Learnenglish Select Intermediate: 5.3 Comparing Products
Learnenglish Select Intermediate: 5.3 Comparing Products
Learnenglish Select Intermediate: 5.3 Comparing Products
Useful language
Describing a product launch Comparing and contrasting
to bring forward the launch date better/worse than
to compete on price different from
to find out about a product similar to
to issue a press release the same as
to launch a product to be better (quality)
to speed up production to last longer
to test a product to look better/cheaper
Comparatives and superlatives
To form the comparative, add -er to the We can use these phrases with comparatives and
adjective, or more / less before the adjective superlative:
if it has three syllables or more. be a bit / be quite a bit
Their trail shoes are cheaper than ours. can be
Their trail shoes are less expensive than going to be
ours. will be
For example:
To form the superlative, add -est to the Their products are quite a bit cheaper than ours.
adjective, + the before the adjective, or
most / least before the adjective if it has We can also use ordinal numbers with the
three syllables or more. superlative, to show the position of something
Their products are the cheapest. compared to something else. For example:
Their products are the least expensive. They are our third biggest competitor. (Talking about
the position of the competitor compared to other
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I can understand a basic comparison between two products.
I can identify expressions used when launching a new product.
I can describe similarities and differences between products.
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