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5A Distributed Busbar Protection REB500

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Substation Automation Products

Distributed busbar protection REB500

Optimized protection for Power system security ensured

your switchyard

REB500 IEDs provide reliable and proven busbar The IEC 61850 enabled REB500 IED is designed to support Stable and secure Distributed installation
protection for different switchyard configurations. different protection philosophies. You can create a distributed REB500 detects all bus faults and feeder faults in solidly and low- REB500 busbar protection can be installed distributed, which
Additionally, by integrating a versatile selection of protection solution by assigning bay units into dedicated bay cubi- impedance earthed power systems. It also detects all types of means that the busbar protection functionality is divided into sev-
protection functions, REB500 IEDs protect the complete cles. In this distributed solution, the bay protection is assigned to phase faults in isolated and compensated power systems. eral IEDs placed in bay-specific cubicles. These cubicles can be
bay. This allows you to achieve optimized protection for separate bay units. Alternatively, you can integrate all necessary located close to the primary process. The IEDs exchange informa-
your switchyard. Furthermore, REB500 is adaptable and functionality into one cubicle. REB500 busbar protection detects and operates selectively for all tion using a fiber-optic communication link. Due to the short
scalable to your changing needs during the whole life faults in the protected zone. At the same time it maintains com- distance between IEDs in bay-specific cubicles and the primary
cycle of your installation. The versatile hardware and distributed functionality of REB500 plete stability for faults outside the protected zone. process, the length of cables can be significantly reduced. This in
IEDs allows for application in all types of switchyard configurations turn simplifies maintenance and testing.
such as single busbar, double and triple busbar including transfer The integrated overall check zone feature is independent of isola-
bus, quadruple and 1½-breaker schemes. tors’ indications. This feature enables REB500 to remain stable in
case the busbar replica is not valid.

REB500 is capable of protecting busbars in all circumstances.

REB500 features a unique signal prolongation which enables con-
tinuous measurement and ensures correct operation of the busbar
protection, even when the current transformers are heavily satu-
rated during external faults. Two independent algorithms, stabilized
differential current and directional current comparison, are utilized.
This ensures correct operation of the busbar protection instead of
blocking the protection function and leaving the busbar

Additionally, REB500 maximizes the protected area within the

substation in case the retrieved process data is not valid.

Versatile protection application capabilities

In addition to low-impedance busbar differential protection,
REB500 integrates a comprehensive back-up protection function-
ality as well as station protection as an option.

Back-up protection includes both breaker failure and end-fault

protection, which reduces the required wiring in the cubicle. Fur-
thermore, less cabling is needed in the substation.

Station protection offers line distance protection and protection for

2- or 3-winding transformers integrated in bay units. Combined
with busbar differential protection, a complete protection system
can be built using one central unit and one or several bay units.
The five zone line distance protection for phase-to-phase and
phase-to-earth faults enables protection of different overhead line
and cable applications using different system earthing principles.

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Adaptable throughout installation life cycle

REB500 configuration process

Create Configuration File
Define Functional Scope Select Bay Models Run HW wizard Verification

The workflow to create a typical configuration consists of four steps.

Easy access to substation information tion REB500 throughout its life cycle. The Online Help function tion with station protection capabilities. Being IEC 61850-enabled, influence. Furthermore, extensions and maintenance of substa-
REB500 IEDs gather vital process information and make it easily adds to user comfort. The tool allows you to configure and set REB500 communicates over IEC 61850-8-1 and seamlessly inter- tions can be completed more efficiently as fiber optic cables are
available for the user. For instance, disturbance information from parameters for the complete station protection system. operates with Relion IEDs in an IEC 61850-based system. used instead of copper wires.
each bay is available with a sampling rate of up to 2400 Hz. The
information can be accessed via the local HMI of any of the The two variants of the tool have been optimized to provide the Improved communication 670 series IEDs allow you to mix conventional wiring and fiber
REB500 IEDs in the protection system. Through REB500 IEDs, functionalities needed for different purposes. HMI500 Operation Relion® 670 series IEDs support IEC 62439 standard redundant- optic communication with IEC 61850-9-2 LE in a REB500
process data can be made available, for example, for substation offers a wide range of functionalities, such as setting and retrieving communications on the station bus as per the IEC 61850 protection system. This way you can shift step by step from
automation systems over IEC 61850-8-1 to necessary actions. parameters, event and disturbance handling, documentation of standard. The solution from ABB utilizes the IEC 62439-3 stan- conventional wiring for analog data to fiber-optic-based
the configuration, and maintenance and testing of REB500. Pass- dardized Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP). PRP improves the communication for synchronized sampled measured values.
Process data can also be accessed by connecting a PC to the word-based user management prevents access by unauthorized reliability of the communication system, and features a unique
IED using the HMI500 tool, or using a standard internet browser persons. capability of zero seconds’ recovery time in case of communica- Feature summary HMI500
to read data available in the REB500 IED. tion failures. This means that, if one link fails, the other link
HMI500 Configurator offers functionality to fully configure the instantaneously takes over the communication. There will be Features Operator Configurator
Adaptable to changing needs entire busbar protection application with REB500. The HMI500 no interruption in communication and no data will be lost. Event monitoring •
REB500 adapts to changing needs throughout the life cycle of the Configurator tool utilizes a bay model catalogue. The catalogue Disturbance handling •
substation. The scheme of the protection system can easily be consists of pre-configured bay models which allow you to maxi- The supervision of communication links provides real-time status Read and write set file •
adapted according to changes in the substation by adjusting the mize the working efficiency with the REB500 IED and the information about both communication links individually. If a fail- Online test •
parameters in the IEDs. As REB500 uses the low-impedance prin- complete busbar protection system. The bay models are available ure occurs, an alarm is sent to the IED HMI and the substation Online monitoring •
ciple, no additional interposing CTs are required. Functionality of for the most common busbar layouts such as single, double bus- automation system. This also allows for maintenance of the sta- Parameter setting • •
the IEDs can also be upgraded without the need to change bar with and without transfer bus as well as for triple busbar. The tion bus while it is in operation. Thus, redundant communication
Signal matrix • •
hardware. sophisticated compare configuration function provides detailed further improves personnel safety and ensures that the necessary
Substation automation communication • •
information about differences and changes made. information about the system is available for operators in all
Reports • •
REB500 also offers flexible solutions at system extension. With its situations.
Create application configuration •
capacity of up to 60 feeders and up to 32 busbar zones, the The HMI500 tool enables you to also create configurations based
Import bay model •
REB500 busbar protection system can grow according to your on the bay models. Furthermore shifting of bays or swapping the Relion 670 series IEDs can also support synchronized sampled-
Adapt application configuration •
needs. Using the bay models from the bay model catalogue of the CT and breaker in couplers in existing configurations is supported. measured value communication over the process bus using IEC
Customize bay model •
HMI500 tool as a base simplifies extension of the system. 61850-9-2 LE which replaces conventional wiring between the
IEC 61850-enabled process and the secondary system. This enables new design of
The HMI500 tool offers a comprehensive and easy-to-use REB500 supports ABB’s Relion® protection and control product substations. For example, utilization of sensor technology elimi-
graphical user interface for handling the distributed busbar protec- family by offering a reliable solution for distributed busbar protec- nates problems caused by, for instance, CT saturation and EMC

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Application examples

Single busbar

REB500 provides complete protection for

a single busbar arrangement, and for a
mixed mode configuration with conven-
REB500 Technology summary:
tional and non-conventional transformers.
The mixed mode applies to all applica-

Main features Control

1 ½ breaker system • Low-impedance busbar protection • Auto-recloser
• High functional reliability with • Synchrocheck
- stabilized differential current
- directional current comparison
• Binary logic and timer in the bay unit
• Low CT performance requirements
• High through-fault stability even in case of CT saturation Monitoring
• Neutral current measurement for impedance-grounded networks • Event recorder with a sampling rate of 1 ms
• No switching of CT circuits • Fault recorder with a sampling rate of 2400 Hz
• Flexible solutions at system extension
• Extensive self-supervision
• Output of relevant analogue measured (current, voltage,
• Web server
differential current)
• Access to station monitoring data via standard internet browser:
• Currents in all bays, busbar through-going currents
events, single line diagram, differential currents and primary values
• User management and authority handling Communication
REB500 provides complete protection for • IEC 60870-5-103
a 1 ½ breaker system. • Distributed protection solution with IEDs close to the feeders, with • IEC 61850-8-1
short connections to CTs, isolators, circuit breakers, etc. • IEC 61850-9-2 LE Process bus
• Centralized protection solution with IEDs in one cubicle
Double busbar • Individually supervised redundant station bus with zero
• Fiber-optic connections between central unit and bay unit IED seconds’ recovery time
• Interference-proof data transfer with up to 1200 m length
• Up to 60 feeders (bay units) • HMI500 Operator
• 32 busbar zones • HMI500 Configurator

Most important back-up protection functions Hardware

• Breaker-failure protection • 1 and 5 A rated currents transformers
• End fault protection • Supply voltages between 48 V DC and 250 V DC
• Definite time overcurrent protection • Nominal frequencies of 50, 60 and 16.7 Hz
• Breaker-pole discrepancy • Redundant power supply
• Current release criteria
REB500 provides complete protection for • Voltage release criteria
a double busbar arrangement. • Breaker-pole discrepancy
• Phase and ground overcurrent
Triple busbar • Directional sensitive earth fault

Most important station protection functions

• Distance protection
• Power swing protection
• Teleprotection
• Transformer differential protection for 2- and 3 winding
• Thermal overload
• Peak value Over/Undercurrent
• Peak value Over/Undervoltage
• Power protection
• Frequency protection
REB500 provides complete protection for
a triple busbar arrangement.

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Contact us


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Substation Automation Products
SE-721 59 Västerås, Sweden
Tel. +46 21 32 50 00
Fax +46 21 14 69 18


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