Psa 3
Psa 3
Psa 3
At the end of the two-part class, the students are expected to:
Materials Needed:
1. PowerPoint presentation
2. Paper
3. Pen or pencil
Activity Proper:
I. In-depth Discussion/Lecture
If you have good regard in yourself, chances are, you will feel confident and strive more.
You can gain more knowledge and develop your skills and values. Moreover, you will be
behaving appropriately. For instance, if you respect and value yourself by doing appropriate
and avoiding inappropriate behaviors in studying, you will be successful in your academics
this school year.
i. Processing Questions:
III. Wrap Up
Can someone please share to the class what they learned in today’s session?
Thank you everyone for your participation in today’s class. God bless you all and see you
next meeting!