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A Hybrid Transition For Ipv4-Ipv6 Co-Existence in Small Size Organization

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International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)

ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-2, December, 2019

A Hybrid Transition for IPv4-IPv6 Co-existence

in Small Size Organization
B. I. D. Kumar, Vasanth G., SudalaiMuthu T.

 is used for IPv6 configuration and hence there is no manual

Abstract: Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is the current configuration is required. The expansion of Internet usage in
generation Internet protocol developed by the Internet the recent decades causes the shortage of IPv4 address space.
Engineering Task Force (IETF) to handle the shortage of IP
This matter will threaten the continuation of an internet
addresses in IPV4. The transition from IPv4 to IPv6 is gradually
being done not happening as anticipated. It is unavoidable to have service that working on IPv4. Internet Engineering Task
both IPv4 and IPv6 networks during the transition period, but Force (IETF) has begun in 1994, designed and developed an
unfortunately they are not compatible in nature. It is essential to enhanced size of address space namely Internet Protocol
maintain the IPv4 and IPv6 coexistence. The version 6 (IPv6). The IPv6 is a new protocol to replace IPv4
inter-communication ability of IPv4 and IPv6 is the dire need of
over the coming years. The new protocol is designed to
network community. Many transition techniques are proposed in
the recent years. This paper discussed the key difficulties in support the growing use of the Internet, and the address
IPv4-IPv6 transition, and introduced the hybrid approach for security problems. IPv6 uses a 128-bit address size and will
coexistence of IPv4 and IPv6. It hybrid the advantages of allow for 3.4x1038 distinguish addresses, which are enough
weightage and tunneling translation techniques for providing to cover any number of Internet connecting devices.
inter-communication ability of IPv4 and IPv6. The proposed
algorithm has been simulated and the performance metrics;
transmission latency, throughput, jitter and delay have been
analyzed from end to end host, through various scenarios includes
IPv4 only, IPv6 Only, Dual stack, GRE tunneling. The
performance of the proposed algorithm is analyzed and the future
scope is discussed.
Keywords: IPv4, IPv6, ISP, Transition techniques.


In the early 1990s, it was identified that IPv4 address space

would not be sufficient by 2000. The IPv4 had exhausted in
the year 2011 in IANA. This exhaustion has demanded more Fig.1 IPv6 Adaption Rate Forecasting
address spaces which implies the any other solution to handle In the recent decades, the IoT demands large number of IP
the situation. Several temporary solutions had evolved along address in the new inter world. As IoT devices are required to
with the demand of new address space for the future use of IP connecting to the Internet, each IoT required a IP for their
in the Internet world. Some temporary solutions were offered communication with the rest of the world. As the available
to deal with the shortage of address space, such as NAT IPv4 address is very limited, they migrating into IPv6
(Network Address Translator) or CIDR (Classless Inter gradually. But this migration required another decade of time
Domain Routing) besides with the start of development of to use IPv6 only networks. The deficiency of IPv4 space
new enhanced IP protocol work. A new IPv6 has been headed to deploy IPv6 address space. This deployment may
designed and enhanced in many ways. The number of bits in take a decade of time. The Co-existence of IPv4 and IPv6 is
the address space is increased from 32 to 128. The flow label unavoidable; hence the transition mechanisms are the dire
field of IPv6 supports payload identification to QoS handling. need of the Internet world. The carried research work
The IPv6 has extension headers instead of option filed as in provides a solution for the of co-existence of IPv4 and IPv6.
the IPv4. This extension header can increase the size of the The IPv6 yielded the deployment challenges in IPv4-based
packets. The DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) infrastructures. The replacement of IPv4-based infrastructure
with IPv6 is costly and impractical for the small size
Revised Manuscript Received on December 15, 2019. organizations. The IETF IPng Transition Working Group has
* Correspondence Author proposed many transition strategies to deploy IPv6 into
B. I. D. Kumar*, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science existing networks successfully. The encapsulation strategy is
and Engineering, Amruta Institute of Engineering and Management
Sciences, Bangalore (Karnataka) India. employed in transition mechanisms as the IPv6 encapsulate
Vasanth G., Professor, Department of Computer Science and into IPv4 packets. The transition strategy is an idea of using
Engineering, Government Engineering College, K. R. Pet (Karanataka) IPv6 over the IPv4.
SudalaiMuthu T., Associate Professor, Department of Computer
Science and Engineering, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science,
Chennai (Tamil Nadu) India.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: B4511129219/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.B4511.129219 3416 & Sciences Publication
A Hybrid Transition for IPv4-IPv6 Co-existence in Small Size Organization

The objective of the research work is to propose a new transition. They reported that dual stack provided more
transition mechanism and evaluate it with the other transition throughputs and minimum jitter in the defined network. It
mechanisms in the state of the art. yielded the shortest time to download TCP file downloading.
The authors also presented a comparative study of migration
II. LITERATURE REVIEW techniques and their performance in various scenarios.
Priya Bali (2015) has concluded that native Dual-Stack is However, they have not experimented in the RIPng and
suitable for IPv6-IPv4 Co-existence. They have illustrated the OSPFv3 environment.
performance of IPv4/IPv6 co-existence transition strategies.
They have used Dual Stack, Tunneling and Transition
mechanisms for comparison. They have reviewed The IPv6 is deployed gradually with the existing IPv4
IPv4-to-IPv6 transition coexistence strategies in detail. They networks. As IPv6 is not backward compatible, it is could not
also have compared their performances. The authors reported send packets to IPv4 networks, hence there is need of
that the impact of network behavior on the performance of the co-existence IPv4 and IPv6 infrastructure. The transition
transition strategies. They have used Dual stack, Tunneling mechanism plays a compatible role in between the IPv4
and Translation methods for comparison. The authors have networks and IPv6 networks. The transition mechanism
reviewed Automatic IPv6 Transition and Manual Transition. enables the transition in the co-existence of IPv4 and IPv6.
They have concluded that Dual stack was the optimum The “Internet Engineering Task Force” (IETF) has provided
method for IPv6 deployment. The authors also reported that three major mechanisms for IPV4/IPv6 coexistence.
the next optimum method was NAT64 IPv4/IPv6 transition  Dual Stack
deployment in the company. They author also quoted that the  Translation
companies are planned to use NAT64 for a while and move to  Tunneling
Native IPv6 mechanisms when they IPv6 set up would ready.
The companies also planned to use Rapid Deployment A. Dual Stack Transition Mechanism (DSTM)
strategy while implementing IPv6 deployment. The author The Dual-stack transition mechanism consists of both IP
has also found that NAT444 used as a intermediator in the stacks (IPv4 and IPv6) in a single node. Both protocols run in
transition period. It can be used to use IPv4 services eve after parallel to provide the end to end service for the user as shown
IPV4 address space was exhausted. in figure 2. The common shared transport layer protocol is
Dipti Chauhan (2015) has reported a mechanism that used by IPv4 and IPv6. TCP/IP model for dual stack node is
compress IPv6 header to increase the efficiency of the shown in figure 2. The Dual stack mechanism supports to
IPv4-IPv6 tunneling. The IPv6 header has been compressed maintain IPv4 / IPv6 coexistence as each node in the network
from 40 bytes to 6 bytes. An additional parameter was used to can act dual role. The dual stack node use IPv4 address while
extract back to 40 bytes’ information at the sender side. The communicating to IPv4 address nodes and it use IPv6 address
value ‘0’ is set to additional parameter implies normal while communicating with IPv6 address node. The network
tunneling is to be used. The value ‘1’ is set to additional application can choose the version of the IP based on the
parameter implies compressed header methods is to be used. requirements of further communication.
They have simulated the compressed header approach and As each communication takes place directly based on the
found that this approach yielded better throughput and Jitter. requirements of the version of IP, this method is very simple
The authors were used small network simulation setup with and easy to implement. However, the deployment dual stack
the minimum number of nodes and routers. The compressed on each node is yielding additional overhead cost in the
methods were improved the Packet delivery ratio, throughput network which is refrain the organization to deploy dual stack
and Jitter. This strategy was tested in the small networks and to handle the IPv4/IPv6 coexistence. Since each dual stack
hence the performance in the large network is yet to be tested. node is able to communicate directly, the DNS should handle
Parra, J. (2014) had reported that study on co-existence of the situations appropriately. The DNS server should able to
IPv4/IPv6. The author also discussed the common transition handle the “AAAA” records of the node to version of the IP is
technologies for co-existence of IPv4/IPv6. The author also to be considered for communication. A dual-stack
experimented the different migrating scenarios for co-exist implementation can be deployed by three ways: (1). IPv4
tense of IPv4/IPv6. He explored the performance of the stack enabled, (2). IPv6 stack enabled and (3). Both
migrating scenarios under Dual stack, Tunneling and IPV4/IPv6 stacks enabled.
Translation. He found that Native Dual stack performed better 1. The IPv4 stack enabled
than other simulated scenarios. He also suggested to use the 2. The IPv6 stack enabled
native dual stack for small size organizations for IPv4/IPv6 3. Both IPV4/IPv6 stacks enabled
deployment. Dual stack requires a huge investment, but yields better
Tach pat Terawatt and et.al. (2014) has created a mechanism throughputs and RTTs when compared to tunneling
in GNS3 with predefined transferring route of data. They have mechanisms.
compared the performance of their mechanism with the Dual
Stack and Tunneling mechanisms. They have used both TCP
and UDP file stream with the variable file size for their
experiments. They also have used different rate of streaming
in their experiments for comparison their techniques in IPv6

Published By:
Retrieval Number: B4511129219/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.B4511.129219 3417 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-2, December, 2019

mechanism makes a break in end to end network; this would

not be a good choice. Examples of translation mechanisms
are: DNS64, NAT64, Stateless IP/ICMP Translation (SIIT)
C. Tunneling Mechanisms
Tunneling provides the ability to deal with IPv6 traffic in IPv4
infrastructure. The IPv6 packet is encapsulated in IPv4 traffic
in order to provide a tunnel for IPv6 packets to carry through
IPv4 infrastructure. Tunneling is used in the where the
networks infrastructure is not capable of dealing with the
IPv6. The deployment of tunneling is simple and no
additional management is required. Tunneling is required to
be configured at the end point only. On the other hand, the
Tunneling takes more CPU time and it has a single point of
Fig.2 Dual stack TCP/IP model failure. Many tunneling techniques are employed which are
The challenge in the Dual stack approach is that it required includes Static Tunneling, Intrusive Automatic Tunnel.
IPv4 and IPv6 are to be deployed in the same infrastructure. Another technique is the use of tunnels. The tunnels are used
The node should be able to understand the version of the IP to create a customized communication for IPv6
and process it accordingly. The routing protocol decides that communication from IPv4 nodes. The nodes are creating a
which IP protocol is to be used based on the requirements point-to-point dedicative tunnel for their IPv6
soughed. communications. The IPv6 packet is encapsulated into IPv4
packet in-order to get transmitted from IPv4 infrastructure.
B. Translation Mechanisms
The destination node is reassembling or de capsulating the
The translations mechanism converts the IP protocols from IPv4 packet back into IPv6 packet. The encapsulation and de
IPV4 to IPv6 and vice versa directly. It works in the principles capsulation process is to be carried out for each IPv6 packet
of transformation of header and payload of the IPV4 and IPv6 which is required for transmission through IPv4
protocols. The Translation mechanisms uses translators that infrastructure. Tunnels can be created manually at end-points
can translate given IPv4 address to corresponding IPv6 or automatically. Automatic tunneling includes 6to4, Tore do,
address as in Figure 3. As the translation mechanism is ISATAP, Tunnel Brokers and 6rd mechanisms.
requiring a break in end to end network, it would not be a
good choice. Some of the translation mechanisms are SIIT, IV. WEIGHT BASED TRANSITION ALGORITHM
Dual stack mechanisms require a huge investment to update The proposed weight based Transition algorithm is designed
current equipment and invest in new ones. On the other hand, using the weight values of the determined factors. The Weight
tunneling mechanisms connect IPv6 islands but are unable to vector “w” is computed empirically using the past history of
allow the connection between the IPv4 realm and IPv6 realm. the transmission. The Weight Vector “w” represents the
So translation is needed to allow resource migration and priority of the transmission by considering the importance
coexistence between both protocols while the migration factors of the IPv4 to IPv6 conversion. The Weight vector
occurs. The usage of translation mechanisms is unavoidable “w” is determined for particular interval of time “T” based on
while the services that are available through IPv4 may not be the recent past transmission history. The packets are
available in IPv6. The translations mechanism converts the IP encapsulated with its weight value w[i] at the IPV4/IPv6
protocols from IPV4 to IPv6 and vice versa directly. It works source and used at the IPv4/IPv6 destination. The packets are
in the principles of transformation of header and payload of encapsulated with its weight value w[i] at the IPV4/IPv6
the IPV4 and IPv6 protocols. source and used at the IPv4/IPv6 destination. The
encapsulation is carried out at edge router of the originating
host and de-capsulation is carried out at the edge router of the
destination host. The tunnel is established between the two
edge routers with the ability to analyze the weight vector “w”.
It emphasis the importance of the conversion and those
packets will be treated as specified to reduce the conversion
overheads. The weight Vector has been obtained as W = (0.5,
0.3, 0.2) on Throughput, RTT, Packet Loss empirically by
doing the trail experiments initially. The Throughput, RTT
and Packet Loss were considered with respect to the nature of
the packets pattern.
Fig.3 Translation Mechanism Infrastructure
The Translation mechanisms uses translators that can
translate given IPv4 address to corresponding IPv6 address as
in figure 3. As the name states, translation enables direct
communication between IPv4 and IPv6 hosts. As this

Published By:
Retrieval Number: B4511129219/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.B4511.129219 3418 & Sciences Publication
A Hybrid Transition for IPv4-IPv6 Co-existence in Small Size Organization

The packets are queued in the waiting queue for transition Simulator-3(GNS3) was used as emulator. Our testbed
conversion; a packet is selected for conversion based on the consisted of two dual stacks, two identical workstations
weight value of the packet. The packet with greatest weight is configured as separate networks with the 100Mb/s link. The
selected for conversion in order to improve the performance experiments were executed for a sufficiently long period of
of the conversion and hence RTT latency and loss rate were time, 5 minutes to 180 minutes and results are taken for 32B
improved. packet to 1,024B packet sizes. The experiments carried out
for the Auto-configure Tunneling, 6to4 Tunneling and
Weight Based Transition mechanism independently. Each
value is an average of 100 independent experiments. The
outline values have been ignored for computing average of the
set of values.
The proposed Weight Based Transition mechanism was
experimented in three different scenarios:
1. The IPv4 only networks (A most present scenario)
2. The IPv6 only networks (Anticipated future scenario)
3. The interim transitional phase (IPv4 and IPv6 co-exist)
using tunneling.
 Dual Stack
 GRE Tunneling
Fig.4 Weight Based Router – Router Tunneling
A Weight-Based IPv4/IPv6 Transition Algorithm The Weight Based Hybrid Transition algorithm was
For each requested packet, simulated under various scenarios includes IPv4 Only
1. If the requested packet is IPv4 packet, then transmit as network, IPv6 Only Networks, Dual stack and GRE
IPv4 packet Tunneling. The GNS3 and “jperf” tools. The test period was
2. Else if the packet is IPv6, then the IPv4/IPv6 router 10 minutes. Each result shown was the average taken from
encapsulate the packet as follows 100 simulation runs. The Throughput, Jitter are taken for
(i) The Weight Vector W0 = (0.5, 0.3, 0.2) on Throughput, analysis purpose, as each simulation ran was independent of
RTT, Packet Loss is used to determine the “Importance other, the distribution of mean job times approximated to a
value”, Iv(R) as normal distribution.
Throughput: The IPv4 Only, IPv6 Only, Dual Stack, GRE
Tunneling and Weight Based Transition were simulated
Where R0 is a ideal value vector for a packet (1,1,1), RI is a independently. The throughput values were recorded for the
requested IPv6 packet and W0 = {0.5, 0.3, 0.2}. The W0 is a duration of 10 minutes’ test period as tabulated in Table 1.
initial weight computed by a empirical analysis. The “W”, Table.1 Throughput of the various algorithms
weight vector is re-determined for every interval of time T.
3. The “Importance Value“, Iv is appended in the Option
filed of IPv6 packet and encapsulated into the IPV4 packet.
4. The edge router of the source transmits the encapsulated
IPv4 packet into the network using IPV6 protocols.
5. The edge router of the destination receives the
encapsulated IPv4 packet and decodes the packet to get the
importance value of the packet.
6. The decoded packet is processed based on the priority of
the importance value of the packet, which is resulted the
impact on Throughput, RTT, Packet Loss.

The experiments were conducted in a lab environment using
Graphical Network Simulator (GNS3). GNS3 allows the
same type of emulation using Cisco Inter-Network Operating
Systems. It allowed to run a Cisco IOS in a virtual IPv4 Only, IPv6 Only, GRE Tunneling and Weight Based
environment. GNS3 also supports other emulation programs, Transition were yielded 100 % throughput over the packet
namely Qemu, Pemu and Virtual Box. The traffic in the size from 32 to 1024 Bytes. The Dual Stack yielded
network was simulated traffic generated by jperf. The jperf throughput as an average of 94.85% over the packet size 32 to
tool was used to generate the multicast traffic and to measure 1024 Bytes.
the network latency of the generated traffic. Multicast traffic
was generated using jperf tool for analysis purpose. The
defined network was simulated and Graphical Network

Published By:
Retrieval Number: B4511129219/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.B4511.129219 3419 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-2, December, 2019

Fig.5 Throughput of various transition algorithms

Fig.6 Jitter of various transition algorithms
It was found that the Dual stack produced low throughput as it
The IPv6 only network was produced more jitter time at the
was required a complex computation to deal IPv4 and IPv6
packet size of 1024 Bytes while comparing with others. But
coexistence conversion. The developed Weight Based
surprisingly it was produced less Jitter time at 512Bytes when
Transition algorithm yielded 100% throughput as IPv4 Only,
compared with IPv4 only network strategy as shown in Figure
IPv6 Only and GRE Tunneling as the design principle was
7.1.2. It was because of packet handling mechanism in IPv6
same as them. The 100% throughput performance was
network only strategy.
obtained for the range of data size from 32Bytes to 1024
Bytes. The throughput performance beyond this range of
packet size was not the scope of the experiments. Hence, the
performance of the throughput was not predictable beyond the
range of the packet size i.e less than 32Bytes and greater than
1024Bytes of packet size.
Jitter: The IPv4 Only, IPv6 Only, Dual Stack, GRE
Tunneling and Weight Based Transition were simulated
independently. The throughput values were recorded for the
duration of 10 minutes to an Hour as tabulated in Table 2.

Table.2 Jitter of the various algorithms

Fig.7 Jitter variation over the packet size

The presented Weight Based Transition algorithm had
produced better Average Jitter time performance as 3.265 ms,
than IPV4 and IPv6 only strategy. The jitter performance was
as like as GRE Tunneling. However, it was under performed
than Dual stack in Jitter time performance.


The large address space of IPv6 is able to provide the demand
of larger address space globally. But the network environment
is to be upgraded from the existing facilities to use IPv6. The
organizations are to be prepared for these changes in terms of
technical, hardware/software support and economical terms.
It may take another decade(s) with respect to their ability.
This transition time urged to have a transition mechanism to
the co-existence of IPv4 and IPv6.
A weight based hybrid transition mechanism has been
developed to the co-existence of IPv4 and IPv6. The
developed algorithm has been executed in the defined
simulation bed and the results have been analyzed with the
IPv4 Only, IPv6 Only, Dual Stack, GRE Tunneling and
comparison of existing mechanisms.
Weight Based Transition were yielded Average Jitter as 3.839
ms, 3.741 ms, 2.812 ms, 3.265 ms and 3.265 ms over the
packet size from 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 and 1024 respectively.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: B4511129219/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.B4511.129219 3420 & Sciences Publication
A Hybrid Transition for IPv4-IPv6 Co-existence in Small Size Organization

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The future research direction of Weight Based Hybrid 18. Zhang, Q.-L., Jiang, C.-P., Wang, J.-L., Li, X., A Survey on IPv6
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the nature of 6 to 4 mechanism and prediction function for Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computers, Vol: 42,Issue: 6, 2019.
designing optimized algorithm for IPv4/IPv6 transition in the
network. The various parameters and its impact on network AUTHORS PROFILE
performance will be considered for designing the Dr. B. I. D. Kumar is working as an Associate Professor in
multi-dimensional weight vectors for IPv4/IPv6 transition. the Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Amruta Institute of Engineering and Management Sciences,
The future algorithms will use the multi-dimensional weight Bangalore, India. He received his Ph.D degree from VTU
vector for quantifying the importance of the packet for University, Karnataka. He has more than ten publications in
IPV4/IPv6 transition. the reputed International Conferences and Indexed Journals.
His research areas are Computer Networks, Network Forensics. He is an
active member of CSI, ISTE and IEEE.
Dr. G. Vasanth, is working as a Professor in the
1. Chen, C.-H., Lin, Y.-A., Wu, W.-T., Huang, Y.-T., Chu, C.-C., Design
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
and Implementation of IPv4 and IPv6 Provisioning Technologies for
Government Engineering College, Visvesvaraya
VPC Architecture, 2019 20th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and
Technological University K.R.Pet, Karanataka, India. He
Management Symposium: Management in a Cyber-Physical World,
received his Ph.D degree from Magadh University, Bodh
APNOMS 2019, 2019.
Gaya, Bihar, India. He has more than 50 publications in
2. Abdullah, S.A., SEUI-64, bits an IPv6 addressing strategy to mitigate
the reputed International Conferences and Indexed Journals. He also chaired
reconnaissance attacks, Engineering Science and Technology, an
and delivered 20+ keynote speech in the reputed International Conferences.
International Journal, Vol: 22,Issue: 2, 2019.
His research areas are Computer Networks, Network Security, He is a life
3. Augustus Devarajan, A., Sudalaimuthu, T., A cloud storage monitoring
time member of CSI, ISTE, he is a member of ACM and IEEE.
system using deduplication and file access pattern, International Journal
of Recent Technology and Engineering, Vol: 8,Issue: 3, 2019.
Dr. Sudalaimuthu T, is working as an Associate
4. Augustus Devarajan, A., Sudalaimuthu, T., Cloud storage monitoring
Professor in the Department of Computer Science and
system analyzing through file access pattern, ICCIDS 2019 - 2nd
Engineering, Hindustan Institute of Technology and
International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Data
Science, Chennai. Tamilnadu, India. He received his
Science, Proceedings, 2019.
Ph.D degree from Hindustan University, Chennai. India.
5. Bdair, A.H., Abdullah, R., Manickam, S., Al-Ani, A.K., Brief of
He is a ETH Certified Ethical Hacker. He has has more
Intrusion Detection Systems in Detecting ICMPv6 Attacks, Lecture
than 30 publications in the reputed International Conferences and Indexed
Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol: 603,Issue: , 2020.
Journals. He delivered more than 30 key note speeches in International
6. Chen, C.-H., Lin, Y.-A., Wu, W.-T., Huang, Y.-T., Chu, C.-C., Design
Conferences, Seminars, and Workshops. He is received many awards and
and Implementation of IPv4 and IPv6 Provisioning Technologies for
accolades in his career includes Best Teacher Award, Best innovator Award.
VPC Architecture, 2019 20th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and
His research areas are Network
Management Symposium: Management in a Cyber-Physical World,
Security, Advanced Computing. He is
APNOMS 2019, 2019 .
a life time member of CSI, ISTE, he is
7. Dawadi, B.R., Rawat, D.B., Joshi, S.R., Evolutionary Dynamics of
a member of ACM and IEEE.
Service Provider Legacy Network Migration to Software Defined IPv6

Published By:
Retrieval Number: B4511129219/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.B4511.129219 3421 & Sciences Publication

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