Aeration Lores
Aeration Lores
Aeration Lores
•• Self-Aspirating and Blower-Assisted models available •• Available from 2 to •• Ideal for highly
•• All stainless steel construction, grease lubricated 150HP (1.5 to 112 kW) loaded basins,
bearings, and solid shaft results in vibration-free design •• Intense air-to-water oxidation ditches,
•• Ideal for activated sludge basins, sludge holding tanks, mixing for high oxygen
leachate treatment
and activated sludge
oxidation ditches, lagoons, ice control, and post
aeration applications •• Wear resistant and applications
durable construction
•• All stainless steel construction just below the surface •• Used in industrial
•• Perfect for activated sludge basins, aerobic
digesters, aerated grit chambers, sludge storage
for high basin mixing
applications for
wastewater treatment
tanks, basin channels, and post-aeration basins
1 763-746-9288
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