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Effect of Melatonin and Caffeine Interaction On Caffeine Induced Oxidative Stress and Sleep Disorders

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Nig. J. Physiol. Sci.

25(2010) 17 – 24

Effect of Melatonin and Caffeine Interaction on

Caffeine Induced Oxidative Stress and Sleep Disorders
Obochi G. O., Amali O.O.E., and Ochalefu D.O
Department of Biochemistry, Benue State University, Makurdi, Nigeria.

Summary: Effect of interaction of melatonin and caffeine on caffeine induced oxidative stress and sleep disorders was
studied. Fifteen wistar rats were randomly assigned into three study groups. The animals in group 1 (the control) received a
placebo of 10.0 ml distilled water via gastric intubation. The hosts in groups 2 and 3 were treated with 100 mg caffeine/ kg,
or melatonin/ kg, respectively, in a total volume of 10.0 ml vehicle. The experiment lasted for 30 days. One day after the
final exposure, the animals were euthanized by inhalation of overdose of chloroform. Blood was collected by cardiac
puncture. Serum was obtained by centrifugation (6000 Xg, 30 mins), and used for serum total protein and serum blood urea
nitrogen levels. The brain of each rat was also harvested and processed into whole homogenate, frozen in liquid nitrogen
(N2), and maintained at -80oC until used for total brain cholesterol and tryptophan levels. The results showed that
interaction of melatonin and caffeine enhanced protein synthesis; stimulated gonadotrophin release, and could be used as
oral contraceptive for women, and may be beneficial in the treatment of impotence (androgen depression), leading to
improved reproductive and sex life; stimulated tryptophan metabolism, which prevents vitamin B6 deficiency, anemia,
negative nitrogen balance, tissue wasting and accumulation of xanthurenic acid, which promotes sleep; and could be
beneficial in the treatment of hyper cholesterolemia, thereby preventing coronary heart disease, and post menopausal

Key words: melatonin, caffeine, oxidative stress, sleeps disorders and free radicals.

*Address for correspondence:

P.M.B. 102119 Makurdi, Nigeria. Phone: 07096045538, 08089506087, 08052707200 E-mail: gobochi@yahoo.com

Manuscript Accepted: April, 2010

spontaneous abortion or miscarriage (Julien, 1996).
The metabolism and toxicity of caffeine are viewed to
INTRODUCTION be dose dependent, resulting in non-linear
accumulation of metabolites (Methylxanthines –
Caffeine, 1, 3, 7 – trimethylxanthine is consumed dimethyluric acid, 7-methyl uric acid, 3-methyluric
worldwide by people of all races and social class acid), which may lead to cardiovascular diseases such
through processed cocoa, coffee, tea or kolanut based as heart failure, high blood pressure and neuronal
foods and beverages, stimulants, drugs and cosmetics disorder as schizophrenia (Julien, 1996; Eteng et al,
(Eteng et al, 1997; Obochi, 2006). Caffeine, 1997; Obochi, 2006).
theophyllines and theobromines are related The central nervous system stimulatory action of
compounds and are classified as alkaloids. An caffeine elevates mood. This accounts for much of the
alkaloid is a compound that contains nitrogen, and is popularity that coffee and tea have as morning wake-
physiologically active. Caffeine is metabolized in the up beverages. Also, people who are afflicted with
liver and is excreted in kidneys, faces, saliva, semen significant depression medicate themselves by using
and breast milk (Julien, 1996). Liver diseases, caffeine products. Caffeine acts to block adenosine’s
pregnancy, and use of oral contraceptives slow the inhibition of cells in the brain, and this underlies
metabolism and excretion while nicotine and other alertness and up beat mood (Julien, 1996). Adenosine
therapeutic drugs interact with caffeine to increase or is an inhibitory neurotransmitter, synthesized from
decrease its metabolism and excretion (Julien, 1996). AMP by the action of s-nucleotidase, which acts to
Caffeine is equally distributed in total body water and result in behavioural sedation, regulation of oxygen
freely crosses the placenta to the fetus, leading to delivery to cells, dilation of cerebral and coronary

Nig. J, Physiol. Sci. 25 (2010): Obochi et al

blood vessels (Eteng et al, 1997). Caffeine and other et al, 1994; Lissoni et al, 1994; Sandyk, 1994; Chan
methylxanthines occupy adenosine receptors and then et al, 1995; Lissoni et al, 1995). It also lowers total
block the action of the neurotransmitter. Adenosine cholesterol and LDL levels in rats (Chan et al, 1995);
receptors are linked with interplay of release, acts as a powerful chronobiotic maintaining
reuptake, metabolism and excretion of synchronicity and preventing desynchrony of
neurotransmitters (Julien, 1996; Eteng et al, 1997; circadian rhythms (Armstrong, 1989; Attenburrow et
Obochi, 2006). Thus, blockade of adenosine receptors al, 1996); improves sleep (Garfinkel et al, 1995) and
by caffeine results in alteration in behavioural pattern sex life (Laudon et al, 1988).
by delaying neuronal tube closure (Eteng et al, 1997); Melatonin stimulates gonadotrophin release
activates phosphorylase and lipase, thereby enhancing hormone, estrogen levels and androgen responses
glycogenolysis and lipolysis, resulting in loss of (Terzollo et al, 1993; Laudon et al, 1996), and may
weight (Julien, 1996). The blockade also inhibits inhibit ovarian function in women and may be
glutamate release, resulting in low protein synthesis, beneficial as oral contraceptive (Voordouw et al,
poor growth, low protein efficiency ratio, poor 1992). It is involved in the regulation of calcium and
nitrogen retention (Eteng et al, 1997), and decreases phosphorous metabolism by stimulating the
bone mineral density, leading to osteoporosis, parathyroid gland and by inhibiting calcitonin release
palpitations, tremor, headache, anxiety, peptic ulcer and prostaglandins synthesis (Sandyk et al, 1992).
and insomnia (Julien, 1996). The blockade of Melatonin stimulates immunoenhancing effects
adenosine receptors by caffeine inhibits androgen (Maestroni, 1993), improves leucopenia and winter
binding protein, resulting in decreased cauda depression (Neri et al, 1994; Webb and Pulg-
epididymis sperm reserve, seminiferous tubular fluid Domingo, 1995). Because of these therapeutic
volume, low sperm production and infertility (Eteng properties of melatonin, it is often bought over the
et al, 1997; Obochi, 2006). Thus, the toxicity of counter in health food shops and is consumed for
caffeine is viewed as a phenomenon of rapid improved sleep, sex life, longevity and lowering of
absorption but slow excretion (Obochi, 2006). blood pressure, leading to self medication. The
Therapeutic properties of caffeine include relief of current study is therefore focused on assessment of
pain, headache and cold (through inhibition of the how melatonin could impact upon caffeine induced
inflammatory action of prostaglandins), depression oxidative stress and sleep disorders in animals
and in appetite-suppressant medications due to its exposed daily to caffeine and melatonin.
diuretic effects (Obochi, 2006). Melatonin (N-acetyl-
5-mehoxytryptamine is a hormone synthesized from
tryptophan in the pineal gland of the brain in humans MATERIALS AND METHODS
and animals (Reiter, 1995); stimulated by the dark
and inhibited by light (Reiter, 1995). It also occurs Fifteen Wistar albino rats weighing between 150g
naturally in plants such as oats, tomatoes, banana and to 250g obtained from the disease free stock of the
barley (Webb and Pulg-Domingo, 1995). The animal house, Department of Biochemistry, College
principal role of melatonin involves regulation of of Medical Sciences, Benue State University,
neuro-endocrine reproductive functions (Reiter et al, Makurdi, Nigeria, were used for the study. The
1995; Webb and Pulg-Domingo, 1995). It also plays a animals were randomly assigned into three study
role in signaling changes in reproductive hormone groups of five animals per group. Each rat in a study
levels (Maestroni, 1993). Melatonin is metabolized to group was individually housed in a stainless steel
6-hydroxy-melatonin in the liver, and the main cage with plastic bottom grid and a wire screen top.
metabolite, 6-sulphatoxy-melatonin is excreted The animal room was adequately ventilated, and kept
(Maestroni, 1993; Cavallo, 1993); lowers body at a room temperature and relative humidity of 29 ±
temperature and blood flow to the brain, (Lamberg, 2oC and 40 – 70% respectively with 12 hour natural
1996; Brzezinski, 1997). light-dark cycle. The animals were fed ad libitum
Melatonin is an effective antioxidant that protects with water and rat chow (Livestock Feeds Ltd,
DNA, cells and tissues from free radical assault Makurdi, Nigeria). Good hygiene was maintained by
(Sharma et al, 1989; Stokkan et al, 1991; Pierpaoli et constant cleaning and removal of faeces and spilled
al, 1993; Tan et al, 1993; Lesnikov et al, 1994; feeds from cages daily. All animal experiments were
Pierpaoli et al, 1994; Reiter, 1995). It stimulates the approved by the Animal Care and Use Committee of
main antioxidant ezyme of the brain, glutathione the Medical College, Benue State University,
peroxidase (Reiter, 1995) and inhibits proliferation Makurdi, Nigeria.
and growth of cancer cells (Blask et al, 1991; Lissoni
et al, 1992; Cos et al, 1994; Neri et al, 1994; Aldeghi

Nig. J, Physiol. Sci. 25 (2010): Obochi et al

Treatment regimen of the sample solution was added 1.0ml distilled

All rats received daily treatment with their test water to bring the volume to 1.5ml in each tube. Tube
solutions for a period of 30 days. All treatments were 1, the blank received 1.5ml distilled wate. The
conducted between the hours of 6.00 – 7.00 pm suspension was mixed, and 0.2ml of 5% sodium
because melatonin is most active in the evening. The deoxycholate (DOC) in 0.01N KOH was added and
rats in Group 1 (the control) received a placebo of mixed to make the suspension more soluble. Then,
4.0ml distilled water by gastric intubation. The rats in 1.5ml of biuret reagent (1.50g CuSO4 ∙ 5H2O, 6.0g
Groups 2 and 3 were treated with 100mg caffeine/kg Sodium potassium tartrate, and 300ml of 10% NaOH
body weight or a combination of 100mg caffeine/kg per litre) was added (including the blank). The
body weight + 100mg melatonin/kg body weight, contents in each tube were mixed in a vortex mixer,
respectively, in a total volume of 4.0ml vehicle. and incubated at 37oC for 15 min, and the
absorbances read at 50nm in a 6400/6405
Preparation of caffeine spectrophotometer (Jenway, Essex, England) against
Synthetic caffeine was obtained from May and the reaction blank. The concentration of the standard
Baker (M & B) Limited (Enfield, Middlesex, bovine serum albumin (BSA) was 2mg/ml (1.0g BSA
England), and used for the study. A stock solution of was dissolved in 500ml H2O). 10% NaOH was
caffeine was prepared by dissolving 20g of powdered prepared by dissolving 100g NaOH in 1 litre of
caffeine in 500ml of hot distilled water. The solution distilled water.
was allowed to cool to room temperature, and from
this, and based on the animal’s weight that morning, Determination Of Blood Urea Nitrogen Levels
the 100mg/kg body weight dosages were Serum blood Urea nitrogen was determined with
administered to the animals in Groups 2 and 3 as part the method of Taylor (1989). In this assay, Urea, the
of the 10.0ml volume used for gastric intubation. end product of nitrogen metabolism in humans is
hydrolysed to ammonia (NH3) and carbon dioxide
Preparation of Melatonin (CO2) by an enzyme, urease. The ammonia is then
Synthetic melatonin was obtained from May and converted to indophenol blue in the presence of
Baker Limited (Enfield, Middlesex, England), and sodium nitroferricyanide, phenol and alkaline
used for the study. A stock solution of melatonin was hypochlorite reagents. Briefly, 10ml of the EDTA
prepared by powdered melatonin in 500ml of distilled (dissolved 7.5g EDTA- free acid in 400ml H2O, pH
water. From this, and based on the animal’s weight adjusted to 6.5 with 10% NaOH, and diluted to
that morning, the 100mg/kg body wieght dosages 750ml) buffered serum were pipetted into 13 X
were administered to the animals in Groups 3 as part 100mm test tubes, and 10ml distilled water added to
of the 10.0ml used for gastric intubation. bring the volume to 20ml. The blank tube received
20ml distilled water. Then, 20ml of urease solution
Sample preparation (5ml urease-glycerol extracts in 100ml volumetric
One day after the final exposure, the animals were flask, and diluted to 100ml with EDTA buffer) was
euthanized by inhalation of overdose of chloroform. added to all tubes including the blank. The tubes were
Blood was collected by cardiac puncture. Serum was incubated at 37oC for 30min. Then, 0.5ml of phenol
obtained by centrifugation (6000 Xg, 30min.), and reagent [5ml of liquefied Phenol to 100ml volumetric
used for serum total protein, blood urea nitrogen flask, added 80ml H2O and 1.0ml of 2.5% sodium
levels. The brain of each rat was also harvested and nitroferricyanide stock solution (prepared by
processed into whole homogenate. Briefly, the brain dissolving 2.5g Na nitroferricyanide in 100ml H2O)
tissues were ground using mortar and pestle, and and brought to volume with H2O] was added to all
buffered with Tris-HCl (pH 7.4). a whole homogenate tubes. Then, 0.5ml of alkaline hypochlorite reagent
(WH) of the tissue was then prepared by [mix 25ml of 2.5N NaOH (10%) and 4.0ml Clorox,
centrifugation at 6000 Xg for 30min; the supernatant and diluted to 100ml with H2O] was added to all
generated was recovered and subjected to a second tubes. The tubes were mixed, and incubated at room
centrifugation at 8000 Xg for 20min. The whole temperature for 40 min. then, 4.0ml distilled water
homogenate (WH) was then frozen in liquid nitrogen added to all tubes, mixed and the absorbencies read at
(N2) and maintained at -80oC until used for total brain 625 nm in a 6400/6405 spectrophotometer (Jenway,
cholesterol and tryptophan levels. Essex, England). 0.2mg/ml urea working standard
was prepared by adding 2.0ml stock solution to 98ml
Determination of Total Serum Protein Level H2O. 10.0mg/ml urea stock standard was prepared by
Total serum protein was determined by the Biuret dissolving 2.14g Urea in 100ml H2O, and freeze in
method described by Gornall et al (1949). To 0.5ml 2.5ml batches.

Nig. J, Physiol. Sci. 25 (2010): Obochi et al

allowed to cool to room temperature, and incubated in

Determination Of Total Brain Cholesterol Levels a shaking water bath at 37oC for 48 hours. The tubes
were mixed vigorously in a vortex mixer, and the
Total brain cholesterol was determined with the absorbances read at 450nm in 6400/6405
method of Kates (1986). Briefly, 1.0ml of the whole spectrophotometer (Jenway, Essex, England) against
homogenate (WH) were pipetted, and evaporated to the blank.
dryness in small test tubes under nitrogen (N2). The
dried samples were redissolved in absolute ethanol. Statistical Analysis
Then, 0.1ml of the WH was delivered using an Data collected were expressed as mean ± standard
automatic micropipettor into tubes and sufficient deviation (SD), and the Student’s
absolute ethanol added to bring the volume to 2.0ml. t- test was used for analysis. Values of P < 0.05 were
2.0ml absolute ethanol only was used for the blank. regarded as significant.
Then, 1.0ml of the cholesterol reagent [add 40ml iron
stock reagent (prepared by dissolving 5.0g FeCl3 ∙
6H2O in 200ml conc. H3PO4) to 460ml conc. H2SO4] RESULTS
was added to all tubes. Then, 2.0ml of ferric chloride
reagent (consists of 80ml of a solution of 2.5% FeCl3 Table 1 presents the results of treatments on total
∙ 6H2O in conc. H3PO4 and 920ml of conc. H2SO4 per serum protein and blood serum urea nitrogen levels in
litre) was added, and mixed carefully at the lowest the rats. The results of the total serum protein levels
setting of the vortex mixer. The tubes were incubated showed that there was significant (P < 0.05) increase
for 30 min. at room temperature, and the absorbencies (12.66%) in the values of the caffeine treated hosts,
read at 550nm in 6400/6405 spectrophotometer and a significant (P < 0.05) increase (45.11%) in the
(Jenway, Essex, England). The concentration of the values of the melatonin + caffeine treated animals,
cholesterol standard solution was 0.1mg/ml (dilute relative to those seen in the controls.
5.0ml of cholesterol stock solution in 50ml absolute The result of treatments on blood serum urea
ethanol). Cholesterol stock standard was prepared by nitrogen levels showed that there was significant (P <
dissolving 0.1g cholesterol in 100ml absolute ethanol. 0.05) increase (99.63%) in the values of the caffeine
treated rats relative to the controls while there was no
Determination of total brain tryptophan Levels significant (P > 0.05) difference (1.22%) in the values
Total brain tryptophan was isolated and of the melatonin + caffeine treated hosts relative to
determined according to the standard method those of the controls.
described by Davidson and Henry (1979). Briefly, in
the isolation assay, 1.0ml of the brain whole
homogenate (WH) were pipetted into 20ml ample, Table 1
9.0ml of 6.0N NaOH added, mixed, and the ampule Effect of treatment on serum total protein and serum
sealed by pulling the glass tip over an intense flame. blood urea nitrogen levels in the rats.
The suspension was incubated at 110oC for 24 hours.
The extracts were transferred to 50ml beakers; each Group (N) Total serum Blood serum urea
titrated with 6N HCl to pH 7.0 while mixing on a protein (mg/ml) nitrogen (mg/dl)
magnetic stirrer. The titration was then changed to 1N
HCl at a pH 8.5, and centriguged at 10,000 Xg for 16.67 ± 0.43 24.68 ± 0.67
20min. the supernatant was decanted into 25ml Control
graduated cylinders, and the volumes brought to 20ml
18.78 ± 0.45* 49.27 ± 0.83*
with 0.1M Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7.4, and mixed well.
The hydrolysate (whole homogenate-WH) was used Caffeine
for the analysis of total tryptophan levels. Melatonin + 24.24 ± 0.37#* 24.98 ± 0.69#*
In the determination assay, briefly, whole sample
homogenates were pipetted into test tubes. The blank Caffeine
received 1.0ml distilled water. Then, 5.0ml of N=Number of rats per group=5. Values are expressed as
tryptophan free growth medium (10.5g K2HPO4, 1.0g mean ± SD.
(NH4)2SO4, 1.0g Na citrate ∙ 2H2O, 0.65g MgSO4, * = significantly different from control at P < 0.05. # =
2.0g glucose per litre) was added to all tubes significantly different from caffeine only at P < 0.05.
including the blank. Then, 5.0ml of 4% glucose
solution was added. The tubes were autoclaved for
15min (120oC, 15-1b pressure). All the tubes were

Nig. J, Physiol. Sci. 25 (2010): Obochi et al

Table 2 for the synthesis of amino acids, and is a substrate for

Effect of treatment on total brain cholesterol and total glutamine and glutathione synthesis (Julien, 1996).
brain tryptophan levels in the rats. This may suggest that caffeine may cause low protein
synthesis and low protein efficiency, leading to poor
Group (N) Total brain Total brain growth.
cholesterol tryhptophan The effects of caffeine on blood urea nitrogen
(mg/g of tissue) (mg/g of tissue) levels could be attributed to the activation of the
Control 18.41 ± 0.45 97.68 ± 0.65 enzyme, xanthine oxidase, which catalyzes the
Caffeine 65.74 ± 0.53* 13.67 ± 0.31* oxidation of xanthines to uric acid, which generates
Melatonin + 41.93 ± 0.48#* 34.82 ± 0.58#* superoxides, hydrogen peroxides, and free radicals.
Free radicals are formed by interaction of hydrogen
N=Number of rats per group = 5. Values are expressed as
mean ± SD. peroxide with superoxide anion; the rate of which is
* = significantly different from control at P < 0.05. # = increased by ions of iron or copper (Julien, 1996).
significantly different from caffeine only at P < 0.05. Free radicals are constituents that have an unpaired
electron, generated as by-products of oxidation.
Addition of an electron to O2 produces a superoxide
Table 2 presents the results of treatment on total anion radical, O2-, which is reduced by superoxide
brain cholesterol and brain tryptophan levels in the dismutase to peroxide, H2O2, which is toxic at high
rats. The results for the total brain cholesterol levels concentrations, and can be reduced to hydroxyl
showed that there was significant (P < 0.05) decrease radical (∙OH), [H2O2 + O2- O2 + HO-

(32.70%) in the values of the caffeine treated hosts + HO .]
relative to the controls while there was also a further The hydroxyl radical damages cells, DNA and
significant (P < 0.05) decrease (57.07%) in values of neuronal tissue, brain (Reiter, 1995; Reiter et al,
the melatonin + caffeine treated animals relative to 1995). Mechanisms of action of free radicals on cells,
those of the controls. However, when the values of DNA and neuronal tissue involves peroxidation and
the melatonin + caffeine treated hosts were compared chemical modification o the nucleotide bases; the
to those of caffeine treated animals, the values of the damage to proteins is caused by the oxidation of
melatonin + caffeine treated hosts were lower, that is, sulphydryl group (that is , SH groups are converted to
comparatively decreased by 36.22%. S-S groups ); the effect of free radicals on lipids could
The results for the total brain tryptophan levels be attributed to the attack on unsaturated fatty acids in
showed that there was significant (P < 0.05) decrease phospholipid components of membranes, which
(25.75%) in the values of the caffeine treated rats results in the formation of lipid hydroperoxides.
relative to those of the controls while there was Hydroperoxidation of membrane lipids increases the
significant (P < 0.05) increase (89.14%) in the values hydrophobic nature of the lipids, and changes the
of the melatonin + caffeine treated animals relatively structure of membranes, thereby distorting the normal
to those seen in the controls. conformation and function (Chan and Tang, 1995).
Also, lipid hydroperoxides are powerful enzyme
DISCUSSION inhibitors, which inhibit chemical processes, resulting
in rapid degradation of cells, leading to anemia, and
In this study, caffeine alone increased serum total inhibition of methaemoglobin which transports
serum protein and blood urea nitrogen levels while it oxygen (Reiter, 1995).
decreased total brain cholesterol and tryptophan The effects of caffeine on cholesterol levels could
levels in the rats. However, interaction of melatonin be attributed to stimulation of phosphoprotein
with caffeine increased total protein, and brain phophatase inhibitor – 1 (PP1 – 1), and increased its
tryptophan levels, but decreased total brain activity thereby inhibiting the activity of 3-hydroxy-
cholesterol and blood urea nitrogen levels in the rats. 3-mehtylglutaryl CoA (HMG-CoA) reductase,
The effects of caffeine on protein levels could be resulting in decrease cholesterol synthesis. This effect
attributed to inhibition of glutamate release due to occurs through covalent modification as a result of
blockade of adenosine receptors. Adenosine receptors phosphorylation and dephosphorylation. 3-Hydroxy-
are linked with interplay of release, reuptake, 3-methylglutaryl-CoA (HMG-CoA) reductase,
metabolism and excretion of neurotransmitter HMGR, is most active in the dephosphorylated state.
molecules (Eteng et al, 1997). Thus, blockade of Phosphorylation of the enzyme decreases its activity
adenosine receptors inhibited glutamate release and (Chan and Tang, 1995). Also, the effect of caffeine on
reuptake, resulting in low protein synthesis (Obochi, cholesterol could be attributed to stimulation of
2006). Glutamate supplies the amino group required cAMP signaling pathway. Increases in cAMP leads to

Nig. J, Physiol. Sci. 25 (2010): Obochi et al

activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase, PKA. receptors on the surface of the plasma membrane to
PKA phosphorylates phosphoprotein phophatase generate signals, since these molecules cannot cross
inhibitor – 1 (PP1 – 1) leading to an increase in its the plasma membrane (blood-brain-barrier). The
activity. Phosphoprotein phosphotase inhibitor – 1 amplification and subsequent transmission of such
(PP1 – 1) can inhibit the activity of numerous signals to the cell interiors require the participation of
phosphatases including HMG-CoA reductase a second messenger, usually a cyclic nucleotide,
phosphatase, which remove phosphates from HMGR. cAMP, while the hormones, peptides or receptors
This maintains HMGR in the phosphorylated and serve as the first messengers (Eteng et al, 1997).
inactive state, resulting in decreased activity of The effect of melatonin on protein levels could be
HMGR, and reduced cholesterol synthesis (Reiter, attributed to activation of transcriptional promoter
1995). Also, increases in cAMP lead to activation of and enhancer elements used for the control of gene
cAMP-dependent protein kinase, PKA, which in turn, expression, which promoted the nucleotide at the
inhibits HMGR activity, resulting in decreased initiation stage, thereby increasing protein synthesis
cholesterol synthesis (Reiter, 1995; Chan and Tang, and stimulating the gonadotrophin release, estrogen
1995). The effect of caffeine on cholesterol levels and androgen levels. This could account for use of
could also be attributed to hormonal stimuli, melatonin for improved sex life.
particularly lipolytic hormones such as glucagon, The effect of melatonin on blood urea nitrogen
adrenaline, noradrenaline, adrenocorticotrophin could be attributed to the antioxidant properties, by
hormone (ACTH), growth hormones and stimulating the main antioxidant of the brain,
parathormone, which increase the concentration of glutathione peroxidase, which neutralized free
cAMP, thereby increasing the activity of cAMP- radicals. This property of melatonin could account for
dependent protein kinase, PKA, which in turn, its use for longevity and lowering of blood pressure.
inhibited the activity of HMGR, resulting in The effect of melatonin on cholesterol levels could be
decreased cholesterol synthesis. However, insulin attributed to inhibition of the enzyme, HMGR
decreases the concentration of cAMP, and thereby activity, which catalyzes the conversion of HMG-
activates cholesterol synthesis. Thus, the ability of CoA to mevalonate. This enzyme contains SH group
insulin to stimulate, and glucagon to inhibit, HMGR and requires NADPH as cofactor (supplied by HMP
activity is consistent with the effects of these pathway) in the conversion of SH group to S-S group
hormones on other metabolic pathways. The basic which increases the hydrophobic properties, thereby
function of these two hormones is to control the distorting the lipid components of the membrane
availability and delivery of energy to all cells of the structure and function, resulting in decreased
body (Reiter, 1995; Chan and Tang, 1995). Therefore, cholesterol synthesis (Chan and Tang, 1995). In this
hormones act by influencing a change in study, melatonin acted synergistically with caffeine,
intracelluloar concentration of cAMP through the and decreased cholesterol synthesis, and could be
adenylate cyclase system. Adenylate cyclase used as therapy for hypercholesteromia. Thus, low
catalyzes the convesion of ATP to cAMP, thus, levels of melatonin could be a factor in multiple
increasing the intracellular concentration of cAMP. sclerosis, coronary heart disease, sudden infant death
The action of cAMP is mainly to activate some syndrome, epilepsy and post menopausal osteoporosis
protein kinases (Reiter, 1995). (Sturner et al, 1990; Brugger et al, 1995;
The effects of caffeine on brain tryptophan levels Constantinescu et al, 1995). The menopause is
could be attributed to inhibition of 3-hydroxy associated with a decline in melatonin secretion and
anthranilate oxidase, which catalyzes the rate limiting increased calcification (Sandyk, 1994).
step in the kynurenine-anthranilate pathway, which The effect of melatonin on tryptophan levels could
converts tryptophan (an essential amino acid) into be attributed to activation of the enzymes,
acetyl CoA. 3-hydroxy kynurenine could not be kynureninase and 3-hydroxy anthranilate oxidase,
converted to 3-hydroxy-anthranilic acid, resulting in which catalyze the conversion of 3-hydroxy
accumulation of kynurenine and 3-hydroxy kynurenine to 3-hydroxy anthranilate and 3-hydroxy
kynurenine. These products are converted to anthranilate to 2-acroleyl-3-amino fumarate, a
xanthurenic acid in the extra hepatic tissues, leading precursor for the synthesis of niacin and acetyl-CoA.
to tissue wasting and negative nitrogen balance. Activation of kynureninase and 3-hydroxy
Xanthurenic acid excretion in urine is an index of B6- anthranilate oxidase lead to synthesis of thiamin (B6),
deficiency and could lead to anemia (Chatterjee and a vitamin of B complex, thereby preventing
Shinde, 2000). accumulation of xanthurenic acid and pellagra
Mechanism of action of caffeine, therefore, (Chatterjee and Shinde, 2000).
involves interaction with hormones, peptides and

Nig. J, Physiol. Sci. 25 (2010): Obochi et al

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