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Read Building Conduit - Leanpub
Building Conduit
Building Conduit
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Table of Contents
Domain events
General functionality
API specs
Contexts in Phoenix
Contexts in Conduit
Getting started
Installing Phoenix
Generating a Phoenix project
Starting the Phoenix server
Commanded facilitates CQRS/ES in Elixir
Write and read model stores
Register a user
Application structure
Alternate structure
Authenticate a user
Appendix I
Authentication header
JSON objects returned by API
Single article
Multiple articles
Single comment
Multiple comments
List of tags
Update user
Get profile
Follow user
Unfollow user
List articles
Feed articles
Get article
Create Article
Update Article
Delete article
Delete comment
Favourite article
Unfavourite article
Get tags
In this book you will discover how to implement the Command Query Responsibility
Segregation and event sourcing (CQRS/ES) pattern in an Elixir application.
This book will take you through the design and build, from scratch, of an exemplary clone. The full source code is available to view and clone from GitHub. As each
feature is developed, a link to the corresponding Git commit will be provided so you can
browse the source code at each stage of development.
The application will be built as if it were a real world project. Including the specification of
integration and unit tests to verify the functionality under development.
By the end of this book you should have a solid grasp of how to apply the CQRS/ES pattern to
your own Elixir applications.
Follow test-driven development to build an HTTP API exposing and consuming JSON data.
Validate input data using command validation.
Create a functional, event sourced domain model.
Define a read model and populate it by projecting domain events.
Authenticate a user using a JSON Web Token (JWT).
It assumes the reader will already be familiar with the broad concepts of CQRS/ES. You will
be introduced to the building blocks that comprise an application built following this pattern,
and shown how to implement them in Elixir.
The reader should be comfortable reading Elixir syntax and understand the basics of its
actor concurrency model, implemented as processes and message passing.
The inspiration for this example web application comes from the RealWorld project:
See how the exact same clone (called Conduit) is built using any of our
supported frontends and backends. Yes, you can mix and match them, because they all
adhere to the same API spec.
While most “todo” demos provide an excellent cursory glance at a framework’s
capabilities, they typically don’t convey the knowledge & perspective required to
actually build real applications with it.
RealWorld solves this by allowing you to choose any frontend (React, Angular 2, &
more) and any backend (Node, Django, & more) and see how they power a real world,
beautifully designed fullstack app called “Conduit”.
By building a backend in Elixir and Phoenix that adheres to the RealWorld API specs, you can
choose to pair it with any of the available frontends. Some of the most popular current
implementations are:
React / Redux
Angular 4+
Angular 1.5+
React / MobX
You can view a live demo of Conduit that’s powered by React and Redux with a Node.js
backend, to get a feel for what we’ll be building.
Many thanks to Eric Simons for pioneering the idea and founding the RealWorld project.
Before we start building Conduit, let’s briefly cover some of the concepts related to command
query responsibility segregation and event sourcing.
What is CQRS?
At its simplest, CQRS is the separation of commands from queries.
In a typical layered architecture you have a single model to service writes and reads,
whereas in a CQRS application the read and write models are different. They may also be
separated physically by using a different database or storage mechanism. CQRS is often
combined with event sourcing where there’s an event store for persisting domain events
(write model) and at least one other data store for the read model.
CQRS overview
Commands are used to instruct an application to do something, they are named in the
Register account
Transfer funds
Mark fraudulent activity
Commands have one, and only one, receiver: the code that fulfils the command request.
Domain events
Domain events indicate something of importance has occurred within a domain model. They
are named in the past tense:
Account registered
Funds transferred
Fraudulent activity detected
Domain events describe your system activity over time using a rich, domain-specific
language. They are an immutable source of truth for the system. Unlike commands which are
restricted to a single handler, domain events may be consumed by multiple subscribers - or
potentially no interested subscribers.
Often commands and events come in pairs: a successful register account command results in
an account registered event. It’s also possible that a command can be successfully executed
and result in many or no domain events.
Domain events from the write model are used to build and update a read model. I refer to
this process as projecting events into a read model projection.
The read model is optimised for querying therefore the data is often stored denormalized to
support faster querying performance. You can use whatever technology is most appropriate
to support the querying your application demands, and take advantage of multiple different
types of storage as appropriate:
Relational database.
In-memory store.
Disk-based file store.
NoSQL database.
Full-text search index.
An aggregate’s state is built by applying its domain events to some initial empty state. State is
further mutated by applying a created domain to the current state:
f(state, event) => state
Domain events are persisted in order – as a logical stream – for each aggregate. The event
stream is the canonical source of truth, therefore it is a perfect audit log.
All other state in the system may be rebuilt from these events. Read models are projections of
the event stream. You can rebuild the read model by replaying every event from the
beginning of time.
It’s an alternative, and less common, approach to building applications than basic CRUD1.
Modelling your application using domain events demands a rich understanding of the
domain. It can be more complex to deal with the eventual consistency between the write
model and the read model.
An aggregate
An aggregate defines a consistency boundary for transactions and concurrency. Aggregates
should also be viewed from the perspective of being a “conceptual whole”. They are used to
enforce invariants in a domain model and to guard against business rule violations.
This concept fits naturally within Elixir’s actor concurrency model. An Elixir GenServer
enforces serialised concurrent access and processes communicate by sending messages
(commands and events).
1. Public API functions must accept a command and return any resultant domain events, or
an error.
2. Its internal state may only be modified by applying a domain event to its current state.
3. Its internal state can be rebuilt from an initial empty state by replaying all domain events
in the order they were raised.
defmodule ExampleAggregate do
# aggregate's state
defstruct [:uuid, :name]
# public command API
def create(%ExampleAggregate{}, uuid, name) do
uuid: uuid,
name: name,
# state mutator
def apply(%ExampleAggregate{} = aggregate, %CreatedEv
e}) do
%ExampleAggregate{aggregate | uuid: uuid, name: name
It is preferable to implement aggregates using pure functions2. Why might this be a good rule
to follow? Because a pure function is highly testable: you will focus on behaviour rather than
By using pure functions in your domain model, you also decouple your domain from the
framework’s domain. Allowing you to build your application separately first, and layer the
external interface on top. The external interface in our application will be the RESTful API
powered by Phoenix.
The following example demonstrates a BankAccount aggregate being tested for opening an
defmodule BankAccountTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
alias BankAccount.Commands.OpenAccount
alias BankAccount.Events.BankAccountOpened
describe "opening an account with a valid initial bala
test "should be opened" do
account = %BankAccount{}
open_account = %OpenAccount{
account_number: "ACC123",
initial_balance: 100,
account_opened = BankAccount.open_account(account,
assert account_opened == %BankAccountOpened{
account_number: "ACC123",
initial_balance: 100,
Welcome to Conduit
You can view a live demo at:
General functionality
As a blogging platform, Conduit’s functionality is based around authors publishing articles.
API specs
Conduit uses a custom REST API for all requests, including authentication.
We will be implementing a backend that must adhere to the Conduit API specs.
Phoenix 1.3 introduces the concept of contexts. These are somewhat inspired by bounded
contexts in domain-driven design. They provide a way of defining clear boundaries between
parts of your application. A context defines a public API that should be consumed by the rest
of the application.
— Martin Fowler
The first argument is the context module followed by the schema module and its plural name
(used as the schema table name). The context is an Elixir module that serves as an API
boundary for the given resource. A context often holds many related resources. It is a
module, with some implementation modules behind it, that exposes a public interface the
rest of your application can consume.
This is powerful, because now you can define clear boundaries for your application domains.
You’re now implementing your application, containing your business logic, separate from the
Phoenix web interface. The web interface is merely one of the possible consumers of the API
exposed by your application using a context module.4
The official Phoenix documentation has a guide detailing Contexts in further detail.5
Contexts in Conduit
Given the features that we plan to implement in Conduit specified in the previous chapter,
we can define the following contexts to provide a boundary for each part of our application.
Why would we separate the Conduit functionality into three contexts? To keep the
responsibilities cohesive within each context. For example the responsibility of our Accounts
context is to manage users and their credentials, not handle publishing articles. Therefore
we have a blog context, separate from accounts, to publish and list articles.
Contexts have their own folder within lib/conduit which immediately shows at a high
level what the Conduit app does and allows easy navigation to help locate modules and files
related to a specific area of functionality.
With this separation of concerns enforced at the directory structure, when I need to add a
feature related to blogging, or fix a bug for articles, I can immediately focus on the
lib/conduit/blog folder and its contained modules. This reduces the cognitive load when
working with the code.
Getting started
Let’s start building our Conduit web application. We’ll be using the latest version of the
Phoenix Web framework, currently 1.3.
Before proceeding you will need to have Elixir v1.5 or later installed. Please follow the
official installation guide to get Elixir running on your operating system. There are
instructions for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Docker, and Raspberry Pi.
Installing Phoenix
Install the latest version of Phoenix using the mix command:
Initialize repository
We will temporarily comment out the Ecto repo, Conduit.Repo , in the main Conduit
application, to allow the server to be started without a database. We can also take the
opportunity to remove Phoenix’s pub/sub dependency and channels/sockets as they will not
be used for our RESTful API.
$ mix deps.get
$ mix compile
$ mix phx.server
[info] GET /
[debug] ** (Phoenix.Router.NoRouteError) no route found
(conduit) lib/conduit/web/router.ex:1: Conduit.Web.R
(conduit) lib/phoenix/router.ex:303: Conduit.Web.Rou
(conduit) lib/conduit/web/endpoint.ex:1: Conduit.Web
(conduit) lib/plug/debugger.ex:123: Conduit.Web.Endp
(conduit) lib/conduit/web/endpoint.ex:1: Conduit.Web
(plug) lib/plug/adapters/cowboy/handler.ex:15: Plug.
(cowboy) /Users/ben/src/conduit/deps/cowboy/src/cowb
You can use Commanded with one of the following event stores for persistence:
Your choice of event store has no affect on how you build your application.
For Conduit we will use the PostgreSQL based Elixir EventStore as we will also be using
PostgreSQL for our read model store and the Ecto database query library.
In Conduit, we will be using event sourcing to persist domain events created by our write
model. These events are the canonical source of truth for our application, they are used by
both the aggregates to rebuild their state and are projected into the read model store for
querying. Since the read model is a projection built from all domain events in the event
store, we can rebuild it from scratch at any time. To rebuild a read store, the database is
recreated and then populated by projecting all of the domain events.
We will use two databases for Conduit: one for the event store; another for the read model.
The database naming convention is to suffix the storage type (event store or read store) and
environment name to the application name (conduit):
Environment Event store database Read store database
The Commanded README details the steps required to install and configure the library.
defp deps do
{:commanded, "~> 0.15"},
{:commanded_eventstore_adapter, "~> 0.3"},
# ...
def application do
extra_applications: [
# ...
3. Configure Commanded to use the EventStore adapter in the mix config file
( config/config.exs ):
config :commanded,
event_store_adapter: Commanded.EventStore.Adapters
4. Configure the event store database in each environment’s mix config file (e.g.
config/dev.exs ):
6. Create the event store database and tables using the mix task:
1. Configure the Conduit.Repo Ecto repository database in each environment’s mix config
file (e.g. config/dev.exs ):
$ mix ecto.create
There are now two databases in our development environment:
1. Read model store, conduit_readstore_dev , containing only the Ecto schema migrations
2. An event store, conduit_eventstore_dev , containing the default event store tables.
The Conduit blogging platform requires authors to register an account before they can
publish articles. We shall begin our first feature by implementing user registration in the
accounts context.
Register a user
The API spec for registration is as follows:
"username": "jake",
"email": "jake@jake.jake",
"password": "jakejake"
"user": {
"email": "jake@jake.jake",
"token": "",
"username": "jake",
"bio": null,
"image": null
The request should fail with a 422 HTTP status code error should any of the required fields
be invalid. In this case the response body would be in the following format:
"errors": {
"body": [
"can't be empty"
We must ensure that usernames are unique and cannot be registered more than once.
Command Action
mix phx.gen.json Generates controller, views, and context for a JSON resource
Since we’re building a REST API, we can use the phx.gen.json generator to create our first
context, resource, controller, and JSON view. As we already know the fields relating to our
users we can include them, with their type, in the generator command:
View in lib/conduit_web/views/user_view.ex .
Controller in lib/conduit_web/controllers/user_controller.ex .
Unit and integration tests in test/conduit/accounts .
Remember that the User module we’re creating here is not our domain model. It will be a
read model projection, populated by domain events published from an aggregate.
The generator prompts us to add the resource to the :api scope in our Phoenix router
module lib/conduit/web/router.ex . For now, we will configure only the :create
controller action to support registering a user:
defp deps do
{:ex_machina, "~> 2.0", only: :test},
# ...
Fetch mix dependencies and compile:
{:ok, _} = Application.ensure_all_started(:ex_machina)
defmodule Conduit.Factory do
use ExMachina
def user_factory do
email: "jake@jake.jake",
username: "jake",
hashed_password: "jakejake",
bio: "I like to skateboard",
image: "",
In our test module, we must import Conduit.Factory to access our user factory. Then we
have access to build/1 and build/2 functions to construct params for an example user to
1. To test success, we assert that the returned HTTP status code is 201 and JSON response
matches the API:
2. To test a validation failure, we assert the response is 422 and errors are included:
defmodule ConduitWeb.UserControllerTest do
use ConduitWeb.ConnCase
import Conduit.Factory
alias Conduit.Accounts
def fixture(:user, attrs \\ []) do
build(:user, attrs) |> Accounts.create_user()
setup %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, conn: put_req_header(conn, "accept", "applicat
describe "register user" do
@tag :web
test "should create and return user when data is val
conn = post conn, user_path(conn, :create), user:
json = json_response(conn, 201)["user"]
assert json == %{
"bio" => nil,
"email" => "jake@jake.jake",
"image" => nil,
"username" => "jake",
@tag :web
test "should not create user and render errors when
: conn} do
conn = post conn, user_path(conn, :create), user:
assert json_response(conn, 422)["errors"] == %{
"username" => [
"can't be empty",
@tag :web
test "should not create user and render errors when
, %{conn: conn} do
# register a user
{:ok, _user} = fixture(:user)
Before running these tests, we must create the event store and read store databases for the
test environment:
Then we can execute our registration integration test using the mix test command:
Great, we have three failing tests. We now have the acceptance criteria of user registration
codified in our tests. When these tests pass, the feature will be done. These tests will also help
to prevent regressions caused by any changes we, or anyone else, may make in the future.
Let’s move forward by building the domain model to support user registration.
Application structure
The default directory structure used by the Phoenix generator creates a folder per context,
and places them inside a folder named after the application within the lib directory.
We currently have our accounts context, along with the Phoenix web folder:
One benefit of this approach is that when a context becomes too large, it can be extracted
into its own project. Using an umbrella project allows these separate Elixir applications to be
used together, via internal mix references.
When our application grows too large to be comfortably hosted by a single, monolithic
service we can migrate the individual apps into their own microservices. This is why it’s
important to focus on separation of concerns, using contexts, from the outset. It allows us to
split the application apart as production usage and requirements dictate, and more
importantly it supports rewriting and deletion of code. Keeping each contexts highly
cohesive, but loosely coupled, provides these benefits.
Within each context in our CQRS application we will create the common building blocks:
aggregates, commands, events, read model projections, and queries. I prefer to create a
separate folder for each of these. It provides further segregation within a single context and
allows you to easily locate any module by its type and name.
The folder structure for our first accounts context will be:
Inside the lib/conduit/accounts folder we will place the context module and a supervisor
These are the public facing parts of the account context, and provide the API into its
available behaviour. The supervisor is responsible for supervising the workers contained
within, such as the event handlers and projectors.
Alternate structure
Instead of grouping modules by their type within a context, you may chose to group by their
aggregate functionality. Following the convention used by Phoenix, the filename and module
names are suffixed by their type (e.g. user_aggregate.ex ).
In this example I’ve illustrated the file structure for modules related to the User aggregate in
the Accounts context, including the commands, events, projection, validators, and queries:
You can use either approach, or another application structure entirely, but it’s important that
you chose a convention and adhere to it within your application.
One decision we must take when designing an aggregate is how to identify an instance. The
simplest approach is to use a UUID7. This may be generated by the client or the server, and is
used to guarantee a unique identity per aggregate instance. All commands must include this
identity to allow locating the target aggregate instance.
For Conduit users, we have a restriction that their username must be unique. So we could
use the username to identify the aggregate and enforce this business rule. Domain events
persisted for each user would be appended to a stream based upon their individual
username. Populating the user aggregate would retrieve their events from the stream based
on their username. Attempting to register an already taken username would fail since the
aggregate exists and its state will be non-empty. However, one downside to this approach is
that it would prevent us from allowing a user to amend their username at some point in the
future. Remember that domain events are immutable once appended to the event store, so
you cannot amend them, or move them to another stream. Instead you would need to create
a new aggregate instance, using the new username, initialise its state from the existing
aggregate, and mark the old aggregate instance as obsoleted.
We’ll use an assigned unique identifier for each user. The uuid package provides a UUID
generator and utilities for Elixir. With this library we can assign a unique identity to a user
using UUID.uuid4() .
defp deps do
{:uuid, "~> 1.1"},
# ...
To enforce the username uniqueness, we will validate the command before execution to
ensure the username has not already been taken.
1. execute/2 that accepts the empty user struct, %User{} , and the register user command,
%RegisterUser{} , returning the user registered domain event.
2. apply/2 that takes the user struct and the resultant user registered event
%UserRegistered{} and mutates the aggregate state.
defmodule Conduit.Accounts.Aggregates.User do
defstruct [
alias Conduit.Accounts.Aggregates.User
@doc """
Register a new user
def execute(%User{uuid: nil}, %RegisterUser{} = regist
user_uuid: register.user_uuid,
username: register.username,
hashed_password: register.hashed_password,
# state mutators
def apply(%User{} = user, %UserRegistered{} = register
%User{user |
uuid: registered.user_uuid,
username: registered.username,
hashed_password: registered.hashed_password,
This approach to building aggregates will be followed for all new commands and events. The
execute/2 function takes the command and returns zero, one, or more domain events.
While the apply/2 function mutates the aggregate state by applying a single event.
The execute/2 function to register the user uses pattern matching to ensure the uuid field
is nil. This ensures a user aggregate for a given identity can only be created once.
Why did I name the command function execute/2 and not register_user/2 ? This is to
allow commands to be dispatched directly to the aggregate, without needing an intermediate
command handler. This means less code to write. You can choose to have descriptive
command function, but you must also write a command handler module to route each
command to the function on the aggregate module. It’s also possible to have the command
handler module implement the domain logic by returning any domain events itself, if you
defmodule Conduit.Accounts.Commands.RegisterUser do
defstruct [
The register user command can be constructed using familiar Elixir syntax:
alias Conduit.Accounts.Commands.RegisterUser
user_uuid: UUID.uuid4(),
username: "jake",
email: "jake@jake.jake",
password: "jakejake",
When building a struct, Elixir will automatically guarantee all keys belongs to the struct. This
helps prevent accidental typos:
iex(1)> %RegisterUser{
...(1)> user: "jake",
...(1)> email: "jake@jake.jake",
...(1)> password: "jakejake",
...(1)> }
** (KeyError) key :user not found in: %RegisterUser{emai
hed_password: nil, password: "jakejake", username: nil,
– ExConstructor
defmodule Conduit.Accounts.Commands.RegisterUser do
defstruct [
use ExConstructor
This allows us to create the command struct from a plain map, such as that provided by the
params argument in a Phoenix controller function using the new/1 function:
defmodule Conduit.Accounts.Events.UserRegistered do
@derive [Poison.Encoder]
defstruct [
Note we derive the Poison.Encoder protocol in the domain event module. This is because
Commanded uses the poison pure Elixir JSON library to serialize events in the database. For
maximum performance, you should @derive [Poison.Encoder] for any struct used for
We can create a case template for aggregate unit tests that provides a reusable way to
execute commands against an aggregate and verify the resultant domain events. In the
following Conduit.AggregateCase case template an Elixir macro is used to allow each unit
test to specify the aggregate module acting as the test subject:
defmodule Conduit.AggregateCase do
@moduledoc """
This module defines the test case to be used by aggreg
use ExUnit.CaseTemplate
using [aggregate: aggregate] do
quote bind_quoted: [aggregate: aggregate] do
@aggregate_module aggregate
import Conduit.Factory
# assert that the expected events are returned whe
# have been executed
defp assert_events(commands, expected_events) do
assert execute(List.wrap(commands)) == expected_
# execute one or more commands against the aggrega
defp execute(commands) do
{_, events} = Enum.reduce(commands, {%@aggregate
and, {aggregate, _}) ->
events = @aggregate_module.execute(aggregate,
defmodule Conduit.Accounts.UserTest do
use Conduit.AggregateCase, aggregate: Conduit.Account
alias Conduit.Accounts.Commands.RegisterUser
alias Conduit.Accounts.Events.UserRegistered
describe "register user" do
@tag :unit
test "should succeed when valid" do
user_uuid = UUID.uuid4()
You can use @tag :wip to mark a test that you are currently working on,
allowing you to execute it on its own:
To facilitate test-driven development I use the mix command provided by the
mix_test_watch package. It will automatically run tests whenever files change.
defp deps do
{:mix_test_watch, "~> 0.5", only: :dev, runtime: fal
# ...
We can now execute our tagged unit test as a one off test run:
To dispatch a command to its intended aggregate we must create a router module that
implements the Commanded.Commands.Router behaviour:
defmodule Conduit.Router do
use Commanded.Commands.Router
alias Conduit.Accounts.Aggregates.User
alias Conduit.Accounts.Commands.RegisterUser
dispatch [RegisterUser], to: User, identity: :user_uui
alias Conduit.Router
alias Conduit.Accounts.Commands.RegisterUser
register_user = %RegisterUser{
user_uuid: UUID.uuid4(),
email: "jake@jake.jake",
username: "jake",
hashed_password: "hashedpw",
:ok = Router.dispatch(register_user)
We can pattern match on the return value to ensure that the command succeeded, or handle
any failures.
The register_user/1 function in the accounts context assigns a unique identity to the user,
constructs the register user command, and dispatches it to the configured aggregate:
defmodule Conduit.Accounts do
@moduledoc """
The boundary for the Accounts system.
alias Conduit.Accounts.Commands.RegisterUser
alias Conduit.Router
@doc """
Register a new user.
def register_user(attrs \\ %{}) do
|> assign_uuid(:user_uuid)
|> Router.dispatch()
# generate a unique identity
defp assign_uuid(attrs, identity), do: Map.put(attrs,
To verify the expected behaviour of the register user function we turn to the accounts test in
test/conduit/accounts/accounts_test.exs :
defmodule Conduit.AccountsTest do
use Conduit.DataCase
alias Conduit.Accounts
alias Conduit.Accounts.Projections.User
describe "register user" do
@tag :integration
test "should succeed with valid data" do
assert {:ok, %User{} = user} = Accounts.register_u
Again the test is tagged, using @tag integration , to indicate it is an integration test and will
likely be slower due to accessing the database. Running the test results in a failure:
$ mix test --only integration
Including tags: [:integration]
Excluding tags: [:test]
A failing test is helpful feedback: it guides us as to what we need to build next. In this case,
we need to populate our read model and return the newly registered user.
We’ll be using Ecto to persist our read model to a PostgreSQL database. A projection is built
by a projector module defined as an event handler: it receives each published domain event
and updates the read model. So a projection is read model state that is projected from
domain events by a projector.
defmodule ExampleEventHandler do
use Commanded.Event.Handler, name: "ExampleEventHandl
def handle(%AnEvent{..}, _metadata) do
# process domain event
The Phoenix generator has already included the Ecto package as a dependency and created
an Ecto repo for us, Conduit.Repo in lib/repo.ex . We configured the database connection
details for the repo in the configuring the read model store section of the getting started
We’ll add the Commanded Ecto projections package to our dependencies in mix.exs :
defp deps do
{:commanded_ecto_projections, "~> 0.6"},
# ...
We need to configure the commanded_ecto_projections library with the Ecto repo used by
our application in config/config.exs :
config :commanded_ecto_projections,
repo: Conduit.Repo
defmodule Conduit.Repo.Migrations.CreateProjectionVersi
use Ecto.Migration
def change do
create table(:projection_versions, primary_key: fals
add :projection_name, :text, primary_key: true
add :last_seen_event_number, :bigint
When we ran the Phoenix resource generator to create the accounts context, we also asked it
to create a user schema and specified its fields. It generated a database migration for us in
priv/repo/migrations . By default Phoenix schemas use auto-incrementing integer fields as
the table primary key. As we’re using UUIDs to identify our user aggregate we need to amend
the schema and migration to use the uuid data type.
We’ll add two unique indexes to the accounts_users table, on username and email , to
support efficient querying on those fields.
defmodule Conduit.Repo.Migrations.CreateConduit.Account
use Ecto.Migration
def change do
create table(:accounts_users, primary_key: false) do
add :uuid, :uuid, primary_key: true
add :username, :string
add :email, :string
add :hashed_password, :string
add :bio, :string
add :image, :string
create unique_index(:accounts_users, [:username])
create unique_index(:accounts_users, [:email])
The user projection schema is modified to use Ecto’s binary_id as the primary key data
defmodule Conduit.Accounts.Projections.User do
use Ecto.Schema
@primary_key {:uuid, :binary_id, autogenerate: false}
schema "accounts_users" do
field :username, :string, unique: true
field :email, :string, unique: true
field :hashed_password, :string
field :bio, :string
field :image, :string
$ mix ecto.migrate
Finally, we create a projector module to insert a user projection each time a user is
registered. This uses the project macro, provided by the Commanded Ecto projections
library, to match each user registered domain event and insert a new User projection into
the database.
defmodule Conduit.Accounts.Projectors.User do
use Commanded.Projections.Ecto, name: "Accounts.Proje
alias Conduit.Accounts.Events.UserRegistered
alias Conduit.Accounts.Projections.User
project %UserRegistered{} = registered do
Ecto.Multi.insert(multi, :user, %User{
uuid: registered.user_uuid,
username: registered.username,
hashed_password: registered.hashed_password,
bio: nil,
image: nil,
The project macro exposes an Ecto.Multi struct, as multi , that we can use to chain
together many database operations. They are executed within a single database transaction
to ensure all changes succeed, or fail, together.
defmodule Conduit.Accounts.Supervisor do
use Supervisor
alias Conduit.Accounts
def start_link do
Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE
def init(_arg) do
], strategy: :one_for_one)
defmodule Conduit.Application do
use Application
def start(_type, _args) do
import Supervisor.Spec
children = [
# Start the Ecto repository
supervisor(Conduit.Repo, []),
# Accounts supervisor
supervisor(Conduit.Accounts.Supervisor, []),
The read model database is manually reset by executing a truncate table SQL statement
specifying each projection table to clear. We must remember to add any additional tables to
this statement as we build our application to also reset them during test execution.
defmodule Conduit.DataCase do
use ExUnit.CaseTemplate
using do
quote do
alias Conduit.Repo
import Ecto
import Ecto.Changeset
import Ecto.Query
import Conduit.Factory
import Conduit.DataCase
setup _tags do
defp reset_eventstore do
{:ok, conn} =
|> EventStore.Config.parse()
|> Postgrex.start_link()
defp reset_readstore do
readstore_config = Application.get_env(:conduit, Con
We cannot assume that once the command is successfully dispatched, the read
model has been updated. It’s possible that the projection we need to read data
from is still being updated, is lagging behind, or is being rebuilt from scratch.
1. Wait, and poll the read model until the data we expect to be present appears.
2. Use pub/sub from the read model to notify interested subscribers after each
3. Fake a response by generating it from the data we already have.
In this scenario, we could attempt to return a %User{} struct populated from the
parameters passed to the register_user/1 function. The concern with this approach is the
additional duplicate code we must write, and the potential for it getting out of sync during
future changes. Instead we’ll take advantage of Commanded’s support for strongly consistent
command dispatch.
The Commanded consistency model is opt-in, with the default consistency being :eventual .
We need to define our user projector as strongly consistent:
defmodule Conduit.Accounts.Projectors.User do
use Commanded.Projections.Ecto,
name: "Accounts.Projectors.User",
consistency: :strong
defmodule Conduit.Accounts do
@moduledoc """
The boundary for the Accounts system.
alias Conduit.Accounts.Commands.RegisterUser
alias Conduit.Accounts.Projections.User
alias Conduit.Repo
alias Conduit.Router
@doc """
Register a new user.
def register_user(attrs \\ %{}) do
uuid = UUID.uuid4()
register_user =
|> assign(:user_uuid, uuid)
Now when we receive an :ok reply from command dispatch we can be assured that the
user projection has been updated with our newly registered user. Allowing us to query the
projection and return the populated %User{} . Let’s run the accounts test to check our
We still have one other failing test, but that’s useful as it directs us towards what needs to be
worked on next: adding command validation.
Command validation
We want to build our application to ensure that most commands are successfully handled by
an aggregate. The first way to achieve this is to limit which commands can be dispatched by
only allowing acceptable commands to be shown to the end user in the UI. The second level
of protection before a command reaches an aggregate is command validation; all commands
should be validated before being passed to the aggregate.
There are three different levels of command validation that apply to an application:
Property validation helps guard against common errors, such as the user forgetting to fill out
a mandatory field, by applying the rules before accepting the command and rejecting upon
validation failure. These rules can be applied at the user interface to help assist the user.
You could decide that this invariant was important enough to warrant protection by using an
aggregate whose purpose is to record and assign unique usernames. Its job would be to
enforce uniqueness by acting as a gatekeeper to the user registration. A command, such as
reserve username, could be used to claim the username. The aggregate would publish a
domain event with the newly assigned username on success, allowing an event handler to
then register the user with the guaranteed unique username.
Business invariants
An aggregate root must protect itself against commands that would cause an invariant to be
broken. This includes attempting to execute a command that is invalid for the aggregate’s
current state. An example would be attempting to rename an article that has been deleted. In
this scenario the aggregate would return an {:error, reason} tagged tuple from the
command execute/2 function.
For certain business operations you might decide to return a domain event indicating an
error, rather than preventing the command execution. An example would be attempting to
withdraw money from a bank account where the amount requested is larger than the
account balance. Retail banks earn interest or fees when an account goes overdrawn, so
rather than reject the withdraw money command, a bank account aggregate might instead
allow the withdrawal and also return an account overdrawn domain event.
Can be used to check different data types for compliance with criteria.
Ships with built-in validators to check for attribute presence, absence, inclusion,
exclusion, format, length, acceptance, and by a custom function. You can easily define
new validators and override existing ones.
– Vex
defp deps do
{:vex, "~> 0.6"},
# ...
Fetch mix dependencies and compile:
Then we add validation rules for each of the fields in the command:
defmodule Conduit.Accounts.Commands.RegisterUser do
defstruct [
use ExConstructor
use Vex.Struct
validates :user_uuid, uuid: true
validates :username, presence: true, string: true
validates :email, presence: true, string: true
validates :hashed_password, presence: true, string: tr
For the uuid field we will use a custom validator that attempts to parse the given string as a
defmodule Conduit.Validation.Validators.Uuid do
use Vex.Validator
def validate(value, _options) do
Vex.Validators.By.validate(value, [function: &valid_
e, allow_blank: false])
defp valid_uuid?(uuid) do
case do
{:ok, _} -> true
{:error, _} -> false
To validate string fields, such as username and email, we will use another custom validator:
defmodule Conduit.Validation.Validators.String do
use Vex.Validator
def validate(nil, _options), do: :ok
def validate("", _options), do: :ok
def validate(value, _options) do
Vex.Validators.By.validate(value, [function: &String
config :vex,
sources: [
[string: Conduit.Validation.SringValidator],
[uuid: Conduit.Validation.UuidValidator],
iex(1)> Vex.validator(:uuid)
With the validation rules in place, we can validate a register user command as follows:
defmodule Conduit.Support.Middleware.Validate do
@behaviour Commanded.Middleware
alias Commanded.Middleware.Pipeline
import Pipeline
def before_dispatch(%Pipeline{command: command} = pipe
case Vex.valid?(command) do
true -> pipeline
false -> failed_validation(pipeline)
def after_dispatch(pipeline), do: pipeline
def after_failure(pipeline), do: pipeline
defp failed_validation(%Pipeline{command: command} = p
errors = command |> Vex.errors() |> merge_errors()
|> respond({:error, :validation_failure, errors})
|> halt
defp merge_errors(errors) do
|> Enum.group_by(
fn {_error, field, _type, _message} -> field end,
fn {_error, _field, _type, message} -> message end
defmodule Conduit.AccountsTest do
use Conduit.DataCase
alias Conduit.Accounts
alias Conduit.Accounts.User
describe "register user" do
@tag :integration
test "should fail with invalid data and return error
assert {:error, :validation_failure, errors} = Acc
d(:user, username: ""))
It’s still failing, but only because the validation error message we’re expecting, “can’t be
empty”, differs from the default validation error message provided by Vex, “must be present”.
We can provide our own message when registering the validation rules in the command:
defmodule Conduit.Accounts.Commands.RegisterUser do
defstruct [
use ExConstructor
use Vex.Struct
validates :user_uuid, uuid: true
validates :username, presence: [message: "can't be emp
validates :email, presence: [message: "can't be empty"
validates :hashed_password, presence: [message: "can't
We now have complete end-to-end user registration including command dispatch and
validation, aggregate construction, domain event publishing, and read model projection.
That covers the entire flow of a CQRS application from an initial command dispatch resulting
in an updated read model available to query.
Typically domain validation will use a read model to query for application state. In our case
we already have a user projection that contains the username. We even specified a unique
index on the username column in the database migration:
Let’s write an integration test to assert that registering the same username will fail with a
useful error message:
@tag :integration
test "should fail when username already taken and return
assert {:ok, %User{}} = Accounts.register_user(build(:
assert {:error, :validation_failure, errors} = Account
Running this test will fail, so we need to implement the unique username validation rule.
First we build a read model query to lookup the user projection by username:
defmodule Conduit.Accounts.Queries.UserByUsername do
import Ecto.Query
alias Conduit.Accounts.Projections.User
def new(username) do
from u in User,
where: u.username == ^username
We use this query to expose a new public function in the accounts context:
user_by_username/1 :
defmodule Conduit.Accounts do
alias Conduit.Accounts.Queries.UserByUsername
alias Conduit.Repo
@doc """
Get an existing user by their username, or return `nil
def user_by_username(username) do
|> String.downcase()
Then we can check if a username already exists in the new unique username validator,
added to the accounts context in lib/conduit/accounts/validators :
defmodule Conduit.Accounts.Validators.UniqueUsername do
use Vex.Validator
alias Conduit.Accounts
def validate(value, _options) do
Vex.Validators.By.validate(value, [
function: fn value -> !username_registered?(value)
message: "has already been taken"
defp username_registered?(username) do
case Accounts.user_by_username(username) do
nil -> false
_ -> true
config :vex,
sources: [
Then we can register the new validator against the username property:
defmodule Conduit.Accounts.Commands.RegisterUser do
# ...
validates :username, presence: [message: "can't be emp
ue_username: true
Run the accounts integration test and we now have three passing tests:
Concurrent registration
We’ve included command validation to ensure unique usernames, and have tested this when
registering one user after another. However, there’s a problem: attempting to register two
users with the same username concurrently. The unique username validation will pass for
both commands, allowing both users with an identical username to be created. This issue
exists during the small period of time between registering the user and the read model being
defmodule Conduit.AccountsTest do
use Conduit.DataCase
alias Conduit.Accounts
alias Conduit.Accounts.User
describe "register user" do
@tag :integration
test "should fail when registering identical usernam
n error" do
|> _ -> Task.async(fn -> Accounts.regi
end) end)
Since the issue exists only during concurrent command handling we can use another router
middleware module to enforce uniqueness. In the before_dispatch/1 callback for the
register user command we can attempt to claim the username. Should that fail, it indicates
that another user registration for that username is currently being processed and return a
validation failure.
The middleware will use a new Unique module that provides a claim/2 function. This
attempts to reserve a unique value for a given context. It returns :ok on success, or
{:error, :already_taken} on failure. To make the middleware reusable for other fields
we define an Elixir protocol ( UniqueFields ) allowing commands to specify which fields are
defmodule Conduit.Support.Middleware.Uniqueness do
@behaviour Commanded.Middleware
defprotocol UniqueFields do
@fallback_to_any true
@doc "Returns unique fields for the command"
def unique(command)
defimpl UniqueFields, for: Any do
def unique(_command), do: []
alias Conduit.Support.Unique
alias Commanded.Middleware.Pipeline
import Pipeline
def before_dispatch(%Pipeline{command: command} = pipe
case ensure_uniqueness(command) do
:ok ->
For the RegisterUser command we specify the :username field must by unique by
implementing the UniqueFields protocol:
defimpl Conduit.Support.Middleware.Uniqueness.UniqueFie
s.Commands.RegisterUser do
def unique(_command), do: [
{:username, "has already been taken"},
The new Uniqueness middleware is registered after command validation so that it will only
be applied to valid commands:
defmodule Conduit.Router do
use Commanded.Commands.Router
alias Conduit.Accounts.Aggregates.User
alias Conduit.Accounts.Commands.RegisterUser
alias Conduit.Support.Middleware.{Uniqueness,Validate
middleware Validate
middleware Uniqueness
dispatch [RegisterUser], to: User, identity: :uuid
We’ll use a GenServer to track assigned unique values. Its state is a mapping between a
context, such as :username , and the already claimed values. Attempting to claim an
assigned value for a context returns an {:error, :already_taken} tagged error.
defmodule Conduit.Support.Unique do
use GenServer
def start_link do
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, %{}, name: __MODULE
def claim(context, value) do, {:claim, context, value})
def init(state), do: {:ok, state}
def handle_call({:claim, context, value}, _from, assig
{reply, state} = case Map.get(assignments, context)
nil -> {:ok, Map.put(assignments, context, MapSet.
values ->
case MapSet.member?(values, value) do
true -> {{:error, :already_taken}, assignments
false -> {:ok, Map.put(assignments, context, M
{:reply, reply, state}
defmodule Conduit.Application do
use Application
def start(_type, _args) do
import Supervisor.Spec
children = [
# ...
# Enforce unique constraints
worker(Conduit.Validation.Unique, []),
We now have unique usernames enforced as part of the register user command dispatch
pipeline. This should prevent duplicate usernames from being registered at exactly the same
time. We can verify this by running the integration tests again:
1. Must be lowercase.
2. Must only contain alphanumeric characters (a-z, 0-9).
@tag :integration
test "should fail when username format is invalid and re
assert {:error, :validation_failure, errors} = Account
ser, username: "j@ke"))
assert errors == %{username: ["is invalid"]}
@tag :integration
test "should convert username to lowercase" do
assert {:ok, %User{} = user} = Accounts.register_user(
Vex supports regex validation using the format validator. We add this to the username
validation rules in the register user command:
defmodule Conduit.Accounts.Commands.RegisterUser do
# ..
validates :username,
presence: [message: "can't be empty"],
format: [with: ~r/^[a-z0-9]+$/, allow_nil: true, all
"is invalid"],
string: true,
unique_username: true
The allow_nil and allow_blank options are included as we already have validation to
ensure the username is present. We don’t want duplicate error messages when it is not
provided: “can’t be empty” and “is invalid”.
We need to convert the username to lowercase during registration in the Accounts context
register_user/1 function. Let’s take the opportunity to make a small refactoring by
moving the existing assign_uuid/2 function into the RegisterUser module. At the same
time we will include a new downcase_username/1 function that does as described. These
functions are chained together using the pipeline operator after constructing the
RegisterUser command struct from the user supplied attributes.
defmodule Conduit.Accounts do
@doc """
Register a new user.
def register_user(attrs \\ %{}) do
uuid = UUID.uuid4()
register_user =
|> RegisterUser.assign_uuid(uuid)
|> RegisterUser.downcase_username()
with :ok <- Router.dispatch(register_user, consisten
get(User, uuid)
reply -> reply
defmodule Conduit.Accounts.Commands.RegisterUser do
@doc """
Assign a unique identity for the user
def assign_uuid(%RegisterUser{} = register_user, uuid)
%RegisterUser{register_user | user_uuid: uuid}
@doc """
Convert username to lowercase characters
def downcase_username(%RegisterUser{username: username
%RegisterUser{register_user | username: String.downc
Running the integration test suite confirms our changes are good.
1. Must be unique.
2. Must be lowercase.
3. Must be in the desired format: contain an @ character.
The implementation will follow a similar approach to how we validated usernames.
@tag :integration
test "should fail when email address already taken and r
assert {:ok, %User{}} = Accounts.register_user(build(:
assert {:error, :validation_failure, errors} = Account
ser, username: "jake2"))
defmodule Conduit.Accounts.Commands.RegisterUser do
# ...
validates :email,
presence: [message: "can't be empty"],
format: [with: ~r/\S+@\S+\.\S+/, allow_nil: true, al
: "is invalid"],
string: true,
unique_email: true
Third, we create the new unique email validator:
defmodule Conduit.Accounts.Validators.UniqueEmail do
use Vex.Validator
alias Conduit.Accounts
def validate(value, _options) do
Vex.Validators.By.validate(value, [
function: fn value -> !email_registered?(value) en
message: "has already been taken"
defp email_registered?(email) do
case Accounts.user_by_email(email) do
nil -> false
_ -> true
This also requires a new public user_by_email/1 function in the accounts context to
retrieve a user by their email address:
defmodule Conduit.Accounts do
@doc """
Get an existing user by their email address, or return
def user_by_email(email) when is_binary(email) do
|> String.downcase()
defmodule Conduit.Accounts.Queries.UserByEmail do
import Ecto.Query
alias Conduit.Accounts.Projections.User
def new(email) do
from u in User,
where: == ^email
Fourth, we extend the UniqueFields protocol implementation for the register user
command to include email address:
defimpl Conduit.Support.Middleware.Uniqueness.UniqueFie
s.Commands.RegisterUser do
def unique(_command), do: [
{:email, "has already been taken"},
{:username, "has already been taken"},
defmodule Conduit.Accounts do
@doc """
Register a new user.
def register_user(attrs \\ %{}) do
uuid = UUID.uuid4()
register_user =
|> RegisterUser.assign_uuid(uuid)
|> RegisterUser.downcase_username()
|> RegisterUser.downcase_email()
That completes the email address validation: we run the integration test suite again to
confirm this with passing tests.
Email address validation
For Conduit we’ll use the bcrypt10 password hashing function as described in how to safely
store a password using bcrypt. The Comeonin library provides an implementation of the
bcrypt hashing function in Elixir.
Password hashing (bcrypt, pbkdf2_sha512 and one-time passwords) library for Elixir.
This library is intended to make it very straightforward for developers to check users’
passwords in as secure a manner as possible.
– Comeonin
defp deps do
# ...
{:bcrypt_elixir, "~> 1.0"},
{:comeonin, "~> 4.0"},
For our test environment only we will reduce the number of bcrypt rounds so it doesn’t slow
down our test suite. In config/test.exs we configure comeonin as follows:
defmodule Conduit.Auth do
@moduledoc """
Authentication using the bcrypt password hashing funct
alias Comeonin.Bcrypt
def hash_password(password), do: Bcrypt.hashpwsalt(pas
def validate_password(password, hash), do: Bcrypt.chec
Then create an integration test to verify the password is being hashed and stored in the user
read model. For the test assertion we use the Auth.validate_password/2 function, shown
above, which hashes the provided password, jakejake , and compares with the already
hashed password saved for the user, such as
$2b$04$W7A/lWysNVUqeYg8vjKCXeBniHoks4jmRziKDmACO.fvqo3wdqsea . Remember that we
never store the user’s password, only a one-way hash.
@tag :integration
test "should hash password" do
assert {:ok, %User{} = user} = Accounts.register_user(
assert Auth.validate_password("jakejake", user.hashed_
Next we include a password field in the register user command struct, to contain the user
provided password in plain text. We add a hash_password/1 function that hashes the
password, stores the hash value as hashed_password , and clears the original plain text
password. This prevents the user’s password from being exposed by any command auditing.
defmodule Conduit.Accounts.Commands.RegisterUser do
defstruct [
user_uuid: "",
username: "",
email: "",
password: "",
hashed_password: "",
@doc """
Hash the password, clear the original password
def hash_password(%RegisterUser{password: password} =
%RegisterUser{register_user |
password: nil,
hashed_password: Auth.hash_password(password),
The final change is to include this function in the register user command dispatch chain:
defmodule Conduit.Accounts do
@doc """
Register a new user.
def register_user(attrs \\ %{}) do
uuid = UUID.uuid4()
register_user =
|> RegisterUser.assign_uuid(uuid)
|> RegisterUser.downcase_username()
|> RegisterUser.downcase_email()
|> RegisterUser.hash_password()
We’ve now successfully hashed the user’s password during registration, helping to protect
our users’ security should our deployed environment be compromised and database
accessed. The Comeonin library will generate a different 16 character length salt for each
hashed password by default. This is another layer of protection against hashed password
dictionary and rainbow table attacks.
"user": {
"email": "jake@jake.jake",
"token": "",
"username": "jake",
"bio": null,
"image": null
For now we will skip the authentication token, that will be addressed in the next chapter.
The integration test for successful user registration asserts against the JSON returned from a
POST request to /api/users in the UserControllerTest module:
@tag :web
test "should create and return user when data is valid",
conn = post conn, user_path(conn, :create), user: buil
json = json_response(conn, 201)["user"]
assert json == %{
"bio" => nil,
"email" => "jake@jake.jake",
"image" => nil,
"username" => "jake",
Running the test still results in a failure, so there’s more work for us to do. We need to modify
the user view and select a subset of the fields from our user projection to be returned as
JSON data:
defmodule ConduitWeb.UserView do
use ConduitWeb, :view
alias ConduitWeb.UserView
def render("index.json", %{users: users}) do
%{users: render_many(users, UserView, "user.json")}
def render("show.json", %{user: user}) do
%{user: render_one(user, UserView, "user.json")}
def render("user.json", %{user: user}) do
username: user.username,
image: user.image,
As per the API spec we only return the username , email , bio , and image fields.
Next we need to handle the case where validation errors are returned during command
dispatch. The request should fail with a 422 HTTP status code and the response body would
be in the following format:
"errors": {
"username": [
"can't be empty"
@tag :web
test "should not create user and render errors when data
nn} do
conn = post conn, user_path(conn, :create), user: buil
assert json_response(conn, 422)["errors"] == %{
"username" => [
"can't be empty",
To achieve this we will use a new feature in Phoenix 1.3, the action_fallback plug for
controllers to support generic error handling. Including the plug inside a controller allows
you to ignore errors, and only handle the successful case. Take a look at our existing user
controller, where we only pattern match on the {:ok, user} successful outcome:
defmodule ConduitWeb.UserController do
use ConduitWeb, :controller
alias Conduit.Accounts
alias Conduit.Accounts.User
action_fallback ConduitWeb.FallbackController
def create(conn, %{"user" => user_params}) do
with {:ok, %User{} = user} <- Accounts.register_user
|> put_status(:created)
|> render("show.json", user: user)
Any errors that aren’t handled within your controller can be dealt with by the configured
fallback controller. We pattern match on the {:error, :validation_failure, errors}
tagged error tuple returned when command dispatch fails due to a validation failure. The
errors are rendered using a new validation view module and returned with an HTTP 422
“Unprocessable Entity” status code:
defmodule ConduitWeb.FallbackController do
use ConduitWeb, :controller
def call(conn, {:error, :validation_failure, errors})
|> put_status(:unprocessable_entity)
|> render(ConduitWeb.ValidationView, "error.json", e
def call(conn, {:error, :not_found}) do
|> put_status(:not_found)
|> render(ConduitWeb.ErrorView, :"404")
The validation view returns a map containing the errors that is rendered as JSON:
defmodule ConduitWeb.ValidationView do
use ConduitWeb, :view
def render("error.json", %{errors: errors}) do
%{errors: errors}
We can run the integration tests tagged with @web after making these changes, and the good
news is they all pass:
Having completed user registration, we now move on to authentication in the next chapter.
Authenticate a user
The API spec for authentication is as follows:
"email": "jake@jake.jake",
"password": "jakejake"
"errors": {
"email or password": [
"is invalid"
The successful login response includes a JSON Web Token (JWT). This token is included in the
HTTP headers on subsequent requests to authorize the user’s actions. We’ll use Guardian to
authenticate users and take advantage of its support for JWT tokens.
– Guardian
Guardian provides a number of Plug modules to include within the Phoenix request
handling pipeline. We’ll make use of the following three plugs for the Conduit API:
Plug Usage
defp deps do
# ...
{:guardian, "~> 0.14"},
Guardian requires a secret key to be generated for our application. We can use the “secret
generator” mix task provided by Phoenix to do this:
$ mix phx.gen.secret
Configure Guardian in config/config.exs , including copying the key from above into
secret_key :
At this point we will move the existing Conduit.Auth module into its own context. This will
allows us to keep authentication concerns, such as password hashing, separate from user
defmodule Conduit.Auth.GuardianSerializer do
@moduledoc """
Used by Guardian to serialize a JWT token
@behaviour Guardian.Serializer
alias Conduit.Accounts
alias Conduit.Accounts.Projections.User
def for_token(%User{} = user), do: {:ok, "User:#{user.
def for_token(_), do: {:error, "Unknown resource type"
def from_token("User:" <> uuid), do: {:ok,
def from_token(_), do: {:error, "Unknown resource type
defmodule Conduit.Accounts do
@doc """
Get a single user by their UUID
def user_by_uuid(uuid) when is_binary(uuid) do
Repo.get(User, uuid)
The Conduit API specs show the authentication header is in the following format:
So we need to prefix the JWT token with the word Token . To do this we configure the
Phoenix web router, in lib/conduit/web/router.ex , and instruct Guardian to use Token
as the realm:
defmodule ConduitWeb.Router do
use ConduitWeb, :router
pipeline :api do
plug :accepts, ["json"]
plug Guardian.Plug.VerifyHeader, realm: "Token"
plug Guardian.Plug.LoadResource
# ... routes omitted
We will create a new session controller to support user login. It will authenticate the user
from the provided email and password and return the user’s details as JSON:
defmodule ConduitWeb.SessionController do
use ConduitWeb, :controller
alias Conduit.Auth
alias Conduit.Accounts.Projections.User
action_fallback ConduitWeb.FallbackController
def create(conn, %{"user" => %{"email" => email, "pass
case Auth.authenticate(email, password) do
{:ok, %User{} = user} ->
|> put_status(:created)
|> render(ConduitWeb.UserView, "show.json", user
An error is returned with a 422 HTTP status code and a generic “is invalid” error message for
the email or password on login failure. The existing user and validation views are reused for
rendering the response as JSON.
The session controller uses a new public function in the auth context: authenticate/2
This function will look for an existing user by their email address, and then compare their
stored hashed password with the password provided hashed using the same bcrypt hash
function. An {:error, :unauthenticated} tagged tuple is returned on failure:
defmodule Conduit.Auth do
@moduledoc """
Boundary for authentication.
Uses the bcrypt password hashing function.
alias Comeonin.Bcrypt
alias Conduit.Accounts
alias Conduit.Accounts.Projections.User
def authenticate(email, password) do
with {:ok, user} <- user_by_email(email) do
check_password(user, password)
reply -> reply
def hash_password(password), do: Bcrypt.hashpwsalt(pas
def validate_password(password, hash), do: Bcrypt.chec
defp user_by_email(email) do
case Accounts.user_by_email(email) do
nil -> {:error, :unauthenticated}
user -> {:ok, user}
defp check_password(%User{hashed_password: hashed_pass
case validate_password(password, hashed_password) do
true -> {:ok, user}
_ -> {:error, :unauthenticated}
The POST /api/users/login action, mapped to the new session controller, is added to the
defmodule ConduitWeb.Router do
use ConduitWeb, :router
# ... pipeline omitted
scope "/api", ConduitWeb do
pipe_through :api
With the controller and routing configured we can write a web integration test to verify the
functionality. In test/conduit/web/controllers/session_controller_test.exs we use the
Phoenix connection test case to access helper functions for controllers.
defmodule ConduitWeb.SessionControllerTest do
use ConduitWeb.ConnCase
setup %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, conn: put_req_header(conn, "accept", "applicat
describe "authenticate user" do
@tag :web
test "creates session and renders session when data
Run the new web tests, mix test --only web , to confirm that our changes are good.
"user": {
"email": "jake@jake.jake",
"token": "",
"username": "jake"
We need to rectify that omission by including the token in the response. First, we’ll include
the token property in the session controller test. We assert that it is not empty when
successfully authenticating a user:
defmodule ConduitWeb.SessionControllerTest do
use ConduitWeb.ConnCase
setup %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, conn: put_req_header(conn, "accept", "applicat
describe "authenticate user" do
@tag :web
test "creates session and renders session when data
assert json == %{
"bio" => nil,
"email" => "jake@jake.jake",
"token" => token,
"image" => nil,
"username" => "jake",
refute token == ""
Let’s use Guardian to generate the token for us. It will use the
Conduit.Auth.GuardianSerializer module we’ve already written and configured to
serialize our user resource into a string for inclusion in the token.
defmodule ConduitWeb.JWT do
@moduledoc """
JSON Web Token helper functions, using Guardian
Since the token generation will be used in both the session and user controllers we will
import the ConduitWeb.JWT module in the Phoenix controller macro, in
lib/conduit/web/web.ex . This makes the generate_jwt/2 function available to use in all
of our web controllers.
defmodule ConduitWeb do
def controller do
quote do
use Phoenix.Controller, namespace: ConduitWeb
import Plug.Conn
import ConduitWeb.Router.Helpers
import ConduitWeb.Gettext
import ConduitWeb.JWT
# ... view, router, and channel definitions omitted
The session controller needs to be updated to generate the JWT after authenticating the user.
The JWT token is passed to the render function to make it available to the view:
defmodule ConduitWeb.SessionController do
use ConduitWeb, :controller
alias Conduit.Auth
alias Conduit.Accounts.Projections.User
action_fallback ConduitWeb.FallbackController
def create(conn, %{"user" => %{"email" => email, "pass
with {:ok, %User{} = user} <- Auth.authenticate(emai
{:ok, jwt} <- generate_jwt(user) do
|> put_status(:created)
|> render(ConduitWeb.UserView, "show.json", user
{:error, :unauthenticated} ->
|> put_status(:unprocessable_entity)
|> render(ConduitWeb.ValidationView, "error.jso
assword" => ["is invalid"]})
The render function in the user view for a single user merges the JWT token into the user
data that is rendered as JSON:
defmodule ConduitWeb.UserView do
use ConduitWeb, :view
alias ConduitWeb.UserView
def render("index.json", %{users: users}) do
%{users: render_many(users, UserView, "user.json")}
def render("show.json", %{user: user, jwt: jwt}) do
%{user: user |> render_one(UserView, "user.json") |>
def render("user.json", %{user: user}) do
username: user.username,
image: user.image,
Running the web tests again, mix test --only web , confirms that the token is successfully
generated and included in the response.
1. Successful authentication, with a valid JWT token, returns the current user as JSON data.
2. An invalid request, missing a JWT token, returns a 401 Unauthorized response.
To support a valid request we must register a user and generate a JWT token for them in the
test setup. The token is included in the request headers of the test connection using the
authenticated_conn/1 function:
defmodule ConduitWeb.UserControllerTest do
use ConduitWeb.ConnCase
setup %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, conn: put_req_header(conn, "accept", "applicat
describe "get current user" do
@tag :web
test "should return user when authenticated", %{conn
conn = get authenticated_conn(conn), user_path(con
json = json_response(conn, 200)["user"]
token = json["token"]
assert json == %{
"bio" => nil,
"email" => "jake@jake.jake",
"token" => token,
"image" => nil,
"username" => "jake",
refute token == ""
@tag :web
test "should not return user when unauthenticated",
conn = get conn, user_path(conn, :current)
defmodule ConduitWeb.Router do
use ConduitWeb, :router
# ... pipeline omitted
scope "/api", ConduitWeb do
pipe_through :api
Next we add a current function to the user controller module. Before doing so we’ll take
advantage of Guardian’s built in support for Phoenix controllers. Using the
Guardian.Phoenix.Controller module in our controller provides easier access to the
current user and their claims. The public controller functions are extended to accept two
additional parameters, user and claims , as shown below.
Both plugs require us to implement an error handler module that deals with failure cases. In
lib/conduit/web/error_handler.ex we provide functions for the three main error cases.
They each return an appropriate HTTP error status code and an empty response body:
defmodule ConduitWeb.ErrorHandler do
import Plug.Conn
@doc """
Return 401 for "Unauthorized" requests
A request requires authentication but it isn't provide
def unauthenticated(conn, _params), do: respond_with(c
@doc """
Return 403 for "Forbidden" requests
A request may be valid, but the user doesn't have perm
def unauthorized(conn, _params), do: respond_with(conn
@doc """
Return 401 for "Unauthorized" requests
A request requires authentication but the resource has
def no_resource(conn, _params), do: respond_with(conn,
defp respond_with(conn, status) do
|> put_resp_content_type("application/json")
|> send_resp(status, "")
The Guardian plugs are configured with our error handler module and to only apply to the
current controller action. This action returns the authenticated current user, and their JWT
token, as JSON data:
defmodule ConduitWeb.UserController do
use ConduitWeb, :controller
use Guardian.Phoenix.Controller
alias Conduit.Accounts
alias Conduit.Accounts.Projections.User
action_fallback ConduitWeb.FallbackController
plug Guardian.Plug.EnsureAuthenticated, %{handler: Co
en action in [:current]
plug Guardian.Plug.EnsureResource, %{handler: Conduit
tion in [:current]
|> put_status(:ok)
|> render("show.json", user: user, jwt: jwt)
Run the web tests, mix test --only web , to confirm the new route is working as per the
API spec.
We’ve now built out the basic user registration and authentication features required for
Conduit. Let’s move on to authoring articles in the next chapter.
Appendix I
Authentication header
Authorization: Token
Used for authentication.
"user": {
"email": "jake@jake.jake",
"token": "",
"username": "jake",
"bio": "I work at statefarm",
"image": null
"profile": {
"username": "jake",
"bio": "I work at statefarm",
"image": "
"following": false
Single article
"article": {
"slug": "how-to-train-your-dragon",
"title": "How to train your dragon",
"description": "Ever wonder how?",
"body": "It takes a Jacobian",
"tagList": ["dragons", "training"],
"createdAt": "2016-02-18T03:22:56.637Z",
"updatedAt": "2016-02-18T03:48:35.824Z",
"favorited": false,
"favoritesCount": 0,
"author": {
"username": "jake",
"bio": "I work at statefarm",
"image": "",
"following": false
Multiple articles
"slug": "how-to-train-your-dragon",
"title": "How to train your dragon",
"description": "Ever wonder how?",
"body": "It takes a Jacobian",
"tagList": ["dragons", "training"],
"createdAt": "2016-02-18T03:22:56.637Z",
"updatedAt": "2016-02-18T03:48:35.824Z",
"favorited": false,
"favoritesCount": 0,
"author": {
"username": "jake",
"bio": "I work at statefarm",
"image": "",
"following": false
}, {
"slug": "how-to-train-your-dragon-2",
"title": "How to train your dragon 2",
"description": "So toothless",
"body": "It a dragon",
"tagList": ["dragons", "training"],
"createdAt": "2016-02-18T03:22:56.637Z",
"updatedAt": "2016-02-18T03:48:35.824Z",
"favorited": false,
"favoritesCount": 0,
"author": {
"username": "jake",
"bio": "I work at statefarm",
"image": "",
"following": false
"articlesCount": 2
Single comment
"comment": {
"id": 1,
"createdAt": "2016-02-18T03:22:56.637Z",
"updatedAt": "2016-02-18T03:22:56.637Z",
"body": "It takes a Jacobian",
"author": {
"username": "jake",
"bio": "I work at statefarm",
"image": "",
"following": false
Multiple comments
"comments": [{
"id": 1,
"createdAt": "2016-02-18T03:22:56.637Z",
"updatedAt": "2016-02-18T03:22:56.637Z",
"body": "It takes a Jacobian",
"author": {
"username": "jake",
"bio": "I work at statefarm",
"image": "",
"following": false
List of tags
"tags": [
"body": [
"can't be empty"
403 Forbidden requests, when a request may be valid but the user doesn’t have
permissions to perform the action.
404 Not found requests, when a resource can’t be found to fulfill the request.
POST /api/users/login
POST /api/users
Update user
PUT /api/user
Example request body: JSON { "user":{ "email": "jake@jake.jake", "bio": "I like to
skateboard", "image": "" } }
Get profile
GET /api/profiles/:username
Follow user
POST /api/profiles/:username/follow
Unfollow user
DELETE /api/profiles/:username/follow
List articles
GET /api/articles
Query parameters
Provide tag , author or favorited query parameter to filter results.
Authentication optional, will return multiple articles, ordered by most recent first.
Feed articles
GET /api/articles/feed
Can also take limit and offset query parameters like list articles.
Authentication required, will return multiple articles created by followed users, ordered by
most recent first.
Get article
GET /api/articles/:slug
Create Article
POST /api/articles
Example request body:
"article": {
"title": "How to train your dragon",
"description": "Ever wonder how?",
"body": "You have to believe",
"tagList": ["reactjs", "angularjs", "dragons"]
Update Article
PUT /api/articles/:slug
"article": {
"title": "Did you train your dragon?"
Delete article
DELETE /api/articles/:slug
Authentication required
Delete comment
DELETE /api/articles/:slug/comments/:id
Authentication required
Favourite article
POST /api/articles/:slug/favorite
Unfavourite article
DELETE /api/articles/:slug/favorite
Get tags
GET /api/tags
3 JSON Web Tokens are an open, industry standard method for representing claims securely
between two parties.↩
6 Commanded is MIT licensed, a permissive free software license. This allows reuse within
proprietary software, and for commercial purposes.↩
10 bcrypt is a password hashing function designed by Niels Provos and David Mazières,
based on the Blowfish cipher.↩
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