly onto your head. Smooth it Remove the shower cap and rinse your hair with cool
from your roots down your hair shaft. Gives special water, Which will tighten the hair shaft and make it look
attention to the tips, which tend to get drier than the rest shiny. After rinsing, towel dry hair gently, then let it air
of your hair. If necessary, use a wide- tooth comb to dry and style the hair.
distribute the product.
1 Make the client sit comfortably. 4 Remove the jewellery of the client and place it
2 Check the client skin for any cut, wounds, abrasions in the safer side or keep them in view of client.
etc. 5 Assemble the trolley.
If any cut, wound, abrasion etc. found don't 6 Wash and sanitize your hands before giving treatment.
give the treatment to client .
Always follow the high standards of hygiene rules.
3 Consult the client and fill the record card. 7 Drape the client carefully.
5 Apply wax starting from the cupid bow towards one
• Always apply the wax in the direction in
corner. After applying the wax press the wax by index
which the hair is growing.
finger towards the hair.
• Hold the skin tightly when removing wax.
6 After pressing the wax properly pull the wax strip against
the hair growth like a bandage. • Never apply wax on the moles, warts, sun-
burns, rashes, abrasions or peeling skin.
7 In similar ways apply wax on the other part of the lip.
• Always read the manufactures directions
8 On completion, clean the area and apply astringent
carefully before applying on client.
lotion to close the open pores.
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• prepare client and trolley for hair removal
• carry -out the patch test procedure
• carry out the procedure of depilation.
Tools/Equipments Materials
• Clients ,chair - 1 No. • Cotton - as reqd.
• Trolley - 1 No. • Soap & water - as reqd.
• Spatula - 1 No. • Towel - as reqd.
• Plastic bowl - 1 No. • Talc - as reqd.
• Applicator brush - 1 No. • Depilatory Cream - as reqd.
• Skin lotion - as reqd.
1. Make the client sit comfotably. 3. Consult the client and fill the record card.
2. Check the skin with naked eyes for any cut wounds 4. Remove the jewellery of the client and place it in the
abrasions etc. safer keep then in the view of client.
If any cut, wound ,abrasion etc.. found 5. Assemble the trolley.
don't give the treatment to the client.
6. Wash and sanitize you hands before giving treat-
1. Clean the area when the patch test in to be alone. 3. Leave it for 10-15min.
Area's to be preferred for patch test are :- 4. Remove the chemical and clean the area with tepid
1 inner fold of elbow.
5. Leave the particular area for 24hrs. to observe any
2 behind the ear.
reaction on it.
2. Apply a small amount selected depilatory cream on
client's skin.
2 Apply the depilatory cream to the area where hair is 4 Check every few minutes by removing a bit of cream
to be removed. with spatula or if the hair has not been removed on
particular time, reapply cream.
Always apply the depilatory cream with applica-
tor not by hands. 5 Remove the cream and the hair with water soaked
cotton, don't rub the area.
3 Leave the depilatory on the particular area for 5 to 15
min. 6 Leave the area for drying.
7 Use a mild skin lotion or talc over the area to soothe
Always follow the manufactures directions. the skin.
Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• carry out client consultation
• carry out skin analysis
• prepare the client
• perform eyebrow threading, upper lip and forehead threading.
1 Check the skin for any disorders, cuts and wounds 2 Fill record card of client
with the help of magnifying lamp or with naked eyes.
1 Make the client to sit on a reclining chair in a bright • Hygiene must be maintained while
area. using tools.
2 Discuss with the client what shape of eyebrow she • Sterilize the tools and equipments
prefers. before use.
3 Sanitize you hands before you start procedure. • Remove contact lenses before threading.
Fig 1
1 Cleanse the eye brow area using some anti septic 10 Remove excess hairs from below the eye brows.
cleaning solution (fig3)
2 Dry the area well and dust some purified talc over it.
Fig 3
3 Always start with the client's right eye brow.
4 Stand in front of the client to do the threading.
5 Request the client to hold her eyes tight on the eye
lid as well as on the fore head area just above the
eye brows. (fig.2)
Fig 2
1 Check the skin for any disorders, cuts and wounds 2 Fill record card of client
with the help of magnifying lamp or with naked eyes.
1 Make the client to sit on a reclining chair in a bright 3 Sanitize your hands before you start procedure.
area. • Hygiene must be maintained while using tools.
2 Discuss with the client what shape of eyebrow she • Sterilize the tools and equipments before use.
• Remove contact lenses before threading.
TASK 4: Perform eyebrow threading, upper lip and forehead
1 Cleanse the eye brow area using some anti 8 Remove excess hair above the brows
septic cleaning solution. 9 Now remove excess hair from below the eye brows.
2 Dry the area well and dust some purified talc over it. 10 Brush the eye brows with an eye brow brush and
trim the protruding hairs with the eye brow scissors.
3 Always start with the client's right eye brow.
11 Give the hand mirror to the client and ask her for her
4 Stand in front of the client to do the tweezing.
5 Make the moisten eye pads and place it over the
12 Dust the area with dusting brush and apply soothing
antiseptic lotion on eye brows
6 Moisten a cotton pad and place it on your index
13 Gently massage the eye brow area for about three
finger like a ring. Tweezed hairs are to be placed on
to four minutes.
the top of this ring.
7 Begin tweezing, hold the skin tight with one hand by
stretching it between the index and middle finger.
Tweeze the hair with the other hand in the direction
of the hair growth.
TASK 1: Observe the client skin & carry out pre treatment procedure
1. Before preparing the client for bleaching it is neces- • Always consult the client
sary to observe the clients skin for any skin disorder
and diseases such as cuts wound, infections, burns, • Always suggest the client a right type of treat-
pus formation etc. ment as per the skin condition.
• If there as any type of injection injuries, dis- 5. Seat the patron in a comfortable chair.
eases don't perform bleach. 6. Remove the jewellery and keep them in her view or in a
2. After observation fill the record card and consent form safe place.
of the client. 7. Wash and sanitize your hands .
3. Sterilize the tools before and after giving treatment.
• Maintain high standards of hygiene rules
4. Assemble the trolley .
TASK 2: Prepare the bleach paste in correct ratio for patch test
TASK 3: Carry out patch Test
1. Apply small amount of prepared mixture on clients inner Fig 1
fold of elbow and behind the ear. (Fig 1)
2. Leave it for 10 to 50 minutes and remove it with tepid
3. Leave the particular area for 24 hrs. to observe any
reactions on it
• Do not apply any chemical on the particular
area for 24 hours
• If there is any reaction on the particular areas
such as itching, burning, redness etc. avoid
1 Take out two tea spoon bleach cream from the container 3 Mix the paste evenly.
2 Mix the bleach cream & activator in ratio of 1:8 in a 4 Always prepare the mixture 5 to 7 mtns before the
plastic / glass bowl (2 Tsp bleach cream + ¼ tsp application process, otherwise oxidization process will
activator) start and the prepared mixture can be spoiled.
Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• observe the client and carry-out the pre- treatment procedure
• clean the surface of the nails
• shaping of nails by using manicure tools
• carry -out procedures of Plain manicures
• carry- out procedures of Hot oil maniure
• carry out procedure of elecric manicure.
TASK 1: observe the client and carry-out the pre- treatment procedure
1) Before preparing the client for manicure it is neces- 4) Assemble the trolley.(Fig 1)
sary to observe the nails for any nail diseases infec-
tions such as severe cuts, wounds, warts, swelling
Fig 1
pus formation etc.
Always follow the hygiene rules. Maintain high
standards of hygiene rules.
2) After observation fill the record card and consent form
of the client.
3) Sterilize the tools and equipments before and after
giving treatment.
Always follow the hygiene rules. Maintain high
standards of hygiene rules.
• Always consult the client.
Fig 2
• After client consultation always suggest the right
treatment to the client according to the condition of
skin & nails.
5) Seat the patron in a comfortable hair.
6) Remove her jewellery and keep it in a pocker.
7) Wash and sanitize your hands before you begin the
treatment (Fig 2)
1) Remove old nail polish from the patron's nails. (Fig 3) 2) Start with the little finger and work towards the thumb.
3) Roll cotton between the palms of your hands to remove
Fig 3
fuzz, damper the cotton with polish remover and press
the cotton firmly against each nail.
4) Hold the cotton against the nail for a few second until
the cotton starts to slip then wipe the nail clean.
5) Use a fresh surface of the cotton for each nail. It the
polish smears into cuticle, clean it off with cotton tipped
orange wood stick dipped in nail polish remover.
Fig 5
1) First cut the nails.(Fig 4)
Fig 4
Fig 6
2) File the nails of left hand starting with little finger &
working towards the thumb. (Fig 5)
3) File each nail from corner to center, going from right to
left and then left to right into a graceful shape. (Fig 6)
1 Place the patron's left hand in a bowl of warm, soapy 5) Now gently push the cuticles back to remove dead cu-
water with few drops of manicure shampoo and 6 drops ticles. (Fig 10)
of H2O2 and brush the nails. (Fig-7 & 7a) Fig 10
Fig 7 Fig 7a
2 Follow the same procedure for other hand. 6) Use cuticle cutter if necessary to remove the dead cu-
ticles. (Fig 11)
3 Remove the left hand from the water and then right
hand dry both hands with the hand towel (Fig 8) Fig 11
Fig 8
Fig 9
Fig 15
Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• observe the client skin and carry - out pre -treatment procedure
• clean the surface of the toe nails
• file the toe nails in square shape
• carry-out the procedure of professional pedicure
• carry-out the procedure of hydrating pedicure
• carry-out the procedure of paraffin wax pedicure.
Tools / Equipment: Material
• Client chair - 1 No. • Plastic sheet - 1 No.
• Pedicure chownky - 1 No. • Large towel - 3 Nos.
• Pedicure tub - 1 No. • Small towel - 2 Nos.
• Foot scraper (metal, wood and concrete) - 1 • Pedicure shampoo - as reqd.
No.(each) • H2o2 - as reqd.
• Hard stone - 1 No. • Anti septic lotion - as reqd.
• Pumic stone - 1 No. • Cotton - as reqd.
• Orange wood stick - 1 No. • Nail varnish remover - as reqd.
(big size). • Cuticle cream - as reqd.
• Emery boards - 1 No. • Cuticle softener - as reqd.
• Toe separator - 1 No. • Manage cream - as reqd.
• Toe nails cutter - 1 No. • Scrubber - as reqd.
• Nail clippers - 1 No. • exfoliatory Cream - as reqd.
• Buffer - 1 No. • Moisturizing mask - as reqd.
• Double boiler - 1 No. • Paraffin wax - as reqd.
• Hot plate - 1 No. • Foot powder - as reqd.
• Spatula - 1 No. • Petroleum jelly - as reqd.
• Tong - 1 No. • Booties - as reqd.
• Pan - 1 No.
• Applicator brush (with hard bristles) - 1 No.
TASK 1 : Observe the client skin and carry - out pre -treatment procedure.
• Always consult the client 6 Remove the jewellery and keep them in her view or in a
safe place.
• Always suggest the client a right type of
treatment as per the skin, nails condition. 7 Wash and sanitize your hands .
Maintain high standards of hygiene rules.
1 Remove old nail polish form the patois nails (Fig - 2). 2 Start with the little finger and work toward the toe nail
Fig 2
thumb from the left foot .
3 Roll cotton between the palms of your hands to remove
fuzz, dampen the remover and press the cotton firm
against each nail.
4 Hold the cotton against the nail for a few second until
the cotton starts to slip then wipe the nail clean.
5 Use a fresh surface of the cotton for each nail. if the
polish smears into cuticle clean it off with cotton tipped
orange wood stick dipped in nail polish.
1 Cut the toe nails straight across. Starting from little Fig 4
finger towards thumb of toe nail of both feet's.(Fig.3)
Fig 3
3 If the nails are long shorten them with toe nail clipper
and then file to smooth the edges.
“Don't give pointed shapes to the toe nails
2 File the nails in square shape. (Fig.4) otherwise it will cause foot disorders.”
1 Follow all the steps of Task 1 to Task 3. 2 Soak the patron's left foot in the disinfectant solution
for 3-4 minutes. along with few drops of pedicure &
shampoo and H2O2 solution.(fig-5)
Fig 7
11 Take out the right foot from the water and dry the foot
with towel and repeat all the steps from 7 to 10 on it.
5 Take out the left foot from the water and dry it with
12 Remove the excess cuticles with cuticle nipper from
left foot.
Fig 8 13 Wipe the nail with cotton wool to remove the culicle
14 Use alcohol to clean the surface of the toe nails.
15 Apply base coat (Fig-11)
Fig 11
1 Follow all the steps of Task 1 to Task 3. 6. Remove the exfoliate cream from the left foot.
2 Then follow all the steps no. 2 to 4 of Task 4. 7. Now follow the steps 7 to 9 of task 4 on left foot.
3 Take out the left foot from the water and apply exfoliator 8. Repeat the above step 6 and 7 on right foot.
cream /scrubber to remove dead skin of the foot and
heels.(Fig 13) 9. Apply foot cream all over the left foot and the leg till
above the ankle area. (Fig 15)
Fig 13
Fig 15
Nail Art
Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• identify the supplies required for nail art with trolley arrangement
• prepare the nail plate for Nail art
• create Basic nail art.
Tools: Material
• Nail brushes - 1 No. • Nail polishes ( different shades) - as reqd.
• Fine art brush or detail brush - 1 No. • Nail polish remover - as reqd.
• Plastic Bowl - 1 No. • Top Coat - as reqd.
• Palette - 1 No. • Base coat - as reqd.
• Transfers - 1 No. • French Manicure polish - as reqd.
• Foils - 1 No. • Glitter dust - as reqd.
• Marbling tools - 1 No. • Rhinestone - as reqd.
• Scissors - 1 No. • Cotton buds - as reqd.
• Towels - 1 No. • cotton - as reqd.
• Manicure table
• Manicure chair
1. Remove the old nail Polish. • Don't file the nails in one direction
2. File the nail into desire shape. • Always ask the client desire before given
shape to the nails
3. Clean and smooth the surface of the nail plate.
• Always check that nail plate should be free
4. Apply the base coat on the nail plate. from oil stains
TASK 3 : Create basic nail art design Free hand Technique
1. Take small amount of desired nail paint into the brush. o Hearts.
2. Apply nail paint on the surface of the nail plate to create o Flower petals.
the following designs.
o Leaves.
o Strokes.
3. Leave the designed nails for drying.
o Stems & Branches. (fig.-1)
4. Then apply to coat as seal coat to protect the nail.
Fig 1
Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• prepare the treatment area and client for facial
• identify the skin type and condition
• practice facial manipulations
• use different electrical gadgets while doing facial
• use of face packs and masks according to skin type.
• Head Band - 1 No. • Faradic current
• Towel - 1 No. • Facial Bed
• Plastic /Glass bowl - 1 No. Material
• Face Clean Sheet/Blanket - 1 No.
• Pack Brush - 1 No. • Cotton - as reqd.
• Plastic Spatula - 1 No. • Cold Cream - as reqd.
• Face scrub - as reqd.
Equipment: • Cleansing Milk - as reqd.
• Face Pack - as reqd.
• Vapozone • Disposable Towel/Tissue - as reqd.
• High Frequency • Antiseptic Lotion/Astringent - as reqd.
• Galvanic • Sunprotection products - as reqd.
• Ultrasonic
• Vacuum and Spray
1 Check the skin for any disorders , cuts and wounds • Always fill client's record card and consent
with the help of magnifying lamp or with naked eye. form
• Hygiene must be maintain while using tools
TASK 3 : Practice of facial manipulations 6 Apply the cream to the face and neck then start the
massage .
• Cleansing the face
• Basic massage mov ement(Fig 2)
1 Cleanse your hands
Fig 2
2 Place a small amount of cleansing product into the
palmof your hand
3 Rub your fingers together to warmand distribute the
cleansing product
4 Apply the cleansing product with upward strokes ,
begining fromthe neck .Work cleanser over the chin
and lips. If your client wearing lipstick ,remove it first.
5 After application of cleanser to all over the face ,
massage gently . then remove cleanser with dampened
cotton pads or with moistened sponge .
• Facial Manipulation
1 Always give the massage in direction of facial
muscles.(Fig 1)
Fig 1
1 Effleurage:
Effleurage is most superficial stroke in massage . It is
a long gliding stroke. It is used forrelaxing and soothing
effects and done with the pads of the fingers or the
palms of the hands. Effleurage increase the circulation
on the skin surface and is very soothing.
2 Petrissage :
Petrissage is the technical name of kneading
movement. This rolling and gentle squeezing of the
muscles under the skin increases circulation of blood
and lymph and stimulates muscles for toning effect.
3 Friction:
Friction is a circular , deep rubbing movement . friction
increases circulation. Friction is used with less
2 Do not break the contact once you have started the pressure in scalp manipulation .
massage process 4 Tapotement:
3 Move fromone area to another slowly and smoothly . Tapotement is a movement that consists of fast tapping,
4 Finish each massage movement by pausing at pressure drumming, Patting , or hacking the skin. it stimulating
points and then moving smoothly to the next area. effects .It is done in rhythmic manner. It increases
blood circulation and promotes muscles contraction.
Massage in a direction that is up and out. Once
you hav e started massage movement do not 5 Vibration:
leav e hands from the client's skin until the Vibration tends to imitate the pulsing sensation
massage is completed . Always hav e at least produced by electric or battery operated massage
one hand in contact w ith the skin of the client. devices. The therapist creates a vibrating movement
fromtheir tensed hands and fingers when applied to
5 Remove approximately one tea spoon cream from the small areas. Vibration stimulates the skin
jar with spatula . After completion the facial massage movements using
different electrical gadgets according to skin treatment.
TASK 4: Use of different electrical gadgets in facial
1 High Frequency-For Stimulating the skin and increase Fig 4
the blood supply
2 Galvanic -Improves muscles tone and promotes removal
of waste products.
3 Infra red lamp- For stimulation of the glands.(Fig 3)
Fig 3
Mask and packs are special products applied to the face 2 Apply a treatment mask or pack according to skin
to benefit and beautify the skin. Masks are generally types.
used for tightening effect.
3 After application of mask allow it to remain on the face
Packs are highly beneficial when used to condition for seven to ten minutes.
sensitive skin and have excellent hydrating properties .
They are applied with a brush and are allowed to set for 4 Remove the mask with wet cotton pads.
about 10 minutes. 5 Apply toner, Astringent or freshener,
1 After completion of the massage remove massage 6 Then Apply a moisture or sunscreen
cream with tissue, warm moist towel.