HG5 Idea Le Q1 Week 2
HG5 Idea Le Q1 Week 2
HG5 Idea Le Q1 Week 2
1. Content Standard
B. Performance Standard
A. References
c. Textbook Pages
A. Introduction Self-awareness will help you recognize your personal uniqueness. It will also
help you value yourself and manifest positive behaviors. When you were in Grade
4or even in earlier grade levels, you might have identified already some of your
personal strengths. You might also have started to cope with your weaknesses.
Self-awareness is expected to deepen as you age.
In this module, you will identify your uniqueness from others. You will also
enumerate the changes as you age. You will also demonstrate positive and
appropriate behavior in valuing yourself. It may be fun to share your interests,
thoughts, and feelings with your family member, and express some appropriate
actions you would want to do in valuing yourself!
ourselves better, being at peace with who we are and proactively managing our
thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.All people are unique from one another. You
have your likes and dislikes. You
have things that attract you more than others. You have your preferences, or
things that draw your thoughts and feelings more than others. You have your own
traits; you may behave differently from other children when faced with the same
situation. In the earlier activity, you noticed that you are truly the ideal version of
you in the making! As shapes come in different forms, colors project different
hues, and friends come in different sizes, you came along as one special being.
You can never be repeated nor replaced throughout the history of this planet. And
just as the alphabet
is not complete without “U”, this world could not be the same without you! Your
interests, talents, skills, competencies, and values and how they mixed up in
forming your personhood is just so amazing! You are growing and developing
physically. Both boys and girls grow tall. Secondary sex characteristics begin to
appear your age and continue to be very obvious during the puberty period. These
are results of hormones produced by the
body. Generally, the male body becomes more muscular, and the shoulders grow
broader than the hips. On the other hand, the female's hips become wider than her
shoulders, and breasts develop.
You are also developing personal-social skills. At your age, you are now
developing competence or ability to do various things. Your friends and
classmates play a role in how you progress. Through proficiency at play and
schoolwork, children are able to develop a sense of competence and pride in their
abilities. By feeling
competent and capable, children are able to also form a strong self-concept. In
other cases, kids may discover that they are not quite as capable as the other kids,
which can result to feelings of inadequacy. This was stated in a research by
Cherry Kendra.
If you have good regard in yourself, chances are, you will feel
confident and strive more. You can gain more knowledge and
develop your skills and values. Moreover, you will be behaving
appropriately. For instance, if you respect and value yourself by
doing appropriate and avoiding inappropriate behaviors in
studying, you will be successful in your academics this school year
3. Engagement After learning that you are unique and special along with some changes in your
body, feelings, actions, and beliefs, you came to understand that there are
behaviors or actions to do in valuing yourself. The next activity will ask you to
write and express your commitment to do three appropriate actions.
1. Think of three (3) appropriate actions you really want to do because you value
3. Hug yourself by touching your left shoulder with your right hand. Do the
6. Repeat the statement. This time, say it out loud. Feel this appropriate act of
valuing yourself.
The next activity will help you sum up the strengths and changes
you discovered as you age. You will also identify the appropriate or
correct behaviors in valuing yourself. Copy the table below on a
clean sheet of paper and fill in the needed information. Examples
are given below:
4. Assimilation Write your answers to the following questions on a clean sheet of
2. How does studying in this new normal help you become a better
V. REFLECTION Finish the statements below by writing about what you have learned today and
your takeaway insights from the experience.
● I understand that______________________