The Seven Point Content of A Commercial Process or Instrument
The Seven Point Content of A Commercial Process or Instrument
The Seven Point Content of A Commercial Process or Instrument
Strict Commercial Institutions deal exclusively in seven point international commercial processes, all of
which are written as Affidavits and contain an Affidavit at every critical position in the commercial process.
The seven points of a commercial instrument ensure (make certain) that the maker is telling the truth, the
whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and can be held fully liable for FULL DISCLOSURE.
1. PARTIES: Identification of the parties: (1.1) Plaintiffs, (1.2) Claimants, (1.3) Demandants,
(1.4) Creditors, (1.5) Defendants, (1.6) Debtors, (1.7) Affiants, (1.8) Other Interested Parties
2. ALLEGATION BY AFFIDAVIT: a sworn / certified / verified Plain Statement of Fact, (for example:
“A United States Constitutional 1st Amendment Petition For Redress of Grievances”)
4. SURETY: “One who undertakes to pay money or do any other act in the event that his principal fails
therein.” Black’s Law 4th Edition
(4.1) substance, property, collateral, specific performance, energy, ...,
(4.2) pledged, seized, attached, ...,
(4.3) to secure the remedy and/or specific performance explicitly ledgered as owed,
An exhaustive commercial swearing used as the closing statement in a commercial process would be:
“I, the undersigned Affiant, swear on my own commercial liability, that I have read the foregoing instrument
and know the content thereof and that, (to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, complete,
and not misleading, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."