Centrifugal Compressor Polytropic Performance-Improved Rapid Calculation Results-Cubic Polynomial Methods
Centrifugal Compressor Polytropic Performance-Improved Rapid Calculation Results-Cubic Polynomial Methods
Centrifugal Compressor Polytropic Performance-Improved Rapid Calculation Results-Cubic Polynomial Methods
Propulsion and Power
Centrifugal Compressor Polytropic Performance—Improved
Rapid Calculation Results—Cubic Polynomial Methods
Matt Taher 1, * and Fred Evans 2
1 Principal Engineer, LNG Technology Center, Bechtel Energy, Houston, TX 77056, USA
2 Independent Researcher, Canyon Lake, TX 78133, USA; bfred614@gvtc.com
* Correspondence: mtaherim@bechtel.com or mtaher@ASME.org
Abstract: This paper presents a new improved approach to calculation of polytropic performance
of centrifugal compressors. This rapid solution technique is based upon a constant efficiency,
temperature-entropy polytropic path represented by cubic polynomials. New thermodynamic
path slope constraints have been developed that yield highly accurate results while requiring fewer
computing resources and reducing computing elapsed time. Applying this thermodynamically
sound cubic polynomial model would improve accuracy and shorten compressor performance test
duration at a vendor’s shop. A broad range of example case results verify the accuracy and ease
of use of the method. The example cases confirm the cubic polynomial methods result in lower
calculation uncertainty than other methods.
Keywords: polytropic process; compressor performance test; ASME PTC-10; piecewise cubic polyno-
mial approximation; real gas; temperature-entropy; polytropic path
known fluid composition, total pressures and total temperatures. These guiding principles
align the TE-CP calculation method with requirements of the ASME PTC-10 [4].
Figure Polytropiccompression
compression path
path on
on the
the h-s
Since the polytropic process is defined as𝑣𝑑𝑝 a reversible process, the degraded energy
𝜂 = R2
can be represented by heat, which is equal to𝑑ℎ1 Tds. The polytropic work, w p , as the
measure of useful
Since compression
the polytropic processwork, is theas
is defined difference between
a reversible the
process, total
the enthalpy
degraded change
energy can
and the area under the polytropic path on the T-s diagram between inlet and discharge, as
be represented by heat, which is equal to 𝑇𝑑𝑠. The polytropic work, 𝑤 , as the measure of
illustrated in Figure 2. Substituting Equation (1) into Equation (2) yields a convenient form
useful compression work, is the difference between the total enthalpy change and the area
for compressor polytropic efficiency shown in Equation (3).
under the polytropic path on the T-s diagram between inlet and discharge, as illustrated in
Figure 2. Substituting Equation (1) into EquationTds (2) yields a convenient form for compressor
polytropic efficiency shown in Equation = 1−
η p (3). (3)
The compressor polytropic efficiency 𝑇𝑑𝑠 deviates from unity (η p < 1) for an
𝜂 = always
1− (3)
uncooled compressor section (Tds > 0). 𝑑ℎ
The shape of the polytropic path on the T-s diagram, which illustrates the gas behavior
The compressor polytropic efficiency always deviates from unity (𝜂 < 1) for an un-
as temperature and entropy increase during the compression process, can significantly
cooled compressor section (𝑇𝑑𝑠 > 0). R
influence the value of degraded energy, Tds. Additionally, the use of different equations
The shape of the polytropic path on the T-s diagram, which illustrates the gas behavior
of state to predict thermodynamic conditions along the polytropic compression path can
as temperature and entropy increase during the compression process, can significantly influ-
greatly influence
ence the value of the results,energy,
degraded as illustrated by example cases
𝑇𝑑𝑠. Additionally, inofAppendix
the use D.
different equations of state
to predict thermodynamic conditions along the polytropic compression path can greatly in-
fluence the results, as illustrated by example cases in Appendix D.
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, 15 4 of 43
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 45
Figure Areaunder
degradationof ofenergy
compressionprocess. Additionally,
process. seesee
Additionally, Figure 10 10
Figure forfor
different possible
different curve
possible shapes
curve of the
shapes of the
polytropic pathbetween
The constant efficiency polytropic path
The constant efficiency polytropic path on the on the T-sT-s
diagram is a is
a continuousreal-valued
functionof ofentropy
definedon onaabounded interval [s𝑠1 , ,s𝑠2 ]. . This
bounded interval This actual
actual polytropic
polytropic pathpath can
can be approximated to a high degree of accuracy using a single polynomial
be approximated to a high degree of accuracy using a single polynomial or a series of sequen- or a series
piecewise piecewise
segmentsegment polynomials.
polynomials. The concept
The concept is to accurately
is to accurately estimate estimate
the actualthe un-
actual unknown temperature function, T(s), by an approximating
known temperature function, T(s), by an approximating function that is simple but function that is simple
R 2 accurate
but accurate enough (i.e., within acceptably small error
enough (i.e., within acceptably small error tolerances) to calculate tolerances) to 𝑇𝑑𝑠, which 1isTds,
calculate the de-
which is the degraded part of energy transfer in the polytropic compression process.
graded part of energy transfer in the polytropic compression process. Taher [1], documented
Taher [1], documented the mathematics of applying sequential piecewise cubic polynomials
the mathematics of applying sequential piecewise cubic polynomials to approximate a con-
to approximate a constant efficiency temperature-entropy polytropic path.
stant efficiency temperature-entropy polytropic path.
The temperature-entropy relationship along the polytropic path can be approximated
The temperature-entropy relationship along the polytropic path can be approximated
using a single polynomial for the entire range from inlet to discharge. This is referred to as
using a single polynomial for the entire range from inlet to discharge. This is referred to as
an “Endpoint” method since the thermodynamic state variables at both compressor inlet
an “Endpoint” method since the thermodynamic state variables at both compressor inlet and
and discharge are required inputs and are known from testing. For some applications,
discharge are required inputs and are known from testing. For some applications, when a
when a single polynomial cannot provide sufficient accuracy, a series of sequential steps
or polynomial
segments cannot provide
of polynomials can besufficient
employed. accuracy, a series ofsections
The following sequential willsteps or segments
discuss and
of polynomials can be employed. The following sections will discuss and compare R2 first- and
compare first- and third-degree polynomial approximants as used to calculate 1 Tds. First
degree polynomial
polynomials approximants
are described as used
as using “steps” while third𝑇𝑑𝑠
to calculate . Firstpolynomials
degree degree polynomials
described as using “segments”. This distinction is due to the discontinuity of path slope“seg-
are described as using “steps” while third degree polynomials are described as using
change This distinction
linear steps whereasis duesequential
to the discontinuity
piecewise cubic of pathsegmentsslopepossess
changea for linear steps
whereas sequential piecewise cubic segments possess a continuous
slope change. It will be shown that this continuity of slope at the knots gives rise slope change. It will
to be
shown that this continuity of slope at the knots gives rise
increased accuracy while using fewer segments to achieve the desired accuracy. to increased accuracy while using
fewer segments to achieve the desired accuracy.
2.1. Temperature-Entropy Polytropic Path Approximation: Linear Polynomial Endpoint Method
2.1. ATemperature-Entropy
linear straight-line Polytropic
approximationPath Approximation:
between inlet and Linear Polynomial
discharge Endpoint
conditions hasMethod
used by Kent [10]
A linear and Sandberg
straight-line [23] to approximate
approximation the actual
between inlet polytopicconditions
and discharge path on thehasT-sbeen
used by Neither
Kent [10] Kentandnor Sandberg
Sandberg explicitly
[23] mentioned
to approximate theemploying a linear path
actual polytopic approxima-
on the T-s
tion for theNeither
diagram. polytropicKentpath
noron the T-s diagram,
Sandberg explicitlybut in fact a employing
mentioned straight-linea approximation of
linear approximation
temperature, T, as apath
for the polytropic function
on theofT-s
entropy, s, is but
diagram, usedinin their
fact linear approximation
a straight-line method.
approximation of tem-
Since pressure
perature, T, asand temperature
a function are known
of entropy, at both
s, is used endpoints,
in their all other thermodynamic
linear approximation method. Since
properties at inlet and discharge can be determined by an equation
pressure and temperature are known at both endpoints, all other thermodynamic of state. properties
at inlet (4) represents
and discharge can betemperature
determinedas bya an
function of entropy
equation of state. connecting compressor
section inlet and(4)
Equation discharge points
represents on a T-s diagram.
temperature The form
as a function of the function
of entropy connectingis acompressor
section line.
inlet and discharge points on a T-s diagram. The form of the function is a classic
straight line. 1 T (s) = ms + b (4)
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, 15 5 of 43
T (s1 ) = T1 (5)
( )
T (=s 𝑚𝑠
) =+T𝑏 (4)
2 2
The constraints applied to Equation (4) are shown in Equations (5) and (6).
Equations (7) and (8) show the analytically derived values for the slope and intercept
) = 𝑇 are constant and only dependent
of the straight-line approximant. These𝑇(𝑠values (5)upon the
thermodynamic parameters at the compression endpoints.
𝑇(𝑠 ) = 𝑇 (6)
T2 − T1 ∆T
Equations (7) and (8) show the analytically
m= derived
= values for the slope and intercept of (7)
s − s
2 constant
the straight-line approximant. These values are 1 ∆s
and only dependent upon the ther-
modynamic parameters at the compression endpoints.
s2 T1 − s1 T2
b=𝑇 − 𝑇s −∆𝑇 (8)
𝑚= 2 = s1 (7)
𝑠 −𝑠 ∆𝑠
Substituting Equations (7) and (8) into Equation (4) yields Equation (9), 1 T (s), which
is a first-degree polynomial that approximates 𝑠 𝑇 − 𝑠 the
𝑇 actual polytropic path T (s).
𝑏= (8)
𝑠 −𝑠
− T1 2 T1 − Equation
Substituting Equations ((7)
1) and (8) T2Equation
∼ into (4)syields s1 T2 ( )
(9), 𝑇(𝑠), which (9)
1 T (s) = s+
s2 − the
is a first-degree polynomial that approximates s2 − s1 path 𝑇(𝑠).
s1 actual polytropic
( ) 𝑇 −𝑇
The deviation of the approximated 𝑠 𝑇 − 𝑠from
temperature 𝑇 the actual temperature value
𝑇(𝑠) ≅ 𝑠+ (9)
𝑠 −𝑠 𝑠 −𝑠 (1)
using a linear approximant is represented by the error function 1 ErT ( S ) in Equation (10).
The deviation of the approximated temperature from the actual temperature value using
a linear approximant is represented (1) (1) ( )𝐸𝑟𝑇(𝑠) in Equation (10).
T (by
s) the
= error function
1 T ( s ) + 1 ErT ( s ) (10)
( ) ( )
𝑇(𝑠) = 𝑇(𝑠) + 𝐸𝑟𝑇(𝑠) (10)
As shown in Figure 3, temperature deviation varies along the polytropic path in the
As shown
interval [s1 , s2 ]infrom
inletvaries along the The
to discharge. polytropic
actual path in the path
interval 𝑠 , 𝑠 from the compressor section inlet to discharge. The actual polytropic path
may largely deviate from a straight line connecting the endpoints.
may largely deviate from a straight line connecting the endpoints.
Figure 3.
Figure 3. Temperature
deviationof of
linear approximant
linear fromfrom
approximant the actual polytropic
the actual path aspath
polytropic approx-
as approx-
imated with 10-segment piecewise cubic polynomials is shown. The highest temperature deviation is
imated with 10-segment piecewise cubic polynomials is shown. The highest temperature deviation is
4.276 K (1.0734% relative deviation), in the middle of the interval range (s = 3.409 kJ/kg-K). The error
4.276 K (1.0734%
in estimating relative deviation),
the degraded energy is in𝐸𝑟the
( )
𝑇𝐷𝑆middle of the
= 0.1054 interval
kJ/kg (0.698% range (s =deviation),
relative 3.409 kJ/kg-K).
which isThe error
(1) ( ) ( )
in estimatingbythe
represented thedegraded energy
area bounded ErTDS
is 1the
between = 0.1054
two curves 𝑇(𝑠) and
of kJ/kg (0.698%𝑇(𝑠).
relative deviation), which is
(1) (3)
represented by the area bounded between the two curves of 1 T (s) and 10 T ( s ).
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, 15 6 of 43
(1) R2
The term 1 ErTDS in Equation (11) shows the error in calculating 1 Tds using a
linear approximation for the temperature-entropy relationship between endpoints of the
polytropic compression path.
Z 2
( T1 + T2 ) (1)
Tds = (S2 − S1 ) + 1 ErTDS (11)
1 2
The 1 ErTDS error can only be estimated by comparing the result against a more
accurate approximation for the polytropic path. In this paper, a 10-segment cubic polyno-
mial method (i.e., using 10 T (s) approximants) is used as the basis of evaluation. (See
Appendix B for confirmation of the accuracy of the multi-segment cubic polynomial
method as applied with 10 segments).
Employing a straight line as the approximant to model the actual polytropic path on
the T-s diagram overly simplifies the actual compression path resulting in reduced accuracy
of the calculation for the 1 Tds and thus the resulting polytopic efficiency rendering the
polytropic work values less accurate. For example, as illustrated in Figure 3, a linear
approximation for the polytropic path on T-s diagram overestimates the degraded energy
(i.e., 1 ErTDS = 0.1054 kJ/kg) by the bounded area between the linear approximant and
the actual path as estimated with the cubic polynomial method. A linear approximant is
inherently limited to a fixed constant slope along the entire polytropic path. This is a major
factor in estimating the 1 Tds with large errors using a linear endpoint approximant.
T (s1 ) = T1 (13)
T (s2 ) = T2 (14)
T1 1 + η p X1
= E1 = (15)
ds η,1 C p1 1 − ηp
1 + η p X2
dT T
= E2 = 2 (16)
ds η,2 C p2 1 − ηp
Relationships (15) and (16) determine values of the slope of the temperature-entropy
curve at endpoints of the polytropic path. For details on how these equations are derived
from thermodynamic relationships, see Appendix A.
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, 15 7 of 43
Figure 4. Temperature deviation of the cubic polynomial endpoint method from the actual polytropic
path as approximated with 10-segment piecewise cubic polynomial approximants is shown. The
highest temperature deviation is 1.185 K (0.289% relative deviation), at s = 3.414 kJ/kg-K. The error
in estimating the degraded energy is 1 ErTDS = 0.0237 kJ/kg (0.157% relative deviation), which is
(3) (3)
represented by the area bounded between the two curves of 1 T (s) and 10 T ( s ).
Figure 4. Temperature deviation of the cubic polynomial endpoint method from the actual polytropic
path as approximated with 10-segment piecewise cubic polynomial approximants is shown. The high-
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, est temperature deviation is 1.185 K (0.289% relative deviation), at s = 3.414 kJ/kg·K. The error8 in
6, 15 esti-
of 43
( )
mating the degraded energy is 𝐸𝑟𝑇𝐷𝑆 = 0.0237 kJ/kg (0.157% relative deviation), which is repre-
( ) ( )
sented by the area bounded between the two curves of 𝑇(𝑠) 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑇(𝑠).
( ) s ), and cubic poly-
Figure 55 compares
compares the
the temperature
temperature deviation of the
deviation of linear, 1 T𝑇((𝑠),
the linear, and cubic polyno-
( )(3)
mial, 𝑇1(𝑠),
nomial, T (sendpoint
), endpoint approximants
approximants from
from thethe highly
highly accurate
accurate polytropic
polytropic path
path as as ap-
( ) (3)
mated with with
proximated a 10-segment piecewise
a 10-segment cubic
piecewise cubic polynomials, 𝑇10(𝑠),
polynomials, T (sfor thethe
), for high
pane casecase
propane withwith
the endpoint conditions
the endpoint shown
conditions on the
shown onfigure. The cubic
the figure. The polynomial endpoint
cubic polynomial
endpoint provides provides
approximant a maximum temperature
a maximum deviation
temperature that is less
deviation thatthan a third
is less than aofthird
that of
the linear endpoint approximant.
of that of the linear endpoint approximant.
Figure 5. Distribution
maximum error
maximum of cubic
error polynomial
of cubic end-
point approximant is less than one third of the linear endpoint approximation.
endpoint approximant is less than one third of the linear endpoint approximation.
equation of state as used for calculating expected performance is used when calculating
polytropic efficiency based on equipment test results.
Regardless of which calculation method is used, usually five significant digits can
well serve the purpose for any compressor performance evaluation. Accuracy of measured
inlet and discharge conditions as well as of the equation of state and test data used to
obtain thermodynamic properties for the calculation method may impose to reduce the
number of significant digits. The identification of significant digits is only possible through
knowledge of the circumstances [25]. However, in this paper, the intended precision
of polytropic efficiency is chosen as five significant digits in order to evaluate different
polytropic efficiency calculation methods.
A novel approach is used in this paper to differentiate between the actual polytropic
efficiency (for a fixed calculation method and EOS) from the calculated polytropic efficiency
by using an error function, Erη. This is believed to help clarify that regardless of the
calculation method, the actual polytropic efficiency, η p , can only be estimated with some
acceptable error, Erη, as compared to a more accurate reference method. In this paper, the
Taher–Evans Cubic Polynomial 10-segment method is used as the basis to compare the
accuracy of other methods.
1 T (s) = ms + b (24)
The degraded energy in the polytropic compression process, 1 Tds, is approximated
using the linear endpoint approximant 1 T ( s ):
Z 2 Z 2
(1) (1)
Tds = 1 T (s) ds + 1 ErTDS (25)
1 1
(1) R 2 (1)
By replacing 1 T (s) from (24) and analytically performing the integral 1 1 T ( s ) ds using
the relationship (9), the relationship (26) emerges:
Z 2
( T1 + T2 ) (1)
Tds = (s2 − s1 ) + 1 ErTDS (26)
1 2
Using the relationships (2) and (26), the polytopic efficiency, 1 η, as approximated
with the linear endpoint approximation method is developed as follows:
R 2 (1)
1 T ( s ) ds s2 − s1
(1) 1 T1 + T2
1η = 1− R2 = 1− (27)
h2 − h1 2
1 dh
The deviation of the approximated endpoint polytropic efficiency, 1 η, from the actual
polytropic efficiency, η p , using the linear endpoint approximant, 1 T ( s ), is represented by
the error function 1 Erη in Equation (28).
(1) (1)
ηp = 1η + 1 Erη (28)
A similar relationship to (27) for calculating the polytropic efficiency was suggested
by Stepanoff [26] in 1955.
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, 15 10 of 43
1 T (s) = As3 + Bs2 + Cs + D (29)
The degraded energy in the polytropic compression process, 1 Tds, can be approxi-
mated using the cubic polynomial endpoint approximant, 1 T ( s ):
Z 2 Z 2
(3) (3)
Tds = 1 T (s) ds + 1 ErTDS (30)
1 1
(3) R 2 (3)
By replacing 1 T (s) from (29) and analytically performing the integral, 1 1 T (s) ds,
using relationships (17)–(20), the relationship (31) emerges:
Z 2
( T1 + T2 ) ( E − E1 ) (3)
Tds = ( s2 − s1 ) − 2 (s2 − s1 )2 + 1 ErTDS (31)
1 2 12
Using the relationships (2) and (31), the polytopic efficiency, 1 η, as approximated
with the cubic polynomial endpoint approximation method is developed as follows:
R 2 (3)
1 T (s) ds s2 − s1 E2 − E1
(3) 1 T1 + T2
1η = 1− R2 = 1− − ( s2 − s1 ) (32)
h2 − h1 2 12
1 dh
Equation (32) can be solved recursively by assuming an initial value for the efficiency
to calculate endpoint slopes E1 and E2 , calculating the resulting efficiency from (32), and
minimizing the difference between assumed and calculated efficiency.
The deviation of the approximated endpoint polytropic efficiency, 1 η, from the actual
polytropic efficiency, η p , using Taher–Evans cubic polynomial endpoint approximant
(3) (3)
1 T ( s ), is represented by the error function 1 Erη in Equation (33).
(3) (3)
ηp = 1η + 1 Erη (33)
By comparing relationships (27) and (32) the efficiency deviation between the linear
and cubic polynomial endpoint methods can be developed as follows:
1 E2 − E1
(3) (1)
1 Erη − 1 Erη = − 12 h − h ( s2 − s1 )2 (34)
2 1
As shown by the relationship (34), the deviation linearly increases with the change of
slopes, ( E2 − E1 ), at endpoints. This analytical relationship conveniently provides a means
to evaluate accuracy of the linear methods as applied to endpoints.
Once the polytropic efficiency, 1 η is determined, coefficients A, B, C, and D are
calculated, and the polytopic path model on T-s and h-s diagrams can be graphically
represented using relationships (29) and (51).
Figure 6 compares the efficiency deviation of the linear endpoint and cubic polynomial
endpoint methods from the highly accurate 10-segment cubic polytropic efficiency, 10 η,
using different equations of state for the high pressure propane case with the condi-
tions shown on the figure. Evidently, the linear endpoint method involves significantly
larger deviations for the polytropic efficiency as compared with the cubic polynomial
endpoint method.
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, 15 11 of 43
( )
(1) 𝜂 , and cubic polynomial, ( )
efficiencyofof the
the linear,
(3) 𝜂,
Figure 1 η, and cubic polynomial, 1 η, ( )
endpoint methods from the highly accurate 10-segment cubic polynomials polytropic efficiency,
endpoint methods from the highly accurate 10-segment cubic polynomials polytropic efficiency, 10 η, ,
(3) 𝜂
as calculated using different equation of states.
as calculated using different equation of states.
3.3. PolytropicEfficiency
( )
approximant, 1𝑇T(𝑠),
illustrated inin Figures
Figures 33 and
and 6, (1)
As 6, the
the linear
linear approximant, (s),when
points may introduce large deviations from the actual T-s polytropic
endpoints may introduce large deviations from the actual T-s polytropic path resulting in path resulting in re-
( )(1)
duced accuracy
reduced accuracyfor forthe calculated
the calculated polytropic
polytropic efficiency, 𝜂1. η.
efficiency, ByBy
applying thethe
applying composite
compos- trap-
ezoidal rule, the integral 𝑇𝑑𝑠 Ris2approximated by employing piecewise
ite trapezoidal rule, the integral 1 Tds is approximated by employing piecewise linear linear polynomial
polynomial that cover the
approximants thatentire
coverpath in multiple
the entire path insteps with smaller
multiple subintervals
steps with 𝑠 ,𝑠
smaller subin- .
In the linear
tervals [si , si+1 ]. multi-step method, temperature deviation along the polytropic path re-
ducesIn as
thethe number
linear multi-step j, whichtemperature
of steps,method, approximatedeviation
the entropy interval
along 𝑠 , 𝑠 increases.
the polytropic path
reduces as the number of steps, j, which approximate the entropy interval [s1 , s2 ] increases.
( ) ( )
𝑇(𝑠) =j 𝑇 (𝑠) + 𝐸𝑟𝑇 (𝑠)
T (s) = ∑ j T i (s) + j ErTi (s)
(1) (1)
( )
i =1
where for the 𝑖th step, 𝑇 (𝑠) is defined in the sub-interval 𝑠 , 𝑠 .
where for the ith step, j T i (s) is defined in the sub-interval [si , si+1 ].
As shown in Figure 7, maximum temperature deviation along the polytropic path re-
shown in Figure
the number 7, maximum
of steps temperature
increases. deviation
As expected, along the polytropic
linear approximation path
involves larger
reduces as the number of steps increases. As expected, linear approximation
deviation as compared with cubic polynomial approximation for the same number of steps involves
larger deviation
or segments. Asas compared
reviewed with cubicC,
in Appendix polynomial
a maximum approximation for the samesegments
of five cubic polynomial number has
of steps or segments. As reviewed in Appendix C, a maximum of five cubic polynomial
been documented to provide sufficient accuracy for a broad range of example cases by Evans
segments has been documented to provide sufficient accuracy for a broad range of example
cases by Evans [3].
The degraded energy in the polytropic compression process, 𝑇𝑑𝑠 , is approximated
by dividing the path into j-steps and using a linear approximant for each step.
( ) ( )
𝑇𝑑𝑠 = 𝑇 (𝑠) 𝑑𝑠 + 𝐸𝑟 𝑇𝐷𝑆 (36)
( )
where 𝐸𝑟 𝑇𝐷𝑆 shows the error in approximating the integral, 𝑇(𝑠) 𝑑𝑠, by using the
( )
linear approximant 𝑇 (𝑠) in the subinterval 𝑠𝑖 , 𝑠𝑖+1 . By summing up errors of all j-steps,
the total error for approximating the integral 𝑇𝑑𝑠, with linear approximants using j-steps
is developed:
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, 15 12 of 43
The degraded energy in the polytropic compression process, 1 Tds , is approximated
by dividing the path into j-steps and using a linear approximant for each step.
Z 2 j Z i +1
(1) (1)
Tds = j T i (s) ds + j Eri TDS (36)
1 i =1 i
(1) R i +1
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021,where j Eri TDS
6, x FOR PEER shows the
REVIEW error in approximating the integral, T (s) ds, by using
12 of 45
the linear approximant j T i (s) in the subinterval [si , si+1 ]. By summing up errors of all
j-steps, the total error for approximating the integral 1 Tds, with linear approximants
using j-steps is developed:
( ) ( )
𝐸𝑟𝑇𝐷𝑆 = j 𝐸𝑟 𝑇𝐷𝑆 (37)
∑ j i
(1) (1)
j ErTDS = Er TDS (37)
i =1
Figure 7. Maximum
Maximum temperature
temperature deviation
Table A1
Table A1 in
in Appendix
Appendix BB for
for gas
gas compositions
By applying the
the relationship
compositetrapezoidal rule,
𝑇𝑑𝑠12, is
the integral,
rule, the integral, approximated
Tds, as follows:
is approximated as follows:
( Ti(+ ))
Z 2 𝑇𝑖 + 𝑇𝑖+1
Ti+ ( )
= =∑
Tds𝑇𝑑𝑠 1
(s(𝑠 + (1) 𝐸𝑟
1 −−s𝑠i )𝑖 ) +
i +𝑖+1 𝑇𝐷𝑆
1 2 2
i =1𝑖=1
( )
Using the
Using therelationships
relationships (2)(2)
andand (38),
(38), the the polytopic
efficiency, 𝜂 , is developed as fol-
j η, is developed as follows:
si+𝑠1 − s−i 𝑠 Ti𝑇+ 𝑖 +Ti𝑇+𝑖+1
(1) ( )
j η 𝜂
= =
1 −1 ∑ hi+ℎ1 − h−i ℎ
i =1
( )
The deviation
deviation ofofthe
approximatedpolytropic efficiency, 𝜂j η,
(1) , from the actual polytropic
The from the actual poly-
( )
efficiency, 𝜂 using linear approximants, 𝑇 ((𝑠), 1) at each step is represented by the error
tropic efficiency,
( )
η p using linear approximants, j T i (s), at each step is represented by the
function, 𝐸𝑟𝜂(1, )in Equation (40).
error function, j Erη, in Equation (40).
( ) ( )
𝜂 = 𝜂 + 𝐸𝑟𝜂 (40)
(1) (1)
η p = j η + j Erη (40)
Because the linear method ignores the change in slope and concavity along the compres-
sion path, a large number of steps are needed to achieve the desired accuracy. Sandberg [23]
provided no criteria to determine the required number of linear steps to approximate 𝑇𝑑𝑠.
The uncertainty about the required number of steps in the linear multi-step method could
possibly be overcome by applying a large number of linear steps (50 to 100+ steps) to ensure
sufficient accuracy. However, pre-selecting 50 or 100+ linear polynomial steps has been
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, 15 13 of 43
Because the linear method ignores the change in slope and concavity along the com-
pression path, a large number of steps are needed to achieve the desired accuracy. Sand-
berg [23] provided no criteria to determine the required number of linear steps to approxi-
mate 1 Tds. The uncertainty about the required number of steps in the linear multi-step
method could possibly be overcome by applying a large number of linear steps (50 to 100+
steps) to ensure sufficient accuracy. However, pre-selecting 50 or 100+ linear polynomial
steps has been shown to be inefficient, (see Figure 11). Utilizing a large number of linear
steps significantly increases the calculation time due to the required nested iteration loops.
Figure A3b documents a comparison of elapsed time measurements for the supercritical
propane example case.
(3) (3)
T (s) = j T i ( s ) + j ErTi ( s ) (41)
i =1
where j T i (s) at each segment is determined by:
T (s) = Ai s3 + Bi s2 + Ci s + Di
s i ≤ s ≤ s i +1
T ( s ) = T
i i
T (s 1 ) = Ti+1
Ti 1 + j η Xi (42)
ds i = Ei = C pi (3)
1− j η
1 + j η Xi + 1
= Ei+1 = Cpi+1
ds (3)
i +1 1− η
By applying the relationship (32) for each segment, the integral, 1 Tds, is approxi-
mated as follows:
Z 2
( Ti + Ti+1 ) ( Ei+1 − Ei )
Tds = ∑ 2 (3)
( s i +1 − s i ) − (si+1 − si ) + j ErTDS (44)
1 i =1
2 12
Using the relationships (2) and (44), the polytopic efficiency jη is developed as follows:
s i +1 − s i ( E − Ei )
Ti + Ti+1
= 1− ∑
jη − i +1 ( s i +1 − s i ) (45)
i =1
h i +1 − h i 2 12
The deviation of the approximated polytropic efficiency jη from the actual polytropic
efficiency, η p using cubic polynomial approximants j T i (s) at each step is represented by
the error function j Erη in Equation (46).
(3) (3)
ηp = jη + j Erη (46)
Table 1. Cubic polynomial 5-segment method as applied for Case 10 using AspenTech Hysys V.10 [27] and PR-LK equation of state. See Table A1 in the Appendix B for gas compositions
and compressor inlet and discharge conditions for Case 10.
T p s h i+1 (3) T (s)ds
Segment Number 5 Ai 5 Bi 5 Ci 5 Di 5 Ei 5 Ei+1 5 ηp,i 5 wp,i si 5 i
i [K] [bar] [kj/kg-K] [kj/kg] - - - - 2
[kg-K /kj] 2
[kg-K /kj] - [kj/kg] [kj/kg]
Inlet 366.483 3.390 20.684 −2276.711 −184,369 1,886,535 −6,432,843 7,310,148 1499 1650 0.81147 13.28549 3.08654
1 Outlet 379.567 3.398 26.316 −2260.339
Inlet 379.567 3.398 26.316 −2260.339 151,457 −1,534,519 5,183,886 −5,838,652 1650 1831 0.81147 13.19405 3.06530
2 Outlet 393.341 3.406 33.480 −2244.080
Inlet 393.341 3.406 33.480 −2244.080 86,118 −868,526 2,921,119 −3,276,023 1831 2020 0.81147 13.03013 3.02721
3 Outlet 407.879 3.414 42.596 −2228.022
Inlet 407.879 3.414 42.596 −2228.022 −1,407,357 14,438,426 −49,373,634 56,277,303 2020 2158 0.81147 12.82697 2.98001
4 Outlet 423.124 3.421 54.193 −2212.215
Inlet 423.124 3.421 54.193 −2212.215 −4,606,378 47,325,393 −162,069,532 185,004,389 2158 2187 0.81147 12.67478 2.94466
5 Outlet 438.706 3.428 68.948 −2196.596
Summary of all 5 Segments 0.81147 65.01143 15.10372
is different from interpolation. In the case of interpolation, at certain intermediate poin
value of an unknown function is given (such as measured values at intermediate point
the function itself is not known. Interpolating cubic splines are used to interpolate be
known intermediate points, which is irrelevant in the problem of approximating an unk
function without any given intermediate point. Accordingly, the descriptor “spline”
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, 15 17 of 43
applied in this paper as it usually is thought of as being used to approximate a curve p
through previously known knots.
4. Polytropic Path on Temperature-Entropy Diagram
4. Polytropic Path on Temperature-Entropy Diagram
For an uncooled compressor section, entropy increases along the polytropic path.
The rate of changeFor an uncooled with
of temperature compressor
at each entropy increases
point along along thepath
the polytropic polytropic
is pat
rate of change of temperature with entropy
determined with the relationship (A10) from Appendix A. at each point along the polytropic path is
mined with the relationship (A10) from Appendix A.
T 1 + ηp X
= E =𝑑𝑇 𝑇 1+𝜂 𝑋 (A10)
ds η p c p 1=−𝐸η=p (A
𝑑𝑠 𝑐 1−𝜂
The change ofThe temperature
change ofwith entropy from
temperature with the compressor
entropy from the section inlet to section
compressor dischargeinlet to disc
varies as temperature, specific heat, c , and compressibility function, X, change
varies as temperature, specific heat, 𝑐 , and compressibility function, 𝑋,
p at change
each at each
point along the compression
along path. Atpath.
the compression conditions near to the
At conditions critical
near to thepoint, thepoint,
critical rate ofthe
rate of change
of c p and X is usually large. This has significant impact on the change of temperature with
and 𝑋 is usually large. This has significant impact on the change of temperature wi
entropy as the relationship (A10) suggests. The supercritical propane example case has
tropy as the relationship (A10) suggests. The supercritical propane example case ha
inlet conditions extremely close to the critical point and the thermodynamic properties
conditions extremely close to the critical point and the thermodynamic properties are v
are varying rapidly as compression begins. Figures 8 and 9 illustrate the variation of
rapidly as compression begins. Figures 8 and 9 illustrate the variation of specific he
specific heat, c p , and compressibility function, X, respectively, in the vicinity of the critical
and compressibility function, 𝑋, respectively, in the vicinity of the critical point. Each
point. Each isobar has a distinct peak. The inlet conditions lie in an area on the flank of a
has a distinct peak. The inlet conditions lie in an area on the flank of a peak while disc
peak while discharge conditions (not shown) are far removed from the critical area peaks.
conditions (not shown) are far removed from the critical area peaks. Equations (15) an
Equations (15) and (16) would show a large difference in slope of the T-s path between
would show a large difference in slope of the T-s path between inlet, 𝐸 , and dischar
inlet, E1 , and discharge, E2 , as documented in Table A2. These large differences are one
as documented in Table A2. These large differences are one indicator of the difficult
indicator of the difficulty of a compression case.
compression case.
Figure 8. Change of specific heat, c p , along the polytropic path for supercritical propane example.
Moreover, the change of specific heat, c p , with temperature at different inlet pressures is shown.
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, x FOR PEER REVIEW
Figure 8. Change of specific heat, 𝑐 , along the polytropic path for supercritical propane example. Moreover, the change o
specific heat, 𝑐 , with temperature at different inlet pressures is shown.
Figure 9. Change of compressibility function, 𝑋, along the polytropic path for supercritical propane example. Furthermor
Figure 9. Change of compressibility function, X, along the polytropic path for supercritical propane
the change of compressibility function, 𝑋, with temperature at different inlet pressures is shown.
example. Furthermore, the change of compressibility function, X, with temperature at different inlet
pressures is shown.
While the change of temperature with entropy along the compression path of a
While the change compressor
of temperaturesectionwith
is always
entropy positive
along the( compression
> 0), the curvature
path ofofanthe polytropi
on thesection
T-s diagram maypositive dT
cooled compressor is always ds 0), theconcave
of theto downward
polytropic or vice ver
on the T-s diagram
changemay change
in sign sign (from
happens whenconcave upward
equals to downward
to zero at any point or vice
alongversa). A
the compression
d2 T
change in sign happens when
which indicates a change
equals to zero at any point along the compression path
of curvature (as seen in the case of HP Ethylene in Appendix
which indicates a Thechange
cubicof polynomial
curvature (as seen in method
endpoint the casecanof HP Ethylene
be used in Appendix
to approximate theB).
The cubic polynomial
actual endpoint
T-s polytropic method
path. No othercanendpoint
be used to approximate
methods the concavity
can provide of
such a mathematic
the actual T-s thermodynamic
polytropic path. No otherabout
insight endpoint methods can
the behavior provide
of the actualsuch
T-s apolytropic
mathematicalpath from k
and thermodynamic insight conditions
thermodynamic about the behavior
at the inletofand
actual T-sofpolytropic path section.
the compressor from
known thermodynamic conditions
The concavity at the
of the inlet andapproximant
polynomial discharge of canthe compressor
be examinedsection.
using the second
The concavity of of
ative test thethepolynomial
path equation approximant can be examined
with the following criteria: using the second
derivative test• of the path
If (−𝐵 ⁄3𝐴equation
) 𝑖𝑠 out with
of thetherange
of 𝑠 criteria:
, 𝑠 and 3𝐴𝑠 + 𝐵 > 0 the upward concav
• ( )
If (− B/3A) isthe
out of the
cubic polynomial 1 , s2 ] and 3As1𝑇+
range of [sapproximant, B>
(𝑠), is 0unchanged
the upward concavity
along of See Fig
the path.
curve I. approximant, 1 T (s), is unchanged along the path. See Figure 10
the cubic polynomial
curve I. • If (−𝐵⁄3𝐴) is out of the range of 𝑠 , 𝑠 and 3𝐴𝑠 + 𝐵 < 0 the downward con
• If (− B/3A) isofout
the range
polytropic s2 ] and 3As1 (+)𝑇B(𝑠),
of [s1 ,approximant, < 0isthe downward
unchanged concavity
along the path.of See Fig
( 3 )
curve II.approximant, T (s), is unchanged along the path. See Figure 10
the cubic polytropic 1 (
curve II. • If 𝑠 < (−𝐵⁄3𝐴) < 𝑠 the concavity of the cubic polytropic approximant,
( ) (3)
• changes
If s1 < (− B/3A ) < at
s2 the
concavitypoint of the cubic (−𝐵⁄3𝐴). See
𝑠 = polytropic Figure 10 curve
approximant, III.
1 T ( s ),
changes at the concavity
inflection point j s inisf an
= indication
(− B/3A). of increased
See Figure 10difficulty for the compression c
curve III.
shown and confirmed by example cases in Appendix B. See Appendix
Downward concavity is an indication of increased difficulty for the compression B for several com
sion cases evaluated.
as shown and confirmed by example cases in Appendix B. See Appendix B for several
compression cases evaluated.
The actual location of the inflection point on the T-s polytropic path can be more
precisely approximated by applying the cubic polynomial multi-segment method.
The rate of change of dTds with entropy can be considered as a screening criterion to
determine the difficulty of a compression case.
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, 15 19 of 43
The curve shape of the polytropic path as predicted by the cubic polynomial endpoint
method provides an easy to apply criteria to determine how many multi-segments to
employ to assure an acceptable relative deviation. Based on 115 cases covering 22 fluids
(7 pure fluids and 15 mixtures reviewed in Appendix C) studied by Evans [3], the number
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, xof cubic
FOR PEERpolynomial
REVIEW segments required to achieve ≤0.001% relative deviation for the 19 of 45
polytropic efficiency is three segments for Category I and five segments for Categories II
and III.
Figure 10. Three
10. Three different
different categories
categories areare identifiedbased
identified based upon
upon polytropic
compressionpath shapes
path on on
shapes the the
T-s diagram. The The
T-s diagram.
number of cubic
of cubic polynomial
polynomial segments
segments requiredtotoachieve
required ≤0.001% relative
achieve ≤0.001% relative deviation
polytropicefficiency is shown.
efficiency is shown.
5. The actualChange
Enthalpy location of the
with inflection
Entropy alongpoint on the T-sPath
the Polytropic polytropic path can be more pre-
cisely approximated
The relationshipby (2)
applying the cubic polynomial
can be rearranged to multi-segment method.
The rate of change of with entropy can be considered as a screening criterion to de-
dh T
termine the difficulty of a compression case. = (47)
ds 1 − ηp
The curve shape of the polytropic path as predicted by the cubic polynomial endpoint
methodAs provides an easyoftothe
the efficiency apply criteriaprocess
polytropic to determine howthe
is constant, manyslope multi-segments
of the tangent to employ
to assure an acceptable relative deviation. Based dh
path increases as the temperature rises along theon 115 cases covering
compression path ( ds 22
> fluids (7 pure fluids
0). Rearranging
mixtures reviewed
(47) and in Appendix
taking C) studied
the derivative withbyrespect
ds the number of cubic polyno-
mial segments required to achieve"≤0.001% relative deviation for the polytropic efficiency is
dT dh d2 h
three segments for Category I and T segments
d five − T
for ds
2 II and III.
= ds ds 2 =0 (48)
ds dh
5. Enthalpy Change with Entropy along the Polytropic Path
replacing (2)
T can be
with dhrearranged
, the secondto
derivative of the function h(s) along the poly-
1− η p ds
tropic compression path appears: 𝑑ℎ 𝑇
= (47)
d2 h𝑑𝑠 11− 𝜂dT
= (49)
ds2 1 − η p ds
As the efficiency of the polytropic process is constant, the slope of the tangent to the
path increases as the temperature
compressorrises along
dT the compression d2 hpath ( > 0). Rearranging the
For an uncooled section, ds > 0. Therefore, ds2 > 0. As shown in Figure 1,
relationship (47) compression
the polytropic and taking the
pathderivative with
defined with respect
function to is𝑑𝑠
h(s) gives:
always concave upward along
the compression path since the second derivative is positive in an uncooled compressor
𝑑𝑇 𝑑ℎ 𝑑 ℎ
− the
𝑇 thermodynamic value of d 2h at any
𝑑 𝑇 A provides
section. Equation (A11) in Appendix 𝑑𝑠 𝑑𝑠 𝑑𝑠 ds
= =0 (48)
𝑑𝑠 𝑑ℎ path. 𝑑ℎ
point along the polytropic compression
𝑑𝑠 𝑑𝑠
By replacing with , the second derivative of the function h(s) along the poly-
tropic compression path appears:
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2
dh As3 + Bs𝑑ℎ 𝐴𝑠 + 𝐵𝑠 + 𝐶𝑠 + 𝐷
2 + Cs
= +D (5
= 𝑑𝑠 1−𝜂 (50)
ds 1 − ηp
By integratingBy integrating
(50), (50), the of
the relationship relationship of enthalpy
enthalpy and entropyand
canentropy can be approximated
be approximated at a
point along the polytropic
any point along the polytropic path: path:
s4 − s41 + B3 𝐴s3(𝑠−4 −
C𝐵 2 𝐶
) +2 s(𝑠3−−s𝑠2131 ) +
+ D(𝑠s2−
− s𝑠121) + 𝐷(𝑠 − 𝑠1 )
h ( s ) = h1 + 4
ℎ(𝑠) = ℎ1 + 4 3 2 (51) (5
1 − ηp 1−𝜂
where, s represents any entropy value between compressor section inlet, s1 and section
where, 𝑠 represents any entropy value between compressor section inlet, 𝑠 and section
discharge, s2 .
charge, 𝑠 .
6. Comparison of Cubic and Linear Polynomial Results
6. Comparison of Cubic and Linear Polynomial Results
The Taher–Evans Cubic Polynomial 10 segment method is used as a comparison
The Taher–Evans Cubic Polynomial 10 segment method is used as a compa
standard to determine relative deviations in polytropic efficiency for all other methods. See
standard to determine relative deviations in polytropic efficiency for all other methods
Equation (A12) for the relative deviation definition. The number of recommended cubic
Equation (A12) for the relative deviation definition. The number of recommended cubic
segments basedments
T-s path
uponcurve shapes
T-s path listed
curve in Figure
shapes listed10inwas developed
Figure from results
10 was developed from resul
reported by Evans [3]. Figure 11 shows that determining a similar set of recommendations
ported by Evans [3]. Figure 11 shows that determining a similar set of recommendation
for the numbertheof number
linear polynomial steps required
of linear polynomial stepswas not possible.
required was not The wide The
possible. scatter
wideof scatter o
the linear methods’ results that would yield similar accuracy to the cubic methods
linear methods’ results that would yield similar accuracy to the cubic methods was was
very random. random.
Appendices B and C discuss example cases and compare various polytropic calculation
methods. The 19 example cases in Appendix B were selected for illustration of a range
of relatively easy and difficult polytropic efficiency calculation applications. Several of
these are used to show various characteristics of the calculation results. Appendix C is a
review of 115 example cases studied by Evans [3], and includes the 19 example cases from
Appendix B. This larger population further confirms and documents the trends discovered
when applying the multi-segment cubic and multi-step linear polynomial methods.
7. Conclusions
• The Taher–Evans Cubic Polynomial method (TE-CP), defined, described and tested
herein, illustrates that a highly accurate calculation method for real gas centrifugal
compressor polytropic performance efficiency has been developed and implemented
that employs a temperature—entropy cubic polynomial path function.
# Both endpoint and sequential segment versions are described and tested.
# Previously published polytropic efficiency calculation methods including first
degree linear polynomial methods are shown to be less accurate and/or slower
to achieve a solution than Taher–Evans Cubic Polynomial methods.
# The TE-CP methods’ superior results are due to the cubic polynomial path
having additional thermodynamic constraints applied to more accurately ap-
proximate the actual path slope at any point along the path. Determination
of path slope at the compression endpoints is independent of performance
calculation method.
# T-s polytropic path curve shapes can be determined from derivatives of the
cubic polynomial path equation and are indicative of calculation relative diffi-
culty. The curve shape is used as a criterion to select the required number of
cubic segments. No other polytropic method can provide such a mathematical
and thermodynamic insight into the fluid compression process.
# The number of T-s path cubic polynomial segments required to achieve an ac-
ceptable relative deviation ≤0.001% for polytropic efficiency is three segments
for category I and five segments for categories II and III curve shapes.
# As shown in Figure A10, the cubic polynomial methods provide low uncer-
tainty with only a few cubic segments. Uncertainty is based upon polytropic
efficiency relative deviation, and its magnitude is related to the size of the
statistical population.
# Cubic polynomial methods provide continuous equations to plot the polytropic
path on T-s and h-s diagrams. This is a very unique feature of the cubic
polynomial method that enables visualizing the polytropic path.
# The cubic path coefficients (A, B, C, and D) in Equation (12) provide mean-
ingful insights about the behavior of the polytropic path on the temperature-
entropy diagram.
# The Taher–Evans Cubic Polynomial methods are highly suitable for application
to compressor performance testing according to ASME PTC 10 [4].
• Cubic and linear polynomial calculation methods have been extensively documented
and compared.
# Polytropic efficiency calculations have been reviewed for 17 methods across
115 example cases yielding a total of 1955 independent calculations that validate
superior results are achieved when using both endpoint and sequential segment
Taher–Evans Cubic Polynomial (TE-CP) polytropic path methods. A total of
22 fluids were employed including seven pure fluids and 15 fluid mixtures to
cover wide ranges of mole weight and critical pressures and temperatures.
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, 15 22 of 43
Substituting the first and second partial derivatives in (A1) from (A2) and (A3) yields:
ds = dT − dP (A4)
T ∂T P
Using the definition of isobaric expansivity β = υ1 ∂T
for the second partial deriva-
tive gives:
dT − βvdP
ds = (A5)
Employing the Gibbs relationship dh = Tds + vdP for a polytropic process and
substituting dh with vdP
η p gives:
vdP = 1 (A6)
ηp − 1
cp βTds
ds = dT − 1 (A7)
T ηp − 1
From (A8) the slope of the polytropic path on a T-s diagram is determined:
1 + η p ( βT − 1)
dT T
= (A9)
ds cp 1 − ηp
T 1 + ηp X
= (A10)
ds cp 1 − ηp
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, 15 25 of 43
By replacing ds from (A10) to (47) gives:
d2 h T 1 + ηp X
= (A11)
ds2 cp 1 − ηp 2
The relationships (A10) and (A11) were developed and presented for the first time by
Taher [1].
The relationship (A11) shows that the polytropic path on the enthalpy-entropy dia-
gram is concave upward since the second derivative is positive in an uncooled compres-
sor section.
As mentioned in the paper (see also Appendix D), polytropic performance results
can be impacted by the choice of an equation of state (EOS). The REFPROP (version 10)
software package [28] produced by the National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST)
was employed for calculations in this appendix. REFPROP provides reference quality,
multi parameter, real gas equations of state for thermodynamic and transport properties of
individual fluids. REFPROP applies optimized binary interaction parameters via mixing
rules to determine mixture properties.
When using the REFPROP software package, all example case inlet and discharge state
point phases are single phase and either superheated or supercritical. For some example
cases, the close proximity of inlet conditions to a fluid’s critical point yielded two phase
or liquid phases for some other equations of state used in Appendix D. The polytropic
performance methods discussed in this paper are neither designed nor recommended for
two phase flows. The impact of equation of state choices will be reviewed in Appendix D.
HP Propane
Schultz R12
SC Propane
LP Propane
SC Ethane
Case Name
Ethane 1.0000
Composition, mol %
1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
R12 1.0000
p1 , psia 10 360 362.5 750 300.01 400 500 1100.1 17.99 300 650
p1 , bara 0.689 24.821 24.993 51.710 20.685 27.579 34.474 75.849 1.240 20.684 44.816
Compression Conditions
T1 , ◦ C −23.33 10 36.833 43.333 37.778 37.778 23.88 36.833 −35.2 93.333 98.889
p2 , psia 130 1000 7250 3500 487.76 1200 3000 6000.3 60 1000 3500
p2 , bara 8.963 68.948 499.870 241.316 33.630 82.737 206.843 413.706 4.137 68.948 241.316
T2 , ◦ F 210 195 566.3 285 201.59 325 400 368.3 60 330 300
T2 , ◦ C 98.889 90.556 296.833 140.556 94.217 162.778 204.444 186.833 15.556 165.556 148.889
Case Number 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
MP CH4 /C3 H8 /CO2
HP Heavy NG
LP Heavy NG
Case Name
0.21586 0.21586 0.21586 0.712356 0.712356 0.012468 0.012468 0.0160
Mallen and Saville [9] employed a path equation of Tds dT = c. Path equations are
described above in this paper for the liner and cubic polynomial methods.
Figure A1a–e illustrate polytropic efficiency relative deviation results for endpoint
methods for the 19 example cases. The Taher–Evans endpoint method provides superior
results compared to the other endpoint methods for all example cases. Example cases
PTC10 CO2 , LP CO2 , LP propane and LP CH4 /C3 H8 /CO2 are considered easy cases
since the Taher–Evans Cubic Polynomial endpoint method achieves deviations from the
10-segment method of less than 0.001%. Thus, using multi-segment analyses would not
be required for these cases. The two Schultz based methods show significant errors for
some example cases and do not exhibit a consistent pattern. Figure A1f directly compares
two related cases in that the PTC10 CO2 case represents a Type 2 test designed for the
HPNG example case. The PTC10 CO2 case is a low-pressure case and deviations are seen
to be smaller than for the HPNG case as expected. However, the Taher–Evans endpoint
method provides better accuracy for the PTC 10 HPNG case. The HPNG case requires
more segments to achieve less than a 0.001% deviation level.
Notable comparisons for endpoint methods:
• Figure A1a
# HP ethylene; Mallen and Saville [9] highlighted their improvements over
Schultz’s method for high pressure, but still have an approximate 1% deviation;
# LP and HP ethylene; typical and expected patterns for cubic and lin-
ear polynomials.
• Figure A1b,c
# CO2 and propane; as pressure increases accuracy decreases is a typical pattern
• Figure A1d
# CH4 /C3 H8 /CO2 ; medium and high pressure cases are very similar since
discharge conditions are close
• Figure A1f
# PTC10; the HPNG case will require more cubic segments to achieve sufficient
accuracy than the Type 2 test design using CO2
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, 15 28 of 43
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, x FOR PEER REVIEW 29 of 45
Figure A1. (a–f) Summary comparison of relative deviation results for endpoint methods.
Figure A1. (a–f) Summary comparison of relative deviation results for endpoint methods.
Table A2 lists the T-s path inlet and discharge slope and curve category for the 19 exam-
ple cases. A2 cases
lists show
the T-s path
that inlet and
an inflection discharge
point slope
in curvature andalong
exists curvethecategory
path. For for the 19
five cases, endpoint analyses do not provide sufficient polytropic efficiency accuracy and path.
cases. Five cases show that an inflection point in curvature exists along the
For these five analyses
multi-segment cases, endpoint analysesChanges
are recommended. do not inprovide sufficient
path slope polytropic
and curvature can be efficiency
as criteriaand multi-segment
for determining analyses
how many cubicare recommended.
segments are needed toChanges in path slope
provide sufficient accu- and
curvature can be 4,
racy (See Section used as criteria
Figure for determining
10 and Appendix C). how many cubic segments are needed to
provide sufficient accuracy (See Section 4, Figure 10 and Appendix C).
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, 15 29 of 43
Table A2. Taher–Evans Cubic Polynomial endpoint method T-s path slope and curvature.
places shown as the number of segments is increased. The linear method needs between 50
and 90 steps to reach the same accuracy for efficiency. In other words, the linear method
approaches an asymptote much more slowly than the cubic method at the cost of increased
computing resources and elapsed time to reach a solution. This illustrates the usefulness
of the cubic method in being able to take advantage of matching the slope of the T-s path
between sequential segments. Both the cubic and linear methods are approximants that
can reach essentially the same level of approximation, but the cubic method employs more
thermodynamic constraints to achieve the resulting polytropic efficiency much quicker.
It is not necessary to reach a “stabilized” polytropic efficiency to satisfy the maximum
allowable deviation requirement of 0.001% as compared to the Taher–Evans Cubic Polyno-
mial 10 segment results. Deviations are less than 0.001% for 13 of 19 example cases
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, x FOR PEER REVIEW
31 of 45
2 cubic segments while only 4 of 19 are less than 0.001% for 10 linear steps.
Figure A2. (a–f) Summary comparison of relative deviation results for three point methods.
Figure A2. (a–f) Summary comparison of relative deviation results for three point methods.
Appendix B.3. Multi-Step and Multi-Segment Methods
Table A3 lists the polytropic efficiency calculated for Taher–Evans Cubic Polynomial 2
through 10 multi-segment methods, and linear polynomial 10, 20, 50, 90 and 100 multi-step
methods. The general trend is that using more segments or steps yields higher accuracy. In
many example cases, as more segments or steps are applied, the efficiency only changes be-
yond the fourth decimal place as highlighted in the table by the outlined values. The results
are shown to have “stabilized” to four decimal places for additional segments or steps. In all
example cases, the highest accuracy shown agrees between cubic and linear methods, but the
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, 15 31 of 43
Table A3. Summary comparison of polytropic efficiency results for linear multi-step and cubic polynomial multi-
segment methods.
Figure A3a illustrates polytropic efficiency relative deviation results for all cubic multi-
segment methods and linear multi-step methods for the supercritical propane example
case. The more difficult an example case is, the more segments or steps it takes to achieve
a relative deviation of 0.001% or less. This most difficult case achieves this target with
5 segments for the cubic polynomial method while it would take 44 steps for the linear
polynomial method to reach the same deviation value as the 5 cubic segment method. The
cubic polynomial method does not suffer from the requirement of a small step size for each
segment as does the linear polynomial method.
Figure A3b shows the elapsed calculation times for 5 cubic segments and 44 linear
steps are approximately 3.5 s and 55.8 s, respectively. Thus, the linear method takes 16 times
longer to reach the same level of accuracy for this very difficult example case. For the six
example cases that required more than 2 cubic segments to reach a deviation less of than
0.001%, the elapsed time ratio varied from 5 to 16 times longer for the linear method.
deviation of 0.001% or less. This most difficult case achieves this target with 5 segments for
the cubic polynomial method while it would take 44 steps for the linear polynomial method
to reach the same deviation value as the 5 cubic segment method. The cubic polynomial
method does not suffer from the requirement of a small step size for each segment as does
the linear polynomial method.
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, 15 Figure A3b shows the elapsed calculation times for 5 cubic segments and 44 linear steps 32 of 43
are approximately 3.5 s and 55.8 s, respectively. Thus, the linear method takes 16 times longer
to reach the same level of accuracy for this very difficult example case. For the six example
cases that required more than 2 cubic segments to reach a deviation less of than 0.001%, the
The time
elapsed elapsed
reach a solution
5 to is dependent
16 times longer upon
for the linear the algorithm employed to
resolve theelapsed
The inner and
timeouter nested,
to reach recursive
a solution loops forupon
is dependent discharge temperature
the algorithm employedand to
The the innerused
algorithm and outer nested,
for both cubicrecursive
and linearloopsmethod
for discharge
resultstemperature and efficiency.
in this appendix is identical.
The algorithm
Thus, used for
while another both cubic
algorithm and linear
might reachmethod
solutionsresults in or
faster thisslower,
cubic while another
linear algorithm
method might
elapsed reach
times solutions
should fasterapproximately
remain or slower, the ratio
same for cubic
a given
and linear
example case. method elapsed times should remain approximately the same for a given example
Figure A3. (a) Polytropic efficiency relative deviations for supercritical propane example. (b) elapsed
Figure A3. (a) Polytropic efficiency relative deviations for supercritical propane example. (b) elapsed
time for supercritical propane example.
time for supercritical propane example.
Figures A4a–e illustrate polytropic efficiency relative deviation results for all cubic
multi-segment methods and linear multi-step methods for the 19 example cases. The 10 cubic
segment results are used as the standard for comparison. For each case, fewer cubic segments
are needed than linear steps to achieve the 0.001% required accuracy. Figure A4f directly
compares the HPNG case and the PTC10 CO2 Type 2 performance test designed to prove the
compressor should meet the design requirements within the tolerances allowed by the ASME
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, 15 33 of 43
Figure A4a–e illustrate polytropic efficiency relative deviation results for all cubic
multi-segment methods and linear multi-step methods for the 19 example cases. The
10 cubic segment results are used as the standard for comparison. For each case, fewer
cubic segments are needed than linear steps to achieve the 0.001% required accuracy.
Figure A4f directly compares the HPNG case and the PTC10 CO2 Type 2 performance
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6,test designed
x FOR to prove the compressor should meet the design requirements within35the
tolerances allowed by the ASME PTC10 code [4].
Figure A4. (a–f) Summary comparison of results for linear multi-step and cubic polynomial multi-segment methods.
Figure A4. (a–f) Summary comparison of results for linear multi-step and cubic polynomial multi-segment methods.
AppendixB.4. High
B.4. HighPressure
Pressure Ethylene
This example was first created
This example was first created by by Mallen
Mallen and
andSaville [9][9]
Saville to to
demonstrate differences
differences be-
tween theirtheir
between polytropic work work
polytropic calculation method
calculation and Schultz’s
method method method
and Schultz’s [6] at higher pressures.
[6] at higher
Since then, itSince
pressures. has been
then,used bybeen
it has manyusedauthors as a strong
by many test
authors asof
a other
strongmethods due to
test of other its large
pressure and temperature ranges. The high compression ratio and extreme
due to its large pressure and temperature ranges. The high compression ratio and extreme discharge tem-
perature for this case illustrate it would likely not be feasible to build a single section
discharge temperature for this case illustrate it would likely not be feasible to build a single com-
pressor to accomplish this application. However, its use as an example to test calculation
methods has been documented.
Ethylene has been described as an unruly fluid by Brown, [29]. Evans and Huble, [22],
postulated Brown’s comment could be due to the proximity of ethylene’s critical temperature
to usual inlet temperature ranges for common applications causing rapid, large changes in
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, 15 34 of 43
section compressor to accomplish this application. However, its use as an example to test
calculation methods has been documented.
Ethylene has been described as an unruly fluid by Brown, [29]. Evans and Huble, [22],
postulated Brown’s comment could be due to the proximity of ethylene’s critical tem-
perature to usual inlet temperature ranges for common applications causing rapid, large
changes in specific heat, cp , and especially density with small inlet temperature changes. In
the vicinity of the critical point, large changes in inlet density can occur due to small changes
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, x FORtemperature
PEER REVIEW causing a centrifugal compressor’s operating point to move36from of 45 one
side of its performance map to the other without any process operator control changes.
The Taher–Evans Cubic Polynomial method provides the ability to calculate and
graphically display the
The Taher–Evans T-s Polynomial
Cubic values at any methodpoint alongthe
provides theability
constant polytropic
to calculate efficiency
and graph-
ically display the T-s values at any point along the constant polytropic efficiency path demon-
between inlet and discharge. The HP ethylene example case serves to be-
tweenthe method’s
inlet usefulness
and discharge. The HPtoethylene
visualize the path,
example its curvature
case serves and anthe
to demonstrate inflection
Figure A5a to
usefulness shows paths
visualize thefor 1 and
path, 10 segment
its curvature andcubic polynomial
an inflection point.methods
Figure A5a and 1 and
shows 100 step
linear polynomial
for 1 and 10 segment methods. The 100-step
cubic polynomial linear
methods method’s
and 1 and 100orange markers
step linear are seen
polynomial to lie on
top ofThe
the 100-step
solid bluelinear method’s cubic
10-segment orangepath.
oneseen to lie on
segment top of
cubic the solid
dotted blueblue
ansegment cubicpoint
inflection path.near
The onethe segment
center ofcubicthe dotted
graph.blue Theline shows an inflection
10-segment point nearpath
cubic polynomial
the center
begins withofan theupward
graph. The 10-segment
concavity that cubic polynomial
transitions path begins
to downward at with an upward
the inflection con- The
cavity that transitions to downward at the inflection point. The 100 step linear
100 step linear markers follow this pattern illustrating the accuracy of the cubic polynomial markers follow
this pattern illustrating the accuracy of the cubic polynomial method’s path.
method’s path.
Figure A5b shows an expanded view of the area outlined by a black box in Figure A5a.
Figure A5b shows an expanded view of the area outlined by a black box in Figure A5a.
The inflection point of the 10-segment cubic polynomial path is shown to occur at a slightly
The inflection
higher point of
temperature forthe
more refinedcubic polynomial
calculation. path is shown
The 10-segment cubictopolynomial
occur at a be-slightly
higher temperature for the more refined calculation. The 10-segment
gins with 5 upward concave segments, and ends with 4 downward concave segments. The cubic polynomial
begins with 5isupward
6th segment “s” shaped concave
since it segments, and ends
starts out concave withand
upward 4 downward concave segments.
shifts at the inflection point
The 6th segment
to concave is “s” shaped
downward. since itofstarts
The curvature out concave
the cubic segmentsupward and shifts
is determined at theofinflection
by values the
point to concave
derivatives of thedownward. The curvature
T-s path equation. The point of the cubic
where segments
the blue 10-segmentis determined
curve crosses bythe
oforange dotted linear
the derivatives ofendpoint
the T-s pathline isequation.
not an inflection point,where
The point but rather
the just
bluea 10-segment
crossing of the curve
upward concave segments of the 10-segment cubic method path.
crosses the orange dotted linear endpoint line is not an inflection point, but rather just a
crossing of the upward concave segments of the 10-segment cubic method path.
Figure A5.(a)
(a) T-s
T-s compression
compression paths
HPethylene example
ethylene examplecase. (b) the
case. (b) location of inflection
the location point point
of inflection
on T-s compression polytropic path is compared for different methods—HP ethylene example case.
on T-s compression polytropic path is compared for different methods—HP ethylene example case.
FigureA6. (a) (a)
A6. Pressure-temperature diagram
Pressure-temperature for for
diagram supercritical propane
supercritical example.
propane (b) pressure-enthalpy
example. diagram
(b) pressure-enthalpy for super-
diagram for
critical propane example.
supercritical propane example.
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, 15 37 of 43
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, x FOR PEER REVIEW 39 of 45
Figure A7illustrates
determined byby four
four methods
methods forfor
thethe supercritical
supercritical pro-
propane example case. The cubic and linear polynomial endpoint
pane example case. The cubic and linear polynomial endpoint methods are shownmethods are shown with
with dot-
ted lines.lines.
The The 10 segment
10 segment Taher–Evans
Taher–Evans Cubic
Cubic Polynomial
Polynomial method
method is shown
is shown with
with a solid
a solid blue
line. line.100-step
The 100-step
methodmethod is shown
is shown with with markers
markers which
which laytop
lay on on of
of cubic
the cubic
polynomial line. The endpoint methods clearly do not provide a sufficiently
nomial line. The endpoint methods clearly do not provide a sufficiently accurate path for accurate paththis
for this example case. The 10-segment cubic polynomial and the 100-step linear
example case. The 10-segment cubic polynomial and the 100-step linear polynomial agree on polynomial
the path. on the path.
Figure A7.Linear
FigureA7. Linearand
The supercritical propane
propane example
example case
case serves
serves to
to illustrate
ment Taher–Evans Cubic Polynomial method even when inlet conditions are near
ment Taher–Evans Cubic Polynomial method even when inlet conditions are near the critical the
point of point of a fluid.
a fluid.
Appendix C.Overview
Overviewof of115
Evans [3]provided
provideda broad
a broad setset
of of
115115 example
example cases
cases thatthat compares
compares endpoint
endpoint and and
multi-step linear polynomial solutions to endpoint and multi-segment cubic polynomial
step linear polynomial solutions to endpoint and multi-segment cubic polynomial solutions.
This This22
set covers setfluids
(7 22 fluids
pure (7 pure
fluids and 15fluids and 15with
mixtures) mixtures)
a widewith a wide
range range
of mole of
mole weight and critical point properties. The 19 example cases discussed in Appendix B
and critical point properties. The 19 example cases discussed in Appendix B above were in-
above were included in the 115 example cases. Seventeen polytropic efficiency calculation
cluded in the 115 example cases. Seventeen polytropic efficiency calculation methods were
methods were included which yielded a total of 1955 independent calculations. This effort
included which yielded a total of 1955 independent calculations. This effort is sufficient to
is sufficient to document the validity of the results for the polytropic performance methods
document the validity of the results for the polytropic performance methods employed and
employed and gives a robust comparison basis for the conclusions and recommendations
gives a robust comparison basis for the conclusions and recommendations included in this
included in this paper.
One consistent result for all 115 example cases matches the trend shown in Figure A7
One consistent result for all 115 example cases matches the trend shown in Figure A7
above in that the 10 segment cubic polynomial temperature-entropy based polytropic path
above in that the 10 segment cubic polynomial temperature-entropy based polytropic path
and the 100 step linear polynomial path are matched. If fact, these two methods agreed to
and the 100 step linear polynomial path are matched. If fact, these two methods agreed to
four decimal places for polytropic efficiency. The figures and tables below summarize the
four decimal places for polytropic efficiency. The figures and tables below summarize the
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, 15 38 of 43
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, x FOR PEER REVIEW 40 of 45
superior results provided by the cubic polynomial methods for all of the 115 example cases
superior results provided by the cubic polynomial methods for all of the 115 example cases
due to much more rapid solutions requiring fewer computing resources.
due to much
Figuremore rapid solutions
A8 illustrates requiring
that the fewer computing
cubic multi-segment and resources.
linear multi-step methods
Figure A8 illustrates that the cubic multi-segment
both approach an asymptote as the number of segments and and linear multi-step
steps increase. methods
The cubicboth
approach an asymptote
polynomial methods as the number
approach of segments
the asymptote and
much steps
more increase.
rapidly The cubic
yielding polynomial
an acceptable
methods approach the asymptote much more rapidly yielding an acceptable solution
solution in less than 10 segments while the linear polynomial methods would require more in less
10 segments
50 steps towhile thean
provide linear polynomial
equivalent methods
solution. would
The cubic andrequire more than
linear methods 50 steps to
provide an equivalent
the asymptote fromsolution.
opposite The cubic and
directions linear
for this methods
methane, approach
propane, andthe asymptote
carbon dioxidefrom
opposite examplefor
directions case.
this methane, propane, and carbon dioxide mixture example case.
approach to
to aa solution.
115115 examplecases,
example cases,114
114 reached
reached ananacceptable
acceptablerelative deviation
relative of ≤of
deviation 0.001%
≤0.001%in in
three or less
or less cubic
cubic polynomial
polynomial segments
segments as as documented
documented inin TableA3.
Table A4.Only
case required 5 cubic segments due to inlet conditions being extremely close to
required 5 cubic segments due to inlet conditions being extremely close to the critical the critical
point, which is unlikely to occur in reality. Based upon an analysis of these results,
which is unlikely to occur in reality. Based upon an analysis of these results, the recom- the
recommended number of segments required for a particular application can be related to
mended number of segments required for a particular application can be related to the path
the path categories defined in Figure 10 above.
categories defined in Figure 10 above.
• •Category
Category I: 3 cubic polynomial segments required;
I: 3 cubic polynomial segments required;
• Category II: 5 cubic polynomial segments required;
• Category II: 5 cubic polynomial segments required;
• Category III: 5 cubic polynomial segments required.
• Category III: 5 cubic polynomial segments required.
Recall that Figure 11 shows that determining a similar set of recommendations for
the number of linear polynomial
Table A3. Cubic polynomial steps required
solution segments was
required not possible.
versus polytropicThe
pathwide scatter
curve of the
category for
linear methods
115 example cases. results that would yield similar accuracy results to the cubic methods was
very random.
Number of Cubic Polynomial Segments Required
T-s Path Category Totals
1 Segment 2 Segments 3 Segments 4 Segments 5 Segments
I 28 16 44
II 10 28 8 1 47
III 4 13 7 24
Totals 42 57 15 0 1 115
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, 15 39 of 43
Table A4. Cubic polynomial solution segments required versus polytropic path curve category for
115 example cases.
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6,T-s PathPEER REVIEW Number of Cubic Polynomial Segments Required
x FOR 41 of 45
Category Totals
1 Segment 2 Segments 3 Segments 4 Segments 5 Segments
I 28 16 44
II 10 28 8 1 47
that Figure
4 11 shows
13 determining
7 a similar set of recommendations
for the
Totals of linear polynomial
42 steps
57 required
15 was not possible.
0 The wide
1 scatter of the
115 linear
methods results that would yield similar accuracy results to the cubic methods was very ran-
dissimilar patterns
patterns for average elapsed
for average elapsedcalculation
between cubic
cubic segments and linear steps. The cubic polynomial solutions average
segments and linear steps. The cubic polynomial solutions average time per segmenttime per seg- de-
ment decreases
creases with anwith an increasing
increasing number number of segments.
of segments. However,
However, the linear
the linear polynomial
polynomial solutions
solutions pattern shows an increasing time per step as the number of steps increases.
pattern shows an increasing time per step as the number of steps increases. The averages The are
averages are over all 115 example cases.
over all 115 example cases.
Figure A9.Average
A9. Average elapsed
elapsed calculation
calculation time
time perper cubic
cubic segment
segment andand linear
linear stepstep
for for
115115 example
example cases.
Figures A8A8andand A9A9 combined
combined show
show that
that thethe Taher–Evans
Taher–Evans Cubic
Cubic Polynomial
Polynomial polytropic
path methodsare aresuperior.
methods can can reach
reach ac-
ceptable results, the
acceptable the cubic
fewer repetitive
repetitive iterations
iterations andand are are completed
much faster.This
Thisisisa aclear
advantagewhen whenprocessing
Figure A10 compares polytropic efficiency calculation
Figure A10 compares polytropic efficiency calculation uncertainty for uncertainty forcubic
polynomial methods. Both exhibit decreasing uncertainty with an
ear polynomial methods. Both exhibit decreasing uncertainty with an increase in cubicincrease in cubic segments
or linear or
segments steps. However,
linear the cubic polynomial
steps. However, methods uncertainty
the cubic polynomial rapidly decreases
methods uncertainty rapidly as the
number as
decreases of the
number increases whileincreases
of segments the linear polynomial
while methods
the linear illustrate
polynomial a much
methods more
trate a muchdecrease
more as they approach
gradual decrease an as asymptote.
they approachThean linear methodsThe
asymptote. uncertainty asymptote
linear methods
appears to asymptote
uncertainty be more than an order
appears to of
more than greater
an order than the uncertainty
of magnitude of the
greater 9-segment
than the
cubic method.
uncertainty A 9-segment
of the comparison of uncertainty
cubic method. Abetween
comparison115 and 19 examplebetween
of uncertainty case statistical
115 andpop-
example revealed that uncertainty
case statistical populationsdecreased
revealedwith a larger
that population
uncertainty for both
decreased withcubic and lin-
a larger
ear polynomial
population methods.
for both cubic andHowever, cubic methods
linear polynomial had lower
methods. uncertainty
However, cubic than linear
methods hadmeth-
ods for
lower both population
uncertainty than linearsizes.
methods for both population sizes.
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, 15 40 of 43
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, x FOR PEER REVIEW 42
Figure A10.
Figure A10. Calculation Calculation
uncertainty uncertainty
comparison comparison
for for cases.
115 example 115 example cases.
Appendix D. Equation ofD. Equation
State of on
Impact State Impact on
Polytropic Polytropic Efficiency
When aapplication
When a compression compressionisapplication is first
first designed bydesigned
a user, itbytypically
a user, it involves
typically involves
a a
cess simulator that has many equations of state available.
process simulator that has many equations of state available. One is selected from thoseOne is selected from those avai
available withinwithin a specific
a specific simulator
simulator software
software package
package based based
the the overall
overall project
project Type. When
When various vendors receive an inquiry for a compressor containing the necessary inletand disch
ious vendors receive an inquiry for a compressor containing the necessary inlet
state point operating conditions and other pertinent details, each vendor may select a d
and discharge state point operating conditions and other pertinent details, each vendor
ent equation of state for their detailed compressor design according to individual experi
may select a different equation of state for their detailed compressor design according to
Using different equations of state can yield variations in predicted performance. The s
individual experience. Using different equations of state can yield variations in predicted
holds true for analyzing compressor test data to verify conformance to testing codes an
performance. The same holds true for analyzing compressor test data to verify conformance
contractual guarantees.
to testing codes and/or contractual guarantees.
A user is encouraged to require the use of a consistent equation of state througho
A user is encouraged
project by all to parties
the use of a consistent
from inception equation of state
to final testing andthroughout
operation a to minimi
project by all parties involved from inception to final testing and operation
avoid EOS related discrepancies. It should be pointed out that variations to minimizeexist in the im
or avoid EOS related
of similarly It should
named be pointed
equations outacross
of state that variations exist inplatforms.
various software the Sh
implementationtheseof similarly
variations named
cause equations
issues, theyofshould
state across various software
be investigated platforms.
and documented.
Should these variations cause issues,
All polytropic they should
efficiency be investigated
calculation results shown andindocumented.
this Appendix D were perfor
All polytropic
withefficiency calculation
the Taher–Evans results
Cubic shown in
Polynomial this Appendix
endpoint method.DThese
were results
performedare influence
with the Taher–Evans Cubic Polynomial
thermodynamic state pointendpoint
parameters method. These
calculated by results are influenced
the various equations ofbystate. From
thermodynamicmain statetext
point parameters
of this paper, the calculated by the various
required equations equations
are (15), (16) andof state. From
the main text of thisForpaper,
required equations
of fluid are (15),
composition, (16)
total and (32).
pressure and total temperature at inlet
For given inputs
discharge of fluid composition,
the parameters totaltopressure
required and total
be calculated by antemperature at inlet
EOS to determine polytropic
ciency are:
and discharge the parameters required to be calculated by an EOS to determine polytropic
efficiency are: • Enthalpy, ℎ;
• Enthalpy, h;• Entropy, 𝑠;
• Entropy, s; • Specific heat at constant pressure, 𝐶 ;
• • Compressibility C p ; 𝑋.
Specific heat at constant pressure,
• Compressibility function, X.
Even though various EOS may use different reference states for enthalpy and entropy,
it is the change in these parameters that are used in Equation (32), therefore differences in
individual reference states for different EOS is not an issue for the purpose of this study.
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, x FOR PEER REVIEW 43 of 45
Figure A11. Variations of the calculated polytropic efficiency using different equations of state for seven example cases.
Taher–Evans Cubic Polynomial endpoint method is used for the calculations.
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6, 15 42 of 43
To explore the efficiency variations shown in Figure A11, the EOS supplied parameters
that are used by the Taher–Evans Cubic Polynomial method are compared.
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