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W42-011-294-103B VW Diesel Service Manual (AAZ, 1Z, AHU)

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Repair Manual
Golf, GTI, Jetta, Cabrio 1993 >
Engine codes: AAZ, 12, AHU
1.9 Liter Turbo-Diesel
General, Engine
Edition 05.97 w42 011 294 1038
List of Repair Manual Repair Groups
Golf, GTI, Jetta, Cabrio
1.9 Liter Turbo-Diesel General, Engine
When filing a new Technical Bulletin enter the Bulletin No. in the adjacent column. When using the
Repair Manualyou can then see at a glance whether Bulletins have been published forthat particular
Repair Group. ln addition, safety precautions must be observed when working on motor vehicles.

Repair Group Technica! Bulletins

00 General, Technical data

10 Engine-Assembly

13 Engine-Crankshaft, Cylinder block

15 Engine-Cylinder head, Valvetrain

17 Engine-Lubrication system

19 Engine-Cooling system

20 Fuel su pply
21 Turbocharger/G-charger

26 Exhaust system/Emission controls

Repair Manual
Golf, GTl, Jetta, Cabrio
1993 >
This repair manual contains information published for use in the repair and servicing of the
1993 and later Volkswagen Golf, GTl, Jetta and Cabrio models imported into the USA and

Before attempting any work on a Volkswagen sold in the USA or Canada, first determine
whether the seryice or repair procedure you wish to use is applicable to USA or Canada
models. The use of procedures and specifications that are not intended for use in
connection with USA or Canada Volkswagen models may endanger the safety of
persons seruicing the vehicle or be detnmental to the safe operation of the vehicle.
Part numbers mentioned in these procedures are for reference only. Always check with
your authorized Volkswagen dealer to verify part numbers.

This booklet supersedes the Golf, GTl, Jetta, Cabrio Repair Manual booklet 1.9 Liter
Turbo-Diesel General, Engine,07.96 edition (W42 O11 294 103A).

Printed in the United States of America


All rights reserved. lnformation contained in this manual is based on the latest information
available at the time of printing. The right is reserved to make changes at any time without
notice. No part of this manual may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or othenruise,
without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Repair Group 00, and engine mechanical components and systems,
Repair Groups 10, 13, 15, 17,19,20,21 and 26. This revised edition
supersedes the Golf, GTl, Jetta, Cabrio Repair Manual booklet General, Engine,
07.96 edition (W42 011 294103A).

The 1 .9 liter Turbo-diesel Direct lnjection (TDl) Diesel engine (engine code AHU)
was first introduced in A3 vehicles in the USA and Canada during m.y. 1997.

The contents of this manual have been and will continue to be updated
byTechnical Bulletins. This manual has been updated to include informa-
tion from Technical Bulletins available at the time of printing that specifi-
cally coverchanges or additions to repair procedures and specifications,
but lechnical Bulletins covering other important information, and those
that have been created since the printing of this manual, are not included.
Before using this manual, be sureto look up the latestTechnical Bulletins.
Please read these WARNINGS and CAUTIONS before
proceeding with maintenance and repair work.
o lf you lack the skills, tools and equipment, or a o Disconnect the battery negative termina:
suitable workshop for any procedure described in (ground strap) whenever you work on the fue:
this manual, we suggest you leave such repairs to system or the electrical system. Do not smoke o:
an authorized Volkswagen retailer or other qualified work near heaters or other fire hazards. Keep an
shop. We especially urge you to consult an approved fire extinguisher handy.
authorized Volkswagen retailer before beginning
repairs on any vehicle that may still be covered . Any time the battery has been disconnected or
wholly or in part by any of the extensive warranties an automatic transmission vehicle, it will be
issued by Volkswagen. necessary to reestablish Transmission Contrc
Module (TCM) basic settings using the VAG 155'
o Volkswagen is constantly improving its vehicles Scan Tool (ST).
and sometimes these changes, both in parts and
specifications, are made applicable to earlier o For vehicles equipped with an anti-theft radio, be
models. Therefore, part numbers listed in this sure of the correct radio activation code beforE
manual are for reference only. Always check with disconnecting the battery or removing the radio. '
your authorized Volkswagen retailer parts the wrong code is entered when power is restorec
department for the latest information. the radio may lock up and become inoperable, eve-
if the correct code is used in a later attempt.
o Never work under a lifted vehicle unless it is
solidly supported on stands designed for the o Do not attempt to work on your vehicle if you c:
purpose. Do not support a vehicle on cinder blocks, not feel well. You increase the danger of injuyi:
hollow tiles or other props that may crumble under yourself and others if you are tired, upset or hale
continuous load. Never work under a vehicle that taken medicine or any other substance that ma..
is supported solely by a jack. Never work under the impair you or keep you from being fully alert.
vehicle while the engine is running.
o Always observe good workshop practices
o lf you are going to work under a vehicle on the Wear goggles when you operate machine tools :-
ground, make sure that the ground is level. Block work with battery acid. Wear goggles, gloves a.:
the wheels to keep the vehicle from rolling. other protective clothing whenever the job requires
Disconnect the battery negative terminal (ground working with harmful substances.
strap) to prevent others from starting the vehicle
while you are under it. o Do not re-use any fasteners that are worn :r
deformed in normal use. Some fasteners a-:
o Never run the engine unless the work area is designed to be used only once, and are unreliac:
well ventilated. Carbon monoxide (CO) kills. and mayfail if used a second time. This includes. c-r:
is not limited to, nuts, bolts, washers, circlips a-,:
o Tie long hair behind your head. Do not wear a cotter pins. Always follow the recommendhtions -
necktie, a scarf, loose clothing, or a necklace when this manual-replace these fasteners with new pa=
you work near machine tools or running engines. where indicated, and any other time it is deerre:
lf your hair, clothing, or jewelry were to get caught necessary by inspection.
in the machinery, severe injury could result.
o Friction materials such as brake pads and clu:r
o llluminate the work area adequately but safely. discs may contain asbestos fibers. Do not crea=
Use a portable safety light for working inside or dust by grinding, sanding, or by cleaning v,:-
under the vehicle. Make sure the bulb is enclosed compressed air. Avoid breathing asbestos
by a wire cage. The hot filament of an accidentally and asbestos dust. Breathing asbestos can
broken bulb can ignite spilled fuel or oil. serious diseases such as asbestosis or cancer.
may result in death.
o Finger rings should be removed so that they
cannot cause electrical shorts, get caught in
running machinery, or be crushed by heavy parts.
l, Please read these WARNINGS and CAUTIONS before
proceeding with maintenance and repair work.
al o Catch draining fuel, oil or brake fluid in suitable r Before stafting a job, make certain thatyou have
el ccntainers. Do not use empty food or beverage allthe necessary tools and parts on hand. Read all
or ccntainers that might mislead someone into the instructions thoroughly, do not attempt
tn :rinking from them. Store flammable fluids away shortcuts. Use tools that are appropriate to the
-cm fire hazards. Wipe up spills at once, but do not work and use only replacement parts meeting
store the oily rags, which can ignite and burn Volkswagen specifications. Makeshift tools, parts
)n scontaneously. and procedures will not make good repairs.
ol o Keep sparks, lighted matches, and open flame o Use pneumatic and electric tools only to loosen
t1 away from the top of the battery. lf escaping threaded parts and fasteners. Never use these
nydrogen gas is ignited, it will ignite gas trapped in tools to tighten fasteners, especially on light alloy
the cells and cause the battery to explode. parts. Always use a torque wrench to tighten
)e fasteners to the tightening torque listed.
re o The air-conditioning (fuC)system is filled with a
tf chemical refrigerant that is hazardous. The A/C o Be mindful of the environment and ecology.
d, system should be serviced only by trained Before you drain the crankcase, find out the proper
)n automotive service technicians using approved way to dispose of the oil. Do not pour oil onto the
ref ri ge rant recove ry/recyclin g eq uipment, trai ned n
i ground, down a drain, or into a stream, pond, or
related safety precautions, and familiar with lake. Consult local ordinances that govern the
lo regulations governing the discharging and disposal disposal of wastes.
to of automotive chemical refrigerants.
te o Before doing any electrical welding on vehicles
ry o Do not expose any part of the A/C system to high equipped with anti-lock brakes (ABS), disconnect
temperatures such as open flame. Excessive heat the battery negative terminal (ground strap) and the
will increase system pressure and may cause the ABS control module connector.
S, system to burst.
cr o When boost-charging the battery, first remove
o Some of the vehicles covered by this manual are the fuses for the Engine Control Module (ECM), the
)Q equipped with a supplemental restraint system Transmission Control Module (TCM), the ABS
(SRS), that automatically deploys an airbag in the control module, and the trip computer. ln cases
event of a f rontal impact. The airbag is operated by where one or more of these components is not
)r an explosive device. Handled improperly orwithout separately fused, disconnect the control module
'e adequate safeguards, it can be accidently activated connector(s).
le and cause serious personal injury. To guard against
ut personal injury or airbag system failure, only trained o Do not quick-charge the battery (for boost
rd Volkswagen Service technicians should test, starting) for longer than one minute, and do not
in disassemble or service the airbag system. exceed 16.5 volts at the battery with the boosting
ts cables attached. Wait at least one minute before
o Never use a test light to conduct electricaltests boosting the battery a second time.
of the airbag system. The system must only be
tested by trained Volkswagen Service technicians o Some aerosoltire inflators are highlyf lammable.
;h using the VAG 1551 Scan Tool (ST) or an approved Be extremely cautious when repairing a tire that
:e equivalent. The airbag unit must never be may have been inflated using an aerosol tire
,h electrically tested while it is not installed in the inflator. Keep sparks, open flame or other sources
's vehicle. of ignition away from the tire repair area. lnflate and
e deflate the tire at least four times before breaking
o When driving or riding in an airbag-equipped the bead from the rim. Completely remove the tire
vehicle, never hold test equipment in your hands or from the rim before attempting any repair.
lap while the vehicle is in motion. Objects between
you and the airbag can increase the risk of injury in
an accident.
OO General, Technical data Page
Technical data oG1
- Engine data 00-2
- Engine number, location 00-1
10 Engine-Assembly Page
Engine, removing and installing 10-1
- Engine and transmission, aligning . 10-16
- Engine and transmission mounts, tightening torques 10-12
- Engine carrier rubber mounts, replacing 10-18
- Vehicles with A/C, additional information and removal instructions . . . 10-19
13 Engine-Crankshaft, Gylinder block Page
Engine, disassembling and assembling 13-1
- lnjection pump sprocket, removing 13-28
- Ribbed belt, removing and installing '13-13
- Semi-automatic toothed belt tensioning rollel checking 13-27
- Toothed belt, removing and installing (engine code AAZ > 09.94) 13-17
- Toothed belt, removing and installing (engine codes AAZ 10.94>, 12, AHU) 13-22
Flywheel and drive plate sealing flange, removing and installing ..... 13-29
- Crankshaft oil seal (pulley end), replacing . . . 13-31
- Drive plate, removing and installing 13-33
Grankshaft, removing and installing 13-35
- Crankshaft dimensions 13-39
Pistons and connecting rods, disassembling and assembling 13-40
- Piston and cylinder dimensions . ... 1349
- Piston position at TDC, checking 1347
15 Engine-Cylinder head, Valvetrain Page
Gylinder head, removing and replacing . 15-1
- Cylinder head, disassembling andassembling 15-3
- Cylinder head, installing . . 15-9
Cylinder compression, checking . 15-12
- Compression, checking (engine code AAZ) 15-12
- Compression, checking (engine codes 12, AHU) 15-14
Valve train, servicing 15-16
- Camshaft, removing and installing . .. 15-31
- Hydraulic lifters, checking 15-33
- Swirl chambers, replacing 15-35
- Valve guides, checking 15-26
- Valve guides, replacing 15-27
- Valve seats, refacing 15-22
- Valve stem seals, replacing 15-29
17 Engine-Lubrication system Page
Lubrication system, general information .. 1Z-1
- Lubrication system, component layout 17-2
- Oil pressure and oil pressure switch, checking 17-B
19 Engine-Cooling system Page
Gooling system components, servicing 1g-1
- Cooling system, draining and filling 19-10
- Cooling system components, body side . . 1g-z
- Cooling system components, englne side . 1g-s
- Engine coolant pump, disassembling and assembling 1g-B
- Radiator and coolant fan, removing and installing 19-14
20 Fuel supply Page
Fuel supply system components, removing and installing 2O-1
- Accelerator pedal linkage, servicing 20-9
- Cold Start Accelerator (CSA) cable, adjusting 20-12
- Cold Start Accelerator (CSA) cable, overview 20-11
- Fuel tank components, removing and installing . . 2O-2
- Rules of cleanliness . . 2O-8
- Safety precautions when working on the fuel supply system 20-6
21 Turbocharger/G-charger Page
Turbocharger system components, servicing 21-1
- Rules of cleanliness . . 21-10
- Turboch atger, checking (engine code AAZ) 21-18
- Turbocharger, checking (engine codes 12, AHUI 21-20
- Turbocharger, removing and installing (engine code AAZI 21-12
- Turbocharger, removing and installing (engine codes 12, AHUI 21-14
- Turbocharger cooling system components, removing and installing
(engine codes 12, AHUI 21-8
- Turbocharger hoses and lines, connecting 21-11
- Turbocharger system components, removing and installing
(engine code AAZ) 21-2
- Turbocharger system components, removing and installing
(engine codes 12, AHUI 21-5
- Wastegate, checking (engine codes 12, AHU\ 21-24
- Wastegate, removing and installing (engine codes 12, AHUI 21-25
26 Exhaust system/Emission controls Page
Exhaust system components, servicing 26-1
- Front exhaust pipe and oxidation catalytic converter, component layout
(engine code AAZ) 26-2
- Front exhaust pipe and oxidation catalytic converter, component layout
(engine codes 12, AHU) 26-3
- Mufflers and attachments, removing and installing (engine code AAZI .... . 26-5
- Mufflers and attachments, removing and installing (engine codes 12, AHUI 26-9
Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) system, servicing (engine code AAZ) 26-13
- EGR part throttle switch, checking and adjusting . . 26-23
- EGR system, checking 26-16
- EGR system, overview 26-13
- EGR system components, removing and installing 26-15
- EGR two-way valve, checking 26-20
- EGR valve, checking 26-27
- Engine coolant temperature sensor, checking 26-21
Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) system, servicing (engine code 1Z) 26-25
- EGR system components, removing and installing 26-26
- EGR valve, checking 26-27
- Vacuum hose, connections .... 26-28
Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) system, servicing (engine code AHU) . . . . . 26-29
- EGR valve, checking 26-31
Technical data
Engine number, location
The engine numbers ("engine code" a-: -s:' - z'.
= --=.'
located on the f ront of the cylinder block 3E:.'.::- :- = I
jection pump and the exhaust (arrow). -=
There is also a sticker on the toothed belt g-a': s--,., -:: :-:
"engine code" and "serial number".

The engine code is also included on the vehicle cer.

= =1=


Engine data

Engine code AAZ 1Z AHU

Start of production 10.91 > 08.96 >
Displacement liters 1.9 1.9 1.9

Output KW @ RPM 55 @ 4200 66 @ 4000 66 @ 4000

SAE bhp @ RPM 75 @ 4200 90 @ 4000 90 @ 4000
Torque Nm @ RPM 150 @ 2400-3400 202 @ 1900 202 @ 1900
Ft rb @ RPM 111 @ 2400-3400 149 @ 1900 149 @ 1900
Bore diameter mm (in.) 79.5 (3.13) 79.5 (3.13) 79.5 (3.13r
Stroke mm (in.) 95.5 (s.76) es.5 (3.76) 95.5 (3.76
Compression ratio 22.5:1 19.5 : 1 19.5 : 'l

CN minimum 45 45 45

Firing order 1-3-4-2 1-3-4-2 1-*2

Turbocharger YES YES YES
Oxidation Catalytic Converter YES YES YES
Exhaust Gas Recirculation YES YES YES
Charge Air Cooler NO YES YES

Engine, removing and installing
t Do not re-use any fasteners that are wotn q ffi h
normal use.
s Some fasteners are designed to be usd otfr oe,- d
are unreliable and may fail if used a *and th-. Tf.B
includes, but is not limited to, nuts, bofts, wasftas
circlips and cotter pins. Always follow the rffi
tions in this manual-replace these fastenets with ra,
parts where indicated, and any other time it b M
necessary by inspection.

Belore disconnecting the battery, determine the conect
coding for the anti-theft radio.

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items

o VAG1921 spring clip pliers

o 2024A engine sling

o G 000 100 grease (vehicles with manual transmission)

r VAG1331 torque wrench, 5 to 50 Nm range

r VAG1332 torque wrench,40 to 200 Nm range

o Cable ties



- Switch ignition off.

- Disconnect battery Ground (GND) strap.

o Remove engine and transmission (as an assembly) in a for-
ward direction.
t When re-installing the engine, replace or re-install all cab'e
ties (in original position) which were loosened or cut du!' . g
engine removal.

- Remove air cleaner housing complete with intake hos:s

- Loosen power steering reservoir hose clamp.

- Disconnect power steering hydraulic lines fron- e^ j -. :.-- -

er and transmission.

- :-- -:.: ::
Disconnect power steering pump with brac<::
one side.
+ RepairManual, Suspension,Wheel, Bre<:s -(:;:- -=- =:.. '
Group 48

DO NOT disconnect power steering hoses : also Repair
Manual, "Suspension, Wheels, Brakes, Steering', Repair
Group 48.

- Drain engine coolant = page 19-10.

Engine code AAZ

- Disconnect accelerator pedal cable at injection pump lever,

remove mounting clip on support bracket and release cable.

- Disconnect cold start accelerator cable.

Engine codes 12, AHU

- Remove connecting line between charge air cooler and in-

take manifold pressure line.


- Disconnect fuel supply and return lines from fuel pump.

- Disconnect allwiring harness connectors and other electrical

connections from engine as required.

- Remove lock carrierwith attachments.

=+ Repair Manual, Body-lnterior, Body-Exterior, Repair
Group 50

- Remove coolant fan and shroud.


Vehicles with A/C

I Disconnect A/C refrigerant line brackets and support
points only.
o DO NOT open the air conditioning refrigerant circuit.
t Avoid damage from bending. Refrigerant lines kink easily.
- Observe additional information and removal instructions =r
page 10-19.

Vehicles with manual transmission

Depending on engine type:

- Disconnect clutch cable (engine code AAZ).

- Remove hydraulic clutch slave cylinder (engine codes 12,

- Repair Manual, Manual Transmission 02A, Repair Group 30

All vehicles

- Disconnect shift Iinkage from transmission.

- Disconnect drive axles from transmission drive flanges.

- Disconnect exhaust from turbocharger.

workshop crane (remove slack).

o Pulley end: 2nd hole in hook at position 1

r Flywheel end: 2nd hole in hook at position 7

Secure all 2024A engine sling hooks and locating pins using
lock pins.

t The end of the cross bar marked with installation positions
1-4points toward drive belt.
t Holes in the hooks are counted from the hook end.


Vehicles with automatic transmission

- Attach engine sling 2024A as follows and lift slightly using

workshop crane (remove slack).
r Pulley end: 2nd hole in hook at position 1

r Flywheel end: 2nd hole in hook at position 5

Secure all 2024A engine sling hooks and locating pins using
lock pins.

t The end of the cross bar marked with installation positions
1-4points toward drive belt.
t Holes in the hooks are counted from the hook end.


- Remove front engine mount as an assembly.

- Lift engine/transmission assembly out toward front.

When lifting engine/transmission assembly, carefully guide
the assembly out to avoid damage to body.

When working on the engine, secure the block to an engine
stand using the VW540 holding fixture.
Engine installation is the reverse of removal.
note the following:

- Check clutch release bearing for wear, replace if necessary.

- Lightly grease clutch release bearing, release bearing guide

sleeve and splines on input shaft using G 000 100 grease.

- Make sure alignment dowels for centering engine to trans-

mission are installed in cylind6r block; install if necessary.

- When lowering engine/transmission assembly, make sure

that there is sufficient clearance between engine/transmis-
sion and drive shafts.


Engine code AAZ

- First tighten right rear engine mount, then left rear engine

When installing the engine mounts, the recesses on the right
rear engine mount bracket and front engine mount must en-
gage in the guide pins of the bonded rubber mounts (arrows).

- Loosen front engine mount on carrier, align stress-free by

rocki ng engi ne/transm ission assem bly and then re-ti g hten.

t Do not interchange the hollow banjo bolts for the fuel sup-
ply and return line fittings.
t The return line has a smaller diameter bore and has an
"OUT" marking on the bolt head.

Engine codes 12, AHU

A - When installing engine mounts, make sure that recesses on

-l-ll front and rear engine mount brackets locate on engine
mount lugs (arrows).

B - Align engine mou nts so that they are free of stress by rocking
power train.

- lnstall hydraulic clutch slave cylinder.

=r Repair Manual, Manual Transmission 02A, Repair Group 30

I Nlo{013 1


- Remove front engine mount as an assembly.

- Lift engine/transmission assembly out toward front.

When lifting engine/transmission assembly, carefully g uide
the assembly out to avoid damage to body.

When working on the engine, secure the block to an engine
stand using the VW540 holding fixture.
Engine installation is the reverse of removal. When installing,
note the following:

- Check clutch release bearing for wear, replace if necessary.

- Lightly grease clutch release bearing, release bearing guide

sleeve and splines on input shaft using G 000 100 grease.

- Make sure alignment dowels for centering engine to trans-

mission are installed in cylinder block; install if necessary.

- When lowering engine/transmission assembly, make sure

that there is sufficient clearance between engine/transmis-
sion and drive shafts.


Engine code AAZ

- First tighten right rear engine mount, then left rear engine
When installing the engine mounts, the recesses on the right
rear engine mount bracket and front engine mount must en-
gage in the guide pins of the bonded rubber mounts (arrows).

- Loosen front engine mount on carrier, align stress-free by

rocking engine/transmission assembly and then re-tighten,

t Do not interchange the hollow banjo bolts for the fuel sup-
ply and return line filtings.
t The return line has a smaller diameter bore and has an
"OUT" marking on the bolt head.

Engine codes 12, AHU

- When installing engine mounts, make sure that recesses on
front and rear engine mount brackets locate on engine
mount lugs (arrows).

- Align engine mou nts so that they are free of stress by rocking
power train.

- lnstall hydraulic clutch slave cylinder.

+ Repair Manual, Manual Transmission 02A, Repair Group 30

All engines

- lnstall shift linkage to transmission.

- lnstall power steering pump.

=+ Repair Manual, Suspension, Wheel, Brakes, Steering, Repair
Group 48

- lnstall lock carrier with attachments.

+ Repair Manual, Body-lnterior, Body-Exterior, Repair
Group 50

- lnstall Ay'C compressor.

+ Repair Manual, Heating &Air Conditioning, Repair Group 87


Engines with ribbed belt without tensioner

- lnstall ribbed belt + page 13-13.

- Fill cooling system with coolant

= page 19-10.

- Connect harness connectors.

- Check headlight alignment and adjust as necessary.

=+ Repair Manual, Maintenance

- Adjust shift linkage (if necessary)

= Repair Manual.
+ Repair Manual, Manual Transmission, Repair Group 34

Engine code AAZ

- Adjust Cold Start Accelerator (CSA) cable + page 20-12.

- Adjust accelerator cable + page 20-9.


Tightening torques

Mounting point Tightening torque

Engine to transmission M10 60 Nm (44 ft lb)

M12 80 Nm (59 ft lb)

Drive shafts to drive flanges 45 Nm (33 ft lb)

Front exhaust pipe to manifold 25 Nm (18 ft lb)

Engine carrier mount to body 80 Nm (59 ft lb)

10-1 1

Engine and transmission mounts, tightening

Engine code AAZ

(Bolts lubricated)

Front engine/transmission mount


Right rear engine mount

A - 25 Nm (18 ft lb)

Left rear engine/transmission mount


Engine codes 12, AHU

(Bolts lubricated)

Front engine mount

A-60Nm (44ft|b)
B-60Nm (44ft|b)
C-55Nm (41 ftlb)

Right rear engine mount

A-60Nm (44ft|b)
B-60Nm (44ft|b)
C-25Nm (18ft|b)

Left rear engine mount-Automatic transmission
A-60Nm (44ftlb)
B -30 Nm (z2ftlbl
C-25Nm (18ft|b)

I Nlo-ooril


Engine and transmission, aligning

Alignment is only necessary when the engine and transmission
have been removed, and in addition sub-frame and engine
mounts have been loosened.

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items

r VAG1331 torque wrench. 5 to 50 Nm range

r VAG 1332 torque wrench. 40 to 200 Nm range

Engine code AAZ

A - Loosen engine mount center bolt -A-.

I N1o{oo, I - Loosen transmission mount -B- (on transmission and sub-


Loosen front engine mount on engine carrier and bracket.

Align assembly free of stress by rocking power train.

Tighten bolts again in same sequence.
Tightening torques page'10-12

Engine codes 12, AHU

- Loosen engine mount -A- tengine carrier mountl on

frame and bracket.

- Loosen transmission mount -B- on trar:s,'nlssion ar:d


I N1o{orol

Loosen front engine mount (on engine carrier and bracket).

Align assembly free of stress by rocking power train.

Tighten bolts again in same sequence'

fightening torques + Page 10-12


Engine carrier rubber mounts, replacing

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items

s 10-222A engine support bridge

t 10-222N1bracket for engine

Work sequence

- Assemble 10-222A engine support bridge using bracket


- Connect support bridge to lifting eye on left side of cylinder

head and remove slack in lifting apparatus.

- Remove engine carrier.

- Pry spacer bracket -2- out from engine mount'

- Press out rubber bushing from mount -1-.

- lnstall new rubber bushing.

- Press engine spacer bracket into rubber bushing.

- lnstall engine mount -4- and tighten mounting bolts -3-.

I N1o - oi11 I Tightening torque: 80 Nm (59 ft lb)

Vehicles with A/C, additional information and
removal instructions
o Disconnect A/C refrigerant line brackets and support
points only.
o DO NOT open the air conditioning refrigerant circuit.
t Avoid damage from bending. Refrigerant lines kink easily,
To prevent condenser and refrigerant line damage, make sure
that the NC lines and hoses are not stretched, kinked or bent.

To remove and installthe engine without opening the refriger-

ant circuit:

- Unbolt A/C fluid reservoir and allow to hang free.

- Remove retaining clamp(s) from refrigerant lines.

- Remove ribbed belt

= page 13-13.

- Remove hood lock carrier assembly =+ Repair Manual, Bo-

dy-lnterior Body-Exterior, Repair Group 50.
- Remove A,/C compressor bracket + Repair Manual, Heating
& Air Conditioning, Repair Group 87.

- Remove A,/C compressor and lay to side with hood lock carri-
er in a way that refrigerant lines (arrows) are not stressed.
Engine, disassembling
and assembling

o Do not
re-use fasteners that are I
wotn or deformed in normal use.

t Some fas'teners are designed to I

be used only once, and are I

unreliable and maY fail if used a I

second time. This includes, but is I

not limited to, nuts, bolts, i

washers, circlips and cotter pins' I

Always follow recommendations

in this manual-rePlace these

fasteners with new Parts where

indicated, and any other time it is
deemed necessarY hY insPstion.

t lf metal shavings or quantities of
small metal Particles are found in
the engine oil, from crankshaft
and connecting rod bearing wear,
thoroughly clean the oil Passages
to help prevent further damage.
o The oil cooler cannot be suffi'
ciently cleaned, and must be re'


Section I
Page 13-3
Section ll
Page 13-7
Section lll
+ Page 13-9

o Faulty fuel iniectors can cause se-
vere engine knock and resulting
bearing damage.
t To check for faulty fuel iniectors,
run the engine at idle and loose' :
one injector line fitting at a tirre
the knocking stops after loose' ^;
a line, the corresponding f 'te -.:---
tor to that line is malfunc:;o' -J
Servici ng f u el i ni ecto rs :
o Engine code AAZ: P;:e ' ',':- --
af 'l .9 Liter Diese' F-: - ::: : - !
lgnition, Bepair G'c-c l3
o Engine codes :J '1 -- : --=:-: '
Manual,1.9 L:e'-l :=l I -=--:
jwe Fuel lnlec: c^ s 3
G';-: j-:
= -: S.s::-

m13{oi1 I

Section I

1 - Tensioning roller
4 5 1 5 2-20Nm(lsftlb)
3 - Tensioning lever

4 - Dust cap

5 - Expansion clip
6 - Toothed belt guard, upper
17 7 - Toothed belt
18 r Mark running direction before
o lnspect for wear
13 o Do not bend or kink
r Removing and installing =
25 11 24 23 22 page 13-17
Manual tensioning roller:
o 45 Nm (33 fr lb)
Semi-automatic tensioning roller:
r 20 Nm (15 ft lb)
3231 30 292827 15 26 15 13 21 13 20 19 o First requires basic setting .+
page 13-24

9 -Cam
o For tensioning roller -10-


10 - Tensioning roller
r Semi-automatic tension roller
(engine codes 12, AHU) shown
r Tensioning requires basic set-
ting = page 13-24

11 -45 Nm (33 ft lb)

12 - Camshaft sprocket
r Loosen from tapered end of
camshaft by tapping with ham-
mer on punch inserted through
hole in rear drive belt guard

13 -25 Nm (18 ft lb)
14 - ldler pulley

25 11 24 23 22
o For engine codes 12, AHU

16 - Toothed belt guard, rear

17 - lnjection pump sprocket

r Removing
= page 13-28

18 - Not applicable
3231 30 292827 15 26 15 13 21 13 20 19

l-T13{05? I

19 - lnjection pump
Removing and installing:
r Engine code AAZ =+ Repair
Manual, 1.9 Liter Diesel Fuel ln-
5 jec'tion & lgnition, Repair
Group 23
o Engine codes 'lZ, AHU + Re-
pair Manual, 1.9 Liter TDI OBD
ll, Direct Fuel lnjrtion & Glow
Plug System, Repair Group 23.

20 - Bracket
r Engine codes 1Z AHU
21 - Console
22 - lntermediate shaft sprot*et
13 23 - Crankshaft sprocket
25 11 24 23 22 r For toothed belt
24-90 Nm (66ftlbl+ 1/4-turn 190"1
o Always replace
o Loosen and tighten using 3099
spur belt spreading tool
o Lubricate thread and collar
32 31 30 29 28 27 15 26 15 13 21 13 20 19 o Additional 1/4-turn can be per-
formed in more than 1 incre-
ment, if necessary

l-Ti3{os? I

25 - Nut
Engine code AAZ
r 45 Nm (33 ft lb)
Engine codes 12, AHU
1r t 14151 15
r 55 Nm (41 ft lb)
26 - Toothed belt guard, lower

27 -Bell pulley
r For engine coolant pump
L '1 o Ribbed belt version

28 - Ribbed belt
17 o Mark running direction before
18 o Removing and installing :
page 13-'13

13 29 - Belt-pulley/vibration damper
_.) o Can only be installed ir c':

30 - V-belt
r Adjusting --. Repe ' ','=' -z
Suspension.',','' :: 3':r:-.
Steering. Fece - 3': -: :!
3231 30 292827 15 26 15 13 21 13 20 19
31 - Pulley
r Fo: e^g -e:l: 3-::--:
o V-ce : ,.':'s : ^ s- : .'. ^

32 - Pulley
fNl+oos? I

1234 Section ll

10 1 - Cylinder head cover

r Replace seal, if damaged
3 - Upper sealing washer
4 - Cup washer
7 - To intake hose
8 - Retaining clip

9 - Positive Crankcase Ventilation

17 (PCV)valve
t For crankcase ventilation

10 - Gasket
o Replace if damaged
11 -Cylinder head cover gasket
r Replace if damaged

12 - Crankcase breather

13 - Cylinder head bolt

fN-1r-io53l r Note sequence when loosen-
ing and tightening + page 15-9

2 3 4 14 - Mounting clip

10 15 - O-ring
r Always replace
16 - Cone seal, lower
17 - Fuel injector lines
12 I Tighten to 25 Nm (18 ft lb)
t Remove using 3035 injector
13 line wrench
r Always remove fuel line cluster
14 as an assembly
o Do not bend or alter shape
16 18 - Cylinder head
r Removing and installing +
page 15-3
r lf replaced, also completely re-
17 place engine coolant

19 - Cylinder head gasket

o Always replace
r Note marking =r page 13-48
o lf replaced, also completely re-
place engine coolant

20 -2O Nm (15 ft !b)

21 - Lifting eye

12324 56789 Section lll
1 - Cylinder block
r Removing and installing seal-
ing flange and flywheel/drive
plate + page 13-29
o Removing and installing crank-
10 shaft + page 13-35
o Disassembling and assembling
11 pistons and connecting rods +
12 page'13-40
13 2 - O-ring
2 r Replace if damaged
14 3 - 20 Nm (15 ft lb) + 1/4-turn (90")
28 r Always replace
15 4 - Vacuum pump
25 5 - Yoke clamp
6 -20 Nm (15 ft lb)
7 - Flange connection
r For crankcase breather

24 22 23
2221 16 6 20 19 18 17 16
8 - Gasket
o Always replace

9 - Banjo bolt
o 25 Nm (18 ft lb)

12324 56789 10 - To turbocharger

11 - Sealing ring
o Always replace

12 -25 Nm {18 ft lbl

10 13 - Oil filter bracket

11 14 - Oil cooler
12 a Coat contact area to flange,
outside seal, with
13 AMV 188 100 02
2 o Check for adequate clearance
11 to adjacent components
14 o See CAUTION! + page 13-1
27 15 - Oil filter
15 r Use strap wrench to loosen
26 r Tighten by hand
25 o Note instructions on filter
12 when installing
17 - Engine speed (RPM) sensor

18 - 30 Nm (22 ft lb)

19 - Bracket
24 22 23 22 21 6 2019181716 r For ribbed belt without ten-
12324 56789 20 - Hammer-head bolt

21 - Tensioning element

22 - Sealing ring
r Replace if damaged

10 23 - Bracket
30 r For ribbed belt with tensioner
29 11
24 - Tensioning lever
13 25 - Engine coolant pump
2 r Disassembling and assembling
11 =+ page 19-8
28 26 - Oil pan
12 o Clean sealing surface before
15 installing
27 -20 Nm (15 ft lb)

12 o Remove and install both rear
bolts on transmission end us-
ing 3185 swivel wrench
28 - Bracket
l For power steering pump

24 22 23 22 21 16 20 19 18 17 16
I-NIJ--13{054 I

13-1 1

12324 567 29 - Oil pan gasket

r Always replace
r Engine code AAZ with baffle
plate: replace if seal is dam-
r Before installing gasket, coat
oil pan flange/cylinder block
10 flange with "D2"
11 30 - Woodruff key
12 o Check for tight fit

24 22 23 2221 16 6 20 19 18 17 16
t- N13{os4l

Ribbed belt, removing and installing
Belt drive without tensioner

Belt drive with tensioner page 13-15

Specia! tools, testers and auxiliary items

r 3297 lever

Before removing the ribbed belt, mark the running d,'rec: :'.
When installing the belt, make sure it is correctly seated i' :^.


- Loosen generator mounting bolts-1- and -2-at leastoneturn.

- Press down on generator using 3297 lever and remove

ribbed belt from generator pulley.

- Remove power steering pump V-belt.

+ Repair Manual, Suspension,Wheel, Brakes, Steering, Repair
Group 48

- Remove ribbed belt.



- Place ribbed belt on crankshaft pulley/vibration damper and

coolant pump pulley.

- lnstall power steering pump V-belt.

Repair Manual, Suspension,Wheel, Brakes, Steering, Repair
= Group 48

- Push generator down onto stop at least 3 times using 3297

lever, to make sure that it moves freely.

lf the engine has not yet been installed, continue with this se-
quence AFTER the engine has been installed.

- ldle engine for at least 10 seconds with generator loose-

When tightening the generator bolts, observe tightening se-
quence, do not use generatorfor support and do nottouch the
ribbed belt.

- Tighten mounting bolt -2- to 25 Nm (18 ft lbi.

- Tighten mounting bolt -1- to 25 Nm {'18 ft ib}.

Belt drive with tensioner

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items

3299 ribbed belt install. tool.


- Lift tensioning roller using tool 3299 and remove ribbed belt
from generator pulley.

- Remove power steering pump V-belt.

+ Repair Manual, Suspension, Wheel, Brakes, Steering, Repair
Group 48

- Remove ribbed belt.

- Place ribbed belt on crankshaft pulley/vibration damper.

- lnstall power steering pump V-belt

Repair Ma nual, Suspension, Wheel, Brakes, Steering, Repair
= Group 48

- Lift tensioning roller using tool 3299 and install ribbed belt.


I v13 - 1rl, I

lV13 - lrro I


Toothed belt, removing and installing (engine

code AAZ 09.94 >)
Special tools, testers and auxiliary items

t 3297 lever (for ribbed belt without,""r,o- ': :-


o 3299 ribbed belt install. tool (for ribbeo be:'.'.':^ ::-: :- -:


o 20654 setting bar

t 2064lock pin
o Pin wrench (e.9. Matra V159)
o VAG1331 torque wrench, 5 to 50 Nm range

o VW210 gauge belt tensloner (for engines without semi-autc-

matic tensioning roller)


- Removing ribbed belt.

page 13-13
- lf installed, remove ribbed belt tensioning roller.

- Remove upper toothed belt guard and cylinder head cover.


- Turn crankshaft to TDC for number 1 cylinder (arrow).

- Lock camshaft using 20654 setting bar.

of setting bar contacts cylinder head.

- Measure gap between other end o's::: -: :,4- rrlc :lnntr

head using feeler gauge.

Dlvidethatmeasurement rn ^:':-: : : :
responding to half measi'3*:-- ::- * "
cylinder head.
- Turn camshaft until setting bar contacts feeler gauge, then
place 2nd feeler gauge (of same 1/2 measurement) on oppo-
site side between setting bar and cylinder head.

- Lock injection pump sprocket using pin.

- Loosen tensioner.

- Remove vibration damper and belt pulley.

- Remove lower toothed belt guard.

- Mark toothed belt running direction.

Engines with semi-automatic tensioning roller

- Remove idler pulley.

- Remove toothed belt.


- Make sure TDC mark on flywheel and reference mark are


- Loosen camshaft sprocket mounting boltU2 turn. Release

camshaft sprocket from camshaft taper by very carefully tap-
ping with hammer on soft drift inserted through hole of rear
toothed belt guard or by GENTLY hitting sprocket squarely
on sprocket teeth using synthetic face hammer.


Engines without semi-automatic tensioning roller

- lnstall toothed belt (note running direction) and remove pin

from fuel injection pump sprocket.

- Tension toothed belt byturningtensionerto right (arrow) us-

ing pin wrench, e.g. Matra V159.

Scale value: 12 lo 13; measured between camshaft sprocket

and diesel injection pump sprocket

- Tighten lock nut on tensioner.

Tightening torque: 45 Nm (33 ft lb)

- Tighten camshaft sprocket mounting bolt.

Tightening torque: 45 Nm (33 ft lb)

- Remove setting bar.

- Turn crankshaft two rotations in engine running direction

and check toothed belt tension again.

Engines with semi.autorrstE uryq '&
- lnstall toothed belt (note running c -e-:.:,- rE rilx?
from fuel injection pump sprocket. =Fir:

- lnstall idler pulley and tighten.

Tightening torque: 25 Nm (18 ft lb)

V159) until notch aligns with raised portion (arrows).

- Tighten lock nut on tensioning roller.

Tightening torque: 20 Nm (15 ft lb)

- Check again to make sure TDC mark on flywheel and refer-

ence mark are aligned.

- Tighten camshaft sprocket mounting bolt.

Tightening torque: 45 Nm (33 ft lb)

- Remove setting bar.

All engines

- lnstalltoothed belt guard, vibration damper, belt pulley, and

cylinder head cover.

- lnstall ribbed belt

= page 13-'l 3.

- Check fuel delivery (via adjusting screw)

= Repair Manual,
1.9 Liter Diesel Fuel lnjection & lgnition, Repair Group 23

Toothed belt, removing and installing (engine

codes AAZ > 10.94, 12, AHU)
Special tools

r 2065A setting bar

o 3359 locating pin (engine code AAZ)

t 2064lock pin (engine codes 12, AHU)

r Matra V159 pin wrench or equivalenq e.g. Hazel 2587,


- Remove ribbed belt + page 13-13.

- Remove ribbed belt tensioning roller (if installed).

- Remove uppertoothed belt guard and valve cover.

2065A setting bar.

Center the 2065A setting bar as follows:

- Turn locked camshaft, with setting bar in place, until oreeod

of setting bar touches cylinder head.

I J - Measure gap at other end of sening bar r.sing fueler gilrgt

Engines with semi-automatic tereir"n3 r&

- lnstall toothed belt (note running c '3-:.- a-c =rir* Drir

from fuel injection pump sprocket.

- lnstall idler pulley and tighten.

Tightening torque: 25 Nm (18 ft lb)

V159) until notch aligns with raised portion (arrows).

- Tighten lock nut on tensioning roller.

Tghtening torque: 20 Nm (15 ft lb)
- Check again to make sure TDC mark on flywheel and refe:'-
ence mark are aligned.

- Tighten camshaft sprocket mounting bolt.

Tightening torque: 45 Nm (33 ft lb)

- Remove setting bar.

All engines

- lnstall toothed belt guard, vibration damper, belt pulley, and

cylinder head cover.

- lnstall ribbed belt = page 13-13.

- Check fuel delivery (via adjusting screw) + Repair Manual.

1.9 Liter Diesel Fuel lnjection & lgnition, Repair Group 23

Toothed belt, removing and installing (engine

codes AAZ > 10.94, 12, AHU)
Special tools

r 20654 setting bar

r 3359 locating pin (engine code AAZ)

t 2064lock pin (engine codes 12, AHU)

o Matra V159 pin wrench or equivalen| e.g. Hazet 2587,



- Remove ribbed belt + page 13-13.

- Remove ribbed belt tensioning roller (if installed).

- Remove upper toothed belt guard and valve cove'.

2065A setting bar.

Center the 20654 setting bar as follows:

- un: eri
Ir Turn locked camshaft, with setting bar in oiace.
of setting bar touches cylinder head.

- Measure gap at other end of setting bar using feeier gauge.

- Select feeler gauge that is one half of measured gap, and
temporarily install between setting bar and cylinder head.

t lllustration shows engine code AAZ (3 mounting bolts)
t Engine codes 12, AHU uses a center mounting bolt.
- Turn camshaft so that setting bar is resting against feeler
gauge then insert second feeler gauge of same thickness at
other end between setting bar and cylinder head.

r Engine code AAZ: 3359 rig pin

r Engine codes 12, AHU: 2064 lock pin

- Loosen injection pump sprocket mounting bolts -1- (AAZ) or

center bolt (12, AHU).

- Loosen tensioner roller.

- Remove vibration damper and belt pulley.

- Remove lowertoothed belt guard.

- Clearly identify toothed belt running direction using felt


- Remove toothed belt.


lnstalling belt and adjusting tension (basic setting)

- Make sure that TDC marks on flywheel and references align.

- Loosen camshaft sprocket mounting bolt(s) 1|2-turn.

- Loosen from tapered end of camshaft by very carefully tap-

ping with hammer on soft drift inserted through hole of rear
toothed belt guard or by GENTLY hitting sprocket squarely
on sprocket teeth using synthetic face hammer.

- Place belt onto toothed belt sprocket/crankshaft, intermedi-

ate shaft sprocket, injection pump sprocket and tension roll-

Note running direction of belt.

- Place camshaft sprocket together with toothed belt and tight-

en mounting bolts.

Camshaft sprocket can still be turned.

lllustration shows engine code 7Z; engine code AAZ is similar.

- Turn tensioner rollerto right using Matra V159 pin wrench (or
equivalent) until notch and lifting arrow are across from one

- Tighten tensioner roller clamp nut.

fightening torque: 20 Nm (15 ft lb)

- Make sure that TDC marks on f lywheel and reference are still
in alignment.

- 1-ighten camshaft sprocket mounting bolt.

'lightening torque: 45 Nm (33 ft lbt
'Ighten injection pump sprocket mounting bolt(s).
Tightening torque: 25 Nm (18 ft lb)

- Remove setting bar.

- Remove pin.

- Turn crankshaft twice in direction of rotation and place aga:r

at TDC for cylinder 1.

Engine codes 12, AHU

- Make sure injection pump sprocket can be locked using 2064

lock pin.


Engine code AAZ

- Check whether injection pump sprocket can be locked using

3359 rig pin.

All engines
lf injection pump sprocket cannot be locked:

- Loosen injection pump sprocket mounting bolt(s).

- Turn injection pump until locating pin fits.

- Tighten injection pump sprocket mounting bolt(s).

Tightening torque: 25 Nm (18 ft lb)

- Remove locating pin.

- lnstall belt guard, vibration damper, pulley and vai.' e :: .:'.

- lnstall ribbed belt + page 13-13.

Semi-automatic toothed belt tensioning roller,
' Test conditions
o Toothed belt installed and tensioned
Test sequence

Tension toothed belt using firm thumb pressure.

Notched and raised portion (arrows) must move apart.

- Release thumb pressure on toothed belt.

o The tensioning roller must move back to its initial position.

(Notched and raised portions align again)


lnjection pump sprocket, removing

Engine code AAZ

- Remove 3 injection pump sprocket mounting bolts -1- (with

belt loosened).

Engine codes 12, AHU

- Remove injection pump sprocket mounting nut.

- Locate puller arms through holes in injection pump sprocket

and tighten.

- Using puller, place injection pump sprocket under tension.

- Release injection pump sprocket from injection pump taper

by tapping on puller spindle (arrow). Hold onto sprocket to
prevent it from dropping.
Flywheel and drive plate
12 3 4 5 6
sealing flange, removing
and installing
For repairs to the clutch Repair
Man ua l, Manual Transmissio n, Repai r

Group 30

1 - Oil seal
o Remove to remove sealing
o lnstall using 10-203 oilseal
o Use engine oil to lightly oil
sealing lip, do not use grease
2 - Woodruff key
r Make sure fit is tight

4 - Sealing flange

5 - Gasket
o Always replace

6 - Gylinder block
o Crankshaft, removing and
87 installing + page 13-35
1312 5 11 9 10
3151499 1312 9
r Pistons and connecting rods,
tTi-6tzl dismantling and assembling
page 13-40 =

1i 7 - 60 Nm (44
ft lbl + 1/4-turn
Always replace

8 - Flywheel/drive plate
o To remove and installflywheel,
counter-hold using 3067 fly-
wheel retainer
r Drive plate, removing and
installing .+ page 13-33

10 - lntermediate plate
o Must be located on dowels
o Do not damage/bend when as-
11 - Sealing flange with oil seal
o Only replace complete
o Use engine oil to lightly ci
sealing lip. do not use grees.
12 - Oil seal
o Replacing == Page i3-3'
13 - lntermediate shaft

14 - O-ring
o Replace ii ca:-ag::
15 - Sealing flange for intermetfiate

Crankshaft oil seal (pulley endl, replacing

- Remove ribbed belt =+ page 13-13.

- Remove toothed belt.

o Engine code 12.+ page 13-17

o Engine code AHU + page 13-22

- Remove crankshaft sprocket by counter-holding sprocket us-

ing 3099.

- To guide seal puller, screw bolt from 3083 arbor into crank-
shaft as far as ii will go.

- Unscrew inner part of 2085 seal puller two turns (approx. 3

mm) out of outer part, then lock using knurled screw.

- Lubricate threaded head of oil seal puller, place it in position

and while exerting firm pressure, screw into oil seal as far as

- Loosen knurled screw and rotate innersection againstcrank-

shaft until oil seal is pulled out.



- Use engine oil to lightly oil lip of seal (do not use greasel)

- Place guide sleeve from 3083 arbor onto crankshaft journal.

- Slide oil seal over guide sleeve.

69,; Press in oil seal up to stop using sleeve from 3083.

lnstall and tension toothed belt.

o Engine code 12 + page 13-17
r Engine code AHU + page 13-22

Drive plate, removing and installing

o Position -A-: Loosening

o Position -B-: Tightening

A - Attach VW558 flywheel lock adapter to drive plate using
M8x45 hex bolt.
'- Place two M10 nuts between counter-hold tool and drive
I v13 {rs3l plate.

lnstalling drive plate

- Align drive plate and backing plate -1- using recesses.

- lnstall new bolts -3- and tighten.

Tightening torque: 30 Nm (22ftlbl


- Check dimension -a- at three points and calculate average.

. Must be 19.5-21.1 mm (0.768-0.831 in.)

lf dimension -a- is OK:

- Fullytighten bolts-3-to60 Nm (44ft lb) andthenturn an addi-

tional 1/4-turn (90").
The additional 1/4-turn can be accomplished in several

lf dimension -a- is not as specified:

Tightening torque: 30 Nm (22ftlbl

lf dimension -a- is OK:

- Tighten bolts -3-to 60 Nm (44ft lb) and then turn an additional

1/4-turn (90").

The additional 114-turn can be accomplished in several


4 5 67 Crankshaft, removing and
1 - Bearing caps 1, 2,4 and5
o For bearing caps without oil
r For cylinder block with oil
o Do not interchange used bear-
ing shells (mark as such)
2 - 55 Nm (48 ft !b) + 1/4-turn (90"1
8 r Always replace
I o To measure radial clearance
tighten to 65 Nm (48 ft lb) but
10 not further

3 - Bearing cap
o Bearing cap 1: pulley end
r Bearing cap 3 with recesses for
thrust washers
r Bearing shell retaining lugs
cylinder blocUbearing cap
must be on same side
4 - Bearing shell 3
o For bearing cap without oil
o For cylinder block with oil


4 5 67 5 - Thrust washer
r For bearing cap -3-
o Note arrangement
6 - Sensor wheel
r Engine codes 12, AHU
o For engine speed sensor
7 - 10 Nm (7 ft lb) plus l/4-turn {90")
r Always replace

8 - Dowel pin'
I o Engine codes 12, AHU
o Checking projection from
\9 crankshaft + Fig. 1

9 - Crankshaft
Axial clearance:
o New: 0.07 to 0.17 mm
(0.0028-{.0067 in.)
r Wear limit: 0.37 mm (0.0146
- in.)
Radial clearance:
o Check using Plastigage:
o New: 0.03 to 0.08 mm
(0.0012{.0031 in.i
o Wear limit 0.17 mm t0.0067
o Do not allow crankshart to ro-
9 tate while measuring radiai
10 o Crankshaft dimensions : page

4 10 - Thrust washer
r For engine block, bearing 3


Fig. 1 Checking crankshaft dowel pin proiection

Dowel pin projection -3- from crankshaft:

Dimension -a- = 2.5-3.0 mm (0.098-0.118 in.)


Crankshaft dimensions

Crankshaft journa! diameter Connecting rod iournal

Reconditioning dimension mm - (in.) diameter mm - (in.)
maximum size (from nominal) -0.022 (0.00087) -0.022 (0.00087)
Basic dimension (nominal) 54.00 Q.1260t 47.80 (1.8819)
minimum size (from nominal) -0.042 (0.001 65) -0.042 (0.00165)
maximum size (from nominal) -0.022 (0,00087) -0.022 (0.00087)
1 st undersize (nominal) 53.75 (2.1 161) 47.55 (1.87201
minimum size (from nominal) -0.042 (0.001 65) -o.042 (0.001 65)
maximum size (from nominal) -0.022 (0.00087) -0.022 (0.00087)
2nd undersize (nominal) 53.50 (2.1063) 47.30 (1.86221
minimum size (from nominal) -0.042 (0.001 65) -o.042 (0.001 65)
maximum size (from nominal) -0.022 (0.00087) -0.022 (0.00087)
3rd undersize (nominal) 53.25 (2.0965) 47.O5 11.85241
minimum size (from nominal) -0.042 (0.0016s) -0.042 (0.00165)


Pistons and connecting

rods, disassembling and
1 - Piston ring
r Offset ring gaps by 120"
r Remove and install using pis-
ton ring pliers
o "OBEN" points toward piston
4 crown
o Checking ring gap
= Fig.clear-
r Checking ring to groove

ance =+ Fig. 2

2 - Piston
o Engine codes 12, AHU: with
combustion chamber
9 o Mark installed position and cyl-
inder number; engine codes
12, AHU
= Fig. 4
Arrow on piston crown points
7 toward pulley end
o lnstall using piston ring clamp
6 r lf there are cracks on piston
skirt, replace piston
8 r Piston position at TDC, check-
10 ________.,_ \ ing + page 13-47


3 - Piston pin
r lf difficult to remove, heat pis-
ton to 60'C (140'F)
o Remove and install using
Y\N222a pilot drift

4 - Circlip

- 5 - Connecting rod
r Only replace as a set
o Mark cylinder number (arrows
r lnstallation position: marking
(arrow -B-) faces pulley end

5 - Bearing shell
r Note installed position
r Do not interchange used bear-
ing shells
r Make sure that retaining lugs
fit tightly in recesses
r Axial clearance, wear limit:
0.37 mm(0.0146 in.)
r Check radial clearance using
Plastigage@, wear limit: 0.08
mm (0.0031 in.)
o Do not rotate crankshaft when
10 checking radial clearance

7 - Cylinder block
r Checking cylinder bore diame-
ter + Fig. 3
o Piston and cylinder dimensions
page 13-49
8 - Connecting rod bearing cap
3 r Note installation position

4 9 - Locating pin
. The fitted pin must seat se-
curely in connecting rod, ^c: -
bearing cap
10 - Oil spray jet
r For piston cooling

I 11-10Nm(7ftlb)
o lnstall using AM\,/'33 ':- ::
6 12 -Connecting rod bolt
o Always replace
7 o 30 Nm (22t c -' :-1--- =-'
r Oil threads a^: --;-:::::---
r Use oti b::s::
-::s--: -:- :
11 _____\€"4J
Fig. 1 Checking piston ring gap

- lnsert ring into cylinder from above. Push down squarely on

piston ring until it is approx. 15 mm (5/8 in.)from bottom of

Ring gap (in.l

Piston ring
- mm
New Wear limit Wear limit
(AAZ) (12, AHU)

Top compression 0.20-0.40 1.2 1.0

ring (0.0078-0.0157) 10.04721 (0.0394)

2nd compression 0.20-0.40 0.6 1.0

ring (0.0078-0.0157) (0.0236) (0.0394)

Oil scraper ring 0.25-0.50 1.2 1.0

(0.0098-0.0197) (0.04721 (0.0394)


Fig.2 Checking ring to groove clearance

- Clean piston ring groove before checking.

Piston ring Side clearance mm (in.)

New I

I Wear limit
Top compression ring

AAZ 0.09-0.12 0.25 (0.0098)

12, AHU 0.06-0.12 0.25 (0.0098)

2nd compression ring 0.05-0.08 0.25 (0.0098)

Oil scraper ring 0.03-0.06 0.1s (0.0059)

Fig. 3 Checking cylinder bore diameter

Specia! tools, testers and auxiliary items

lnternal dial gauge 50 to 100 mm.

Checking -
- Measure bore at 3 positions in both lateral (arrc,', -l- :-:
longitudinal (arrow -B-) directions, as illustrated.
Deviation from nominal dimension: 0.10 mm rC.ll3: -

Do not have the cylinder block mounted to the assernbly
stand while measuring the cylinder bores. The block is de-
formed under itb own weight under these conditions and
the sfress will result in false measurements that are not ac-
curate after the tension has been relieved.


Pistons cylinders 1 and2:

o Larger intake valve chamber toward flywheel (arrows)

Pistons cylinders 3 and 4:

o Larger intake valve chamber toward pulleys (arrows)

Piston orientation is indicated by a colored mark on the piston
s Pistons for cylinders 1 and 2: marked 1/2
c Pistons for cylinders 3 and 4: marked 3/4

Piston position at TDC, checking
Specia! tools, testers and auxiliary items

o YW382D measuring bar

r VW385/17 magnetic plate 50mm dia.

Test sequence

Piston position at TDC must be measured whenever new pis-

tons or a short block is installed. Depending on piston position
at TDC, install correct gasket using the following table:
Engine code AAZ

Piston height above Cylinder head gasket

cylinder block (TDC) notches/holes
0.66-0.86 mm
(0.0260-0.0339 in.)
0.87-0.90 mm
(0.0343-0.0354 in.)
0.91-1.02 mm
(0.0358-0.0402 in.)


Engine codes 12, AHU

Piston height above Cylinder head gasket

cylinder block (TDC) notches/holes
0.91-1.00 mm
(0.0358-0.0394 in.)
1.01-1.10 mm
(0.0398-0.0433 in.)
1.11-1.20 mm
(0.0437-0.0472 in.l

Cylinder head gasket identification

r Part number: black arrow

o Holes/notches: white arrow

lf differing results are obtained when measuring piston posi-
tion at TDC, use the largest measurement to select the correct

Piston and cylinder dimensions
Engine code AAZ

Reconditioning Piston darrttcr

dimension mm ,in.
Basic dimension

1st oversize

2nd oversize

Engine codes 12, AHU

Reconditioning Piston diameter

dimension mm (in.)
Basic dimension 79.48 (3.1287)
fol: ? ,--
1st oversize 79.72 (3.1385)

2nd oversize 79.98 (3.1484) 80.01 r3.i5J,


Cylinder head, removing and replacing

t Do not re-use any fasten ers that are worn ot deformed in
normal use.
r Some fasteners are designed to be used only once, and
are unreliable and may fail if used a second time. Thb
includes, but is not limited to, nuts, botts, waajrers"
circlips and cotter pins. Always follow the rxomnwr&
tions in this manual-replace these fasteners with new
parts where indicated, and any other time it is demd
necessary by inspection.

t The cylinder head can be removed and installed without
removing the engine from the vehicle.
t When replacing the cylinder head, the engine coolant must
be com pletely replaced.
o Checking compression + page 15-12.
o When installing a replacement cylinder head complete
with camshaft, the contact surfaces between the hydraulic
valve lifters and the cam lobes must be lubricated after
installing the cylinder head.
o The plastic liners supplied on replacement cylinder heads
for protection of open valves must not be removed until
just before installing the cylinder head.


Metal cylinder head gasket

r From 11.93 > all 1.9 liter Diesel engines are equipped with a
new metal cylinder head gasket with silicone coating.

o When making repairs it is no longer necessary to tighten the

cylinder head bolts by an additional 1l4-turn (90")with the en-
gine warm.

o The four-step procedure for tightening the cylinder head

bolts during assembly has not changed.
o When installing a new metal cylinder head gasket, foitow att
precautions Nofes page 15-9.
The new metal cylinder head gasket can be installed on all
1.9 liter Diesel engines manufactured before ll.g3.

Cylinder head,
91011 6 12 13 1415 disassembling and
16 1 - Expanding clip

2 - Toothed belt guard, upper

18 3 - Toothed belt
r Mark running direction before
20 r Check for wear
21 r Do not kink
Removing and installing:
22 o Engine code 12 + page 13-17
o Engine code AHU + page
1 2 23

4 -45 Nm (33 ft lb)

5 - Camshaft sprocket
o Drive off camshaft taper using
hammer and drift through
toothed belt guard opening
34 33 32 31 30 292827 26 7 -Toothed belt guard, rear

8 - Cylinder head cover

fNr+oo21l 9 -Cap
o Replace seal if damaged

10 - Upper sealing washer

91011 612131415 o Replace if damaged
11 - Cup washer

16 12 -Cap

13 -To intake hose

14 - Retaining clip
19 15 - Positive Crankcase Ventilation
r For crankcase breathdr
22 16 - Gasket
o Replace if damaged
23 17 - Cylinder head cover gasket
r Replace if damaged
24 a lnsert projections into holes on
cylinder head
18 - Crankcase breather

19 - Cylinder head bolt

r Always replace
r Follow instructions for loosen-
ing and tightening in proper
34 33 32 31 30 29 2827 26 sequence page 15-9
20 - Mounting clip
l-N$-oor1 I

21 - O-ring
o Always replace

22 -Lower sealing cone

16 23 - lnjector lines
o 25 Nm (18 ft lb)
o Remove using 3035 injector
17 line wrench
18 o Always remove fuel lines as an
19 r Do not bend or alter shape
24 - Cylinder head
r Check for distortion = Fig. 'l
22 r lnstalling + page 15-9
o After replacing, engine coolant
must be completely replaced
25 - Fuel injector
24 Removing and installing:
25 r Engine code AAZ = Repair
Manual, 1.9 Liter Diesel Fuel ln-
jection & lgnition, Repair
Group 23
o Engine codes 12, AHU =+ Re-
pair Manual, 1.9 Liter TDI OBD
ll, Direct Fuel lnjection & Glow
34333231 3029282726 Plug System, Repair Group 23

fNff-oo2r I

26 - Glow plug
9 10 11 61213 14 Engine code AAZ:
r Tightening torque: 25 Nm (18
ft tb)
o Checking + Repair Manual, 7.9
16 Liter Diesel Fuel lnjection &
lgnition, Repair Group 28
Engine codes 12, AHU:
17 o fightening torque: 15 Nm ('l 1
18 ft tb)
r Checking + Repair Manual, 7.9
Liter TDI OBD ll, Direct Fuel ln-
20 jection & Glow Plug System,
21 Repair Group 28
22 27 - Lifting eye

28 - Cylinder head gasket

? 23
r Always replace
. New metal gasket from 'l 1.93
24 + page 15-2
25 o Note marking = Fig. 2
o After replacing, engine coolant
must be completely replaced

34 33 32 31 30 292827 26


29 -20 Nm {15 ft Ib)
891011612131415 30 - ldler roller
r Engine codes 12, AHU

16 31 -25 Nm (18 ft lb)

32 - Semi-automatic toothed belt

17 tensioning roller
18 r Engine codes 12, AHU: check-
ing page 13-27
19 =
20 33 - Eccentric
r Engine codes 12, AHU
o For semi-automatic toothed
22 belt tensioning roller

1 23 45 676 23
34 - Tightening torque
r Engine code AAZ: 45 Nm (33 ft

( ld
r Engine codes 12, AHU: 20 Nm
(15 ft rb)

34 33 32 31 30 292827 26

I N15"0i2fl


Fig. 1 Checking cylinder head distortion

Maximum permissible distortion: 0.1 mm (0.0039 in.)

Resurfacing Diesel engine cylinder heads is not permissible.

Fig.2 Cylinder head gasket identification

r Part number (black arrow)
r Holes/notches (white arrow)
Different thickness cylinder head gaskets are available. The
correct thickness depends on the amount of piston protrusion.

Measuring piston protrusion + page 13-47.

When only replacing the cylinder head gasket, install a new
gasket with the same identification.

New metal gasket, 11.93> + page 15-2.


Cylinder head, installing

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items

o VAG1332 torque wrench 40 to 200 Nm

o 3070 guide pins

Always replace cylinder head bolts.

t During repairs, carefully remove seal/gasket fragments from
cylinder head and cylinder block. Make sure that no longitu-
dinal grooves or scratches are created. When using abrasive
paper do not use a grade coarserthan 100. Carefully remove
any abrasive debris.
t Remove new cylinder head gasket from packaging, just b*
fore installing.
t Handle gasket extremely carefully. Damaging the silicone
layer or the indented area can cause leakage.
t New metal cylinder head gaskets can be installed on 1.9 liter
Diesel engines manufactured before 11.93+ page 15-2.

- Turn crankshaft to TDC mark before installing cylinder head.

- Turn crankshaft against engine direction of rotation until all

pistons are approximately equally placed below TDC.

- lnstall cylinder head gasket.


To center gasket, screw guide pi ns from 3070 into outer

threaded holes on intake side.
lnstall cylinder head, thread in 8 remaining cylinder head
bolts and tighten by hand.
Remove guide pins using removaltool from 3070 and install
cylinder head bolts.

- lighten cylinder head bolts in four stage sequence as s. c." -

(Loosen in reverse order):

1. Tighten initially using a torque wrench.

r Stage l: 40 Nm (30 ft lb)

o Stage ll: 60 Nm (44ft lb)

2.furn further using a hand wrench.
o Stage lll: additional 1/4-turn (90')

o Stage lV: additional 1/4-turn (90'

It is NOT necessary to re-torque cy '^ce'^ea-- 5i r--- 3-r€- r-i
first 1,000 km (600 mi).
lnstallation with older style head gasket ONLY

- Tighten according to above four stage sequence.

- After final assembly, run engine until completely warm-oil

temperature at least 50'C (122'F)-and tighten bolts addi-
tional 1/4-turn (90').
. Do not loosen bolts first

o Follow tightening sequence

o Tghten each bolt in one step, without interruption

a lt is NOT necessary to re-torque cylinder head bolts after

the first 1,000 km (600 mi).

All vehicles

- After tightening cylinder head, rotate camshaft so cam for

no. 1 cyl. points evenly upward.

- Rotate crankshaft, in running direction of engine to TDC be-

fore installing toothed belt.

15-1 1

Cylinder compression, checking

Compression, checking (engine code AAZI
Special tools, testers and auxiliary items

o US1110 compression tester-Diesel engine

o VAGl38U2Aadapter

o 3035 injector line wrench

Test conditions
o Engine oil temperature 30"C (86'F) minimum

Test sequence
- Disconnect wiring from engine stop on injection pump, insu-
late and lay to one side.

- Remove injection lines using 3035 injector line wrench.

- Remove all fuel injectors and all heat shields.

- Thread VAG1323I2A adapter in place of fuel injectors. lnsert

old heat shield between adapter and cylinder head.

- Hand thread US1110 into compression tester adapter.

For compression tester usage, see manufacturers operating

- Operate starter until tester shows no f urther increase in pres-


Compression pressu res:

r New: 34 bar (493 Psi)

o Wear limit: 26 bar (377 psi)

Permissible difference between all cylinders: 5 bar (73 psi)

Always replace the heat shield seals fitted betvveen the cylin-
der head and the fuel iniectors.
Ivr3io7l Heat shield installed position, (arrow) points to cylinder head.

lightening torques:
o Fuel injector lines: 25 Nm (18 ft lb)
r Fuel injectors: 70 Nm (52 ft lb)


Compression, checking (engine codes 12, AHU)

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items

r US1110 compression tester-Diesel engine

r VAG138U12 adapter

t 3220 hinged socket

Test conditions
o Engine oil temperature 30'C (86'F) minimum

Test sequence

- Disconnect fuel cut-off valve on Diesel injection pump.

- Discon nect harness connectorfor quantity adj uster on Diesel

injection pump.

- Remove all glow plugs using 3220 hinged socket'

- lnstall VAG1323112 adapter in place of glow plugs.

- Check compression using US1110 compression tester.

For compression tester usage, see manufacturers operating

- Operate starter until tester shows no further pressure in-

Compression pressures:
o New: 25 to 31 bar (363-450 psi)
t Wear limit: 19 bar (276 psi)

Permissible difference between all cylinders: 5 bar (73 psi)

- lnstall glow plugs using 3220 hinged socket.

Tightening torque: 15 Nm (11 ft lb)

- Check DTC memory.

codes 12, AHU, Repair Manual, 1.9 Liter TDI OBD ll,
= Engine
Direct Fuel lnjection & Glow Plug System, Repair Group 01

A Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) will be generated as a result
of disconnecting iniection pump harness connector. Check
and erase DTC memory to clear the DTC.


Valve train, servicing

2 Cylinder heads with cracks between
the valve seats may be used without
reducing engine life, provided the
3 cracks are small and not more than
0.5 mm (0.020 in.)wide.
1 - Bearing caps
r lnstallation position +Fig.2
b r lnstallation sequence + page
15-31 , camshaft, removing and
e I 2-20Nm(15ftlbl
L I 3 - Camshaft
10 o Checking axial clearance +
Fig. 1
11 r Removing and installing +
page 15-31
12 o Check radial clearance, with
13 o Wear limit: 0.11 mm (0.0043
15 A r Run-out: max.0.01 mm
t9 (0.0004 in.)
o ldentification and valve timing
+ Fig.4
4 - Hydraulic lifter
r Do not interchange
o Has hydraulic valve clearance
r Checking =+ Page 15-33
r Store with cam contact surface
facing downward
4 o Check camshaft axial clearance
before installing = Fig 1
5 a Oil contact surfaces before as-
5 - Valve keepers

6 - Valve spring seat, upper

7 - Valve spring, outer

r Removing and installing =
10 page 15-29
r Cylinder head removed, use
11 2037 valve spring compressor

12 8 - Valve spring, inner

o Removing and installing +
13 page 15-29
o Cylinder head removed, use
2037 valve spring compressor
e9"l 9 - Valve stem seal
r Replacing + page 15-29


10 - Valve spring seat,lower

o Remove and install using
3047A slide hammer
11 - Valve guide
r Checking + page 15-26
3 r
= page 15-27
Replacement part has collar
12 - Oil seal
r Use engine oil to lightly oil
6 sealing lip, do not use grease
I To remove and install, remove
7 bearing cap
I Toothed belt, removing and
I r Engine code 12
o Engine code AHU
+ page 13-17
+ page
10 13-22

11 13 -Cylinder head
o See Nofe + page 1S16
12 o Valve seats, refacing page
14 - Valves
15-€ r Valve dimensions = Fig. 3
15 - Swirl chamber
r Replace if damaged
o Replacing = page 1$35
fNrs-ffi] 16 - Lower sealing cone

Fig. 1 Checking camshaft axial clearance

Wear limit: max.0.15 mm (0.0059 in.)

- Check with hydraulic lifters removed and with first and last
bearing caps fitted.

Fig.2 Installation position of camshaft bearing caps

- Note offset before installing camshaft, install bearing caps to

best determine camshaft installation position.

I v15 , oors I


Fig.3 Valve dimensions

Valves must NOT be refaced by grinding. Only lapping by
hand is permitted.

Engine code AAZ

Dimension lntake valve Exhaust valve

-a- mm (in.) 36.0 (1.417) 31.011.2201

-b- mm (in.) 7.97 (0.3138) 7.95 (0.3130)

-c- mm (in.) 95.0 (3.740) 95.0 (3.740)

cx Z" 45" 45"

Engine codes 12, AHU

Dimension !ntake valve Exhaust valve

-a- mm (in.) 35.95 (1.415) 31.45 11.2381
-b- mm (in.) 7.97 (0.3138) 7.95 (0.3138)
-c- mm (in.) 96.85 (3.813) 96.85 (3.813)
(I t' 45 45

Fig. 4 Camshaft identification, valve timing
o Cam base diameter: 38 mm

o ldentification: stamped numbers a^c i:::'s :::..,.:- -::.:

and exhaust cams

Valve timing at 1 mm valve Iift

Engine codes 12, AHU AAZ

lntake opens after TDC 160 b

lntake closes after BDC 250 20

Exhaust opens before BDC 28' 25.5'

Exhaust closes after TDC 190 6.5'


Valve seats, refacing

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items

r Depth gauge
r Valve seat refacing tool

t When refacing valve seats, remove only enough material
to produce the correct seat contact pattern. The maxi-
mum permissible refacing dimension must be calculated
before refacing.
. ff the maximum refacing dimension is exceeded, the hy-
draulic lifters will not function properly and the cylinder
head must be replaced.

When repairing engines with leaking valves, it is no: c t.,s
sufficient to just replace valves and/or reface valve sea:s. : -.
also necessary to check valve guides for wear. Ih;s *c ac-. :--
larly imporTant on high mileage engines.

Maximum permissible refacing dimension, calculating

- lnsert valve and press firmly against seat.

lf the valve is to be replaced as part of a repair, use the new
valve for the calculation.

- Measure distance -a- between end of valve stem and upper

edge of cylinder head.

- Calculate maximum permissible refacing dimension from

measured distance -a- and minimum dimension.

Minimum dimension:
r lntake valve 35.8 mm (1.409 in.)

o Exhaust valve 36.1 mm (1.421 in.)

Measured distance minus minimum dimension equals maxi-

mum permissible refacing dimension.

Example (intake valvel

Measured distance -a- 36.5 mm (1.437 in.)

- Minimum dimension 35.8 mm (1.409 in.)

= Maximum refacing dimension 0.7 mm (0.028 in.)


Engine code AAZ

Refacing intake and exhaust valve seats

Dimension !ntake valve Exhaust valve

seats seats
O a mm (in.) 37.201t 33.201)
Ab mm (in.) 34.80 30.40
c mm (in.) 2.70 2.05
450 ZO Valve seat angle
15' ZO Correction angle
1) Max. external diameter of correction cutter

Engine codes 12, AHU

-a- -- 35.7 mm (1.406 in.) diameter

-b- = 1.6 mm (0.063 in.)
45" = Valve seat angle
The 3tr valve seat chamfer is necessary to ensure that intake
channel flow characteristics are maintained.

-a- = 31.4 mm (1.236 in.)diameter

-b- = 2.7 mm (0.106 in.)
45" = Valve seat angle


Valve guides, checking

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items

r VW387 dial gauge holder

r Dial gauge

Test sequence

Check using new valve

lnsert valve into guide until end of valve stem is flush with
end of guide.

Due to the difference in valve stem diameters, make sure
that only an intake valve is used to check intake valve
guides, and that only an exhaust valve is used to check the
exhaust valve guides.

- Rock valve from side to side and note total travel on dial indi-

Wear limit

lntake and exhaust: 1.3 mm (0.051 in.)

Valve guides, replacing
Special tools, testers and auxiliary items

r 10-206 drift

r 10-215 hand reamer and cutting fluid


- Clean and check cylinder head. Do not replace valve guides

in cylinder heads in which valve seats can no longer be re-
faced, or in cylinder heads which have been machined to
minimum dimension.

- Press out worn production valve guides using 10-206 drift

from camshaft side.
lf pressing out replacement valve guides (with shoulder), press
out from the combustion chamber side.



- Coat new guides with oil and press in using 10-206 drift from
camshaft side (cylinder head cold) until shoulder of new
guide just contacts head.

When the shoulder on the new guide makes contact, the
pressing force must not exceed 1.0ton orthe guide shoulder
could break off.

- Ream guides out using 10-215 hand reamer using plenty of

cutting fluid.

- Reface valve seats + page 15-22.

Valve stem seals, replacing
(With cylinder head installed)

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items

t 30474 slide hammer

r 2036 adjustable rod

o VW541/1A leverwith VW541/5 or U54481 valve spring retain-


t 10-204 or US5042 driver


- Remove camshaft =+ page 15-31.

- Remove hydraulic lifters (do not interchange) and store with

cam contact surface facing downward.

- Bring piston of respective cylinder to TDC.


- Remove valve springs using VW541/1A lever and VW54U5

(or US5042) valve spring retainer.

The valves are supported by the piston crown.


To prevent damaging the valve stem oil seals, always use
the plastic filting sleeve.


- Slide plastic sleeve -A- on end of valve stem.

- Oil valve stem seal -B-.

- Place seal in 10-204 (or US5042) driver and push

onto valve guide.

Camshaft, removing and installing
Special tools, testers and auxiliary items

VAG1331 torque wrench, 5 to 50 Nm


- Remove upper toothed belt guard and cylinder head cover.

- Turn crankshaft to TDC for cyl. 1 (arrow).

- Loosen tensioner.

- Remove toothed drive belt

= page 13-17.

- Loosen camshaft sprocket securing bolt 112 turn. Release

camshaft sprocket from camshaft taper by tapping with ham-
mer (using drift through rear toothed belt guard opening).

- Remove camshaft sprocket.

- First remove bearing caps 5, 1 and 3. Loosen nuts for bearing

caps 2 and 4 gradually and evenly, alternating in diagonal



t Cylinder no. 1 cam lobes must point upward when installing.
s Before installing bearing caps note offset. Fit bearing caps
to determine installed position before installing camshaft.

- Oil camshaft contact surfaces.

- Tighten bearing caps gradually and evenly, alternating in di-

agonal pattern.
I v1s, oors I

lnstall and tighten bearing caps 2 and 4.

Tightening torque: 20 Nm (15 ft lb)

Install and tighten bearing caps 5, 1 and 3.

Tightening torque: 20 Nm (15 ft lb)

- lf bearing cap 5 is difficult to install, locate cap by tapping

lightly on end of camshaft.
lnstall camshaft sprocket.
lnstall and tension toothed belt page 13-17.
After installing new valve lifters, do not start the engine for
approx. 30 minutes (to allow the new lifters to bleed down
to proper height). Otherwise valves may strike the pistons.


Hydraulic lifters, checking

After installing new valve lifters, DO NOT start the engine
for approx. 30 minutes. This is to allow the new lifters to
bleed down to proper height, Otherwise valves may strike
the pistons.

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items

o Feeler gauge

r Wood or plastic wedge

s Replace malfunctioning lifters only as complete units (they
cannot be adjusted or repaired).
o lrregular valve noises during engine start-up are normal.
Test sequence

- Start engine and run until radiator coolant fan has switched
on at least once.

- lncrease engine speed to about 2500 RPM for 2 minutes.

lf the hydraulic lifters are still noisy, locate malfunctioning lift-

er(s) as follows;

- Remove cylinder head cover.


- Rotate crankshaft clockwise, until cam lobe of lifter to be

checked is pointing upward.

- Measure clearance between cam lobe and lifter.

lf clearance exceeds 0.1 mm (0.004 in.):

- Replace lifter.

lf clearance is less than 0.1 mm (0.004 in.) or zero.

- Proceed with checking as follows

el in excess of 1 mm (0.040 in.) is felt before lifter contacts

valve, replace lifter.

Swirl chambers, replacing
r Swirl chambers are supplied as replacement parts for the 1.9
liter Diesel engine

r When installing a metal cylinder head gasket on an engine

that previously used a plastic gasket (= page 15-2), the swirl
chambers should also be replaced

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items

o YV{38217 measuring bar

o VW385/17 magnetic plate 50 mm dia.

o Cylinder head removed

- Remove allfuel injectors.

Engine code AAZ

1.9 Liter Diesel Fuel lnjection & lgnition, Repair Group 23
Engine codes 12, AHU
1.9 Liter TDI OBD ll, Direct Fuel lnjection & Glow Plug Sys-
= fem, Repair Group 23

- Remove glow plugs.

Engine codes 12, AHU: use 3220 hinged socket


- Drive swirl chamber out of cylinder head using suitable drift

inserted through fuel injector opening.

Protect threads in fuel injector opening from damage.

- Clean swirl chamber contact surface in cylinder head to re-

move combustion deposits.
vw 382/7 vw 385/17
- Place new swirl chamber in position and drive in using soft-
faced hammer.
lnstallation position is determined by groove and guide tabs

i - Measure projection of swirl chamber.
I vl3rrGl Specified value: 0.07 mm (0.0028 in.) maximum

lf swirl chamber projects more than specified value:

- Replace cylinder head.

Lubrication system, general information
s lf large amounts of metal shavings or small metal par-
ticles are found in the engine oil, caused by wear of crank-
shaft and connecting rod bearings, thoroughly clean the
oil passages to remove contaminants and help prevent
later damage.
t The oil cooler cannot be sufficiently cleaned, and must be

Oil pressure, checking =+ page 17-8

Oil capacity
r without oilfilter: 4.0 liters (4.2qt.|
r With oilfilter: 4.5 liters (4.7 qt.)
Engine oil, specifications

r Only use multi-grade or single-grade oils conforming to API-


r Choose the properviscosity byconsidering the ambienttem-

peratures and environment in which the vehicle is operated


g),12 Lubrication system,

component layout

o Do not re-use fasteners that are I

10 worn or deformed in normal use.


11 t Some fasteners are designed to i

be used only once, and are unreti- |

able and may fail if used a second I

time. This includes, but is not lim- |

ited to, nuts, bolts, washers, cir- |

14 clips and colter pins. Always fol-

28 |

low recommendations in this r

27 15 manual-replace these fasteners I

with new parts where indicated, i

26 16 and any other time it is deemed I

13 necessary by inspection. i

Part numbers are listed here for ref-
18 erence only. Always check with
your Parts department for the latest
19 information.
23 11
1 -Cap
22 20
2 - Gasket
o Replace if damaged
7- fNl?-oofi-l
3 4 5 67 3 - Oil dipstick
o Oil level must not be above
MAX mark.
o Area above shaded zone up to
MAX mark: Do not top up en-
b--9 gine oil!
10 o Oil level in shaded zone: En-
gine oil can be topped up.
11 o Area from MIN mark up to
shaded zone: Top up engine
12 oil
4 - Guide
14 r Remove to suck oil out

15 5 - 0.3 bar oil pressure switch -F22-

r 0.3 bar (4.4 psi)
16 o Color: Blue
13 o Checking + page 17-8
17 r 25 Nm (18 ft lb)
25 r lf sealing ring is leaking, cut
open and replace
24 18 6 - Banjo bolt
o 25 Nm (18 ft lb)
7 - Oil seal
23 11 o Always replace
20 8 - To charge air cooler


gi,12 3 4 5 6.7 9 - Oil pressure switch -F1-

o Color: Grey
r Checking + page 17-8
8 r 25 Nm (18 ft lb)
o lf sealing ring is leaking, cut
I open and replace
10 - Oil filter bracket
11 - Mounting bolt
12 o 25 Nm (18 ft lb)
13 12 - Gasket

28 14 r Always replace

27 13 - O-ring
o Always replace
26 16 14 - Oi! cooler
13 o Coat oil filter bracket contact
25 surfaces outside of seal with
AMV 188'100.02
19 o Make sure that there is ade-
24---@ 18
quate clearance to surrounding
19 r lf metal shavings or particles
are found in engine oil, oil
23 11 cooler must be replaced =+
CAUTION!, page 17-1
&rr_l 20

f Nl?{01il
15 -25 Nm (18 ft lbl
16 - Oil filter
8 o Loosen with filter wrench
o Tighten by hand
9 o Note installation instructions
10 on filter

11 17 - Oil pump gears

r Checking backlash
= Fig. 1

r Checking axial play

= Fig.2
o Gearwidth: 36 mm (1.42in.|
with pressure re-
18 - Oil pump cover
28 lief valve
27 15 r Opening pressure: 5.7-6.7 bar
(82.65-97.15 psi)
26 16
20 - Oil pan
r Clean mating surfaces before
19 assembly
24---@ 18 21 - Oil drain plug
o 30 Nm l22ftlbl
23 11 22 -20 Nm (15 ft lbl
r Remove and install rear bolts
20 to transmission using 3185 or
equivalent 10 mm swivel/ex-

12 3 4 5 6.7
g=, 23 - Gasket
o Engine codes 12, AHU
o Always replace
8 o Before installing gasket coat oil
pan/engine block flange with
I D2 sealant
24 -Batfle
25 - Oal pick-up
12 r Clean strainer
13 26 - Baffle plate
28 14 r Engine code AAZ
r With seal
27 15 r Replace seal if damaged
26 16 27 -10 Nm (7 ft lb)
o lnstallwith AMV 188 100.02
28 - Oil spray nozzle
o For piston cooling
24 18
23 11

Fig. 1 Checking oil pump gear backlash

o New: 0.05 mm (0.0020 in.)

o Wear limit: 0.20 mm (0.0079 in.)

Fig.2 Checking oil pump gear axial play

Wear limit: 0.15 mm (0.0059 in.)


Oil pressure and oil pressure switch, checking

Dynamic oil pressure warning system
For functional testing and repair of the optical (warning light)
and acoustic (warning buzzer) oil pressure warning systems+
"Electrical Wiring Diagrams, Troubleshooting & Component
Locations" binder.
Special tools, testers and auxiliary items

r VAG1342 oil pressure gauge

o VAG1527B voltage tester

o VWl594 connector test kit

Test sequence

and install in VAG1342 oil pressure gauge.

- Connect line from VAG 1342 oil pressure gauge in place of 0.3
bar oil pressure switch -F22-.

- Connect brown wire from oil pressure gauge to Ground.

- Connect VAG1527B voltage tester to battery positive voltage

(B+) and 0.3 bar oil pressure switch -A- (installed in oil pres-
sure gauge) using adapters from VW1594 connector test kit.

. Voltage tester LED must light up

- Start engine and increase RPM slowly to 0.15-0.45 bar

(2.2-6.5 psi).

. Voltage tester LED must go out

tf No:

- Replace 0.3 bar oil pressure switch -F22-.

- Connect VAG1527B voltage tester to 0.9 bar oil pressure

switch -F1- (grey insulation) on oilfilter mounting bracket -B-.
lncrease RPM slowly to 0.75-1.05 bar (10.9-15.2 psi)
. LED must light up

tf No:

- Replace oil pressure switch -F1-.

- lncrease engine speed further and check engine oil pressure:

I At 2000 RPM and 80"C (176'F) oiltemperature, oil pressure

must be min. 2.0 bar (29 psi)

r At higher RPM, oil pressure must not exceed 7.0 bar (101

tf No:

- Replace oil pump cover with pressure relief valve.


Cooling system components, servicing
t The cooling system is pressurized when the engine is
warm. When opening the expansion tank, wear gloves
and other appropriate protection, cover the cap with a
cloth and open carefully to relieve system pressure slow-
t Do not re-use any fasteners that are worn or deformed in
normal use.
t Some fasteners are designed to be used only once, and
are unreliable and may fail if used a second time. This
includes, but is not limited to, nuts, bolts, washers,
circlips and cotter pins, Alwaysfollowthe recommenda-
tions in this manual-replace these fasteners with new
parts where indicated, and any other time it is deemed
necessary by inspection.

r Hoses are secured with spring-type clips. ln cases of repair
only use spring-type clips for replacements.
t VAG1921 pliers are recommended for installing spring-type
hose clamps.

o Engine coolant, draining and filling + page 19-10

o Coolant mixture ratios page 19-10

o Cooling system leak-testing, use VAG1274 cooling system
tester and VAG1274l3 adapter


Cooling system components,
body side
4 2 - Cover

5 3 - Lock carrier
6 4 - Air intake elbow
5 - Bracket
I 6 - Radiator
I o Removing and installing +
10 page 19-14
24 o After replacing, completely re-
11 place engine coolant
12 7 - Rubber washer
21 8 - V-belt

20 9 - Expandable pin
19 10 - Guide ring
13 o Note installed position
18 o Secured to lock carrier -3- with
1 clips
o Removing and installing =
1615121314 I N1s - ooo5 I

11 - Additional fan
12 - Fan ring

13 -Connector
4 14 - Coolant fan
r Removing and installing +
5 page 19-14
6 15 - Expansion tank
16 - To coolant line
8 o + page 19-6, item 9
I 17 -Cap
10 r Check using cooling system
24 tester VAG1274 and 127414
11 o Test pressure: 1.3-1.5 bar
23 (20-23 psi)
18 - To connection
21 o + page 19-5, item 3
20 19 - Lower coolant hose
1 r To engine coolant pump +
page 19-7, item 18
18 13
20 - Gonnection
21 - O-ring
o Always replace
1615121314 I N1e - ooos I


22 - Retaining clip
23 - Upper coolant hose
r To connection + page 19-7,
item 19
4 24 - Coolant Fan Control (FC) thermal
switch -Fl8-
5 r 35 Nm (26 ft lb)
6 o For electric fan
o Only with optional extras:
7 third speed coolant Fan Con-
trol (FC)thermal switch -F165-
I + page 19-5, item 7
I Switching temperatures
Stage 1:
10 r On: 92-97" C (198-207" F)
11 o Off: 84 to 91' C (183-196' F)
23 Stage 2:
12 o On: 99-105" C (210-221" Fl
22 r Off: 91-98'C (196-208'F)
18 13

1615121314 fNle-ooo5-l

Cooling system
components, engine side
12 3 4 151 54
1 - O-ring
r Always replace
54 3 - From expansion tank
r ltem 18 = oage 19-4

4 - Retaining clip
18 5 - Engine Goolant Temperature
(EGT) sensor €62- or sensor
17 for engine temperature €27-
o With Engine Coolant Ter'-cera-
ture (ECT) sensor -G2-

6 - Coolant hose
r Engine code AHU: to EGR ccc -
'-@) er
r Engine codesAAZ, 1Z: tc hea::'

7 - Not applicable for

16 15 14 13 12 11 2 10 2 I USA/Ganada


8 - From heater core

9 - To expansion tank
12 3 4 1512 o ltem 'l 6 + page 19-3
10 - Bracket

11 - Coolant line

14 12 - Oal cooler
r Removing and installing +
19 page 17-2

13 - From bottom of radiator

18 .+ page 19-3, item 19

17 14 -20 Nm (15 ft lb) + 1/4 turn (90')

o Always replace

15 - Bracket
o For ribbed belts withc,::=--
16 - 30 Nm (22 ft lb)

17 -V-belt/ribbed belt
o Removing ano '-s:a - -- - ::-:
16 15 14 13 12 11 2 10 2 9 2 belt =: page'3-'3
r Adjusting '. -:: : ::- -. : - : = +
Pair Marua S--.:;--' ---
Wheels. B'e ,:: S:-- --- :-
pair Gro-c ::
f Nrc-imtl
18 - Engine coolant pump
o Disassembling and assembling
page 19-8
51 2 64 =
19 - To top of radiator
.= page 19-4, item 23
\\ /



16 15 14 13 12 11 2 10 2

I Nle{mZl

Engine coolant puffip,

disassembling and
1 -25 Nm (18 ft lb)
2 - Pulley
o Ribbed belt version
3 - Engine coolant pump
o Check shaft for ease of move-
4 - Gasket
r Always replace

5 - Coolant thermostat
o Checking: heat thermostat in
boiling water
r Opening starts approx. 85'C

o Fully open approx. 105'C
(221" Fl
o Opening lift:7 mm 10.27 in.l
6 - Elbow connection

1 11 9 109 7 6 7 - O-ring
r Always replace

8 - Retaining clip

10 -Thermostat housing
11 - Pulley
o V-belt version


11 9 109 7 6



Cooling system, draining and filling

r Anti-freeze and coolant additives marked "ln accordance
with TL VW774 B" prevent freezing, corrosion damage, scale
formation and raises the coolant's boiling point.
o The high boiling point of the coolant mixture helps improve
engine efficiency when operating at full load, particularly in
tropical climates.
o The cooling system is filled for use year-round with a mixture
of water and "G11" anti-freeze coolant additive.

. lf the engine coolant radiator, heater core, cylinder head or

cylinder head gasket are replaced, completely replace engine
coolant. Do not re-use old coolant.
r Dispose of used coolant properly.

The cooling system is pressurized when the engine is warm.
When opening the expansion tank, wear gloves and other
appropriate protection, cover the cap with a cloth and open
carefully to relieve system prcssure slowly.

o A new -G12- coolant additive, recognized by its red color,
has been introduced during m.y. 1997, replacing the
"G11" used previously.
o The "G11" and "G72" coolant additives are NOT inter-
changeable, and must NEVER be mixed. Use only water
or "G72" coolant additive G 012 ABD A1 to top up cooling
systems filled with "G12."
t Contamination of "Gl2" with other coolants can be iden-
tified by discoloration (brown, purple, etc,), and foamy de-
posits in the radiator or expansion tank. lf contaminated,
the system must be drained and flushed immediately.
. "G72" (Part No. G 012 A9D Al) may also be used in older
vehicles, hut only if the cooling system is drained and
flushed as described below.
t Part numbers listed are for reference only. Always check
with the Parts department for the latest information.


- Remove cap from coolant expansion tank.

- Remove retaining clip -3- and separate connection -2- from

thermostat housing -4-.

- Remove coolant hose -1- or remove thermostat housing -4-.

19-1 1

Flushing procedure
o Engine at normal operating temperature (heater valve open
where applicable)
o Coolant drained

- Apply compressed air to expansion tank to help blow out re-

maining coolant.

- Close cooling system, fill with distilled water, then ru n engine

for minimum of 2 minutes.

- Drain cooling system and applycompressed airto expansion

tank to help blow out remaining water.

- Close cooling system and fill with appropriate mixture of

"G12" coolant additive and distilled water page 19-13.
- Test drive vehicle and top off coolant level if necedsary.

o Never reuse old coolant.
o Dispose of old coolant properly.
s Coolant G 012 A&D Al may only be used in older vehicles
after the original coolant is drained and the cooling sys-
tem flushed as described above otherwise engine dam-
age can result,
o Part numbers listed are for reference only. Always check
with the Parts department for the latest information.

I r LE--

Recommended mixture ratios:

2) Water 2)
Protection down to Coolant additive

-25'C (-13'F) 2.6 liters(2.7 qt.) 3.9 liters(4.1 qt.)

-35"c (-36'F) 3.25 liters(3.4 qt.) 3.25 liters(3.4 qt.)

1) Percentage of anti-freeze must not exceed 60%: otherwise
freeze protection and cooling efficiency will decrease.
2) Total coolant quantity may vary depending on vehicle

- Press down on top of radiator hose.

- Slowly fill with coolant up to "max" mark on expansion tank

(filling time approx. 5 minutes).

- Startengine and run atapprox. 1500 RPM for2 minutes max.

while filling coolant up to over-flow hole on expansion tank.

- Re-installcap on expansion tank and run engine until radia-

tor coolant fan has switched on.

- Check engine coolant level and top-off, if necessary.

o When engine is at normal operating temperature, coolant

level must be on "max" mark
o When engine is cold, coolant level must be between "min"
and "max" marks

Radiator and coolant fan, removing and

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items

VAG1921 pliers for spring type clips.


Vehicles with NC, observe additional information and removal
work=> page 79-15.

- Drain coolant + page 19-10.

- Remove radiator coolant hoses.

- Disconnect harness connectors from thermoswitch and :a-

diator coolant fan.

- Remove radiator mounting bolts.

- Remove lock carrier with attachments.

= Repair Manual, Body-Exterior, Body-lnterior, Feca '
Group 50

- Lift out radiator, coolant fan and air guide housing.

lnstallation isinthe reverseorderof removat D.ci€c-'i. ,', -:-
installing, note the following:

Filling with coolant =+ page 19-10

Electrical connections and routing

=a Repair Manual, Electrical Equipment, Repair Group 97

- Check headlight alignment and adjust if necessary.

=+ Repair Manual, Maintenance

Additional removal information for vehicles with A/C

o Disconnect A/C refrigerant line brackets and support
points only.
t DO NOT open the air conditioning refrigerant circuit.
t Avoid damage from bending. Refrigerant lines kink easily.
- Remove air cleaner assembly.

- Remove A/C fluid reservoir and allow to hang free.

- Remove retaining clamp(s) from refrigerant lines.

- Remove A,/C condenser from radiator and pull forward as far

as possible.

- Lift out radiator and fan assembly.

- Secure A,/C condenserto body so that refrigerant lines/hoses

are not stressed.

Fuel supply system components,
removing and installing
r Checking fuel system for leaks

r Removing and installing fuelfilter and draining water, engine

code AAZ:
+ Repair Manual, 1.9 Liter Diesel Fuel lnjection & lgnition, Re-
pair Group 23

o Removing and installing fuelfilterand draining water, engine

codes 12, AHU:
+ Repair Manual, 1.9 Liter TDI OBD ll, Direct Fuel lnjection &
Glow Plug System, Repair Group 23
o Observe safety precautions
= page 20-6
r Observe rules of cleanliness + page 20-8

t Accelerator pedal linkage, servicing (AAZ) =+ page 20-9

r Cold Start Accelerator (CSA) cable, overview (AAZ) + page

a Hose connections are secured with either screw-type clamps
or spring-type clips.
t Always replace spring-type clips with screw-type clamps.


123456789101113 Fuel tank components,

removing and installing
14 t Do not re-use fasteners that are
worn or deformed in normal use.
5 15 o Some fasteners are designed to
21 be used only once, and are
unreliable and may fail if used a
20 second time, This includes, but is
not limited to, nuts, bolts,
10 washers, circlips and cotter pins.
Always follow recom men dati o ns
in this manual-replace these
16 fasteners with new parts where
indicated, and any other time it is
17 deemed necessary by inspection.
9- 18 t DO NOT smoke or work near
heaters or other fire hazards
16 when working on fuel system.
18 18
I - Fuel filler cap
19 o Replace seal if damaged
2 - Retaining ring

3 - Fuel filler splash shield

4 - Ground (GND) connection

fN2o{oz4 I

89101113 5 - O-ring
r Replace if damaged

6 - Vent valve
o Checking Fig. 2
14 7 - Union nut
15 8 - Overflow tank
9 - Vent pipe
20 o Filling vent

10 10 -Vent pipe
a Operating vent
,.:_rc 11 - Fuel return line
r Blue
_j 12 -Fuel supply line
r Black
16 13 - Union nut
18 r Remove and install using 3218
14 - Sender for fuel gauge -G-
r Note installed position on fuel
= Fig. 1
o Sender along with fuel strainer
telescopes into upper section

l- N2o{024 I

7 89101113 15 - Sealing ring

r Replace if damaged
r Coat with fuel when installing
16 - Mounting straps
22 r Note different lengths
l.i 17 - Bracket
15 i To secure mounting straps
18 -25 Nm (18 ft lb)
19 - Fuel tank
10 o Support using VAG383A en-
gine and transmission jack,
when removing
20-10 Nm (7ft!b)
:_t 17
21 - Vent pipe
18 o To fuel filler splash shield -3-
16 22 - Gravity valve
18 o To remove valve, unclip and
pull upward out of filler neck
19 o Check valve for flow
o Valve vertical: open
o Valve tilted 45': closed

l- N2o{or4 I
L -z 011 294 1038

Fig. 1 lnstalled position of sender for fuel gauge -G-

o Mark on sensor-1- must be aligned with mark-2- on fueltank.

Fig.2 Checking vent valve

o Lever in rest position: closed

. Lever pushed in direction of arrow: open



Safety precautions when working on the fuel

supply system
When removing and installing the fuel pump or fuel level
sensor from a filled or partially filled fuel tank:
t BEFORE beginning repairs, the suction pipe of an exhaust
extraction system must be located near the fuel tank
opening so that escaping fuel vapors can be immediately
carried away.
t lf no exhaust extraction system is available, a radial fan
(motor located outside airtlow) with volume of at least 15
m3/hr (9 cfm) may be used.
o Wear fuel-resistant gloves whenever working with open
parts of the fuel system.
Make sure the ignition is switched OFE when:
t Disconnecting fuel injection system wiring
t Connecting or disconnecting test equipment leads
BEFORE cranking the engine at starting RPM (such as for
compression testing) disable the ignition and fuel injection
t Disconnect the ignition coil power output stage.
s Disconnect harness connectors from all fuel injectors.
t After the work is completed, erase Diagnostic Trouble
Code (DTC) memory.

BEFORE disconnecting the battery:
o Stop the engine.
s Make sure the ignition is switched OFF (also applies when
connecting the battery). Failure to do so may damage the
Engine Control Module (ECM).
s Before disconnecting the battery, determine the correct
coding for the anti-theft radio.
Make sure the battery negative (-) cable is disconnected,
t Working on the electrical system
o Resistance (spot) welding or electric arc welding any-
where on the vehicle.
When connecting and disconnecting electrical test equip-
ment (LED voltage tester, multimeten etc.):
t Make sure the ignition is switched OFF.
t Use correct adapters from the VW1594 connector test kit.


Rules of cleanliness

Whenever working on fu el supply and fu el injection systems,
carefully obserue the following six rules of cleanliness.

1 - Thoroughly clean fuel system line and hose connections and

the surrounding area before disconnecting.
2 - Place removed components on a clean surface and cover.
Use plastic sheeting or paper. Do not use fluffy rags that could
leave lintl

3-Carefully cover over or seal any components that have been

opened if repairs are not carried out immediately.

4 - lnstall only clean parts:

Do not remove replacement parts from the packaging until

immediately before they are to be installed. Do not use parts
that have been stored without packaging (e.9. in toolboxes,

5 - When the fuel system is opened:

Avoid working with compressed air whenever possible.

Avoid moving the vehicle if possible.
6 - Make sure that no Diesel fuel runs onto coolant hoses.
Affected hoses must be cleaned immediately.
Contaminated hoses must be replaced.
Accelerator pedal linkage,
Engine code AAZ

Engine codes 12, AHU accelerator

+ Repair Manual, 1.9 Liter TDI OBD
ll, Direct Fuel lnjection & Glow
Plug System, Repair Group 23

1 - Retaining clip

2 - Accelerator cable
5 r Adjust by moving position of
4 securing clip (retainer) on out-
er cable grooves =r Fig. 1

3 - Accelerator pedal stop

l 4 - Accelerator pedal

5 - Pivot pin

6 - Balance weight

8 - Rubber bushing

m2o{o2s l

Fig. 1 Adjusting accelerator cable

Adjust cable with the accelerator pedal in the Wide Open
Throttle (WOT) position by moving the securing clip (arrow) on
the outer cable grooves.
The accelerator pedal is properly adjusted when the injection
pump lever just contacts stop and is not stressed.

Cold Start Accelerator (CSAI
cable, overview
Engine code AAZ

1 - Securing clip

612 34 2 - Washer

,[J* 4 - Securing clip

5 - lie wrap
o ln engine compartment

6 - Locking screw
r Adjusting
= page 20-12



Cold Start Accelerator (CSA) cable, adjusting

Engine code AAZ

- Slide washer-1- on CSAcable and secure cable using clip -2-.

- Move operating lever to 0 position (direction of arrow).

- Pull innercabletightandclampto pin -3- using lockingscrew.

Turbocharger system components,
Engine codes: AAZ, 1Z,, AHU

o Observe rules of cleanliness

+ page 21-10

o Turbocharger hoses and lines, connecting

+ page 21-11

t Do not re-use any fasteners that are worn or deformed in
narmal use.
o Some fasteners are designed to be used only once, and
are unreliable and may fail if used a second time. This
includes, but is not limited to, nuts, bolts, washers,
circlips and cotter pins. Always follow the recommenda-
tions in this manual-replace these fasteners with new
parts where indicated, and any other time it is deemed
necessary by i nspection.

s All hose connections are secured with clips.
t Charge air system must be free of leaks.
t Always replace self-locking nuts.


Turbocharger system
2 components, removing and
installing (engine code AAZI
t Boost pressure control is switched
18 6 off during part throttle operation by
EGR pan throttle switch -F166- and
7 two-way valve for EGR -N161-
t Checking and adjusting part
throttle switch + page 26-23
17 2 t Checking two-way valve + page

I 26-20

1 - Exhaust manifold

I i 2-25Nm(18ft!b)
3 - Hose
9 r To Diesel injection pump
4 - Gasket
r Always replace
r Coating (beading)faces intake
5 - lntake manifold

167151413121110 fN-21{o{s I
6 -45 Nm (33 ft lb)
o Always replace
o Coat threads and bolt head
sealing surfaces with high tem-
4 perature (2000" F) anti-seize
18 7 - Gasket
o Always replace
7 o Note installation position
8 - To Positive Crankcase Ventilation
(PCV) valve
17 2
9 - From Air Cleaner
10 - Turbocharger
a o Removing and installing +
page 21-12
o Boost pressure, checking
page 21-18 =
I 1 1 - Turbocharger wastegate
o lntegral part of turbocharger
cannot be replaced separately
o Hoses and lines, connecting
page 21-11 =
12 - Ot return line
o To cylinder block

13 - Sealing rings
15 14 13 12 11 10 l-N2J-oo18-l o Always replace


74 -Banio bolt
r 30 Nm (22 ft lb)
15 -30 Nm (22ftlb)
19 16 - Front exhaust pipe
18. 17 - O'il supply line
6 . From oil filter bracket :+ page
18 - lntake air hose

1 2 19 - Mounting bracket
. Between exhaust pipe and ex-
2', I haust manifold

l.d 'l

16 7 15 14 13 12 11 10 fN21{o1B l
7+ Turbocharger system
components, removing and
installing (engine codes 12,
1 - Exhaust manifold
da--z 2 -35 Nm (26 ft lb)
o Always replace

\)QFr' r Coat threads and bolt head

sealing surfaces with high tem-
perature (2000" F) anti-seize
10 compound
28 11 3 - lntake manifold

el-d I 4 - From charge air cooler

27 5 - Hose
13 o Black
14 o To Diesel Direct Fuel Injection
22 (DFl) Engine Control Module
15 (ECM)-J248-
16 6 - Gasket
17 o Always replace
24 r Coating (beading)faces intake
7 -25 Nm (18 ft lb)
2372221201914 l-Nir--21-0006--l


12 8 - Gasket
4J o Note installation position
o lnstall using D6

11 - Circlip

h; 10
I 12 - Turbocharger wastegate

13 - Hose
Checking + page21-24
o Removing and installing
page 21-25

6- i
r Blue
9r 18
I I o To wastegate bypass regulator
valve -N75-
+ 23 I
12 r Connecting page21-11
27 7 i I
14 - Oil seal
14 r Always replace
26 15 - Banjo bolt
16 o 15 Nm (11ft lb)
17 16 - From air cleaner
17 - O-ring

237222120 19 14 l-N21{006l
18 o Replace if damaged
18 - 10 Nm (7 ft lbl
12 > 19 - Banjo bolt
4--./ r 30 Nm (22ftlbl
20 - Oi! return line
r To cylinder block
21 -30 Nm (22 ft lb)
22 - Gasket

r Always replace

u-9 23 - Retainer

24 - Hose
10 r Red
28 ! 11
t To wastegate bypass regulator
I valve -N75-
9r i 9 o Connecting
= page 21-11
+ 23
12 25 - Turbocharger
27 7 r Removing and installing +
I 13
page 21-14
14 r Boost pressure, checking =+
15 page 21-20
16 26 - To charge air cooler
17 27 -Fronl exhaust pipe
28 - Oil supply line
18 r From oil filter bracket

23 7 22 21 20 '.19 14 TN2t-ooo6 l
29 - Heat shield


1234 7
Turbocharger cooling system
components, removing and
installing (engine codes 12,
) Notes:
o All hose connections secured by
I\p 8
t Charge air system must be free of
1 - Rubber mounting
2 - Spacer

10 5 - Connecting pipe
r Between charge air cooler and
6 - O-ring
11 r Replace if damaged

3 7 - Retaining clip

8 - lntake Air Temperature (lATl sen-

sor -G72-
f N2J-io1o I

34567 9 - Connecting pipe
r Between charge air cooler and
intake manifold

rl )
10 - Charge air cooler

11 - Air ducting
tsoN -'ifs 12 - Retainers


\ \\ ,.sFFJPr\''r'-.--
i \-2-j\\\-- ,-1
K-, 10
..'\ fQ 1


\_3 2-
\_fvf)*-,N. - 11
r-------3 €)
]_P Kryr. ',-g
fM1-oo1o l

Rules of cleanliness

Whenever working on turbocharger systems, carefully ob-
serue the following rules of cleanliness.

1 -Thoroughlyclean fuel system line and hose connections and

the surrounding area before disconnecting.
2 - Place removed components on a clean surface and cover.
Use plastic sheeting or paper. Do not use fluffy rags that could
leave lintl

3-Carefully cover over or seal any components that have been

opened if repairs are not carried out immediately.
4 - lnstall only clean parts:

Do not remove replacement parts from the packaging until

immediately before they are to be installed. Do not use parts
that have been stored without packaging (e.9. in toolboxes,

5 - When the fuel system is opened:

Avoid working with compressed air whenever possible.

Avoid moving the vehicle if possible.
6 - Make sure that Diesel fuel does not run onto coolant hoses.

Affected hoses must be cleaned immediately.

Contaminated hoses must be replaced.
Turbocharger hoses and lines, connecting
Engine code AAZ
1 - Two-way valve
2 -To vacuum PumP
3 3 - Turbocharger (KKK)
4 - Wastegate
5 - Turbocharger (Garrett)
6 - Wastegate

Engine codes 12, AHU

1 - lntake air hose
2 - Hose, black
3 - Wastegate bypass regulator valve -N75-
4 - Wastegate
5 - Hose, blue
6 - Turbocharger
7 - Hose, red


Turbocharger, removing and installing (engine

code AAZI
Engine codes 12, AHU, turbocharger removing and installing.
=+page 21-14

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items

t 3205 swivel wrench

r VAG1331 torque wrench, 5 to 50 Nm

r High temperature (2000" F) anti-seize compound

- Switch ignition off.

Before disconnecting the battery, determine the correct
coding for the anti-theft radio.

Disconnect battery Ground strap.

Remove hoses between intake manifold to turbocharger and

turbocharger to air cleaner.
Disconnect oil supply line from turbocharger and mounting
clip from intake manifold.
Disconnect oil return line at turbocharger.

- Disconnect exhaust pipe from turbocharger and exhaust
manifold support.

and exhaust manifold (using either box wrench or 3205 swiv-

el wrench).

When installing observe the following:
lnstall turbocharger and tighten exhaust pipe mounting nuts
so that turbocharger can still be moved slightly.

lnstall 3 mounting bolts and tighten fully, then tighten ex-

haust pipe nuts.

Before attaching oil supply line, fillturbocharger connections

with engine oil.

After installing the turbocharger, let engine idle for approx.
1 minute. DO NOT rev-up the engine at first! (This ensures
that the turbocharger is properly lubricated.)


Turbocharger, removing and installing (engine

codes 12, AHUI
Engine code AAZ, turbocharger removing and installing
+ page 21-12

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items

r VAG1331 torque wrench, 5 to 50 Nm

r High temperature (2000" F) anti-seize compound


- Switch ignition off.

- Disconnect battery Ground strap.

Before disconnecting the halterg determine the correct
coding for the anti-theft radio.

Remove hoses between intake manifold to turbocharger -1-

and turbocharger to air cleaner -2-.

Remove red hose (or remove banjo bolt) for wastegate by-
pass regulator valve -N75- on turbocharger.

Disconnect exhaust pipe from turbocharger.

Disconnect oil supply line from turbocharger and mounting
clip from intake manifold.
Remove turbocharger to engine support.

Disconnect oil return line at turbocharger.

Remove nut -1- from below and bolts -2- from above.

Lift turbocharger out and upward.

Disconnect blue hose from wastegate.


lnstalling (engine codes 12, AHU)

- lnstall blue wastegate hose on turbocharger and secure with


- Grease threads of mounting bolts -2- and head contacting

surfaces with high temperature (2000" F) anti-seize com-

- lnstallturbocharger on exhaust manifold and tighten mount-

ing bolts -2- finger-tight.

- Install mounting nut -1- and tighten.

Tightening torque: 20 Nm (15 ft lb)

- lighten mounting bolts -2-.

Tghtening torque: 35 Nm (26 ft lb)

- lnstall turbocharger to cylinder head support.

Tightening torque: 25 Nm (18 ft lb)

- lnstall oil return pipe with new seal and tighten.

Tightening torque: 30 Nm l22ftlbl
- lnstall front exhaust pipe with new gasket onto flange and
Tightening torque: 25 Nm (18 h lb).

- Fill turbocharger with engine oil via oil supply connection.

- lnstall oil supply line.
Tightening torque: 25 Nm (18 ft lb)

- Tighten oil supply line support to: 10 Nm (7 ft lb).

- lnstall red hose for wastegate bypass regulator valve -N75-
on turbocharger and secure with clamp (or banjo bolt with
new seal) and tighten.

Tightening torque: 15 Nm (11 ft lb)

- lnstall O-ring onto intake pipe. then install pipe to turbochar-

ger and tighten.

Tightening torque: 10 Nm (7 ft lb)

- lnstall pressure line.

After installing the turbocharger, let engine idle for approx.
1 minute. DO NOT rev-up the engine at first! (This ensures
that the turbocharger is properly lubricated.)


Turbocharger, checking (engine code AAZI

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items

r VAG 1 3974 turbocharger tester

Checking conditions

The turbocharger and wastegate are an assembly. A faulty

turbocharger must be replaced because it is not possible to re-
pair using workshop equipment.

Requirements for proper turbocharger operation and achiev-

ing specified boost pressure:
o No leaks from intake and exhaust systems
. Wastegate control line is not blocked, loose or leaking
o No engine or fuel injection mechanical malfunctions, e.g.
start of injection, fuel injectors and compression pressure

o Engine oil temperature 80oC (176"F) minimum

Test sequence

- Measure boost pressure under full load, while driving on


Test duration per measurement: 10 seconds maximum

- Disconnect hose (at one end) running between intake man-

V.A.G 1397A ifold -1- and Diesel injection pump -2-.
- Using tee, connect VAG1397A turbocharger tester.

t To operate the VAG1397A turbocharger tester see manufac-
tu re rs ope rati n g i n structio n s.
t lf boost pressure is being measured while driving, a second
person must be used to read and operate the turbocharger
o Make sure that the pressure hose is not trapped between the
hood and the body.

- Measure boost pressure at wide open throttle.

While driving on an open road:

o ln 2nd gear (manual) or with transmission range selector

lever in position 1 (automatic)

o While simultaneously applying brakes to maintain approx.

37 MPH (60 kph).

Specification: 0.60 to 0.83 bar (relative pressure)

lf specification not obtained:

- Replace turbocharger.

lfthe boost pressure istoo high and if the wastegate control line
is not blocked, loose or leaking:

- Replace turbocharger (wastegate is faulty and unit can only

be replaced as an assembly).


Turbocharger, checking (engine codes 12, AHUI

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items

r VAG13974 turbocharger tester

Ghecking conditions
o No malfunctions stored in Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)
+ Engine codes 12, AHU: 7.9 Liter TDI OBD ll, Direct Fuel lnjec-
tion & Glow Plug System, Repair Group 01

o Perform output Diagnostic Test Mode (DTM)

+ Engine codes 12, AHU: 1.9 LiterTDl OBD ll, Direct Fuel lnjec-
tion & Glow Plug System, Repair Group 01

o No leaks from intake and exhaust systems

o Wastegate control line is not blocked, loose or leaking

a No engine or fuel injection mechanical malfunctions, e.g.

start of injection, fuel injectors and compression pressure
o Engine oil temperature 80'C (176"F) minimum

. Measure boost pressure under full load, while driving on

open road.

o Duration of test per measurement: 10 seconds maximum

Disconnect harness connector -2- from wastegate bypass
regulator valve -1- (-N75-).
Reconnect -N75- after check.

- Disconnect connecting hose running between intake man-

ifold and Diesel Direct Fuel lnjection (DFl) Engine Control
Module (ECM)-J248-.

- Using tee, connect VAGl39TAturbochargertester and select

measuring range ll.

t To operate the VAG1397A turbocharger tester see manufac-
rs o pe rati n g i n structi o n s.
tu re
t Make sure that all of the hoses are connected so there is no
possi bi I ity of leakage.
t lf boost is being measured while driving, a second person
must be used to read and operate turbocharger tester.
o Make sure that the pressure hose is not trapped between the
hood and the body.

- Measure boost pressure at wide open throttle.

While driving on an open road:

o ln 2nd gear (manual) or with transmission range selector
lever in position 1 (automatic)
o Under acceleration at wide open throttle while watching
the tachometer

Do not apply the brakes while taking boost measurements (un-
less of course it becomes necessary). The engine control mod-
ule responds to braking by reducing fuel quantity; which can
lead to incorrect boost measurements.

- Press "M" button (memory) on VAGl39TAturbochargertes-

ter when engine speed falls between 3500 and 4000 RPM,
then read out boost values.

Specification: 0.50 to 0.65 bar (relative pressure)

lf specified boost pressure NOT obtained:

- Checkwastegate bypass regulatorvalveand replace if neces-


- Repeat boost pressure check.

lf specified boost pressure still NOT obtained:

- Replace turbocharger.

lf boost pressure is exceeded:

- Check wastegate bypass regulator valve -N75-.

Flow between turbocharger and valve to wastegate should

not be blocked when connector is disconnected.

- Make sure that turbocharger wastegate valve is securely

mounted on turbocharger.

- Check wastegate and operating rod, replace if necessary.

- Check wastegate shaft mounting in turbocharger for ease of

movement. lf corroded together; replace turbocharger.


Wastegate, checking (engine codes 12, AHU)

Check conditions
. Engine oil temperature: 80o C (176'F) minimum

Test sequence

regulator valve -1- (-N75-).

ing throttle.
. Wastegate operating rod -2- must move

lf operating rod does not move:

- Check wastegate lever -1- for ease of movement, if corroded

together; replace turbocharger.
lf the operating rod does not move, even though the lever is
free to move:

- Replace wastegate -3-.

Wastegate, removing and installing (engine
codes 12, AHUI
Special tools, testers and auxiliary items

VAG1331 torque wrench 5 to 50 Nm


- Remove turbocharger.
+ page 21-14
- Unclip mounting clip -4-.

- Remove mounting bolts -2-.

- Remove wastegate -6-.


- lnstall wastegate -6- on turbocharger and tighten.

Tightening torque: 10 Nm (7 ft lb)

- lnstall mounting bolts -2- using D6.

- Loosen lock nut -1- and operating rod -3-.

- Swing wastegate lever -5- toward turbocharger to stop, and



- Adjust length of rod -3- so that rod eye will install easily on
lever pin -5- (lever lies against stop with no play).

- Shorten operating rod 8 full turns from this position.

- Tighten lock nut -1-.

- Attach operating rod onto lever and install mounting clip -4-.

- Re-install turbocharger.
+ page 21-14

Exhaust system components, servicing
Front exhaust pipe and Oxidation Gatalytic converter (OCl
r Engine code AAZ
= page 26-2

o Engine codes 12 and AHU page 26-3

Mufflers and attachments
o Engine code AAZ =+ page 26-5

r Engine codes 12 and AHU + page 26-9

Removing and installing exhaust manifold + page21-2 (engine

code AAZ) or page 21-5 (engine codes 12, AHU).

Do not re-use any fasteners that are worn or deformed in
normal use. Some fasteners are designed to be used only
once, and are unreliable and may tail if used a second time.
This includes, but is not limited to, nuts, bolts, washers, cir-
clips and cotter pins. Alwaysfollow the recommendations
in this manual-replace these fasteners with new parts
where indicated, and any othertime it is deemed necessary
hy inspection.

After exhaust system repairs, make sure that the system is
mounted without stress or preload, and that there is sufficient
clearance between the system and the body. lf necessary, loos-
en clamps and align mufflers and pipes to obtain sufficient
clearance to body and balanced loads at hangers.

Front exhaust pipe and

oxidation catalytic converter,
component layout (engine
code AAZI
1 - From turbocharger

2 - Gasket
r Always replace
3 -25 Nm (18 ft lbl
4 - Front exhaust pipe

5 - Sealing ring
r Replace if damaged

6 - Oxidation Catalytic converter

7 - To intermediate pipe
o + page 26-5, item 4

8 - Retainer
o Between exhaust pipe and ex-
haust manifold
Front exhaust pipe and
oxidation catalytic converter,
component layout (engine
codes 12, AHU)
1 - From turbocharger

2 - Flange gasket
o Always replace

3-25Nm (18ft!b)
4 - Exhaust pipe, front
5 - Temperature sensor I for catalyst
o Engine code 12 only
o 30 Nm l22ftlb)



6 - Temperature sensor ll for

catalyst -Gl32-
o Engine code 12 only
o 30 Nm l22ftlbl

7 - Oxidation Gatalytic converter

8 -To intermediate tube

9 - Mounting bracket


12 3
Mufflers and attachments,
removing and installing
ll^\ (engine code AAZI

\\@ Align exhaust system lengthwise to

maintain dimensions -a- and -b-.

1- From oxidation catalytic

2 -40 Nm (30 ft lb,

, h.'
3 - Double clamp

4 - lntermediate pipe

8-----4 5 - Clamp

6 - Console

7 - Mount

8 -25 Nm (18 ft Ib)

9 - Rear muffler

16 14 15 14 13 10 12 11 10


10 - Markings
o For clamp
o 3 places on circumference
o Clamp to marking (dimension
-a- of item -14) + page 26-7 s
11 - Separating point
o Allows replacement of center /
muffler only instead of replac-
ing center/rear muffler as an
o Marks appear 3 times on cir-
cumference of connecting pipe
o Center and rear mufflers are
one-piece welded assembly in
production. For repairs, center

and rear mufflers are supplied
individually and repair con-
necting pipe with two clamps
is supplied
Cut through connecting pipe
using body saw square to sep-
aration point

16 14 15 14 13 10 12 11 10
I N26: ool sl

12 3
1? B 12 - Separating point
r Allows replacement of rear

muffler only instead of center/
rear muffler as an assembly
I Marks appear 3 times on cir-

cumference of connecting pipe
t Center and rear mufflers are
one-piece welded assembly in
production. For repairs, center
and rear mufflers are supplied
7 individually and repair con-
I necting pipe with two clamps
is supplied
18 r Cut through connecting pipe
I using body saw square to sep-
aration point
,---+. 9
13 - Dimension -b-
8____+ r Approx. 10 mm (0.4 in.)
14 - Dimension -a-
5 o Approx. 5 mm (0.2 in.)
t&t 15 - Marking

o 3 places on circumference
r 6_l 16 - Marking
a 3 places on circumference
o S: Manual transmission
16 14 15 14 13 10 12 11 10 o A: Automatic transmission

l-N-26 - ooiEl


12 3
17 - Repair connecting pipe
o Repair piece for use when re-

placing single muffler

\b 18 - Center muffler



I Tl 1

16 14 15 14 13 10 12 11 10

12 3
Mufflers and attachments,
removing and installing
(engine codes 12, AHUI

Align exhaust system lengthwise to
maintain dimensions -a- and -b-.
1- From oxidation catalytic
7 converter
I (' 2 -40 Nm (30 ft lb)
8 3 - Double clamp
I 4 - lntermediate pipe

18 + 5 - Clamp
6 - Console

F-E-I 7 - Mount

I b\__l
8-25Nm (18ft1b)
9 - Rear muffler

16 14 15 14 13 10 12 11 10
l- N%-ooz I =S


12 3 5
10 - Marking
o For clamp
.-.1, o 3 places on circumference

o Clamp to marking (dimension


-a- of item -14-l + page 26-11 ?

6 s+
11 - Separating point
7 o Allows replacement of center
muffler only instead of replac-
ing center/rear muffler as an
7 assembly
8 o Marks appear 3 times on cir-
cumference of connecting pipe
7 t Center and rear mufflers are
I one-piece welded assembly in
production. For repairs, center
and rear mufflers are supplied
individually and repair con-
18 necting pipe with two clamps
17 is supplied
r Cut through connecting pipe
5 using body saw square to sep-
aration point
I -b\l
16 14 15 14 -_-l- 13 I

10 12 11 10

I M&ooZ-l
12 - Separating point
o Allows replacement of rear
muffler only instead of center/
rear muffler assembly
o Marks appear 3 times on cir-
cumference of connecting pipe
o Center and rear mufflers are
one-piece welded assembly in
production. For repairs, center
and rear mufflers are supplied
7 individually and repair con-
8 necting pipe with two clamps
is supplied
I 13 - Dimension -b-
r Approx. 10 mm (0.4 in.)
14 - Dimension -a-
18 r Approx. 5 mm (0.2 in.)
15 - Marking
5 r 3 places on circumference
16 - Marking
o 3 places on circumference
I S: Manual transmission
o A: Automatic transmission

16 14 15 14 13 10 12 11 10


2 5
17 -Connecting pipe
I Repair piece for use when re-

( (N-
placing single muffler

18 - Center muffler

I -' M1
I ]M

lB---__l re-E-l
lffil lE+l
16 14
15 14 13 10 12 11 10

Exhaust Gas Recirculation
(EGR) system, servicing
(engine code AAZI

EGR system, overview

Exhaust gas is removed from the ex-
haust manifold -1- and enters the in- 2
take manifold -3- via the EGR vacuum
regulator solenoid valve -2-.
Actuation is by vacuum from vacuum
pump -4- while control is provided by
the automatic glow time control
module -J179- (item -8-) via the two-
way valve for EGR -N161- (item -5-).

When engine is cold, under full load,

certain RPM ranges and at altitudes
above 3300 feet, the EGR is switched
off as follows:
r At temperatures below +50o C
(122F) and engine is cold, EGR is
switched off via sensor for engine
temperature -G27- (item -6).

o The EGB partthrottle switch -F166-

(item -7-) for EGR (on injection
pump) ensures that exhaust gas is
only recirculated during part
throttle operation.

o Engine speed limiting is affected by

automatic glow time control mod-
ule -J179- (item -8-) and Generator
terminal "W" (item -9-). When en-
gine speed exceeds 1200 RPM, <\
EGR is interrupted for 2 seconds.
When engine speed exceeds 3200
RPM, EGR is switched off.
. At altitudes over approx. 3300 feet,
-+' EGR is switched off by altitude
correction features in automatic
glow time control module -8-.

Y --

EGR system components,
removing and installing
Engine code AAZ

1 - lntake manifold

2 - EGR valve
r Flow diagram =+ page 26-13
r Checking + page 26-19

4 - Gasket
r Always replace
5 - Connecting pipe

6 - Gasket

o Always replace
o Restriction hole 9 mm
7 - Exhaust manifold


EGR system, checking

Engine code AAZ

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items

o VAG1527B voltage tester

r VW1594 connector test kit

r Wiring diagram
Test conditions

o Engine oil temperature 50o C 1122 F) minimum

Checking function

- Start engine and let idle.

r EGR valve diaphragm rod is pulled toward vacuum hose


r Diaphragm rod visible through opening (arrow) means ex-

haust gas is being supplied.

- Slowly increase engine speed, when engine speed exceeds

1200 RPM, EGR is interrupted for 2 seconds.

Diaphragm rod moves toward intake manifold for 2 seconds

then moves back toward vacuum connection

- Continue to raise engine speed until part throttle switch clo-

Diaphragm rod moves back toward intake manifold means

EGR is interrupted.

lf EGR does not work as described:

- Check activation as follows.

Checking astivation

- Switch ignition off.

- Disconnect 2-pin harness connector -2- from two-way valve

forEGR -N161- (item -1-).
- Connect VAG1527B voltage tester using jumper cables from
VW1594 connector test kit to connector terminals.

/ - Start engine and let idle.

o LED must light up

- Slowly increase engine speed.

. LED must go out for 2 seconds and then light up again

- Continue to increase engine speed until EGR part throttle

switch closes.
o LED must go out


lf control is OK:

- Check EGR two-way valve.

page 26-20
- Check EGR valve.
+ page 26-19

lf control is NOT OK:

- Check engine coolant temperature sensor.

+ page 26-21
- Check EGR part throttle switch.
+ page 26-23

lf no malfunction is detected for engine temperature sensor or

for EGR part throttle switch:

- Check wiring using E/ecfrical Wiring Diagrams, Trouble-

shooting & Component Locations binder, or replace auto-
matic glow time control module -J179-, if necessary.

EGR valve, checking
Engine code AAZ

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items

r US8026 hand vacuum pump

Test sequence

- Disconnect vacuum hose from exhaust gas recirculation


- Connect US8026 hand vacuum pump to EGR valve.

- Operate hand pump.

o The diaphragm rod must move toward vacuum connection.
Observe membrane rod through opening (arrow)

- Disconnect US8026 hand vacuum pump from EGR valve'

o Valve must clearly be heard to close (diaphragm rod moves
toward intake manifold)


EGR two-way valve, checking

Engine code AAZ

Test conditions
o Engine oil temperature 50. C (122 F) minimum

Test sequence

- Switch ignition on.

- Discon nect vacuum hose -5- from EGR two-way valve -N 1 61 -

(item -1-).

- Disconnect vacuum hose -3- from EGR two-way valve and

blow into hose.
o The EGR two way valve must allow air to pass to vacuum
pump connection (flow not blocked)

- Disconnect 2-pin harness connector -2- from EGR two-way

valve -1-.

- Blow again into vacuum hose -3-.

. The vacuum connection to vacuum pump must be closed
and outlet to outside (arrow) open

Engine coolant temperature sensor, checking
Engine code AAZ

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items

r Fluke 83 multimeter (or equivalent)

o VW1594 connector test kit

Test sequence

- Remove harness connectorfrom sensorfor engine tempera-

+ page 19-5, item 5.
ture -G27-

- Measure resistance between engine temperature sensor ter-

minals -1- and -3- using multimeter.



2 a00
- Compare reading with specifications (see illustration).
2 200
lf specification not obtained:
2 000

r&0 - Release coolant system pressure and replace engine temper-

1m0 ature sensor.
1 400

1 200







l% -Brol

EGR part throttle switch, checking and
Engine code AAZ
Special tools, testers and auxiliary items

o Fluke 83 multimeter (or equivalent)

o VWl594 connector test kit

r 12 mm hex drive and glow plug or equivalent spacer

Test sequence

throttle switch -F1 66-.

- Measure resistance between EGR part throttle switch termi-

nals using multimeter.

o Switch open (pump lever on idle speed stop): - C)

o Switch closed (pump lever toward WOT): 0 A



The EGR part throttle switch, switch points are set by the
manufacturer on a test stand and must not be altered.

Adjust new switches as follows:

glow plug between stop (arrow -1-) and lower edge of operat-
ing lever (arrow -2-).

- Press operating lever securely against glow plug (arrow -3-).

ln this position, adjust EGR part throttle switch by sliding unit
in elongated holes untilswitch point (switch clicks) is just be-
hind highest point on curved plate (arrow -4-).
The upper EGR part throttle switch cover is shown removed to
make the illustrated switch point more clear,

Gotfr/GTuJetiaylCabrio 1993 > 1.9L Dieset Generd, Engine

Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) system,

servicing (engine code 1Z)
t Functional control of Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) sys-
tem is performed by Diesel Direct Fuel lnjection (DFI) Engine
Control Module (ECM) -J248- via the EGR vacuum regulator
solenoid valve -N18-.
o Check EGR vacuum regulator solenoid valve -N18- using
Output Diagnostic Test Mode (DTM).
o The cone shaped plunger in the mechanical EGR valve en-
ables various cross sectional openings at different plunger
o Every conceivable valve position is possible via pulsed con-
s Always replace self-locking nuts.


EGR system components,

removing and installing
Engine code 1Z

1 - EGR valve
o Part of intake manifold assem-
bly, cannot be individually re-
r Checking + page26-27

2 - lntake manifold
o With integral EGR valve

4 - Exhaust manifold

5 - Gasket
r Always replace

6 - Connecting pipe
EGR valve, checking
Engine code 1Z

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items

o US8026 Hand vacuum pump

Test sequence

- Disconnect vacuum hose from EGR valve.

- Connect US8026 hand vacuum pump to EGR valve.

- Operate vacuum pump.

o The diaphragm rod must move toward vacuum connection.
Observe diaphragm rod via opening (arrow)

- Disconnect US8026 hand vacuum pump from EGR valve.

. Valve must audibly close (diaphragm rod moves toward in-
take manifold)


Vacuum hose, connections

Engine code 1Z

1 - EGR vacuum regulator solenoid

valve -Nl8-

2 - EGR valve

3 - Brake servo

4 - Check-valve

5 - Air Cleaner (ACL)

l- N26-0024 I

/Cabrio i99g > 1.9L Diesel Genera!, Engine
Exhaust Gas Recirculation
(EGRI system, servicing
(engine code AHUI

I - EGR valve
r Checking + page 26-31
12 o Checking triggering + Repair
Manual, 1.9 Liter TDI OBD ll,
3 Direct Fuel lnjection & Glow
Plug System, Repair Group 01
2 - lntake manifold

4 - Connecting pipe

3 Note:
4 When installing, tighten all bolts fin-
ger tight (parts free to move slightlV)
5 then tighten free of stress.

4|- e



5 - Gasket
o Always replace

6 - EGR cooler

13 7-10Nm(7ft!b)
12 8 -To heater core

3 9 - From cylinder head

11 10 - Exhaust manifold

11 - To overflow reservoir

12 - Flange gasket
r Always replace
3 13 - From charge air cooler

105 9 I 7 6

EGR valve, checking
Engine code AHU

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items

r US8026 Hand vacuum pump

Test sequence

- Remove connecting pipe between intake pipe and charge air


- Disconnect vacuum hose from EGR valve (in intake man-


- Connect US8026 hand vacuum pump to EGR valve.

- Operate vacuum pump.

o The valve plate must lift from valve seat (observe membrane
cam via intake opening).

- Disconnect US8026 hand vacuum pump from EGR valve.

o Valve must audibly close (valve plate must position itself
again on valve seat)


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