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Impaired Gas Exchange NCP

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Davao Doctors College, Inc.

College of Allied Health Sciences N.C.P

Nursing Program Nursing Care Plan

Name of Patient: Patient M. Date of Admission: 10/6/2022 Age: 26 Sex: Female Civil Status: N/A
Chief Complaint: 48-Hour history of progressive dyspnea, Generalized edema, and Left lower chest pain with non-productive cough
Attending Physician: Dr. Magallona

Date / Cues Nursing Goals & Interventions Rationale Evaluation

Time Diagnosis Objectives
October 6, Subjective/s: Impaired Gas Within 8 hours if INDEPENDENT: INDEPENDENT: GOAL MET
2022 - The patient exchange r/t nursing intervention, A. Assist the patient in A. To facilitate lung
@3:00 pm verbalized, accumulation of the patient will be finding a comfortable expansion and reduce After 8 hours of
fluid in pleural able to: position (e.g., semi- the work of breathing. nursing intervention
“I experienced space aeb Fowler's) that the patient able to:
fluid retention dyspnea, - Demonstrate optimizes lung
that went way elevated RR, improved gas expansion and - The patient's
beyond the o2sat of 92%, exchange as encourages deeper oxygen saturation
usual hormone and presence of evidenced by an breathing. has increased to
fluctuations or pleural effusion. increase in oxygen 95%
indulgence in saturation to ≥ 95%.
overly salty Scientific basis: B. Respiratory - The patient's
B. Encourage the exercises help in lung
food.” The nursing - The patient's respiratory rate has
patient to perform expansion, prevent
diagnosis of respiratory rate will decreased and
“I presented to "Impaired Gas decrease to within deep-breathing atelectasis (lung remained within the
the emergency Exchange" is the normal range exercises, coughing, collapse), and normal range (18
department supported by (e.g., 12-20 breaths and spirometry as promote the cpm)
with a 48-hour the scientific per minute) appropriate. clearance of
history of basis that - Reported
respiratory secretions.
progressive pleural effusion, - Report a reduction decreased in
dyspnea, characterized by in dyspnea and symptoms such as
generalized the increased comfort C. Educate the patient
and caregivers on the C. Educating the shortness of breath
edema and left accumulation of during breathing, and improved
lower chest fluid in the indicating improved importance of proper patient and caregivers comfort.
pain with a pleural space, gas exchange and positioning and offer on proper positioning
non-productive restricts lung lung function. guidance on activities and respiratory
Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences N.C.P
Nursing Program Nursing Care Plan

cough.” expansion and that may improve gas techniques like

alters the exchange such as diaphragmatic and
Objectives: mechanics of diaphragmatic pursed-lip breathing
- RR: 34 cpm respiration. This breathing and pursed- helps optimize lung
- HR: 144 bpm leads to lip breathing can be
mechanics, increase
- O2sat: 92% impaired particularly helpful.
oxygenation, and
ventilation and
ABG Result: gas exchange in reduce the work of
- Metabolic the alveoli, breathing, leading to
acidosis: causing reduced improved gas
pH: 7.134 oxygen uptake exchange and overall
HCO3: 6 and carbon respiratory function.
dioxide removal.
- (+) Pleural The
effusion compromised
lung function,
often associated DEPENDENT: DEPENDENT:
with conditions A. Administer oxygen A. Helps raise the
such as heart @3L per minute via patient's blood oxygen
failure or nasal canulla saturation levels (SpO2)
inflammatory to a normal range
diseases like (typically 95% or higher)
Systemic Lupus to ensure that cells
Erythematosus receive an adequate
(SLE), further supply of oxygen for
exacerbates the metabolism and organ
impairment, function.
resulting in
arterial B. Administer B. To treat the fluid
oxygenation Furosemide as per accumulation in the
levels pleural space of the
Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences N.C.P
Nursing Program Nursing Care Plan

(hypoxemia) physician’s order. patient.

partial pressure A. Collaborate with a A. This procedure can
of carbon physician or help drain excess fluid
dioxide from the pleural
respiratory therapist
to perform space, relieving
thoracentesis or pressure on the lungs
addressing the
effusion and chest tube insertion and improving gas
optimizing lung as appropriate for exchange.
function are the patient's
essential to condition.
impaired gas
exchange in


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