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Facial Balance and Harmony: An Attainable Objective For The Patient With A High Mandibular Plane Angle

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Facial balance and harmony: An attainable objective

for the patient with a high mandibular plane angle

Herbert A. Klontz, DDS, MS

Oklahoma City, Okla.

Facial balance is an attainable goal of orthodontic treatment. If it is within the power of the
orthodontist to favorably affect facial balance, doing so should be an overriding priority. The
question, “What can be done to preserve or enhance facial balance, harmony, and proportion?”
should be answered during diagnosis in any patient who presents for orthodontic treatment. The
purpose of this paper is to offer some answers to this question when the patient has a medium to
high Frankfort mandibular angle or, stated differently, a moderate to excessive anterior facial height.
If facial balance is to be a reality for patients with these skeletal patterns, the following three
objectives must be met during treatment: (1) The mandibular incisors must be upright or overly
upright over their bony support. (2) Anterior facial height must be controlled. (3) Posterior vertical
dimension must be controlled. If these three objectives are realized during active mechanotherapy
of moderate- to high-angle patients, balance and harmony of the lower face should be an attainable
goal. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1998;114:176-88.)

F acial balance and harmony, as well as

ideal occlusion, should be simultaneous and equally
important goals of orthodontic treatment. If facial
balance does not exist, it should be an overriding
priority of orthodontic treatment. The question be-
comes, “What can we as orthodontists do to pre-
serve or enhance facial balance, harmony, and pro-
portion for each of our patients?” Differential
diagnostic decisions made before treatment, and
orthodontic treatment mechanics used to effect
tooth movement, should consistently enhance facial
balance and harmony.
In the discussion of facial balance, the pivotal
question becomes, “How does one define balance?”
All orthodontists are familiar with Angle’s concept
that the Roman copy of a Greek face, Apollo
Belvedere, was the most pleasing facial type.1 The
Fig. 1. Tweed’s diagnostic facial triangle.
fact that the “Father of Orthodontics” touted the
rather “flat” face of the Apollo is interesting be-
cause his philosophy of retaining all the teeth in the
arches2 means that only a small minority of his balanced face.6 Tweed’s standards led orthodontics
posttreatment faces could fit his standard. into the extraction of the four first premolars when
Tweed3-5 departed from the staunch dogma of extractions were required.7 In Tweed’s era, there
Angle and used cephalometrics to arrive at a new was no differential diagnosis and no variance of the
standard for facial esthetics. This standard was extraction pattern in the interest of facial balance.
predicated on his diagnostic triangle, with particular Merrifield initiated a study of facial balance and
emphasis on the Frankfort mandibular incisor angle facial esthetics in the early 1960s. He studied the
(FMIA) (Fig. 1). Tweed stated that a patient with a profile line and its relationship to the lips, as well as
posttreatment FMIA between 60° and 70° had a the angle it made with the Frankfort horizontal
plane. He published his findings in 1966.8 His article
In private practice. “The Profile Line as an Aid in Critically Evaluating
Reprint requests to: Dr. Herbert A. Klontz, 3621 N. W. 63rd St.,
Oklahoma City, OK 73116.
Facial Esthetics” gave the specialty a way to quantify
Copyright © 1998 by the American Association of Orthodontists. balance and harmony of the lower facial profile. His
0889-5406/98/$5.00 1 0 8/4/80850 Z-angle (Fig. 2) is an excellent diagnostic tool, and
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Klontz 177
Volume 114, No. 2

Fig. 2. Merrifield’s Z-angle.

Fig. 3. Computer-generated polygon of the ideal facial profile of the adult white male.
(Reprinted with permission from Czarnecki ST, Nanda RS, Currier GE: Perceptions of a
balanced facial profile. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop vol 104:108-7. Copyright © 1993 by
the American Association of Orthodontists.)

it directly reflects soft tissue response to tooth Namara14 have further clarified the facial-balance
movement. The most appropriate range for the dilemma for the specialty. In 1970 Peck and Peck
Z-angle is 72° to 78°. published the results of a study of facial balance of
In the ensuing decades, studies reported by 52 individuals deemed to have pleasing facial esthet-
Burstone,9,10 Zylenski,11 Hsu,12 Bishara,13 and Mc- ics.15 This study confirmed the diversity of facial
178 Klontz American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
August 1998

Fig. 4. The Z-angle, drawn on the computer-generated ideal facial profile.

Fig. 5. Pretreatment facial photographs.

form in our population and broadened the range of Completing the circle was the Johnston and
what the specialty could accept. Twenty-three years Luppanapornlarp study of the facial esthetics of a
later, Czarnecki, Nanda, and Currier16 published the clear-cut extraction sample versus a clear-cut non-
results of a study of what the public now perceives as extraction sample.17 The authors stated, “It should
a balanced face. These authors developed a comput- not be inferred, however, that the extraction profiles
er-generated polygon of an adult white man with were too flat on recall. Instead, it was the non-
“ideal” facial balance (Fig. 3). It is interesting to extraction patients who tended to have concave
note that when Merrifield’s Z-angle is drawn on this faces, whereas the extraction patients more often
ideal facial polygon (Fig. 4), the value is 77°, confir- had what non-extraction advocates might call a nice,
mation that the Z-angle is valid when facial balance full, pleasing profile.”17
is studied and evaluated. Because there appears to be agreement as to
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Klontz 179
Volume 114, No. 2

Fig. 6. Pretreatment cephalogram tracing.

Fig. 7. Posttreatment cephalogram tracing.

what balanced faces look like, the question, “How The patient with a decreased anterior vertical
can orthodontists favorably affect facial balance?” dimension (a low FMA) is not the central focus of
becomes fundamental. The purpose of this article is this study. A completely different set of tenets must
to offer some answers to this question when the be applied during the diagnosis and treatment plan-
patient has a medium to high Frankfort mandibular ning of the low-angle skeletal pattern. Every clini-
angle (FMA) or, stated differently, a moderate to cian is aware that some of these patients, even
excessive anterior facial height. though they have low FMAs, require extraction and
180 Klontz American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
August 1998

Fig. 8. Posttreatment facial photographs.

Fig. 9. Mandibular incisors must be uprighted so the maxillary incisors can be intruded as
they are retracted.

Fig. 10. Vertical and rotational control of the palatal plane, occlusal plane, and Frankfort
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Klontz 181
Volume 114, No. 2

Fig. 11. Downward and backward mandibular spatial change.

Fig. 12. Upward and forward mandibular spatial change.

Fig. 13. Pretreatment facial photographs from patient 1.

some mandibular incisor uprighting. The pretreat- extraction and uprighting of the mandibular incisors
ment facial photographs (Fig. 5) and pretreatment from 106° to 92° (Fig. 7), the patient has much
cephalogram tracing (Fig. 6) of a patient who had an better facial balance (Fig. 8). Likewise, there is a
FMA of 21° illustrate this point. After premolar segment of this “low angle” patient population for
182 Klontz American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
August 1998

Fig. 14. Pretreatment cephalogram tracing from patient 1.

Fig. 15. Posttreatment facial photographs from patient 1.

Fig. 16. Posttreatment cephalogram tracing from patient 1.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Klontz 183
Volume 114, No. 2

Fig. 17. Pretreatment/posttreatment tracing superimpositions from patient 1.

Fig. 18. Pretreatment facial photographs from patient 2.

Fig. 19. Pretreatment cephalogram tracing from patient 2.

184 Klontz American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
August 1998

Fig. 20. Posttreatment facial photographs from patient 2.

Fig. 21. Posttreatment cephalogram tracing from patient 2.

Fig. 22 Pretreatment/posttreatment tracing superimpositions from patient 3.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Klontz 185
Volume 114, No. 2

Fig. 23. Pretreatment facial photographs from patient 3.

Fig. 24. Pretreatment cephalogram tracing from patient 3.

whom mandibular incisor uprighting is contraindi- balance led to the use of FMIA, the facial angle of
cated. Their malocclusions must be corrected with- his diagnostic triangle. He determined that pro-
out mandibular premolar extraction. The diagnostic cumbent mandibular incisors must be uprighted to
and treatment concepts most appropriate for this make it possible for the maxillary incisors to be
patient population have been described by Noffel,18 intruded as they are retracted (Fig. 9). Tweed’s
Lamarque,20 Vaden,20 and others. concept of uprighting the mandibular incisors
If posttreatment facial balance is to be a reality
before maxillary incisor movement to improve
for patients with average to high FMAs, the follow-
ing three treatment objectives should be achieved facial balance has proven valid.
during orthodontic mechanotherapy. Objective 2: Maxillary Anterior Tooth Position Must
Be Controlled
Objective 1: Mandibular Incisors Must Be Upright The direction of movement of the maxillary
Over Their Bony Support After Treatment incisors is imperative in the maintenance of anterior
Uprighting of mandibular incisors is funda- facial height. Control of these teeth as they are
mental to the achievement of balance and har- moved is critical if facial balance is an objective (Fig.
mony of the lower face (Fig. 9). Angle stated that 9). For most patients with moderate to excessive
mandibular lip curvature was determined by max- anterior facial height, the maxillary incisor must be
illary incisor position.21 Tweed’s studies of facial intruded as it is retracted. Third order (torque)
186 Klontz American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
August 1998

Fig. 25. Posttreatment facial photographs from patient 3.

Fig. 26. Posttreatment cephalogram tracing from patient 3.

control must be carefully monitored as this move- Fulfillment of these objectives gives the patient
ment is being accomplished. with a moderate to high FMA a much greater
opportunity to have improvement in facial balance
Objective 3: Posterior Vertical Dimension Control
as a result of orthodontic treatment. This improved
Posterior vertical control has a direct relation- balance is directly related to the improvement in the
ship to the mechanical force systems used. To horizontal spatial relationship of the mandible to
control the vertical dimension, vertical as well as the maxilla that can occur during orthodontic treat-
rotational control of the palatal plane, the occlusal ment.22-25 This favorable spatial-relationship change
plane, and the mandibular plane is essential (Fig. of the mandible during and after active mechano-
10). If the posterior vertical dimension is not con- therapy is essential to the improvement of facial
trolled—for instance, if molars are extruded—point balance, especially for growing patients and even
B will drop down and back. Any horizontal mandib- more so for those with Class II malocclusion.
ular growth that occurs cannot be used to advantage
because the mandibular rotation is downward and CASE REPORTS
backward (Fig. 11), not downward and forward (Fig. To illustrate these three concepts important in the
12). As a result, anterior facial height will become successful treatment of the patient with a moderate to
lengthened and the development of harmony and high “angle” skeletal pattern, the pretreatment and post-
balance of the lower face will be disrupted. treatment facial photographs and cephalogram tracings of
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Klontz 187
Volume 114, No. 2

Fig. 27. Pretreatment/posttreatment tracing superimpositions from patient 3.

three patients with different malocclusions will be used. Patient 2: Angle Class II Malocclusion; Four First
Diagnosis in all three was achieved with the Differential Premolars Removed
Diagnostic Analysis System26 and Merrifield’s “dimen- The second patient has a Class II malocclusion with a
sions of the dentition” concept.27 Treatment of these high FMA. The protrusive convex facial pattern is evident
patients was accomplished with Merrifield Directional (Fig. 18). The pretreatment cephalogram tracing (Fig. 19)
Force Systems,28,29 which use directionally controlled pre- confirms the poor skeletal pattern. The FMA of 38°, the
cision archwire manipulation and extraoral headgear ANB of 7°, and the Z-angle of only 56° make correction of
force. Facial balance was quantified with the use of the Z the malocclusion difficult. After the removal of maxillary
angle. and mandibular first premolars, the patient was treated
with vertical control and mandibular incisor uprighting as
Patient 1: Angle Class I Malocclusion; Four First primary treatment objectives. The posttreatment facial
Premolars Removed photographs (Fig. 20) illustrate pleasing balance and
The facial photographs (Fig. 13) and pretreatment harmony. The facial convexity has been reduced, and
cephalogram tracing (Fig. 14) of this patient illustrate a there is a nice curvature of the lips. The FMA was reduced
facial imbalance created by a bialveolar protrusion of the to 35° (Fig. 21), and mandibular incisors were uprighted
teeth. The Z angle is a low 49°, and the profile line is very from 94° to 75° (the mandibular incisors had to be overly
much in front of the nose. Posttreatment facial photo- uprighted to compensate for the high FMA). The Z-angle
graphs (Fig. 15) confirm improved facial balance. During is a pleasing 75°. The superimpositions (Fig. 22) illustrate
treatment, the mandibular incisors were uprighted from mandibular incisor uprighting, maxillary incisor position-
101° to 80° (Fig. 16). The vertical dimension was main- ing, and vertical control. These three keys were essential
tained. Point A has been moved distally from an SNA of to the improved facial balance and harmony of this
87° to an SNA of 84°. The superimposition tracings (Fig. high-angle patient.
17) illustrate a downward and forward change of the
mandible relative to the maxilla. The facial height index of
Patient 3: Angle Class II Malocclusion (Severe):
Horn,30 which improved from 0.68 to 0.71, is an indicator
Four First Premolars, Maxillary First Molars, and
of vertical control and the favorable skeletal response to
orthodontic mechanotherapy. The three objectives previ- Mandibular Third Molars Extracted
ously described— uprighting of mandibular incisors, con- This patient presented with an even more complex
trol of maxillary incisor position, and control of the malocclusion and poor facial balance (Fig. 23). Procum-
posterior vertical dimension—were used in this patient’s bent mandibular incisors, an Angle Class II dental rela-
treatment. Quantification of the facial balance improve- tionship, an FMA of 32°, and a very protrusive relation-
ment is the Z-angle increase from 49° to 77°. The post- ship of the maxilla to cranial base (confirmed by an SNA
treatment profile line now lies midnose. of 90° and an ANB of 13°) suggest a malocclusion difficult
188 Klontz American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
August 1998

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