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MCQ BA Politics-Core-Comparative Politics

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BA Politics-IV-Sem-Core Paper



1.Which one of the following is not a feature of the British constitution?

A. Written constitution B. Unwritten constitution.
C. Flexible constitution. D. Parliamentary government.
2. Which country of the following is an example of parliamentary supremacy?
A. USA. B. France.
C. Communist China. D. Great Britain.
3. Which institution functions as the highest court of appeal in Britain, till 2009?
A. Supreme Court. B. House of lords.
C. House of Commons. D. Nil.
4. The lower house of Britain is, ------.
A. House of Commons, B House of Lords.
C. Senate. D. House of the people.
5.The king can do no wrong’ is phrase associated with,
A. France. B. China C India D. Britain
6.Magna Carta is a historical incident associated with ------
A. USA B. India . C. France. D Britain.
7.The upper house of British parliament is -------.
A. Supreme Court. B. House of lords.
C. House of Commons. D. Nil.
8. The prime minister of Britain is elected by---------
A. The King . B. The majority party.
C . The opposition party. D. The Privy Council.
9. Who organizes the cabinet in Britain?
A. The prime minister. B. The speaker of House of Commons.
C. The King. D .None of the above.
10. The speaker of House of Commons is elected by the ------
A. The King. B. The House of Commons
C .The opposition leader. D. The Privy Council.
11.The most powerful lower chamber of parliament in the world is ---------
A. Lok- Sabha. B The House of Commons.
C The Senate of USA. D.NPC of Communist China
12. Who is the presiding officer of House of Commons in Britain?
A. The King. B. The Speaker
C. The Prime minister. D The Lord Chancellor
13. As a tradition, the prime minister of Britain belongs to _________
A. The House of Lords. B.The House of Commons.
C. The senate. D. The Privy Council.
14.The co-equal powers of the House of Lords with House of Commons has been
by the Parliamentary Act of ----------
A. 1911 B.1905 C.1919 D. 1947.
15 The presiding officer of the House of Lords is -------
A. The Speaker. B The Chairman
C. Lord Chancellor. D. The Prime Minister.
16. The “’King in parliament’ means that the king is:
A. An integral part of the Parliament.
B. The King is the presiding officer of the parliament
C. The parliament makes the King
D. The King is an elected member of the parliament.
17. The most powerful lower chamber in the world is:
A. Lok Sabha. B. House of Commons .
C House of Representatives D. National Assembly.
18.Which of the following philosopher used comparative method for comprehending and
analyzing principles, issues and problems of Greek city-states?
A. Socrates B. Plato C. Aristotle D. Cicero.
19. Identify the false statement.
A. Comparative politics is the modern way of studying politics.
B. Comparative Politics has a very wide and comprehensive scope.
C. Comparative Politics depends upon scientific- empirical methods of study.
D. Comparative politics seeks to build up a theory of ideal political institutions.
20. Which of the following is not a character of Comparative Politics.
A. Comparative politics is the modern way of studying politics.
B. Comparative Politics has a very wide and comprehensive scope.
C. Comparative Politics depends upon scientific- empirical methods of study.
D. Comparative politics has a very narrow scope.
21. Which of the following subject is not included in the scope of Comparative Politics.
A. Study of selected structures .
B. Study of political behaviors
C. An analysis of the similarities and differences, among political processes.
D. Study of political cultures.
22. Which of the following subject is not included in the scope of Comparative Politics?
A. Study of all political systems.
B. Study of environment and infrastructure of politics.
C. Study of political socialization.
D. Study of selected structures.
23. Magna Carta, the first historic charter of Great Britain was signed in the year ---------
A.1215. B. 1628 C. 1679 D.1689.
24. The system of ‘rule of law’ was evolved in -------------
A. USA B. Great Britain. C. France D. China.
25. The oldest parliament in the world is -------------
A. American Congress. B. Indian Parliament
C. British Parliament D. Chinese National Peoples Congress .
26. The forerunner of ‘Cabinet’ in Britain.
A. CABAL B. Privy Council. C. Great Council. D. None of the others.
27. Glorious revolution was in the year------------.
A.1688. B. 1866. C. 1868. D. 1658.
28. The first prime minister of Great Britain is------------
A. Robert Walpole. B. Hubert Walter. C. Cromwell. D. Lord Clarendon.
29. Which prime minister of Great Britain is considered as the ‘model for all prime
A. Sir Robert Peel. B. Palmerston. C. Gladstone. D. Robert Walpole.
30. Bicameralism (Two- house system) was evolved in ---------------
A. USA B. Great Britain. C. France D. China.
31. ‘Shadow cabinet’ is:
A. A cabinet organized by the opposition leader.
B. An immediate past cabinet.
C. A secondary cabinet.
D. None of the other.
32’ “Crown’ in Britain is an institution which consists of:
A. King alone B. The Cabinet alone.
C . The Parliament alone . D. The King, the Cabinet, and the Parliament.
33. Which of the following is not a feature of the British Crown?
A. Crown is an institution. B.The Crown is immortal.
C. Crown is the real executive in Britain. D. Crown is a person.
34. ‘The Westminster model’ means:
A. British parliamentary government. B. Indian parliamentary model.
C. American model administration. D. None of the other.
35.’Kitchen cabinet’ means:
A. Group of ministers who enjoy the full confidence of Prime Minister and
are very close to him .
B. Cabinet organized by the opposition leader.
C. The administration of a kitchen.
D. A cabinet organized by the King to check the administration.
36. ‘Ministerial responsibility’ implies:
A. Responsibility of ministers towards the King.
B. Individual responsibility of every minister before the parliament.
C. Collective responsibility of the ministry before the House of Commons.
D. All of these.
37.Who prepares and pioneers the budget in Britain?
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Introduction to Comparative Politics Page 5
A. The Prime minister B .The King .
C. The Chancellor of Exchequer. D. The Lord Chancellor.
38.Which of the following is not related with the British Prime Minister?
A. Formation of the cabinet. B. Distribution of portfolios.
C. Chairman of the Cabinet. D. Formation of ‘shadow cabinet’.
39.” The sun around which other planets revolve” is a statement(Jennings ) which
the position of :
A. The King B. The Prime Minister.
C. The opposition leader. D. The speaker.
40. The presiding officer of House of Lords in Britain:
A. Lord Chancellor. B. The speaker.
C. The Prime minister . D. The Chancellor of Exchequer.
41.”Once a speaker is always a speaker” is a phrase associated with:
A. USA. B. France C. India D. Great Britain.
42. Which prime minister is saluted as the ‘iron lady of Great Britain’?
A. Tony Blair B. Cromwell. C. Lord Clarendon. D .Margaret Thatcher.
43.The first woman Prime Minister of Great Britain?
A. Tony Blair B. Cromwell. C. Lord Clarendon. D Margaret Thatcher.
44.Margaret Thatcher, the first lady Prime Minister of Great Britain, belongs to :
A. Conservative party. B. Labour party.
C. Liberal party. D Socialist party.
45.Which Prime minister of Great Britain led the nation to victory in the second world war?
A. Gladstone B. George Brown
C. Margaret Thatcher D. Winston Churchill.
46.’Kangaroo- closure ‘means:
A. The power of the speaker to select the most important bills for discussion.
B. The power of the speaker to declare, all bills passed without discussion.
C. The power of the speaker to select appropriate questions submitted to him
D.A meaningless statement associated with the speaker of Great Britain.
47. ‘Committee of the whole house’ in Britain is:
A. A Committee consists of all members of the House.
B A Committee consists of all members of the select committee.
C. A committee consists of all the members of both House of Commons and House
of Lords
D .A Committee consists of all the members of all committees of both Commons and
48. ‘Buckingham palace’ is the official residence of:
A. The President of USA. B. The President of India.
C. The Prime Minister of Britain. D .The King of Great Britain.
49. The Supreme Court of Great Britain was established in the year?
A. 2011. B.2008. C. 2009 D.2010.
50. The system of ‘ rule of law ‘ was evolved in :
A. India . B. China C. USA. D. Great Britain.
51.The Prime Minister of Great Britain when India got Independence in 1947 ?
A. Jawaharlal Nehru. B. Clement Atley.
C. Lord Mount Batten . D. Winston Churchill.
52.Which one of the following is not a power of the British Speaker?
A. Defend the House against itself. B. Interpretation of rules.
C. Protection of privileges. D. Formation of the Cabinet.
53.Who presents the annual Budget of Britain?
A. The Prime Minister. B. The Lord Chancellor.
C. The Chancellor of Exchequer. D. None of these.
54. Which one of the following is not a power of the British Prime Minister?
A. Formation of the cabinet. B. Chairman of the Cabinet.
C. Leader of the House of Commons. D. Dissolution of the House of Commons.
55.Who said that “ the Cabinet in England is the steering wheel of the ship of the state.”?
A. Ramsay Muir. B. Ivor Jennings . C. Winston Churchill. D. Gladstone.
56.Who among the following is a well known interpreter of ‘rule of law’
A. A.V.Dicey. B. Ivor Jennings . C. Winston Churchill. D. Gladstone.
57.Who summons and prorogues the parliament in Britain?
A. The King . B. The Prime Minister
C. The speaker D. The opposition leader.
58.Policy determination is mainly a function of:
A. The Cabinet B. The Prime Minister
C. The King D .The Opposition Leader.
59. Identify the wrong statement.
In Britain a ‘money bill ‘ is :
A. A public bill.
B .They originate always in the lower house.
C. The role of the upper house in matters of money bill is formal.
D Both Houses have co-equal powers in matters of money bill.
60.The old name of ‘Conservative party ‘ in Britain was:
A. Tories B Whigs. C. Liberal D. Communists.
61. Prof .A.V. Dicey interpreted the concept of ‘rule of law’ in his famous book:
A. Law of the constitution B. Justice and administrative law
C. Constitutional law. D .Administrative law in England.
62. The old name of ‘ Liberal party ‘ in Britain was:
A. Tories B Whigs. C. Labour D. Communists.
63.’The Declaration of Independence’ adopted in the year 1776, announced the birth of
A. USA. B. USSR C. UK. D. India.
64. The forerunner of the constitution of USA:
A British constitution. B. Magna Carta.
C . Bill of rights. D Articles of Confederation.
65. The Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation in the year …………..
A.1766. B.1777 C1788 D.1789
66. Which of the following is saluted as “an assembly of demi- gods”, by Jefferson?
A. American Congress. B.Philadelphia Convention 1787.
C. British House of Commons. D. None of these.
67. Who was the Chairman of the famous Philadelphia Convention of 1787?
A James Madison. B. Alexander Hamilton.
C. Benjamin Franklin. D. George Washington.
68. Who was the first President of USA?
A James Madison . B. Alexander Hamilton.
C. Benjamin Franklin. D. George Washington.
69. Which is the oldest written constitution in the world?
A. Constitution of Switzerland. B. The Constitution of India.
C. The constitution of France. D. The constitution of USA.
70. Which one of the following is not a feature of the Constitution of USA?
A. Popular sovereignty. B. A federal system.
C. check and balance system. D. Unwritten nature.
71. Which constitution of the world is called by Gladstone as “the most wonderful work
struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man.”
A. Constitution of Switzerland. B. The Constitution of India.
C. The constitution of France. D. The constitution of USA.
72. The system of government enshrined in US constitution is …………….
A. A federal system B.A unitary system.
C. A mixture of both federal and unitary. D. None of these.
73. In USA, the residuary powers rest with …………….
A. The National Government.
B. The state governments
C. Both central government and state governments.
D. None of these.
74. Where do the disputes between the National government and State governments must
settled, as per the provisions of the US Constitution?
A. The congress. B The federal Courts.
C. The senate. D. Parliamentary Committee.
75 Who is considered as the chief exponent of the theory of separation of powers?
A. Montesquieu B. John Locke.
C. Blackstone. D. James Madison.
76. The theory of separation of powers’ is mainly associated with ……………..
A. Montesquieu B. John Locke.
C. Blackstone. D. James Madison.
77.’The theory of separation of powers’ is meaningful with ……………….
A. Check and balance system. B. Delegated legislation.
C. Parliamentary sovereignty. D. Supremacy of judiciary.
78. The power of judiciary to nullify any legislative measure or executive action, if it is
detrimental to the constitution is the principle of ……………
A. Judicial Review. B. Judicial Activism.
C. Judicial supremacy. D. None of these.
79. Which Article of the US constitution vests the legislative power with the Congress?
A. Article 1 B. Article 2 C. Article 3 D. Article 4.
80. Which Article of the US constitution vests the executive power with the President?
A. Article 1 B. Article 2 C. Article 3 D. Article 4.
81. Which Article of the US constitution vests the judicial power with the Supreme Court of
A. Article 1 B. Article 2 C. Article 3 D. Article 4.
82. Which of the following is not a qualification for election to American Presidency?
A. A natural born citizen of USA.
B. Attained the age of 35 years.
C. A resident of USA for fourteen years.
D. A member of American Senate.
83. The salary and other emoluments of the US President is fixed by ……….
A. The President himself. B. The Congress.
C. The Supreme Court. D. The electorate.
84. Name of the American president, who was elected four times to American Presidency.
A. George Washington B .Calvin Coolidge.
C. Woodrow Wilson. D. Franklin Roosevelt.
85. Which constitutional amendment forbids an American citizen from being elected more
than twice to Presidency?
A. 22nd B. 24th C.25th D.26th
86. By the 22nd amendment, in USA, the total term for any President has been fixed at a
maximum of ………………years.
A. 10 B. 7 C.8 D.4.
87. If an American President dies in office, who succeeds him?
A Chief Justice of Supreme Court..
B. The Speaker of House of Representatives.
C . Senior most Senator.
D. The Vice-President of USA.
88.The US President is elected, constitutionally, by an electoral college consisting of
presidential electors:
A. As is the number of members in both Houses of the Congress.
B. As is the number of members in House of Representative alone.
C. As is the number of members in Senate alone.
D. None of the above.
89. How many members are elected by an American state to Senate?
A. 02 B.01 C.03 D.04.
90. On which date, now a new elected President is sworn in to office?
A No particular date B. January 06
C. March 04 D. January20.
91. Who administers the oath of office to American President?
A Chief Justice of Supreme Court B. The Vice-President of USA.
C. President of the Senate. D. The Speaker of House of Representatives.
92. The official residence of US President:
A. Rashtra pathi Bhavan B. Buckingham Palace.
C. White house. D. President’s palace.
93. Which of the following is not a legislative power of the American President.
A. The power to summon, prorogue and dissolve the Congress.
B. The power to send messages to Congress.
C. The power to convene special sessions of the Congress.
D. The power to exercise veto power.
94. The vice- president of USA is elected by :
A. The members of American Senate.
B. The members of both the houses of Congress.
C. The members of the House of Representatives.
D. The presidential electors, along with the election of the President.
95. Which are the two houses of the American Senate.?
A. House of Commons and the Senate
B. House of Commons and House of Lords.
C. House of Representatives and the Senate .
D. House of the People and the Senate.
96.The lower age limit in USA to become a member of the House of Representatives is ………
A.30. B.18. C.21 D.25.
97.A member of the House of Representative must be an inhabitant of :
A. the state from which he is elected.
B. any state of US Federation.
C. outside the state from which he is elected.
D None of these.
98.”Gerrymandering” in USA means:
A. The adjustment of districts in such a way that the interests of the dominant
party will be served.
B. The adjustments of districts in such a way that the interest of the opposition party
will be served.
C. The adjustment of seats to Senate in such a way that the interests of the dominant
party will be served.
D None of these.
99. Constitutionally, the House of Representative of USA , holds ---------- in a year.
A. One session B. two sessions. C. three sessions D. as many sessions.
100. The presiding officer of the House of Representatives in USA is called as……….
A The Chairman. B The President C The Speaker D. The Chancellor.
101. What is “Cannon Revolt”?
A. A revolt, against the abuse of power by the speaker, in USA, in the year1910.
B .A revolt, against the abuse of power by the speaker, in UK, in the year1910.
C. A revolt, against the abuse of power by the President, in USA, in the year1910.
D A revolt, against the abuse of power by the PM in UK, in the year1910.
102. Who is the floor leader of the House of Representatives in USA?
A. The President of USA.
B. The Speaker of the House of Representatives.
C. The Vice- President of USA.
D . The Secretary of State of the USA.
103. The power to try for impeachments in USA is vested with ---------.
A. The House of Representatives.
B. The Senate.
C. Both, House of Representatives and Senate.
D. The Supreme Court of USA.
104. The two prominent political parties in USA are:
A. Democratic Party and Republican Party .
B .Conservative party and Labour party.
C. Democratic party and Socialist party.
D Republican party and Socialist party.
105. Which country has been called as the laboratory of political experiments?
A. Great Britain B. USA.
C. Communist China D. France.
106. Who prepared and drafted the constitution of the Fifth Republic of France?
A. General De Gaulle B. Michel Debre
C. Napoleon . D. Marshal Petain.
107. The first president of France under the constitution of the fifth republic:
A. General De Gaulle B. Michel Debre
C. Napoleon D. Marshal Petain.
108. The constitution of the fifth Republic of France came into force on -------
A.August27,1958. B.28th September, 1958.
C.4th September , 1958. D. 4th October 1958.
109 Which of the following is not a function of the.”Constitutional Council “in France.?
A. determines the constitutionality of governmental or parliamentary laws.
B. supervises the election of the President of France.
C. makes conformity with the constitution of an international agreement.
D. Enforce its decisions.
110 . The two houses of French parliament under the 5th Republic are---------- --------
A. National Assembly and Senate.
B. House of the people and Senate.
C. House of commons and the House of Lords.
D. Lok-Sabha and Rajya – Sabha.
111. The lower house of the French parliament:
A. National Assembly. B. Lok-Sabha.
C. House of Commons. D. Senate
112. The French legal and judicial system bears the imprint of-------------------.
A. Roman Law. B. Greek Law. C. British Law. D None of these.
113 .In France, the Court of Cassation is,
A. The top of ordinary courts. B. The top of administrative courts.
C. The top of all Courts. D. None of these.
114 .In France, the Conseil d’ etat (the council of state) is,
A. The top of ordinary courts. B. The top of administrative courts.
C. The top of all Courts. D. None of these.
115. Where is the executive power vested in Switzerland?
A. Federal Council B. Federal Assembly.
C Federal Tribunal. D. None of these.
116.The upper house of Swiss legislature is known as-------------.
A. House of cantons. B. Council of States.
C. Senate. D. Rajya- Sabha.
117.What is the lower house of the Swiss federal legislature?
A .National Council. B. House of the people.
C. Council of states. D. Senate.
118.”Let the hundred flowers blossom: let the hundred schools of thought contend” Who
these words?
A. Karl Marx. B. Lenin. C. Joseph Stalin. D. Mao-Tse- Tung.
119. Communist party rule was started in China in the year--------------
A.1917. B.1947. C. 1949. D.1954.
120. Who launched ‘cultural revolution’ in China?
A. Karl Marx. B. Chiang Kai Shek
C. Sun Yat-Sen. D. Mao-Tse- Tung.
121.The highest organ of state power by the 1982 constitution of Communist China:
A National People Congress.
B. Polit- bureau of Communist party of China. .
C. The state council of China.
D. Supreme people’s courts.
122. Who was the prime minister of China at the time Indo-China war of 1962?
A Chou En Lai. B. Huo Jintao C. Sun Yat-Sen D. Mao-Tse- Tung.
123. Pancha- sheel principles were signed between -----------------
A China and Pakistan B. India and Pakistan
C. India and China. D. China and Japan
124.China attacked India in the year----------------
A. 1962 B .1971. C.1965. D. 2000
125.Pancha sheel was signed between -------------------------
A. Nehru and Chou En Lai. B. Nehru and Mao
C. Nehru and Sun Yat-Sen D. Indira Gandhi and Chou En Lai.
126 Which of the following country follows ‘unicameralism’?
A. Communist China . B.USA
C. France D. India.
127.Articl 1 of the Constitution of India describes India as a --------------------
A. Union of states. B. Association of states
C. Federation of states . D. Confederation of states.
128.The famous French Revolution was in the year ………
A.1789. B.1788. C.1777 D.1766
129. The first Premier of France under the fifth Republic of France :
A. General De Gaulle B. Michel Debre
C. Napoleon . D. Marshal Petain.
130. Which country recognizes ‘political parties’ through the constitution.
A USA. B. India C.Switzerland. D. France.
131. Federal Council in Switzerland consists of -------------members.
A. 07 . B.06 C. Any number D. None of these.
132. A federal unit of Swiss Federation is known as ----------------
A States. B. Federal units . C. Provinces. D. Cantons.
133. Who was the undisputed leader of ‘cultural revolution’?
A. Karl Marx. B. Chiang Kai Shek C. Sun Yat-Sen. D. Mao-Tse- Tung.


1. A 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.D 7.B

8.B 9.A 10.B 11.B 12.B 13.B 14.A
15.C 16. A 17.B 18. C 19.D 20. D 21.D
22.B 23.A 24. B 25.C 26.A 27. D 28.A
29. C 30.B 31.A 32.D 33.D 34. A 35. A
36. D 37.C 38.D 39.B 40.A 41.D 42.D
43.D 44.A 45.D 46.A 47.A 48.D 49.C
50. D 51.B 52.D 53.C 54.D 55.A 56.A
57.A 58.A 59.D 60.A 61.A 62.B 63.A
64. D 65. B 66. B 67. D 68. D 69.D 70.D
71. D 72. A 73. B 74. B 75.A 76.A 77.A
78. A 79.A 80.B 81.C 82. D 83. B 84. D
85. A 86.A 87. D 88.A 89. A 90. D 91.A
92. C 93. A 94. D 95. C 96.D 97.A 98.A
99. A 100. C 101.A 102.B 103. B 104. A 105.D
106. B 107. A 108. D 109.D 110. A 111. A 112. A
113. A 114.B 115.A 116.B 117. A 118. D 119. C
120.D 121. A 122. A 123. C 124. A 125. A 126.A
127. A 128. A 129.B 130.D 131.A 132.D 133.D

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