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Psa 3

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Date and Time: August 16-18 and 23-25, 2021


At the end of the two-part class, the students are expected to:

1. Identify their uniqueness from others; and

2. Demonstrate positive and appropriate behavior in valuing themselves.

Materials Needed:

1. PowerPoint presentation
2. Paper
3. Pen or pencil


I. Opening Prayer - Spontaneous prayer to be led by a student.

II. Quick review of the previous classroom encounter

Activity Proper:

I. In-depth Discussion/Lecture

Self-awareness is the key cornerstone to emotional intelligence, as defined in a research

by Courtney Ackerman. This self-awareness is the ability to monitor our emotions and
thoughts from moment to moment. It is a key to understanding ourselves better, being at
peace with who we are and proactively managing our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.
All people are unique from one another. You have your likes and dislikes. You have
things that attract you more than others. You have your preferences, or things that draw
your thoughts and feelings more than others. You have your own traits; you may behave
differently from other children when faced with the same situation.
In the earlier activity, you noticed that you are truly the ideal version of you in the
making! As shapes come in different forms, colors project different hues, and friends come
in different sizes, you came along as one special being. You can never be repeated nor
replaced throughout the history of this planet. And just as the alphabet is not complete
without “U”, this world could not be the same without you! Your interests, talents, skills,
competencies, and values and how they mixed up in forming your personhood is just so
You are growing and developing physically. Both boys and girls grow tall. Secondary sex
characteristics begin to appear your age and continue to be obvious during the puberty
period. These are results of hormones produced by the body. Generally, the male body
becomes more muscular, and the shoulders grow broader than the hips. On the other hand,
the female's hips become wider than her shoulders, and breasts develop.
You are also developing personal-social skills. At your age, you are now developing
competence or ability to do various things. Your friends and classmates play a role in how
you progress. By feeling competent and capable, children can also form a strong self-
concept. In other cases, kids may discover that they are not quite as capable as the other
kids, which can result to feelings of inadequacy.
Learners like you who are developing personal-social skills tend to feel good about
yourself. You also believe in what you can do. You tend to be more responsible in doing
simple house chores and in finishing module requirements. You are also gentle with yourself
in your weaknesses. You know it is but proper to ask the help of family, relatives, teachers,
or friends when needed. As a result, you tend to succeed in meeting your academic goals at
the end of the school year. Therefore, you need to always choose to be mindful of your
thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors.
You might have realized that you have developed some good qualities or values which
you did not yet have during your earlier grade levels. You may have become a better team
player or a leader. You may also have become better speaker or reader. These mean a lot in
growing into a better person and a nation-builder that you aspire to be in the future.
You are ideally unique, and you continue to grow and develop into a better person.
Hence, you must also be gentle to yourself in your thoughts and actions. Being aware of the
appropriate and inappropriate thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that you hold about yourself is
important in your continuous growth and development.
If you value yourself and the person you are creating, you should take good care of your
physical body. You should also nurture your mind. This can be done by eating a balance diet.
Not only that, but also doing exercise and having the right amount of sleep. Believe in the
good things about you.


Acknowledging your strengths (things you Playing small and keeping your strengths to
are good at) yourself
Using your skills and talents to help others Bragging and putting others down
Speaking to a trusted adult when feeling Just keeping quiet or shouting when hurt
Communicating only to personally known Over-sharing personal information
Being respectful to others with one’s posts Bullying, bashing, or being rude to others
or messages
Browsing only on the safe, and relevant Spending too much time on games or
sites for my growth and development entertainment, or browsing on topics and
sites that are inappropriate

If you have good regard in yourself, chances are, you will feel confident and strive more.
You can gain more knowledge and develop your skills and values. Moreover, you will be
behaving appropriately. For instance, if you respect and value yourself by doing appropriate
and avoiding inappropriate behaviors in studying, you will be successful in your academics
this school year.
i. Processing Questions:

1. What makes you unique from others?

2. How does studying in this new normal help you become a better child?
3. Aside from what were given in the discussion, give other examples on how you can
show correct personal and online behavior.

III. Wrap Up
Can someone please share to the class what they learned in today’s session?

Thank you everyone for your participation in today’s class. God bless you all and see you
next meeting!

IV. Closing Prayer - Spontaneous prayer to be led by a student.

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