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Hacking Basics

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Hacking: The Basics

Zachary Wilson
April 4, 2001


An intrusion can be defined as an attempt to break into or misuse a

computer system. The word "misuse" is broad, and can reflect meaning to
something as severe as stealing confidential data to something as minor
such as misusing your email system for spam. Today, both the Internet and
corporate intranets are simply crawling with people from all walks of life that
are continuously trying to test the security of various systems and
networks. Some of these people are seeking some sort of intellectual high,
while others are fueled by more treacherous motives such as revenge or
stealing for profit. In any event, no intrusion is innocent and no intrusion is
benign. There is no silver bullet available out there that will totally secure
our networks and systems. The only thing that we can do as IT
professionals is make sure all of the doors are locked, the alarm is turned
on, and educate ourselves on what to look for. The primary focus of this
practical paper is to educate the less security conscious IT professionals
and end-users on exactly who is out there and what they are doing to get
in. By attempting to establish this baseline of security knowledge we
essentially extend the arm of IT security to include the very users waho
today present the greatest danger: the uneducated user.

Attacker Profiles

There are two words to describe the attacker: hacker and attacker. A
hacker is a generic term for a person who likes getting into things. The
benign hacker is the person who likes to get into his/her own computer and
understand how it works. The malicious hacker is the person who likes
getting into other people's systems. The benign hackers wish that the
media would stop bad-mouthing all hackers and use the term 'attacker'
instead. Unfortunately, this is not likely to happen. In any event, the word
used to denote anybody trying to get into your system in this paper is

Attackers can be classified into two categories.

These are attackers from outside your network attempting to attack
you external presence (deface web servers, forward spam through e-
mail servers, etc.). They may also attempt to go around the firewall to
attack machines on the internal network. Outside attackers may come
from the Internet, dial-up lines, physical break-ins, or from partner
(vendor, customer, reseller, etc.) network that is linked to your
corporate network.


These are attackers that have legitimate reasons to use/access your

internal network. These include users who misuse privileges or who
impersonate higher privileged users. A frequently quoted statistic
cites that insiders commit 80% of security breaches.

Intrusion Techniques

These are the primary ways an attacker can get into a system:

Physical Intrusion - If an attacker has physical access to a

machine (i.e. they can use the keyboard or take apart the
system), they will be able to get in. Techniques range from
special privileges the console has, to the ability to physically
take apart the system and remove the disk drive (and read/write
it on another machine).

System Intrusion - This type of hacking assumes the attacker

already has a low-privilege user account on the system. If the
system doesn't have the latest security patches, there is a good
chance the attacker will be able to use a known exploit in order
to gain additional administrative privileges.

Remote Intrusion - This type of hacking involves an attacker

who attempts to penetrate a system remotely across the
network. The attacker begins with no special privileges. There
are several forms of this type of hacking. Note that Network
Intrusion Detection Systems are primarily concerned with
Remote Intrusion.
Possible vulnerabilities and ways to exploit them.

Software bugs

Software always has bugs. System administrators and

programmers can never track down and eliminate all possible
software vulnerabilities. Attackers have to only find one hole to
break in. Software bugs are often exploited in the server
daemons, client applications, operating systems, and the
network stack. Software bugs can be classified in the following

Buffer overflows - Almost all the security holes you

read about are due to this problem. A typical
example is a programmer who sets aside 256
characters to hold a login username. However, if an
attacker tries to enter in a false username longer
than that you might have a problem. All the attacker
has to do is send 300 characters, including code
that will be executed by the server, and voila, game
over. Hackers find these bugs in several ways. First,
the source code for a lot of services is available on
the net. Hackers routinely look through this code
searching for programs that have buffer overflow
problems. Secondly, hackers may look at the
programs themselves to see if such a problem
exists. Thirdly, hackers will examine every place the
program has input and try to overflow it with random
data. If the program crashes, there is a good
chance that carefully constructed input will allow the
attacker to gain access.

Unexpected combinations - Programs are usually

constructed using many layers of code, including
the underlying operating system as the bottom most
layer. Attackers can often send input that is
meaningless to one layer, but meaningful to another
layer. The most common language for processing
user input on the web is PERL. Programs written in
PERL will usually send this input to other programs
for further evaluation. A common hacking technique
would be to enter something like "| mail <
/etc/passwd". This gets executed because PERL
asks the operating system to launch an additional
program with that input. However, the operating
system intercepts the pipe '|' character and
launches the 'mail' program as well, which causes
the password file to be emailed to the attacker.

Race conditions - Most systems today are

"multitasking/multithreaded". This means that they
can execute more than one program at a time.
There is a danger if two programs need to access
the same data at the same time. Imagine two
programs, ABC and XYZ, each program attempts to
modify the same file. In order to modify a file, each
program must first read the file into memory,
change the contents in memory, then copy the
memory back out into the file. The race condition
occurs when program ABC reads the file into
memory and then makes the change. However,
before ABC gets to write the file, program XYZ
steps in and does the full read/modify/write on the
file. Now program ABC writes its copy back out to
the file. Since program ABC started with a copy
before XYZ made its changes, all of XYZ's changes
will be lost. Since you need to get the sequence of
events in just the right order, race conditions are
very rare. Attackers usually attempt such actions
thousands of times before they get it right, and gain
access to the system.

Unexpected input - Most programs are written to

handle valid input. Most programmers do not
consider what happens when somebody enters
input that doesn't match the specification.
System configuration bugs

Default configurations - Most systems are shipped

to customers with default, easy-to-use
configurations. Unfortunately, "easy-to-use" means
"easy-to-break-in". Almost any UNIX or WinNT
machine shipped to you can be hacked in easily.

Poor system administrator practices - A

surprising number of machines are configured with
an empty root/administrator password. This is
because the administrator is too lazy to configure
one right now and wants to get the machine up and
running quickly with minimal fuss. Unfortunately,
they never get around to fixing the password later,
allowing attackers easy access. One of the first
things an attacker will do on a network is to scan all
machines for empty passwords.

Running unnecessary services - Virtually all

programs can be configured to run in a non-secure
mode. Sometimes administrators will inadvertently
open a hole on a machine. Most administration
guides will suggest that administrators turn off
everything that doesn't absolutely positively need to
run on a machine in order to avoid accidental holes.
Note that security-auditing packages (such as
Enterprise Security Manager from Symantec) can
usually find these holes and notify the administrator.

Trust relationships - Attackers often "island hop"

through the network exploiting trust relationships. A
network of machines trusting each other is only as
secure as its weakest link.

Password cracking

Easy-to-guess passwords - These are passwords

where people use the names of themselves, their
children, spouse/SO, pet, or car model as their
password. Then there are the users who choose
"password" or simply null passwords.

Dictionary attacks - With this attack, the attacker

will use a program that will try every possible word
in the dictionary. Dictionary attacks can be done
either by repeatedly logging into systems, or by
collecting encrypted passwords and attempting to
find a match by similarly encrypting all the
passwords in the dictionary. Attackers usually have
a copy of the English dictionary as well as foreign
language dictionaries for this purpose. They all use
additional dictionary-like databases, such as names
(see above) and lists of common passwords.

Brute force attacks - Similar to a Dictionary attack,

an attacker may try all possible combinations of
characters. A short 4-letter password consisting of
lower-case letters can be cracked in just a few
minutes. A long 7-character password consisting of
upper and lower case, as well as numbers and
punctuation can take months to crack assuming you
can try a million combinations a second (in practice,
a thousand combinations per second is more likely
for a single machine).

Sniffing unsecured traffic

Shared medium - On traditional Ethernet, all you

have to do is put a sniffer on the wire to see all the
traffic on a segment. This is getting more difficult
now that most corporations are transitioning to
switched Ethernet.

Server sniffing - However, on switched networks, if

you can install a sniffing program on a server
(especially one acting as a router), you can
probably use that information to break into client
machines and trusted machines as well. For
example, you might not know a user's password,
but sniffing a Telnet session when they log in will
give you that password.

Remote sniffing - A large number of boxes come

with RMON enabled and public community strings.
While the bandwidth is really low (you can't sniff all
the traffic), it presents interesting possibilities.

Design flaws

Even if a software implementation is completely correct

according to the design, there still may be bugs in the design
itself that leads to intrusions.

TCP/IP protocol flaws - The TCP/IP protocol was

designed before we had much experience with the
wide-scale hacking we see today. As a result, there
are a number of design flaws that lead to possible
security problems. Some examples include smurf
attacks, ICMP Unreachable disconnects, IP
spoofing, and SYN floods. The biggest problem is
that the IP protocol itself is very "trusting": hackers
are free to forge and change IP data with impunity.
IPsec (IP security) has been designed to overcome
many of these flaws, but it is not yet widely used.

UNIX design flaws - There are number of inherent

flaws in the UNIX operating system that frequently
lead to intrusions. The chief problem is the access
control system, where only 'root' is granted
administrative rights.

Acquiring Passwords

Clear-text sniffing - A number of protocols (Telnet, FTP, HTTP

Basic) use clear-text passwords, meaning that they are not
encrypted as the go over the wire between the client and the
server. An attacker with a protocol analyzer can watch the wire
looking for such passwords. No further effort is needed; the
attacker can start immediately using those passwords to log in.

Encrypted sniffing -Most protocols, however, use some sort of

encryption on the passwords. In these cases, the attacker will
need to carry out a Dictionary or Brute Force attack on the
password in order to attempt decryption. Note that you still don't
know about the attacker's presence, as he/she has been
completely passive and has not transmitted anything on the
wire. Password cracking does not require anything to be sent
on the wire as attacker's own machine is being used to
authenticate your password.

Replay attack - In some cases, attackers do not need to

decrypt the password. They can use the encrypted form instead
in order to login to systems. This usually requires
reprogramming their client software in order to make use of the
encrypted password.

Password file stealing - The entire user database is usually

stored in a single file on the disk. In UNIX, this file is
/etc/passwd (or some mirror of that file), and under WinNT,
this is the SAM file. Either way, once an attacker gets hold of
this file, he/she can run cracking programs in order to find some
weak passwords within the file.

Observation - One of the traditional problems in password

security is that passwords must be long and difficult to guess (in
order to make Dictionary and Brute Force cracks unreasonably
difficult). However, such passwords are often difficult to
remember, so users write them down somewhere. Attackers
can often search a persons work site in order to find passwords
written on little pieces of paper (usually under the keyboard).
Attackers can also train themselves to watch typed in
passwords behind a user's back.

Social Engineering – One successful and common technique

is to simply call the helpdesk and say "Hi, this is Ron Smith the
senior director for IT in San Jose. I have a presentation to give
my boss, the CIO, and I can’t log into server XYZ to get my
notes. Would you please reset my password now? I have to be
in this meeting in 2 minutes." Many unsuspecting operators
would simply reset Ron’s password in this situation. Most
corporations have a policy where they tell
users/operators/helpdesk to never give out or reset passwords,
even to their own IT director, but this technique is still

Typical intrusion scenarios

Footprinting - The attacker will find out as much as possible

without actually giving themselves away. They will do this by
finding public information or appearing as a normal user. In this
stage, you really can't detect them. The attacker will do a
'whois' lookup to find as much information as possible about
your network as registered along with your Domain Name (such
as foobar.com. The attacker might walk through your DNS
tables (using 'nslookup', 'dig', or other utilities to do domain
transfers) to find the names of your machines. The attacker will
browse other public information, such as your public web sites
and anonymous FTP sites. The attacker might search news
articles and press releases about your company.

Scanning - The attacker uses more invasive techniques to

scan for information, but still doesn't do anything harmful. They
might walk through all your web pages and look for CGI scripts
(CGI scripts are often easily hacked). They might do a 'ping'
sweep in order to see which machines are alive. They might do
a UDP/TCP scan/strobe on target machines in order to see
what services are available. They'll run utilities like 'rcpinfo',
'showmount', 'snmpwalk', etc. in order to see what's available.
At this point, the attacker has done 'normal' activity on the
network and has not done anything that can be classified as an
intrusion. At this point, a NIDS will be able to tell you that
"somebody is checking door handles", but nobody has actually
tried to open a door yet.

Running exploits - The attacker crosses the line and starts

exploiting possible holes in the target machines. The attacker
may attempt to compromise a CGI script by sending shell
commands in input fields. The attacker might attempt to exploit
well-known buffer-overrun holes by sending large amounts of
data. The attacker may start checking for login accounts with
easily guessable (or empty) passwords. The attacker may go
through several stages of exploits. For example, if the attacker
was able to access a user account, they will now attempt further
exploits in order to get root/admin access.

Establishing a foothold - At this stage, the attacker has

successfully gained a foothold in your network by hacking into a
machine. The attacker's main goal is to hide evidence of the
attacks (doctoring the audit trail and log files) and make sure
they can get back in again. They may install 'toolkits' that give
them access, replace existing services with their own Trojan
horses that have backdoor passwords, or create their own user
accounts. System Integrity Verifiers (SIVs) can often detect an
attacker at this point by noting the changed system files. The
hacker will then use the system as a stepping-stone to other
systems, since most networks have fewer defenses from inside

Playing for profit - The attacker takes advantage of their

status to steal confidential data, misuse system resources (i.e.
stage attacks at other sites from your site), or deface web

Another scenario starts differently. Rather than attack a specific site, and
attacker might simply scan random Internet addresses looking for a specific
hole. For example, an attacker may attempt to scan the entire Internet for
machines that have the SendMail DEBUG hole. They simply exploit such
machines that they find. They don't target you directly, and they really won't
even know who you are. (This is known as a 'birthday attack'; given a list of
well-known security holes and a list of IP addresses, there is a good
chance that there exists some machine somewhere that has one of those

Common intrusion signatures

There are three types of attacks:

Reconnaissance - These include ping sweeps, DNS zone

transfers, e-mail recons, TCP or UDP port scans, and possibly
indexing of public web servers to find cgi holes.

Exploits - Attackers will take advantage of hidden features or

bugs to gain access to the system.

Denial-of-service (DoS) attacks - Where the attacker attempts

to crash a service (or the machine), overload network links,
overloaded the CPU, or fill up the disk. The attacker is not trying
to gain information, but to simply act as a vandal to prevent you
from making use of your machine.

Common exploits

CGI scripts

CGI programs are notoriously insecure. Typical security holes

include passing tainted input directly to the command shell via
the use of shell metacharacters, using hidden variables
specifying any filename on the system, and otherwise revealing
more about the system than is good. The most well-known CGI
bug is the 'phf' library shipped with NCSA httpd. The 'phf' library
is supposed to allow server-parsed HTML, but can be exploited
to give back any file. Other well-known CGI scripts that an
attacker might attempt to exploit are: TextCounter, GuestBook,
EWS, info2www, Count.cgi, handler, webdist.cgi, php.cgi,
files.pl, nph-test-cgi, nph-publish, AnyForm, FormMail. If you
see somebody trying to access one or all of these CGI scripts
(and you don't use them), then it is clear indication of an
intrusion attempt (assuming you don't have a version installed
that you actually want to use).

Web server attacks

Beyond the execution of CGI programs, web servers have other

possible holes. A large number of self-written web servers (include
IIS 1.0 and NetWare 2.x) have hole whereby a file name can include
a series of "/infosecFAQ/" in the path name to move elsewhere in the
file system, getting any file. Another common bug is buffer overflow in
the request field or in one of the other HTTP fields.

Web servers often have bugs related to their interaction with the
underlying operating system. An old hole in Microsoft IIS have been
dealing with the fact that files have two names, a long filename and a
short 8.3 hashed equivalent that could sometimes be accessed
bypassing permissions. NTFS (the new file system) has a feature
called "alternate data streams" that is similar to the Macintosh data
and resource forks. You could access the file through its stream
name by appending "::$DATA" in order to see a script rather than run

Servers have long had problems with URLs. For example, the "death
by a thousand slashes" problem in older Apache would cause huge
CPU loads as it tried to process each directory in a thousand slash

Web browser attacks

It seems that all of Microsoft's and Netscape's web browsers have

security holes (though, of course, the latest ones never have any that
we know about -- yet). This includes URL, HTTP, HTML, JavaScript,
Frames, Java, and ActiveX attacks.

URL fields can cause a buffer overflow condition, either as it is

parsed in the HTTP header, as it is displayed on the screen, or
processed in some form (such as saved in the cache history). Also,
an old bug with Internet Explorer allowed interaction with a bug
whereby the browser would execute .LNK or .URL commands.

HTTP headers can be used to exploit bugs because some fields are
passed to functions that expect only certain information.

HTML can be often exploited, such as the MIME-type overflow in

Netscape Communicator's <EMBED> command.

JavaScript is a perennial favorite, and usually tries to exploit the "file

upload" function by generating a filename and automatically hidden
the "SUBMIT" button. There have been many variations of this bug
fixed, then new ways found to circumvent the fixes.

Frames are often used as part of a JavaScript or Java hack (for

example, hiding web-pages in 1px by 1px sized screens), but they
present special problems. For example, a savy attacker can include a
link to a trustworthy site that uses frames, then replace some of those
frames with web pages from my own site, and they will appear to you
to be part of that remote site.

Java has a robust security model, but that model has proven to have
the occasional bug (though compared to everything else, it has
proven to be one of the most secure elements of the whole system).
Moreover, its robust security may be its undoing: Normal Java
applets have no access to the local system, but sometimes they
would be more useful if they did have local access. Thus, the
implementation of "trust" models that can more easily be hacked.

ActiveX is even more dangerous than Java as it works purely from a

trust model and runs native code. You can even inadvertently catch a
virus that was accidentally imbedded in some vendor's code.

SMTP (SendMail) attacks

SendMail is an extremely complicated and widely used program, and

as a consequence, has been the frequent source of security holes. In
the old days (of the '88 Morris Worm), hackers would take advantage
of a hole in the DEBUG command or the hidden WIZ feature to break
into SMTP. These days, they often try buffer overruns. SMTP also
can be exploited in reconnaissance attacks, such as using the VRFY
command to find user names.


Users retrieve e-mail from servers via the IMAP protocol (in contrast,
SMTP transfers e-mail between servers). Hackers have found a
number of bugs in several popular IMAP servers.

IP spoofing
There is a range of attacks that take advantage of the ability to forge
(or 'spoof') your IP address. While a source address is sent along
with every IP packet, it isn't actually used for routing. This means an
attacker can pretend to be you when talking to a server. The attacker
never sees the response packets (although your machine does, but
throws them away because they don't match any requests you've
sent). The attacker won't get data back this way, but can still send
commands to the server pretending to be you.

IP spoofing is frequently used as part of other attacks:


Where the source address of a broadcast ping is

forged so that a huge number of machines respond
back to victim indicated by the address, overloading
it (or its link).

TCP sequence number prediction

In the startup of a TCP connection, you must

choose a sequence number for your end, and the
server must choose a sequence number for its end.
Older TCP stacks choose predictable sequence
numbers, allowing attackers to create TCP
connections from a forged IP address (for which
they will never see the response packets) that
presumably will bypass security.

DNS poisoning through sequence prediction

DNS servers will "recursively" resolve DNS names.

Thus, the DNS server that satisfies a client request
will become itself a client to the next server in the
recursive chain. The sequence numbers it uses are
predictable. Thus, an attacker can send a request to
the DNS server and a response to the server forged
to be from the next server in the chain. It will then
believe the forged response, and use that to satisfy
other clients.

Common reconnaissance scans

Ping sweeps

This simple scan simply pings a range of IP addresses to find which

machines are alive. Note that more sophisticated scanners will use
other protocols (such as an SNMP sweep) to do the same thing.

TCP scans

Probes for open (listening) TCP ports looking for services the attacker
can exploit. Scans can use normal TCP connections or stealth scans
that use half-open connections (to prevent them from being logged)
or FIN scans (never opens a port, but tests if someone's listening).
Scans can be sequential, randomized, or configured lists of ports.

UDP scans

These scans are a little bit more difficult because UDP is a

connectionless protocol. The technique is to send garbage UDP
packets to the desired port. Most machines will respond with an ICMP
"destination port unreachable" message, indicating that no service is
listening at that port. However, many machines throttle ICMP
messages, so you can't do this very fast.

OS identification

By sending illegal (or strange) ICMP or TCP packets, an attacker can

identify the operating system. Standards usually state how machines
should respond to legal packets, so machines tend to be uniform in
their response to valid input. However, standards omit (usually
intentionally) the response to invalid input. Thus, each operating
system's unique responses to invalid inputs form a signature that
attackers can use to figure out what the target machine is. This type
of activity occurs at a low level (like stealth TCP scans) that systems
do not log.
Account scans

Attempting to login to…..

         Accounts with no passwords

         Accounts with password same as username, or


         Default accounts that were shipped with the product (a

common problem on SGI, done to make setup easier)

         Accounts installed with software products (common on

Microsoft as well as Unix, caused by products that run
under their own special user account).

         Anonymous FTP problems (CWD ~root)

         Scan for rlogin/rsh/rexec ports, that may supported

trusted logins.

Common DoS (Denial of Service) attacks


Sends an invalid fragment, which starts before the end of packet, but
extends past the end of the packet.

SYN Flood

Sends TCP SYN packet (which start connections) very fast, leaving
the victim waiting to complete a huge number of connections, causing
it to run out of resources and dropping legitimate connections. A new
defense against this is the "SYN cookies". Each side of a connection
has its own sequence-number. In response to a SYN, the attacked
machine creates a special sequence number that is a "cookie" of the
connection then forgets everything it knows about the connection. It
can then recreate the forgotten information about the connection
when the next packets come in from a legitimate connection.

Sends forged SYN packet with identical source/destination

address/port so that system goes into infinite loop trying to complete
the TCP connection.


Sends OOB/URG data on a TCP connection to port 139 (NetBIOS

Session/SMB), which cause the Windows system to hang.


As I stated in my opening paragraph, no computer or computer network is

completely secure. There are new vulnerabilities found or created
everyday. The only way we as IT professionals can rest easy when we go
home at night is to know that we are employing a minimal amount of
security today and working towards more security tomorrow. However, all
of the hard work and money spent on the best security tools available
doesn’t do us any good if users don’t do minimal things like securing
passwords and locking down workstations when they leave at night.
Therefore, it is our responsibility as IT security professionals to educate
these users to the best of our ability thus ensuring IT security is being
employed even when nobody is watching. Hopefully, this paper will have
the ability to make less educated users think about everything they do. And
impress upon them consider security in all of their everyday practices.

Works consulted

Computer Incident Advisory Committee (CIAC) (1995). Advisory Notice F-

08 Internet Spoofing and Hijacked Session Attacks.
[On-line], Available: http://ciac.llnl.gov/ciac/bulletins/f-08/shtml

Pethia, Richard. "Removing Roadblocks to Cyber Defense." 3/28/2000.


CERT Incident Note 99-07. Distributed Denial of Service Tools. Nov 18,
URL: http://www.cert.org/incident_notes/IN-99-07.html

Csdweb@unb.ca "Passwords – Why yours is important."


Schneier, Bruce. "Security is not a product, it is a process". Crypto-Gram.

15 Dec 1999.
URL: http://www.counterpane.com/crypto-gram-9912.html

Vigilante. "Social Engineering." Internet Security.

URL: http://www.vigilante.com/inetsecurity/socialengineering.htm (12
February 2001).

Ryder, Josh. "Preventing Information Loss: Strengthening a Weak Link."

Security Portel. 22 August 2000.
URL: http://www.securityportal.com/topnews/infoloss20000822.html (9
February 2001).

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