CH5 Magnetism and Matter
CH5 Magnetism and Matter
CH5 Magnetism and Matter
"""" ~.,.,
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inconvenient shapes. The pieces of iron and other 3. Like poles repel and unlike poles attract. If the
magnetic materials can be made to acquire the properties of N-pole of a magnet is brought near the N-pole of a
natural magnets. Such magnets are called artificial suspended magnet, the poles are found to repel each
magnets. The main advantage of these magnets is that other. Two S-poles also repel each other. In contrast, N-
they can be made much more stronger than the natural and S- poles always attract each other. This action can
magnets and also of any convenient shape and size. be described by the law of magnetic poles which states
They are generally available in the following forms: that like magnetic poles repel, and unlike magnetic poles
1. Bar magnet. It is a bar of circular or rectangular attract each other.
2. Magnetic needle. It is a thin magnetised steel
needle having pointed ends and is pivoted at its centre
so that it is free to rotate in a horizontal plane.
3. Horse shoe magnet. It has the shape of a
horse-shoe and thus it has been named so.
4. Ball-ended magnet. It is a thin bar of circular
( ~
cross-section ending in two spherical balls. Repulsio~
5.3 BASIC PROPERTIES OF MAGNETS Fig. 5.4 Like poles repel and unlike poles attract.
3. State the important properties of magnets. 4. Magnetic poles always exist in pairs. If we try to
Basic properties of magnets : isolate the two poles of a magnet from each other by
1. Attractive property. A magnet attracts small breaking the magnet in the middle, each broken part is
found to be a magnet with N- and S-poles at its ends. If
pieces of iron, cobalt, nickel, etc. When a magnet is
we break these parts further, each part again is found
brought near a heap of iron filings, the ends of the
to be a magnet. So unlike electric charges, magnetic
magnet show the greatest attraction. These ends, where
monopoles do not exist. Every magnet exists as a dipole.
the magnetic attraction is the maximum, are called
poles of the magnet. Thus every magnet has two poles. IN 5 I
IN 571 N 51
IN 5 f/fC}7IN 5 fiN 5 I
2. Directive property. When a magnet is suspended phenomenon is called magnetic induction. When N-pole
of a powerful magnet is placed close to a soft iron bar,
or pivoted freely, it aligns itself in the geographical
the closer end of the bar becomes S-pole and the farther
north-south direction. The pole of the magnet which
end N-pole. As a result, the magnet attracts the iron
points towards the geographical north is called the
bar. Thus induction precedes attraction.
north-seeking or north (N) pole. The other pole which
points towards the geographical south is called the For Your Knowledge
south-seeking or south (S) pole of the magnet.
~ Repulsion is the surer test of magnetism. A magnet
can attract another magnet. Also it can attract
magnetic substances like iron, nickel, cobalt, etc.
However, a magnet can repel another magnet only.
So repulsion is the surer test of magnetism.
Some important definitions connected with 5.5 COULOMB'S LAW OF MAGNETIC FORCE
5. State Coulomb's law of magnetic force. Hence define a
1. Magnetic field. The space around a magnet within unit magnetic pole.
which its influence am beexperiencedis calledits magneticfield.
Coulomb's law of magnetic force. This law states that
2. Uniform magnetic field. A magnetic field in a the force of attraction or repulsion between two magnetic
region is said to be uniform if it has same magnitude and poles is directly proportional to the product of their pole
direction at all points of that region. At a given place, the strengths and inversely proportional to the square of the
magnetic field of the earth can be considered uniform. distance between them.
The field due to a bar magnet is not uniform.
If q n 1 and qnI 2 are the pole strengths of the two
A uniform magnetic field acting in the plane of paper magnetic poles which are distance r apart, then the
is represented by equidistant parallel lines [Fig. S.6(a)]. force between them is given by
A uniform magnetic field acting perpendicular to the
qnI1qm 2
paper and directed outwards is represented by dots
F cc ?-
[Fig. S.6(b)]. A uniform magnetic field acting perpen-
dicular to the plane of paper and directed inwards is
represented by crosses [Fig. S.6(c)]. or
~ • • • • X X X X
where k is a proportionality constant which depends
•• • • • • X X X X
on the nature of the medium as well as on the system
~ • • • • X X X X
of units chosen. For SI units and for poles in vacuum,
~ • • (b) • • X X
F !-L qm 1 qnI2
= -.Jl.
Fig. 5.6 Representations of a uniform magnetic field.
47t ?-
where!-Lois the permeability of free space and is equal
3. Magnetic poles. These are the regions of apparently
to 47t x 10 -7 henry/metre. We can define unit magnetic
concentrated magnetic strength in a magnet where the magnetic
pole from Coulomb's law :
attraction is maximum. The poles of a magnet lie some-
what inside the magnet and not at its geometrical ends. If qnil = qnI2 = 1 unit; r = 1 m, then
: Magnetic
: I F = !-Lo=10-7 N
axis 47t
I 0- - - - - - - - - - -:- - j ------- -0 I Hence a unit magnetic pole may be defined as that
N ' 5 pole which when placed in vacuum at a distance of one
: Magnetic
: equator metre from an identical pole repels it with a force of 10-7
4. Magnetic axis. The line passing through the poles of 5.6 MAGNETIC DIPOLE AND MAGNETIC
a magnet is called the magnetic axis of the magnet. DIPOLE MOMENT
5. Magnetic equator. The line passing through the 6. What is a magnetic dipole? Give some examples.
centre of the magnet and at right angles to the magnetic axis
in metre.
Constant Used
where qm is the pole strength and 2 I is the magnetic
110 = 41t x 10-7 TmA -1.
length of the .dipole measured in the direction 5 - to
N -pole.
Example 1. Two magnetic poles, one of which is four times
We shall see later on that the 51 unit of magnetic stronger than the other, exert a force of 5 g f on each other
dipole moment is ampere metre2 (Am 2) or joule per when placed at a distance of 10 em. Find the strength of each
tesla (JT - 1). pole.
Solution. Let the pole strengths of the two dipoles
For Your Knowledge be qm and 4qm'
~ Basic d n between elect 'icity and m gnetism.
p Here F = 5 g f = 5 x 10-3 kg f = 5 x 10-3 x 9.8 N,
In electricity a point charge is the simplest source of r=lO ern =0.1 m
electricity and can be used as a test object also. By Using Coulomb's law of magnetism,
measuring the force on a test charge at various places
in a given electric field, we can map out the entire F = 110 qml qm2
field. In magnetism, on the other hand, isolated 41t . r2
magnetic poles do not exist. A magnetic dipole is the 7
5 x 10- 3 x 9.8 10- x qm X 4qm
simplest source of a magnetic field. It can be used as a (0.1)2
test object for mapping a magnetic field. The mapping
is done by measuring the torque experienced by a test q 2 = 5 x 9.8 x (0.1)2 x 10 =25 x 49
magnet or a magnetic dipole at various points in the III 4
magnetic field. or qlll = 5 x 7 = 35 Am
In short, a small magnet is described by a vector iit and 4qm = 4 x 35 = 140 Am.
pole and - qm to the south pole. poles be qm and 2 qm' Suppose the required point is
located at distance x from the first pole. Then at this
~ The direction of magnetic dipole moment iit is from
S-pole to N-pole. This is analogous to the direction of
Force on unit pole due to first pole
the electric dipole moment p of an electric dipole
= Force on unit pole due to second pole
from negative charge to positive charge.
~ When a magnet of pole strength qrn is cut into two i-lo qm x 1 _ i-lo 2 qlll X 1
equal parts.
or 41t --.;z- - 41t' (1- xl
(i) along its axis (longitudinally), the pole strength of or 2x2 = (I-xl or .fix = I-x
each half becomes q rn / 2
(il) perpendicular to its axis (transversely), the pole or x=~=0.414m.
strength of each half still remains qrn • 1 + ,,2
Example 3. Calculate the force acting between two When the wire is bent into a semicircular arc, the
magnets of length 15 em each and pole strength 80 Am each separation between the poles changes from I to 2r,
when the separation between their north poles is 10 em and where r is the radius of the semicircular arc. Thus
that between south poles is 40 em. I
1= ttr or r =-
Solution. The situation is shown in Fig. 5.9. Here 1t
If the poles of each magnet have a strength of
Fig. 5.9
8.0 Am and are 20.0 ern apart, find the force exerted
Force of repulsion between poles N1 and N2 is by one south pole on the other. (Ans. 4.0 x 1O-3N)
7 2. Two equal and unlike poles placed 5 cm apart in air
F = 110. qml qlll2 = 10- x80x80 =0.064 N
attract each other with a force of 14.4 x 10-4 N. How
1 4lt r2 (0.10)2
far from each other should they be placed so that
Force of repulsion between poles 51 and 52 is the force of attraction will be 1.6x 10-lN?
F = 10- x80x80 =0.004 N (Ans. 0.15 m)
2 (0.40)2 3. Two magnetic poles, one of which is 10 times as
strong as the other, exert on each other a force equal
Force of attraction between N1 and 52 is
to 9.604 mN, when placed 10 cm apart in air. Find
F = 10- x80x80 =0.010 N the strength of the two poles.
3 (0.25)2
(Ans. 9.8 Am, 98 Am)
Force of attraction between N2 and 51 is 4. Two like magnetic poles of strengths 5 Am and
F4= F3=0.010 N 20 Am are situated 1.0 m apart. At what point on
the line joining the two poles, will the magnetic
Resultant force between the two magnets is
field be zero?
F=F1+F2-F3-F4 (Ans. 0.33 m from 5 Am pole towards 20 Am pole,
= 0.064 + 0.004 - 0.010 - 0.010 1 m from 5 Am pole away f~om 20 Am pole)
= 0.048 N (repulsive). 5. Two bar magnets of length 0.1 m and pole strength
Example 4. A magnetic dipole of length 10 em has pole 75 Am each, are placed on the same line. The
strength of20 Am. Find the magnetic moment of the dipole. distance between their centres is 0.2 m. What is the
resultant force due to one on the other when (i) the
F = 1.10 q,"J qn'2 start in air from the N-pole and end at the S-pole
3. As
4n· ? and then return to the N-pole through the
10-7 xq xlO q interior of the magnet.
.. 9.604 x 10-3 = m m
(0.1)2 2. The lines of force never cross each other. If they
or = 96.04 do so, that would mean there are two directions
of the magnetic field at the point of intersection,
or qm = 9.8 Am
which is impossible.
and 10 q", = 98 Am.
3. They start from and end on the surface of the
4. Let the magnetic field be zero at distance x from the
magnet normally.
pole of strength 5 Am.
4. The lines of force have a tendency to contract
I+-- x -- ·1
.••' --- 1 - x ---+1'1 lengthwise and expand sidewise. This explains
• o
• • attraction between unlike poles and repulsion
between like poles.
5. The relative closeness of the lines of force gives
Fig. 5.10
a measure of the strength of the magnetic field
Magnetic field at 0 due to 5 Am pole which is maximum at the poles.
= Magnetic field at 0 due to 20 Am pole 9. Describe a method for plotting the magnetic field of
1.10 5 1.1020 a bar magnet.
4n . x2 = 4n . (1- x)2
Plotting magnetic field of a bar magnet. The
or 4x2=(I-x)2 magnetic field around a magnet can be traced with
or 2x = ± (1 - x) the help of a magnetic compass needle. Iteonsists of a
or x = -1 m, + 0.33 m. small and light magnetic
To plot the magnetic field of a magnet, the magnet But qm .21 = m, is the magnetic dipole moment, so
NS is placed on a white paper. The compass needle is
B . = Ilo 2mr
placed near its N-poJe, as shown in Fig 5.12. The axial 4n . (? _12)2
positions of the two ends S and N of the needle are
marked by pencil dots on the paper. The needle is now For a short bar magnet, I < < r, therefore, we have
displaced to the new position so that its south pole 110 2m ~
Baxial = 4n . "?" ' along NP ...(1)
exactly comes over the mark previously made against
the north pole and again the new position of the north Clearly, the magnetic field at any axial point of magnetic
pole is marked. The process is repeated till the south dipole is in the same direction as that of its magnetic dipole
pole is reached. The various dots are joined together by moment i.e., from S-pole to N-pole, so we can write
a smooth curve which gives a line of force. ~
Similarly, other lines of force are drawn. A complete
B. = J..lo 2 m
axial 41t· r3
pattern of the magnetic field around a bar magnet is
shown in Fig. 5.24 on page 5.18.
AT AN AXIAL POINT 11. Derive an expression for the magnetic field
10. Derive an expression for the magnetic field intensity at a point on the equatorial line of a bar magnet.
inieneitv at a point on the axis of a bar magnet. What is What is the direction of this field?
the direction of the field ? Magnetic field of a bar magnet at an equatorial
Magnetic field of a bar magnet at an axial point point (broadside-on position). Consider a bar magnet
(end-on position). Let NS be a bar magnet of length 21 NS of length 21 and of pole strength qm. Suppose the
and of pole strength qm. Suppose the magnetic field is magnetic field is to be determined at a point P lying on
to be determined at a point P which lies on the axis of the equatorial line of the magnet NS at a distance r
the magnet at a distance r from its centre, as shown in from its centre, as shown in Fig. 5.14.
Fig. 5.13.
f.s uuu+O-u--N .•..}--u----- ~ p
1--1 '" 1 '1' r-1 ~
I' r -I ,-t-
\ ~
,'T \~'"'
Fig. 5.13 Magnetic field of a bar magnet at an axial point.
,, "...."
x ,. \--''=?
Imagine a unit north pole placed at point P. Then , ,
, ,,
pole is
~ an equatorial point.
F=llo ~ along PS
s 41t . (r + 1)2 ' Imagine a unit north-pole placed at point P. Then
Therefore, the strength of the magnetic field B at from Coulomb's law of magnetic forces, the force exerted
point P is by the N-pole of the magnet on unit north-pole is
BaxI·aJ = Force experienced bya J..l q
FN = ~ . -1!!.2' along NP
unit north - pole at point P 41t x
- F - F - J..loqm
- N S - 41t
[_1 (r _1)2
(r + 1)2
Similarly, the force exerted by the S-pole of the
magnet on unit north-pole is
_ J..loqm 4rl
-4;-. (r2 _12)2
F - J..lo
s- 41t· x2 '
qm along PS
As the magnitudes of FN and Fs are equal, so their Solution. Here m =0.40 Am2, r = 50 em =0.50 m,
vertical components get cancelled while the horizontal 21 = 5.0 cm
components add up along PR. Clearly, the magnet is a short magnet (I « r).
Hence the magnetic field at the equatorial point Pis 7
(i) B = ~. m = 10- x 0.4 = 3.2 x 10-7 T.
Bequa = Net force on a unit N-pole placed at point P equa 4 1t r3 (0.5)3
= FN cas 8 + Fs cas 8 m
(ii) B. I =~ .2 3 = 6.4 x 10-7 T.
4 1t r
=2 FN cas 8 r. FN = Fsl axia
of 0.2 m from its centre at a point on its (i) axial line and
or B = ~o m (ii) equatorial line.
equa 41t' (1+ 12)3/2
Solution. Here 21 = 10 cm or 1=5 cm =0.05 m,
where m = qm .21, is the magnetic dipole moment.
qm =10 Am, r=0.2 m
Again for a short magnet, I < < r, so we have Magnetic moment,
~o m
Beq = -. 3"' along PR ...(2) m= qm X 21 =10 x 0.1 =1 Am2
ua 41t r
(i) Magnetic field on axial line is
Clearly, the magnetic field at any equatorial point of a 7
magnetic dipole is in the direction opposite to that of its B. = ~0 2 mr 10- x 2 x 1x 0.2
magnetic dipole moment i.e., from N-pole to 5-pole. So axial 41t . (1 _12)2 (0.22 _0.052)2
we can write 10-7 x 0.4 T 5
~ = 2.84 x 10- T.
~ _ ~o m (0.0375)2
Bequa - - 4nr3
(ii) Magnetic field on equatorial line is
On comparing equations (1) and (2), we note that 7
B = ~o m 10- xl T
the magnetic field at a point at a certain distance on the axial equa 41t' (1 + 12)3/2 (0.22+0.052)3/2
line of a short magnet is twice of that at the same distance on
its equatorial line. 10-7 10-7
-----::-= T= T
(0.0425)3/2 8.76 x 10-3
= 1.14 x 10-5 T.
Formulae Used Example 9. Two small magnets are placed horizontally,
Magnetic field of a bar magnet of length 21 and perpendicular to the magnetic meridian. Their north poles
dipole moment m at a distance r from its centre, are at 30 em east and 20 em west from a compass needle. If
_ ~o 2m
3. Baxial - 4lt . 7 (on the axial line) I_S N_~20 ~~ £ - -30 -c;; - ~'__N s__1
4. B - ~0 m (on the equatorial line) Fig. 5.15
equa - 41t . r3
Solution. The compass needle at C lies on the axial
Units Used
line of the two magnets. As it remains un deflected, the
Magnetic field B is in tesla, distances r and I in fields of the two magnets at C must be equal and opposite.
metre and magnetic moment in JT-1 or Am2. Ilo 2~ _ ~o 2111z
or -'-3---'-3-
Example 7. What is the magnitude of the equatorial and 41t r 41t r2
axial fields due to a bar magnet of length 5 cm at a distance of
50 em from the midpoint? The magnetic moment of the bar or
magnet is 0.40 A~. [NCERT]
Example 10. Two short magnets P and Q are placed one The magnetic fields of the two magnets at the mid-
over another with their magnetic axes mutually perpen- point Pare
dicular to each other. It is found that the resultant field at a
B =110 2m= 1O-7x/X1=2 xlO-7T,
point on the prolongation of the magnetic axis of P is inclined 1 4rc' r3 1
at 30° with this axis. Compare the magnetic moments of the
two magnets. in horizontal direction
m1 and rrIz be the magnetic moments of the two magnets.
If the resultant field BR makes angle 8 with ~, then
Q rr 52 R
tan 8 = ~ =
~ 2 x 10-7
P : 8 = 26.57°
~-------- -~' 1- -A",--.-L,;...;."..---.,'S1
~rOblems For Practice
1. A bar magnet is 0.10 m long and its pole strength is
12 Am. Find the magnitude of the magnetic field at
a point on its axis at a distance of 20 ern from it.
Fig 5.16 (Ans. 3.4 x 10-5 1')
2. Calculate the magnetic field due to a bar magnet
As point A lies on the axial line of P, therefore, 2 cm long and having a pole strength of 100Am at a
_ 110 2 I~ point 10 cm from each pole. (Ans. 2 x 10-4 T)
4rc r 3. A bar magnet has a length of 8 cm. The magnetic
The point A lies on the broad-side-on position of Q, field at a point at a distance of 3 em from the centre
therefore, in the broad-side on position is found to be 4 x 10-6 T.
~=110 111.;,
Calculate the pole strength of the magnet.
4rc . r 3 (Ans. 6xl0-5 Am)
4. The magnetic moment of a current-loop is
But the resultant field ~ is inclined at 30° with ~, 2.1 x 10- 25 Am 2. Find the magnetic field on the axis
so of the loop at a distance of 1.0 A from the loop.
Example 11. Two identical magnetic dipoles of magnetic 6. The intensities of magnetic field at two points on
moments 1.0 Ant each are placed at a separation of2 m with the axis of a bar magnet at distances 0.1 m and 0.2 m
their axes perpendicular to each other. What is the resultant from its middle point are in the ratio 12.5 : 1.
magnetic field at ~ point mid-way between the dipoles? Calculate the distance between the poles of the
Solution. The situation is shown in Fig. 5.17. magnet. (Ans. 0.1 m)
7. Two short magnets a and b of magnetic moments
0.108Am2 and 0.192Am2 are placed along
mutually perpendicular straight lines meeting at a
point P. Find the magnitude and direction of
magnetic field at point P, if it lies at distances 30 ern
and 60 cm respectively from the centres of the two
Fig. 5.17 (Ans. 8.24 x 10-7 T, at 14°with the axis of a)
:30cm N
Fig. 5.18
Fig. 5.19
by these magnets at point P situated at the equa-
B =110 2n; = 1O-7x2xO.108
torial lines of both the magnets at distances 40 cm
41t 1. 3
a (0.30)3
and 30 cm respectively from the centres of the two
magnets. (Ans. 1.12 x 10-4T, at an angle = 8 x 10-7 T (along the axis of a)
of 26.57° with the equatorial line of a) 7
R _ 110 2~ _ 10- x2 xO.192
"'b - • 3 - 3
HINTS 41t r2 (0.60)
110 2mr 110 2xqmx2/xr = 2 x 1O-7T (along the axis of b)
1. Baxia1 = 41t . (,1 _ /2)2 = 41t' (r2 _12)2
The resultant field at Pis
10-7 x2x12xO.10xO.20 B = ~ B/ + 1),2= 10-7 ~82 + 22 = 8.24 x 10-7 T
(0.22 _ 0.052)2
If the field B makes angle e with the direction of Ba '
= 3.4 x 10-5 T. then
B _110 m_llo qmx21 tan e= 1), = ~ = 0.25 or
2. equa - 41t . ,3 - 41t . -,3- Ba 8
8. As shown in Fig. 5.20, the point P lies on the equa-
107 x 100 x 0.02
----;;-3-- = 2 x10 T. torial line of both the magnets a and b.
a 5
B. B
3. Use B
= 41t . (,2 _
12 )3/2 40 em .--1(':
----------~: P, B
I b
110 qm x21
:30 em
= 41t . (,2 _12)3/2 . N I
.. Ba-- ~ '3-
n; _ 10- x32 -x 0 5
= 4.2 x10-2T. 41t 1. (0.40) (antiparallel to "1 )
5. At the equator, 1), = 110 .1 7
= 10- x;7 = lO-4T
41t r2 (0.30) (antiparallel to Inz)
B = Bequa = -110 . 3"m =
3.4 x 10 T
41t r The two fields are perpendicular to each other. So
At the poles, the resultant field at point Pis
B r= B
'aJ = ~
2m =2B B= ~ B; + ~ = 10-4 ~(0.5)2 + 12 =1.12 x 10-4 T
If the field B makes an angle e with the direction of
= 6.8 x 10-5 T.
Bv, then
7. As shown in Fig. 5.19, the point P lies on the axial B 0.5 x 10-4
tan e = -1!... = 4 = 0.5 or e = 26.57°
line of both the magnets a and b. 1), 10
Torque on a magnetic dipole in a uniform magnetic 2. When the magnet lies perpendicular to the
direction of the field,
field. Consider a bar magnet NS of length 21 placed in a
--7 8 = 90°, sin 8 = 1, 1 = mB
uniform magnetic field B. Let qm be the pole strength
Thus the torque is maximum
of its each pole. Let the magnetic axis of the bar magnet
--7 1max = 11IB
make an angle 8 with the field B, as shown in
Fig. S.21(a). Definition of magnetic dipole moment. If in Eq. (1),
--7 B=l, 8 =90°, then
Force on N-pole = qm B; along B
Force on S-pole = qm B, opposite to B Hence the magnetic dipole moment may be defined as
the torque acting on a magnetic dipole placed perpendicular
•• It!
Bsin 8
q"'B •..• -~
~ ~ ~ ~
------~~------------------~ .. . f 1Nm
SI units 0 m= ---
T =m x B IT .1
(a) (b)
= NmT-1 or JT-1 or Am2.
Fig. 5.21 (a) Torque on a bar magnet in a magnetic field.
(b) Relation between the directions of t>, ;;, B.
The forces on the two poles are equal and opposite. 13. Derive an expression for the potential energy of a
They form a couple. Moment of couple or torque is dipole placed in a uniform magnetic field at an angle e
with it. When will the magnetic dipole be in the positions
given by
of stable and unstable equilibrium?
T = Force x perpendicular distance Potential energy of a magnetic dipole. As shown in
= qm B x 21 sin 8 = (q", x 21) Bsin 8 Fig. S.21(a), when a magnetic dipole is placed in a
The direction of the torque 1 is given by the right If the dipole is rotated against the action of this
hand screw rule as indicated in Fig. S.21(b). The effect torque, work has to be done. This work is stored as
--7 potential energy of the dipole.
of the torque 1 is to make the magnet align itself
The work done in turning the dipole through a
parallel to the field B . That is why a freely suspended small angle d8 is
magnet aligns itself in the north-south direction dW = 1 d8 = mB sin 8 d8
because the earth has its own magnetic field which If the dipole is rotated from an initial position 8 = 81
exerts a torque on the magnet tending it to align along to the final position 8 = 82, then the total work done
the field. will be
On comparing equations (1) and (2), we note that
W= f dW = f mB sin 9 d9 = mB [- cos 9] ~
both Band E have same distance dependence (:3).
= - mB(cos 92 - cos 91) Moreover, they have same direction at any far away
This work done is stored as the potential energy U point, not just on the axis. This suggests that a circular
of the dipole. current loop behaves as a magnetic dipole of magnetic
:. U=-mB(cos92-cos91) moment,
tation 9 can be obtained by putting 91 =90° and 92 = 9
in the above equation. This result is valid for planar current loop of any
U = - mB(cos 9 - cos 90°) ~ shape. Thus the magnetic dipole moment of any current
loop is equal to the product of the current and its loop area.
~ ~
or U = - mB cos 9 = - m . B Its direction is defined to be normal to the plane of
the loop in the sense given by right hand thumb rule.
Special Cases
Right hand thumb rule. If we curl the fingers of the
1. When 9 =Ob, U =- mBcosO° =- mB
right hand in the direction of current in the loop, then the
Thus the
potential energy of a dipole is extended thumb gives the direction of the magnetic moment
~ ~
minimum when m is parallel to B. In this state, associated with the loop.
the magnetic dipole is in stable equilibrium.
Current loop as a magnetic dipole. We know that the current loop shown in Fig. 5.22. has N-polarity and
the magnetic field produced at a large distance r from the lower face has S-po)arity. Thus a current loop behaves
the centre of a circular loop (of radius a) along its axis is like a magnetic dipole.
given by If a current carrying coil consists of N turns, then
m= NIA
Table 5.1 Analogy between electric Therefore, the orbital magnetic moment (magnetic
and magnetic dipoles moment due to orbital motion) of the electron is
--_.- downward direction, as shown in Fig. 5.23
Also, the angular momentum of the electron due to
Equatorialfield its orbital motion is
1= mevr ...(2)
-+ -+ -+ -+
Torque in external field pxE mxB
---r---------- The direction of r is normal to the plane of the
-+-+ -+-+ electron orbit and in the upward direction, as shown in
P.E. in external field -p.E -m.B
Fig. 5.23.
Dividing equation (1) by (2), we get
5.13 MAGNETIC DIPOLE MOMENT OF A !:1. = evr / 2 = _e_
15. Derive an expression for the magnetic dipole
The above ratio is a constant called gyromagnetic
moment of an electron revolving around a nucleus.
ratio. Its value is 8.8 x 1010 C kg-I. So
Define Bohr magneton and find its value.
Magnetic dipole moment of a revolving electron. III =-1
According to Bohr model of hydrogen-like atoms,
negatively charged electron revolves around the posi- Vectorially,
tively charged nucleus. This uniform circular motion -+ e-t
Il --- I
of the electron is equivalent to a current loop which 1- 2m
possesses a magnetic dipole moment = fA. As shown in
Fig. 5.23, consider an electron revolving anti clockwise The negative sign shows that the direction of
r is
around a nucleus in an orbit of radius r with speed v opposite to that of Il r According to Bohr's quantisation
+ -
e I
I 1l1=n[~)
4n me
This equation gives orbital magnetic moment of an
electron revolving in n th orbit.
Bohr magneton. It is defined as the magnetic moment
Fig. 5.23 Orbital magnetic moment of a revolving electron.
associated with an electron due to its orbital motion in the
first orbit of hydrogen atom. It is the minimum value of III
Equivalent current,
which can be obtained by putting n = 1in the above
_ Charge _ e _ e _ ev equation. Thus Bohr magneton is given by
f - -------
Time T 21tr / v 21tr eh
Area of the current loop, A = n,z Il B = (Ill )rnin = -4--
n me
Putting the values of various constants, we get Example 12. A magnetised needle of magnetic moment
1.6 x 10-19 C x 6.63 x 10-34 JS 4.8 x 10-2 J T -1 is placedat 30° with the direction of uniform
IlB = magnetic field of magnitude 3 x 10-2 T. What is the torque
4 x 3.14 x 9.11 x 10-31 kg
acting on the needle ? [CBSE D OIC]
= 9.27 x 10-24 Am 2. Solution. Here m = 4.8 x 10-2 JT -1, e = 30°,
Besides the orbital angular momentum I , an B=3xlO-2 T
electron has spin angular 5 due to its
momentum :. Torque, r = mB sin 8
spinning motion. The magnetic moment possessed by an = 4.8 x 10-2 x 3 x 10-2 x sin 30°
electron due to its spinning motion is called intrinsic mag- = 7.2 x 10-4 J.
netic moment or spin magnetic moment. It is given by
Example 13. A short bar magnet placed with its axis at 30°
-> e->
11 =-- 5 to a uniform magnetic field of 0.2 T experiences a torque of
5 m
e 0.06 Nm. (i) Calculate the magnetic moment of the magnet.
The total magnetic moment of the electron is the (ii) Find out what orientation of the magnet corresponds to
vector sum of these two momenta. It is given by its stable equilibrium in the magnetic field. [CBSE OD 02]
->->-> e->-> Solution. (i) Here B=0.2 T, 8 =30°, T =0.06 Nm
11 =11/+115=--(1 +25)
2me Magnetic moment,
r 0.06 0.06 = 0.6 Am
Examples based on m=---=---- 2.
B sin 8 0.2 sin 30° 0.2 x 0.5
• (ii) The P.E. of a magnetic dipole in a uniform
magnetic field is
-> -> -> U = - mBcos 8
1. Torque, 't = mB sin 8 or r =m xB
In stable equilibrium, the P.E. is minimum. So
2. Work done in turning the dipole or P.E. of a dipole, cos O e I or 8=0°
W = U = - mB (cas 82 - cos ~) Hence the bar magnet will be in stable equilibrium
3. If initially the dipole is perpendicular to the field, when its magnetic moment m is parallel to the
U =- mBcas 8 ->
magnetic field B.
(1') When m
-> ->
is parallel to B, 8 = 0°, U = - mB
Example 14. In an iron bar (5 cm x 1 cmx 1 em) the
Potential energy of the dipole is minimum. It magnetic moment of an atom is 1.8 x 10-23 Ant-. (i) What
is in a state of stable equilibrium. will be magnetic moment of the bar in the state of magnetic
(ii) When iit is perpendicular to B, e = 90°, U = O. saturation ? (ii) What torque will have to be applied to keep
the bar perpendicular to an external magnetic field of 15,000
(iii) When 1:;; is antiparalleJto B, e = 180°, U = + mB gauss? Density of iron = 7.8 g cm-3, its atomic mass = 56.
Potential energy of the dipole is maximum. It Solution. (i) Mass of iron bar = volume x density
is in a state of unstable equilibrium. = 5 cm3 x 7.8 gcm-3 =39 g
4. Magnetic moment of a current loop, m = NIA Number of atoms in 56 g of iron = 6.02 x 1023
5. Orbital magnetic moment of an electron in nth orbit,
Example 15. A planar loop of irregular shape encloses an F = mB sin 9 = 3.6 x 0.25 x sin 60°
area of7.5 x 10--4 nl- and carries a current of 12 A. The sense r 0.12
of flow of current appears to be clockwise to an observer. = 3.6 x 0.25 x 0.866 = 6.5 N
What is the magnitude and direction of the magnetic 0.12
moment vector associated with the current loop?
When the force F is removed, the magnet aligns
itself in the direction of field B.
Solution. Here A = 7.5 x 10-4 m 2, I = 12 A
Example 18. An electron in an atom revolves around the
Magnetic moment associated with the loop is nucleus in an orbit of radius 0.5 A. Calculate the equivalent
m = IA = 12 x 7.5 x 10--4 magnetic moment if the frequency of revolution of the
= 9.0 x 10-3 JT- 1 electron is 1010 MHz. [lIT 88, CBSE D 98]
Solution. The electron revolving around the
Applying right hand rule, the direction of magnetic
nucleus in a circular orbit is equivalent to a current
moment is along the normal to the plane of the loop
loop. Its magnetic moment is m = IA = ev x 1t,z
away from the observer.
Here e = 1.6 x 10-19 C v = 1010 MHz = 1016 Hz,
Example 16. A current of 5 A is flowing through a 10turn
r =0.5 A =0.5 x 1O-lOm
circular coil of radius 7 em. The coil lies in the x-y plane.
What is the magnitude and direction of the magnetic dipole :. m=1.6x 1O-19x1016x3.14x(0.5xlO-1O)2
moment associated with it ? = 1.2S6x 10-23 Am2.
If this coil were to be placed in a uniform external Example 19. An electron moves around the nucleus in a
magnetic field directed along the x-axis, in which plane hydrogen atom of radius 0.51 A with a velocity oj 2 x 106m/s.
would the coil lie, when in equilibrium? (Take 1t= 22 /7) Calculate the following:
[CBSE Sample Paper 03] (I) the equivalent current due to orbital motion of electron
Solution. Magnetic dipole moment, (ii) the magnetic field produced at the centre of the nucleus
m = NIA = NI x 1tr2 (iii) the magnetic moment associated with the electron.
22 (7)2
= 10 x 5 x --;;-x 100 Solution. Here r =0.51x 1O-lOm, v =2 x 105ms-1
19 5
= 0.77 Am2 (i) I = ~ = ~ = 1.6 x 10- x 2 x 10 = 10-4 A
T 21tr 21t x 0.51 x 10-10
The direction of magnetic dipole moment is
perpendicular to the plane of the coil. Hence it is along 41t x 10-7 x 10-4
z-axis. ------.;;- = 1.23 T.
2 x 0.51 x 10-10
Torque on the current loop of magnetic moment
mis (iii) m = IA = ~ x if = evr
t = mBsin a
1.6 x 10-19 x 2 x 105 x 0.51 x 10-10
where a is angle between rr; and B. For stable
~ 2
equilibrium torque is zero, so a =0°. For this B should
= 8.16 x 10-25 Am 2.
be perpendicular to the plane of the coil. Hence the coil
Example 20. Two magnets of magnetic moments m and
or sin 8 =.J3 cas 8 Solution. (a) Here 8 = 30°, B= 800 G = 800 X 10-4T,
81 =0°, 82 =60° W = - mB(cos 180° - cos 0°) =2mB
Work done, = 2 x 0.40 x 800 x 10-4 = 0.064 J.
W = - mB(cos 82 - cas 81) (c) Here the displacement and the torque due to the
= -1.0 x 10 x 4 x 10-5 (cas 60°- cas 0°) magnetic field are in opposition. So the work done by the
magnetic field due to the external magnetic field is
= 1.0 x 104 x 4 x 10-5 x .! = 0.2 J.
2 W8 = -0.064 J.
Example 22. A current of 7.0 A is flowing in a plane (d) Here A =2 x 10-4 m2, N = 1000
circular coil of radius 1.0 cm having 100 turns. The coil is
Magnetic moment of solenoid,
placed in a uniform magnetic field of 0.2 Wbm-2. If the coil
isfree to rotate, what orientations would correspond to its (i) nls= m=0.40 Am2
stable equilibrium and (ii) unstable equilibrium? Calculate But ms = NlA
the potential energy of the coil in these cases. [CBSE 00 92)
m 0.40
•. Current, 1=_5 = = 2A
Solution. Here N = 100, A = 7.0 A, NA 1000 x 2 x 10-4
r=1.0cm=1.0x10-2m, B=O.2 Wbm-2
Magnetic moment associated with the coil is ~rOblems For Practice
m = NI A = Nl x 1<?
1. A short bar magnet of magnetic moment 0.9 JT -1 is
= 100 x 7.0 x 22 x (1.0 x 10- 2)2 =0.22 Am2 placed with its axis at 30° to a uniform magnetic
7 field. It experiences a torque of 0.063 J. (i) Calculate
(i) The stable equilibrium corresponds to m parallel the magnitude of the magnetic field. (ii) In which
-t orientation will the bar magnet be in stable
to B. The potential energy is then minimum. equilibrium in the magnetic field ? [CBSE F 121
Umax = - mB cas 180° = - 0.22 x 0.2 x (-1) [Haryana OIl (Ans. 69.3 J T -1 )
5. The magnetic dipole moment of the earth is The P.E. of the magnet is minimum. Hence the bar
6.4 x 1021 Am 2. If we consider it to be due to a magnet will be in stable equilibrium when n; is
current loop wound round the magnetic equator of ->
the earth, then what should be the magnitude of the parallel to B .
current? Assume the earth to be sphere of radius 2 Here N = 300, I = 15 A, r = 7 em = 7 x 10-2 m
6400 km. ( .6.. s 5 x 107 A) :. m = NIA = NI x 1tr2 = 300 x 15 x 3.14 x (7 x 10-2)2
6. A straight solenoid of length 50 ern has 1000 turns = 69.3 JT -1.
and a mean cross-sectional area of 2 x 10-4m 2. It is
5. Use 111
= LA = I x 1tr2.
placed with its axis at 30°, with a uniform magnetic
6. r > I11Bsin 9 = NIA Bsin 9
field of 0.32 T. Find the torque acting on the
solenoid when a current of 2 A is passed through it. = 1000 x 2 x 2 x 10-4 x 0.32 xsin 30°
( \ns. 0.064 Nm) = 0.064 Nm.
7 A current of 3 A flows through a plane circular coil 7. (i) m = NIA = NI x 1tr2 = 20 x 3 x 3.14 x (0.04)2
of radius 4 cm and having 20 number of turns. The = 0.3 Am2
coil has been placed in a uniform magnetic field of
(ii) In equilibrium position,
0.5 T. Find (i) dipole moment of the coil
(ii) potential energy of the dipole. U = - mB = - 0.3 x 0.5 = - 0.15 J.
(Ans 0.3 Am 2, - 0.15 J) , Q06 2
8. 111
= --- = = 0.4 Am .
8. A bar magnet placed in a uniform magnetic field of Bsin 9 0.3 sin 30°
strength 0.3 T with its axis at 30° to the field, expe- 9. (a) Here 9 = 30°, B = 0.16 T, r = 0.032 J
riences a torque of 0.06 Nm. What is the magnetic
Magnetic moment,
moment of the bar magnet? [ISeE 98]
(Ans. 0.4 Am 2) 111=_'_ = 0.032 =0.40 JT-1.
B sin e 0.16 x sin 30°
9. A short bar magnet placed with its axis at 30° with a
uniform external magnetic field of 0.16 T expe- (b) Potential energy of the dipole in a magnetic field
riences a torque of magnitude 0.032 J. B is given by
(a) Estimate the magnetic moment of the magnet. -> ->
U = - 111. B = - mB sin 9
(b) If the bar were free to rotate, which orienta-
tions would correspond to its (i) The bar will be in stable equilibrium when its
-> ->
(i) stable, and (ii) unstable equilibrium? magnetic moment m is parallel to B (9 = 0°).
What is its potential energy in the field for Its potential energy is then minimum and is
cases (i) and (ii) ? given by
[Ans. (a) 0.40 JT -I, (b) (i) - 0.064 J (ii) + 0.064 JJ Umin = - I11B
cos 0° = - mB
10. Calculate the work done in rotating a magnet of = - 0.40 x 0.16 = - 0.064 J.
magnetic moment 3.0 J T -1 through an angle of 60°
from its position along a magnetic field of strength (ii) The bar will be in unstable equilibrium when
0.34 x 10-4T. (Ans. 5.1 x 10-5 J) n; is antiparallel to B (9 = 180°). Its potential
11. A bar magnet of magnetic moment 2.5 Am 2 is free energy is then maximum and is given by
to rotate about a vertical axis through its centre. The Umax = - mB cos 180° = + mB = + 0.064 J
magnet is released from rest from the east-west
direction. Find the kinetic energy of the magnet as it 10 W=-I11B(cos92-cos~)
aligns itself in the north-south direction. The = - 3.0 x 0.34 x 10- 4 (cos 60° - cos 0°)
horizontal component of earth's magnetic field is
= 5.1 x10-s J.
0.3 G. ( !1S. 75 JlJ)
11. Here ~ = 90°, 92 = 0°, 111
= 2.5 Am 2,
B = 0.3 G = 0.3 x 10-4 T
1. Here m=0.9JrI, 9=30°, ,=0.063J
Kinetic energy = Loss in P.E.
(i) B = -'- = 0.063 = 0.14 T
m sin 9 0.9 x sin 30° = Ui - Uf = - mBcos 90° + mBcos 0°
(ii) When 9 = 0°, U = -mB cosO° = -mB = 2.5 x 0.3 x 10- 4 J = 75 JlJ.
5.14 BAR MAGNET AS AN EQUIVALENT 4. The magnetic fields of both the bar magnet and
SOLENOID current carrying solenoid at any far away axial
point are given by the same expression:
16. State some similarities between a current carrying
solenoid and a bar magnet. B " = 110 2m
axial 41t . r3
Similarities between a current carrying solenoid
and a bar magnet. When a current is passed through a Thus a bar magnet and a solenoid produce
solenoid, it behaves like a bar magnet. Some observa- similar magnetic fields.
tions of similar behaviour are as follows: 17. Explain how is a current carrying solenoid
1. A current carrying solenoid suspended freely equivalent to a bar magnet.
always comes to rest in north-south direction. A solenoid as an equivalent bar magnet. A solenoid
2. Two current-carrying solenoids exhibit mutual can be regarded as a combination of circular loops
attraction and repulsion when brought closer placed side by side, as shown in Fig. 5.26(a). Each turn
to one another. This shows that their end of the solenoid can be regarded as a small magnetic
faces act as N-and S-poles like that of a bar dipole of dipole moment fA. Then the solenoid
magnet. becomes an arrangement of small magnetic dipoles
3. Figure 5.24 shows the lines of force of a bar placed in line with each other, as shown in Fig. 5.26(b).
The number of such dipoles is equal to the number of
magnet while Fig. 5.25 shows the lines of force
turns in the solenoid. The north pole of one touches the
of a finite solenoid. The two patterns have a
south of the adjacent one. The opposite poles
striking resemblance.
neutralise each other except at the ends. Thus, a
current carrying solenoid can be replaced by just a
single south pole and a single north pole, separated by
a distance equal to the length of the solenoid. Hence a
current carrying solenoid is equal to a bar magnet as
shown in Fig. 5.26(c).
14---------L --------~
14-- - - - - - - L - - - - - - --~
current carrying finite solenoid, we shall find
that deflections of the needle are similar in the
Fig. 5.26 A solenoid as an equivalent bar magnet.
two cases. This again supports the similarity
between the two fields.
A bar magnet and a finite solenoid produce similar
magnetic field patterns, as shown in Fig. 5.24 and
currents are equivalent to small circular current-loops. This is Gauss's law in magnetism which states that
In a magnet, these current-loops are arranged parallel the surface integral of a magnetic field over a closed surface is
to each other and have currents in the same sense. always zero. But the surface integral of a magnetic field
over a surface gives magnetic flux through that surface.
Figure 5.27 shows the atomic current loops in a
So Gauss's law in magnetism can also be stated as
cross-section of a cylindrical bar magnet. At any point
inside the magnet, the currents from the adjacent loops
cancel each other and hence the net current is zero. But The net magnetic flux through a closed surface is zero.
there is a net current on the surface. Due to this surface Consequences of Gauss's law:
current, the bar magnet is equivalent to a closely- 1. Gauss's law indicates that there are no sources or
wound, current carrying solenoid. Hence a bar magnet sinks of magnetic field inside a closed surface. So
produces a magnetic field similar to the solenoid. there is no point at which the field lines start or
there is no point at which the field lines
terminate. In other words, there are no free
magnetic charges. Hence isolated magnetic poles
(also called monopoles) do not exist.
2. The magnetic poles always exist as unlike pairs
of equal strengths.
Fig. S.27 A bar magnet as an equivalent solenoid.
3. If a number of magnetic lines of force enter a
It may be noted here that at the ends of the magnet, closed surface, then an equal number of lines of
force must leave that surface.
the current loops behave differently from those inside
the magnet. As a result, the magnetic poles are located
slightly inside the bar magnet. That is why the
magnetic length of a bar magnet is slightly less than its
geometrical length.
f ~ipo)e' dS = 0
lines of force are continuous and form closed loops.
They do not start or end at a point. In contrast, the
electric lines of force start from a positive charge and
Now a magnetic field is produced only by a end on a negative charge or they fade out at infinity in
magnetic dipole because isolated magnetic poles do
not exist, so the above equation for a magnetic field can
case of isolated charges.
be written as
f B.dS =0 20. Give some experimental evidences which support
5 the existence of earth's magnetic field.
Magnetic field of the earth. Earth is a powerful such as protons and electrons. As these particles rotate
natural magnet. Its magnetic field is present every- along with the earth, they cause circulating currents
where near the earth's surface. TIUsfield can be approxi- which, in turn, magnetise the earth.
mated to the field of a magnetic dipole of dipole 3. Cosmic rays cause the ionisation of gases in the
moment 8.0 x 1022 Am2 assumed to be located at the earth's atmosphere. As the earth rotates, strong electric
centre of the earth. The axis of the dipole makes an currents are set up due to the movement of the charged
angle of about 20° with the axis of rotation of the earth. ions. These currents may be the source of earth's
The magnetic north pole Nm of the earth lies somewhere magnetism.
near the geographic south pole S while the magnetic south
4. According to Sir E. Bullard (U.K.) and w.M.
pole Sm lies somewhere near gthe geographic north pole
Elaster (U.S.A.), there are large deposits of ferro-
Ng' The magnitude of the magnetic field on the earth's
magnetic materials like iron, nickel, etc. in the core of
surface is typically about lO-4T which is equal to
the earth. The core of the earth is very hot and molten.
1 gauss (G). A gauss is also often called an oersted. Thus
The circulating ions in the highly conducting liquid region
the earth's magnetic field is of the order of 1 oersted.
of the earth's coreform current loops and hence produce a
The branch of physics that deals with the study of magnetic field. At present, this hypothesis seems most
earth's magnetism is called terrestrial magnetism probable because our moon, which has no molten core,
or geomagnetism. has no magnetic field. Venus, which has a slower rate
of rotation, has a weaker magnetic field while Jupiter,
Experimental evidences in support of earth's with a faster rate of rotation has a stronger magnetic
magnetism: field.
1. A freely suspended magnetic needle comes to rest The changes in the earth's magnetic field are so
roughly in north-south direction. TIUs suggests complicated and irregular that the exact cause of
that the earth behaves as a huge magnet with its earth's magnetism is yet to be known.
south pole lying somewhere near the geographic
north pole and its north pole lying somewhere 5.18 SOME DEFINITIONS IN CONNECTION
near the geographic south pole. WITH EARTH'S MAGNETISM
2. An iron bar buried in the earth becomes weak magnet
22. Define the terms geographic axis, magnetic axis,
after some time. The magnetism is induced by
magnetic equator, magnetic meridian and geographic
earth's magnetic field.
meridian in connection with geomagnetism.
3. Existence of neutral points near a bar magnet indi-
S( me definitions in connection with earth's
cates the presence of earth's magnetic field. At
magnetism, Fig. 5.29 shows the magnetic lines of force
these points, the magnetic field of the magnet is
around the earth.
cancelled by the earth's magnetic field.
Geographic G hi
.: north Olel
. eograp ~c
21. Give a brief account of different theories regarding
the source of earth's magnetism.
Origin of earth's magnetic field. The magnetic field / Earth's
of the earth is approximately like that of a giant bar
.Yt:::::---\-_ south pole
magnet embedded deep inside the earth. Many theories
magnetic equator intersects the geographic equator at
longitudes of 6°W and 174°E. Fig. 5.30 Determination of declination at a place.
3. Magnetic equator. It is the great circle on the earth
perpendicular to the magnetic axis. 2. Angle of dip or magnetic inclination. The angle
4. Magnetic meridian. The vertical plane passing made by the earth's total magnetic field B with the horizontal
through the magnetic axis of a freely suspended small direction in the magnetic meridian is called angle of dip (8) at
magnet is called magnetic meridian. 171eearth's magnetic any place.
field acts in the direction of the magnetic meridian.
5. Geographic The vertical plane passing
meridian. -+
through the geographic north and south poles is called
geographic meridian.
23. What are the elements of earth's magnetic field? B Sill
axis of the earth does not coincide with its geographic axis. ~
earth's total magnetic field B. The angle between the
To determine magnetic declination at a place, set
horizontal and the final direction of the dip needle
up a compass needle that is free to rotate in a
gives the angle of dip at the given location.
horizontal plane about a vertical axis, as shown in
Fig. 5.30. The angle a that this needle makes with the At the magnetic equator, the dip needle rests
geographic north-south (N g - Sg) direction is the horizontally so that the angle of dip is zero at the magnetic
magnetic declination. By knowing declination, we can equator. The dip needle rests vertically at the magnetic
poles so that the angle of dip is 90° at the magnetic poles. At
determine the vertical plane in which the earth's
all other places, the dip angle lies between 0° and 90°.
magnetic field lies. In India, the value of a is small. It is
0°41' E for Delhi and 0°58' W for Mumbai. This means 3. Horizontal component of earth's magnetic
that the N-pole of a compass needle almost points in field. It is the component of the earth's total magnetic
the direction of geographic north. field B in the horizontal direction in the magnetic
meridian. If 8 is the angle of dip at any place, then the For Your Knowledge
horizontal component of earth's field B at that place is
~ Magnetic maps. These are the detailed charts which
given by indicate on the world map the lines passing through all
such places where one of the three magnetic elements has
BH = Bcos 8
the same value. Three types of lines are drawn on such
At the magnetic equator, 8 = 0°, BH = B cos 0° =B maps. These are
At the magnetic poles, 8 = 90°, BH = B cas 90° =0 1. Isogonic lines. The lines joining the places of equal
declination are called isogonic lines. The line of
Thus the value of BHis different at different places on
zero declination is called agonic line.
the surface of the earth.
2. Isoclinical lines. The lines joining. the places of
equal dip or inclination are called isoclinical lines.
The line of zero dip is called aclinic line or
magnetic equator. The points of 90° dip are called
magnetic poles. The magnetic equator crosses
Geographic the geographic equator twice once in Atlantic
meridian and then in Pacific ocean.
3. Isodynamic lines. The lines joining the places
Magnetic having the same value of the horizontal component
meridian of earth's magnetic field are called isodynamic lines.
The horizontal component is zero at poles and
maximum at the magnetic equator.
BH·= Bcos 8 ...(1) galaxy, the Milky Way, being about 2 pT i.e.,
and Bv = Bsin 8 2 x 10-12 T.
25. What is solar wind? How does it affect earth's (ii) Long term changes. The changes in earth's
magnetic field? magnetic field over long term or geological time scales
Solar wind. The solar wind is a stream of hot charged are interesting. The studies of basalt reveal that earth's
ions, composed of equal numbers of protons and electrons magnetic field reverses its direction every million
continuously flowing radially outward from the SUIl with a years or so. This means that once in a million years or
speed of approximately 400 kmls. A long magneto tail so, the currents in earth's core cool down, come to a
stretches out for several thousand earth diameters in a halt and then pick up speed in the opposite direction.
direction away from the sun. Basalt which contains iron, is emitted during
At distances greater than 32,000 km, the dipole volcanic activity on the ocean floor. As it cools, it
field pattern of the earth's magnetic field gets severely solidifies and provides a picture of earth's magnetic
distorted by the solar wind, as shown in Fig. 5.33. field. Its age can be determined by other means.
Solar 28. Define neutral point. How will you find the
wind magnetic moment of a bar magnet by locating its neutral
points, when the magnet is placed with its north pole
towards (i) north pole of the earth and (ii) south pole of
the earth?
Neutral point. It is the point where the magnetic field
Fig. 5.33 Distortion of earth's magnetic field by
due to a magnet is equal and opposite to the horizontal
the solar wind.
component of earth's magnetic field. The resultant magnetic
26. What are aurora borealis and aurora australis ? field at the neutral point is zero. If a compass needle is
Can this effect be seen anywhere in India ? placed at such a point, it can stay in any position.
(i) Magnet placed in the magnetic meridian with its
Aurora borealis and aurora australis. This is a
spectacular display of light seen in the night sky at north pole pointing north. Fig. 5.34 shows the
high altitudes, occurring most frequently near the magnetic lines of force of a bar magnet placed in the
earth's magnetic poles. The displays of aurora appear magnetic meridian with its north-pole pointing
as gaint curtains high up in the atmosphere. The towards the geographic north of the earth. The fields
aurora is caused when the charged particles of the due to the magnet and the earth are in same directions
solar wind get attracted by the magnetic poles of the at points on the axial line and are in opposite directions
earth and there they ionise the atmospheric atoms or at points on the equatorial line. So the resultant field is
molecules. The aurora in the northern hemisphere is stronger at axial points and weaker at equatorial
called aurora borealis or northern lights and the points. The two neutral points P and Q lie on the
aurora in southern hemisphere is called aurora equatorial line.
Then megnetic field strength at each neutral For a short magnet, 1 «« r, therefore
point is B. =!-Io 2m
axial 41t . r 3
B = !-Io m
equa 41t . (r2 + [2l/2 Again, at the neutral point, the field of the magnet
For a short magnet, [ «r, therefore, is balanced by the horizontal component BrI of the
earth's magnetic field, so we have
_!-Io m
Bequa - 41t .? B =!-Io 2m
H 41t' r 3
At the neutral point, the field of the magnet is
balanced by the horizontal component BH of the earth's Knowing the values of r and BrI, the magnetic
magnetic field so that dipole moment m of the magnet can be determined.
moment m can be determined. 1. Declination (a) = Angle between geographic
Magnet placed in the magnetic meridian with
(ii) meridian and magnetic meridian.
its south-pole pointing north. Fig. 5.35 shows the 2. Relations between elements of earth's magnetic
magnetic lines of force of a bar magnet placed in the field are
magnetic meridian with its south-pole pointing
BH = Beas 8 and Bv = Bsin 8
towards the geographic north of the earth. Here the
fields due to the magnet and the earth are in the same ~= tan 8 and B = ~ B~ + l\i
direction at points on the equatorial line and are in BH
opposite directions at points on the axial line of the 3. For a magnet placed with its N-pole pointing
magnet. So the resultant field is weaker at axial points north, neutral points lie at its equatorial line.
and is stronger at equatorial points. In this case the two
B = !-I0 m
neutral points P and Q lie on the axial line near the H 471:' (r2 + [2)3/2
ends of the magnet.
-!-Io m
[for hort magnet]
- 471: . r3
Earth's S Urn s Used
- -
- 471: .
[for a short magnet]
GS MS Solution. Here BH = 0.22 G, By = 0.38 G
which direction should it be steered
place is 18° west of north? Resultant magnetic field of the earth is
Solution. As the ship is to reach a place 10° south of B = ~ BH2 + By2 = ~0.22 2 + 0.382 = 0.427 G.
west i.e., along OP (Fig. 5.37), so it should be steered
west of magnetic north at angle of 90 -18 + 10 = 82 0. Example 29. If the horizontal component of earth's magnetic
field at a place where the angle of dip is 60° is 0.4 X 1O-4T,
MN GN calculate the vertical component and the resultant magnetic
field at that place. [CBSE 00 97C ; Haryana 01]
Solution. Here 8 = 60°, BH = 0.4 x 10-4 T
_-ME By = BH tan 8 = 0.4 x 10-4 tan 60°
GW-------c~~----------GE = 0.4 x 10-4 x .J3 = 0.69 x 10-4 T.
MW--- Resultant magnetic field,
B 04 10-4
B=_H_= . x =0.8x 10-4 T.
cos 8 cas 60°
GS MS Example 30. If 81 and 82 be the angles of dip observed in
two vertical planes at right angles to each other and 8 is the
Fig. 5.37 true angle of dip, prove that cot2 81 + cot2 82 = cot2 8.
[Punjab 96]
Example 26. In the magnetic meridian of a certain place,
Solution. Let ~ and By be the horizontal and
the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field is 0.26 G
and the dip angle is 60°. What is the magnetic field of the ~
vertical components of earth's magnetic field B . Since 8
earth in this location ? [NCERT]
is the true angle of dip, therefore
Example 27. A compass needle whose magnetic moment is As shown in Fig. 5.38, suppose planes 1 and 2 are two
60 An? pointing geographical north at a certain place where mutually perpendicular planes and respectively make
the horizontal component of earth's magnetic field is angles 8 and 90° - 8 with the magnetic meridian. The
40 IlWb / ni experiences a torque of1.2 x 10-3 Nm. What is vertical components of earth's magnetic field remain
the declination of the place? [Roorkee 82] same in the two planes but the effective horizontal
Solution. In stable equilibrium, a compass needle components in the two planes will be
points along magnetic north and experiences no torque. Br = BH cos 8 and ~ = BH sin 8
~qua = ~
or ~o m =B
Fig. 5.38 411:. (r2 + 12)3/2 H
The angles of dip 01 and 02 in the two planes are :. Magnetic moment
given by
m= ~. 411:.(1+ 12)3/2
tano=Bv= Bv ~o
11\ BHcos8
= 0.34 x 10-4 x _1_ [52 + 122]3/2(10-4)3/2
BH cas 8 10-7
or cot °1 = --'-'--Bv-- ...(2)
= 0.747 rr'.
tan s =~ = Bv Example 34. The magnetic moment of a short bar magnet
2 ~ ~sin8 is 1.6 A~. It is placed in the magnetic meridian with north
B sin 8 pole pointing south. The neutral point is obtained at distance
or cot 02 =----'-'H __ ...(3)
Bv of 20 em from the centre of the magnet. Find the horizontal
component of earth's magnetic field. If the magnet be
From equations (2) and (3), we have reversed, i.e., north pole pointing north, find the position of
2 2 neutral point.
cot2 ° + cot2 ° = BH (cos2 8 + sin2 8) = BH
1 2 Hi Hi Solution. Here m=1.6 Am2, r=20 em =0.20 m
or cot2 01 + cot2 02 = cot2 0. [Using equation (1)] When N-pole of the magnet points south, the
neutral points lie on the axial line of the magnet.
Example 31. A dip circle shows an apparent dip of 60 ° at a
Hence at the neutral point,
place where the true dip is 45°. If the dip circle is rotated
through 90°, what apparent dip will it show? B - - ~o 2m
axial - ~ - 411:· r3
Solution. Here 01 =60° and 0=45°.
or ~ = 10- x 2 x 1.6 = 4 x 10-5 T
As cot2 s = cot2 01 + cot2 02
cot2 45°= cot2 60° + cot2 02
or 2
cot 02 = (1)2 -(.1 r =~
When the magnet is reversed, its north pole points
north. The neutral points will lie on the equatorial line
of the magnet. Hence
_ _~o m
or cot 02 = 0.816
Bequa - ~ - -. 1
411: r:
02 = 51°. 7
r3 = ~o. ~ = 10- x 1.6 =4.0 x 10 -3 m3
Example 32. True value of dip at a place is 45°. The plane or
411: BH 4 x 10-5
of the dip circle is turned through 60° from the magnetic
meridian. Find the apparent value of dip. r = (4.0 x 10-3)1/3
Solution. Here 0 = 45°, 8 = 60°, 0' =? = 1.6 x 10- 1 m = 16 em.
tan 0'= Bv = BH tan ° Example 35. A magnet placed in the magnetic meridian
~ ~ cas 8 with its north pole pointing north of the earth produces a
neutral point at a distance of 0.15 m from either pole. It is
= tan ° = tan 45° =2
then broken into two equal pieces and one such piece is
cas 8 cas 60°
placed in a similar position. Find the position of the neutral
:. Apparent dip, point.
Solution. Here the neutral points lie on the equatorial from the centre of the magnet. The earth's magnetic field at
line of the magnet at distance x from each of the two the place is 0.38 G and the angle of dip is zero.
poles. (i) What is the total magnetic field at points on the axis
_ _ 110 m of the magnet located at the same distance 02.5 em)
BH - Bequa - 411:. x3 as the null-points from the centre?
When the magnet is broken into two parts, its pole (ii) Locate the null points when the magnet is turned
strength remains unchanged. around by 180°.
Original magnetic moment, Assume that the length of the magnet is negligible as
compared to the distance of the nul/-points from the
m= qlll x 21
centre of the magnet.
Magnetic moment of each part,
21 m Solution. (a) At the neutral point on the equatorial
m = «; 2 =2X line of a short magnet, we have
= 110 .!!!. = B
B =110 m/2 Bequa 411:. r3 H
H 411:' x,3
Magnetic field of the magnet on its axial line at the
110 m _ 110 m
Hence same distance will be
411:. x3 - 411:. 2x,3
110 2m
or 2x,3= x3 Baxial = -. 3 =2 BH =2 x 0.38 =0.76 G
411: r
, x
or x = 21/3 At any point on the axial line, BH and Baxial are in
the same direction. So total magnetic field,
or 0.15 = 0.119 m, f rom eac h po Ie.
x' = --
1.26 B = Baxial + BH = 0.76 + 0.38 = 1.14 G.
(b) When the magnet is turned through 180°, the
Example 36. The magnetic field at a point on the magnetic
equator is 3.1 x 10-5T. Taking the radius of the earth equal to neutral points lie on the axial line.
6400 km, find the magnetic moment of the assumed dipole at
B. =110 2m=B
~~~~~~ ~ axial 411:. x3 H
component of the earth's magnetic field at the place 16. A magnet placed in the north pointing north
known to be 0.4 G. Determine the magnitude of the position, balances the earth's magnetic field at a
earth's magnetic field at the place. [CBSE F 111 point, which is 27 cm from either pole. If it is broken
(Ans. 0.8 G) into three pieces and one such piece is similarly
6. The vertical and horizontal components of earth's placed, find the position of the neutral point.
magnetic field at a place are 0.2 G and 0.3464 G (Ans. 18.73 x 10-2 m, from either pole)
respectively. Calculate the angle of dip and earth's HINTS
magnetic field at that place. (Ans. 30°, 0.4 G)
4... B=~=~= 0.40 = 0.462 G.
7. A vertical wire in which current is flowing pro- sin 0 sin 60° 0.866
duces a neutral point with the earth's horizontal
field at a distance of 5 em from the wire in air. What 5. Here, 0 = 60°, BH = 0.4 G, B = ?
is current, if BH = 0.18 x 10-4 T ? (Ans. 4.5 A) B= BH =~= 0.4 =0.8 G.
8. A compass needle whose magnetic moment is 60 Am2 cos 0 cos 60° 0.5
pointing geographical north at a certain place, where 11 I
7. As-o- = BH
the horizontal component of earth's magnetic field is 2nr
40IlT, experiences a torque of 1.2 x 10-3 Nm. What - 2r.:r BH _ 2r.:x5xlO-2 xO.18xl0-4 _
.. 1 ---- 7 -4.5A.
is the declination at that place? (Ans. 30°) 110 4r.:x 10-
9. A magnetic needle free to rotate about the vertical
8. 1" = 111 BHsin a
direction (compass) points 3.5° west of the geo-
graphic north. Another magnetic needle free to .. 1.2 x 10-3 = 60 x40 x 10-6 xsin a
rotate in a vertical plane parallel to the magnetic or sin a = -1 .. a = 30° .
meridian has its north tip pointing down at 18°with
the horizontal. The magnitude of the horizontal 9. Here 3.5° is the magnetic declination and 18° is the
component of the earth's magnetic field at the place angle of dip.
is known to be 0.40 G. What is the direction and As BH=Bcoso
magnitude of the earth's magnetic field at the place? B = BH see 0 = 0.40 sec 18°
(Ans. 0.42 G, directed at an angle of 18° with horizontal = OAO x 1.0514 = 0.42 G.
in the magnetic meridian towards the ground) 11. cot 0 = cot2 ~ + cot2 O2
10. The true dip at a place is 30°. What is the apparent = cot2 30° + cot2 45° = 3 + 1 = 4
dip when the dip circle is turned 60° out of the cot 0 = 2 :. 8 = 26.6° .
magnetic meridian? (Ans. 49°71
11. The values of the apparent angles of dip in two planes 12. The true angle of dip 0 is given by tan 0 = Bv
at right angles to each other are 30° and 45°.
Calculate the true value of the angle of dip at the When the dip circle is rotated through angle S, the
place. (Ans. 26.6°) apparent angle of dip 0' is given by
12. A dip circle lying initially in the magnetic meridian tan 0'
is rotated through an angle e in the horizontal
tan 0/ = Bv = tan o. see e :. -- = sec O :1.
BH cos 0 tan 0
plane. Show that the tangent of the angle of dip is
~o m
increased in the ratio sec e: 1 13. Use BH =-. 3"'
4r.: r
13. A short bar magnet of magnetic moment 0.5 J T-1 is
placed with its magnetic axis in the magnetic meri- 14. Here the neutral points lie on the axial line.
5.23 SOME IMPORTANT TERMS USED TO 3. Magnetising field intensity. The ability of
magnetising field to magnetise a material medium is
OF MATERIALS expressed by a vector H , called magnetising field inten-
29. Define the terms magnetising field, magnetic sity or magnetic intensity. Its magnitude may be defined as
induction, intensiiu of magnetisation, magnetising field the number of ampere-turns (nI ) flowing round the unit
intensity, magnetic permeability, relative permeability length of the solenoid required to produce the given
and magnetic susceptibilitu. Write the various relations magnetising field. Thus
among these quantities. H = nI
1. Magnetising field. When a magnetic material is %=llonI=lloH or H=%
placed in a magnetic field, a magnetism is induced in 110
it. The magnetic field that exists in vacuum and induces The dimensions of magnetic intensity are [L-1A]. Its
magnetism is called magnetising field. For example, 51 unit is ampere metre -1 (Am -1) which is equivalent to
consider a toroidal solenoid carrying current I and Nm-2T-1 or Jm-1Wb-1.
placed in vacuum. If the solenoid has n turns per unit
4. Intensity of magnetisation. When a magnetic
length, then the magnetic field set up in the solenoid is
material is placed in a magnetising field, it gets magne-
given by
tised. The magnetic moment developed per unit volume of a
Bo=llonI material when placed in a magnetising field is called intensity
This field is called the magnetising field caused by of magnetisaiion or simply magnetisation. Thus
the so called free current in the solenoid. -+
-+ m
2. Magnetic induction. As shown in Fig. 5.40, M=-
suppose the toroidal solenoid is wound round a ring of
-+ If 1M is the surface magnetisation current set up in a
magnetic material. Under the influence of field fb, the solenoid of cross-sectional area A and having n turns
magnetic moments of the atomic current loops of the per unit length, then magnetic moment developed per
magnetic material tend to align themselves with or unit length of the solenoid is nI M A. Therefore,
against the magnetising field %. This gives rise to a net magnetic moment developed per unit volume or the
current on the surface of the material and is called magnetisation M is given by
magnetisation surface current 1M as shown in Fig. 5.41.
m nI A
-V- A -
Suppose the bar develops pole strength qrn when
placed in a magnetising field, then its magnetic moment,
Fig. 5.40 Magnetic field in a Fig. 5.41 Magnetising
magnetic material. surface current.
M = m = qrn x 21 =!1JJL
= tesla metre ampere-lor TmA-1 stances are those which develop feeble magnetisation in the
Dimensions of 1-1 = [MLr2A-2]. direction of the magnetisingfield. Such substances arefeebly
attracted by magnets and tend to move from weaker to
6. Relative permeability. Permeability of various
stronger parts of a magnetic field.
magnetic substances can be compared with one another
in terms of relative permeability I-Ir. It is defined as the Examples. Manganese, aluminium, chromium,
ratio of the permeability of the medium to the permeability of platinum, sodium, copper chloride, oxygen (at 5TP), etc.
free space. Thus, 3. Ferromagnetic substances. Ferromagnetic sub-
I-I=..e... stances are those which develop strong magnetisation in the
r 1-10 direction of the magnetising field. They are strongly attracted
by magnets and tend to move from weaker to stronger parts
For vacuum 1-1r = I, for air it is 1.0000004 and for of a magnetic field.
iron, the value of 1-1r may exceed 1000.
Examples. Iron, cobalt, nickel, gadolinium and
7. Magnetic susceptibility. Magnetic susceptibility
alloys like alnico.
measures the ability of a substance to take up magne-
tisation when placed in a magnetic field. It is defined as 5.25 ORIGIN OF DIAMAGNETISM
the ratio of the intensity of magnetisation M to the
magnetisingfield intensity H.1t is denoted by Xm. Thus, 31. Explain the origin of diamagnetism. Why are the
diamagnetic substances repelled by magnets ?
= H Origin of diamagnetism. In atoms of some
1-1H =l-Io(H + M)
or 1-1=1-10(1+ ~) or
tB 11l-/!.m
(c) (d)
30. How are materials classified on the basis of their
behaviour in a magnetic field ? Give examples of each Fig. 5.42 An electron orbiting in an atom
type. produces a moment.
and other anticlockwise around the nucleus. Net At very high magnetic fields or at very low tempe-
magnetic moment of an atom is zero, as shown in ratures, the magnetisation approaches its maximum
Fig. 5.42(a) and (b). value when all the atomic dipole moments get aligned.
~ This is called the saturation magnetization value Ms.
When such an atom is placed in a magnetic field B,
Curie's law. From experiments, it is found that the
the speed of revolution of one electron increases and
intensity of magneiisaiion (M) of a paramagnetic
that of other decreases. The magnetic moment of the
~ ~ material is
former electron increases to In + t'l m and that of the
(i) directly propertional to the magneiising field
~ ~
latter electron decreases to m - t'l In. So each electron intensity H, because the latter tends to align the
~ atomic dipole moments.
pair gains a net magnetic moment 2 t'l In which is
(ii) inversely proportional to the absolute temperature T,
proportional to the field B but points in its opposite because the latter tends to oppose the alignment
direction as shown in Figs. 5.42(c) and (d). A sufficient of the atomic dipole moments.
magnetic moment is induced in the diamagnetic Therefore at low H / T values, we have
~ H
sample in the opposite direction of B. This sample Moc-
~ T
moves from stronger to the weaker parts of the field B,
or M=C. H
i.e., a diamagnetic substance is repelled by a magnet. T
The behaviour of diamagnetic materials is M C C
independent of temperature.
or H T or Xm =T
Here C is curie constant and Xm is the susceptibility
of the material. The above relation is called Curie's law.
32. Explain the origin of paramagnetism. State This law states that far away from saturation, the suscepti-
Curie's law of magnetism. bility of a paramagnetic material is inversely proportional to
Origin of paramagnetism. According to Langevin, the absolute temperature.
the atoms or molecules of a paramagnetic material Figure 5.44 shows the variation of intensity of
possess a permanent magnetic moment either due to the magnetisation M as a function of H / T. Beyond the
presence of some unpaired electron or due to the saturation value Ms' Curie law is not valid.
non-cancellation of the spins of two electrons because
of some special reason. In the absence of an external
magnetic field, the atomic dipoles are randomly
oriented due to their ceaseless random motion, as
shown in Fig. 5.43(a). There is no net magnetisation. region
Bo=O Bo ~ Curie law region
(a) (b)
Fig. 5.43 (a) Randomly distributed atomic dipoles in a para- DOMAIN THEORY
magnetic material in the absence of magnetic field.
33. Describe ferromagnetism on the basis of domain
(b) Alignment of dipoles in the presence of magnetic field.
theory. How does Curie's law get modified for ferro-
~ magnetic substances ?
When a strong enough field Ba is applied and the
Origin of ferromagnetism. Weiss explained
temperature is low enough, the field Ba tends to align ferromagnetism on the basis of his domain theory. In
the atomic dipoles in its own direction, producing a materials like Fe, Ni, Co, the individual atoms are
~ associated with large magnetic moments. The magnetic
weak magnetic moment in the direction of Bo' The
moments of neighbouring atoms interact with each
material tends to move from a weak field region to a other and align themselves spontaneously in a
strong field region. This is paramagnetism. common direction over macroscopic regions called
domains. Each domain has a typical size of about 1 mm Above the curie point i.e., in the paramagnetic
and contains about 1011 atoms. So each domain phase, the susceptibility varies with temperature as
possesses a strong magnetic moment. In the absence of C'
any external magnetic field, these domains are randomly Xm = T _I (T > Te)
distributed so that the net magnetic moment is zero. e
where C' is a constant. This is modified Curie's law for a
ferromagnetic material above the Curie temperature. It
is also known as Curie-Weiss law. This law states that
the susceptibilih) of a ferromagnetic substance above its
Curie temperature is inversely proportional to the excess of
temperature above the Curie temperature.
Table 5.2 Curie Temperatures of some
Ferromagnetic Materials
Material Tc (K)
Fig. 45 Randomly oriented domains in a ferromagnetic substance. Cobalt 1394
2. By rotation of domains. When the external field Consequently, the magnetic induction B inside the
Ba is strong, the domains rotate till their magnetic material becomes less than the magnetising field,
moments get aligned in the direction of Ba as shown in Ba = J.1 0 H. The reduction is very small, about 1 part
Fig. 5.46(c). in 105.
Modified Curie's law for ferromagnetic substances.
When a ferromagnetic sample is heated, its magne-
tisation decreases due to the increase in the randomi-
sation of its domains. At a sufficiently high tempe-
rature, the domain structure disintegrates and the
ferromagnetic substance becomes paramagnetic. The
temperature at which a ferromagnetic substance becomes
paramagnetic is calledCurie temperature or Curie point Te. Fig. 5.47 Reduction of lines of force in a diamagnetic rod.
3. When placed in a non-uniform magnetic field, a 35. Briefly describe diamagnetism in superconducting
diamagnetic substance moves from stronger to the weaker metals.
parts of the field. Diamagnetism in superconducting metals. When a
When a watch glass containing a diamagnetic metal is cooled to a temperature below its critical
liquid is placed over two closely lying (3 - 4 mm apart) temperature in a magnetic field, it attains both
pole pieces of a magnet, the liquid is found to move superconductivity and perfect diamagnetism. The
towards the poles causing a depression in the middle
magnetic lines of force get completely expelled from it
[Fig 5.4~(a)]. This indicates that the field is stronger in
and it repels a magnet. For this material, X = -1 and
the middle than that near the poles. Now if the poles
Il r = O. This phenomenon of diamagnetism in super-
are moved apart sufficiently, the magnetic field at the
middle becomes weaker than that near the poles. conductors is called Meissner effect. This effect forms the
basis for running magnetically levitated superfast trains.
Consequently, the liquid accumulates in the middle
and thins out near the poles [Fig. S.48(b)].
Diamagnetic liquid \ SUBSTANCES
36. Describe some of the important properties oj.
paramagnetic substances.
Properties of paramagnetic substances:
1. When placed in an external magnetic field, a
paramagnetic substance develops feeble magne-
Fig. 5.48 Effect of non-uniform magnetic field on a diamagnetic
tisation in the direction of the applied field.
liquid when (a) poles are quite close to each other, (b) poles are
sufficiently apart. 2. When a rod of paramagnetic material is placed
in a magnetic field, the lines of force prefer to
4. When a rod of a diamagnetic material is sus- pass through it than through the surrounding
pended freely in a uniform magnetic field, it aligns air i.e., the lines of force get slightly more
itself perpendicular to the magnetising field (Fig. 5.49). concentrated inside the material, as shown in
Fig. 5.51. The magnetic induction B becomes
slightly greater than the magnetising field,
Ba = lloH. The increase is very small, about
1 part in 105.
so the susceptibility
and permeability do not
show any variation with the field Ea .
9. As soon as the magnetising field is removed, a
paramagnetic substance loses its magnetism.
pended freely in a uniform magnetic field, it aligns magnetic substances exhibit properties similar to those
itself parallel to the magnetising field (Fig. 5.53). of paramagnetic substances but in a highly dominant
manner. These are as follows:
1. When placed in an external magnetic field, a
ferromagnetic material develops strong magne-
tisation in the direction of the applied field.
2. When a ferromagnetic substance is placed in a
magnetic field, the lines of force concentrate
greatly into the material so that the magnetic
induction B becomes much more than the
Fig. 5.53 A freely suspended paramagnetic rod in magnetising field Ea.
a uniform magnetic field.
5. A paramagnetic material develops small magne-
tisation in the direction of the magnetising field,
so its susceptibility has small but positive value.
For aluminium, X =1.8 x 10-6.
6. The relative permeability (u r = 1 + Xm) for a
paramagnetic material has a value slightly greater Fig. 5.55 Highly concentrated lines of force in a ferromagnetic rod.
than 1.
3. When a ferromagnetic substance is placed in
7. The magnetic susceptibility of a paramagnetic
non-uniform magnetic field, it moves from
material varies inversely as the absolute tempe- weaker to the stronger parts of the field.
rature, i.e.
4. When a rod of a ferromagnetic material is sus-
1 pended freely in a uniform magnetic field, it
X m ex:-
T quickly aligns itself parallel to the magnetic field.
C 5. The intensity of magnetisation M is propor-
or Xm =y' tional to the magnetising field intensity H for its
smaller values. For moderate values of H, M
where C is a constant called the Curie constant increases rapidly and then finally attains constant
and this equation is known as Curie's law. value for large H. This indicates the attainment
of the saturation stage of magnetisation.
6. The susceptibility of a ferromagnetic material
has a large positive value. This is because
and M» H for a ferromagnetic material. It is of
T~ the order of several thousands.
Fig. 5.54 Xm -T graph for a paramagnetic material. 7. The relative permeability (f..l r = 1 + XIII) of a
ferromagnetic material has a large positive
8. For a given temperature, the intensity of magne- value. It is of the order of several thousands. For
tisation is proportional to the magnetising field, iron, = 1000.
material. ~ A very small variation in the value of XIII may lead to an
altogether different magnetic behaviour: diamagnetic
11. A ferromagnetic substance retains magnetism
vs. paramagnetic. For diamagnetic materials, XIII z: -10-5
even after the magnetising field is removed. where XIII = + 10-5 for paramagnetic materials.
Table 5.3 Comparative study of the properties of dic-, para- and ferromagnetic substances
7. Permeability 11 »110
8. Effect oj Susceptibility is indepen- Susceptibility varies Susceptibility decreases
temperature dent of temperature. inversely as temferature : with temperature in a
complex manner.
Xm <x' y' 1
varies with H. In fact, it also depends on the past always more than when H is increasing. The pheno-
history of the sample. menon of the lagging of magnetic induction behind the magne-
tisingfield is calledhysteresis. In fact, the word hysteresis
Figure 5.56 shows the variation of magnetic
originates from a Greek word meaning' delayed'.
induction Bwith magnetising field intensity H. Point 0
represents the initial unmagnetised state of a Significance of the area of hysteresis loop. The
(~J= .».,
ferromagnetic sample. As the magnetising field product BH =B has the dimensions of
intensity H increases, the magnetic induction B first 11 Ilollr
gradually increases and then attains a constant value. energy per unit volume. Hence the area within the B-H
In other words, the magnetic induction B saturates at a loop represents the energy dissipated per unit volume in
certain value + Hmax' the material when it is carried through a cycle of
magnetisation. The source is the source of emf used in
B magnetising the material and the sink is the hysteretic
heat loss in the magnetic material.
Practical importance of hysteresis loops. A study of
hysteresis loop provides us information about
Initial retentivity, coercivity and hysteresis loss of a magnetic
build up
material. This helps in proper selection of materials for
, +H
designing cores of transformers and electromagnets
,, max
and in making permanent magnets.
, DB Retentivity =
39. Distinguish between soft and hard ferromagnetic
, materials. Draw their hysteresis loops. Give examples of
, DC = Coercivity
each type.
Saturation Types of ferromagnetic materials. Ferromagnetic
new path AB. It is found that the magnetic induction B resis loop, as shown in Fig. 5.57(a). Consequently, they
does not become zero even when the magnetising field
H is zero, i.e., the sample is not demagnetised even B B
when the magnetising field has been removed. The
magnetic induction (= 0 B) left behind in the sample after the
magnetising field has been removed is called residual
magnetism or retentivity or remanence. --+i-r-----...H --f--++---..H
To reduce the magnetism to zero, the field H is
gradually increased in the reverse direction, the
induction B decreases and becomes zero at a value of (a) (b)
H = OC. The value of reverse magnetising field intensity H
required for the residual magnetism of a sample to become Fig. 5.57 Magnetic hysteresis loop for
zero is called coercivity of the sample. (a) soft, (b) hard ferromagnetic material.
Assume that each iron atom has a dipole moment of
Examples. Steel, alnico, lodestone, ticonal, etc. 9.27 x 10-24 AI;. [NCERT)
Volume of the domain,
Formulae Used
V = 13 =(10-6 m)3 =10-18m3 =10-12 cm '
1. Intensity of magnetisation, M = V
Mass of domain = Volume x density
2. Il =-
3. Il =~
= 10-12 em:' x 7.9 gern-3
H r Il 0 =7.9xl0-12g
M C Number of atoms in 55 g iron
4. Xm=fj 5. Xm=T [Curie's law]
= 1 mole = 6.023 x 1023
6. B=llo (H + M) 7. Ilr = 1 + Xm·
:. Number of atoms in 7.9 x 10-12 g iron
Units Used 6.023 x 1023 x 7.9 x 10-12
Magnetising field intensity His in Am -1, field Bin 55
tesla, magnetisation M in Am -l, permeability Il in
TmA -1 or Hm -l, susceptibility Xm and relative
or N = 8.65 x 1.otO atoms.
permeability Il r have no units. Dipole moment of each iron atom,
m=9.27x 1O-24Arn2
Example 39. A magnet of magnetic moment 2.5 Arrt
The dipole moment of the domain will be maxi-
weighs 66 g. If the density of the material of the magnet is mum when all its atomic dipoles get perfectly aligned.
7500 kgm-3, find the intensity of magnetisation. Its value will be
Solution. Volume,
- V 1O-18m3
V 66 x 10-5 66
-- = 8.0 x 105 Am-t.
= 2.84 x 105 Am -t. Example 42. A magnetising field of 1500 AI m produces
a magnetic flux of2.4 x 10-5 weber in a bar of iron of cross-
Example 40. Obtain the earth's magnetisation. Assume section 0.5 crrf. Calculate permeability and susceptibility of
that the earth's field can be approximated by a gaint bar the iron-bar used. [CBSE OD 08)
magnet of magnetic moment 8.0 x 1022 Ant-. The earth's Solution. Here H = 1500 Am-I, <p == 2.4 x 10-5 Wb,
radius is 6400 km. [NCERT) A =0.5 x 10 -4m2
Solution. Here magnetic moment, Magnetic induction,
m = 8.0 x 1022 Am2 _ <p _ 2.4 x 10-
_0 48 Wb -2
B--- - . m
Radius of the earth, R = 6400 krn = 6.4 x 106 m A 0.5 x 10--4
Permeability, Example 45. The core of a toroid having 3000 turns has
Il = ~ = 0.48 = 3.2 x 10-4 TmA-1
inner and outer radii of 11 em and 12 cm respectively. The
H 1500 magnetic field in the corefor a current of 0.70 A is 2.5 T.
What is the relative permeability of the core?
As Il = Il 0 (1 + X III )
Solution. The magnetic field in the empty space
., Susceptibility,
enclosed by a toroid is given by
=~ -1 = 3.2 x 10- -1 B = llonI
XIII Ilo 4x3.14xlO-7
where n is the number of turns per unit length and I is
= 254.77 -1 = 253.77. the current. If the space is filled by a core of perme-
ability u, then
Example 43. Assume that each iron atom has a permanent
magnetic moment equal to 2 Bohr magnetons (1 Bohr B = IlnI
magneton =9.27 x 10-24 AI;). The number density of Here B=2.5 T, I =0.70 A
atoms in iron is 8.52 x 1028 m-3. (i) Find the maximum Mean radius,
magnetisation M in a long iron bar. (ii) Find the maximum
magnetic induction B in the bar. r = 11 + 12 em = 11.5 em = 11.5 x 10 -2 m
Solution. (i) Number of atoms per unit volume, 3000 3000
n = 8.52 x 1028 m-3 - 211:r - 2 x 3.14 x 11.5 x 10-2
Magnetic moment of each iron atom Hence
=2 IlB =2 x9.27x 10-24 Am2 B 2.5 x 2 x 3.14 x 11.5 x 10-2
As magnetisation M is the magnetic moment per Il = -;;r = 3000 x 0.70
unit volume, so the maximum value of magnetisation is = 8.6 x 10-4 Tm A-1
= nx
~ax 21lB Relative permeability,
(when all the dipoles get aligned) 4
Il r = ~ = 8.6 x 10- = 684.4.
= 8.52 x 1028 x 2 x 9.27 x 10-24
Ilo 411:x 10-7
= 1.58 x 106 Am -1.
Example 46. An iron rod of volume 10-4 m3 and relative
(ii) Magnetic induction, B=llo (H + M)
permeability 1000 is placed inside a long solenoid wound
As no magnetising field is applied, so H = O. Hence
with 5 turns per em. If a current of 0.5 A is passed through
B = Ilo M = 411:X 10-7 x 1.58 x 106 = 1.985 T. the solenoid, find the magnetic moment of the rod.
Example 44. A solenoid of 500 turns / m is carrying a Solution. The relation between the magnetic
current of3 A Its core is made of iron which has a relative induction B, magnetising field intensity H and the
permeability of 5000. Determine the magnitudes of the magnetisation M is given by
Example 47. The hysteresis loss for a specimen of iron 5. An iron rod of 0.2 em 2 cross-sectional area is
weighing 12 kg is equivalent to 300 Im-3 cycle-I. Find the subjected to a magnetising field of 1200 Am -1. The
loss of energy per hour at 50 cycle s-l. Density of iron is susceptibility of iron is 599. Find the permeability
7500 kg m-3. and the magnetic flux produced.
Solution. Let Q be the energy dissipated per unit (Ans. 7.536 x 10-4Tm A -1, 1.81 x 10-5Wb)
volume per hysteresis cycle in the given sample. Then 6. An iron rod 0.2 m long, 10 mm in diameter and of
the total energy lost by the volume V of the sample in permeability 1000 is placed inside a long solenoid
wound with 300 turns per metre. If a current of
time t will be
0.5 ampere is passed through the solenoid, find the
W=QxVXyxt magnetic moment of the rod. (Ans. 0.2325 Am -1 )
where y is the number of hysteresis cycles per second.
7. An iron ring of mean circumferential length 30 em
Here Q =300 Jm-3 cycle-l, v = 50 cycle s-l, and cross-section 1 em 2 is wound uniformly with
300 turns of wire. When a current of 0.032 A flows
t =1 h =3600s
in the windings; the flux in the ring is 2 x 10-6 Wb.
Volume V = Mass =~ m3 Find the flux density in the ring, magnetising field
, Density 7500
intensity and relative permeability of iron.
.'. Hysteresis loss, (Ans. 2 x 10-2 Wb m -2, 32 A turns m -1, 500 )
Bo = floH
jOrOblems For Practice
In the presence of aluminium
1. A bar magnet made of steel has a magnetic moment B = flH = fl 0 (1 + X) H
of 2.5 Am2 and a mass of 6.6 g. If the density of steel
Magnetic induction, B
B = ~H = 7.536 x 10-4 x 1200 = 0.904 T
Magnetic flux,
<p = BA = 0.904 x 0.2 x 10-4 = 1.81 x 10-5 Wh.
6. Proceed as in Example 46 on page 5.38.
7. Here I = 30cm = 0.30 m, A = lcm2 = 1O-4m2,
N = 300, I = 0.032 A, <p = 2 x 10-6 Wb,
Magnetic flux density,
B=.!=2x~-6 =2x10-2Whm-2
A 10 Fig. 5.58 Hysteresis loops of soft iron and steel.
Magnetising field intensity,
3. Retentioitq. The retentivity of soft iron (Ob') is
H = n1= 1000 x 0.032 = 32 A turns m-1
Permeability, greater than the retentivity (Ob) of steel.
2 4. Coercivity. The coercivity of soft iron (Oc ) is less
~- _ ~ _- 2 x 10- _-. 6 25 x 104 T m.A-I than the coercivity (Oc) of steel.
H 32
11 6.25 x 10-4 5. Hysteresis loss. As the area of the hysteresis loop
Relative permeability, ~l =- = 7 = 500. of soft iron is much smaller than that of steel, so the
r 110 41tx l 0-
hysteresis loss per unit volume per cycle is less for soft
8. Here N = 500, D = 12cm = 0.12 rn, 1= 0.3 A, iron than for steel.
~r = 600 We can summarise the above properties as follows:
Magnetising field intensity,
N N 1. Permeability
H=n1=-.I=-.1 are greater for soft iron
I 1tD 2. Susceptibility
500 x 0.3
1tx 0.12
= 397.9 A turns m
-1 3. Retentivity 1 than for steel
4. Coercivity
] are less for soft iron
Magnetic flux density, B = I1H = ~ r 110 H 5. Hysteresis loss than for steel
= 600x41t x 10-7 x397.9 = 0.3 Wbm-1
41. How will you select materials for making perma-
Flux density due to electronic current loop is
7 nent magnets, electromagnets and cores of transformers ?
~ oM =.B -11 oH = 0.3 - 41t x 10- x 397.9
Selection of magnetic materials. The choice of
magnetisation for a long duration. Other suitable copper wire over it. When we pass a current through the
materials for making permanent magnets are: solenoid, a magnetic field is set up in the space within
the solenoid. The high permeability of soft iron increases
Cobalt steel 52% Fe, 36% Co, 7% W,
the field one thousand times. The end of the solenoid at
3.5% Cr, 0.5% Mn, 0.7% C
which the current in the solenoid seems to flow
Carbon steel 98% Fe, 0.86% C, 0.9% Mn anticlockwise acts as -pole and other one as S-pole.
Alnico 55% Fe, 10% Al, 17% Ni, When the current in the solenoid is switched off, the
12% Co, 6% Cu soft iron rod loses its magnetism almost completely
due to its low retentivity.
Ticonal 42% Co, 26.5 Fe, 14% Ni, 8% AL
6.5 Ti, 3% Cu
B. Electromagnets. The material used for making
cores of electromagnets must have the following
characteristics: I
large even for a small magnetising field. + ~I- (.
2. Low retentivity so that the magnetisation is lost as Battery Key
the magnetising current is switched off.
Fig. 5.59 An electromagnet.
So soft iron is more suitable than steel for cores of
electromagnets. Uses of electromagnets:
C. Transformer cores. The material used for making 1. Electromagnets are used in electric bells, loud-
cores of transformers must have the following charac- speakers and telephone diaphragms.
teristics : 2. Large electromagnets are used in cranes to lift
1. High initial permeability so that the magnetic flux heavy machinery, and bulk quantities of iron
and steel.
is large even for low magnetising fields.
3. In hospitals, electromagnets are used to remove
2. Low hysteresis loss as the materials are subjected to
iron or steel bullets from the human body.
alternating magnetising fields of high frequency.
3. Low resistivity to reduce losses due to eddy 5.33 TANGENT GALVANOMETER·
44. State tangent law of magnetism.
Soft iron is preferred for making transformer cores
Tangent law. This law states that if a freely
and telephone diaphragms.
suspended small magnet is acted upon by two uniform
42. Mention three methods for making permanent mutually perpendicular magnetic fields Br and ~
3. The most efficient way of making a permanent Fig. 5.60 Tangent law.
magnet is to place a steel rod in a solenoid and
a position that the tangent of the angle e that the
pass a strong current. The rod gets magnetised
magnet makes with Br is equal to the ratio ~ / Br of the
due to the magnetic field of the solenoid.
two fields. That is,
43. Briefly explain how an electromagnet is formed.
State some uses of electromagnets. tan e= ~
Electromagnet. As shown in Fig. 5.59, take a soft Bl
iron rod and wind a large number of turns of insulated or ~ = Br tan e
the centre of circular frame. It has a small magnetic
needle pivoted at its centre with a long thin aluminium
Fig. 5.62
pointer attached perpendicular to it. Both are free to
move over a horizontal circular scale graduated in Now magnetic field at centre of coil is
degrees and divided into four quadrants of 0° - 90° B= 110 NI
each. A plane mirror is fixed at the base below the 2R
pointer. This removes error due to parallax while
where N and R are number of turns and radius of the
reading the position of the pointer.
11 N I
_0__ = ~ tan 8
Short Aluminium
I = 2 R BHtan e = K tan 8
magnetic pointer 1l0N
where K = --- is a constant for the tangent galvano-
meter and is called its reduction factor.
Fig. 5.61 Tangent galvanometer. magnetic field. In the position of equilibrium, the
magnetic dipole lies along B. When it is slightly
Adjustments The tangent galvanometer is levelled rotated from this position and released, it begins to
with the help of levelling screws and the coil is so vibrate about the field direction under the restoring
rotated that its plane becomes parallel to the length of
the magnetic needle. In this position, the plane of the
coil lies along the magnetic meridian. The compass box t = -mB sin 8
is rotated, so that the pointer comes along 0° - 0° line. The negative sign indicates that the direction of
Theory and working. The working of tangent toque t is such so as to decrease 8.
galvanometer is based on tangent law. When no
current is passed through the coil, the magnetic needle -->
is influenced only by ~ of earth's magnetic field. m
When a current I is passed, there is a magnetic field B
along the axis of coil perpendicular to ~ , as shown in -->
Fig. 5.62. The magnetic needle is influenced by two
perpendicular magnetic fields and it comes to rest at an
angle 8 with BHsuch that Fig. 5.63
d29 field. The period of vibration is given by
T=2n~ I
2 mBH
or d 9 =_ mB9=_0)29
dt2 I where, m = magnetic moment of the magnet,
i.e., angular acceleration d2~ ex; angular displacement 9. BH = horizontal component of earth's
dt magnetic field,
Hence the oscillations of a freely suspended magnetic I = the moment of inertia of the magnet about
dipole in a uniform magnetic field are simple harmonic. The an axis of rotation through its centre of mass
time period of oscillation is given by 12 + b2
and I= Mass x ---
T=2n=2n 0.
0) f;;:;B Here Iis the length and b the breadth of the magnet.
Construction. It consists of a short magnet enclosed
Example 49. In Fig. 5.64, a magnetic needle is free
in a wooden box provided with glass windows. The
to oscillate in a uniform magnetic field. The magnetic needle
box has a narrow tube fixed on its top at the middle.
has magnetic moment 6.7 A~ and moment of inertia
The magnet is suspended horizontally in a light brass
1=7.5 x 10-6 km~. It performs 10 complete oscillations in stirrup by a silk thread which passes centrally down
6.70 s. What is the magnitude field? [NCERT] the tube and is provided with a torsion-head at the top
------------------~ of the tube. The glass box protects the magnet from air
current and its top has two slits through which
----~--->/.e-l'!.-----~ --+
vibrations of the magnet can be observed. A plane
------ ,- ---------~B mirror strip with a reference line on it is placed
---- --- ----~ lengthwise at the base of the instrument just below the
- - - - -
5 slits.
------------------~ --- Torsion head
Fig. 5.64
Glass tube
. 6.70 s 2
As T =2n 0
or T2 = 4n2 _1_
The magnitude of the magnetic field is
B= 4n21 = 4x9.87x7.5xlO-6
mT2 6.7x (0.67)2
= 9.8 x 10-5 T. Fig. 5.65 Vibration magnetometer.
its N-pole pointing geographic north. Bring a
(a) (b)
powerful magnet near the box and remove it.
The suspended magnet starts oscillating. Note
Fig. 5.66 (a) Sum position. (b) Difference position.
its period of vibration.
Difference position. Now place the two magnets in
48. Explain the various uses of a vibration magneto-
meter. the stirrup of the vibration magnetometer with their
opposite poles in the same direction.
Uses of a vibration magnetometer:
1. Measurement of magnetic moment of a magnet. Moment of inertia of the combination
Set the vibration magnetometer in the north-south = II + 12
direction. Place the bar magnet in its stirrup. Measure Magnetic moment of the combination
the time period of the bar magnet.
Let period of vibration of the combination
As T=2n~m~
or Then ...(2)
The moment of inertia Ican be determined from the Dividing (1) by (2), we get
geometry of the magnet. Knowing Bw magnetic
moment m can be determined.
T2 '11+~
2. Comparison of magnetic moments of two
magnets of same size and same mass. For the two bar T12_ '11-~
magnets of same size and mass, the moments of inertia Ti - '11+ ~
5.1. Answer the following questions regarding earth's Ans. (a) The three independent quantities used to
magnetism: specify the earth's magnetic field are
(a) A vector needs three quantities for its specification. (i) magnetic declination, (ii) angle of dip, and
Name the three independent quantities conventionally used to (iii) horizontal component of earth's magnetic field.
specify the earth's magnetic field. (b) Britain is closer to the magnetic north pole. So the
(b) The angle of dip at a location in southern India is about angle of dip is greater in Britain than that in India. It is
18°. Would you expect a greater or smaller dip angle in Britain? about 70° in Britain.
[CBSE Oi) 95C] (c) Magnetic lines of force of earth's magnetism will
(c) If you made a map of magnetic field lines at Melbourne seem to come out of the ground at Melbourne in Australia
in Australia, would the lines seem to go into the ground or come because this region lies in the southern hemisphere of the
out of the ground? earth where the earth's magnetic north pole lies.
(d) In which direction would a compass free to move in the
or south pole? H
vertical plane point to, if located right on the geomagnetic north
[CBSE 0 95C]
(e) The earth's field, it is claimed, roughly approximates the
(d) Earth's magnetic field is exactly vertical at the
poles and so the horizontal component of earth's field is
zero which makes the compass needle point in any
direction at the geomagnetic north or south pole.
field due to a dipole of magnetic moment 8 x 1022 IT-1 located -+
at its centre. Check the order of magnitude of this number in (e) Magnetic field B at an equatorial point of the
some way. earth's magnetic dipole is given by
(j) Geologists claim that besides the main magnetic N-S
poles, there are several local poles on the earth's surface oriented B- 110 ~
- 41t . r3
in different directions. How is such a thing possible at all ?
Now m = 8 x 1022 JT-1, r = 6.4 x 106 m A weak field of 10 -12 Tbends the charged particle in a
8 x 1022 circle of very large radius. Over a small distance, we may
B= 10-7 x T
(6.4 x 106l not notice the deflection but over very large interstellar
distance, the deflection is quite noticeable.
= 0.3 x lO-4T = 0.3 G
5.3. A short bar magnet placed with its axis at 30° with a
which is of the same order of magnitude as that of the uniform external magnetic field of 0.25 T experiences a torque of
observed field on the earth. magnitude equal to 45 x 10-2 J. What is the magnetic momen t
if) The earth's field is only approximately a dipole of the magnet ?
field. Local N-S poles may arise due to the different Ans. Here 6 = 30°, B = 0.25 T, r = 4.5 x 1O-2J, m =?
deposits of magnetised minerals. As r = mBsin 6,
5.2. Answer the following questions: m=_'t_= 4.5 x 10- =0.36JT-1.
(a) The earth's magnetic field varies from point to point in B sin 6 0.25 xsin 30°
space. Does it also change with time? If so, on what time scale 5.4. A short bar magnet of magnetic moment m = 0.32111
does it change appreciably ?
is placed in a uniform external magnetic field of 0.15 T. If the
(b) The earth's core is known to contain iron. Yet geologists bar is free to rotate in the plane of the field, which orientations
do not regard this as a source of the earth's magnetism. Why ? would correspond to its (i) stable and (ii) unstable equilibrium?
(c) The charged currents in the outer conducting regions of What is the potential energy of the magnet in each case ?
the earth's core are thought to be responsible for earth's Ans. Here m = 0.32 jr'. B = 0.15 T
magnetism. What might be the 'battery' (i.e., the source of (i) The bar will be in stable equilibrium when its
energy) to sustain these currents? -> ->
magnetic moment m is parallel to B (6 = 0°). Its
(d) The earth may have even reversed the direction of its
field several times during its history of 4 to 5 billion years. How potential energy is then minimum and is given by
can geologists know about the earth's field in such distant past? Umin = - mBcos 0° = - 0.32 x 0.15 x 1
(e) The earth's field departs from its dipole shape =-4.B x 10-2 J.
substantially at large distances (greater than about 30,000 km). (ii) The bar will be in unstable equilibrium when its
What agencies may be responsible for this distortion ?
(fJ Interstellar space has an extremely weak magnetic field of
magnetic moment ;; is antiparallel to B (6 = IBOO). Its
the order of 10- 12 T. Can such a weak field be of any significallt potential energy is then maximum and is given by
consequence? Explain. Umax = - mB cos IBO° = - 0.32 x 0.15 x (- 1)
Ans. (a) Yes, it does change with time. Time scale for = + 4.B x10-2 J.
appreciable change is roughly a few hundred years. But 5.5. A closely wound solenoid of 800 turns and area of
even on a much smaller scale of a few years, its variations cross-section 25 x 10-4 m2 carries a current of 3.0 A. Explain in
are not completely negligible. what sense does the solenoid act like a bar magnet. What is its
(b) The temperature of earth's core is very high, so iron
associated magnetic moment ?
exists as molten iron which, being at a temperature higher Ans. Here N = BOO, A = 2.5 x 10-4m 2, 1= 3.0 A
than Curie point is not ferromagnetic. m = NIA = BOO x 3 x 2.5 x 10-4 = 0.60 J rl
(c) Radioactivity may be one of the possible sources The magnetic field of a solenoid has the same pattern
for the charged current in the outer conducting regions of as that of a bar magnet. It acts along the axis of the solenoid.
the earth's core which are thought to be responsible for Its direction is determined by the sense of flow of current.
earth's magnetism. 5.6. If the solenoid in Exercise 5.5 is free to turn about the
(d) Earth'smagnetic field gets recorded weakly in vertical direction and a uniform horizontal magnetic field of
certain rocks during their solidification. An analysis of 0.25 T is applied, what is the magnitude of the torque on the
these rocks may reveal the history of earth's magnetism. solenoid when its axis makes an angle of 30° with the direction
of the magnetic field ?
(e) At large distances, the field gets modified due to
Ans. Here m = 0.60 rr'. B = 0.25 T, 6 = 30°
the field of ions in motion (in the earth's ionosphere). The
l' = mB sin 6 = 0.60 x 0.25 x sin 30° = 7.5 x10-2 J.
field of these ions, in turn, is sensitive to extraterrestrial
disturbances such as the solar wind. 5.7. A bar magnet of magnetic moment 1.5 IT-1 lies
if) When a charged particle moves in a magnetic field, aligned with the direction of a uniform magnetic field of 0.22 T.
it gets deflected along a circular path of radius, (a) What is the amount of work required to turn the magnet
so as to align its magnetic moment (i) normal to the field
R= mv mv2] direction (ii) opposite to the field direction?
eB [ .: evB=R
(b) What is the torque on the magnet in cases, (i) and (ii) ?
Torque, 1: = mB sin 180° = 1.5 x 0.22 x 0 = O.
Determine magnitude of earth's magnetic field at the place.
Ans. Here 8 = 22°, BH = 0.35 G, B =?
5.8. A closely wound solenoid of 2000 turns and area of cross-
section 1.6 x 10-4 ni, carrying a current of 4.0 A, is suspended B= l!JL = 0.35 G = 0.35 G = 0.38 G.
cos 8 cos 22° 0.9272
through its centre allowing it to turn in a horizontal plane.
5.11. At a certain location in Africa, a compass points 12°
(a) What is the magnetic moment associated with the
solenoid? west of the geographic north. The north tip of the magnetic
needle of a dip circle placed in the plane of the magnetic
(b) What are the force and torque on the solenoid if a
meridian points 60° above the horizontal. The horizontal
uniform horizontal magnetic field of 75 x 10-2 T is
component of the earth's field is measured to be 0.16 G. Specify
set up at an angle of 30° with the axis of the
the direction and magnitude of earth's field at the location.
solenoid? [CBSE OD lSC]
Ans. Here N = 2000, A = 1.6 x 10-4m 2, I = 4.0 A Ans. Here BH = 0.16G, 8 = 60°
. ~o 2m
(I) For a short magnet, B . I = -. 3
1: = mB sin 8 = 1.28 x 7.5 x 10-2 xsin 30° axia 47t r
= 0.048Nm
47tx 10 -7 x 2 x 0.48 = 0.96 x 10-4 T = 0.96 G.
This torque tends to align the axis of the solenoid (i.e., 47t (0.10)3
its magnetic moment vector n!) along the field B. This field acts along S-N direction.
Ans. As the null points lie on the axis of the magnet, the earth's field Bo' As point P is an equatorial point,
therefore therefore, the resultant field must be such that
B - 110 2m - B B
axial - 41t . r3 - H equa = tan 450
Magnetic field of the magnet on its normal bisector at
Bequa = B tan 45° = '"1J
the same distance will be or
B = ~. m = BH = 0.36 = 0.18 G But for a short magnet
equa 41t r3 2 2 B = 110 .!!!.- ~ .!!!.--B
equa 41t . r 3 41t . r 3 - 0
:. Total magnetic field at the required point on the
normal bisector is r3= 110 . .!!!.. = 10-7 . 5.25 x 10-
Bequa + BH = 0.18+ 0.36 = 0.54 G. 41t Bo 0.42 x 10-4
5.14. If the bar magnet in Exercise 5.13 is turned around by = 125 x 10-6
180°, where will the new null points be located? Hence r = 5 x 10-2 m = 5 em.
Ans. When the magnet is turned around by 180°, its (ii) Figure 5.95(b) shows a point Q on the axis of a
south pole will lie in the geographical south direction. The
magnet where the resultant field is inclined at 45° with the
null points will now lie on the equatorial line of the earth's field Bo' In this condition,
magnet, say at distance x from the centre of the magnet.
Then B . I
~ = tan 45° or Baxial = Bo
_ 110 m_ Bo
Bequa - - . 3 - BH
41t X
B =110 2m n,
But [From Exercise 5.13] ,
H 41t' r3
I.uuo~uu-e ~--Q ..•' __ u_
110 2m 110 m
41t ""7 = 41t . x3 N :
r s
or x3 =- (b)
r 14cm Fig. 5.95
x = i/3 = 1.26 = 11.1 em.
But for a short magnet
5.15. A short bar magnet of magnetic moment
5.25 x 10-2 IT-1 is placed with its axis perpendicular to the B . =~ 2m
axial 41t . r 3
earth's field direction. At what distance from the centre of the
magnet on (i) its normal bisector (ii) its axis, is the resultant 110 2m
field inclined at 45° with the earth's field. Magnitude of the 41t' ~ = Eo
earth's field at the place is given to be 0.42 G. Ignore the length 3 110 2m
of magnet in comparison to the distance involved. or r =-.-
41t Bo
Ans. Here m = 5.25 x 10-2 JT -1,
= 125 x 10-6 x 2 = 250 x 10-6
Bo = 0.42G T = 0.42 x 10-4
(i) Figure 5.95(a) shows a point P on the normal bisector Hence r = (250)1/3 x 10-2 m
of a magnet where the resultant field is inclined at 45° with = 6.3 x 10-2
m = 6.3 em.
5.16. Answer the following questions:
(a) Why does a paramagnetic sample display greater
magnetisation (for the same magnetising field) when cooled ?
[CBSE OD 91 ; Himachal 98C]
(b) Why is diamagnetism, in contrast, almost independent
of temperature ? [Himachal 96]
(c) If a toroid uses bismuth for its core, will the field in the
core be slightly greater or slightly less than when the core is
empty ?
(d) Is the permeability of a ferromagnetic material
independent of the magnetic field? If not, is it more for lower or
Fig. 5.95 higher fields ?
(e) Magnetic field lines are always nearly normal to the magnetisation. The energy spent in the process of magne-
surface of a ferromagnet at every point. Why ? tisation is not fully recovered. The balance of energy is
if) Would the maximum possible magnetisation of a lost as heat. This is the basic cause for irreversibility of the
paramagnetic sample be of the same order of magnitude as the magnetisation curve of a ferromagnetic substance.
magnetisation of a ferromagnet? [NCERT] (b) Carbon steel piece, because heat lost per cycle is
Ans. (a) The tendency to disrupt the alignment of proportional to the area of the hysteresis loop.
dipoles (with the magnetising field) arising from random (c) Magnetisation of a ferromagnet is not a
thermal motion is reduced at lower temperatures. single-valued function of the magnetising field. Its value
(b) The induced dipole moment in a diamagnetic for a particular field depends both on the field and also on
sample is always opposite to the magnetising field, no the history of magnetisation i.e. how many cycles of
matter what the internal motion of the atoms is. magnetisation it has gone through etc. In other words, the
value of magnetisation is a record or 'memory' of its cycles
(c) As bismuth is diamagnetic, so the field in the toroid
of magnetisation. If information bits can be made to
with bismuth core will be slightly less than when the core
correspond to these cycles, the system displaying such a
is empty.
hysteresis loop can act as a device for storing information.
(d) No, the permeability of a ferromagnetic material is
(d) Ceramics (specially treated barium iron oxides)
not independent of the magnetic field. This is evident
also called farrites.
from the B-H curve which has greater slope (hence greater
u) at lower fields. (e) Surround the region by soft iron rings. Magnetic
field lines will be drawn into the rings, and the enclosed
(e) The proof of this important fact is based on
-+ -+ space will be free of magnetic field. But this shielding is
boundary conditions of magnetic fields ( Band H ) at the only approximate, unlike the perfect electric shielding of a
interface of two media. When one of the media has p » 1, cavity in a conductor placed in an external electric field.
the field lines meet this medium nearly normally. 5.18. A long straight horizontal cable carries a current of
(/) Yes. Apart from minor differences in the strength of 2.5 A in the direction 10°south of west to 10° north of east. The
the individual atomic dipoles of two different materials, a magnetic meridian of the place happens to be 10° west of the
paramagnetic sample with saturated magnetisation will geographic meridian. The earth's magnetic field at the location is
have the same order of magnetisation. But saturation 0.33 G, and the angle of dip is zero. Locate the line of neutral points.
requires impractically high magnetising fields. Ng
5.17. Answer the following questions:
(a) Explain qualitatively on the basis of domain picture the I?:,
C) •..•
irreversibility in the magnetisation curve of a ferromagnet.
(b) The hysteresis loop of a soft iron piece has a much 6',
smaller area than that of a carbon steel piece. If the material is to ,
go through repeated cycles of magnetization, which piece will W----------~~~--~~----E
dissipate greater heat energy ? ,
5.19. A telephone cable at a place has four long straight This field acts along the axis perpendicular to the
horizontal wires carrying a current of 1.0 A in the same plane of the coil. As the coil is in a vertical plane making
direction east to west. The earth's magnetic field at the place is an angle of 45° with the magnetic meridian and the needle
0.39 G, and the angle of dip is 35°. The magnetic declination is points in the west-east direction, it is obvious from
nearly zero. What are the resultant magnetic fields at points Fig. 5.97, that the needle is oriented at an angle of 45° with
4.0 em below, and above the cable? the field B. Using law of sines for a triangle, we get
Ans. Earth's field B = 0.39 G, 0 = 35° N
BH = Bcos 0 = 0.39cos 35° = 0.319G
By = B sin 0 = 0.39 sin 35° = 0.224 G
For the cable, we have coil
I = 1.0 A, N = 4, r = 4.0 cm = 4 x 10 -2 m
:. Magnetic field produced by the cable wires is
, 110 NI 41t x 10-7 x 4 x 1.0
B = -- = -----..,.-
21t r 21t x4 x 10-2
= 0.2 x lO-4T = 0.2 G
Resultant field below the cable. At points below the cable
the· field B' is in the opposite direction of Bw So the
horizontal component of the resultant field is Fig. 5.97 5
The vertical
RH = BH - B'
= 0.319 - 0.2
of the earth's
= 0.119G
field remains
.s«. B
sin 45° sin 90°
11 NI
Rv = By = 0.224G or BH = Bsin 45° = _0 -. sin 45°
:. The magnitude of the resultant field is
41t x 10-7 x 30 x 0.35
R = ~ RH2 + R/ = ~(0.119)2 + (0.224)2 = 0.254 G --1-2-x-l-0--2"-- x 0.7071 T
The angle that R makes with the horizontal is
= 3.8876 x 10-5 T.:::0.39 G.
0= tan -1 ~ = tan -1 0.224 = tan -1 18.8.::: 62°
(b) The needle will reverse its original direction i.e., it
RH 0.119
will point east to west.
Resultant field above the cable. In this case the field of the
cable acts in the direction of Bw
5.21. A magnetic dipole is under the influence of two
magnetic fields. The angle between the field direction is 60° and
RH = BH + B' = 0.319 + 0.2 = 0.519G one of the fields has a magnitude of 12 x 10 -2 T. If the dipole
Rv = 0·.224G comes to stable equilibrium at an angle of 15° with this field,
what is the magnitude of the other field?
R = ~r-(0-.5-19-;)2;-+-(-0.-22-4~)2
= 0.566 G
make the electron move in a circular path of radius R M2 = M1 x ~ x 11 = 4.5 x 0.98 x 4.2 JT-1
Therefore, ~ 12 0.84 2.8
mv2 _ mv _ m ~2ev _ .J2meV = 7.9 JT-t.
-- = evB or R ---- ------
R eB eB m eB 5.24. A Rowland ring of mean radius 15 em has 3500 turns
of wire wound on a ferromagnetic core of relative permeability
Here m = 9.11 x 10-31 kg, e = 1.6 x 10-19C
800. What is the magnetic field (B) in the corefor a magneiising
V = 18 kV = 18 x 103V, B = 0.40e = 0.40 x 1O-4T
current of 1.2 A ?
~2 x 9.11 x 10-31 x 1.6 x 10-19 x 18 x 103 Ans. A Rowland ring is a circular ring of a magnetic
R= m material over which is wound a toroidal solenoid. The
1.6 x 10-19 x 0.40 x 10-4
magnitude of the magnetic field in the core is given by
= 11.3 m.
B = ~nI
It is obvious from Fig. 5.99 /
/ where n = 3500 .Is the number of turns per unit length.
that when the beam covers a I 211: r
distance x, its up or down , I
Now relative permeability,
deflection is y. I
\ ~
Now from right t.OCB ~ r = -, so that ~ =~0 ~ r
,, ~o
sin 9 = ~ = 0.3 = ~ Hence
R 11.3 113
[.: x = 30cm = 0.30 m] Fig. 5.99 B=~O~r·--·l
211: r
Hence up or down deflection of the electron beam is -7 3500
= 411:x 10 x 800 x 2 x 1.2 T
y = OA - OC = R - R cas e 211:x 15 x 10-
= R [1- cos 9] = R [1- (1- sin2 9)1/2] = 4.48 T.
5.25. The magnetic moment vectors ~ and ~ associated
~s=-(e/m)S, ~1=-(e/2m)1
5.23. A sample of paramagnetic salt contains 2.0 x 1024
atomic dipoles each of dipole moment 1.5x 10- IT-I. The Which of these relations is in accordance with the result
sample is placed under homogeneous magnetic field of 0.84 T expected 'classically' ? Outline the derivation of the classical
and cooled to the temperature of 4.2 K. The degree of magnetic result.
saturation achieved is equal to 15%. What is the total dipole
moment of the sample for a magnetic field of 0.98 T and a
Ans. The relation i
I = - (2~) I is in accordance with
temperature of 2.8 K (assume Curie's law) ? classical physics. Por its derivation, refer answer to Q. 15
Ans. Dipole moment of each atomic dipole, on page 5.13.
m = 1.5 x 10- JT- 1 In contrast to ~ I / I, the magnitude of ~ s / 5 is e / m i.e.,
24 twice the classically expected value. This latter result
Total number of atomic dipoles, N = 2.0 x 10
(verified experimentally) is an outstanding success of
Initial total magnetic moment at temperature modern quantum theory and cannot be derived from
11 = 4.2 K is classical physics.
1. What is a magnet? 23. How much is the approximate distance upto which
2. What is a natural magnet? [Punjab02] the earth's magnetic field extends ?
3. What does the word lodestone mean ? 24. Give an order of magnitude of earth's magnetic
field near its surface.
(J 4. Are the two poles of a magnet equally strong?
25. What is magnetic axis of the earth ?
5. What is a magnetic dipole? Give an example.
26. What is geomagnetic equator?
6. Define the term magnetic dipole moment. Give its
51 unit. [CBSE on 95 ; Haryana 02] 27. What is geomagnetic meridian? [CBSE D 92]
7. Is magnetic moment a vector ? If yes, give its 28. What is geographic meridian?
direction. 29. Name the elements or parameters of earth's
8. Define a unit magnetic pole. magnetic field.
[CBSE oo 94 ; Punjab99C ; Haryana 02]
9. Write the 51 unit of (i) pole strength and
(ii) magnetic moment of a bar magnet. 30. Define declination at a place.
[CBSE F 03] [Haryana02, 03 ; CBSE D 93C]
10. What is the direction of magnetic dipole moment? 31. Define angle of dip (or magnetic inclination) at a
[Haryana02] place. [CBSE D 93C ; Haryana 02]
11. What is the torque experienced by a magnetic 32. What will be the angle of dip at a place on the
dipole moment mplaced with its axis at angle 8with equator? [CBSE F 95 ; D 95]
33. What is the angle of dip at magnetic poles?
a uniform magnetic field B? [rSCE 93]
12. In a uniform magnetic field, when is the torque on a [CBSE F 91]
magnet (i) maximum and (ii) minimum? 34. How does dip angle vary from equator to poles?
[CBSE D 91 ; F 92]
13. Give the position of a magnetic dipole held in a
magnetic field, where its potential energy is 35. What will be the value of the horizontal component
minimum. [CBSE on 93] of earth's magnetic field at earth's geomagnetic
pole? [CBSE F 95]
14. In which position, the potential energy of a magnet
in a uniform magnetic field is zero ? 36. Horizontal components of Earth's magnetic field at
a place is .J3 times the vertical component. What is
15. On which factors does the pole strength of a magnet
the value of angle of dip at this place?
[CBSE D 97]
18. Two iron bars attract each other, no matter in magnetic poles. The dip circle is rotated about a
which combination their ends are brought near vertical axis through 90°. What will be the position
each other. What can we say about their state of of the needle on the vertical circular scale?
magnetisation ? [CBSE on 96C]
19. An electron which is a charged particle in motion 39. Where on the surface of earth is the angle of dip
has a magnetic moment. Why then does a neutron, (i) 0° and (ii) 90° ? [CBSE on 11]
which has no charge, have a magnetic moment? 40. A magnetic needle, free to rotate in a vertical plane,
20. Define Bohr magneton and write its value. orients itself with its axis vertical at a certain place
[Punjab99C] on the earth. What are the values of :
21. How much is the magnetic moment of an electron (a) horizontal component of earth's magnetic
revolving in the nth orbit of hydrogen atom? field?
22. Who first discovered earth's magnetism ? (b) angle of dip, at this place? [CBSE F 12]
41. The horizontal component of the earth's magnetic 68. Relative permeability (Il r) of a material has a value
field at a place is B and angle of dip is 60°. What is lying 1 < Il r < 1 + E (where E is a small quantity).
the value of vertical component of earth's magnetic Identify the nature of the magnetic materials.
field at equator? [CBSE0 12] [CBSE0 14C]
42. Where on the earth's surface is the vertical 69. Relative permeability of a material Il r = 400.
component of the earth's magnetic field zero? Identify the nature of the magnetic material.
[CBSE00 11 ; 0 13C] [CBSE0 14C]
43. What are isogonic lines? 70. The permeability of bismuth is 0.9983. To which
class of magnetic materials, does bismuth belong?
44. What are isoclinical lines?
45. What is an aclinic line?
71. How does the intensity of magnetisation of a
46. What are isodynamic lines? paramagnetic sample vary with temperature?
47. Define neutral point in the magnetic field of a bar [CBSE00 2000]
magnet. [Punjab 02] 72. Will the neon gas be diamagnetic or paramagnetic?
48. A magnet is placed with the north pole towards the Give reason.
north of the earth. Predict the position of the
73. What is curie point?
neutral points.
74. Give two essential characteristics of a material used
49. What is the difference between a compass needle for preparing an electromagnet. [CBSEF 04]
and dip needle?
75. Define hysteresis.
50. At a certain location in Africa, a compass needle
76. What does the area of hysteresis loop indicate?
points 15° West of the geographic north. What is the
77. The hysteresis loop of a soft iron piece has a much
angle of declination at that point? [Haryana 97]
smaller area than that of a carbon steel piece. If the
51. Torques '1 and '2 are required for a magnetic material is to go through repeated cycles of
needle to remain perpendicular to the magnetic magnetisation, which piece will dissipate greater
fields 1\ and ~ at two different places. What is the heat energy?
ratio of the magnetic fields at the two places? 78. What is the basic use of a hysteresis curve?
52. Give the order of magnetic moment of an atom. 79. Name two alloys commonly used for making cores
53. What is induced magnetism? of transformers.
54. What is a magnetising field ? 80. Name two magnetic materials commonly used for
55. Define magnetic intensity. Give its SI unit. making permanent magnets.
56. Define magnetic induction. Give its SI unit. 81. Suggest two methods to destroy the magnetism of a
magnet. [Punjab 02]
57. Define magnetisation of a material. Give its SI unit.
82. What are permanent magnets? Give one example.
58. Define magnetic permeability. State its SI unit.
[CBSE0 13]
[ISCE 98]
83. How does the magnetic permeability Il r differ
59. What is relative permeability ?
for dia, para and ferromagnetic materials?
60. Define magnetic susceptibility. [Haryana 01] [ISCE 03]
61. Relative permeability of a material, Il r = 0.5. 84. Mention the two characteristic properties of the
Identify the nature of the magnetic material and material suitable for making core of a transformer.
86. An electric current of 0.25 A flows in a loop of 87. Two circular loops, of radii rand 2r, have currents, I
radius 0.2 cm. Calculate the magnitude of the and 1/ 2 flowing through them in clockwise and
magnetic dipole moment of the dipole formed. anticlockwise sense respectively. If their equivalent
[ISCE 02] magnetic moments are Ml and M2 respectively,
state the relation between Ml and M2•
[CBSE Sample Paper 2011]
1. A magnet is a piece of material that has both 19. Like mass and charge, magnetic moment is a basic
attractive and directive properties. It attracts small property, one may consider neutron as a particle
pieces of iron, nickel, cobalt etc. containing equal amounts of positive and negative
2. Natural magnet is an iron ore called magnetite. charges spinning in opposite directions.
Chemically, it is a black iron oxide of formula 20. Refer to point 22 of Glimpses on page 5.79.
21. fl/ = nfl B = n(~J.
3. The word lodestone means a leading stone. It 41t me
represents the directive behaviour of a magnet.
22. William Gilbert.
4. Yes. The two poles of a magnet are always equally
strong. 23. Earth's magnetic field extends upto a distance of
32000 km, which is about five times the radius of
5. Refer to point 12 of Glimpses on page 5.78.
the earth.
6. Refer to point 13 of Glimpses on page 5.78.
24. It is 10 -4 T or 1 gauss (G). '.
7. Yes, magnetic moment is a vector. Its direction is
25. The straight line passing through the magnetic
from south pole to north pole of the magnet.
north and south poles of the earth is called
8. A magnetic pole which when placed in vacuum at a magnetic axis of the earth.
distance of 1 m from an identical pole repels it with
26. It is the great circle on the earth perpendicular to
a force of 10 -7 newton is called unit magnetic pole.
the magnetic axis.
9. (i) The S1 unit of pole strength is ampere metre
27. Refer to point 26 of Glimpses on page 5.79.
28. Refer to point 27 of Glimpses on page 5.79.
(ii) The S1 unit of magnetic moment is ampere
metre/ (Am2) or joule/tesla orI). 29. The elements of earth's magnetic field are
(i) Declination (ii) Dip
10. The direction of magnetic dipole moment is from
S-pole to N-pole of the magnet. (iii) Horizontal component of earth's magnetic
11. Torque, 1: = mBsin e.
30. Refer to point 29 of Glimpses on page 5.79.
(ii) Torque is minimum (zero) when the magnet 32. Angle of dip at the equator, cS= 0°.
lies along the direction of the magnetic field. 33. Angle of dip at magnetic poles, cS= 90°.
13. The P.E. of a magnetic dipole is minimum when 34. The dip angle increases from 0° to 90° as one moves
its dipole moment n; is parallel to the magnetic from magnetic equator to poles.
~ 35. At poles, cS= 90°
field B.
:. Horizontal component,
14. The P.E. of a magnetic dipole is zero when its
BH = Bcas cS= Bcas 90° = o.
dipole moment n; is perpendicular to the field B.
15. The pole strength of a magnet depends on (i) its
e; Bv 1
36. Here tan s= BH = J3 Bv = J3
area of cross-section (ii) nature of its material and
(iii) its state of magnetisation.
:. Angle of dip, 8 = 30°.
16. Magnetic moment of a current loop, m = IA.
17. Magnetisation. 37. Here tan 8 = ~ = J3BH = J3
18. One rod is a permanent magnet while the other is
an unmagnetised iron rod.
44. The lines joining the places of equal dip or incli-
nation are called isoclinical lines. 72. As there are no unpaired electrons in neon atoms,
the horizontal component of earth's magnetic field. 74. The material used for making an electromagnet must
are called isodynamic lines. have (i) high permeability and (iI) low retentivity.
47. Neutral point is that point where the magnetic field 75. The phenomenon of lagging of magnetic induction
due to a magnet is equal and opposite to the behind the magnetising field in a magnetic material
horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field. is called hysteresis.
The resultant magnetic field at the neutral point is
76. The area of the hysteresis loop gives a measure of
the energy wasted in a sample when it is taken
48. The neutral points lie on equatorial line on either
through a cycle of magnetisation.
side of the magnet.
77. The carbon steel piece will dissipate greater heat
49. A compass needle is free to rotate about a vertical energy as its hysteresis loop has greater area.
axis in a horizontal plane while a dip needle is free
78. The study of hysteresis curve of a material gives its
to rotate about a horizontal axis in a vertical plane.
hysteresis loss, retentivity and coercivity. This
50. a = 15°, west of the geographic north. knowledge helps in selecting materials for making
51. Torque on a magnetic needle, cores of transformers, permanent magnets and
,= mBsin 90° = mB i.e., ,oc B electromagnets.
52. 10-23 Am 2.
80. (i) Cobalt steel, an alloyof cobalt,tungsten and carbon
53. When a piece of magnetic material is placed in a
(ii) Alnico, an alloy of iron, nickel, aluminium,
magnetic field, the material gets magnetised. The
magnetism so produced in the material is called cobalt and copper.
induced magnetism. 81. (i) By heating the magnet.
54. Refer to point 34 of Glimpses on page 5.80. (ii) By applying magnetic field in the reverse
55. Refer to point 35 of Glimpses on page 5.80. direction.
56. Refer to point 37 of Glimpses on page 5.80. 82. The substances which at room temperature retain
57. Refer to point 36 of Glimpses on page 5.80. their ferromagnetism for a long time are called perma-
nent magnets e.g., cobalt, steel, alnico and ticonal.
58. Refer to point 38 of Glimpses on page 5.80.
59. Refer to point 39 of Glimpses on page 5.80. 83. For diamagnetic substances, ~ r < 1
60. Refer to point 40 of Glimpses on page 5.80. For paramagnetic substances, ~ r > 1
61. As 0 < ~ r < 1, the material is diamagnetic. For ferromagnetic substances, ~ r » 1
~r = 1+ Xm· 84. The core material of transformer must have
62. Bohr magneton. (i) high initial permeability and (ii) lower
63. Refer to point 42 of Glimpses on page 5.80. hysteresis loss.
85. Magnetic moment of the combination will be zero. 86. m = IA = I x rrr2 = 0.25 x 3.14 x (0.2 x 10-2)2
As poles ~ and c;
will be of opposite nature, the = 3.14 x 10-6 Arn2
magnetic moments of the two parts get aligned in
opposite direction in the combination. Hence
1. Define the terms magnet and magnetism. What is 16. A current loop behaves as a magnetic dipole.
the origin of the word magnetism ? Obtain an expression for the magnetic dipole
2. What is meant by the terms magnetic field and moment of a circular current loop. State the rule
magnetic field intensity? [Haryana 94] used to find the direction of the magnetic dipole
moment. [CBSE F 95]
3. State four basic properties of magnets. [Punjab 02]
17. Show that the electron revolving around the
4. Define the terms magnetic poles, magnetic axis,
nucleus in an orbit of radius r with speed v has
magnetic equator and magnetic length with
magnetic moment evr/2. Hence using Bohr's
reference to a bar magnet.
postulate of angular momentum, obtain the
5. State Coulomb's law of magnetic forces. Hence expression for the magnetic moment of hydrogen
define a unit magnetic pole. atom in its ground state. [CBSE aD 13C]
6. What is a magnetic dipole? Define magnetic dipole 18. Give an experimental evidence in support of the
moment. Give its SI unit. existence of earth's magnetic field.
7. What is a uniform magnetic field? Give an example 19. Compare the magnetic fields of a b'ar magnet and
and sketch lines of force of such a field. current carrying solenoid. [Punjab 01]
8. What are magnetic lines of force ? Sketch the 20. Explain with the help of diagram (1) magnetic decli-
magnetic field lines of a bar magnet. nation and (ii) magnetic of dip at a place. In what
[CBSE co 90C] direction will a compass needle point when kept at
9. What are magnetic lines of force ? Give their the (i) poles and (ii) equator? [CBSE D 04, OS,lSC]
important properties. [Haryana 94] 21. Name three elements required to specify the earth's
10. What is the name given to the curves the tangent to magnetic field at a given place. Draw a labelled
which at any point gives the direction of the diagram to define these elements. Explain briefly
how these elements are determined to find out the
magnetic field at that point? Can two such curves
magnetic field at a given place on the surface of
intersect each other? Justify your answer.
Earth. [CBSE D 04 C, 08C]
[CBSE Sample Paper 97]
22. Name and define the magnetic elements of earth's
11. Derive an expression for the torque experienced by
magnetic field at a place. Derive an expression for
a magnetic dipole in a uniform magnetic field. the angle of dip in terms of the horizontal
Hence obtain the expression for the potential component and the resultant magnetic field of the
energy of the dipole. [CBSE F 03] earth at a given place. [CBSE DOl, 02]
12. Derive an expression for the torque on a magnetic 23. Define neutral point. Locate the positions of neutral
dipole placed in a magnetic field and hence define points, when a small bar magnet is placed with its
magnetic dipole moment. north pole (i) towards the north of the earth and
[Haryana 96 ; Himachal 2000] (ii) towards the south of the earth. [CBSE D 9SC]
13. Derive an expression for the potential energy of a 24. Sketch the magnetic field pattern of a bar magnet
bar magnet when placed in a uniform magnetic placed in the magnetic meridian with its N-pole
pointing north. Show the neutral points. How will
field. [Himachal 01]
you determine the dipole moment of the magnet?
14. Derive an expression for the intensity of the
[Punjab 2000]
magnetic field at an axial point of a short magnetic
25. Define neutral point. Sketch the lines of magnetic
dipole. field when a small bar magnet is placed with
15. Derive an expression for the magnetic field due to a N-pole towards the south of the earth. Indicate the
magnetic dipole in broad-side on position at a position of neutral points. [CBSE aD 02C]
distance r from its centre. The length of the dipole is 26. What is "Aurora Borealis" (or northern lights) ?
21 and its magnetic moment is m. [ISCE 98] Can it be seen in India ?
27. What is relative permeability of a magnetic 40. Permanent magnets are made of special alloys
material ? How is it related to the magnetic while the cores of temporary magnets are made of
susceptibility ? [ISCE 97) soft iron. Why ? [ISCE 2000)
28. State and explain Curie law of magnetism. 41. Depict the field-line pattern due to a current
[CBSE OD 97 ; Punjab 2000,01) carrying solenoid of finite length.
29. What are dia, para and ferromagnetic substances? (i) In what way do these lines differ from those
Give one example of each. [Haryana 02) due to an electric dipole?
30. Classify materials on the basis of their behaviour in (ii) Why can't two magnetic field lines intersect
a magnetic field. Under which category does each other? [CBSE F 09]
iron come ? How does the magnetic property of
42. Derive an expression for the magnetic moment (~)
iron change with increase of temperature?
of an electron revolving around the nucleus in terms
[CBSE D 95)
31. Distinguish between diamagnetic and ferromagnetic of its angular momentum ( I ). What is the direction
substances in respect of (i) intensity of magne- of the magnetic moment of the electron with respect
tisation, (ii) behaviour in a non-uniform magnetic to its angular momentum? [CBSE OD 14C)
field and (iii) susceptibility. [ISCE 95; CBSE D 03) 43. Out of the following, indentify the materials which
32. What are diamagnetic substances ? Explain the can be classified as : (I) paramagnetic, (il) diamagnetic:
origin of diamagnetism on the basis of electron
(a) Aluminium (b) Bismuth (c) Copper (d) Sodium
theory. [Haryana 01)
Write one property to distinguish between para-
33. What are paramagnetic substances ? Explain the
magnetic and diamagnetic materials. [CBSE D 09C)
origin of paramagnetism.
44. (i) How does angle of dip change as one goes from
34. What are ferromagnetic substances ? Explain
magnetic pole to magnetic equator of the earth ?
briefly domain theory to explain ferromagnetism.
(ii) A uniform magnetic field gets modified as
[Haryana 02)
shown below when two specimens X and Yare
35. Explain the phenomenon of hysteresis in magnetic placed in it. Identify whether specimens X and Y
materials. Draw a hysteresis loop showing remanence are diamagnetic, paramagnetic or ferromagnetic.
and coercive force. [ISCE 96; Haryana 01]
38. Draw a hysteresis loop with axes labelled and (iii) How is the magnetic permeability of specimen
showing remanence and coercive force. What does
1. Refer to point 1 of Glimpses. at that point. It is a vector quantity whose direction
2. Magnetic field. The space around a magnet within is same as the direction in which unit north pole
which its influence can be experienced is called its would tend to move if free to do so.
magnetic field. 3. Refer to point 4 of Glimpses.
Magnetic field intensity. The magnetic field 4. Refer answer to Q. 4 on page 5.2.
intensity at any point in a magnetic field is defined 5. Refer answer to Q. 5 on page 5.3.
as the force experienced by a unit north pole placed 6. Refer answers to Q. 6 on page 5.3 and Q. 7 on page 5.4.
!'.J. Such curves are called magnetic lines of force. No (ii) The magnetic susceptibility of a diamagnetic
two such lines of force can intersect. If they do so, material is small and negative while that of
then there will be two tangents and hence two paramagnetic material, the value is small and
directions of the magnetic field at the point of positive.
intersection which is impossible. 38. Refer answer to Q. 38 on page 5.36.
11. Refer answers to Q. 12 and Q. 13 on page 5.11. 39. Refer answer to Q. 14 on page 5.12 and Q. 15 on
12. Refer answer to Q. 12 on page 5.11. page 5.13.
13. Refer answer to Q. 13 on page 5.11. 40. Permanent magnets are made of special alloys like
steel because of their high coercivity. The cores of
14. Refer answer to Q. 10 on page 5.7.
temporary magnets are made of soft iron because of
15. Refer answer to Q. 11 on page 5.7. its high permeability and low retentivity.
16. Refer answer to Q. 14 on page 5.12. 41. See Fig. 5.25 on page 5.18.
17. Refer answer to Q. 15 on page 5.13. (i) The magnetic lines of force of a solenoid form
• 18. Refer answer to Q. 20 on page 5.20. closed loops while the electric lines of force of
19. Figure 5.24 shows the lines of force of a bar magnet an electric dipole start from the positive charge
while Fig. 5.25 shows the lines of force of a straight and end at the negative charge.
solenoid. The two patterns have a striking resem- (ii) Refer answer to Q.10 on page 5.74.
blance. So a solenoid behaves like a bar magnet. 42. Refer answer to Q.15 on page 5.13.
The two ends of both have north and south polarity.
43. (i) Paramagnetic: Aluminium and sodium.
20. Refer answer to Q. 23 on page 5.21. At the poles,
(ii) Diagmagnetic : Bismuta and copper.
the compass needle will stay in any direction. At
Refer answer to Q.37 above.
the equator, it will come to rest in the magnetic
44. (i) The angle of dip decereases from 90° to 0° as
north-south direction.
25. See Fig. 5.35 on page 5.24. (iii) Magnetic permeability of X is less than 1 and of
Y is greater than l.
26. Refer answer to Q. 26 on page 5.23.
45. (a) An electromagnet consists of a core made of a
This phenomenon cannot be seen anywhere in ferromagnetic material placed inside a solenoid.
India as it occurs only near the magnetic poles. It behaves like a strong magnet when current
27. Refer to points 39 and 40 of Glimpses. flows through the solenoid and effectively loses
28. Refer answer to Q. 32 on page 5.31. its magnetism when the current is switched off.
29. Refer answer to Q. 30 on page 5.30. The substances which at room temperature
retain their ferromagnetism, after being magne-
30. Refer answer to Q. 30 on page 5.30.
tised once, are called permanent magnets.
Iron is a ferromagnetic substance. As temperature
(b) The core of an electromagnet must have (/) high
increases, its magnetisation decreases due to
permeability (ii) low retentivity and (iii) low
randomisation of its domains.
'm' is free to turn about an axis perpendicular
of such an atom ? [CBSESamplePaper OS]
to the direction of uniform magnetic field 'B'.
2. Explain the possible causes of earth's magnetic The moment of inertia of the needle about the
field. [Punjab98C,01]
axis is ' 1'.The needle is slightly disturbed from
3. Distinguish the magnetic properties of a dia-, para- its stable position and then released. Prove that
and ferromagnetic substances in terms of (i) suscep-
it executes simple harmonic motion. Hence
tibility, (ii) magnetic permeability and (iiz) coercivity. deduce the expression for its time period.
Give one example of each of these materials.
(b) A compass needle, free to turn in a vertical
Draw the field lines due to an external magnetic plane orients itself with its axis vertical at a
field near a (i) diamagnetic, (ii) paramagnetic certain place on the earth. Find out the values
substance. [CBSE00 07] of (i) horizontal components of earth's
4. (a) How does a paramagnetic material behave in magnetic field and (ii) angle of dip at the place.
the presence of an external magnetic field ? [CBSE0 13)
1. (i) Magnetic moment of a circular current loop 4. (a) Refer answer to Q. 32 on page 5.3l.
= Current x Area of the loop or m = LA (b) As the temperature of a paramagnetic
For magnetic moment of an electron, refer answer substance is lowered, its atomic dipoles tend to
to Q. 15 on page 5.13. get aligned with the magnetising field. So its
magnetisation increases until it reaches a
(ii) Magnetic moment of an electron in ground state,
saturation value at a stage when all the dipoles
~ I (electron) =-- get perfectly aligned with the field.
(c) Paramagnetic material is a kind of polar
As mass of a muon is 200times the mass of an electron, dielectric. This is because the atoms/molecules
i.e; its magnetic moment in the ground state is of sucha materialhave non-zeromagneticmoment
eh 1.6 x 10-19 x 6.6 x 10-34 5. (a) Refer answer to Q. 46 on page 5.42.
~ I (muon) = 41t x 200 me 41t x 200 x 9.1 x 10 31
(b) (i) Horizontal component of earth's magnetic
= 4.63 xlO-26 Am2. field is zero. BH = Bcos90°= o.
(ii) As the compass needle stands vertically,
2. Rohit's mother put many clothes for washing in the 4. While watching a science channel on TV,Renu once
washing, machine. She could not start the washing saw that a spectacular display of light like the one
machine as an indicator was showing that the lid was during commonwealth games could be seen in the
not closed. On seeing his mother struggling, Rohit night sky at high altitudes near the polar regions.
tried his best to close the lid but soon he realised that She got surprised and consulted her Physics
the closing mechanism was not a manual system but a teacher to know more about this phenomenon. She
magnetic system. He went to the shop and purchased was explained that this phenomenon called aurora
a magnetic closer. He replaced the older closer by the is caused when the charged particles of the solar
new one. The machine started working. The mother wind get attracted by the magnetic poles of the
was happy that her son helped her to save three earth and there they ionise the atmospheric atoms
hundred rupees. or molecules emiting green and pink light - the
(a) What are the values being displayed by Rohit ? glow of the aurora. The aurora in the northern hemi-
sphere is called aurora borealis and that in the
(b) What are the values being shown by Rohit's mother?
southern hemisphere is called aurora australis. Renu
(c) A magnetised needle in a uniform magnetic field shared this knowledge with her classmates also.
experiences a torque but no net force. An iron nail
(n) What values did Renu have?
near a bar magnet, however, experiences a force of
(b) The earth's field departs from its dipole shape
attraction in addition to a torque. Why?
substantially at large distances (greater than
3. Shubham, once watching Discovery Channel, saw
about 30,000 km). What agencies may be
that certain organisms have the ability to sense the
responsible for this distortion?
field lines of earth's magnetic field. By following
these lines, they can travel from one place to another. 5. Two friends Deepa and Shilpa were good dancers
Shubham, in his quest to know more about earth's and used to perform in the school functions by
using their cassette player. One day when they
magnetic field, brought a magnetic compass. By
were performing, the tape got stuck up and the
knowing the direction in which the compass comes
music stopped. But Deepa was determined not to
to rest, he found the magnetic meridian. Then he
let down the performance, so she decided to sing
fixed the compass on a cardboard and placed it
the song instead of dancing and Shilpa completed
verticallyalong the magnetic meridian. Bymeasuring the dance.
the inclination of the compass with the horizontal,
(a) What were the values displayed by Deepa and
he found the angle of dip at the given place.
(a) What values did Shubham have?
(b) What kind of ferromagnetic material is used
(b) In which direction would a compass free to
for coating magnetic tapes in a cassette player,
move in the vertical plane point to, if located or building 'memory stores' in a modem
right on the geomagnetic north or south pole? computer?
1. (a) Love, sympathy, diligence, punctuality and (b) Earth's magnetic field is exactly vertical at the
regularity, maturity and responsibility. poles and so the horizontal component of
(b) Refer to the solution of Example 7 on page 5.8. earth's magnetic field is zero which makes the
compass needle point in any direction at the
2. (a) Sympathy, responsibility,helping & self-reliance.
geomagnetic north or south pole.
1. Magnets and magnetism. A magnet is a piece of 6. Uniform magnetic field. A magnetic field in a
material that has both attractive and directive region is said to be uniform if it has same
properties. It attracts small pieces of iron, nickel, magnitude and direction at all points of that
cobalt, etc. This property of attraction is called region.
magnetism. 7. Magnetic poles. These are the regions of
2. Natural magnets. A natural magnet is an iron apparently concentrated magnetic strength in a
ore called lodestone (leading stone) or magnet where the magnetic attraction is
magnetite. It is a black iron oxide, Fe304. maximum.
Natural magnets were found as early as the 8. Magnetic axis. The line passing through the
sixth century B.C. in the province of Magnesia poles of a magnet is called its magnetic axis.
in ancient Greece, from which the word
9. Magnetic equator. The line passing through the
magnetism derives its name.
centre of the magnet and at right angles to the
3. Artificial magnets. Pieces of iron and other magnetic axis is called the magnetic equator of
magnetic materials can be made to acquire the the magnet.
properties of natural magnets. Such magnets
10. Magnetic length. The distance between the two
are called artificial magnets.
poles of a magnet is called its magnetic length. It
12. Magnetic dipole. Any arrangement of two equal 17. Magnetic field of a bar magnet at an equatorial
and opposite magnetic poles separated by a point (Broadside-on position).
small distance is called a magnetic dipole. A bar (i) B _ Ilo m
magnet and a current-carrying loop are equa - 47t . (,2 + [2)3/2
magnetic dipoles. (ii) For short magnet, 1 < < r,
13. Magnetic dipole moment. It is equal to the B = Ilo m
product of the pole strength (ql11) and the equa 47t . r3 .
magnetic length (2/) of the magnet. The magnetic field at any equatorial point of a
m=ql11 x 21 magnetic dipole is in the direction opposite to
The 51 unit of magnetic dipole moment is Aro2 that of its magnetic dipole moment.
or JT-1 • 18. Torque on a magnet in a magnetic field. If a
14. Magnetic lines of force. A magnetic line of force magnet of dipole moment
m is placed in a
may be defined as the curve the tangent to
magnetic field B making an angle 8 with it, then
which at any point gives the direction of the
torque acting on the magnet is
magnetic field at that point. It may also be
T = mBsin 8
defined as the path along which a unit north
pole would tend to move if free to do so. In vector notation, l' = irt x B
15. Properties of lines of force. These are as follows:
The effect of the torque is to align the dipole
(i) Magnetic lines of force are closed curves ....
parallel to the field B.
which start in air from the -pole and end
If 8 =90°, then T = mB
at the 5-pole and then return to the N-pole
through the interior of the magnet. Hence the magnetic dipole may be defined as
the torque acting on a magnetic dipole placed
(ii) The lines of force never cross each other.
perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field of
(iii) They start from, and end on the surface of unit strength.
the magnet normally.
19. Potential energy of a magnetic dipole in a
(iv) The lines of force have a tendency to
magnetic field. When a magnetic dipole is
contract lengthwise and expand sidewise. rotated in a magnetic field against the torque
This explains attraction between unlike from initial position 81 to final position 82, the
poles and repulsion between like poles. work done or the potential energy stored is
(v) The relative closeness of the lines of force is given by
U = - mB cos 8 = - riz. B
. _ Ilo 2 mr
(z) Baxial - 47t . (,2 _/2)2 '
Special Cases
where r is the distance of the point from the 1. When 8 =0°, U = - mB. Thus the P.E. of a
.... ....
centre of the magnet. dipole is minimum when III is parallel to B.
(ii) For a short magnet, 1 < < r, This is the position of stable equilibrium.
2. When 8 =90°, U =0.
B = Ilo 2m
axial 47t' r3 3. When 8 = 180°, U = + mB.
The magnetic field at any axial point of Thus the P.E. of the dipole is maximum when m
magnetic dipole is in the same direction as that ....
is antiparallel to B. This is the position of
of its magnetic dipole moment.
unstable equilibrium.
MAGNETISM (Competition Section) 5.79
20. Current loop as a magnetic dipole. A planar magnet. Its field can be approximated to that
current loop of area A and carrying current I of a magnetic dipole with dipole moment
behaves as a magnetic dipole of dipole moment, 8.0 x 1022 Am2 with its axis aligned at a small
m=IA angle with the rotation axis of the earth. The
~ magnitude of the field on the earth's surface is
In vector notation, m =I A typically about 1O-4T.
The direction of in is given by right hand thumb 26. Magnetic meridian. The vertical plane passing
rule. If we curl the fingers of the right hand through the magnetic axis of a freely suspended
along the direction of current in the loop, then small magnet is called magnetic meridian. The
the extended thumb gives the direction of the earth's magnetic field acts in the direction of the
magnetic moment associated with the loop. magnetic meridian.
21. Magnetic dipole moment of a revolving 27. Geographic meridian. The vertical plane
electron. The orbital magnetic moment of an passing through the geographic north and
electron revolving around a nucleus in n th orbit south poles is called geographic meridian.
of radius r with speed v is given by
Elements of earth's magnetic field. The earth's
magnetic field at a place can be completely
~ 1 = ~r = 2 ~e 1= n ( 4:~ne J described by three parameters which are called
elements of earth's magnetic field. These are
where I is the magnitude of the angular
declination, dip and horizontal component of
momentum of the electron revolving around
earth's magnetic field.
the nucleus.
29. Magnetic declination (ex). It is the angle between
22. Bohr magneton. It is the magnetic dipole
the geographic meridian and the magnetic
moment associated with an electron due to its
orbital motion in the first orbit of hydrogen meridian at the given place.
atom. It is the smallest value of ~ 1 • 30. Angle of dip (B). It is the angle made by the
eh earth's total magnetic field with the horizontal
~B =(~l)min =-4-
1tme direction.
=9.27 x 10-24Am2 31. Horizontal component of earth's magnetic field.
23. Gauss's law in magnetism. This law states that It is the component of the earth's total magnetic
the net magnetic flux through any closed field B acting in the horizontal direction.
surface is zero. BH= Bcos B
Mathematically, At the magnetic equator, B= 0°,
~ ~
4>B = f B. d 5 = O. BH= B cos 0° = B
5 At the magnetic poles, B= 90°,
This law indicates that isolated magnetic poles BH= B cos 90° =0.
(also called monopoles) do not exist.
Relations between the elements of earth's
24. Basic difference between electric and magnetic magnetic field.
lines of force. The magnetic lines of force are
continuous and form closed loops. They do not
start or end at a point. In contrast, the electric and Bv = Bsin B
lines of force start from a positive charge and
end on a negative charge or they fade out at ~=tanB
infinity. BH
the horizontal component of earth's magnetic through a magnetic material. Its SI unit is
field. tesla ( T).
(i) For a magnet placed with its N-pole B=~o (H + M)
pointing geographic north, the neutral 38. Magnetic permeability. It is the ratio of the
points lie at the equatorial line. magnetic induction to the magnetising field
At each neutral point, intensity.
B =~o m B
H 4rc' (,.1 + /2)3/2 ~=-
Its SI unit is Tm A-lor Wbm-1 A-1.
[For a short magnet]
39. Relative permeability. It is the ratio of the per-
(ii) For a magnet placed with its N-pole meability of the material to the permeability of
pointing geographic south, the neutral free space.
points lie at the axial line. At each neutral u, =£..
point, ~o
B = ~o 2 mr
40. Magnetic susceptibility. It is the ratio of the
H 4rc' (,.1 _/2)2
intensity of magnetisation (M) induced to the
_ ~o 2m magnetising field intensity (H).'
-- - [For a short magnet]
4rc' r3 M
34. Magnetising field. The magnetic field that exists
in vacuum and induces magnetism is called It can be shown that
magnetising field. The magnetising field set up ~ =~o (1 +
in a solenoid carrying current I and placed in
and ~r =1 + Xm·
41. Classification of magnetic materials. Magnetic
Ba =~o nI
materials are broadly classified as diamagnetic,
51 unit of Ba is tesla (T).
paramagnetic and ferromagnetic.
35. Magnetising field intensity or magnetic
42. Diamagnetic substances. These are the
intensity. It is the number of ampere-turns (n!)
substances which when placed in a magnetising
flowing round the unit length of the solenoid
field get feebly magnetised in the opposite
required to produce a given magnetising field.
direction of the applied field. Such substances
Thus H =nI are feebly repelled by magnets and tend to
51 unit of H is Am -1 and its dimensions are 43. Paramagnetic substances. These are the
[L-1A). substances which when placed in a magnetising
36. Magnetisation or intensity of magnetisation. It field get feebly magnetised in the direction of
is the magnetic moment developed per unit the magnetising field. Such substances are
volume of a material when placed in a magne- feebly attracted by magnets and tend to move
tising field. It is a vector quantity. slowly from weaker to stronger parts of a
M=m magnetic field. Examples are AI, Na, Ca, 02 (at
V STP) and CuCI2.
Its SI unit is Am -lor N Wb -lor Nm -2 r1. 44. Ferromagnetic substances. These are the
37. Magnetic induction. It is the total number of substances which when placed in a magnetising
magnetic lines of force crossing per unit area field get strongly magnetised in the direction of
MAGNETISM (Competition Section) 5.81
the magnetising field. Such substances tend to and BH, the magnet comes to rest making an
move quickly from weaker to stronger parts of a angle 8 with the direction of BH such that
field. Examples are Fe, Ni, Co, Cd, etc. B= BH tan 8.
The magnetic susceptibility X is small and 51. Tangent galvanometer. Its working is based on
negative for diamagnetic substances, small and tangent law and is used tq measure very small
positive for paramagnetic substance and large currents. It consists of a circular coil of radius R
and positive for ferromagnetic substances. The and N turns. If a current I in the coil produces
relative permeability (u , = 1 + X) is slightly less deflection 8 in the compass needle at the centre
than 1 for diamagnetic substances, slightly of the coil, then
greater than 1for paramagnetic substances and
of the order of thousands for ferromagnetic I = 2__ R BH_ tan 8 = K tan 8
[ ~o N
45. Curie's law. The magnetic susceptibility of a 2RB
where K = __ H_, is the reduction factor of the
paramagnetic substance varies inversely with ~o N
its absolute temperature. tangent galvanometer.
1 52. Vibration magnetometer. It is used to compare
x., o: y
magnetic moments of two bar magnets or to
or determine the horizontal component of earth's
XIII =y'
magnetic field.
where C is curie constant.
If a bar magnet of magnetic moment In and
46. Curie temperature. The temperature above moment of inertia I oscillates under the
which a ferromagnetic substance becomes horizontal component (BH) of earth's magnetic
paramagnetic is called Curie temperature (Te). field, then its period of vibration is
The modified Curie law for ferromagnetic
substances above the Curie temperature is T=2n;~ I .
C' mBH
XIII =T-T (T>Te)
e 53. Uses of vibration magnetometer.
This relation is also called Curie-Weiss law. (i) Measurement of magnetic moment of a
47. Hysteresis. The phenomenon of lagging of the
4n;2 I
magnetic induction behind the magnetising In=--
induction left behind in the sample after the
(iii) Comparison of magnetic moments of two
magnetising field has been removed is called
magnets of unequal sizes and masses.
---I _ T22 +T21
49. Coercivity. The value of the reverse
lrL - T22 _ T12
magnetising field required to make the residual --L