Two-Layer Obstacle Collision Avoidance With Machine Learning For More Energy-Efficient Unmanned Aircraft Trajectories
Two-Layer Obstacle Collision Avoidance With Machine Learning For More Energy-Efficient Unmanned Aircraft Trajectories
Two-Layer Obstacle Collision Avoidance With Machine Learning For More Energy-Efficient Unmanned Aircraft Trajectories
article info a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper proposes a new two-layer obstacle avoidance algorithm that allows an unmanned aircraft
Received 6 October 2015 system to avoid multiple obstacles with minimal effort. The algorithm includes a global-path optimization
Received in revised form 6 July 2017 that identifies the number of obstacles resulting from a clustering technique based on obstacle infor-
Accepted 3 September 2017
mation from an airborne sensor, and specifies a potential threat. A local-path trajectory optimization
Available online 18 September 2017
employs a model predictive control structure based on a multi-phase optimal trajectory resulting from
approximated dynamics, vehicle constraints, and the result of the global-path optimization. Numerical
Obstacle avoidance flight simulations are conducted with a conventional one-layer obstacle avoidance algorithm and the
Optimal trajectory two-layer obstacle avoidance algorithm. The results of the numerical simulation show that the proposed
Clustering algorithm two-layer optimal obstacle avoidance algorithm generates more energy-efficient avoidance trajectories
Model predictive control when an unmanned aircraft meets multiple obstacles.
UAV © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0921-8890/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Y. Choi et al. / Robotics and Autonomous Systems 98 (2017) 158–173 159
methods. Stochastic methods effectively search nonconvex high- detected obstacle information from an airborne sensor, an on-
dimensional spaces for global or local obstacle avoidance paths board system identifies the number of obstacles through a cluster-
based on the environment as perceived by airborne sensors. The ing technique. This clustering routine solves a distance-based con-
rapid random tree (RRT) [4,5] is a popular method of this kind. Road straint optimization problem that includes minimum-separation
map methods use visual graph characteristics and path-planning distance between pairs of adjacent obstacles. Then, based on the
algorithms to partition collision-free paths and create a piecewise cluster results and the velocity information, the on-board system
linear path or curved path using smoothing techniques [6]. The judges a potential threat among the identified multiple obstacles.
Theta∗ algorithm has recently been introduced to overcome the The clustering algorithm has been successfully applied to resolve
restricted heading angle issue of the classical A∗ algorithm to solve multiple obstacles as separate objects in the field of ground mobile
the 3D path-planning problem in an urban environment [7]. robots [24]. However, the UAV collision avoidance problem is a
The fundamental concept of artificial potential field methods higher dimensional clustering problem that requires more com-
is the creation of a force map where a waypoint generates an putational resources to handle three-dimensional airborne LiDAR
attractive force and obstacles generate repulsive forces. Based on information. Therefore, this paper also explores diverse techniques
the result of the force map, an algorithm generates an optimal and compares them to achieve a more computationally favorable
collision-free path. The artificial potential field has been intro- approach. In the local-path optimization, we employ a multi-phase
duced by Khatib et al. to solve an obstacle avoidance problem for optimal obstacle avoidance problem.
robotics applications [8]. This approach has the benefits of a simple Many clustering techniques have been introduced because of
structure and ease of implementation but also has some impor- their simplicity and scalability for a broad spectrum of applications.
tant shortcomings, such as local minima where the total force is The k-means algorithm, one of the most popular and classical
close to zero and non-reachable waypoints due to proximity to clustering methods, partitions a data set into k clusters by sequen-
obstacles [9–11]. Improvements to address these issues have been tially assigning points to clusters based on their proximity and
proposed, for instance in work by Li et al. [12] and Mac et al. [11], updating the cluster definitions to reflect said point assignment.
by introducing additional force terms and condition exceptions. However, the k-means algorithm requires the specification of the
Among geometric methods, one approach uses the point of number of clusters k a priori. To circumvent this issue, several
closest approach for a collision avoidance problem against a mov- approaches have been proposed, for instance, by evaluating some
ing airplane. This technique specifies a conflict condition based top-level partition quality metric for which said metric is optimal
on the vehicles’ geometric relationship, and the two aircraft ma- (see for example Ref. [25]). These approaches often fail to provide
sufficiently tractable results and are computationally expensive.
neuver away from the conflict region through a vector sharing
Jia et al. posit that if the point cloud of each group has a non-
resolution [13]. Another geometric approach utilizes a collision
convex shape, these clustering algorithms yield results that only
cone to yield a closed-form solution for an aiming point [14]. The
guarantee a local minimum [26]. Another clustering algorithm is
collision cone approach has some inherent shortcomings for which
the NJW algorithm proposed by Ng et al. as a classical spectral
solutions have been developed in more recent work [15].
clustering method, which is computationally tractable [27]. In this
Optimization-based and geometric methods are closely re-
approach, the number of clusters k can be determined from the
lated, and have presented a range of promising solutions. For
top k eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrix. However, in that case,
instance, Chakravarthy and Ghose proposed a collision cone tech-
determining the number k of clusters does not have a tractable
nique to avoid a moving obstacle with an irregular shape in
standard, and the top k eigenvectors do not always produce correct
two-dimensional space [16]. Watanabe et al. extended this ap-
clustering results [26].
proach with a minimal-effort optimization framework in three-
For the obstacle avoidance trajectory problem, the number of
dimensional space [17]. Another example is that of Schouwe-
clusters k cannot be user-specified. Moreover, resolution of clus-
naars et al. [18] who suggested mixed-integer linear programming
ters as separate objects must be defined according to an explicitly-
(MILP) that incorporates binary constraints based on the area infor- defined minimum separation distance. To solve the issue of the
mation outside of an obstacle. Yoshiaki et al. [19] propose a more NJW algorithm, the number of clusters k can be determined from k-
precise MILP algorithm for a three-dimensional collision avoid- block diagonality of the Laplacian matrix [28]. Another clustering
ance problem that includes the construction of a coarse cost map technique that does not need any a priori information of k is DB-
and a detailed trajectory optimization. These MILP frameworks SCAN, proposed Ester et al. [29], a density-based spatial clustering
have been employed for a real-time collision avoidance problem algorithm. In DBSCAN, the number of clusters is not defined a priori
in diverse platforms [20]. However, solving MILP is commonly but rather results from the clustering process itself, driven by the
implemented via the branch and bound method, which is compu- grouping of points that meet a user-defined minimum density.
tationally expensive [20,21]. Another optimization-based method, For the clustering algorithm in the global-path optimization, we
proposed by Moon et al. [22], solves for an optimal avoidance select two clustering algorithms as candidate solutions and com-
trajectory based on a safe position around an obstacle determined pare their performance with respect to clustering accuracy and
from on-board sensor information and a flight envelope protection computational efficiency.
function. Concurrent detection of multiple proximate obstacles For the online trajectory optimization, we employ a model
results in them being mishandled as a single obstacle, even when predictive control (MPC) scheme that produces computationally
there is sufficient clearance to fly safely between them, resulting feasible solutions. That is, solving actual nonlinear constrained
in highly inefficient trajectories. Kang et al. [23] expanded this dynamics trajectory optimization is an NP-hard problem, but MPC
framework to by incorporating external surveillance sources with solves approximated linear dynamics and simplified constraints,
obstacle information. Although some improvements are observed, and regularly updates the results of the optimal trajectory in a
this concept is vulnerable to surveillance data loss and essentially real-time manner. This MPC approach provides a computationally
reduces to the same local-optimization approach it seeks to im- tractable solution for an online optimal collision avoidance prob-
prove upon. In this paper we address the question of how an lem and has been successfully implemented in the past [22,23,30].
optimal collision avoidance algorithm can produce highly energy- We hypothesize that our two-layer collision avoidance algo-
efficient trajectories in a multi-obstacle environment while relying rithm yields more energy efficient trajectories without incurring
solely on on-board sensors and capabilities. a prohibitive computational burden relative to the single-layer
This work proposes a two-layer obstacle collision avoidance approach. In the remainder of this paper, we first present the
algorithm that incorporates a global-path optimization and a local- formulation and implementation of our algorithm, and then test
path optimization. In the global-path optimization, based on the the hypothesis via direct comparison of numerical simulations.
160 Y. Choi et al. / Robotics and Autonomous Systems 98 (2017) 158–173
2. New path planning architecture using a learning algorithm 2.3. Global trajectory optimization
Fig. 1. Concept formulation and flow of the two-layer collision avoidance algorithm.
Algorithm 1 Spectral clustering optimization. When a potential threat is not detected, the local tra-
Inputs: point cloud information P ∈ Rn×d , distance constraint jectory optimization solves the one-phase trajectory optimization
between obstacles Do problem to reach the target position xt . When a potential treat is
(1) Distance-based adjacency n×n detected, the local trajectory optimization solves the two-phase
∑ matrix Aij ∈ R , d = Do
(2) Degree matrix Dii = A ij if i = j, otherwise Dij = 0 trajectory optimization problem to avoid the obstacle resolved
(3) Unnormalized Laplacian matrix L = D − A with cluster C̃ and then reach the target position xt . We recognize
(4) Solve for k with k-block diagonality: rank(L) = n - k that obstacle avoidance and recovery towards a prescribed target
(5) Treat each row of L as a point in Rk , and cluster into k clusters encompass the two fundamental phases of collision avoidance, and
via k-means that a multi-phase approach to trajectory optimization is therefore
Outputs: Clustering result C1 , C2 , ... , Ck well-suited for this problem. In this subsection, we only illustrate
the multi-phase framework since the one-phase framework is
relatively simple and can be easily defined from the multi-phase
In general, the multi-phase problem divides the trajectory into
n phases or segments (p ∈ 0, 1, 2, . . . , n) and sequentially solves
for the optimal trajectory in each phase p. The formulation is pred-
icated on the definition of a performance index or cost function,
dynamic constraints, path constraints, event constraints, and link
constraints. The cost function can be written as
∑ (p) (p)
min J(x̄(p) , u(p) , t) = 8(p) (x̄f , tf )
n ∫ (p)
∑ tf
+ L(p) (x̄(p) , u(p) , t)dt
p=1 t0
Fig. 3. Identification of a potential threat. where the superscript denotes the pth phase, x̄ is a state vector, u
is a control input vector, t is time, t0 is initial time, and tf is terminal
time. 8 and L are terminal and transient costs, also called Mayer
and Lagrange costs in the optimal control theory context. Inclusion
simulation of a representative scenario in Section 3.3, where we
of transient and terminal costs represents the most general for-
note that the performance of the proposed two-layer approach is
mulation of the cost function. However, for subclasses of optimal
reduced to that of the single-layer alternative.
trajectory problems, only transient or terminal costs will suffice.
Vehicle state equations are captured as dynamic constraints,
2.3.2. Identification of a potential threat
typically expressed in the form:
The second step in global trajectory optimization is to construct
global path alternatives commensurate with the obstacle informa- dx̄(p)
tion produced in the previous step. We note however that there = f (p) (x̄(p) , u(p) , t). (3)
exists an infinite number of feasible trajectories that maintain a
Path constraints are algebraic inequalities that capture vehicle
minimum safe distance from all obstacles. We proposed to iden-
flight performance limitations such as velocity, acceleration, and
tify potential threats in the global optimization loop, and solve
thrust limits. These constraints can be represented as follows:
the two-phase trajectory optimization problem using the threat
information in the local trajectory optimization. Note that if the (p)
cmin ≤ c(p) (x̄(p) , u(p) , t) ≤ c(p)
max . (4)
potential threat does not exist, the local trajectory optimization
solves the one-layer trajectory problem. Event constraints establish the conditions that must be satisfied
The potential threat is selected by individual cluster informa- at the final time tf of each phase p, and are generally written in the
tion and the vehicle velocity vector v = [vx vy vz ]. More specif- form
ically, we project each point cluster onto a plane for which the (p)
normal vector is parallel to x-direction (vx ) of the velocity vector, Emin ≤ E(p) (x̄(p) , u(p) , t) ≤ E(p)
max . (5)
and located at a distance corresponding to the nearest point of the Phase link constraints ensure continuous state transition be-
cluster along the x-direction of the navigation coordinate system. tween phases. For the link s between phases p − 1 and p, the
It then projects the velocity vector onto individual planes. For constraints are expressed as:
instance, in the case of Fig. 3, we project the velocity vector onto
three planes (plane 1, plane 2, and plane 3). The projected velocity χ(s) (x̄f
, x̄(p) (p−1)
(tf ) − x̄(p) (t0 ) = 0, (p = s + 1).
0 ) = x̄ (6)
vector judges a potential threat. In other words, if the projected
vector on a plane is inside of the plane boundary, that cluster is
identified as a potential threat. In the example, the cluster on plane 2.4.2. Two-phase trajectory optimization framework
2 is a potential threat. In some cases, there may not be any potential To formulate the local-trajectory optimization, we suggest a
threats. This case solves as a one-phase optimal trajectory problem two-phase approach based on the multi-phase optimal trajectory
in the local trajectory optimization. framework. The first phase (p = 1) is an avoidance phase, and
the second phase (p = 2) is a recovery phase. The cost function
2.4. Local trajectory optimization and constraints are defined accordingly. Trajectory solutions can
be time-optimal, effort- or energy-optimal, or hybrid by combin-
2.4.1. General multi-phase optimal trajectory problem ing the two. Other performance index formulations linked to the
In the online process, the local trajectory optimization solves vehicle dynamics are certainly possible, although time and energy
two types of problems, namely, one- and two-phase trajectory are very commonly used as the basis. The time-based approach
Y. Choi et al. / Robotics and Autonomous Systems 98 (2017) 158–173 163
z ≥ zmin . (16)
Fig. 4. Notional depiction of the three obstacle avoidance trajectory event con-
Since the proposed framework of the optimal collision avoidance
straints at a safe distance rs around the obstacle cluster C̃ .
problem has two phases, in the phase linkage constraint (Eq. (17)),
p is two. The formulated framework of the multi-phase optimal
trajectory problem is solved by the Gauss Pseudospectral method
(GPM) provided by the open-source software GPOPS. This Gauss
therefore definition of the binary vector t, is solved for as follows: Pseudospectral technique was developed by Benson [33,34], and
⏐ ⏐ ⏐ ⏐ it was advanced and validated by empirical cases studies from
D = [⏐(min C̃y − rs ) − yp ⏐ , ⏐(max C̃y + rs ) − yp ⏐ ,
⏐ ⏐ ⏐ ⏐
Huntinton et al. [35–37]. This GPM technique employs an orthogo-
⏐ ⏐ nal collocation method based on the Legendre–Gauss points. The
⏐(max C̃z + rs ) − zp ⏐] GPOPS software provides a MATLAB interface with a non-linear
⏐ ⏐
⏐ ⏐ programming problem solver, SNOPT [38,39].
t = [0 1 1], if min D = ⏐(min C̃y − rs ) − yp ⏐
⏐ ⏐
(12) We further examine the proposed two-layer algorithm in terms
⏐ ⏐ of the rotation angle of the cuboid obstacle relative to the initial
t = [1 0 1], if min D = ⏐(max C̃y + rs ) − yp ⏐
⏐ ⏐ navigation coordinate system. The impact of this geometric feature
is assessed by a comparative assessment of a representative sce-
⏐ ⏐
nario where a cuboid obstacle faces the aircraft navigation coordi-
t = [1 1 0], if min D = ⏐(max C̃z + rs ) − zp ⏐ .
⏐ ⏐
nate system at the start of the simulation, and a second case where
the same object is rotated. The time sequence of the avoidance
Here, yp and zp are the vehicle position in y and z projected with
(1) trajectories that result from the simulation, as well as the vehicle
the current velocity vector v0 (t) onto a plane perpendicular to the response, are captured in Figs. 5 and 6. In both figures, the yellow
velocity vector at a downrange distance x(1) (tf ). lines are the sensor rays, the black line is the vehicle response
Event constraints for the second phase dictate the terminal state trajectory, and the blue line is the result of the collision avoidance
at the target position, for which we recommend unaccelerated trajectory at a specific time t. The results show that in the first
level flight, as follows: case where the obstacle faces the aircraft, the resulting avoidance
trajectory is generated to the right of the obstacle. For the case
(2) where the obstacle has been rotated, the energy optimal trajectory
tf = free
]T is to the left of the obstacle, which is indicative that the projected
x(2) (tf ) = x(2) (tf ) y(2) (tf ) z (2) (tf )
velocity vector is closer to the left edge of the sensor data point
(13) projection of the rotated building. In both cases, the solutions are
v(2) (tf ) = [vx(2) (tf ) 0 0] found to be energy optimal, and more generally demonstrate that
a(2) (tf ) = [0 0 0]. alignment of the cuboid obstacle faces to the navigation coordinate
system is not required to attain energy-optimal trajectories.
Path and link constraints are defined equally for the avoidance and
recovery phases. Path constraints curtail vehicle dynamic perfor- 3. Numerical simulation
mance and include limits on velocity and acceleration, keeping the
3.1. Simulation of unmanned aircraft dynamics, controller, and sensor
vehicle within the flight envelope to prevent unfeasible maneu-
vers. Path constraints are defined as follows:
For the numerical simulation, we assume a small electric fixed-
umin ≤ u ≤ umax wing unmanned aircraft, and we adopt the Aerosonde specification
taken directly from the literature [40,41]. Table 1 summarizes
vmin ≤ v ≤ vmax airframe parameters, along with those assumed for the airborne
wmin ≤ w ≤ wmax sensor and collision avoidance scheme. For simplicity, the vehicle
√ equations of motion assume a point mass model, as reported in
Vmin ≤ u2 + v 2 + w 2 ≤ Vmax previous work [42–44]. For the aircraft tracking controller, we em-
ploy the standard feedback control structure. The on-board sensor
where umin , vmin , and wmin are the low speed limits, and umax , vmax , is modeled as a generic light detection and ranging instrument, or
and wmax are the high speed limits. The acceleration constraints are LiDAR, with no instrument uncertainties.
Y. Choi et al. / Robotics and Autonomous Systems 98 (2017) 158–173 165
Fig. 5. Time sequence of the optimal trajectory when an obstacle is aligned with the initial navigation frame.
Fig. 6. Time sequence of the optimal trajectory when an obstacle is not aligned with the initial navigation frame.
3.2. Comparative analysis of clustering algorithms for obstacle reso- the down-range distance between the unmanned aircraft and each
lution of the two obstacles is varied with the x axis location of the obstacle
centroid as follows: L1, L2 = [1100 1200 1300 1400 1500].
We compare the DBSCAN and spectral clustering algorithms We combine the three independent factor variations into a full
for the present application in terms of prediction success rate and factorial design of experiments with 125 samples. The UAV sensor
computational time. These figures of merit are evaluated over a parameters and the minimum separation distance between obsta-
design of experiments based on the setup illustrated in Fig. 7, cles, Do , are described in Table 1. The parameter Do is mapped to
where two identical, generic, cuboid obstacles lay ahead of the the characteristic distance in the clustering algorithm of choice, so
aircraft flight path. The x, y, and z axes shown are the vehicle that obstacles are resolved as separate objects only if the distance
coordinate system GV . The sensor data collection is assumed to between them is greater than Do . Note that to allow safe flight
be instantaneous, and the clustering algorithms executed at that between resolved obstacles, the distance between them must be at
instant only, so that there is no trajectory optimization or flight least twice the minimum separation distance between the aircraft
simulation, only clustering evaluation at the instant depicted. The and any obstacle, rs .
distance 2D between obstacles, referenced to the origin of the y
axis, is sampled as follows: D = [20 40 60 80 100]. Similarly, Do ≥ 2rs . (18)
166 Y. Choi et al. / Robotics and Autonomous Systems 98 (2017) 158–173
Table 1
Description of UAV parameters.
UAV parameters Variable Value Unit
Weight w 29.76 [lb]
Planform area S 6.1 [ft2 ]
Area swept out by the propeller Sp 0.1348 [ft2 ]
Propeller aerodynamic coefficient Cp 1
Efficiency constant of the motor Km 8
Vehicle parameters
Lift coefficient at zero angle of attack CL0 0.28
Lift curve slope CLα 3.45
Aspect ratio AR 10.7
Span efficiency e 0.9
Zero-lift drag coefficient CD0 0.03
Table 2
Comparison assessment results of the clustering algorithms.
DBSCAN Spectral method
Prediction success rate (%) Computational time (s) Prediction success rate (%) Computational time (s)
Average 100 0.101 100 0.133
Standard deviation 0 0.027 0 0.214
the left obstacle, since that route is more energy efficient than
flying over the two obstacles or around the right obstacle. As maneuvering to the left of the left obstacle, and then keeping to
expected, in this simulation, the aircraft treats both obstacles as the left of the third obstacle in the back. The two-layer algorithm
a single object and executes the most energy-efficient trajectory executes an avoidance trajectory between the first two obstacles,
to avoid it and meet the final point. In contrast, the result of and then around the right of the third obstacle behind them. Fig. 15
two-layer obstacle avoidance algorithm shows that the aircraft presents the time history of velocity, acceleration, and the separa-
flies a trajectory through the gap between the two obstacles, with tion distance. As with the previous use case, the time responses
only a minor course correction too small to be appreciated in the indicate that the two-layer approach features smaller velocity
figure. Again, the result is reasonably expected as the gap between variations, less energy required, and comparable separation to
the two obstacles exceeds the minimum separation, allowing the obstacles.
global optimizer to resolve them as two separate objects, and The third use case, depicted in Fig. 16, reverses the obstacle
for the local optimizer to produce an energy-optimal avoidance arrangement, presenting first a single obstacle whose footprint
trajectory between the two. Fig. 13 shows the time history of and orientation are intentionally chosen to significantly block the
velocity, acceleration, and separation distance between the aircraft two obstacles behind it. This scenario is intended to test the case
where information about downrange obstacles cannot be acquired
and the obstacles. The velocity responses show that the single-
until a closer obstacle is cleared. Moreover, it tests the feasibility
layer solution features greater variation than that for the proposed
and efficacy of the proposed method with regard to our choice
two-layer structure, in this particular case due to the maneuver
to cluster sensor data in a 2D domain, that is, collapsed to the
around the left obstacle. Hence, unlike the one-layer structure, the xy plane, so that obstacles are not resolved based on depth data.
acceleration of the two-layer structure remains approximately at Results shows that the two obstacle avoidance algorithms have
zero, which is indicative of a more energy efficient trajectory. The the same initial obstacle avoidance trajectory to avoid the first
response of the separation distance shows that both techniques obstacle. After avoiding the first obstacle the aircraft detects two
generate a safe avoidance route. downstream obstacles and from that point on the two algorithms
The second use case, depicted in Fig. 14, builds upon the first produce different avoidance trajectory solutions. In the one-layer
one and is designed to test cases when there is a third obstacle obstacle avoidance trajectory, the aircraft flies above the two ob-
immediately behind the gap between the first two obstacles. As stacles because it computes the energy-efficient avoidance trajec-
before, the one-layer algorithm avoids the first two obstacles by tory resolving the two obstacles as a single object. The two-layer
168 Y. Choi et al. / Robotics and Autonomous Systems 98 (2017) 158–173
Fig. 10. Clustering results (D = 100 ft, L1 = 1500 ft, L2 = 1100 ft).
Fig. 12. Numerical simulation results of obstacle avoidance algorithms in the first
Fig. 13. Time response of velocity, acceleration and minimum distance between the
aircraft and obstacles in the first scenario.
Table 3
Summary of numerical simulation.
Scenario One-layer structure (lb ft) Two-layer structure (lb ft) Energy difference (lb ft)
W1 W2 W1 − W2
1 19 816 18 690 1125
2 19 816 18 896 920
3 23 353 21 645 1708
4 18 773 18 773 0
Fig. 15. Time response of velocity, acceleration and minimum distance between the
aircraft and obstacles in the second scenario.
3.4. Simulation in a realistic urban environment (b) Two-layer obstacle avoidance algorithm.
Table 4
Energy quantification of the urban scenarios.
Scenario no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
One layer [lb ft] 19746.39 18074.16 17997.87 16962.03 17131.05 15879.09 19681.15 16095.72 19713.92 18725.62
Two layer [lb ft] 16777.26 16436.40 17178.83 16137.37 16381.19 15879.09 17161.34 15644.07 17371.21 17621.44
Improvement [%] 15.04 9.06 4.55 4.86 4.38 0.00 12.80 2.81 11.88 5.90
Fig. 19. Time response of velocity, acceleration and minimum distance between the
Fig. 17. Time response of velocity, acceleration and minimum distance between the aircraft and obstacles in the fourth scenario.
aircraft and obstacles in the third scenario.
4. Conclusion
Fig. 22. Numerical simulation result in the case with high energy difference (second
Fig. 23. Numerical simulation result in the case with low energy difference (third
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