Acorns Securities LLC 5300 California Avenue IRVINE, CA 92617
Acorns Securities LLC 5300 California Avenue IRVINE, CA 92617
Acorns Securities LLC 5300 California Avenue IRVINE, CA 92617
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Changes to dividend tax classifications processed after your original tax form is issued for 2020 may require an amended tax form.
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This is important tax information and is being furnished to the Internal Revenue Service. Use bond-by-bond details from the Form 1099-OID page(s) to determine amounts of
If you are required to file a return, a negligence penalty or other sanction may be Original Issue Discount income for your income tax return(s). The amounts shown in this
imposed on you if this income is taxable and the IRS determines that it has not been section are for your reference when preparing your income tax return(s).
reported. Original issue discount for the year 0.00
1- Interest income (not included in line 3) 0.00 Acquisition premium (covered lots) 0.00
2- Early withdrawal penalty 0.00 Acquisition premium (noncovered lots) 0.00
3- Interest on US Savings Bonds & Treasury obligations 0.00 Original issue discount on Treasury obligations 0.00
4- Federal income tax withheld 0.00 Acquisition premium, Treasury obligations (covered lots) 0.00
5- Investment expenses 0.00 Acquisition premium, Treasury obligations (noncovered lots) 0.00
7- Foreign country or US possession: 6- Foreign tax paid: 0.00 Tax-exempt OID 0.00
8- Tax-exempt interest (includes line 9) 0.00 Tax-exempt OID (lots not reported) 0.00
9- Specified private activity bond interest (AMT) 0.00 Acquisition premium (covered) 0.00
10- Market discount (covered lots) 0.00 Acquisition premium (lots not reported) 0.00
11- Bond premium (covered lots) 0.00 Tax-exempt OID on private activity bonds 0.00
12- Bond premium on Treasury obligations (covered lots) 0.00 Tax-exempt OID on private activity bonds (lots not reported) 0.00
13- Bond premium on tax-exempt bonds (categorized below) 0.00 Acquisition premium (AMT, covered) 0.00
Tax-exempt obligations (covered lots) 0.00 Acquisition premium (AMT, lots not reported) 0.00
Tax-exempt private activity obligations (AMT, covered lots) 0.00 Market discount (all lots) 0.00
14- Tax-exempt and tax credit bond CUSIP number Early withdrawal penalty 0.00
Investment expenses 0.00
The following amounts are not reported to the IRS. They are presented here for your reference
The amounts in this section are not reported to the IRS. They are presented here for your
Taxable accrued interest paid 0.00
reference when preparing your income tax return(s).
Taxable accrued Treasury interest paid 0.00
Tax-exempt accrued interest paid 0.00 Other Receipts & Reconciliations- Partnership distributions 0.00
Tax-exempt accrued interest paid (AMT) 0.00 Other Receipts & Reconciliations- Foreign tax paid- partnership 0.00
Taxable accrued nonqualified interest paid 0.00 Other Receipts & Reconciliations- Return of principal 0.00
Tax-exempt accrued nonqualified interest paid 0.00 Other Receipts & Reconciliations- Deferred income payment 0.00
Tax-exempt accrued nonqualified interest paid (AMT) 0.00 Other Receipts & Reconciliations- Deemed premium 0.00
Nonqualified interest 0.00 Other Receipts & Reconciliations- Income accrual- UIT 0.00
Tax-exempt nonqualified interest 0.00 Other Receipts & Reconciliations- Basis adjustments 0.00
Tax-exempt nonqualified interest (AMT) 0.00 Other Receipts & Reconciliations- Foreign tax pd beyond treaty 0.00
Interest shortfall on contingent payment debt 0.00 Fees & Expenses- Margin interest 0.00
Bond premium- Non Treasury obligations (noncovered lots) 0.00 Fees & Expenses- Dividends paid on short position 0.00
Bond premium- Treasury obligations (noncovered lots) 0.00 Fees & Expenses- Interest paid on short position 0.00
Bond premium- Tax-exempt obligations (noncovered lots) 0.00 Fees & Expenses- Non reportable distribution expense 0.00
Bond premium- Tax-exempt obligations (AMT, noncovered lots) 0.00 Fees & Expenses- Other expenses 0.00
Market discount (noncovered lots) 0.00
Fees & Expenses- Severance tax 0.00
Fees & Expenses- Organizational expense 0.00
STATE TAX WITHHELD Fees & Expenses- Miscellaneous fees 0.00
Use the details of the State Tax Withholding page(s) to determine the appropriate amounts for Fees & Expenses- Tax-exempt investment expense 0.00
your income tax return(s). The amounts shown in this section are for your reference. Foreign Exchange Gains & Losses- Foreign currency gain/loss 0.00
1099-DIV total withheld 0.00
1099-INT total withheld 0.00
1099-OID total withheld 0.00
1099-MISC total withheld 0.00
1099-B total withheld 0.00
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Several columns include both an amount and a qualifying notation to its right. Where proceeds are the result of an option exercise or assignment, there is indication of whether the amount is N (net of
option premium) or G (Gross). Accrued market discount and wash sale loss disallowed appear in the same column, identified by the letters D or W, respectively. Where you are not permitted to
recognize a loss, an indication of X (change in control or capital structure) or Z (other corporate action) is used. The change in control condition is reported to the IRS for covered lots. Neither the
disallowance of loss due to a corporate action nor the amount of gain or loss is reported to the IRS in any instance.
Some tax lots may have notations in the column of Additional Information because they require special treatment on your tax returns. Sales of securities such as Contingent Payment Debt Instruments
(CPDI) are marked as “Ordinary” because gains and losses on these instruments generally do not qualify as short- or long-term capital transactions. Similarly, lots noted as “3 - [X] Collectible” are
handled distinctly under the tax code. These conditions are reported to the IRS. You may wish to consult with your tax advisor, the IRS or your state tax authority regarding the proper treatment for
these scenarios. With further regard to Box 3, there is also a checkmark to indicate the proceeds of sale are from a Qualified Opportunity Zone Fund investment - a QOF. If the proceeds are from a QOF
the Additional Information column will reflect the following - “3 - [X] Proceeds from QOF.” The tax treatment for QOF investments can be complex and you may wish to consult your tax advisor about
such sales.
Closing of written options is presented in a distinct manner in accordance with IRS regulation. For these transactions the Cost or other basis (column 1e) is always presented as $0.00 and the Proceeds
(column 1d) is the net of the amount received when the option was written and the cost to close the position.
SHORT TERM TRANSACTIONS FOR COVERED TAX LOTS [Ordinary gains or losses are identified in the Additional information column] (Lines 2 & 5)
Report on Form 8949, Part I with Box A checked. Basis is provided to the IRS. (Line 12)
“Gain or loss (-)” is NOT reported to the IRS.
1a- Description of property/CUSIP/Symbol
1c- Date 1d- Proceeds & 1f- Accrued mkt disc (D) & Gain or loss(-) &
sold or 6- Reported 1b- Date 1e- Cost or 1g- Wash sale loss 7- Loss not allowed (X)
disposed Quantity (G)ross or (N)et acquired other basis disallowed (W) also not reported (Z) Additional information
05/13/20 0.576 73.44 Various 73.48 ... -0.04 Sale 25
Original basis: $72.87
05/13/20 0.314 39.99 Various 41.23 1.24 W 0.00 Sale 25
Original basis: $40.89
07/22/20 0.945 130.56 05/01/20 121.08 ... 9.48 Sale 25
Original basis: $121.08
08/28/20 0.963 129.85 Various 124.34 ... 5.50 Sale 25
Original basis: $124.22
08/28/20 0.053 7.12 Various 7.19 0.07 W 0.00 Sale 25
Original basis: $6.95
Security total: 380.96 367.32 1.31 W 14.94
* This is important tax information and is being furnished to the Internal Revenue Service. If you are required to file a return, a negligence penalty or other sanction may be imposed on you if
this income is taxable and the IRS determines that it has not been reported. Remember, taxpayers are ultimately responsible for the accuracy of their tax return(s).
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SHORT TERM TRANSACTIONS FOR COVERED TAX LOTS [Ordinary gains or losses are identified in the Additional information column] (Lines 2 & 5)
Report on Form 8949, Part I with Box A checked. Basis is provided to the IRS. (Line 12)
“Gain or loss (-)” is NOT reported to the IRS.
1a- Description of property/CUSIP/Symbol
1c- Date 1d- Proceeds & 1f- Accrued mkt disc (D) & Gain or loss(-) &
sold or 6- Reported 1b- Date 1e- Cost or 1g- Wash sale loss 7- Loss not allowed (X)
disposed Quantity (G)ross or (N)et acquired other basis disallowed (W) also not reported (Z) Additional information
05/13/20 1.338 115.94 Various 115.39 ... 0.56 Total of 2 transactions
07/22/20 1.238 107.20 05/01/20 107.23 ... -0.04 Sale 25
Original basis: $107.23
07/22/20 0.192 16.62 05/01/20 16.62 0.01 W 0.00 Sale 25
Original basis: $16.62
08/28/20 1.602 138.60 Various 138.71 ... -0.11 Total of 2 transactions
Security total: 378.36 377.95 0.01 W 0.41
08/28/20 5.240 220.50 Various 193.57 ... 26.93 Sale 25
Original basis: $193.10
08/28/20 0.080 3.36 Various 3.65 0.29 W 0.00 Sale 25
Original basis: $3.50
Security total: 223.86 197.22 0.29 W 26.93
08/28/20 1.257 56.44 Various 47.26 ... 9.18 Sale 25
Original basis: $47.24
08/28/20 0.005 0.22 Various 0.32 0.10 W 0.00 Sale 25
Original basis: $0.20
Security total: 56.66 47.58 0.10 W 9.18
08/28/20 1.357 110.95 Various 101.33 ... 9.62 Sale 25
Original basis: $101.14
08/28/20 0.029 2.35 Various 2.84 0.50 W 0.00 Sale 25
Original basis: $2.78
Security total: 113.30 104.17 0.50 W 9.62
* This is important tax information and is being furnished to the Internal Revenue Service. If you are required to file a return, a negligence penalty or other sanction may be imposed on you if
this income is taxable and the IRS determines that it has not been reported. Remember, taxpayers are ultimately responsible for the accuracy of their tax return(s).
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SHORT TERM TRANSACTIONS FOR COVERED TAX LOTS [Ordinary gains or losses are identified in the Additional information column] (Lines 2 & 5)
Report on Form 8949, Part I with Box A checked. Basis is provided to the IRS. (Line 12)
“Gain or loss (-)” is NOT reported to the IRS.
1a- Description of property/CUSIP/Symbol
1c- Date 1d- Proceeds & 1f- Accrued mkt disc (D) & Gain or loss(-) &
sold or 6- Reported 1b- Date 1e- Cost or 1g- Wash sale loss 7- Loss not allowed (X)
disposed Quantity (G)ross or (N)et acquired other basis disallowed (W) also not reported (Z) Additional information
VANGUARD SMALL CAP ETF (VB) / CUSIP: 922908751 / Symbol: VB
08/28/20 1.231 196.13 Various 166.79 ... 29.34 Sale 25
Original basis: $165.21
08/28/20 0.013 2.04 Various 2.82 0.78 W 0.00 Sale 25
Original basis: $2.11
Security total: 198.17 169.61 0.78 W 29.34
Totals : 1,351.31 1,263.85 2.99 W 90.42
* This is important tax information and is being furnished to the Internal Revenue Service. If you are required to file a return, a negligence penalty or other sanction may be imposed on you if
this income is taxable and the IRS determines that it has not been reported. Remember, taxpayers are ultimately responsible for the accuracy of their tax return(s).
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Federal, state and foreign tax withheld and investment expenses are presented as negative amounts but do not net against the reportable income totals. All amounts are grouped by security, with the
transactions listed in chronological order. Subtotals for each security are provided. For situations in which the tax character of a distribution (or part thereof) is different than at the time it was paid,
endnotes are provided for further explanation.
Security description CUSIP and/or symbol State Date Amount Transaction type Notes
US AGGREGATE BOND (AGG) 464287226 AGG 09/10/20 0.33 Nonqualified dividend 03
10/09/20 0.34 Nonqualified dividend 03
11/11/20 0.34 Nonqualified dividend 03
12/10/20 0.41 Nonqualified dividend 03
12/30/20 0.25 Nonqualified dividend 03
1.67 Total Dividends & distributions
ISHARES INV GRD CORP BOND ETF 464287242 LQD 02/12/20 0.02 Nonqualified dividend 03
03/11/20 0.06 Nonqualified dividend 03
04/13/20 0.09 Nonqualified dividend 03
05/12/20 0.11 Nonqualified dividend 03
06/10/20 0.59 Nonqualified dividend 03
07/13/20 0.58 Nonqualified dividend 03
08/12/20 0.29 Nonqualified dividend 03
1.74 Total Dividends & distributions
ISHARES 1-3 YEAR TREASURY BOND 464287457 SHY 02/12/20 0.01 Nonqualified dividend 03
03/11/20 0.03 Nonqualified dividend 03
04/13/20 0.04 Nonqualified dividend 03
05/12/20 0.04 Nonqualified dividend 03
06/10/20 0.19 Nonqualified dividend 03
07/13/20 0.17 Nonqualified dividend 03
08/12/20 0.08 Nonqualified dividend 03
0.56 Total Dividends & distributions
MEDIUM COMPANY STOCKS (IJH) 464287507 IJH 10/01/20 0.30 Qualified dividend 03
10/01/20 0.07 Section 199A dividend 03
12/23/20 0.25 Qualified dividend 03
12/23/20 0.06 Section 199A dividend 03
0.68 Total Dividends & distributions
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Security description CUSIP and/or symbol State Date Amount Transaction type Notes
SMALL COMPANY STOCKS (IJR) 464287804 IJR 10/01/20 0.13 Qualified dividend 03
10/01/20 0.04 Section 199A dividend 03
12/23/20 0.12 Qualified dividend 03
12/23/20 0.03 Section 199A dividend 03
0.32 Total Dividends & distributions
SHORT TERM USD BOND (ISTB) 46432F859 ISTB 09/10/20 0.15 Nonqualified dividend 03
10/09/20 0.15 Nonqualified dividend 03
11/11/20 0.14 Nonqualified dividend 03
12/10/20 0.15 Nonqualified dividend 03
12/30/20 0.16 Nonqualified dividend 03
0.75 Total Dividends & distributions
VANGUARD FTSE DEVELOPED MARKET 921943858 VEA 03/31/20 0.03 Qualified dividend 03
03/31/20 0.01 Nonqualified dividend 03
06/30/20 0.67 Qualified dividend 03
06/30/20 0.17 Nonqualified dividend 03
06/30/20 -0.06 Foreign tax withheld-Various 03
0.88 Total Dividends & distributions
-0.06 Total Foreign tax withheld
VANGUARD EMERGING MARKETS ETF 922042858 VWO 06/30/20 0.10 Nonqualified dividend 03
06/30/20 0.09 Qualified dividend 03
06/30/20 -0.02 Foreign tax withheld-Various 03
0.19 Total Dividends & distributions
-0.02 Total Foreign tax withheld
LARGE COMPANY STOCKS (VOO) 922908363 VOO 03/18/20 0.12 Qualified dividend
07/08/20 1.84 Qualified dividend
10/06/20 2.77 Qualified dividend
12/31/20 3.37 Qualified dividend
8.10 Total Dividends & distributions
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Security description CUSIP and/or symbol State Date Amount Transaction type Notes
VANGUARD REIT INDEX ETF (VNQ) 922908553 VNQ 03/18/20 0.02 Section 199A dividend 03
03/18/20 0.02 Nondividend distribution 03
07/06/20 0.43 Section 199A dividend 03
07/06/20 0.32 Nondividend distribution 03
07/06/20 0.01 Qualified dividend 03
0.80 Total Dividends & distributions
VANGUARD SMALL CAP ETF (VB) 922908751 VB 03/18/20 0.02 Qualified dividend 03
03/18/20 0.01 Section 199A dividend 03
07/06/20 0.22 Qualified dividend 03
07/06/20 0.07 Section 199A dividend 03
0.32 Total Dividends & distributions
03 The tax character of the distribution has been allocated based on information provided by the security issuer.