A Hybrid Transition For Ipv4-Ipv6 Co-Existence in Small Size Organization
A Hybrid Transition For Ipv4-Ipv6 Co-Existence in Small Size Organization
A Hybrid Transition For Ipv4-Ipv6 Co-Existence in Small Size Organization
Published By:
Retrieval Number: B4511129219/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.B4511.129219 3416 & Sciences Publication
A Hybrid Transition for IPv4-IPv6 Co-existence in Small Size Organization
The objective of the research work is to propose a new transition. They reported that dual stack provided more
transition mechanism and evaluate it with the other transition throughputs and minimum jitter in the defined network. It
mechanisms in the state of the art. yielded the shortest time to download TCP file downloading.
The authors also presented a comparative study of migration
II. LITERATURE REVIEW techniques and their performance in various scenarios.
Priya Bali (2015) has concluded that native Dual-Stack is However, they have not experimented in the RIPng and
suitable for IPv6-IPv4 Co-existence. They have illustrated the OSPFv3 environment.
performance of IPv4/IPv6 co-existence transition strategies.
They have used Dual Stack, Tunneling and Transition
mechanisms for comparison. They have reviewed The IPv6 is deployed gradually with the existing IPv4
IPv4-to-IPv6 transition coexistence strategies in detail. They networks. As IPv6 is not backward compatible, it is could not
also have compared their performances. The authors reported send packets to IPv4 networks, hence there is need of
that the impact of network behavior on the performance of the co-existence IPv4 and IPv6 infrastructure. The transition
transition strategies. They have used Dual stack, Tunneling mechanism plays a compatible role in between the IPv4
and Translation methods for comparison. The authors have networks and IPv6 networks. The transition mechanism
reviewed Automatic IPv6 Transition and Manual Transition. enables the transition in the co-existence of IPv4 and IPv6.
They have concluded that Dual stack was the optimum The “Internet Engineering Task Force” (IETF) has provided
method for IPv6 deployment. The authors also reported that three major mechanisms for IPV4/IPv6 coexistence.
the next optimum method was NAT64 IPv4/IPv6 transition Dual Stack
deployment in the company. They author also quoted that the Translation
companies are planned to use NAT64 for a while and move to Tunneling
Native IPv6 mechanisms when they IPv6 set up would ready.
The companies also planned to use Rapid Deployment A. Dual Stack Transition Mechanism (DSTM)
strategy while implementing IPv6 deployment. The author The Dual-stack transition mechanism consists of both IP
has also found that NAT444 used as a intermediator in the stacks (IPv4 and IPv6) in a single node. Both protocols run in
transition period. It can be used to use IPv4 services eve after parallel to provide the end to end service for the user as shown
IPV4 address space was exhausted. in figure 2. The common shared transport layer protocol is
Dipti Chauhan (2015) has reported a mechanism that used by IPv4 and IPv6. TCP/IP model for dual stack node is
compress IPv6 header to increase the efficiency of the shown in figure 2. The Dual stack mechanism supports to
IPv4-IPv6 tunneling. The IPv6 header has been compressed maintain IPv4 / IPv6 coexistence as each node in the network
from 40 bytes to 6 bytes. An additional parameter was used to can act dual role. The dual stack node use IPv4 address while
extract back to 40 bytes’ information at the sender side. The communicating to IPv4 address nodes and it use IPv6 address
value ‘0’ is set to additional parameter implies normal while communicating with IPv6 address node. The network
tunneling is to be used. The value ‘1’ is set to additional application can choose the version of the IP based on the
parameter implies compressed header methods is to be used. requirements of further communication.
They have simulated the compressed header approach and As each communication takes place directly based on the
found that this approach yielded better throughput and Jitter. requirements of the version of IP, this method is very simple
The authors were used small network simulation setup with and easy to implement. However, the deployment dual stack
the minimum number of nodes and routers. The compressed on each node is yielding additional overhead cost in the
methods were improved the Packet delivery ratio, throughput network which is refrain the organization to deploy dual stack
and Jitter. This strategy was tested in the small networks and to handle the IPv4/IPv6 coexistence. Since each dual stack
hence the performance in the large network is yet to be tested. node is able to communicate directly, the DNS should handle
Parra, J. (2014) had reported that study on co-existence of the situations appropriately. The DNS server should able to
IPv4/IPv6. The author also discussed the common transition handle the “AAAA” records of the node to version of the IP is
technologies for co-existence of IPv4/IPv6. The author also to be considered for communication. A dual-stack
experimented the different migrating scenarios for co-exist implementation can be deployed by three ways: (1). IPv4
tense of IPv4/IPv6. He explored the performance of the stack enabled, (2). IPv6 stack enabled and (3). Both
migrating scenarios under Dual stack, Tunneling and IPV4/IPv6 stacks enabled.
Translation. He found that Native Dual stack performed better 1. The IPv4 stack enabled
than other simulated scenarios. He also suggested to use the 2. The IPv6 stack enabled
native dual stack for small size organizations for IPv4/IPv6 3. Both IPV4/IPv6 stacks enabled
deployment. Dual stack requires a huge investment, but yields better
Tach pat Terawatt and et.al. (2014) has created a mechanism throughputs and RTTs when compared to tunneling
in GNS3 with predefined transferring route of data. They have mechanisms.
compared the performance of their mechanism with the Dual
Stack and Tunneling mechanisms. They have used both TCP
and UDP file stream with the variable file size for their
experiments. They also have used different rate of streaming
in their experiments for comparison their techniques in IPv6
Published By:
Retrieval Number: B4511129219/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.B4511.129219 3417 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-2, December, 2019
Published By:
Retrieval Number: B4511129219/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.B4511.129219 3418 & Sciences Publication
A Hybrid Transition for IPv4-IPv6 Co-existence in Small Size Organization
The packets are queued in the waiting queue for transition Simulator-3(GNS3) was used as emulator. Our testbed
conversion; a packet is selected for conversion based on the consisted of two dual stacks, two identical workstations
weight value of the packet. The packet with greatest weight is configured as separate networks with the 100Mb/s link. The
selected for conversion in order to improve the performance experiments were executed for a sufficiently long period of
of the conversion and hence RTT latency and loss rate were time, 5 minutes to 180 minutes and results are taken for 32B
improved. packet to 1,024B packet sizes. The experiments carried out
for the Auto-configure Tunneling, 6to4 Tunneling and
Weight Based Transition mechanism independently. Each
value is an average of 100 independent experiments. The
outline values have been ignored for computing average of the
set of values.
The proposed Weight Based Transition mechanism was
experimented in three different scenarios:
1. The IPv4 only networks (A most present scenario)
2. The IPv6 only networks (Anticipated future scenario)
3. The interim transitional phase (IPv4 and IPv6 co-exist)
using tunneling.
Dual Stack
GRE Tunneling
Fig.4 Weight Based Router – Router Tunneling
A Weight-Based IPv4/IPv6 Transition Algorithm The Weight Based Hybrid Transition algorithm was
For each requested packet, simulated under various scenarios includes IPv4 Only
1. If the requested packet is IPv4 packet, then transmit as network, IPv6 Only Networks, Dual stack and GRE
IPv4 packet Tunneling. The GNS3 and “jperf” tools. The test period was
2. Else if the packet is IPv6, then the IPv4/IPv6 router 10 minutes. Each result shown was the average taken from
encapsulate the packet as follows 100 simulation runs. The Throughput, Jitter are taken for
(i) The Weight Vector W0 = (0.5, 0.3, 0.2) on Throughput, analysis purpose, as each simulation ran was independent of
RTT, Packet Loss is used to determine the “Importance other, the distribution of mean job times approximated to a
value”, Iv(R) as normal distribution.
Throughput: The IPv4 Only, IPv6 Only, Dual Stack, GRE
Tunneling and Weight Based Transition were simulated
Where R0 is a ideal value vector for a packet (1,1,1), RI is a independently. The throughput values were recorded for the
requested IPv6 packet and W0 = {0.5, 0.3, 0.2}. The W0 is a duration of 10 minutes’ test period as tabulated in Table 1.
initial weight computed by a empirical analysis. The “W”, Table.1 Throughput of the various algorithms
weight vector is re-determined for every interval of time T.
3. The “Importance Value“, Iv is appended in the Option
filed of IPv6 packet and encapsulated into the IPV4 packet.
4. The edge router of the source transmits the encapsulated
IPv4 packet into the network using IPV6 protocols.
5. The edge router of the destination receives the
encapsulated IPv4 packet and decodes the packet to get the
importance value of the packet.
6. The decoded packet is processed based on the priority of
the importance value of the packet, which is resulted the
impact on Throughput, RTT, Packet Loss.
The experiments were conducted in a lab environment using
Graphical Network Simulator (GNS3). GNS3 allows the
same type of emulation using Cisco Inter-Network Operating
Systems. It allowed to run a Cisco IOS in a virtual IPv4 Only, IPv6 Only, GRE Tunneling and Weight Based
environment. GNS3 also supports other emulation programs, Transition were yielded 100 % throughput over the packet
namely Qemu, Pemu and Virtual Box. The traffic in the size from 32 to 1024 Bytes. The Dual Stack yielded
network was simulated traffic generated by jperf. The jperf throughput as an average of 94.85% over the packet size 32 to
tool was used to generate the multicast traffic and to measure 1024 Bytes.
the network latency of the generated traffic. Multicast traffic
was generated using jperf tool for analysis purpose. The
defined network was simulated and Graphical Network
Published By:
Retrieval Number: B4511129219/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.B4511.129219 3419 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-2, December, 2019
Published By:
Retrieval Number: B4511129219/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.B4511.129219 3420 & Sciences Publication
A Hybrid Transition for IPv4-IPv6 Co-existence in Small Size Organization
Published By:
Retrieval Number: B4511129219/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.B4511.129219 3421 & Sciences Publication