Undergraduate/Graduate Scholarship For The Study in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM)
Undergraduate/Graduate Scholarship For The Study in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM)
Undergraduate/Graduate Scholarship For The Study in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM)
Selection Criteria:
Scholarship is available for undergraduate/graduate students who are legal residents of India
enrolling in STEM courses
Applicants must be either full time undergraduate/graduate student already majoring in a
STEM discipline or a final pre-university student ready to enroll for an undergraduate
degree in the same year in a STEM field.
Student’s/student’s family’s (verifiable) income should meet the low-income/need-based
criteria as per the local laws
Selection Process:
It should be understood that selection of scholarship recipient is based on the overall
quality of an applicant’s submission
The committee will not consider applicants who do not comply fully with the above
CV, statement of purpose, letter of recommendation, letter of enrollment shall all be in
PDF format to be submitted online and attached to the application form.
Selected candidates will be awarded scholarships to meet the cost of tuition and fees, paid
directly to the institution.
Deadline for Submission: 15/9/2021 (In PDF format)
Mailing Address: Email Address: patnaoxfame@gmail.com
Or Whatsapp Number: +91 6207329305
Scholarship/Financial-Aid Application
(Note: We respect your privacy and we do not share your information with anyone except as
required by law)
You may submit your application with all the required documents to the Foundation’s email address at
I, have read and understand the conditions of the
Foundation’s Scholarship requirements. I affirm the information contained herein is true and
accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. If selected, I give permission to publish brief
information about me and my photo on the website. Please attach your photo to this
Date: Signature:
Legal name in full (Print/Type)
Last Name: First Name: M.I.
Permanent Residence:
Number: Street Name, and Apartment Number (if any):
City: _ State: Zip Code:
Your address at school (if different):
Number: _ Street, and Apartment:
City: State: Zip Code:
Home telephone: ( )
School telephone (if different): ( )
E-mail address: Annual Income: (Proof Required)
Date of birth: Age: Sex: Marital Status:
(Check one) I am an Indian citizen: ( ) Permanent Resident ( ) other:
Name of Nominating Institution (if any):
Current cumulative GPA: on a scale of
Your undergraduate major (s):
Number of college credits earned to date: Total number of credits required for graduation:
Graduate Degree sought: Concentration(s):
1. List all your extra-curricular activities here:
2. List any part-time and/or full-time jobs you have held in the last two years.
Type of Work Employer Dates Average # of Hours/Week
3. List any awards, scholarships, publications, or special recognitions you have received
(List in descending order of significance).
4. Describe one specific event where you have displayed your leadership qualities
(maximum 250 words).
5. Describe one way in which you intend to use your degree in STEM to advance your career
goals (maximum 250 words).
6. Describe how you are going to use the STEM knowledge to solve problems and/or improve
living conditions that are prevalent in the society - Maximum 250 words).
7. What additional personal information do you wish to share with the Foundation
Scholarship Program?